The Frontier. PUBLISHED KVEBY THURSDAY BY HE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION. The repnblican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several ooonties to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, August 26, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of plaoing in nom ination candidates for the following offioes: One judge of the supreme court Two regents of the state university. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. ' , The several counties are entitled **to representation as follows, the apportionment being based upon the vote oast for Hon. Albert Burn ham for presidential elector in 1896, giving each county one delegate at large and one for each 125 votes and major fraction thereof: , ... . Counties. Delegates. Adam*.II Antelope. I Banner. S Bln'.ne. S Boone .If Box Butte.f Boyd. ( Brown .I Buffalo.If Burt.If Butler.11 Cass. Oedar. Chase. jflierry.... Cheyenne Olay Coifs ax . .2; I . t . i . 4 .11 I Cumins. 11 Ouster .la Dakota.( Dawes.« Dawson.1C Deuel. II Dixon. J Dodge.21 Douglas.106 Dundy.a IraSkZv.v::::;;;;” Frontier...7 Furnas.10 HSUiv:;:;;::::;:.8! Gosper...4 Grant. a $ Hamilton.12 Harlan.8 Hayes...a Hltohoook.6 Hooker., i Howard.. 7 Jefferson.......,...H Counties. Delegates. Johnson.12 Klmbai'. 2 Kearney.9 Keith.8 Keya Paha.a Knox ..9 Lancaster ..53 Llnooln.10 Locen. 8 Loup. 8 Mac*lson.18 McPherson.1 Merrick.9 Nance.7 Nemaha. 13 Nuchols.10 Otoe .81 Pawnee...... IS Perkins.2 Phelps ..9 Ple-ce.6 Platte .12 Polk .8 Bed Willow.0 Richardson.19 Rock. 4 g«n>y. 6 Saline.18 Saunders.18 Scott's Bluff.8 Seward.15 Sheridan. 5 Sherman. 4 Sioux. 8 Stanton...6 Thayer.18 Thomas... 1 Thurston. 8 Valiev.7 Washington...a* Wayne. 9 Wheeler. 2 York.18 xb is recommended tbat do proxies be admitted to the ooovention and that the delegates present be author ised to east the entire vote of the delegation of the county which they 'represent •. H is requested that the oonnty conventions select their committee* men and perfect their oonnty organ* izations at the first convention in counties in whiit two conventions are held. Gao. W. Post, J. T. Miuiinp, Chairman. Secretary. CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETING. The Holt oonnty republican cen tral committee is hereby called to meet in O’Neill on Saturday, August 7, 1897, at 2 o’clock p. m., in Ths Fbontub office for the purpose of fixing a date for the county conven tion, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Cltdi Kino, John Skibvino, Secretary. Chairman. Bryan is still talking silver. Thus is more money and less danger in tilling Holt county soil than there ia in going to Klondyke. Why is it that O’Neill silverites want to go to the Klondyke district after gold? Last fall they had no nae for the yellow met&L Wheat ia still climbing and silver is falling. Our populist friends who were telling the people last fall that silver controlled the price of wheat should explain. Fofuusts have made reform their great war cry and many voters have flocked to their standard because thqy thought the leaders of that party were sincere in their declar ations. But what an error! Those who have closely watched the acts and the populist methods of eon ducting the county’s business are s,: satisfied that the cry of reform was need for the purpose of getting con trol of the offices and not from a des}re to benefit the people and will have nothing more to do with that party. Tom them out! Where is the republican who ever attempted to line his own pockets at* the expense of the taxpayers by col lecting or attempting to collect in terest on his salary f None ever did. It was left .for a great and able (?) reformer, the present connty attor ney, to devise this means of enrich ing himself. The populist county attorney is trying to make a record for himself by kicking against every bill hied against the county. But still he had the gall to try and collect inter est on the first three months of his salary because the board did not call a special session for the purpose of allowing his bill. Oreat Reformer! SECRETARY GAOEON CURRENCY Secretary Gage is a conservative man and there has hardly ever been a time when there was greater need for such a man at the head of the financial department of the govern ment. It is understood that in a general way the secretary of the treasury is in sympathy with the demand for a reform of the currency. Before he was publicly named or perhaps thought of in connection with that distinguished position he was known to approve of the cur rency plan of the Indianapolis con ference. He accepted the proposi tion promulgated by that conference that the essential basis of currency reform is the ultimate retirement of all, classes of United States notes and he agreed with the other views expressed by the bankers and busi ness men who met at Indianapolis early in the present year. In short, Mr. Gage was fully identified with the ourrency reformers and was gen-. erally recognized as one of the leaders in that cause. The secretary still believes that the ourrency system needs revision, but he is not among the extremists who think that there can be no con fidence and no recovery of prosper ity until this revision is had. Mr. Gage’s speech to the business men of Boston will be reassuring to all but those who want an immediate overhauling of our currency—the impatient and persistent so-called reformers who can bob nothing but harm in existing financial conditions. What says the experienced financier at the head of the national treasury f “On the financial side there is really no pressing need for haste,’’ he declared. “There is certainly no immediate occasion for anxiety. With ample reserves in the treasury, with financial centers in a full sup ply of loanable funds, with interest invitingly low, with crop prospects most promising and a good market assurred, with new mineral resources coming into view, who dare indulge in doleful forecasts F*. These things must be apparent to all practical men of intelligence. Grant that some changes, in the direction of simplifying and strengthening the eurrenoy system, are desirable, still there is no reason for haste or anx iety. We have had this Bystem for many years, during which the coun try enjoyed the highest degree of prosperity in its history. We have had with it industrial expansion, agricultural growth, increase in domestio and foreign oommeroo and a great augmentation of the nation*! wealth. Why may we not have all this again with this same currency system, if all other conditions to material progress and prosperity are present? *hia paper can heartily endorse the views of Secretary Gage quoted above because they are iu complete accord with what we have repeatedly said, that the anxiety manifested by some for currency reform is needless and that the agitation of the subject at this time can accomplish no good and may do harm. Certainly there is danger of ill effects when men of responsibility in financial and busi ness oireles persistently proclaim distrust of the currency system and constantly declare that there can be no great or permanent improvement in financial and business conditions until the currency is reformed according to their notions. Secre tary Gage will have done a most important service to the country and to the cause ,of reviving prosperity if his sound and conservative utter ances shall silence for a time at least the impatient and for the most part impracticable currency reformers.