The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 12, 1897, Image 7

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    Try Allan's Foot Eaie>
A powder to be shaken into the i
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools j
the feet and makes walking easy. Cures
nnd prevents swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Re1
lleves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives rest and comfort. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores for 25c. Trial package FREE
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy
Cupid steals a base every time lovers
look at the moon.
The ben, at hell the price; all groccra will re
fund jronr money If you are not aadaSed.
_ There is no wisdom in this world
like knowing how to keep your mouth
No-To-Sac for fifty Cents
Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, makes weak
■ten strong, blood pure, Me, II. All druggists
Everybody dislikes the man who is
too good to tell a lie to save a friend.
iThere is a
|Ciass of People
♦ Who are injured by the use
of coffee. Recently there
has been placed in all the
grocery stores a new pre
paration called GRAIN-0,
made of pure grains, that
takes the place of coffee.
The most delicate stomach
receives it without distress,
and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cost over
ii as much. Children may
drink it with great benefit
15 cents and 25 cents per
package. Try it Ask for
•Try Grain=Ol
One Standard
One Price
Tws start mwteacea OS
ness ■ treat deal to every
bicycle rider. Tbe lint
denotes a quality of ma
terial, construction sad
elegance which stands
for the world's pattern.
The second emphasizes
the fact that no one can
buy ns 1197 Colombia
cheaper than yon. Just
rent ember these two facts.
1896 Columbias, $60,
Hartford Bicycles,
de except tbe Columbia, S50, $45, $40, 530.
POPE MFC, CO., Hartford, Conn.
Cstatofue tree from aay Columbia dealer; fey auil
from tie lor one 2-ceat stamp.
fisg brk^
Don’t be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If you want a coat
that will keep you dry in the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale in• your
town, write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
To Oil* MCA LBN. guaranteed “AM (tOOD AM”
V AI KHAN MM*, for lean money; they can't be
made Uon’t buy, unless you get the best. A
cheap Scale is the most expensive investment
you can make; It ts unreliable, and means that
sooner or later you must buy again. Buy only
a genuine. Intent Improved FA1KHAIVKS
which will last you a lifetime, and prove, the
«*beapent In the end. No one can then dispute
1102 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
'Old Kfpalr.d.1
For next 30
day* we will
tail this ma
chine lor tl.
lo advert!aa
a ubo.
Wenv. your
fence for 14c.
por rod.
Use Big Cl for unnatural
I discharges, inflammations,
| irritations or ulcerations
riw-_of mucous membrunes.
JPrcrwDU ooaugioa. Pain lew i, and not astrin
IHtheEvams Chemical Co. sent or poisonons.
| *«ld by Prog flats,
or sent In plain wrapper.
2by ez’sresN, prepaid, for
l.nn. nr 2 bottle*, $2.7fi.
Circular sent on request
UU Friacirel balw IT. tana Bumf
a/m. in Udt VfK, U vtiudicuiu, cImihu, v. nc.
WSTwH 1 jhington, D.C. No feetillp.t.nt
0 H I Rail ■ WHcured. dt-piR. book ipm,
Bow 8n«eea*fol Formal* Op*rot* This
Department of the Form—A Few
Hints oa to the Cor* of Ur* Stock
and Poultry.
A Belgian) Co-op*rotlT* Creamery.
T may be of inter
est to note the
rules enforced In a
Belgium co-opera
11 v e ' creamery,
which are as fol
1. Each p&tron
declares twice a
year, January and,
*■ July, how many
cows he owns.
2. The management has the right at
any time, without notice, to send a
veterinarian, an agricultural engineer
or a delegate, to inspect the health of
cows, the sanitary condition of stable,
utensils, etc.; also to have the cow*
milked in their presence and take
samples for analysis.
3. Th^ milk must be delivered as it
comes from the cows at least once a
4. Milk showing less than 2.4 by the
Gerber or Babcock test may be re
5. Milk from sick sows, milk from
cows having calved within eight days,
from cows due to calve within three
weeks, milk with any abnormal odor
or taste, is not received. It is also pro
hibited to deliver milk from other pa
trons as if coming from the deliverer’3
C. If any patron desires to Increase
or decrease his delivery by 100 pounds
per day, he must give notice two weeks
7. The greatest cleanliness must be
observed In milking, as follows: “The
cows’ bags must be washed, the first
the point*!. The primaries are very darh
brown or blackish-brown In color; the
Inner, web of the secondaries la a
blackish-brown and the outer web is
a blackish-brown penciled with a light
er brown. The coverts are similar In
color and penciling to the plumage ot
the breast Tail Is small, short, and
carried almost horizontally. The tall
is partly concealed by the cushion. In
color the tall is black except the two
main tall feathers, which are penciled.
