The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY HE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, August 26, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nom ination candidates for the following offices: One judge of the supreme court. Two regents of the state university. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, the apportionment being based upon the vote cast for Hon. Albert Burn ham for presidential elector in 1896, giving each county one delegate at large and one for each 125 votes And mnior fraction thereof: Counties. Adams. Delegates?] Antelope Banner.. Hlnlne.... Boone .10 Box Butte.4 Boyd... Brown. Buffalo.M Burt...14 Butler...11 Oass.v. Cedar.. Chase... Cherry.. Cbeyi Clay ... Colfax . Cuming Ouster Dakota Dawes. _ Dawson.10 Deuel. a ...V.. .........10 ......... 8 ..11 .la Dixon. ft**?" Douglas... Duudy. Fillmore.. KrankUn .. Frontier... Furnas.... :iS .141 . 8 Gage .... Garfield. .’ao Gosper., Grant.. Hamilton.... Harlan. Hayes. Ultchoook... Holt. Hooker. Howard. 3c,fforsoa.... t 4 ... 2 ... 4 ...18 ...» ... 8 ... a ... 4 ... 8 ... 1 . U. Pollntics. Delegates. Johnson.12 Kimball. 2 Kearney.0 Keith......2 Keya Paha. a Knox . » i.ancuster.53 l.lnoolu. ,io bogsn. 2 boup. 2 Madison.l# McPherson. 1 Merrick...,.0 Vance. 7 Keinaha. ia Hucbols.10 Jtoe .21 Pawnee. 13 Perkins.2 Phelps. 9 Pieros.* Platte .12 ’oik . h led Willow. 9 Uchardaon.19 lock. 4 !»rpy. « launders ..18 Icott’s Bluff. 8 Seward.15 Hierldan. 5 llierman. 4 lioux. 2 Itanton... 8 'haver.lit 'hoinas. 1 Phurston.5 Pulley.7 Washington.14 Wayne.. 9 Webster.10 Wheeler.. ... 2 ’ark ..10 Total It ia recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be author ized to oast the entire vote of the delegation of the county which they represent It is. requested that the county conventions select their committee men and perfect their county organ izations at the first convention in counties in wbioh two conventions are held. Gio. W. Post, J. T. Muuluv, Chairman. Secretary. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONTEN TION. The republican electors of Holt county, state of Nebraska, are re quested to send delegates from their several wards and preoincts, to meet in convention in O’Neill on Monday, August 28, 1807, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for each of the following offices, to-wit: County treasurer. County sheriff. County clerk. County judge. County surveyor. County coroner. County superintendent of schools. And also for the election of eight delegates to the state convention te be held in Lincoln on August 26, 1807, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. The several primaries and wards are entitled to representation as follows, being based on the vote east for A. J. Burnham for presidential elector in 1896, allowing one dele gate at large to each ward and pre cinct, and one for each 10 votes one for every fraction thereof: Township. No. Atkinson.1 Cooler. Chambers. Cleveland. Itelolt... Dustin™*.. Knimett.. ■wins. Falrview. Francis .. Grattan. Green Valiev. Inman. Iowa. |j&uuN,; Paddock. Township, No. Peasant view., r.. Hook Falls. Stool Creek. Soon. Saratoga. Bandoreek. Swan.. Stuart.j Sheridan. Shield*. Shamrock. Verdigris. Wyoming. Wlliowdale. O’Neill 1st ward. 2nd ward_ a 3rd ward I Ids to a* to W fiC «-* » pi ee *6 00 CO' It u reoommended that the pri nunriea for the election of the above delegatee be held on Saturday, Augoet 21, 1897. Johj Siibviso, Chairman. Clyde King, Secretary, f fc ; : Rings and ringsters will down any party, for where they thrive the people snffer. -*~*»*~*-—. O. M. Collins, deputy clerk of^the district court, is a candidate for county clerk subject to the action of the republican county convention. John Alderson, of Chambers,* and Peter Greeley, of Saratoga, have been mentioned in connection with the republican nomination for treas urer. The Frontier desires to congratu late Boyd S. Leedom, of the Osmond Republican, upon his success as a politician, as he has been appointed postmaster at that place. Senator Thurston has a warm Bpot in his heart for the editors. ->.