CHAPTER X. HE beer belug done, the Doctor chafed bitterly while Jean-Marie finished his cakes. “I burn to be gone,” he said, looking at his watch. "Good God! how slow you eat!” And yet to eat slowly was his •own particular prescription, the main .-secret of longevity! His martyrdom, however, reached an «nd at last; the pair resumed their 3>laces in the buggy, and Desprez, lean ing luxuriously back, announced his intention of proceeding to Fontalne bleau. “To Fontainebleau?” repeated Jean “My words are always measured,” *j_ aaid the doctor. “On!” The doctor was driven through the Slades of paradise; the air, the light, ithe shining leaves, the very movement «of the vehicle, seemed to fall in tune with his golden meditations; with his head thrown back, he dreamed a se ries of sunny visions, ale and pleasure dancing in his veins. At last he ;spoke. “I Shall telegraph for Casimir,” he ®aid. “Good Casimir! a fellow of the lower order of intelligence, Jean Marie, distinctly not creative, not poet ic; and yet he will repay your study; (his fortune is vast, and is entirely •due to his own exertions. He is the very fellow to help us to dispose of •our trinkets, find us a suitable house in Paris, and manage the details of •our installation. Admirable Casimir, •one of my oldest comrades! It was on his advice, I may add, that I invested my little fortune in Turkish bonds; ■when we have added these spoils of the mediaeval church to be our stake in the Mohammedan empire, little boy, we shall positively roll among doub loons, positively roll! Beautiful for ■est,” he cried, “farewell! Though •called to other scenes, I will not-forget thee. Thy name is graven in my heart. Under the influence of pros perity I become dithyramblc, Jean-Ma rie. Such is the impulse of the natural ^primeval man. And I—well, I will not soul; such was the constitution of 3-efuae the credit—I have preserved my r. youth like a virginity; another, who should have led the same snoozing, •countrified existence for these years, another had become rusted, become stereotyped; but I, I praise my happy •constitution, retain the spring unbrok en. Fresh opulence and a new sphere •of duties find me unabated in ardor ■and only more mature by knowledge. For this prospective change, Jean?Ma Tie—it may probably have shocked you. Tell me now, did it not strike you as an inconsistency? Confess—it is useless to dissemble—it pained you?” “Yes,” said the boy. “You see,” returned the doctor, with sublime fatuity, “I read your thought! !Nor am 1 surprised—your education is not yet complete; the higher duties of men have not been yet presented to you fully. A hint—till we have leisure —must suffice. Now that I am once -more in possession of a modest com petence; now that I have so long pre pared myself in silent meditation, it becomes my superior duty to proceed -to Paris. My scientific training, my undoubted command of language, mark • ~me out for the service of my country. Modesty in such a case would be a snare. If sin were a philosophical ex pression) I should call it sinful. A man must not deny his manifest abilities, -for that is to evade his obligations. I must be up and doing; I must be no iskulker in life’s battle.” CHAPTER XI. 0 HE rattled on copiously g r e a s ing the Join, 01 his inconsisten cy with words; while the boy lis tened silently, his eyes fixed on the horse, his mind seething. It was all lost eloquence, no array of words ‘Could unsettle a belief of Jean-Ma rie’s; and he drove into Fontainebleau filled with pity, horror, indignation, -and despair. In the town Jean-Marie was kept a fixture on the driving-seat, to guard the treasure; while the doctor, with -a singular, slightly tipsy airiness of manner, fluttered in and out of cafes, where he shook hands with garrison officers, and mixed an absinthe with the nicety of old experience; in and out of shops, from which he returned laden with costly fruits, real turtle, a mag nificent piece of silk for his wife, a preposterous cane for himself, and a kepi of the newest fashion for the boy; in and out of the telegraph office, whence he dispatched his telegram, »nd where three 'hours later he received an answer promising a visit on the morrow; and generally pervaded Fon tainebleau with the first fine aroma of Tiis divine good humor. The sun was very low when they set ■forth again; tihe shadows of the forest trees extended across the broad white Toad that led them home; the pene [ trating odor ol the evening wood had already arisen, llko a cloud of incense, from that broad field of tree-tops; and even in the streets of the town, where the air had been baked all day between white walls, it came In whiffs and pulses, like a distant music. Half way home, the last gold flicker van ished from a great oak upon the left; and when they came forth beyond the borders of the wood, the plain was already sunken in pearly grayness, and a great, pale moon came swinging sky ward through the filmy poplars. 