i*' V-■ jSSj.' r*. . IF* BKFOBT Of CONDITION OF THB State Sank of flleill Charter Number 807, At O'Neill, In the state of Nebraska,'at the Close of business May 88,180ft . Mtsotmcpa. oaoa and dieoounts... rerdrafts secured unsecured... Stocks, bonds, securities, ajti Judgments, olalms.eto.. Bankiiur house, furniture aud.natures. 042,118 86 187 87 1,000 00 8ther real estate urrent cxpei taxes paid.. i uses■ And cash 8,810 17 10,080 65 Checks and other ■ items... Due from National. State and private banks and Total oashoai hand. 8,083 68 88 28 860 11 8.787 88 Total. 08,634 08 MABtLITIU. 15,000 8,301 30 Capital stock paid in. Undivided prodts.... cS Individual deposits sub- „ __ ject to check.. 13,807 88 . Demand perttflcates at * , „ „ s deposit. 4,823 08 Time eertlllcatos of de posit. 88/140 00 Due to Bute and private ' • ■ banks and bankers. -108 87 41/173 28 Notes and .bills red]* counted... , 2,800 00 Tot*].. m,«s( eg State of Nebraska, County of Holt, u: L John McHugh, owhler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the . abbve statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. John MoHoon. Cashier. Subscribed and swom to before me this 2nd day of June, 1887. ~ IBS# commission expires March J. H. Mkrxoith, Notary Public. '1,1801. Mow is the season when you want a good gun and want It cheap. I have a line of guns that cannot be beaten any where and am going to sell them cheap. Gome early and get flrat choice. I also have hunting coats and sell them cheap. 7tf Nbil Brennan. §$■0:1 CLUUtlNO OUT SAIX For the next thirty days we will eel" at a big reduction our entire stock of summer dress goods. Gome and get our prices, at Sullivan Mercantile Go’s., O'Neill, Neb. 40 8 ?> *: ABieuosaus. For the next thirty days wg will sell at big reduction our stock of shoes. Gall and get our prices, at Sullivan Mercantile Go’s. >40 8 JiS s O' pAoino host un nxx taxlx. Passenger leaves, 10:10 a. m.; Arrives 0:80 r. M. Daily, except Sunday. ’ Through connections both ways with Black Bills train. By taking this line , you can go to Sioux City and return the someday. Connections made with all. trrlns for the east and for South Dakota. Buy local tickets to O’Neill. 89-tf SR SM M ■£ alUrd’i Ittw lalaatt.' 1 Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge, 111., says I bad the rheumatism so bad I could not - raise my hand to my head. Bailor#* S*m* LMmmthw entirely cured me. I toko pleasure in informing my neigh bor and friends what it has done for ms. Ghee. Handley, olyrk for Lanyad Lyman, Kewanee, Ills,, advisee us Siune LMmmt cured him of rheumatism. Why r«hot try It? It will surely do you good. It cores all lnflamatlon, wounds, sores cuts, sprains, etc. Price 80 cents. Free bid bottles at P. O. Corrigan’s. \ % uumd of Torriblo Mbs. R. B.Morse, traveling salesmen, Oal yeston, Texas, says: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months’ standing after use of-two bottles. J. 8. Doan, Danville, Ills., says: I have used Ballard’s Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. R. Grouch, Rio, Ills., says Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head tad neck when nothing alia would. Every bpttle guaranteed. Price 80 cents. Free trial bottles at P. O. Corrigan’s. IM Old tea Ivsr ? Try Elootric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not get a bottle now and get relief. This madldse has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spelts, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with disxy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are goarantod by its use. Fifty cants and 81.00 at P. 0. Corrigan’s drug store. ■BW ro NAD BUT. S W.-v. n& « bottle or common glue with urine end let It itend twenty-four hours; * sediment or eettllng Indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stalne linen It Is positive evidenoe of kidney trouble. ‘ Too fre quent desire to urinate, or pain In the bask, i» also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. TO OO, There !e comfort In the knowledge so often enpressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Boot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish la relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder, and every part of the urinary passages. It eomets inability to held urine and .scalding pains in passing it, or bad pa a effects following the use of liquor, wine *.i or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant |t?f,i',»peemUr.:«* being compelled to get up , r ..UM«V times during the night to urinate. The saild and the extraordinary effect Bwamp Root is soon realised. It ^Afntuniribe highest for its wonderful ;iof -the most destressing cases. II yon need a medicine you should have \ the beet. Bold by druggists, price fifty An*. 1:1 cents and one dollar. You may have s sample bottle, and pamphlet both sent _ ^'jtrea by mail. Mention Tan Fnoinrini aand yonr address to Dr. Kilmer d C*». Binghamton, N, Y. The proprie tors of this paper guarantee the genu tnanafi of thisuffer.