The tail coverts are penciled same as
breast and body. Thighs are large and
well covered with soft feathers; the
feathers on the lower part curve in
ward around the hock and hide the
Joint on the outside. The feathering
of the thighs is of the same shade and
color as that of the body. Shanks arc
short and yellow and heavily covered
with feathers of same color as thighs.
The toes are well spread and yellow
In color, the outer and middle toes be
ing feathered throughout their entire
Black Cochins are much more easily
raised than are either of the above
named varieties. Being of one color,
tne care bestowed in breeding particol
ored or penciled birds is not necessary,
and the time may be spent in further
ing their general utility in egg produc
tion. A one colored bird is the more
practical bird for the farmer and mar
ket poulterer. The Black Cochin is of
a rich glossy black plumage through
out. The White Cochin is pure white
in plumage. The standard weight ol
Buff, Partridge and White Cochin
cocks Is 11 pounds; hens, 8% pounds,
cockerels, 9 pounds; and pullets, 7
pounds. Black Cochins are of the same
weight, excepting cocks, which should
weigh 10V4 pounds.
Tlie Prollt In Poultry.
The farmer who despises the hens is
making a big mistake, no matter if he
is a big grain farmer or big stockman.
Writes D. A. N. in Colman's Rural
World. Appearances are deceitful, and
the last few years, yes, for many years
squirt of milk thrown away, all uten
sils kept perfectly clean, milk removed
from the stable Immediately after
milking, strained, and night and morn
ing’s milk not mixed.”
8. The receiving hours are fixed by
the management, but two days’ notice
given of any change.
9. The management determines the
manner of taking samples.
10. Patrons have a right to be pres
ent during the testing.
11. Payments are made twice a
12. Until notice is given, the pa
trons must take back the skim milk.
13. All milk deliveries must follow
instructions of the dairymen.
14. It is not allowed the patrons to
use any of the utensils in the creamery
unless necessary, and the user is re
sponsible for damages.
15. The dogs used in hauling the
milk must be provided with muzzles,
and owners are responsible for any re
sults for not doing so.
The breaking of any of the ruleB Is
followed by a fine of 20 cents; it re
peated within six months, 40 cents;
and the third time expulsion may fol
Standard Varieties of Chickens.
The plumage of back and cushion is a
reddish-brown in color. Each feather is
the breeder of fowls has made Indefi
nitely more money for the amount ol
money, care and thought he has put
Into his business than some of his
more pretentious brethren. I do not
see that the prices of fresh eggs and
market poultry have fallen much foi
the average of the year, notwithstand
ing the low price of corn and oats.
Western farmers had better convert
more of this grain into poultry prod
ucts. Manufacture the raw grain intc
the finished poultry commodities. Man
ufactured articles naturally bring
larger prices than the cruder products
The great point in producing poultry
products for critical city markets is tc
raise the best. A poor article always
disappoints both buyer and seller
Away with dunghill fowls. Breed the
variety of poultry that be3t fits the
purpose you have in view. Plymouth
Rocks and Wyandottes are supert
breeds to cultivate for market poultry
Leghorns are fine layers, but of smal.
value for cooking in a pot. The Amer
ican Wyandotte of a healthy strain
doubtless comes as near a good layei
and fino market bird as any single
breed. If a man is to make a special
ty of giving the market fresh eggs,
let him be sure tho eggs are fresh, anu
that they reach the market fresh. II
he sells dressed fowls, let him be sure
they are fat, plump and well dressed
In this way trade will grow on one's
Hard-Worked Horses.—The nature
of farming is such that at times horses
must be worked very hard In order
to do the work at the proper time, aud
at other times, the farm horse has com
paratively little to do. This can not
be helped. When the horses work hard
owners aim to feed all they will eat
without waste, and then they can nol
keep them In flesh. Should they feed
them as heavy when Idle, it would wel
nigh ruin them. The farmer’s Judg
ment is needed here as much as In any
part of the farm management. It is
all right to feed a horse the same ra
tion the year through if he has steady
and uniform work, but when he works
hard for several months and then does
but little for a time, this can not be
done, and it requires Judgment in In
creasing and diminishing the ration
to suit the work.—Ex.
Feed of Sows.—Too many men allow
their brood sows and stock hogs to run
together and partake of the same ra
tion. Corn alone Is the food of thous
ands of 3tock hogs, but such a diet for
brood sows will knock the profits ofl
the pig crop much oftener than many
If you would be successful, undertake
no more than you can carry out. 1
penciled with a darker brown; the
outlines of the penciling conform to
the shape of the feather. The breast
is one of the most important points of
a jjpK)d hen. and should be broad and
massive. The plumage is of the same
reddish-brown color as the back. The
penciling on the breast is perhaps a
little more distinct and open than on
the back; the outlines of the penciling
should be sharp and conform to the
shape of the feather. The body is
broad and deep behind and same plum
age as the breast. The fluff is very
abundant, covering the posterior por
tion of the bird and standing out about
the thighs. Wings are small and the
primaries fold closely under the sec
ondaries; the bows are covered by the
breast feathers and the fluff conceals
Glrinc Fair Warning.
A negro passing under a scaffolding
where some repairs- were going on. a
brick fell from above on his head, and
was broken by tho fell. Sambo very
coolly raised his head and exclaimed:
“Halloa, you white man up dar; if
you don’t want your bricks broke, ju3t
keep ’em off my head."—Mercury.
Try tirihln-O.
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
Injury as well as the adult All who
try it like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
IS cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
How to Become Wrinkled.
If more women realized that strain
ing the eyes produces wrinkles, more
would exercise a proper care of these
valuable members. Reading by a dim
or failing light, coming suddenly from
a dark room to a light one, or vice
versa, overworking the eyes in any
.way, and last, but by no means least,
wearing dotted and cross-barred veils—
.these and more taxing of the eyesight
are of valuable assistance in the
wrinkle-making process.
Next to an Approving Cnnultnm.
A vigorous stomach Is the greatest of man* ,
dune blessings, bound digestion is u guar
anty of quiet nerves, mnsi'u I nr elasticity, a
hearty appetite and a regular habit of body.
Though not always a natural
may be acquired through the use of Hostet
terVbtomach Hitters, one of the most effect
ive luvlgorunts and blood fertilisers In exist
ence. This Hue tonic also fortlHes those who
use It against malaria, and remedies bilious
ness. constipation aud rheumatism.
lleip for Kveryone.
In the grand duchy of Luxemburg
persons desiring work or help have
now only to send a postal card to the
director of the postal administration
in order to have their want9
advertised in every postofflee in the
grand duchy._
Less Than Half Tare
To Buffalo and return via the Wa
bash R. R. For the G. A. R. reunion
the Wabash will sell tickets on Aug. 21
and 22, at less than Half Fare, with
choice of routes via all rail from
Omaha or Chicago to Huffalo or by
steamer from Detroit, either going or
returning. The only line running re
clining chair cars (Scats free) from
Omaha or Chicago to Buffalo. All
trains run via Niagara Falls. For
tiokets aDd further information call
on Agent connecting line or at Wabash
Ticket office, 1415 Farnam Street (Pax
ton Hotel block), or write
Geo. N. Clayton, N. W. Pass. Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
He'd Belter Be Careful.
A writer In a magazine says the earth
would be heated1 more than a hundred
and ninety thousand degrees by being
suddenly stopped—that Is, it would at
once become more than sixty times as
hot as melted Iron. Any man who,
knowing these facts, attempts to stop
the earth ought to be severely dealt
with. _
O. A. R., Buffalo, N. I., Aug. S3 to S3.
The Union Pacific in connection with
the following railroads: Chicago &
Northwestern, N. Y. C. & St. L., (Nickel
Plate,) has been declared the “official
Grand Army route” for the G. A. R.
encampment at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 23
to 28. •“ -
• ' Be sure your tickets read via this
For rates and full information call
at city ticket office, 1302 Farnam
. I rriii'iL Army Otlicnrs*
There are now 12,600 officers in the
French infantry. The military
schools graduate about 650 officers
annually, and about the same num
ber are lost by death, dismission and
Visitor* to Lincoln Park In Chicago
Will be delighted with the souvenir book
of this beautiful spot now being distributed
by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company. It is a magnificent
publication of 06 pages full to overflowing
with delicious half tone pictures of one of
Creation’s most charming places of resort
for citizens of the Great Republic.
No stranger visiting Chicago should be
without a copy of the “Souvenir of Lincoln
Park.” It can only be procured by enclos
ing twenty-five (25) cents, in coin or post
age stamps, to Geo. H. Heafford. general
passenger agent, 410 Old Colony Building,
Chicago, 111.
It's What's in It,
A bottle 115 feet high will be shown
at the coming Bordeaux exhibition.
The size of the bottle Isn’t so interest
ing to most people, though, as the con
tents of it.
All you guess about difficulty in sell
ing Stark Trees may be wrong. If you
wish to know the truth, drop a postal
to Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo., or
Rockport, 111. Name references. Cash
pay to salesmen each week the year
round- Outfit free—takes no money
to try the work. Also want CLUB
makers—get their trees free.
Au Kasy Way.
"How does Editor Scrabbleton
manage to get such a reputation for
originality?" “He waits till all the
other people have expressed their
views, then disagrees with them.”—
Washington .Star.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Dio Sony.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak
men strong. All druggists, 50c or SI- Cure
guaranteed. Rookletand sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
No woman who believes in her hus
oand believes in spiritualism.
Hall’s Catarrh Care
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 78c.
Love your enemies, but don't forget
your friends.
You feel cross and out of tune. Whyt
Because your liver is sluggish. Dr. Kay’s
Renovator will renovate and restore it.
Kee advt. Price, 25c. and $1.00.
Volunteer economy is wealth;
Forced economy is poverty.
Coe's Csoab Balaam
!• the oldest ami best. It will tit-oak op a cold quieter
ttoon unytliinfr «!■*. It 1* alwoy* reliable. Try Ik
Give your friend** a square deal, even
if you lose the pot by it.
Nebraska • Gml Wheat State.
This year Nebraska has corue to the very
front rank as a wheat-producing state,
with her splendid crop of aO.OOO.OOiFb'ushels
of spring wheat, averaging over !£i bushels
to the acre, and 5,uuo,0Ul bushels of winter
wheat, which will average 21 bushels to
the acre. The table given below, which
has been carefully compiled, shows what
will surprise many, that Nebraska stands
third among the states as a wheat produc
er. and it must be bourne in mind that
the states that outrank her are almost ex
clusively wheat state*, whereas Nebraska
Is a country of diversified crops, corn
being her principal product.
Actual figures for 1890 and conservative
estimates for 1897:
1887. 1800.
Minnesota. MOJO.000 S0.mi.O6t
Kansas... 60,000.000 00,701,152
N. Dakota. 42.000,0 0 29.848.501
KebtSska. 40,00000 I9.09o.tlus
S. Dakota... 85.00 .000 27 580.46)
Indian Territory. 6.010.000 2 5KJ.000
Ok ahoma. 7.000,010 2,501,755
Texas. 7,000,000 4,A2S,2*0
Missouri.a.. 10,000 000 16,534.470
Iowa. 10,000, 00 11,470.152
Oregon. 18,000000 10,217.141
Arkansas... 2.4)0.000 1,260.720
Cttliro ala...1...,*,.,u..t 08,010,M0 45,097.195
Colorado.., 4,000,000 2.797,18a
Washington.. 10.000.000 6,558,192
Nevada...... 200,000 183,000
Idaho .. 1,700,0J0 , 2.404.112
Montana. 800,000 1,204.240
Wyoming. 160,000 224.126
NewMexleo. 650,000 818 000
Utah. I,6*i.0ii0 2,800758
Arlsona.—260,000 3SS.M0
I , j- The Hravest of the Hi are.
> ' *‘Papa, was Farragut very braveP’’
: t* ••Indeed he wab, my son. 'He once
refused to tip a sleeping car porter.”
•.•Oh, I Bee, And that is why they
made a statue of him.”—Life.
1100 Tojny Man. |
Of ' WntoM to Han They Tmt and
■AU to Cure.
. An Omaha Company places for the drat
time before the public a Magical Treat*
rent for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Sexual W eakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
worn-out French remedy; contains no
Phosphorous or other harmful di .1 i. It is
a Wonderful Treatment—magical in its
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man*
hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will
send you absolutely FREE, a valuable
paper on these diseases, and positive proofs
of their truly Magical Treatment. Thous
ands of men, who have lost all hope of a
cure, are being restored by them to a per
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go there for treatment, if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have
<250,000 capital, and guarantee to cure
every case they treat or refund every dollar;
or their charges may be deposited in a
bank to be pud to them when .a cure i|
effected. Write them today.
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality; prevents baldness;
cures itching and dandruff.
' A fine hair dressing.
B. P. Hall ft Co., Props., Nrjhua, N. IL
Bolil by all Druggists.
