| THE FRONTIER. fOBLISHEb EVERY THURSDAY By _In Fwwbm Patirrmo Qo. OTIEILL, -> NEBRASKA. " NEBRASKA. • Krahket's assessed valuation is •618,947. York college turned out seventeen graduates. Tiiicrb were three graduates from Bastings college. Tint new creamery at Carroll is com pleted and in operation. In some sections of Nebraska cut worms have done much damage to rfSbrn. Thk funeral of ex-Senator Hitchcock at Tecumseh was very largely at tended. ■ Grand Island will abolish wood aidewalks and no more of that charac ter will be built. Tun state school apportionment of <9302,000 is now being disbursed to the ^various counties. A wagon passed over the body of little Holey Hummers of Bradshaw which caused his death. Thk tow mills of the Nebraska ‘binder twine company at Fremont are Tunning day and night. National Independence day will be celebrated at the Crete Chautauqua aa aembly this summer on July 5. Tiikrk is not a vacant store in the city of Humboldt. Several new busi ness enterprises are now under way. Thk cream separator at Valparaiso, received on Monday 14,290 pounds of milk, and about 10,000 each day since. Frkd Hannah, Omaha, out of work and despondent, took his life by poi non, leaving a wife and seven chil dren. Burglars visited Red Cloud, forced an entrance into the residence of G. R. Chaney and secured quite a lot of val uables. Rkv. Worto left his home at Platte Center on Saturday and within thirty alx hours drove seventy-five miles and delivered four sermons. That's en «rgy. At Button a mad dog after biting three dogs and a cow was killed. The three bitten dogs were also killed and the cow tied up to await the develop ments of the poison. Tux telephone line recently erected by a local company at North Platte is In working order and begins business with fifty-five subscribers, who are charged 93 per month. Bays the Bradshaw Republican: “There is now standing in cribs at this place, 153,800 bushels of corn, be sides the immense cribs owned by the formers in the vicinity of this town.” A strong movement has been inau gurated in Weeping Water toward rid ding the town of fallen women. A committee of five has been appointed to proceed systematically to that end. Thk supreme court of Nebraska has adjourned for the summer vacation. without passing on the Omaha charter eases. This will send the oases over vntil September as the court does not sit in July nor August. Mrs. John Ai.dkr, wife of a farmer living a mile from Fairbury.committed aulclae by swallowing carbolic acid. She was about 45 years old and the mother of twelve children, the young est only a few months old. Rkv. J.B. Maxfikld, presiding elder, cf Omaha, was very seriously Injured at Arlington. While entering the res idence of Rev. Stambaugh, he slipped and fell heavily upon nis face, cut ting his nose and severely bruising his face. News was received at Hastings of the drowning of Arcule Guilmette of that place at New York city. He was well known at the state university at TJncoln and was reared from boyhood V> in Hastings. He had a sister there and one at Lincoln. An order has been made in Washing ton by the superintendent of the free delivery system to increase the carrier force of the Omaha postofilce by five carriers. This order is made on ac count of the showing of Hie showing cf the office. 3 while building'a are in a kitchen stove in North Platte, Mrs. John Schar mann's clothing caught fire and she -was frightfully burned, her clothing being almost entirely burned off. Her wounds are serious, yet it is thought she will recover. Wh.uk Crandall, 17 years old, son of X. Crandall of Ainsworth, was shot with a shotgun while out riding in a cert. There was a hole in the bottom of the cart and the gun slipped through breech downward, and was discharged while he was trying to pul] it back through the hole. Part of his collar bone was shot away. There is hope of bis recovery. The Masonic grand lodge in ses sion in Lincoln last week elected officers as follows: Grand master, J. H. Dlnsmore, Sutton; deputy grand toaster, Prank H. Young, Broken Bow; grand senior warden, Wm. W. Keyser, Omaha; grand junior warden, A. W. Krites, Chadron; treasurer, Chris Hartman, Omaha; secretary, W. R. ‘ Bowen, Omaha. Tbk farmers’ excursion from Illinois arrived in Hastings last week. The -visitors were met at the depot by local real estate men, who escorted them to the Lyndall hotel. Next morning they, ■were driven about the city, after -which they were taken out into the country to see the farms. The excur sion is the result of the efforts of the local real estate men to combine with s the eastern real estate men. Ubokgb T. Harding, who suicided at Het Springs, Ark., was a former resi dent of Beatrice and a brakeman on the D. P. While there he and hia wife bad trouble, and after moving to Val paraiso they separated, a young man ^vho followed them being the cause of their domestic unhappiness. In attempting to board a freight train moving at the rate of eighteen or twenty miles an hour between the Stations of Cairo and 8t. Michael, Dwight Hamilton missed hia hotd and tell under the wheels and Ills right • badly crashed and mangled. Jaken to Ravenna for medical TO FIGHT BUTTERINE THE WESTERN INTERESTS GET • IN LINE. Ex-Got. Board of Wlacoatla at tbo Hoad of tha Movement—Dairymen Propoae to Go Btata Politic* With a Dig Tote—Farmer* Enllated la tha Conflict. To Drive Oat Bnttarine. Chicago, June 21.