The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 13, 1897, Image 8

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(Continued from firstpaye.)
and tbe railroad passes in tbeir vest
. pocket, and what do they care for tbe
financial effect, if tbe political effect is
to bold tbe crowd together?
’ * Shame on the long faced demagogue,
who plays upon the prejudices of tbe
f masses, to feather bis own particular
nest, while his splendid state that ought
to be beaming in tbe sunlight of bappi
' ness at home and respect abroad is sit
ting in tbe ashes of disgrace, gnawing
tbe bitter herbs of pessimism and
discontent. J. W. Johnson.
' Tbe following is tbe program of
tbe Holt' county Sunday School Con
vention to be held on May 27, 1897, at
O'Neill, Nebraska:
9:45—Song and Praise Service..Bev. George.
10 Paper :"Mttterlal tor BulldlngCharacter.”
O. O. Snyder.
Discussion.Bev. A. Bishop and H. B. Henry
10:30—Address: “The Duty of the Teacher
‘ to Dead the Pupil to Jesus”....
Bev. C. F. Smith.
Mrs. L. II. Blackburn and A. 8. Eby.
11:00—Paper: "Christ as a Teacher”
Bev. N. S. Lowrlc.
Discussion:_Bev. Hill hnd Wilson Brodle.
11:30—Appointing committles on Resolu
tlons and nominations.
1 1:3D—Devotional Exercises.
Mrs. A. C. Crossman.
1:45—Reports of Superintendents and Dele
/: 2:30—Address: Bev. S. F.Sliarploss.
3:00—Paper: “Beform in Sunday School”
V Mrs. C. L, Anderson.
J. S.Hoffman and V. V. Bosenkrans.
, 8:30—Paper; “How to Prepare the Lesson”
Itev. Beck.
Discussion: Thos. Elder and O. M.TJolllns.
4:00—Missionary Work of the Sunday School,
Bev. E. T. Ooorge.
Discussion: A.C. Crossman and Giles Phelps
4:30—Election of officers.
7:30— Praise and Song Service.M. Miller.
7:45—Chorus.O’Neill Musical Union
8:10—Address.Bev. Wm. Gorst
The session will be held in the presbj
terian church. Papers to be discussed
will be limited to twenty minutes.
Every school in the county should be
represented. Entertainment will be
furnished pastors, superintendents and
a delegate from each Sunday School.
Pray for the success of the convention.
J. 0. Harnish, E. H. Benedict,
* Secretary. Pres. Pro Tern.
lleetrio Bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed, when the languid ex
hausted feelings prevails, when the liver
is torpid and sluggish and the need of a
tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt
use of this medicine has often averted
long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers,
t No medicine will act more surely in
counteracting and freeing the system
from the malarial poison. Headache,
indigestion, constipation, dizziness
yield to Electric Bitters. 60 cents and
$1.00 per botttle at P. C. Corrigan’
Drug Store<
What a Prominent Insure nos Man lays.
H. M. Blossom, senior member of H,
-• M. Blossom & Co., 317 N. 3rd St. Louis
writes: I had been left with a very dis
tressing cough, the result of Influenza,
which nothing seemed to relieve, until I
took Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. One
* bottle completely cured me. I sent one
bottle to my sister who had a severe
cough, and she experienced immediate
relief. I always recommended this
syrup to my friends.
John Cranston 908 Hampshire Street,
Quincy, III., writes: I have found
Ballard’s Horehound Syrup superior to
any other cougn medicine I have ever
known. It never disappoints. Price 35
and 60 cents. Free sample bottles at P.
C. Corrigan’s.
Passenger leaves, 10:t0 a. m.; Arrives
9:80 p. u.. Daily, except Sunday.
Through connections both ways with
Black Hills train. By taking this line
you can go to Sioux City and return the
same day. Connections made with all
trrins for the east and for South Dakota.
. Buy local tickets to O’Neill. 89-tf
,■ Ballard’s Saow LinimslL
This invaluable remedy is one that
ought to be in every household. It will
cure your rheumatism, neurallga,
1 spntins, cuts, bruises, bums, frosted
feet and ears, sore throat and sore chest.
” It you have lame back it Will cure it.
It penetrates to the seat of the disease.
It will cure stiff Joints and contracted
muscles after all other remedies have
'< failed. Those who have been cripples
j for years have used Ballard’s Snow
t Linlmept and thrown away theii
crutchea and been able to walk as well
i**. as ever. It will cure you. ' Price 5(
cents. ■ Free trial bottles at P. C
. < ' ? v Free Tils.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklin <S
v • Co., Chicago, and get a free sample boi
of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trla
will convince you of their merits. Tbest
pills are easy in action and are particu
larly effective in tLe cure of constl pa
tlon and sick headache. For malarii
. '/ and liver troubles they have been proves
invaluable. . They are guaranteed to b<
‘ perfectly free from every deleterioui
T" substance and to be purely vegetable
They do not weaken by their action, bu
S’ by giving tone to stomach and boweli
greatly invigorate the system. Regulai
?"v.ei»e 88 cents per box. Sold by P.C
> Cordgan druggist
■ .t , - it*- •
In the District Court of Holt County:
Martha J. Hill, Plaintiff.