■ / w, l. V ft' LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT* NOTICE. "1; ' In the District Court ot Holt County: Martha J. Hill, Plaintiff. > vs. Fred Haller and wife. Mary C. Haller,. M. J. Keeny .first and full name unknown/and wife, Mrs. M. J. Keeny, first and full name unknown, defendants. To the above named defendants: You and each of you will take potlce that on the 38th day of April, 1837, the above named plaintiff filed her petition In the dls trlct court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer being to forclose a mortgage given upon the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven, township twenty-five, range thirteen, west of the 8th P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, by the defendants, Haller and wife, to II. F. Clough to secure to him their prommlssory note of February 10, 1834, for 8870 payable three years after date, Interest 8 per cent, payable semi-annually, which note plaintiff alleges that she Is the owner of, and that there Is due her thereon at this time the sum of 3890.00. Plaintiff prays In said petition that said mortgage may be foreclosed and said real estate sold to satisfy the amount found due on said note and that the same may be decreed to be a first lien on said premises. And that the Interest of each of said defendants be decreed to be subjeet to her said mortgage, and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of June, 1837. Dated this 28th day of April, 1837. 44-4 R. H. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff. N0TTC1! "OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. GOLDEN IBBIOATION DISTRICT. Notloe li hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Golden Irrigation District will be in session on the 9th day of .I nne, 1897, at their office in the city of O’Neill,Neb., at 9 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of the equlllzatlon of the assessment of the district for the year 1897. The assessment hooks are now on die in this office and subject to inspection. By order of the Board of Directors of the Golden Irrigation District. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this ISth day of May, 1897. 48'8 E. B. Brain, Secretary of the Board of Directors. NOTICE. To Ada Veal Perry,-Perry her husband. first and full name unknown, Anna Veal Coburn, and — Coburn her* husband first and full name unknown, Mary Veal, Emma Veal, Minnie Veal, Elsie Veal, Lula Veal, William Veal and John Veal, heirs of William Veal, deceased, lateof Arkansas county, and state of Arkansas: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 28th day of January, 1898, Ault man Miller Sc Company, of Akron, Ohio, filed their petition in the district court of Uolt county, Nebraska, against William Veale, and caused an order of attachment to issue thereon and to be levied on the sontheast quarter of section number twenty-six (28), In township number thirty-one (31), north of range number thirteen (13), west of the sixth p. m., in Holt oounty, Nebraska: that on the 17th day of May, 1898, the dlstrlot court of Holt oouhty, Nebraska, found that there was due said plaintiff on the cause of Sixty Dol lars, and that the same was a first lien on the premises described above and ordered said 8remises sold to satisfy said lien and costs; lat on the 13th day of May. 1897, plaintiff filed in the office of theolerkor the said court, a suggestion of the death of the defendant William Veal and asked that the cause be revived against you and eaoh of you as bis heirs: that on said 18th day of May, 1897, said district court ordered said cause revived against you and eaob of you as the heirs of tne said William Veale deceased. You are further notified that unless you appear and show oause to said district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, why said action should not be revived against you, on or before the nth day of June, 1S97, said caste will stand revived against you. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 18th day of May, 1897. 48-4 ACLTMAN MILLER St COMP AN V, Plaintiff. By B. H. Benedict, Their Attorney. NOTICE. Notloe is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the oounty court of Holt county, Nebraska, made on the 15 day of May, 1897, in the matter of the estate of John Earner, deceased, I will on the 5th day of June, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the court-house in O'Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, one Grattan township railroad bond, issued on the 1st day of August, 1890, for the sum of $1,000.00 due on the 1st day of April, 1910, Dated this 16th day of May, 1897, 4841 Elijah h. Thompson, Administrator of the estate of John Earner, deceased. NOTICB—TIMBER CULTURE. Notice for sorvioe by publication. UnitedStates Land Orncx, I O’Neill, Neb., April 27,1897. f Complaint having been entered at this office by Agnes Cassidy against Elisa J. Gun nell for failure to oomply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 8871, dated Nov, 29, 1890, upon tile E K 8W M and B K 81 K sec tion 8, township 28 N, range 10 W, in Holt oounty, Nebraska, with a view to the can cellation of said entry, contestant alleging “that the said RUsa J. Gunnell failed to cul tivate or cause to be cultivated, or planted or caused to be planted to trees, seeds or cuttings any portion of said land in tbe years 1892. lwH, 1894,1805 and 1890, and there are no trees of any kind growing on Bald land. Said failure now exlBts. the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this office on the 15th dsy of June, 1897, at 9 o'olook a. ra. and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. John A. Harmon, 44-8 Register. notice. Notice of sale of the assets of the Holt County Bank. Notloe is hereby given that by virtue of an order made by the judge of the district court in and for Holt oounty, Nebraska, the under signed, receiver of the Holt County bank, will on the 29th day of June, 1897, at the court house In O'Neill and at the west front door thereof, at 2 o'olook p. m. of said day, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash all of the assets remaining unsold or unsatisfied at that time in his hands belong ing to said Holt County bank, such asset* conslalstlng of promissory notes, judgments, accounts, overdrafts, real estate, houses and lota and other property, all of which will be fully described on day of sale or at any time on application either in person or by letter. Said sale will be continued from day to day until all property remaining on hand has been sold. Dated at O'Neill, this 28th day of May. 1897. 