The Frontier. ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT y St FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY $<: D. H. CBONIN, Editor. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET, f, For county treasurer: 1 JOHN ALDERSON, of Chambers. For county sheriff: | W. M. DICKERSON, of Atkinson. For county clerk: O. M. COLLINS, of O’Neill For county superintendent: i J. C. HARNISH, of O’Neill For county judge: D. C. HARRISON, of Emporia For county surveyor: R. E. BOWDEN, of Paddock. Ir you want to make a free silver populistio rainbow chaser mad, just ask him to explain why it is that wheat continues to go up in view of the fact that silver continues to go down. ___ Republican prosperity has been doing sOme very effective work in the politics of this state, and when the votes are counted in November it will be shown that Holt county has not been overlooked. Tszpopocrats finally admit pros perity, bat say it is just republican lock. Bat a lucky party at the head of the government is what we have all been praying for, for the last four or five years. Let os therefore continue to be happy. The democrats never had a streak of luck five minutes long daring their entire reign.—State Journal. On of the pleasant features of the convention last Monday was when OoL Neil Brennan brought in a bushel basket full of nice large apples—raised in his orchard in the north part of town—and distributed them to the people therein assem bled—pops as well as republicans. The oolonel is known for his gener oaity, and never fails !to remember his friends whenever opportunity affords. I* zs oonoeded on every hand that the ticket nominated by the repub lican convention last Monday is by far the best one that has been plaoed in the field by any political party in Holt county for many yearn Every candidate is a repre sentative citizen and taxpayer, and there is no good reason why every eitizen of this county' who has the best interests of the. county at heart, should not vote the- ticket straight. Tbi candidates on the republican ticket, and the republicans of Holt oounty generally, are to be congrat ’ elated on the selection of John Skirving as chairman of the oounty eentral committee.,. Ifr, Skirving’s qualifications are such as to espec ially commend him for the position. He is reoognized by all parties as being one of the best, if not the best, campaigners in this part of the state. The convention certainly acted wisely in selecting Mr. Skirv ing for this important position. Tm price of stook and all pro ducts of the farm oontinue to go up and the procession of prosperity continues to march on to the glori ous music of protection, prosperity ,. and progress, in spite of the protests of our populist friends, who “view with alarm” the rising tide of pros perity which is 'Cure to leave them fl politically stranded. They say that it isn't genuine; and ait on their haunches and howl of diapair and impending disaster. But their pro testations and dismal forebodings are in vain. The procession con tinues to move on. What i difference in the aenti Bwcti expressed by the delegstes attending the two conventions, after the tickets were nominated. At the , dose of the pop convention, all yon 7 eonld hear eras expressions of dis satisfaotion over the nominations, ' and threats of bolting the entire : ticket; while at the doee of the >: rspoblican convention, nothing bnt oomplets satisfaction with the entire f, ticket was oxpressod, either in word if or action, and the firm conviction : that the ticket will prove a winner f is held by all republicans and many Vi popolists. THE TICKET. The ticket nominated by the re publicans of Holt county last Mon day is an exceptionally strong one. It is a ticket that every republican, and in fact every citizen who has the public welfare at heart, can shout for. Our enemy, the popu lists, acknowledge *it is about the strongest ticket that has been placed before the people of Holt county for years.. The convention was a harmonious and enthusiastic one, and each delegate was impressed with the wish’ and desire to nomin ate a ticket that would win, and all are confident they have done it. The platform adopted by the del egates in convention assembled is one that arouses the latent blood of all true Americans, and made many of our popocratio friends wish they were republicans so they could shout with us and relieve their consciences of the prickings of remorse, for wheat was at the | mark and silver, where was it t The ticket is headed by one of Holt county’s most jprominent and influ ential farmers, John M. Alderson, of Chambers. , Mr. Alderson has always been a loyal republican and is, on the republican ticket as a representative of southern Holt,' a portion of the country