The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 12, 1897, Image 8

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VERN McDonald, Editor.
J, M. Holme* is quite sick.
Mrs. Foot has been quite sick.
* J. F. Brady returned from Chicago
yesterday. _
M. F. Harrington, of O’Neill, is in
town today.
* Mrs. Fred Swingley went to O’Neill
Monday morning.
R. H. Jenness left for Omaha Monday
for a few days stay.
Miss Florcnee McDonald returned
from Fremont Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Pruss left ibis morning
for a visit at Carroll, la.'
Dr. J. L. McDonald returned Sun day
from a short trip to Omaha.
Cyrus Sexton has been on the sick
list but is now improving.
Miss Rose Merithew, of b'Neill, is
visiting her Atkinson friends this week.
We bad a fine rain Sunday evening,
which insures a floe crop in the vicinity
of Atkinson.
Mrs. R. H. Jenness and family arrived
home Saturday. She reporta having
had a very pleaaant viait.
The poater aocial at S. D. Orcutt’a laat
night was quite a aucceaa. Lazelle
Sturdevant carried off first prize. •
The North Nebraaka game and flah
protective aasociation will hold a meet
ing at Atkinson on Thursday evening,
Aug. 19. _
Mrs. F. K. Baldwin accompanied her
mother to Chicago this morning. She
took the children with her, which leaves
"Baldy” alt alone.
J. £. Allison will probably go to
Uumpbrey, Neb., in the near future to
accept the management of a lumber
yard at thate place.
C. J. Wilson received five young
alligators from Florida and they are
now on exhibition in one Qf the show
windows of his drug store.
Miss Pearl Burleson and Miss In a
Orcutt gave a party at the home of the
latter last Friday evening. All present
report an exceptionally good time.
Mrs. D. O. Murphy, Miss Ethel Morse
and Will Murphy started on a drive to
Creighton Saturday, where they will
visit two or three days before starting
back. _
11. S. Shutta has sold his scales that
were in front of his place of business on
Main street, to Nick Wediege, who. has
moved them to his farm northwest of
town. __
James Johnson, who has been visiting
with his father, Col. B. W. Johnson,
returned to California Tuesday. He
was accompanied by his mother, Mrs.
B. W. Johnson, who expects to visit in
that state for a while.
The gun club has received word from
enough shooters to know that there will
be a good list of entries in their tourna
ment which will be held Aug. 1819 and
SO. The boys are making every effort
to have the shoot a success, and there is
no question but that it will be. Every
one Interested in shooting should turn
Bix, in SOte Journal: The accident
that befell O. C. Bate*, of Atklnaon,
recall! again the bittory of hie long
Itinerary in country journaliam. It
waa thirty-one yeara ago that he found
ed the Northern Vindicator at Esther
rllle, la., and by the originality of hia
writing! gave it much more than a atate
wide reputation. He coined the word
“blizzard” to deaignate the atorma of
wind and enow peculiar to that then
barren and deaolate region. He left
Estherrille the year that Samuel J.
Tllden waan’t elected president, and haa
aince edited varloua papera in aouthern
Iowa and elaewhere. He finally came
*• to Nebraaka to renew hia youth, and
2 bu apoiled hia proa pec ta by falling out
" of a two-atory window and breaking
both wrists. __
Monday morning, about 1 o’clock, 0.
G. Batea waa aerioualy injured by falling
from an open aecond atory window of
the Nightengale brick building on Main
etreet to the plank aidewalk below, a
distance of about fifteen feet Both of
>i hie wriata were broken, hia left elbow
waa thrown ont of joint and he waa
severely bruised and may be aerioualy
injured internally, although it is im
possible to tell aa yet. Before retiring
Sunday night Mr. Bates placed a chair
up to the window and sat down where
he contd get the benefit of a cool breeze,
telling hia wife that he was going to
’ ‘ take a smoke before he went to bed.
Borne time after Mrs. Bates waa awak
ened by hearing hia pipe drop to the
' Boor, and knowing that he had gone to
sleep la the chair she called and asked if
he had not better go to bed. She heard
the chair move aa he roused in response
. . to her call, and then heard him fall, but
p: thought it waa only to the floor until
she went to the Vindow and aaw him
/ lying on the aidewalk below. Night
S' watch Mnmpal wee promptly on tha
scene and Boon -summoned assistance,
and Mr. Bates was carried up to hit
. room nnd Or. Blackburn aummoned ai
MA ■ ■■■ ' :■ '
once. Mr. Bate* fell with enough force
to break a two inch plank in the side
walk where he struck, and as he Ib over
sixty years of age and rather heavy it is
a miracle that he was not killed instant
ly. He must have fallen through the
window while he was still asleep, as he
says he bad no recollection of anything
until he felt himself falling. Mr. Bates
is a newspaper man and is quite prom
inently known over the state. Up to
the present time he is doing as well as
coulo be expected, and it is to be hoped
that his injuries will not prove fatal and
that his recovery may be speedy.
r*taSASaS', for leas money; Uey can't In
made. Dwa’t ha*. nnlesa you (ft the beat. A
cheap Scale la the most expo naive inveatmeat
you caa make; R la unreliable, and meaaa that
sooner or later von meat buy again. Bay ealy
ascaalna, latest Improve* BA BEBAS KS
which will last yon a lifetime, and prova the
cheapest In the wad. No one can then dispute
your weights. BSCWABB OSP SBlTATlOaSt
1102 Pam am St., Omaha, Nab.
(Old Sealaa ItoMlna.)
Type Writer.
ffiOA will boy the ODELL TYPE
WCV WRITER with 78 characters,
warranted to do as good work us any
machine made.
Wears longer without oost of repairs than
any other machine. Has no Ink ribbon to
bother the operator. It Is NKAT, SUB
STANTIAL, nickel-plated, perfect, and
adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a
printing press, It produces sharp, clean, leg
ible manuscripts. TWO OR TEN COPIES
can bo made at one writing. Any Intelli
gent person can become an operator In two
Reliable Agents and Salesmen Wanted.
For pamphlet giving Indorsements, etc.,
Odell Type Writer Co.
, Tun Stath or Nbbkaska. I
Holt County. i ""
In County Court:
Notice Is hereby given that, petition hav
ing been filed in the county court of Holt
county. Nebraska, for the appointment of an
administrator to the estate of Louisa Suoh
uukai. deceased, late of said county, the same
Is set for hearing at 2 o'clock p. m. on Satur
day, the 14th day of August, 1897, at the
office of the oounty judge. In O'Neill. In said
oounty, ut which time and place all persons
Interested In suld estate may appear and be
heard concerning said appointment.
Given under my hand and official soal this
Mth day of July, 1897.
[seal! O. A. McGctchan,
441 ' County Judge.
To Whom it Mat Ooncehn:
You are hereby notified, that on the eighth
dav of November, 1898, H. Emerson purchased
at publiu tax sule for the delinquent taxes
for the year 1894. the land described below
sltuatedln Holt oounty, Nebraska, viz:
BBS sea. 1 twp. 20 range 11, taxed In uaiue
of Frank Akin.
NK8WS sec. 5 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In
name of John Barrett.
NW)* seo. 12 twp. 29 range II, taxed In name
of John Sklrvlng.
8KS seo. 22 twp. 29 range 11, taxed In name
Of C. A. Whiting.
BEs see. as twp. 29 range 11, taxed in name
H. M. Dailey.
SWU sec. 2 twp. at) range 11, taxed In name
of Marg’t 0. Summers.
WKSWS and BESBWS and 8WSSES sec.
8 twp. ao range 11, taxed In name of Robert
H. Jurnes.
S'-iSES sec. 1» twp. 30 range 11. taxed In
name of Onlon Trust Co.
NWS sec.21 twp.30 range 11, taxed In name
of I, O. Edwards.
BsNES see. 23 twp. 30 range 11, taxed in
name of Nelson llartson.
BWSNWS and NWS8WS seo 24 twp. 30
range 11. taxed In name of Nelson Hartson.
BWS see. 27 twp. 30 range 11, taxed In name
of Tim Dwyer.
NES sec. 28 twp. 80 range 11, taxed In name
of M. P. Brennan.
NWS sec. 32 twp. 30 range 11, taxed In name
of William F. Wiley,
WSNES, NE148WU and NWSSES see. 11
twp. 28 range 12, taxed In name of Francis C.
NWS sec. 8 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name
of Annie A. Keeley.
BWS sec. 12 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name
of M. Hanneghan.
8WU sec. 13 twp. 29 range 12, taxed In name
of John McBride.
BSNES, NV48EW sec. 19 twp. 29 range 12,
taxed In uatue of O. 8. Bartholomew.
I range 12. taxed In name
BBS sec. 20 twp.
of Union Trust Co.
^8E5^seoj27 twjL 29 range 12, taxed In name
NES’ sec. 28 twp. 29 range 12. taxed In name
of Pavk Vaughn.
twp. 30 range 12, taxed In name of Thomas
- .. seo. 21 twp. 30 range 12,taxed In name
ofAnnle Jennings.
NWS sec. 38 twp. DO range 12, taxed In name
of Annie Gallegher.
NWS sec. 4 tint. 30 range 13, taxed in name
ilon Trust Co.
of Union Trust
w*. ssHn«)* sec. 14. ana
■ec. 15 twp. 30 range 13, taxed lu name of
Frank Westetehill.
BiiNWU we,,21 twp. W range 18, taxed In
name of J. M. WUlaenand.
NEW sec. 33 twp. 30 range 13, taxed In name
of H. E. Henderson.
6(iHKX. NKSES4 see. 6 twp. 80 range 14.
taxed In name of J. W. Gould.
NEH see. 11 twp. 30 range 14, taxed In name
of Henry X. Nichole.
NBli sec. 14 twp. 30 range 14, taxed in name
of Hanford Taylor.
N WU sec. 14 twp. 30 range 14, taxed In name
of H. Fullerton.
NKi*. see. 18 twp. 30 range 14, taxed In name
of Edward B. Sixer.
miNWVLeec.23twp.00 range 14. taxed In
name of W. H, Week*.
SV4NW14 «s°. 81 twp. 30 range 14, taxed In
name Thaddeue Weeks.
NWH see. 83 tint. 80 range 14. taxed In name
of heirs of Sirs. Brakev.
NE1* tee. 38 twp. 30 range 14, taxed In name
of Armenia W. Sillier.
sw»t see. 35 twp. 30 range 14. taxed In name
of Hiram Beebe.
N Wu tec. 34 twp.SO range 14, taxed In name
of John Reynier.
NWNW14, SWMNWU tec. 8 twp. 30 range 10,
taxed lu name or Alliance Trutt Oo.
NHNEU tec. 4 twp. 80 range 10, taxed In
name of W. W. Whltehtll.
swu tec. 4 twp. 30 range 10, taxed In name
of Union Trust Co.
WV4WV4 see. 8 twp. 80 range 10. taxed In
name of Col. and U. a. Mtg. Co.
NK!4 see. 10 twp. 30 range 10, taxed in name
of Jno. W. Lockhart.
8F.S4 gee. 18 twp. 30 range 10, taxed in name
of Joseph Jackson.
.NE.H,86*5- r.,twP- 30 range 10, taxed In name
of William Adams.
8Wk sec. 28 twp. 38 range 11, taxed in name
of Nellie Edwards.
N WJ4 sec. 84 twp. 88 range 11. taxed In name
or D. L. Pood.