47-6 O. G. Snyder, Receiver Holt Oounty Bank. UUIUIAflUS flu. 70. An ordinance relating to oloelng saloons, billiard halls and places of olmllar resort, and repealing ordfnanoe Mo. 17 and sections T and B of ordinance No. 2. Section 1. All saloons, billiard halls and planes of similar resort shall be closed and kept closed between the hours of 11:1)0 p. n., and B o'clook a. m. And all saloons billiard halls .and places of similar resort shall be closed and kept closed during the first day of the week commonly called 8unday. Section 8, Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance snail on con viction thereof be fined any sum not less than tft.OO nor more than 160.00 and shall pay the costs of prosecution. Sections. Ordlnanoe No.77 and sections7 and 8 of ordlnanoe No. a and all ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. Section 4. This ordlnanoe shall take effeot and be In force from and after Its passage and publication according to law, Passed and approved May 1887. 47-1 B. B. OrnuEBPli, Mayor. Attest: N. Martin. City Clerk. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. In Estate of Ella M. Chatterton deoeaaed. Jn county..county, Holt county Nebraska. To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others Interested In the estate of Ella M. Chatter ton. Take notice, that William V. Chatterton hat filed In the county courts report of his doings as executor of estate of Ella M. Chat terton and It Is ordered that the same stand for hearing the fifnd day of May. A. D. 1887, before the oourt at the hour of 10 o'olook a. m.. at whioh time any person Interested may appear and exoept to and contest the same. And notice of this proceeding Is ordered given by publication In Thb Fmontieh. a weekly newspaper, for four consecutive weeks from this said date. Witness my hand and the seal of the county oourt at O’Neill this 87th day of April A. D., 1887. 464 . [SSAIJ G. A. McOutchax, Count? JH^ge. GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. O’NEILL, MKB. ’ohaee Tlokata and Conaii Freight via tna F.E.&M.V.andS.C&P RAILROAD*. TRAINS DEPARTt OOIROSABT. ■■■* ■ / t Paaaenger east, No. 4, 10KM a. m Freight east, Nck 24, 12:15 p. u Freight east, No. 28, 2:65 p. m. T:; qoxno win, •; •. Passenger west. No. 8, #;40 p. u Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p. u Freight, No, 28, Locsl 4:00 p. u. The Blkhorn Line le now running Reclining Chair Oars dally, between Ouahaand Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. Per any Information call oa W, J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL. NEB. CsrssU, and Trade-Marks obtained, sad all Pat ent basinets conducted for modssstc Fees. Oim Omct is OrrosiTt,U. *. Patent Omec and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with dsssrie. •ton. We advise, if patentable or not, free of sharge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PaatOHirr, How to Obtain Pstent*,”iwitli cost of asms in the U. S. and foreign coentriee sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Ore. Parsnt Omec. Washington, o. C, SO VMM* BxramiMM Patents TRAM MARKS* MMOHS, OORVRIOHTR Ao, RMtalnoUMtatii 80IENTIFI0 AMERIOAN, barattfoily lUoatratsd. tamest drasUtloo at ' RUlWtl ijoemAweekly, terms SMS trar j “ -gitii. Spidnwi qocJm snd h . im . ox Fatihtb mtftWi AddnM MUNN * CO., Ml Broadway. Maw York. Ths Discovery laved His It*. Ur. O. Calllouette, druggist, Beavers ville, III, says: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the physic ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King'e New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store. Two years ago R, J. Warren, a dhig gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply of Chamberlain’s Cougb remedy. He sums up the result as follows: “At that time the goods were unknown In this section; today Cham berlain’s Cough remedy is a household world.” It is the same in hundreds of communities. Where ever the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough rem edy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by P. C. Corrigan. What a Prominent lnsaraaee Man lays. H. U. Blossom, senior member of H. U. Blossom & Co., 217 N. 3rd St. Louis writes: I had been left with a very dis tressing cough, the result of influence, which nothing seemed to relieve, until I took Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. One bottle completely cured me. I sent one bottle to my sister who had a severe cough, and she experienced immediate relief. I always recommended this syrup to my friends. John Cranston 908 Hampshire Street. Quincy, 111., writes: >' I have found Ballard’s Horehoond Syrup superior to any other oougb1 medicine I have ever known. It never disappoints. Price 8ft and 60 cents. Free sample bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. i f THE FRONTIER ■ is the - . , m mmanr /•*.. • OLDEST PAPER and the , • ■-■, <. r v ■ ■■ - 1 f ‘ BEST PAPER '' • V'"-*'*.' Is;, * ' „ -i-V - ■■ ; - ■* -V V' ' in • , V ••■ ' *V- ‘ * . • ■ -:^v t4>'. HOLT COUNTY. St •- ; '%.& -f Its office is fitted" with the most most modern convenien- " ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the beat in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a 'class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Iterates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with.the lead ing publications of the world. Call on or address THE FRONTHEK," O’NEILL, NEB. v