—The creamery proprietor*, the butter dealers and the dairy farmers of the big butter pro ducing states—Wisconsin, Illinois, In diana, lows, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Michigan and the Dakotas— are being formed into a compact fight ing organization of not less than VK>, 000, and possibly more than 1,000,000 voters and vote controllers are being • pledged in writing to work unceasing- { ly for legislation that will prevent the coloring of butterine. It is proposed, before the legisla tures of these dairy states meet again to raise a great fund to drive the but terine manufacturers from their strongholds, and if the industry finds loopholes in state legislation the or ganization will move on Washington. W. D. Hoard of Fort Atkinson, Wis., for nerly governor of Wisconsin, and president of the National Dairy union, is giving the movement all the benflt of his organizing ability and political acumen. Charles Y. Knight of Chi cago, secretary of the National Dairy union and manager of the anti-butter ine fight in the Illinois legislature, is secretary and treasurer of the new movement. The National Dairy union has nearly 4.000 creameries in the north Missis sippi valley, and around these the union is building up its fighting or ganization. Each creamery has on an average of 100 patrons, or . 400,000 in all. The price paid by the creameries to these farmers for milk is regulated by the price of butter. As extinction of competition with butterine raises the price of mfik, it is expected that the 400.000 farmers will rally against the butter substitute. The farmers who work up their milk into butter in their own dairies outnumber those who sell to creameries. They are expected to take an interest in this move ment. The same view is held of the farmers who ship milk to the cities, the price of their pro duct being Influenced always by the price it will bring at the creameries Then there are creamery operators and their employes, and the men who handle butter in the big cities, the commission men—all these are inter ested in one way and another in work ing for butter and against butterine. This indicates why the active spirits of the National Dairy union are figur ing on a political army of 1,000,Out men or more. The creameries are doing the en listing. Every such institution throughout the butter-producing states of the West is being supplied with enrollment blanks, to be signed by their farmer patrons These pledge themselves to work for anti-butterine legislation and to fight “the men in high places who are unfriendly to the dairymen.” The signers also author ise tile creamery manager to deduct 25 cents a month from their bills as a contribution to the campaign fund. This fund will in a short time, it is thought, amount to >1,000,0001 STATE OF CUBAN TRADE War Causes a Loss of >83,000,000 Dal las the Past Year. Washington, June 21.—A significant report on our trade with Cuba from 1887 to 1897, prepared by Chief Hitch cock of the foreign markets section of the Agricultural department, has been promulgated by Secretary of Agricul ture Wilson. The statistics show very dearly the effect of present hostilities in Cuba upon the commercial inter course of the United States with that island. During the lut fiscal year, 1800, the total value of our Cuban trade aomuated to only *47,M8,t 10 as com pared with $108,864,204 in 1891, the year preceding the breaking out of the war. This was a falling off of more than 80 per cent in three yeara Re turns already available for the cur rent fiscal year indicate still further decline, the records for the nine months ending March 31, 18!>7, placing the total value of the trade for that period as low as *14,026,817. At this rate the figures for the fiscal year will hardly reaoh *20,000,000, or less than one-fifth the value recorded for 1891, ■tiled by a l*ot of Coffee. Columbia, Ma, June 21.—The 2 year-old child of W. D. Watts of Dew ley Mills, near Columbia, was acci dently killed yesterday. While sit ting with her parents at the dinner table a pot of coffee was turned over and its contents so frightfully scalded the child that she died in a few min utes Committed Mulcldo after Prayla* Covington, Ky., June 21.—Imme diately after family prayer this morn ing Miss Amelia Baer, aged 22 years went into the parlor and cut her throat from ear to ear with her broth er’s razor. There was no known cause for the suicide. The coroner's verdict was temporary insanity. Loamls Defends Himself. Wasbinoton, June 21.—Charles A. Loomis la*e Republican candidate for Congress in the Second district of Mis souri, called on Assistant Postmaster General Bristow yesterday to answer certain charges to the effect that he has been using his political standing in furtherance of an office brokerage business. The interview lasted some time, and Mr. Loomis made a strong impression on the assistant postmas ter general, and gave a satisfactory explanation of the matters touched upon in.the charges. THE CUBAN POLICY, Danish By the Stats Department that It h Fixed. Wa8iuxgto!», Jnne 2L— It can be stated upon the best authority that all the publications purporting to out line the Cuban policy of Presi dent McKinley that have been made up to the present time hare been in disregard of the fact that up to this moment the case of the United States government has not yet been made np. and that even in the discus sions of the snbject of the relations to Cuba that have taken place in the Cabinet ciroles the point has not been reached where it could be said that the executive had finally determined upon any certain plan of action. At the state department an author itative denial is given of the statement cabled to London that General Wood ford, the newly appointed United States minister to Spain, has been in structed to intimate to the Spanish authorities that if Spain should refuse to grant freedom to Cuba she must be prepared to yield to force. General Woodford's instructions will be much more complex than are usually given to an American minis ter. Not only will he be charged with all of the details of the Ruiz case, which in itself promises to present formidable legal problems, but he will also take with him all evidence neces sary to establish the losses suffered by United States citizens In Cuba from the continuance of the war, with much other data in support of the sugges tion of this government that it can . scarcely continue to countenance a prolongation of present conditiona Upon the answer returned by the Spanish government to these repre sentations by General Woodford will depend the course to be followed by the United States. Before leaving for Madrid General Woodford will hold several confer ences with Special Commissioner Cal houn. NICHOLAS FORD DEAD. In IX'CoDirtnnu and One* Prominent Uluonrl Politician. St. Joseph. Mo., June i\.—Ex-Con gressman Nicholas Ford, who for twenty years was a prominent mer chant of this city, and at one time a national figure as a Oreenbacker, and who also ran for governor on that ticket, died last night at the home of hit daughter, Mrs. E. A. McDonald, at Milton vale, Kan. Mr. Ford was elected to Congress in the famous “shoo-fly” campaign, be served only one term, being succeeded by Jnmes M. Flumes. In 1884 Mr. Ford ran for governor against Mar maduke. He was the regular Repub lican nominee and was indorsed by the 1 reen backers and one or two minor organizations. He received 207,939 rotes, against 218,885 for Marmaduke. CONSULAR PLACES. The President Makes a Number at Im portant Diplomatic Nominations. Washington, June 21.—The Presi dent to-day sent the following nomi nations to the Senate: Charles L. Cook of Pennsylvania, to be consol general at Dresden, Saxony; George F. Lincoln of Connecticut, consul at Antwerp, Belgium; Walter Schumann of New York, consul at Mayence, Ger many; Charles E Turner of Connecti cut, consul general at Ottawa, Can ada; Hector DeCastro of New York, consul general at Rome, Italy; Hilary S. Brunot of Pennsylvania, consul at St. Etienoe, France; Addison Davis James, marshal of the district of Ken tucky. ___ WOMAN’S RARE COOLNESS Mr*. Kart* of Peoria bra Herself Snd Child on B Trestle Under B Train. Peoria, 111, June 31.—A train bf cars was pushed into a large crowd of people who were standing on the trestles of the Peoria Terminal rail road watching men drag the river for the body of William Mittendorf, who had been drowned. Nancy Berry, aged 17 years, was run over and fa tally hurt. Mra Lizzie Kurtz, wife of a carpen ter, lay face downward on the trestle and held her babe between the ties while the entire train passed over her. She was rescued from her perilous po sition in safety just in time, for she was about to drop her babe to the water below._ Went Collecting With m Gan. Weir City, Kan., June 31.—Thurs day night G. W. Kosark, a miner liv ing near Kansas and Texas shaft Na 47, came to town and got drunk, leav ing without paying John Poteau, the jointkeepea. Yesterday afternoon Po teau rode to Boark's house and asked Charlie Roark to call his father out. He refused to do so. Roark heard them and came out, when Poteau shot three times from his horse, fatally wounding him in the stomach. Poteau then snapped his pistol three times at the boy, and esoapei Wall Paper Dealer* May Da It a. New York, June 31.—A convention of wall paper dealers will be held at Niagara Falls, N. Y., on June 39. An effort will be made to form the entire retail Trail paper trade of the United States and Canada into one association. It i* also proposed that the retail dealers form an international organ isation. Many Enrep**a Fishermen Lout. Antwerp, June 31.