which has never been reoognized by either of the political parties, except for minor positions, and we are assured that his sterling worth and integrity will be reocgnized, and that he will receive nearly the unanimous vote of that section. Tax Frontier is pleased to reoommend Mr. Alderson to the voters of Holt county as a man who is in every way entitled to bheirsufferages. Mr. W. M. Diokeraon, the man selected by the convention for' sher iff, is so well known that it seems Like lolly for ns to say a word about him. Bill is one of the pioneers of bhis section, and while he has always Bzeroised his rights as an American sitizen by going to the polls and voting the republican ticket, outside 9f that he has never been connected irith politics, and is an honorable and upright citizen. He is emin Bntly well qualified for the position, and his election is ooneeded. O. M., Collins, for four years the efficient, courteous and trustworthy deputy clerk of the district court, was the unanimous choioe of the aonvention as candidate for county Blerk. Prior to his removal to O’Neill to aooept the position as deputy clerk, he resided at Atkinson, where all who know him are his loyal supporters. Should Mr. Col lins be successful at the election, and we believe there is none who question it, the taxpayers will find in him an honest, painstaking and prudent official, and one who will perform the duties of the offioe to the satisfaction of all, and it is with pleasure that we commend him to the voters of Holt county. The offioe of county superintend ent is one of the most important in the county, and for that offioe the republican party has selected one of its ablest men, James 0. Hamiah, of O’Neill. Mr. Hamish was en gaged in school work for years, and is a man that has the welfare of our public schools at heart He is a mas who has never sought an office and, in fact, did not seek this nom ination, it being given him by his party because they reoognized his eminent fitness for the position. It is a pleasure to support a man like Jim Harnish, and we believe that he will be elected this fall by an over whelming majority. For the responsible position of county judge, D. 0. Harrison of Emporia was nominated. He is a man who spent the best four years of his life fighting for his country, being a veteran of the. late war. Mr. Harrison is an educated and polished gentleman, and the people can rest assured that, if he is elected, he will faithfully discharge the duties of that office. His location will add strength to the entire ticket, as he oomes from a section that has never before been reoognized. Mr. B. EL Bowden, of Paddock, one of the best civil engineers in the county, is our candidate for county surveyor. Mr. Bowden is »1«n an bid soldier, and as his eminent fit ness tor the position is well known he. shonld receive the support of every man regardless of party affiliations. Hurrah for the entire ticket! It is a winner! rrs DANCEKO'JS ■ .■"/.Sill*8* imarantcivl -AN d': a * VAlKUAnKM', fur k*s« money; Hi *y t». » / made. I>on t bay, unless you rvIUio i». ,t. eoeap Acale Is tbo moat vxpenalv« iitves:rtn in you can make; H fa iinrt*!fal»H. and nit-no*. ih.i; aooDor or later you must Iwy n^aln. fkiv a*.»v latfut Imiirovrd FA 1i*.x .is WBIch will last you a IlMiimi, nr 4 i,r»,vr* the ehtapett In «ho end. Nomifrii.i t •••*n ~t>tit»* your weight.. bkivai:?: or i tt im so-:**! FAIRBANKS, R/50:J3E & CO., 1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, (014 •calms Kspnlrsil.i THE ODELL Type Writer. SOA will buy the ODELL TYPE u)£v WRITER with 78 characters, warranted to do as good work aa any machine made. It combines SIMPLICITY with DURABIL ITY, SPEED AND BABE OF OPERATION. Wears longer wlthont cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no Ink ribbon to bother the operator. It Is NEAT, SUB STANTIAL, nickel-plated, perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, It produces sharp, clean, leg ible manuscripts. TWO OB TEN COPIES can be made at one writing. Any intelli gent person can become an operator In two days. Reliable Agents and Salesman Wanted. For pamphlet giving. Indorsements, eto„ address Odell Type Writer Co. F, C. Company Corsets, MAKE American Beauties FGCO CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. oass&K. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY hd PLAIN. A FEATHERBONE CORSET CO. "OLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BT P. J. McManus. Wait a MinutsI I want to tell yon that * Bentley .. i Is selling milk bread only 5 cents a loaf. Also spiced rolls, pies and cakes. PfiSi^CS He keeps a fine stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. P. Q. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP THR GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O'NEILL. NEB, BaeUen’s Arnica bln, The Best Salve Id the world for cuta, brutsea. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and post* lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 95 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri gan. 51-tf O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J)It. J. P. GILL1GAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, • • NEB. J}R. G. M. BEBltY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Offloe over Pf unds store. JJ B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. gABNIY 8TBWABT, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. rim in ion conn sun Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:39 a. m., arriving at Spencer at i p. m. ; at Bntte. 5:80 p. u. S. D. Gaixbntinb, Prop. ffl H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard. O NULL, NBB. DeYARMAN'S BARN. B. A. DnYABMAN, Manager. D’Y ARMAN’S WWFPfllll Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. n H O o (0 Surohm Tloketa and ConaiRn your F. E.&M.v"andS. C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEB AMT: OOINQ BAIT. Passenger east, No. 4, 10:04 a. it Freight east, No. 34, 13:15 p. x Freight east, No. 38, 3:55 p. x. oowo wise Passenger west, No. 8, 9:40 p. x Freight west, No. 87, 10:04 p. x Freight, No, 38, Local 4:00 p. x. The Rlkhorn Line ia now running Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of flrat-clasa transpor tatlon. let any Information oall on Wa J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL. NEB. Born* thing to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired and nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys and aids the organs in throwing off im purities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or II per bottle at Corrigan's. TREES AND PLANTS. A full * line FRUIT TREKS OF BEST VARIE TIES AT HARD TIMES PRICES. Small fruits in large supply. Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrifty and w«S rooted. Oet the best near home and save freight or express. Send for price list to North Bend Nurseries, North Bend, Dodge County, Neb. THE LIGHT RUNNING PLANO IS AN Op to date machine. The Jones Lever Binder Leads Them All With Up TO DATE IMPROVEMENTS. To My Patrons and Friends in Holt and Boyd Coonties: When in need of a Binder, Mower, Header, or Hay Rake call at my place of business and Ret prices on the Plano Manufacturing Company's Roods which I don’t hesitate to sell on my own recomendation. On the square I think the Jones Lever Binder the best machind ever put on wheels. EMIL SNIGGS S ALSO PROPRIETOR OF Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing Headquarters in*Jthe West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery, wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Hare all skilled men for the different branches. All work guaranteed to be the best, as we rely on our workmensbip to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER AND + COAL HS“ 0,0. SNYDER & GO. I SI. 00 —ti4e— Sl.00 I »W EEI(LY ll^TER OCEAlvi. | The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. | TTis the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub B X lished today and can alwaya be relied upon for fair and honest re g ports of all political affairs. S f]KS={ The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News } • I*® 5 and the Best of Current Literature. jegOll 1 It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. Its Literary Columns are equal \ to those ol the best magazines. Its Youth's Department Is the finest of Its kind.. It brines to the family the News ol the Entire World and gives the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day. The Inter Oeenn gives twelve paces of reading matter each week and being published In Chicago la better adapted to the needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. si.00 M&5J9MJ39kkAgLB£RJCEAB Sl.00 • Tbe Daily and Snnday Edl s tions of The Inter Ocean an • the best of their kind.... _ Price of Daily by mail.14.00 per year Price of Sunday by mall. .02.00 per year Dally and Sunday by mall.$6.00 per year ( Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chtonffo. NEW YORK .. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honoat Sport in Amorloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY ' PICTURED BY THC FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically IUuettated. Breezy but Reapectable. $4 FOR A YEAN, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do yon want to bo poeted? Then eend your subscription to the SEW TORS ILLUSTRATED JEWS, 3 PARK PLACED NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. HOTEL -Javans Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop.