ATKINSON ITEMS. VERN McDonald, Editor. Miss Addle Burleson came home Wednesday evening. Charley Brook and Riley Tower were out to Ed Jennings Tuesday putting up a new windmill. C. W. Moss, of Amelia, was in town yesterday. He says the crops are look ing well out his way. J. J. Alexander, state agent of the German American insurance company, was in town yesterday. H. D. O’Brien arrived from Chicago Saturday, but says he can’t say just how long he will be with us. Miss Lillie Galleher came down from Stuart Monday and is now keeping house for her brother Will. Drs. Blackburn and McDonald were in O’Neill Wednesday attending a meet ing of the pension examining board. Miss Leona M. Allison, of Sandy Lake, Pa., arrived Friday evening for a few week’s visit with her uncle, J. E. Allison. _ The Christian Endeavor will give a poster sociable—whatever that is—next Wednesday, at the residence of S. D. Orcutt. _ The crops through the county are looking first rate, which is especially true of the corn, With another good rain we will be assured of the best crops we have had for years. Ted Woods arrived from Laurel Mon day afternoon and spent Tuesday visit ing with his relatives and many friends here. We were all glad to see him, and wish his visits could be more frequent. A short time ago Bem’l Hardy left tot Council Bluffs, saying that he was probably leaving tor good, but we were all glad to see him get off the tram Tuesday evening and especially to hear him say that Atkinson was good enough for him yet. __ There will be a dance next Friday at the rink, the proceeds of which will go to improving our roads and sidewalks. This is for a good cause and should be well attended, and it would be a good idea to buy a ticket even if you don’t dance. The management promises good music and a first-class time. Frank Rosenberry returned Saturday from Oregon where he had been to try and find a better looation than Holt county. Frank says that he Isn’t ready to move yet, and that although Oregon may be all right he thinks it will have to improve some before it gets ahead of Holt county. He says that Albert Schwering also expects to return in the spring. Holt county may have a few faults—one Is that it needs dividing— but when you get to comparing it with some other localities it is generally found to be right up alongside of any of them. _ Finley S. Butler died Saturday, July 81, 1897, at 5 o’clock a. m., aged 68 years, 4 months and 88 days, and was buried Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Atkiuson lodge No. Ill, 1. O. 0. F., conducting the ceremony. He was born March 8,1845, and was married in July, 1808, to Margeret J. Willing, at Gardis, Ohio. In 1881 he came to Atkinson, where he has since lived, loved and respected by all who knew him. For three years and nine months he seryed his country, during the war of the rebellion, at the end of which time he was honorably discharged. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. _ _ T0TKEI4JT. : Via O’Neill and the Pacific Short Line. The shortest and quickest route to Sioux City, South Dakota and all eastern points. Saves three hours time. Equal rates. Buy local tickets to O’Neill. When returning take same route. Sure connections daily, except Sunday. IT 5 DANGEROUS fsarseteed “AS OOOS AS *t.l>ltllt* ' for less moMji they ui't K 5±; SSSMrih jvt ess »U«| II I* asrslt aooaer or later too-* ‘ >, latest 'the ▲ ■7, I_____ la the meat axaeaalve laTeetmeet labia. I uaiauwn, bwm ISM ra3Sffiiss1,uvjfsii.saaa •kasMattaUra!£a«. 'xoZ£e“th5”af.MU yearwaltbu. —WAM 8 range 11, taxed In name of D. L. Pond. NWK mc. 82 twp. 28 range 11, taxed In name of Jacob Korlsek. The tax sale certificates covering allot above described land have been Mid and assigned to the undersigned, T. O. Cannon, who Is the present owner and holder thereof. The time of redemption from each of said tax sales will expire on the eighth day of " ' T.C. C November, 1801. . Cannon. In the district court of Holt county, Nebras ka. John J. McCafferty, Neil Brennan. J. P. Mann. M. P. Klnbaid, Henry Waterman, Administrator of the estate of Barrett Scott, deceased. Plaintiffs. vs. N. B. Blsbee and Cargill Graham, Defendants. Cargill Graham, one of the above named defendants, will take notice that on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1897, John J. McCafferty, Nell Brennan, J. P. Mann, M. P. Kinkald. and Henry Waterman, administrator of the estate of Barrett Soott. deceased, filed tlielr petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against N. B. Blsbee and Cargill Graham,defendants, the object and prayer of which petition Is to recover judgment (and enforce the payment thereof) on one certain promissory note given and made by said defendants for the Bum of t36M.B6, dated May 18, 1893, due six months after date, to draw interest at the rate of ten per cent, per an num; that there is now due on said note the »u m of 13906.75, for which sum plaihtlffs ask Judgment, that since the beginning of said action plaintiffs caused to be Issued out of said court an order of attachment against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels stocks and credits and what might be owing to said Cargill Graham in Holt county aforesaid and caused in connection with said order of attachment one Charles Knapp therein said Holt county to be notified or garnisheed to appear In said court 30th day of July. A. D. 1897, and there answer all questions pro pounded to him touching the property of said Cargill Graham in said Knapp’s possession or under his control, the object being to reach and obtain an order from the court requiring said Knapp to pay upon the judg ment which plaintiffs seek to recover the amount he agreed to pay as the purchase price for one quarter section of land situated In Holt oounty, which land In faot belongs to said Cargill Graham and the purchase price of which is to be paid to said Cargill Graham by said Charles Knapp, or to be paid to some third person for the benefit of said Cargill Graham. You,Cargill Graham, are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of August, A. 1>. 