PUBLISHED BYTHE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. VOLUME XVII. t SUBSORIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 6, 1897, D. H. CRONIN, EDITOR AND MANAGER. NUMBER 44. HEWS SANS_WMERS Items of Interest Told As They Are Told to Us. WHEN AND HOW IT HAPPENED toesl Happenings Portrayed Tor General Edification and Amusement. Postmaster Doyle was in Omaha last week. ___ Wo. Krotter was down from Stuart Monday. Theo Waimer was up the road Monday. _, Joe Mann was over from Spencer f Sunday. , ' i There is nothing slow about this kind I of weather. Elmer Williams was in Sioux City last Thursday. Miss Anna Morrow is now deputy county superintedent. Miss Kate Manq spent Sunday in the city visiting relatives. Bring the children in next Friday and give them a hoiiday. 8. J. Weekes transacted business in Atkinson last Saturday. Miss Mae Mullen is down from Dead wood visiting her parents. ' Thomas Campbell is building an addition to bis residence. Arthur Coykendall, spent Sunday in Atkinson visiting friends. Will Carey and A. L. Bruce, of Lam bert, were in O'Neill last Friday. O’Neill has more musicians than any other town of its size in th4 state. Editor, Raker was up from Ewing Tuesday on the Van Zsndt case. John Skirving was looking after business matters in Stuart Tuesday. Attorney Searles and J. M. Stewart were down from Atkinson Tuesday. Attorney Scott was down from Atkin son Monday attending district court. \ Don’t fail to see the Perry & Mathews’ circus which exhibits at O’Neill Friday, May 14. __ Plant your ads in The Frontier if * you desire to have them read by the people. _ . Jacob Humpal and wife, of Atkinson, had business before the land office Monday. A medicine show furnished free amusement to O’Neillites several days last week. The ladies’ working society will meet at Mrs. John Skirving’s next Wednes day afternoon. How about that ball team? If we are going to be in line this season it is time to organize. Carl Crocker, of Ewing, one of Holt county’s most prosperous farmers, was in the city last Friday. The best line of wall paper in Holt county, cheaper than, you can steal it,at Hersbisec & Gilligan’s. 43-tf Jake Hershiser was up from Norfolk several days last week looking after his business interests here. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Price has just recovered from a severe attack of the measles. U. G„ Miller, of Basset, and Miss Dora Doyle, of Sluartj were granted a marriage license last Saturday . WANTED—Room and board by gentleman. Address with particulars „ and location, A, 37, this office. Clinton W. Lowrie will preach in the Presbyterian church in O’Neill on next Sabbath morning and evening. For teeth or photos, go to Dr. Cor bett’s parlors, 23rd to 30th of each month.' Photographs $1 per dozen. We sell good flour, corn meal, graham, | bran, aborts, corn, oats, etc., at gold standard prices. 3^-tf L. Keyes. Several Ewingltes were in the city Tuesday as witnesses in the case ot the State of Nebraska vs. Martin VanZandt. The best line of cigars, wall paper and paints at Hershiser & Oilligan’s. Give us a call before you buy wall paper. ’ J" Norfolk; Times: Layton Shaw, late Of Macy’s photograph gallery, left yes terday for Fullerton to join a circus band. 1 f The sound of the hammer is heard SL every day on ‘ Kid hill.” Ed Gallagher and Thos. Birmingham are building additions to their residences. Mrs. Hadley, wife of Professor Had .ley, arrived in the city last week and will remain until Mr. Hadley completes his contract with the musical union. TTie county judge issued a marriage license last Saturday in favor of Charles F. Allen and Rosa Newberry, both of i P»g«- __ Chas. Allman, Mike Sox and J. F. Haight, of Stuart, were in the city Mon day as witnesses before the insanity board. The celebrated stallion,- Cleveland Bay, will be at Bradstreet's barn in O’Neill every Saturday. To insure, $3. 