1 The doctor sung, the doctor whistled, the doctor talked. He spoke of the woods, and the wars, and the deposi tion of dew; he brightened and bab bled of Paris; he soared into cloudy bombast on the glories of the politi cal arena. All was to be changed; as the day departed, it took with it the vestiges of an outworn existence, and to-morrow’s sun was to inaugurate the new. ’ Enough, he cried, O this uie of maceration!” His wife (still beau tiful, or he was sadly partial) were to be no longer burled; she should now shine before society. Jean-Marie would find the world at his feet; the roads open to success, wealth, honor, and posthumous renown. “And oh, by the way,” said he, “for God’s Bake keep your tongue quiet! You are, of course, a very silent fellow; It is a quality I gladly recognize in you—si lence, golden silence! But this is a matter of gravity. No word must get abroad; none but the good Casimlr is to be trusted; we shall probably dis pose of the vessels In England.” “But are they not even ours?” the boy said, almost with a sob—it was the only time he had spoken. “Ours in this sense, that they are nobody else’s,” replied the doctor. “But the state would have some claim. If they were stolen, for instance, we should be unable to demand their res titution; we should have no title; we should be unable even to communicate with the police. Such is the monstrous condition of the law.* It is a mere ln •Let It be so, for my tale! stance of what remains to be done, of the injustices that may yet be righted by an ardent, active, and philosophi cal deputy.” Jean-Marie put his faith in Madame Desprez; and as they drove forward down the road from Bourron, between the rustling poplars, he prayed in his teeth, and whipped up the horse to an unusual speed. Surely, as soon as her character, and bring this waking they arrived, madame would assert nightmare to an end. Their entrance into Gretz was her alded and accompanied by a mo3t fu rious barking; all the dogs in the vil lage seemed to smell the treasure in the noddy. But there was no one on the street, save three lounging land scape painters at Tentalllon’s door. Jean-Marie opened the green gate and led in the horse and carriage; and al most at the same moment Madame Desprez came to the kitchen threshold with a lighted lantern; for the moon was not yet high enough to clear the garden walls. “Close the gates, Jean-Marie!” cried the doctor, somewhat unsteadily alight ing. “Anastasie, where is Aline?” “She has gone to Montereau to see her parents,” said madame. “Here, quick, come near to me; I don’t wish to speak too loud!” he con tinued. “Darling, we are wealthy!” “Wealthy!” repeated the wife. “I have found the treasure of Fran chard,” replied her husband. “See, here are the first fruits; a pineapple, a dress for my ever-beautiful—it will suit her—trust a husband’s, trust a lov er's taste! Embrace me darling! This grimy episode is over; the butterfly unfolds its painted wings. To-morrow Casimir will come; in a week we may be in Paris—happy at last! You shall have diamonds. Jean-Marie, take it out of the boot, with religious care, and bring it piece by piece Into the dining-room. We shall 'have plate at table! Darling, hasten and prepare this turtle; it will be a whet—it will be an addition to our meagre ordinary, t myself will proceed to the cellar. We shall have a bottle of that little Beau jolais you like, and finish with the Hermitage; there are still three bottles left. Worthy wine for a worthy oc casion.” “The turtle, my adored, the turtle!” cried the doctor; and he pushed her toward the kitchen, lantern and all. Jean-Marie stood dumbfounded. He had pictured to himself a different scene—a more immediate protest, and his hope began to dwindle on the spot. CHAPTER XII. HE doctor was j everywhere, a little doubtful on his legs, perhaps, and now and then tak ing the- wall with his shoulder; for it was long since he had tasted absinthe, and he was then reflecting that the absinthe had been a misconception. Not that he regret ted excess on such a glorious day, but he made a mental memorandum to be ware; he must not, a second time, be come the victim of a deleterious hab it. He,'had hi* win* out of the celar In a twinkling; he arranged the sacri-. flclal vessels, some on the white table cloth, some on the sideboard, still crusted with historic earth. He was in and out of the kitchen, plying Anas- , tasiej with vermouth, heating her with ! glimpses of the future, estimating their new wealth at ever larger figures; and befcre they sat down to supper, the lady*8 virtue had melted in the fire of his enthusiasm, her timidity had dis appeared; she, too, had begun to speak disparagingly of the life at Gretz; and as she took her place and helped the soup, her eyes shone with the glitter of prospective diamonds. All through the meal, she and the doctor made and unmade fairy plans. They bobbed and bowed and pledged each other. Their faces ran over with smiles; their eyes scattered spark les, as they projected the doctor’s po litical honors and the lady’B drawing room ovations. "But you will not be a Red!” cried Anastasle. "I am Left Centre to the core,” re plied the doctor. “Madame Gastein will present us— we shall find ourselves forgotten,” said the lady. “Never," protested the doctor. “Beauty and talent leave a mark.” “1 have positively forgotten how to dress,” she sighed. “Darling, you make me blush,” cried he. “Yours has been a tragic mar riage!” “But your success—to see you ap preciated, honored, your name In all the papers, that will be more than pleasure—it will be heaven!” she cried. “And once a week,” said the doctor, archly scanning the syllables, “once a week—one good little game of bac carat?” “Only once a week?” she questioned, threatening him with a linger. “I swear it by my political honor,” cried he. “I spoil you,” she said, and gave him her hand. He covered it with kisses. Jean-Marie escapes Into the night. The moon swung high over Gretz. He went down to the garden end and sat on the Jetty. The river ran by with eddies of oily silver, and a low, monot onous song. Faint veils of mist moved among the poplars on the farther side. The reeds were quietly nodding. A hundred times already had the boy sat, on such a night, and watched the streaming river with untroubled fan cy. And this perhaps was to be the last. He was to leave this familiar hamlet, this green, rustling country, this bright and quiet stream; he was to pass Into the great city; and his dear lady mistress was to move bedi zened into saloons; his good, garru lous, kind-hearted master to become a brawling deputy; and both be lost forever to Jean-Marie and their better selves. He knew his own defects; he knew he must sink into less and less consideration in the turmoil of a city life; sink more and more from the child into the servant. And he began dimly to believe the doctor’s prophe sies of evil. He could see a change in both. His generous incredulity failed him for this once; a child must have perceived that the Hermitage had com pleted what the absinthe had begun. If this were the first day, what would be tho last? “If necessary, wreck the train,” thought he, remembering the doctor’s parable. He looked round on the delightful scene; he drank deep of the charmed night air, laden with the scent of hay. “It necessary, wreck the train,” he repeated. And he rose and returned to the house. ?TO SlflOVTIVUSH.* TO MELT SNOW. A Simple Scheme to Clean the Numer ous Streets of Large Cities. Among those who have given consid erable thought to the problem of quickly and efficiently disposing of the snow which falls on the streets of the city, and which the bureau of street cleaning is frequently unable to force street cleaning contractors to remove as rapidly and thoroughly as it should be removed. Is Robert G. Mueller, an engineer and architect in the office of Otto C. Wolf, at Broad and Arch streets, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. Mr. Mueller’s plan involves the turning of the accumulated snow Into water, which afterward runs off through the gutters into sewers. “This can be done,” said Mr. Mueller, "both cheaply and successfully. In melting the snow I would use electricity upon such streets as have trolley lines running upon them. On other thoroughfares steam would be used. After the sweep ers and snow plows have thrown the snow into a long pile between the tracks and the curb laborers could thro it into carts, which would haul it to the nearest corner. Here I would have the melting machine. It would be In the form of a radiator, say 9 by 3 feet, on wheels. A• wire connects it with the trolley wire. The heat gen erated by the electric current will melt the snow as rapidly as it can be hauled up and thrown on the melting machine. The water runs out through a pipe at one corner of the machine Into the gut ter or sewer opening. “I have calculated that with six men and carts all of the snow on a square like any of those on Market street be tween the city hall and the river can be gathered up and melted In half an hour.” Mr. Mueller estimates the cost of each machine at not more than $250. The electricity, he thinks, the traction company would be willing to supply for nothing, as it would derive an equal advantage with the city in the rapid removal of the snow. Mr. Mueller has prepared working drawings of his plan and will submit them to the bureau of street cleaning. ME. BRYAN AGAIN. HE IS TO CONTINUE HIS “EDU CATING" WORK. The Tarts BUI Being rnaked Rapidly Ahead—Republican Seuator* Working Together —Democrat* Dlaconaerted. Home Want Tree Trade Some Protection. (Washington Letter.) Special correspondence:—The prop* osition to utilize Mr. Bryan aa a cam* paign orator in sundry states and cities in the approaching campign is the oc casion of considerable comment here. Mr. Bryan visited twenty-eight states as a campaign orator during the re cent presidential campaign and suc ceeded in carrying six of them, five of these six having from time immemorial been Democratic states. In all the large cities visited by him the Republican vote was enormous and nearly every one of them was carried by the Re publicans. In thirty-five large cities of the United States, which in 1892 gave 162 thousand Democratic plurality, the Republican plurality in 1896 was 464 thousand and most of these cities were visited by Mr. Bryan during the cam paign. Poshing the Tariff. There have been some interesting de velopments in Washington during the present week and some especially sig nificant in their character. The Re publican senators have shown their de termination to push the tariff bill with all possible speed while the Democratic senators have shown themselves en tirely at sea In the matter of policy up thls Important question. Both parties have held caucuses to determine their action in regard to the tariff bill and the contrast between the developments of the two conferences was Btrongly marked. The Democrats found them selves entirely at sea, unable to agree upon any course with reference to the Important features of the bill while the Republicans emerged from their cau cus a thoroughly united body deter mined to present a solid front to the enemy whom they know to be in con trol of the senate. That the senate of the United States is not a Republican body, everybody knows. That the ability of the Repub licans to pass a tariff bill depends upon the strength of the protective senti ment among the Democrats and Popu lists is conceded. The Republicans are in the minority in the senate. To pass the tariff bill they must either have the active open support of one or more Democrats or one or more members of the Democratic and Populist parties must omit to vote against it. There is reason to believe that the bill will receive the support of at least one Democrat and probably two Populists, if Senator Kyle is to be classed as a Populist, He is put down in the Con gressional Directory as an Independ ent. Senator Jones, of Nevada, who has been classed as a Populist for the past two or three years, will, it is un derstood, support the bill and it is probable that Senator Kyle will do so or at least not vote against it. Senator McEnery, of Louisiana, Democrat, has indicated clearly his intention to sup port a protective tariff. It is under these circumstances that the Republican minority In the senate enter upon the desperate struggle to pass their bill. They have, as above indicated, the advantage of presenting a solid front in support of the bill while the other parties are not able to solidify themselveB upon any feature of the measure. Their caucus showed that upon the numerous questions at Issue not only were they not united but that they could not unite. The Re publicans, on me otner nand in their caucus determined to put aside per sonal preferences in regard to the var ious items of the bill, each man sub mitting hiB proposed amendments to the finance committee, and afterward, if necessary, to the caucus committee upon this subject. They further agreed, much as they might desire to enter upon a general discussion of the tariff, to forego that undertaking for the sake of economy of time, and to press nt every turn for active energetic work upon the schedules of the bill with the purpose of getting final action upon it at the earliest possible moment. Not a speech, aside from the explanation which Senator Aldrich offered in the opening day of the debate, is to be made by the Republicans, other than the brief responses made necessary in reply to the attacks which it is expected that the Democrats will make upon the schedules of the bill as the discussion progresses. Thus the public may un derstand that if there is delay in the passage of the bill through the senate, the responsibility will rest with the Democratic party. If the Republicans could control the action of the senate, the bill would be passed through that body within a fortnight and be upon the statute books certainly by the end of the fiscal year. If they cannot, the fault will be with the Democrats. If the Republicans are able to carry out their program, the first four months of President McKinley’s ad ministration will witness a heretofore unheard of occurrence in the history of the country, the meeting of a congress within fifteen days of the inauguration of a new president, the framing of a great tariff bill and passage through the house, its consideration by the sen ate and conference committee and enactment into a law—all within four months. If this fails to happen the public will understand that the failure is because of delay offered by Demo crats, who recognize the fact that every day’s delay is a postponment of business activity and prosperity, and that by this process only are they able to create the dissatisfaction which they hope may result to their advantage in the coming elections. Retaliation Talk* Much Is heard now of the retaliatory measures about to be adopted by cer tain countries In cases where the new tariff law will affect their merchants adversely. "Retaliation,” as against the tariff law of another nation, might be a good thing if it could stop there. But there Is such a thing as retaliation 1 gainst retaliation. Those foreign countries which are talking about retaliating against our tariff law will think several times before they deliberately cut off their markets with the United States which they now have. For instance: The Argentine Republic which is talk ing so loudly about retaliation, will discover when It comes to look into the case that it sold us last year twice as much of the productions of Its people as it bought from