The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 10, 1897, Image 8

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{Continued from first page.)
present pretty generellr. end many a
weak link wee strengthened as a result
of the discussion.
A motion was made and prevailed
that the chair appoint a committee of
three on resolutions, and for such com
mittee to report at the evening meeting.
The chair appointed R. H. Jenness,
W. H. Davis and C. C. McHugh.
On motion meeting adjourned until
7 p. m.
Meeting was called to order pursuant
if to adjournment and listened to the
,f report of the committee on constitution
and by-laws, as follows:
The name of this organization shall be
the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Associa
tien. The officers of the association
f ;e shall be a president, vice-president, sec
retary, treasurer, and an executive com
mittee composed of four members and
if? the president. , . .
These officers shall be elected by bal
lot at the annual meeting of the associa
tion, except the executive committee
who shall be appointed by the president,
and serve for a term, of "one year.
Annual dues of this association shall
: be twenty-five cents,
a,;, if The association shall hold its annual
meeting on the first Saturday in June.
i f - The duties of the officers of this asso
ciation shall be the same as tbe duties
of like offlcefs in similar organizations.
D. H. Cronin.
, J. O. Berkley.
| ' O. W. Fritz. ; ■
^ ■ ■. ■
•At- <
.V W
The report wu accepted ana tne com
mittee discharged. §
The permanent organization of the
Elkborn Valley Editorial aieoclation
wai perfected by the election of per
manent officers as follows:
President, W. 8. Barker, Valentine.
Vice-preBident, H. Q. Lyon, Gordon.
Secretary, Geo. H. Beinert, Valentine.
Treasurer, G. A. Miles, Ainsworth.
A letter from the Long Pine Chautau
qua association, allotting the press a day
during the assembly was read and
referred to the executive committee.
The following names were enrolled as
members of the association:
R. H. Jenness, Atkinson Graphic.
D. H. Cronin, O’Neill Fbohtibb.
0. C. McHugh, O’Neill Sun.
G. H. Beinert, Valentine News.
W. 8. Barker, Valentine Republican.
Robert Good, Valentine Democrat.
W, N. Skinner, Sprlngvlew Herald.
G. W. Fritz, Sprlngview Call.
, F. R. Winfield, Crawford Gazette.
Leroy Leech, Wood Lake Oracle.
H. G. Lyon, Gordon Journal.
G. "A. Miles, Ainsworth Home'Rule.
J.0. Berkley, Ainsworth Star-Journal.
Jakj, Morris, Johnstown.
W. R. Davis, Harrison Press.
Report of the committee on resolu
tions was as follows:
Resolved: That we, the Elkhorn
Valley Editorial association, In conven
tion assembled, hereby express to the
citizens of Valentine, during our sojourn
in their beautiful city, our most gracious
acknowledgment of the kind hospitality
and courtesies received from them In
general, but more especially to Mayor
Sparks for the freedom of the city; to
Gbas. H. Cornell, who manifested and
took such an Interest in our welfare,
comfort and pleasure; to Editors Rar
her, of the Republican, Good, of the
Democrat, and Reinert, of the News, to
whom we owe a debt of gratitude for
the calling together of this association,
and who spared neither time nor ex
pense in their endeavors to make our
visit most profitable and enjoyable.
And last, but not least, to that gallant
soldier, Col. John N. Andrews, 19th
Infantry, U. S. A., commanding Fort
Niobrara, who marshalled his troops in
grand review for our especial pleasure
and entertainment. Also to the officers
of his regiment, and more especially to
Lieutenant Daniel F. Anglum, quarter
master, whose affable and courteous
treatment we shall always remember.
R. H. Jehness.
W. H. Davis.
C. C. McHugh.
'$}\1 fh
itepon was aaopiea ana committee
Guitar and mandolin duet, grand
•aleelion, “El Travator,” W. A. McCau
ley, John Borran, waa rendered and
elicited great applauae.
G. W. Herrs;, agricultural editor of
the World-Herald, then addressed the
The address was followed by the male
quartette, Messrs. Beatty, Jeffers, Moore
and Holsolaw, who rendered “Speed
Away* in a manner which completely
captivated the audience. They were
followed by an address from Jas. Morris
on the subject, “Pulpit and Press,*1
which was one of the best speeches we
ever listened to on this subject. More
music, vocal and Instrumental, followed,
And a vote of thanks was tendered the
musicians and singers, after which the
meeting adjourned to meet at O’Neill,
Hob., the flat Saturday in June, 1808.
G. A. Miuu, W. S. Babxbb,
Secretary. Chairman.
!i -
O&XLTOff aid ion, cokxxdiavi
■^u This company is a first-class organize
lira, coming with the hearty endorse
ment of the press from all points. Thei
appear at the opera-house next Moods]
night for a three night stand, in th<
groat laughing comedy, “College Chums
or Charley’s Aunt," a comedy full o:
fun. introducing the high-class singini
and dancing sped allies that bave mad<
this company famous. They carrj
twelve flrst-class people, special scenes]
for every play and are enroute to play i
stock engagement in Lead and Dead
wood the entire month' of August
Bsssrvsd scats now 9° **!e. . .Don’t mis
* ■ \ v
OiA \ ’• ' ''■
Wr? ■:
Lard Office at O'Neiia, Neb.