—Seven Belgian fishing boats have been lost, with all their crews, and twenty fishing boats have been lost off Scheviningen, on the "Dutch coast. In the pocket of Superintendent Morrison, who was recently killed at Cygnet, Ohio, in a nitro-glvcer:ne ex plosion, there was found a silver dol lar in the face of which a ten-cent piece had been emi>edded by the force of the explosion. On the other side of the dollar is the plain imprint of the opposite side of another dollar THE BARTLEY TRIAL COURT OVERRULES THE MO* TION TO DISMISS. Iadf Baker Hu no Donbt About the aulBeiene)r of the Information—>A Knockout Blow to the Defense! —How It was accepted by Mr. Bartley. Thu Motion Overrated. Ia the Bartley trial at Omaha, conn* sel consumed much time in making arguments on the motion for a dis missal of the case. The motion was overruled by the court and the defense was ordered to proceed. As soon as arguments were completed Judge Baker passed upon the motion. He said there was no question in his mind about the sufficiency of the informa tion; the question was, does the proof support the allegations and is a credit in a bank money? If a bank credit is money, that settled the whole ques tion. The judge said that of the mil lions of dollars on deposit in banks only a very small proportion was* in actual cash. The business of the country was done by means of checks and drafts, and in many cases not a cent of actual money passed, but no one could say that no money was in volved. The state treasurer could not say that because he- embezzled the checks and drafts sent in by the vari ous counties that he did not embezzle money. The court said that the de posit in the Omaha National was not a loan, as spoken of by Judge Post in th^ Hill case. The bank did not bor row the money, it simply said it would safely keep the money and pay it over on demand. The state depository law provided that the state treasurer must deposit the money in a bank. When he did so the money lost its identity, but the treasurer still had control over it, and when he turned his office over to another he was supposed to have the same money. “When Bartley drew the check in payment of the warrant I am satisfied he did not convert the check,” said Judge Baker. “If the check had been presented and had not been paid then it would not have been embezzlement. When he drew the check he author ized Millard to take from the public money that amount of money. When the money was paid to Millard it was the state’s money to be disposed of as he disposed of it by placing it to the credit of another bank. If Bartley had had the money in a vault and had said to Millard, ‘Here, take this money out of this vault and do thus and so with it,’ it would have been the state’s money that he was disposing of, but Bartley took another method and the transaction was by means of a check, rhe check was an order authorizing the payee to take the money for him and such transaction makes the whole transaction Bartley’s act. The case might have been pleaded differently, but I think the information is suffi cient and the motion is overruled.” This termination of the matter was a, knockout blow to the defense. The attorneys had placed great reliance m the conviction that the court would uphold them in their contention against the sufficiency of the informa tion and the decision of the court caused a falling of countenances on the side of the table occupied by the iefendant and his attorneys. Bartley, during the trial, says the Omaha Bee, has preserved a calm and unruffled exterior except when a smile would pass over his face at some bright point made by his attorneys, but after the ruling of the court on this motion bis face showed signs of mental strain, and the ruddy, healthy hue which has suffused his cheeks heretofore, was re placed by a pallor which betrayed bis anxiety. While the betrayal of feeling on the part of Bartley’s counsel was less ap parent in their faces than in his case, the manner in which the introduction cf proof commenced by the defence showed that the blow had been a se vere one. Weekly Crop Bulletin. .□ B OarX XV/». The past week has been about 3 per cent cooler than usual in thp western counties and about 2 per cent warmer than usual in the eastern counties; the average for the state as a whole has been about normal. The rainfall has been below normal in the northern and eastern counties and above normal in the greater part of the central counties and the south ern counties west of Pawnee. The post week has been the best growing week of this season. Small grain in parts of the eastern portion of the. state has suffered slightly from lack of rain, but generally grain is in excellent condition. Bye is beginning to ripen and the harvest will soon be gin. Winter wheat is in full head and promises a full crop in the south-cen tral counties. Corn has made good growth but is still very backward. Some little replanting is still being done. Even with the replanting that has been done the stand of corn is still generally poor. The alfalfa harvest has been delayed