44-2 Geo. Pakki8. The stock business is one of the lead ing industries of Holt county. The man who has a nice bunce of cattle is always prosperous. Ed Barbee, who has been employed in Corrigan’s drug store the past tour months, lesigned his position last week and left for Omaha Monday morning. Dr. Dodd, of Newport, has been re elected president of the board of direct ors of the Golden Irrigation district, and E. B. Brain has been re-elected secretary. Perry & Mathews’ Syndicate Shows, Circus, Museum and Menagerie will exhibit at O’Neill Friday, May 14. Grand free street .parade at 12:30, rain or shine. The Checkered livery barn has received several new buggies and car riages, and now has some of the finest turnouts in the city. Ben always keeps abreast of the times. Only . 1 with No. 4 above it. Indicates fair weather, warmer. * No. 1 with No. 4 below it, indicates fair weather, warmer. , ■ L No. 2 ,wlth No. 4 above it, indicates V warmer weather, rain or snow. No. 2 with No. 4 below it, indicates colder weathSr, rain' or snow. - No. 8 with No; 4 above it, indicates warmer weather, with local rains, No. 8 with No. 4 below it, indicates colder weather, with local rains. ; . No. 1 with No. S belowit, indicate* fair weather, oold.wave. No. 2 with No. 5 below it, indicatee wet weather, cold wave. Flags are raiaed at lO o’cloeka. m.,, and will be lowered abodt 5 o'clock In theeVenlng, and will represent thefor^ cast for the 34 hours following, com mencing at -8 o’clock that evening. If more than one kind of weather la pre dicted for' any given period, the Ar*t condition will be represented' by the . uppermost flag. If two temperature*', are normal, the flrat only will be repre sented by the temperature flag in It*' proper position. TBOgIrAH. ' The following is the program of. fhe Ho|t county Sunday School Con- - fentlon to be held on liar 87> 1897, at' •’Neill, Nebraska: . v ; >' ■* Mohknto bkssiOn. '■"* ' 0:18—Song and Praise Service..Rev. George, 10 Paper :‘‘Materlal for Building Character." O.O. Snyder. ! ' Dlsous*lon,Rev. A. Bishop and H. K. Henry 10:80—Address: “The Duty of the Teacher to Dead the Pupil to Jesus".... Bev. O. F. Smith. Discussion....:. < • ■ •» • Mrs. L. B. Blackburn and A. 8. Shy. 11:00—Paper: “Christas a Teacher” ’ Rev. N. S. Lowrle. Dlsousslon:....Bev. H1U and Wilson Brodle. 11:80—Appointing oommlttles on Resolu tions and nominations. Afternoon session. 1:80—Devotional Exercises.. * Mrs. A. O. Crossman. 1:1|5—Reports of Superintendents and Dele-: gates. 2:30—Address: Rev. S. F.Sharpless., 3:00—Paper: “Reform In Sunday School’' Mrs. O. L, Andersen. . Discussion: ,'V J. 8.Hoffman and V. V. Rosenkrans. * ■ 8:30—Paper i “How to Prepare the Besson"! ‘ Rev. Beok. .,... Discussion: Thos. Elder and O. M. Collins, 4:00—Missionary Work of the Sunday School, Rev. E. T. George. V" V'’;! Discussion: A. C. Crossman and Giles Phelps 4:30—Election of offloers. .»•- -v ' BVBNINO SESSION. . 7:80—Praise and Song Service,....M. Miller.'' 7:45—Chojus.O’Neill Musical Union > 8:10—Adcftess ............i..'Rev. Whi. GoMrt 9:00—Resolutions. ‘ • : The session will be held in the presby1 terian church. Papers to be discussed, will be limited to twenty minute*.': Every school In the county should be represented. Entertainment will' be furnished pastors, superintendent* and a delegate from eaqh Sundav School.. Pray for the succeBS'Of the convention, J. C. Habnish, E. B. Benedict, Secretary. Pre*. Pro I'env Baoklen’s Arnica bln. ! The Best Salve in the world for cnisi bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,' corns, and all skip eruptions, and posi-u . | lively cures piles, Or no pay required;.! | It is guarranted to give perfect satis-1 faction or money refunded. Priced' cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri-, gan. _ Sl-tf Believed of Twriblc Pains. R. JS.Morse, traveling salesmen, Gal yeston, Texas, says: Ballard’s Snow- . Liniment cured me of rheumatism Of1 i three months’standing after use of two ‘ bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, Ills., says*; I have used Ballard's Snow Linimentfor< years and would not be without it. J, R. Crouch, Rio, ilia., says Ballard’s.* Snow Liniment cured terrible, paths in : - back of bead and neck when nothing'-' . else would. Every1 boltin' guaranteed. Price 80 cents. Km’ trtarJfHfortijKjy; • Corrigan s., r»>'¥ TQ SIOUX QXTV ’** By. taking'lbe O’Neill. Train t] 8:40 y. m., mtn^„ h making close connection ff ’' both directions ‘ t... Conectioof also msds? audfromX^kton, SiouxFa^ft eter Buy local ticket*’tsfuTOdUBk any-v >, 5 !v W. \ t-1'■b - *- ■ ■ jr.u-. * _ * a. _tca w : Yu hk. * «• ’■■•v.anlfct