Fred Haller and wife. Mary C. Haller, M
J. Keeny,first and full name unknown, and
wife. Mrs. M. J. Keeny, first and full name
unknown, defendants.
To the above nnmed defendants:
You and each of you will take notice that
on the 28tli day of April, 1897, the above
mimed plaintiff filed her petition In the dis
trict court of llolt county. Nebraska, against
you and each of you, the object and prayer
being toforclose a mortgage given upon the
northeast quarter of section twenty-seven,
township twenty-five, range thirteen, west
of the 6th P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska,
by the defendants, Bailer and wife, toH.F.
Clough to secure to him their prommlssory
note of February 10, 1894, for 1870 payable
three years after date. Interest H per cent,
payable semi-annually, which note plaintiff
alleges that she Is the owner of, and that
there Is due her thereon at this time the sum
of 1000.00. Plaintiff prays In said petition
that said mortgage may be foreclosed and
said real estate sold to satisfy the amount
found due on said note and that the same
may be decreed to be a first lien on said
premises. And that the Interest of each of
said defendants be decreed to be subjeot to
her said mortgage, and for other equitable
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day of June, 1897.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1897.
44-4 It. K. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Matter of application of Wm. Lavlollette for
liquor license.
To the mayor and city counoll of the city of
O'Neill, llolt county, Nebraska:
Notice Is hereby given that Wm. Lavlol
lette has filed his application with the city
clerk of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for
license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors In O’Noill, Orattan township. Holt
county. Nobraska. from the 4th day of May,
18117, to the 4th day of May, 1808. If there be
no objections, remonstrance or protest filed
within two weeks prior to the 4th day of May,
1897, the said license will be grunted.
Wii,l,iAM Lavioi,i.ette, Applicant.
, The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notice two weeks at the ex
pense of the applicant, tbo city of O'NolIl not
to be charged therewith. •
41-3 N. Martin, City Clerk.
Matter of application of P. C. Corrigan for
liquor license.
To the mayor and city council of the city ol
O'Neill, llolt county, Nebruska:
Notice Is hereby given that P. C. Corrigan
has filed his petition with the city clerk of
O’Neill, llolt county, Nebraska for a drug
gist's license to sell malt, spirituous and vln
uous liquors for medical, medicinal, mechan
Ical and chemical purposes, at O'Neill, Grat
tan township, Holt county. Nebraska, from
May 4tli, 1897, to May 4th, 1898. If there he
no objections, remonstrance or protest filed
within two weeks prior to the 4th day of
May, 1897, said license will be granted.
, P. O. Cohhiuan. Applicant.
The O'Neill Fkontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notice two weeks at the ex
pense of the applicant, the city of O’Neill
not to be charged therewith,
44-2 N. Martin, City Clerk,
Matter of application of Janies Connolly foi
liquor license.
To the mayor and city oounoil of the city ol
O,Neill. Bolt county, Nebraska:
Notice Is hereby given that Jomes Connolly
has tiled Ills application with the city clerk
of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In
O’Neill, Urattun township, Holt county. Ne
braska, from the 4th day of May, 181)7, to the
4th day of May, 1808. Ir there be no object
ions, remonstraneeo or protest filed within
two weeks prior to the 4th day of May, 1808,
the said license will be granted.
James Connolly. Applicant.
The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notice for two weeks at the
expense of the applicant, the city of O’Neill
not to be charged therewith.
41-2 , . N. Martin, City Clerk.
Matter of application of Thomas Campbell f oi
liquor license.
To the mayor and city council of the city ol
O'Neill, Ilolt county, Nebraska:
Notice Is hereby given tlint Thos. Campbell
has filed his application with the city clerk ol
O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in
O'Neill, Grattan township, Holt county,
Nebraska, from the 4th day of May, 181)7, ti
the 4th day of May, 1898. If there be nr
objections, remonstrance or protest filed
within two weeks prior to the 4th day of May,
1897, the said license will be gruntod.
Thomas Campbell, Applicant.
The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notice for two weeks at the
expense of the applicant, the city of O'Neill
not to be oharged therewith,
41-3 N. Martin. City Clerk.
Mattor of application of Hershlser AOIlUgan
for liquor license.
To the mayor and city oounoil of the city ol
O’Neill, Holt county. Nebraska:
Notice Is hereby given that Hershlser &
GUllgan have filed their application with the
city clerk of the city of O'Neill, Holt county,
Nebraska, for a druggist's license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors foi
medical,-medicinal, mechanical and chemical
purposes, at O’Neill, Gruttan township, lloll
county, Nebraska, from the 4th day of May
1897, to the 4th day of May, 1898. If there be
no objections, remonstrances or protests
filed within two weeks prior to the 4th day ol
May, 1897, the said license will be grauted.
ilEHsniSKR & Gillioan, Applicants.