the United States, Austria-Hungary sold us three times as much as her people bought from the United States and Japan sold to this country more than three times as much as our own people sold in her markets. When the authorities of those countries recognise the fact that they will, by re taliation, lose a market two or three times as valuable as the one which they propose to take away from the United States, they will abandon the Idea. GEORGE WILLIAMS. Tillman on President McKinley. From the Chicago Inter Ocean: A Democratic exchange reports a nail made by Senator Tillman of South Car olina upon President McKinley. II was purely social. It does not appear that the senator had any favors to ask, or any points of policy to urge. He simply wanted to get better acquainted with the president of the United States. The idea was certainly a good one, and it would be well If It were adopted gener ally. Personal acquaintance is a great factor In greasing the wheels and chalking the bands alike in business apd public affairs. Grover Cleveland made a great mistake In discouraging, wittingly or unwittingly, the cultiva tion of personal friendships, and that, too, when he especially needed such friendships; President McKinley knew personally and was on terms of pleas ant personal friendship with a large proportion of congressmen and sen ators of both parties. In this respect he probably had an advantage over any president since Van Buren. President Cleveland, on the other hanA, had an exceptionally small acquaintance with public men. Senator Tillman Is a unique figure in politics, but his career only began eleven years ago. Prior to 1886 he was a plain farmer, not a planter, but a farmer, with no thought, apparently, of a political career. His term in the senate began two years ago, and will end with the closo of this ad ministration. Here Is what our Demo cratic exchange reports the senator as saying about his visit: “My call on Mr. McKinley was en tirely social In Its nature, and was made by me for the purpose of getting better acquainted with the president. Our conversation was such a one as any two men in public life would have, the questions of the day being touched on only in the most general way, and’ no attempt being made by either party to introduce questions on which we knew we differed. I was much Im pressed with Mr. McKinley and told him that, no matter what his politics were, he had the advantage of coming' into the white house with the cleanest personal record of any president for the last twenty-five years. I am sure of the fact that the present executive is an honest man, heart and soul, and that, no matter what the Influences are that surround him. It will not be his fault if he does not give an honest administration, according to the teach ings of his party.” There is no man at Washington more given to harsh and rasping criti cism than Senator Tillman. This pe culiarity has earned for him the name “Pitchfork Tillman,” and when he has only words of praise for President Mcr Kinley It means a great deal. He has a very large following throughout the south. The rural whites, no longer content to be political nonentities, are asserting themselves In all that region, and Benjamin R. Tillman is their lead er. His favorable report of the Re publican president will do much to soften the asperities of sectionalism. Mr, Bryan Scheduled. William J. Bryan has accepted an in* vltatlon to make an address In Union Square, New York, on September 6, Labor day. The active campaign for the control of the city of New York will then have been begun, and politics will be sizzling If not roaring in the heat of the early fall. If the silver question has re ceived attention at the hands of the Democratic managers, that Its import ance demands, then Mr. Bryan’s pres ence will add to the hilarity of the oc casion and the silver cause, like ihe soul of John Brown, will go marching on. If, on the contrary—and this is a fateful thought—the Democratic man agers, with premeditation and malice prepense, have artfully, insidiously and with deliberate purpose, sought to ig nore, sidetrack or otherwise obscure and make insignificant and inconse quential, the great silver question, then the presence of Mr. Bryan In New York on Labor day will be as a ton of dyna mite exploded under the Tammany wigwam: as a stream of burning oil poured upon the shattered Democratic hulk; as the roaring of a pack of Ben gal tigers—if those beasts ever went in packs, which they do not—to the mewing of a puling kitten. In fact, the presence of Mr. Bryan in New York on that Interesting occasion will add immeasurably to the gaiety of politics, if not to the Joyfulncss of the nations.—Albany Journal.. __ _ Wb«r« IS “FrM |Ut«» Jtmw t t The former free ellver Journal# themselves furnish ample proof of the collapse of the “bimetallism" move*! ment. No better commentary on the) change in public opinion whl"h haaj taken place In the western states could! be desired than the information fur-J nlshed In the following article from) the Oregonian, of Portland, Ore, I» says: “The dreadful financial cataclysm* that were to engulf Colorado, alone with the rest of the world, In case* Bryan was defeated, do not seem toi be materialising, if one may Judge from! the Denver Times, one of the most! rueful of ante-election prophets.! Speaking for the state, it says: 'Colo-: rado boldly challenges any state in thei union to make a race with her this! spring in the matter of general activ ity.’ Then follows a long summary of new and prospering enterprises. Even, money matters aro buoyant. 'Credit* are being settled rapidly,’ says the Times, ‘ in the larger cities of the state. Collections are an even 60 per cent bet* ter than they were one year ago. I Easter sales in all stores were better / than they had been since April, 1893. Bank deposits have increased from 5 to 15 per cent, and bank clearings for the current week advanced 14 per cent < over last year.’ This Is a melancholy p prospect for a free silver paper to con front, In the face of the awful havoo still being wrought by the gold stand ard." Of all the tree silver states in tho last national campaign, Colorado was the most rampant and uncompromis ing, and of all the advocates of freo silver the Denver Times was perhaps the most vindictive and threatening,! it predicted that it the cause it espoused was lost, ruin would clutch the state. Yet now that same uewspa per is proudly boasting of Colorado’s increased prosperity, of the better col lections, the greater bank deposits apd the larger volume of business which Is being transacted. It even challenge* any other state to show a degree of commercial activity equal to that now being displayed by Colorado. Such testimony as this, which Is to be found In scores of Journals that once advocated free coinage. Is th* worst blow which sllver-at-16-to-l could possibly suffer. It knocks th® ; last props from under the movement W and leaves It an absolute and hopeless wreck.—Cincinnati Commercial Trib une. The President ud Cabo,' Those who were expecting t sensa tional message from President McKin ley ou the Cuban situation will b» much disappointed. But they should remember that the main object In view 1b the relief of suffering Ameri can cltfxens In the war-harried island. This can be done in only two ways. First, with the consent and co-opera tion of the Spanish authorities, or, second, In face of their opposition. It ' the President had recommended the recognition of Cuban belligerency, and . If congress should have followed Us advice, the Spaniards, though they could not rightfully have regarded recognition as a hostile act, could, and probably would, have refused to allow us to communicate with the Interior of the Island; and if they saw lit, to establish an effective blockade. It would be the duty of the United States to recognise and respect it We think that President McKinley has acted with great wisdom In limit ing his recommendations to the sub ject Immediately before the country. I The senate Is entitled to credit for adopting a resolution in accordant* with the suggestions of the President If the Democrats of the house under the leadership of young Mr. Bailey think that they can make political capital by trying to force the recogni tion of the insurgents as belligerents a. this time even at the cost of defeat ing the senate resolution, they will And that they have mistaken the tem per of the people of the United States. The two subjects are in nowise con nected, and they ought not be con- ‘ founded. President McKinley is clear ly right, and he Bhould be loyally sus tained.—Indianapolis News. Th» Nlmn(n Canal. Evidences have been given in many of the recent dlspatchea from Wash* ington that the project for constructing the Nicaragua canal will soon come to the front again in congress and will ho supported by the whole force of tho SS administration. Secretary Sherman Is ' known to be favorable to the enterprise and there is every reason to believe that President McKinley desires to make its acompllshment one of the prominent features of his term of office. The Importance of the canal Is suck that every particle of news affecting It is a matter of general interest. For that reason there will be close attention given to the subject, now that it is about to reappear as a practical issue before congress. While the subject has been long under discussion, it has never become threadbare, because every one who favors it fully recognizes tho strength of the opposition and knows that unless its supporters are incessant ly active it can never be accomplished. The news from Washington will,there fore, revive the agitation on the sub ject all over the country and strength en the energies of the friends of the measure by increasing their hope cf speedy success.—San Francisco Call. Telephone Service for Farms. Farmhouses in Carroll county, Mary land, are supplied with a telephone service at $15 a year, and it is said by > those who have tried it that life in the> country is made far more attractive' when Instant communication can be, v# had with the family doctor, the post office and village stores, to say nothlngi of an occasional chat with a distant) friend. The cost of the service is mor% - than returned in various ways. .. •