«._— From all sides comes words of en couragement and cheer to Holt county republicans and we are con vinced that if the republican county convention nominate good, clean and representative men for the several offices we will be victorious this fall. •-■--•••— There are a few so-called republi cans in this city who are setting up the pins for the capture of the convention this fall. We believe the republican party has had enough of boss ism, in this county, and that these men, some of whom are in a great measure responsible for the republican party being in the minor ity in Holt county, will be be given to understand by the convention that the days of the ringsters are past POPULIST REFORM (?). O’Nhill, Neb., June 3, 1897. Holt County, debtor to W. R. Butler. To interest on $200, salary ending March 81, 1897, at 7 per cent, for three months, $3.50. What do the overburdened tax payers of the county think of the above bill, filed by the popnlist reformer, County Attorney Buttler ? Does it look as if that party were the reformers they claim to be? We think not. It shows that greed and averice predominate, and that they are after the spoils. They have been tried and found wanting, and we believe the people will turn them down. '‘Purge the court house of populist inconsistencies and officials!” should be the battle cry for this campaign. UUAi'TJSK UHE UF MJUNliiSY. The period between the inaugur ation of President McKinley and his departure from Washington for a vacation after the first five months of hard work constitutes chapter 1 of the administration’s history. This is a distinct period for trial and achievement, and it is worth while to see what the record is. Between the time when Major Mc Kinley took hold and the time when he lets go temporarily for rest, these things, among others, have happened. 1. The tariff question has been removed from politics. The pledge of the party which nominated Mc Kinley that it would give the country a squarely protective tariff as a settlement of the question, and thus give the country rest, has been honestly redeemed. 2. The administration during these five months has organized for fonr years. The president has met and aoatained the tremendous strain consequent upon the legitimate competition for office. He has made most of the principal appointments in a manner generally satisfactory to citizens of all parties; and, what is to be noted especially about this, he has preserved harmonious relations with the members of his party in both houses of congress, and has made, perhaps, as few enemies out side as any president ever made during the corresponding period. 3. The administration has defi nitely committed itself to the Ameri can policy of Hawaiian annexation, and is proceeding vigorously and in good faith to remove that question also from politics. 4. Mr. McKinley has succeeded in winning for his administration and for himself the respect and good will of a vast majority of his fellow citizens. His personality attracts instead of repelling; and it is his good fortune to have created, at the very start, friendly and favoring conditions of public sentiment, hard to define precisely but likely to be of immense valau to him all through his term.—New York Sun (dem.) F. C. Company Corsets, MAKE American Beauties rftii cr rn CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. OnSukBu. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBONE CORSET CO. BOLE manufacturers. BOLD BY P. J. McManus. After the Opera Hatfield & Hall Will serve you thd finest lunch you ever ate. Ileipeipber . . Their bread wagon will call for your orders and deliver all kinds of bread and pastries at any time. Our goods are the finest in the land. PRICES REASONABLE. Wait a Minutel I want to tell yon that Bentley.. Is selling milk bread only 5 cents a loaf. Also spiced rolls, pies and cakes. pesides He keeps a fine stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. P. D. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETOR?. Of TH1 GOOD TEAMS. NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O'NEILL, NEB. , -i * -—i-: Backlsn’s Arnica Salve. Thk Best Balts In the .world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, aud post* lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to . give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For rale by P. C. Corri gan. 51-tf We guarrantee this to be the best Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a great deal, but it is true. For consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, sore chest,pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, we positively guarantee Ballard’s Horehovnd Syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe. In support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever used it, and to every druggist who has eyer sold it. Such evidence is indisputable. Price 85 and 50 cents. Free sample boitles at P. C. Corrigan's. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J)B. J. P. GIELIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County Bank building All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL. - - NEB. J^B. G. M. BERltY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Snrgeory. All the latest and improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed,. Office over Pfundsstore. R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Rank O-NCILL. NEB. ABNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. m in ion cwm sun Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:!1D a. x., arriving at Spencer at I p. h.; at Butte. 6:30 p. x. S. D. Oai.lkntxnb, Prop. jg'H. BENEDICT. LAWYER. Offloe to the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB, DeYARMAN’S BARN. B. A. DaYARMAN, Manager. P'Y ARMAN'S fffffTWWflfW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest tnrnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. AI^o ran the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. X w flf 0 X X ; . <, H O 0 (A Surohut Tlcktli and Consian your FrelRht vlatha F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART! OOINO BART. Panenger eart. No. 4, 10:04 a. 1 Freight east. No. 24. 12:15 p. Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 P. m. ooiro waai Passenger west. No. 3, 9:40 p. m Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p. m Freight, No, 23, Local 4:00 p.m. The Blkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of flrstolasa transpor tatlon. Per any information call on W. J. DOBBS, A«t. O’NEILL. NEB. K K Something to Know. It may be worth oomething to know that the very beat medicine for restoring the tired and nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidnevs and aids the organs in throwing off im purities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1 per bottle at Corrigan's. , . TREES AND PLANTS. A full 1 line FRUIT TRRR8 OF BEST VARIE TIES AT HARD TIMES FRICE8. Small fruits in large supply.D Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrifty and well roottd. Get the best near home and save freight or express. Send for price | list to North Bend Nurseries, North j Bend. Dodge County. Neb. ] THE LIGHT RUNNING PLANO IS AN UP TO DATE MACHINE. The Jones Lever Binder Leads Them All Witlr Up TO DATE IMPROVEMENTS. To My Patrons and Friends in Holt and Boyd Counties: When in need of n Binder, Mower, Header, or Hay Rake call at ray pltc^ef business and get prices on the Plano Manufacturing Company’s goods wlfffli I don’t hesitate to sell on my own recomendation. Ou the square I think the Jlnnes Lever Binder the best raaebind ever put on wheels. ' EMIL SNIGGS Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing Headquarters inlthe West for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. % All Illnrla rtf ronalrlnif nav.lotl nn in nnnn«>.t.nn .*_ * All kinds of repairing carried on in connection. Machinery, wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches. All work guaranteed to be the best, as we rely on our workmensbip to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers. ALSO PROPRIETOR OF Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER i AND COAL 0.0. SNYOER & GO. (O'Neill, Yard*-; Page, I Allen. itHnUMttatttUttHtMHtUMMMnNMMMUMI fSI.OO -ti(e- Sl.00 ! »W eekly 1 hIter OceaivI. , 2 The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. * TT is the most stalwart mad unswerving Republican Weekly pub X lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re ports of all political affairs. n^SfA The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News i cr-m I •** { and the Best of Current Literature. V It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. Its Literary Columns are equal \ to those of the best magazines.; Its Youth's Department Is the finest of Its kind. It brings to tbs family the News of the Entire World and gives the beat and ablest discussions ot all questions of the day. The Ocean giro* twel»o paces of reading matter each week and being published In Chicago is better adapted to the needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. | Sl.00 $1.00 • The Dally and Sunday Edl • tions of The Inter Ocean are • the best of their kind.... *••••••••••••••••••• i Price of Dally by mall.$4.00 per year i Price of Sunday by mail.$2.00 per year i Dally and Sunday by mall.$6.00 per year ! Addreaa THE INTER OCEAN, Chlirnu NEW YORK.. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Monad Sport In Amorlco ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY aiCTUMKO BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated Breezy but Respectable. %A FOR A YEAR, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the raw TOSS OLDSIUTED HEWS, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOTEL ■JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hofcl In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. *4