1897. Dated on July 6,1897. John J. McCafferty, Neil Brennan, J. P. Mann, M.P. Kinkaio, and 1 . Henry Waterman, Administrator of the estate of Barrett Boott. deceased, Plaintiffs, By E. H. Benedict, 1-4 Their Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Philo Drake and Adeline Drake, defend ants, will take notice that C. T. Gorham, plaintiff, on the 28th day of July. 1897, Hied a petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Implead ed with the Oregon llorstf and Land Co., the object and praver of which Is to foreclose a mortgage da tea March lit, 1868, for $400 and interest upon the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SE!4 NEK). northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (NEK 8E!») of section twenty-one (21) and the west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty two (22) In township twenty-seven (27) range sixteen (16) west of the sixth P. M. In Holt county, Nobraska, given bv Philo Drake and Adeline Drake to John J. Boohs, trustee, and assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded In book 86 of mortgages on page 695 of the records of Holt county. Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants pay 1663.33 with Interest at 10 per cent, from Sept. 80, 1897. and the further sum of 166.20 for taxes paid by plaintiff with Interest from Sept. 30. 1897. at 10 per cent, and that In default thereof said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of September. 1897. " ‘ J ' - C.T.Gorham, Dated August % 1897. O. M. Hkrkko. His Attorney. Plaintiff. 6-4 NOTICE. 8elberllng Miller A Co., Peregoy A Moore, Daniel O’Neill, Mary Hoyster and Henry Royster, her husband, defendants, will take notice that Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Uompany, of Hartfoid, Connecticut, a cor Soration, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the lstrlct court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Impleaded with. Michael O'Neill, Jr.. Annie Gallagher, Andrew Gallagher, John McNlchols, admin istrator of the estate of Michael O’Neill deceased, Patrick Hagerty, John J. McCaff erty, Hlley Brothers, A. M. Uuddleson, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage dated May 7,1884, for 1600, and Interest, upon the northwest quarter of section 33 In township 30 north of rsinge 12 west of the 6tb P. M. Holt county, Nebraska, given by Michael O’Neill to the plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded In book 3, page 361, mortgage records of said county and to have the same decreed to be a first lien and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of August, 1897. Dated July 14,1897. 8. D. Thornton, 2-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. ToL. C. Stott: You will take notice that on the 7th day of June, 1807, N. Martin, a Jus tice of the peace In and for O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, issued an order of attach ment for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, in an aotton pending before him In which A, O as tetter Is plaintiff and L. C. Stott Is defendant. That property of the said L. C. Stott, consisting of one sorrel mare with two white feet, one bay mare, one blaok horse, one bay horse and one sorrel mare, has been levied on and J. Ives, Mr. Turner, first and full name unknown, and G. A. McOutchan have been garnished under said order of attachment. Said cause was con tinued to the 26th day of July, 1897, at one o’clock p. m. Dated at O'Neill. Neb., this 28th day of J une, 1897. A. Castettsh, Plaintiff. 62-3 By E. H. Bsmbdict. His Attorney. NOTICE. _ O’Nmdl, Neb„ June 21,1897. The city council upon motion made the following estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes to be expended In this city during the fiscal year ojjmimenolng on the first Tuesday in May, For salaries....,.11800.00 For fuel. 800.00 For repairing sidewalks_ 100.00 Forprlntlugand supplies.. 200.00 For repairing waterworks.. 000.00 12700.00 For interest on waterworks bonds.1100.00 For Interest on railroad bonds. 1320.00 For railroad sinking fund. 1100.00 _ „ 18220.00 The entire revenue of the city for the previous year, was upon motion duly con sidered by the council and found to be as follows: Cash In hands of city treasurer May „ 1. 1897. 8411.58 Collected from all sources for the year ending May 1, 1897 . 2801.17 13215.75 Attest N. Mabtin, City Clerk. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lard Ovnca at O’Naitx. Nan. ’ June 3. 1897. Notice Is hereby given tbat the following named settler has filed notice of his lnten - tlon to make final proof In support of hts claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver United States land office at O'Neill, Neb., on July 27. 1897. viz: CHRISTIAN BERGER. H. E. No. 14448, for the NW14 Sea 7, Twp. 30 N., R. 10 W. 0th P. M. In Neb. He names the following Witnesses to prove his oontlnuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: P. J. Lansworth, J. H. Adlson, H. A. Polk, Adolf Peterson, all of Agee, Neb. 494np John A. Habmon, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica at O'Nbill, Neb., June A1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hts Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said broof will be made before the Register and Receiver United States land office, at O'Neill, Nebraska, on July 28, 1897, viz: JOHN LARSON, HTS. No. 14449. for the NE)4 Sec. 13. Twp. 31N., R. 11 W. 6th P. M. He names the followlug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: W. E. McRobert. Hiram Hodgkin. Thomas Harrison, al of Leonla. Neb,, and Andrew Johnson, of Joy, Neb. 49-6p John A. Hahmon, Register. Paint your house (not red) but any color you want, and call on Herahiser A Gilligan when in need of paints. 45tf THE FRONTIER ‘ is* the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER In HOLT COUNTY. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. If you want Tp' subscribe few: The Frontier and any other [paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications of the world. Gall on or address As an Advertising fledium THE FRONTHKH." O’NEILL, NEB. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but. the best paper, are scrupu neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of.