NW>* s<w- as twp. 38 range 11, taxed la name
of Jacob Koxtsek.
The tax sale eertiSeates covering all of
above described land have been sold and
assigned to the undersigned, T. C. Cannon,
who Is the present owner and holder thereof.
The time of redemption from each of said
M&plre “ the s'W.m.0*
In tbe district court of Holt county, Nebras
John J. McCaffertv, Nell Brennan. J. P.
Nann. M. P. Klnkaid, Henry Waterman,
Administrator of tlie estate of Barrett
Scott, deceased, Plaintiffs.
N. B. BIsbee and Oarfrlll Graham, Defendants.
Cargill Graham, one of tbe above named
defendants, will take notice that on tbe 21st
day of May, A. D. 1897, John J. McCaffertv,
Neil Brennan, J. P, Mann, M. P. Klnkaid. and
llenry Waterman, administrator of tbe
estate of Barrett Scott, deceased, filed their
petition In the district court of Holt county.
Nebiaska, against N. B. BIsbee and Cargill
Graham,defendants, the object and prayer
of which petition Is to recover judgment (and
enforce the payment thereof) on one certain
promissory note given and made by said
defendants for the sum of 12004.58, dated May
18, 1892, due six months after date, to draw
interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num; that there Is now due on said note the
sum of 89906.75, for which sum plaihtlffs ask
judgment, that since the beginning of said
action plaintiffs caused to be issued out of
suld court an order of attachment against
the lands, tenements, goods, chattels stocks
and credits and what might be owing to said
Cargill Graham In Holt county aforesaid and
caused In connection with said order of
attachment one diaries Knapp therein said
Holt county to be notified nr garnisheed to
appear In said court noth day of July, A. D.
1897. and there answer all questions pro
pounded to him touching the property of said
Cargill Graham. In said Knapp's possession
or under his control, the oDject being to
reach and obtain an order from the court
requiring said Knapp to pay upon the judg
ment which plaintiffs seek to recover the
amount he agreed to pay as tbe purchase
price for one quarter section of land situated
In Holt county, which land la faot belongs to
said Cargill Graham and the purchase price
of which Is to be paid to said Cargill Graham
hy said Charles Knapp, or to be paid to some
third person for the benefit of said Cargill
Graham. You,Cargill Graham, are required
to answer said petition on or before tbe loth
day of August, A. 1>. 1897.
Dated on July tl, 1897. ,
John J. McCArmtRTT,
Neil Brennan,
J. P. Mann,
51. P. Kinkaio, and
Henry Waterman.
Administrator of the estate of Barrett
Scott, deceased, Plaintiffs,
By B. H. Benedict,
1-4 Their Attorney.
is the
and the
. . • . ' r.t ;. \ '
• Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the be3t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-iesidents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising *are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
sive you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or address
Plillo Drake and Adeline Drake, defend
ante, will take notice that C. T. Gorham,
plaintiff, on the 28th day or July, 1807, Hied a
petition in the district court of Bolt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants. Implead
ed with the Oregon Horse and Land Co., the
object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a
mortgage dated March la, 1888, for 6400 and
interest upon the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter (8EM MEM), northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter (NE>4 HEM)
of section twenty-one (SI) and the west half
of the southwest quarter of section twenty
two (SB)In township twenty-seven (37) range
sixteen (16) west of the sixth P. M. In Holt
county, Nobruska, given by Philo Drake and
Adeline Druke to John J. Rocha, trustee, and
assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was
recorded In book DS of mortgages on page Wfl
of the records of Holt county.
Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants
pay 8066.88 with Interest at lo per cent, from
Sept. 80, 1807. and the further sum of 868.20
for taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest from
Sept. 80, 1807, at 10 per cent, and that In
default thereof said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 18th day of September. 1807.