Notre Dame, Indiana.
dailies. Letters, Heleuee, Law. Civil, Me*
ehantcal and Klectrleal Engineering.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Courses. Kcrlesientleal students at special nates.
Roomi Free, Junior or .senior Year, Collesislt
Courses. 8t. Edward*! Hall, for boys under is.
The 107 th Term will open September 7 th,
1807. Catalogue lent Free un application to
Rev. A. Morrissey, ©. 8. C.t President.
(II TO tlC Can be made working for «*.
vH> ■ VF <KJO parties preferred who cun *1*0 their
•a ssrnni/ whole time Ui the buniimw. Spsro
Per WEEK^ttjgz&ffs&s
**—*-■-**-try districts. _
A Mala >ts, Mtlasnl, Ta»
eity works* well ss country districts.
l.ittlhuilD, 11th
nriftllT Dim on orders of MOO so. ft. of
"nClQlll rllVI Roofinii or Wall and r«IHnf
Manilla. Write for samples and prices. The Fay
Manilla Booling Company, Camden, N.J.
am V “ Cl I qu lek relief and cures worst
cases. Bend for hock of testimonials and lO days*
treatment Free. Or. u.u.«mBU*ssos8, Atfeata.s*,
1IOUK t’URE. Bonk FRICK. Da. J. L
wniii, iuMi.DM..lcaiCAk0.iu.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 33.-1887.
Whan writing to advertiser*, kindly men.
Son this paper.
Read tbs Advertisements.
You will enjoy this publication much
better if you will get into the habit of
reading the advertisements; they will
afford a most interesting study and
will put you in the way of getting
some excellent bargains. Our adver
tisers are reliable, they send what
they advertise.
Photograph of the Heavens.
The new photograph of the heavens
which is being prepared by London,
Berlin and Parisian astronomers shows
6S.000.000 stars.
FITS PermsDsntlrCured. NoBta or aarvonaneaa after
Brat aajr’a uae of Dr. Kltos'e tiroat Serve Hoatorer.
Hand' for PREB 69.00 trial bottle and troatiae
Da. R. U. Kuna. Ltd . >31 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa
To Core Constipation Forever.
Take Caacareta Candy Cathartic. 10c or Ska
IIC.C.C. fall to cure, druggists refund money
The east says it is no longer proper
to use napkins at the tabic.
1 believe that Flto'i Cure is the only med
icine that will cure consumption.—Anna M.
Robs, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 13, ’95.
There is no perfume in the world
equal to the perfume from a barrel of
Mre. Winslow’s Seething liras
For children teeth Ing,•often* the (rum*, reduces In flam,
motion, Allay* pain, cure* wind colic. cents*, bolt]*
We never knew a loafer who did not
have a lot. of rights coming to him.
Educate Tour Bowela With Cedcerete.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. <
All people who play the fiddle look
something alike.
It DR. 6AMUEL PITCHER, of Ayannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now yS? ;/&/, on every
bear the facsimile signature of wrapper.
This is the original “PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought Slj? ~ on the
and has the signature ogc/c&M wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas.B. Fletcher is
President. -
March 8, 1897Z
n „ a Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on tt), the ingredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought** /
■ Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Yo&?
__™* ,t Mummy ...» tom «,T».
A Catalogue of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Clothing. Millinery, Boots and Shoes,
I“rmtuJr?’„Carpeto’ CurtainB. Crockerv, Glassware, Toys,
Dolls and General House-furnishing Goods.
^IfIWWW ^ENS0N’ WOOLFE & CO., Leavenworth, Kansas.
Ut* Mutant .ftSZ— PiSount ^Mol, ^SSJ***
Grand Junction and DeUeque.
Cripple Creek, Victor, Leadvllle, Amen.
W. F. BAILEY, Qeneral Passenger Agent, .
Denver, Colo.
Semi for list of 4.WX) vacancies—we have several times as many vacancies as member*,
have more members. >everal plan*; two plans Rive free registration; one plan GUAM AN
rfc.ES positions. 10 cents pays for book, coma nine plans and a NftUU.t.O love story of College
UPS circulars tree. No charee to employers lor recornniendintr teachers
B.W.Cor.llalud JdHta.,UuJ*ville,ky. f rnwideut ami Mauager. ) SS-71 Uturboru 8L, ciuuago, III
AorMrm twcuncia C*i«co vfut, SeuUMrn witaMMr LuuitvUU QJUt- (lu /n nMn M Mt «|kM