June a. 1897.
Notice is hereby given that the following*
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the register and receiver United
States land office at O'Neill, Neb., on July 27.
***CHUi8TIAN BERGEB. H. E. No. 14448,
for the NWX See. 7, Twp. 80 N.. H. 10 W. 6th
P. M. In Neb.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: P. J. Lansworth, J. H.
Adlson, H. A. Polk, Adolf Peterson, all of
Agee, Neb.
4<M)np John A. Harmor. Register.
Lard Office at 0’Neii.u Neb.,
Junes. 1807.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said broof will be made before the
Beglster and Receiver United States land
office, at O’Neill, Nebraska, on July 26, 1887,
viz: JOHN LARSON, H. E. No. 14449.
for^the NEX Sec. 13. Twp. 31N., R. 11 W. 6th
He names the followiug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: W. B. Me Robert,
n Hodgkin, Thomas Harrison, al of
Hiram _ _ _
loon la. Neb,, and Andrew Johnson, of Joy,
Neb. 49-6p Johh A. Harmor, Register,
In the District Court of Holt County:
Martha J. Hill, Plaintiff.
Fred Haller and wife, Mary O. Haller, M.
J. Keeny,first and full name unknown, and
wife. Mrs. M. J. Keeny, first and full name
unknown, defendants.
To the above named defendants:
You and each of you will take notloe that
on the 28th day of April, 1897, the above
named plaintiff filed her petition In the dls
irt of Holt county, Nebraska, against
triCt COUrt Ok nui, vuun.J, „cui non... uKniunii
you and each of you, the object and prayer
being to forclose a mortgage given upou the
northeast quarter of section twenty-seven,
township twenty-five, range thirteen, west
of the 8th P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska,
by the defendants, Haller and wife, to H. F.
Clough to seoure to him their prommlssory
note of February 10, 1894, for 8370 payable
three years after date, Interest 8 per cent,
payable Bemi-annually. which note plaintiff
alleges that she Is the owner of, and that
there is due her thereon at this time the sum
of 8000.00, Plaintiff prays In said petition
that said mortgage may be foreclosed and
said real estate sold to satisfy the amount
found due on said note and that the same
may be decreed to be a first lien on said
premises. And that the Interest of each of
said defendants be decreed to be subjeot to
her said mortgage, and for other equitable
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day of J une, 1897.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1897.
44-4 B. B. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Ada Veal Perry,-Perry her husband,
first and full name unknown, Anna Veal
Coburn, and - Coburn her husband.
first and full name unknown, Mary Veal,
Emma Veal, Minnie Veal, Elsie Veal. Lula
Veal, William Veal and John Veal, heirs
of William Veal, deceased, late of Arkansas
county, and state of Arkansas:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 28th day of January, 1898, Ault
mun Miller A Company, of Akron, Ohio, filed
their petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against William Veale,
and caused an order of attachment to Issue
thereon and to be levied on the southeast
quarter of section number twenty-six (20), In
township number thlrty-ono (ill), north of
range number thirteen (13). west of the sixth
i*. m., In Holt county, Nebraska: that ou the
17th day of May, 1896, the district court of
Holt oounty, Nebraska, found that there was
due said plaintiff on the cause of Sixty Dol
lars, and that the same was a first lien on the
premises described above and ordered said
& remises sold to satisfy said lien and oosts:
■at on the 13th day of May, 1897, plaintiff
filed In the office of the clerk or the said court,
a suggestion of the death of the defendant
William Veal and aslied that the cause be
revived against you and each of you as his
heirs; that on said 18th day of May, 1897, said
district oourt ordered said cause revived
against you and each of you as the heirs of
the said William Veale deceased.
You are further notified that unless you
appear and show cause to said district court
of Ho'
olt oounty, Nebraska, why said action
should not be revived against you, on or
before the 80th day of June, 1897, said cause
will stand revived against you.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 18th day of
May, 1807.
40-4 Adltman Miller A Company,
By E. H. Be&edlot, Their Attorney.
Notice for service by publication.
United States Land Office, I
O'Neill. Neb., April 27,1897. f
Complaint having been entered at this
olfioe by Agnes Cassidy against Eliza J. Gun
nell for failure to comply with law as to
tlmber-oulture entry No. 8871, dated Nov, 29,
1890, upon the h H SW 14 and 8 H BE 14 sec
tion 8, township 28 N, range 10 W, In Holt
county, Nebraska, with a view to the can
■' lot ‘ "
collation of said entry, contestant alleging
“that the said Eliza J. Gunnell failed to cul
tivate or cause to be cultivated, or planted
or caused to be planted to trees seeds or
cutttngB any portion of said land In the years
1892.1893. 1894, 1896 and 1890, and there are no
trees of any kind growing on said land. Bald
failure now exists, the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on the
loth day of J une, 1897, at 9 o’clock a. m. and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
failure. John A. Haumon,
44-6 Register.