and some damage done to the crops by the heavy rains. Cherries and strawberries are ripe and are generally an excellent crop. Apples are blighted considerably and the indications now seem to be that the crop will be below the average. The New University Building. The state board of regents of the University, of Nebraska was in session last week inspecting plans for the new engineering building, for which the legislature appropriated (30,000. The decision was reached by accepting the plans of P. W. Grant 3l Co. of Beatrice. The other firms to present plans were: C. F. Beindorif &. Co., Omaha; Irvine Sb Co.. Omaha; J. Tyler & Son, Lincoln; G. \V. Schaeffer, Lincoln; C. C. Bitten house, Hastings, and Henry L. Page A Co. Chicago. Last week the product of the Baven na creamery was 9,930 pounds. LI LI UOK ALAN I TALKS. Aiuutlo* Declared Rot Daalred - by Hstlvej—Americans Blamed. Washin gton, June 1.—In an inter* View, ex-Queen Liliuokalani said of the proposed treaty between the United States and Hawaii: “Fifteen hundred people are giving away my country. The people of my country do not want to be annexed to the United States. Nor do the people of the United States want annexation. It is the work of 1,500 people, mostly Americans, who hare settled in Ha* waii. Of this number those who are not native born Americans are of Ameri can parentage. None of my people want the island annexed. The popu lation of the islands is 109,000. Of this number 40,000 are native Ha waiian*. The rest uro Americans, Germans, Portuguese, Japanese, Chi nese, English and a small proportion from . other countries. The 1,500 Americans who are responsible for what was done to-day are running the affairs of the islands. There is no provision made in this treaty for me. In the Harrison treaty I was allowed $80,000 a year, but that treaty never went into effect, I have never received one dollar from the United States. No ono looked after my interests in the preparation of this treaty. Yet my people, who form so large a part of the population of the islands, would want justice done me.” TRAIN ROBBERS FOILED. Illinois Desperadoes Betrayed by a Com* rade—One Mortally Woodded. St. Louis, Mo., June 18.—An at tempt was made late last night by three men to hold up a Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern passenger train near Selma, 111., sixty-five miles east of here, but the attempt failed, one of the would-be robbers having Informed the sheriff, who, with a posse of six men, went to the scene and found the track piled high with timbers which the desperadoes had placed at a tres tle. At the appearance of the posse the gang scattered dnd most of them es caped, though fired on by the sheriff and his officera One of the robbers— Abe Tweed, a paroled convict—was shot and captured, and is now dying in jail at Salem, where he was taken. Thomas Schumaker, another ex-con vict, was arrested later. It is said that the train which left St Louis last night carried more than 8100,000 in the express car. The train men are confident that, if the engine had run into a pile of ties, it, with several cars, would have been derailed and thrown down an embankment, entailing a vreat loss of life. THE QUEEN AT WINDSOR. Thousands Cheer for Their Monareh— Victoria la First-Class Health. Windsob, England, June 18.—Queen Victoria arrived here from Balmoral at 9 o’clock. Thousands of people lined the route from the railroad sta tion to the castle. Her Majesty looked the picture of health and repeatedly bowed to the cheering of her subjects. It is denied that she is nearly blind from cataract. As to the queen’s general health, evidence of its being perfectly satis factory for a woman of her age is fur nished in the fact that it was at first arranged that on returning to the palace on Jubilee day, June 22, the 1 order of the procession woul£ be re versed in order to enable Her Majesty to return at the earliest possible mo ment, but she has now decided to keep in the same place along the whole route, thus involving another half hour of fatigue in the streets. i fAIMtK KNblrP DEAD, Bavarian Developer of the Water Core 1 Pane* Away at Woertahoren. Munich, Juno 18.—The Eev. Father • Kneipp, known for his water cure, who had been sick for some time, died ’ at Woerishofen last night 1 Father Kneipp treated many dis tinguished patients, including the 1 Emperor of Austria, the Archduke ' Joseph of Austria, the Archduke Au- J gustin of Austria, several members of ' the Bothschild family and the pope. One of the latest patients was ex-Gov ernor Altgeld of Illinois. It is esti mated that about 30,000 people were treated last year by the priest and his assistants. A Kneippverein was founded in New York and one in Chicago. An Ameri can company was organized a few weeks ago and purchased a tract of land near New York, which is to he 1 made a second Woerishofen. ( A Tl-Inr-Old Duellist. Paris, June 18.—General Rebillot, 1 who is 75 years of age, fought a duel j with swords yesterday afternoon with ! M. Camille de St. Croix, the author of j an article on the part taken by the I general in the coup d’etat of December ' 2, 1891. General Bebillot was wounded j above the eye. * Pisces for Three Nebraskans. Washington, June 18.—The Presi* j dent sent the following nominations j to the Senate to-day: Jacob E. Houtz, ' to be collector of internal revenue for • the district of Nebraska; Charles F. J Nester of Nebraska, to be Indian in- ' speutor; Clarence L Chaffee of No- j braska, to be member of the Missouri i river commission. ; Convicted of Assault. ( Garnett, Kan., June IS.—George II. < Thomas was to-day convicted of as- ] saulting Gertrude Baird. The trial < lasted two days, but the jury took only J one ballot. Thomas was a “high- t toned’’ jointist of this city, and last fall betrayed Miss Baird under prom- } ise of marriage. He attempted a crim- ( inal operation, which resulted in her I death December 98 last. Thomas fled 1 to lsquah, Wash., where he was ap- ^ prehended January 1. The case at- ( traded much attention on account of ( the many sad features The charge of j murder was dismissed. I HI* Tern Property la Litigation. Coksicaxa, Texas, June 10.—Sait was filed In the. distriOit cqnrt. Yester day by the attorneys for the' Cart- , wright heirs to recover land and prop*v^j erty in Blast Corsicana, roughly esti- 'I mated to be worth #600,000. On it are many people and a half dozen floe lag wells__ Baked the Pope’s Bread. Kotks Daub, Ind., Jnne 19. —Brother Bartholomew of the Order of the Holy Cross, who, for seventeen years baked all of the bread that was broken on. the table of Pope Pins IX, died hero* yesterday morning at 1:30 o'clock. JOHN M. FRANCIS DEAD. Editor and Former United States Mia— later Pauses Away. Tt.oy, N. Y., June 19.—John M. Francis, senior proprietor and editor in-chief of the Troy Times, died at him home here. John Morgan Francis was born at.. Pittsburgh, N. Y., March 6, 1883. Ha was the youngest but one of thirteen., children and was early thrown on the world. After serving an ap prenticeship in a printing offioa. he became an editorial writer on the Palmyra Sentinel. He was next con nected with the Rochester Adrertiser and in 1846 became editor and part* proprietor of the Troy Northern Bud get. Ho was a strong free soil Demo crat, and earned repute by his vigor ous policy. In 1851 he left the Budget and started the Troy Times, with t which he was connected up to his- a death. When the Republican party was or ganized Mr. Francis joined it, and in May, 1871, he was made minister to Greece by President Grant. On the. expiotion of his term he made a toup of the world. President Garfield had him slated for the Belgian mission,but on his assassination President Arthur sent Mr. Francis as minister to Portu gal. After holding that post for two years he was made minister to Austria, wuuuKKCNtY COMMISSION Tba President Advised That the Senate Wlll Not Take Prompt Action. Cine a co, June 19.—A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says: “It appears to be well settled that no effort will be made by the President., to secure authority for the appoint ment of a currency commission at this session of congress. Until within a week or so the President had believed sucli a measure might be passed in the closing days of oongress, while the two houses were in conference on the tariff bill, llut the President is now" advised by the Republican leaders in the Senate that it would be useless to present this question. The silver sen ators, it is said, have decided to oppose any such measure, and they could, easily bring about considerable delay. Unless some change comes in the situ ation the President will be compelled, reluctantly, to permit this important, matter to go over to next winter.” RATIFICATION UNCERTAIN. Ne Chance for Immediate Annexation-. Washington, June 19.—Opposition to the Hawaiian annexation project - has broken out much more violently than was anticipated by the adminis- ■ tra'.ion, and the treaty will be roughly handled when it comes up in the Sen ate for ratification. Whether this oppo sition will be able to muster sufficient-, strength in that body to defeat rati fication is a speculative problem. It - looks now as though the annexation-, party might not be able to command the necessary two-thirds vote. In any event, it is now taken for granted that favorable action at this special session, either in the form of treaty ratification or legislation sus taining the administ ration plans, will be impossible. Preacher Killed bj a Blow of the Pish E.mkt, Ind. Ter., June 19.—The Rev. J. T. Evans of the Baptist chnrch and. Elisha Bradburn went to a field to ar range a crop contract and settle a. financial difficulty in regard to it. They engaged in a quarrel and Brad burn struck Evans on the neck with his fist, knocking him down. The. preacher died in a few moments and-i Bradburn fled. of Hawaii. McKinley lowing Meet. CmcAGO, June 19.—President Mc Kinley and his cabinet will come to Chicago to take part in the unveiling of the John A. Logan statue in the Lal