— Bee. F. C. Company Corsets, MAKE American Beauties EC.CO CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY mi PLAIN. FEATHERBQNE CORSET CO, "OLE MANUFACTURERS. BOLD BY P. J. McManus. After the Opera Hatfield & Hall Will serve you the finest lunch you ever ate. l^eipeipber . . Their bread wagon will call for your orders and deliver all kinds of bread and pastries at any time. Onr goods are the finest in the land. PRICES REASONABLE. Wait a MinutsI I want to tell yon th&t Bentley.. Is selling milk bread only 5 cents a loaf. Also spiced rolls* pies and cakes. pesides He keeps a fine 9tock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. P. D> A J. P. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS GW THE RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O’NEILL. NEB. Buoklsn’s Arnlw Salve. The Best Salvb in the world for cute, bruieee. eoree, ulcere, ealt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hande, chilblaine, come, and all ekin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give • perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Por sale by P. C. Corri gan. 51-tf We guarrantee this to be the beH Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a great deal, but it is true. Por consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, sore chest,pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, we positively guarantee Ballard’s Borehound Syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe. In support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever used it, and to every druggist who has eyer sold it. Such evidence is indisputable. Price 35 and 50 cents. Pree sample bottles at P. C.-Corrigan’s. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY JQU. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building i All work cash in advance. Night work i positively refused. O’NEILL, - , NEB. jnii. G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Siirgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. Office over Pfunds store. JJ R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferenoe first National Rank O'NEILL, NEB. jgARKIY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. ► Address, Page, Neb. mu ad son conn stabs Stage leaves O'Neill at 8:30 a. m., arriving at Spencer at 4 p.m.; at Butte. 5:30 p. it. S. D. Gaixentini, Prop. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. DeYARMAN’S BARN. B. A. DiYABUAN, Manager. P'Y ARMAN'S ffffffWTWW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALo run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Purchase Tickets and Consisn your Freight via the F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTt GOING 1A8T. Passenger east. No. 4, 10:04 a. m Freight east, No. 24, 12:15 F. m Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 p. m. OOINQ WSST Passenger west. No. 3, 9:40 f. m Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p. m Freight, No, 23, Local 4:00 f. h. The Elkhorn Line Is now running Hecllnlng Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of Orst-class transpor tatlon. Fer any Information oall on We J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired and nervons system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acta by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys and aids the organs in throwing off im purities m the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Bold for 50c or $1 per bottle at Corrigan's. TREES AND PLANTS. A full 1 line FRUIT TREKS OF BKST VARIK TIKS AT HARD TIMM FRICKS. Small fruits in large supply.Q Millions of Strawberry plants, very thrifty and veil rooted. Get the rmt near home and save freight or express. Send for price list to North Bend Nurseries, North Bend. Dodge Gounty, Neb. THE LIGHT RUNNING PLANO * IS AN UP to date machine. The Jones Lever Binder Leeds Them All With Up TO DATE IMPROVEMENTS. To My Patrons and Friends in Holt and Boyd Cooolies: When in need of a Binder, Mower, Header, or Hay Rake call at my place business and fret prices on the Plano Manufacturing Company’s goods which I| don’t hesitate to sell on my own recomendation. On the square I think tbcf Jones' Lever Binder the best machind ever put on wheels. EMIL SNIGGS ALSO PROPRIETOR OF Elkhorn Valley Blackmith and Horseshoeing ''^Uhop,^^ Headquarters iinthe West [for Horseshoeing and Plow Work. All kinds of repairing carried, on in connection. Machinery, wagon, carriage, wood and iron work. Have all skilled men for the different branches. All work guaranteed to be the best, as we rely on our workinenship to draw our custom. Also in season we sell the Plano up to date harvesters, binders mowers and reapers. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER AND COAL HS* 0.0. SNYDER & GO. SI.00 —tKe- Sl.00 ,WEEKLY lltlTEll Ocean. The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. IT is the most atalwart and unawervlng Republican Week'iy pub* lished today and can always be relied upon tor fair and honest re ports of all political affairs. flKSpi The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News } j and the Best of Current Literature. {<4c£«J It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Wj'.hout a Peer. Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its Youth's Department Is the finest of Its kind.. It brings to the family the News of the Kntlre World and glvee the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day. The Inter Ocean gives twelve poses of reading matter each week and being published In Chicago Is better adapted to the needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. Sl-oo gJM£EjaM£JgS>klA5LRISJC6Ag $1.00 • The Daily and Sunday Edl 5 tions of The Inter Ocean are | the best of their kind.... i Price of Dally by mall.$4.00 per year i Price of Sunday by mall.$2.00 per year i Dally and Sunday by mall.$6.00 per year ! Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. »