Notice of sale of the assets of the Holt
County Bank.
Notloe is hereby given that by virtue of an
order made by the judge of the district court
in and for Holt county, Nebraska, the under
signed, receiver of the Holt County bank,
will on the 26th day of June, 1897, at the court
house in O’Neill and at the west front door
thereof, at 2 o’olook r. m. of said day, offer
for sale and sell to the highest bidder for
oash all of the assets remaining unsold or
unsatisfied at that time in bis hands belong
ing to said Holt County bank, such assets
consislstlng of promissory notes, Judgments,
accounts, overdrafts, real estate, bouses and
lots and other property, all of which will" be
fully described on day of sal
— ,, -— , . —. — sale or at any time
on application either in person or by letter.
Said sale will be continued from day to day
until all property remaining on hand has
been sold.
Dated at O'Neill, this 26th day of May. 1807.
47-5 „ O. O. Skydkr,
Receiver Holt Oounty Bank.
An ordinance relating to dosing saloons,
billiard halls and places of similar resort,
and repealing ordinance No. 77 and sections
7 and 8 of ordinance No. 2.
Section 1. All saloons, billiard halls and
places of similar resort shall be closed and
kept dosed between the hours of 11:30 p. m.,
ana S o'clock a. m. And all saloons billiard
halls and places of similar resort shall be
dosed and kept dosed during the first day
of the week commonly called Sunday.
Beotiou 2. Any person violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall on con
viction thereof be fined any sum not less
than K.00 nor more than 180.00 and shall pay
the costs of prosecution.
Section 8. Ordinance No. 77 and sections 7
and 8 of ordinance No. 2 and all ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance are hereby re
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effeot
and be in force from and after its passage
and publication according to law,
Passed and approved May 1897.
47-1 B. B. OH.1.SSPIK, Mayor.
Attest: N. Martin, City Clerk.
In Estate of Ella M. Ohatterton deceased.
In county county, Holt county Nebraska.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others
Interested in the estate of Ella M. Ohatter
Take notice, that William V. Chatterton
has filed in the oounty court a report of his
doings as executor of estate of Ella M. Chat
terton and it Is ordered that the same stand
for hearing the 22nd day of May, A. D. 1867.
before the court at the hour of 10 o’clock a.
m.. at which time any person Interested may
appear and except to and contest the same.
And notloe of this proceeding is ordered
given by publication,in Tun Frontier,
weekly newspaper, for four
weeks from this said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
oounty court at O'Neill this 27th day of April
A. D., 1867.
[BKAL] Q. A. MoCctchaw, County Judge.
Prices Reasonable.
Purchase Tiokata and Consign jrour
Freight via th*
going ur.
Passenger east, No. 4, 10:04 a. m
Freight east. No. 24, 12:15 P. K
Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 p. if.
ooiho was*.
Passenger west. No. 8, 9:40 p. m
Freight west. No. 27, 10:04 P. m
Freight, No, 28, Local 4:00 p. m.
The Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining
Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead
wood, jree to holdera ot Drst-clasa tranapor
Per any Information call on
W- J. DOBBS, Act.
)! Caveats, and Trade-Mark* obtained, and all Pat-! [
i > ant business conducted for moderarc Res. <
! Oun orncE is Orrositc U. S. PatentOmeE'!
, i and we can secure patent in less time than those',
11 remote from Washington. ].
i [ Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip- <1
11tlon. We advise, if patentsMe or not, fra* of!'
.'charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ]>
1A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with i;
cost of same In the U. S. and foreign countries'j
sent free. Address, ; i
' waAAAA*AAA»»iA»AAiwaa»»,AaAaaaad
We havb~a~ Washington ofioe."
Ml Broadway. Row York.
The Discovery Saved Hie Ife.
Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers
ville, III, says: “To Dr. King’s New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with iagrippe and tried all the physic
ians (or miles about, but was of no
avail and was given up and told 1 could
not live. Having Dr. King’s New Dis
covery in my store I sent (or a bottle
and began its use and from the first dose
began to get belter, and attei using
three bottles was up and about again. It
is worth its weight in gold. We won’t
keep store or house without it.” Get a
free trial at Corrigan’s drug store.
Taken up at my place six miles north
and six miles east of O’Neill, 'on or
about May 10, a dark Iron grey mare
about three years old, a little white on
both hind feet. Owner can have same
by proving property and paying expen*
sea. 46-5 C. R. Young.
When going to Sioux City buy your
ticket to O’Neill and take the Pacific
Short Line at that point. We make
connections every day, except Sunday,
arriving at Sioux City at 8:45 p. m.
Returning, leave Sioux City at 5 p. m.,
making connections at O’Neill west
bound. Passengers from Mitchell,
Sioux Falls, etc., going to' the Hiils,
arrive in Sioux City in time to connect
with our train west-bound, avoiding
any lay-over at Sioux City.
Bssklsa’s Arnica Salve.
Tub Best Salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guarranted to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 85
cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri
gan. 51-tf
v.- - A'.V -f ,
is the
j./ l
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Garries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the be3t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications of the world.
;> i-C
Call on or address