Dated August 2, 1887. C. T. Gorham,
O. M. Herhko, Plaintiff.
His Attorney. a-4
Heiberllng Miller & Co., Peregoy A Moore,
Daniel O'Neill, Mary Royster and Henry
Royster, her husband, defendants, will take
notice that Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance
Company, of Hartfoid, Connecticut, a cor
poration. plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, impleaded with,
Mluhael O'Neill, Jr.. Annie Gallagher,
Andrew Gallagher, John McNtchols, admin
istrator of the estate of Michael O’Neill
deceased, Patrick Hagerty, John J. McCatf
erty, Riley Brothers, A. M. Huddleaon, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage dated May 7,1884, for 1500,
and interest, upon the northwest quarter of
section 88 In townshlD 80 north of range 12
west of the 8th P. M. Holt oountv. Nebraska,
given by Michael O'Neill to the plaintiff,
which mortgage was recorded In book 8, page
851, mortgage records of said oounty and to
have, the same decreed to be a first lien and
said lands sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 28rd day of August, 1887.
Dated July 14,1897. 8. D. Thornton,
2-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
To L. C. Stott: You will take notice that
on the 7th day of June, 1897, N. Martin, a Jus
tice of the peaoe In and for O’Neill, Holt
county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of one hundred and fifty
dollars, In an action pending before him In
which A. C as tetter Is plaintiff and L. C.
Stott Is defendant. That property of the
said L. C. Stott, consisting of one sorrel mare
with two white feet, one bay mare, one black
horse, one bay horse and one sorrel mare,
has been levied on and J. Ives, Mr. Turner,
first and full name unknown, and G. A.
McCutchan have been garnished under said
order of attachment. Said cause was con
tinued to the 26th day of July, 1867, at one
o clock p. m.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb„ this 28t,h day of
J une, 1807. A. Oastetter, Plaintiff.
53-8 By E. II, Benedict. His Attorney,
‘ 0’Neu.l, Neb.. June 31, 1807.
The city council upon motion made the
following estimate of the probable amouut
of money necessary for all purposes to be
expended In this city during the fiscal year
commencing on the first Tuesday In Hay,
For salaries.11600.00
For fuel.. 500.00
For repairing sidewalks.... 100.00
For printing and supplies.. 200.00
For repairing waterworks.. 800.00 13700.00
For Interest ou waterworks bonds.' 1100.00
For Interest on railroad bonds. 1820.00
For railroad sinking fund. 1100.00
_ .. -60
The entire revenue of the city for the
previous year, was upon motion duly con
sidered by the council and found to be as
Cash In hands of city treasurer May
1, 1867. $411.58
Collected from all sources for the -
year ending May 1, 1887. 3801.17
Attest N. Martin,
City Clerk.
Land Ornca at O'Naii.u Nkb.
„ , , . June a. 1887.
Notice is hereby siren that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make Anal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and receiver United
States land office at O’Neill, Neb., on July 27.
1887, vis:
. CHRISTIAN BERBER, H. E. No. 14448,
for the NW« Sec. 7, Twp. 30 N.. K. W W. 6th
P. M. in Neb.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and oaltiva
tlon of said land, vis: P. J. Lansworth, J. H.
Adlson, H. A. Polk. Adolf Peterson, all of
Agee, Neb.
404up John A. Harmon, Register.
Land Ornca at 0'Neil.u Neb..
„ . June 5.1807.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Bled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said broof will be made before the
Beglster and Receiver United States land
office, at O'Neill, Nebraska, on July 26, 1897.
vis: JOHN LARSON, H. E.Jio. 14449,
for the NEJi Sec. 13. Twp. 31 N„ R. 11 W. 6th
He names the follow lug witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: W. B. McBobert,
Hiram Hudgkin. Thomas Harrison, al of
l«onla. Neb,, and Andrew Johnson, of Joy,
Neb. 49-6p John A. Harmon, Register.
Paint your bouse (not red) but any
color you want; and call on Hersbiser &
Gilligau when in need of paints. 45tf