The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notioe two weeks at the ex
pense of the applicant, the city of O’Neill nol
to be charged therewith.
41-3 N. Martin, City Clerk.
Notice Tor service by publication.
United States Land Office, I
O'Neill. Neb.. April 27.18117. f
Complaint having been entered at this
olHoe bv Agnes Cassidy against Eliza J. Gun
nell (or (allure to comply with law as tc
tlmber-oulture entry No. 6671, dated Nov. 29
1890. upon the R ‘j SW H snd S y, SB V sec
tion 6, township 28 N, range 10 W, In Uoll
county. Nebraska, with a view to the can
cellation ot said entry, contestant alleging
"that the said Eliza J. Gunnell (ailed to cuf
ttvate or cause to be cultivated, or planted
or caused to be planted to trees, seeds oi
nuttings any portlun ot said laud In the yean
1892. 1890. 1894, 1806 and 1896, and there are nc
trees ot any kind growing on said land. Said
failure now exists, the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this oltlce on the
16th dsy of June, 1897, at 9 o'clock a. in. and
Turnlsh testimony concerning said alleged
(allure. John A. Hakmon,
*6"6 Register.
Land Office at O’Neii.d, Neb.
„ . April 5,1897.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named sottler has hied notice of Ills lnten
tlon to make flual proof In support ot lit
elalm, and that said proof will be madi
before the register ana receiver at O'Neill
Neb., on May 24.1897. viz;
H. B. 14468, EURETTA E. LONG, one of thi
heirs and for the heirs uf MARY J. M'DOW
ELL. deceased*
for the VVW THWii 8ec. 12, Twp. 82 N., R. 11 W
of the 6tl> P. M.
She names the following witnesses to orovi
her continuous residence upon and oultlva
tlon of said land, viz; J. B. Berry, Waltei
Rich, Theodore Crawford, Joseph Crawford
all of Paddock, Neb.
40-6np John A. Harmon, Register.
In Estate ot Ella M. t’halterton deceased
In county county. Holt county Nebraska
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and other
Interested lutlie estate of Ella M. Chatter
, Take notice, that William V. Chattertoi
has filed In the county court a report of hli
doings as executor of estate of Ella M. Chat
tertou and it Is ordered that the same stain
for hearing the 22nd day of May, A. D. 1897
before the court at the hour of 19 o'clock a
-m.. at which time any person interested maj
appear and except to and contest the same
And notloe of this proceeding Is orderei
given by publication In The Frontier, i
weekly newspaper, for four oonsecutivi
weeks from this said date.
Witness my hand and the seal ot tin
oountyoourt at O'Neill this 27th day of April
A> D, I lw7>
[SEAL] G. A. McCctchan. County Judge.
olBFvTSv gfTMIR*
Made of leather.
This suspender Is nicely made of Russet
Leather, adjusts perfectly to any position of
the body, add can be worn with ease and
comfort. Price, 50c to HOc.
* Agent for “OU Iltfrl W
The greatest blood purifier and liver regula
tor on the markon. Sold under a positive
guarantee. 200 days'treatment for II. Call
and learn particulars.
I carry by far the largest stock of Harness,
Saddles, Robes, Whips, etc., In Holt county
and pleased to quote you prices at any
time. I feel confident you will save money
by Investigating.
O’Neill, Nebraska.
Prices Reasonable.
Purchase Ticket* and Consign ' your
Freight via the
F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P
Passenger east. No. 4, 10:04 a. m
Freight east. No. 24, 12:15 p. u
Freight east, No. 28, 2:55 p. m.
Passenger west. No. 3, 9:40 p. m
Freight west, No. 27, 10:04 p. u
Freight, No, 23, Local 4:00 p. u.
The Elkhorn Line Is now running Reclining
Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead
wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor
Fer any Information oall on
Wu J. DOBBS, Act.
I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-' |
ant business conducted for Moderate Sees. , i
Our Ornccia Opposite u. 8. Patent Orner '
and we can secure patent in less lime than those';
(emote from Washington. ! i
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- >
don. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ’
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. !
A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with '
cost of same ‘n the U. S. and foreign countries!,
sent free. Address,- <>
' Op*. Patent Office. Washington, D. C.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
Quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention o
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest aeenoy for securing patents
ta America. We have a Washington offlce.
Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive
pedal notloe In the
beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of
Escientific journal, weekly, terms93.00 a year;
1 six mouths. Specimen copies and Hand
ik on Patents sent free. Address
301 Broadway, Maw ¥s(k.
' Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug
, gist at Pleasant Brook, N, Y., bought a
: small supply of Chamberlain’s Cough
I remedy. He sums up the result as
, follows: “At that time the goods were
’ unknown in this section; today Cbam
1 berlain’s Cough remedy is a household
world.” It is the same in hundreds of
, communities. Where ever the good
qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough rem
edy become known the people will have
. nothing else. For sale by F. C. Corrigan.
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien*
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac- ,
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
.. reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we .
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the best in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-iesidents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or address