LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. a NOTICE. In Tits District Cocrt ot II01.T Coitstt, Nebraska: Hftrold Goodwin, executor of the estate of Daniel K Goodwin, deceased, plaintiff. Milton McDIrmlt, Pbebe McDIrmlt, bis wife, Catherine Higgins. and husband, Mr. Higgins, (first and full name unknown) Klcnard E. Welch, and wlfo, Mrs. Klchard K. Welch, (first and full name unknown) Thomas Higgins and wife, Mrs. Thomas Higgins, (first and full name unknown) C. H. Lwach A Company, The State Trust com pany, (a corporation of the state of Now York,) trustee, The Union Trust Company, ta corporation) Henry T. Clarke, receiver of the Union Trust Company, K. B. Warner, executor, John S. Tallmuu, Elkhorn Irri gation Company, (a corporation) and the Klkhora Irrigation and Land Company, (a corporation) defendants: The above named defendants and each of them will take notice that on the 26tb day of February, U>D7, the above named plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer being to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defend . .. -Ifei ante, Milton McDIrmlt and wife to the Union Trust Company, and by it assigned to Daniel 11. Goodwin, during bis life, for a valuable consideration and now the property of his said estate. Said mortgago being given to secure the note of the defendant, Milton McDIrmlt. dated November 1,1886, for 17(10, and duo November 1,1801, with Interest ut 7 per oent. until maturity, and 10 per cent, after maturity. Raid mortgage being given on the southeast quarter of section three, tdwnshlp twenty-eight, range twelve, In Ilolt county, Nebraska. Plaintiff alleges that there is due on said note and mortgage the sum of ITOn with Interest at 10 per cent, from May 1,1888, and the further sum of IKS) paid by plaintiff to secure assignments of tax sale certificates on said land, and alleges that said amounts are a first lion on said premises, and prays that said real ostate muy bo sold to satisfy the amount found due the plaintiff, and that the intereas of each of the defend ants be decreed to be subject to said mort «Tnd. And for other equitable relief. . You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of April, 1867, Dated this 26lh day of February, 1887. bS-4 R. B. DICKSON. Attorney for Plaintiff, LEGAL NOTICE. In the matter of the application at D. K. Snyder end others to change the boundary lines of the Golden Irrigation District, and to exclude therefrom certain territory. Notice is hereby given that on thelSIrd day of Maroh, 1887. D. K. Snyder. C. H. Crowley, W. B. Holmes, L L. Dates. F. B. Musfelt, It. I. May, John Kehnumend, A. H. Gale, fi. V. Johnson, A. J. Lit*, C. W. Germany. G. W. Hartung and Joshua Cross, as petitioners, Sled their petition with the board of directors of the Golden Irrigation District praying In said petition that the following tracts of land, to-wit: northwest quarter of section two. all section three except the south half of southwest auarter of southwest quarter thereof, northeast quarter section four, southeast quarter section ten, seotlons eleven, thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-Uve, thirty-six, northwest quarter section twenty six, east half section thirty-four, and all section thirty-five, except the west half northeast quarter thereof, all In township number thirty, range number nineteen, west Sixth P. M.. and situated wltbld the bound aries of the Golden Irrigation District and constituting a part thereof, be exoluded and taken from said district for the reason that said lands are too low and wet, to be profit ably irrigated under the proposed ditch, except a portion of said lauds which are too high to be reached by the water from such ditch. Notice Is hereby given to all persons Inter ested In, or that may be affected by, the ex clusion .and taking from said alstrlot the said lands, or that may be affected by such change of the boundary of said district, to appear at the office of the board of directors et the Oolden Irrigation District, In the oil ^O’Neill, Nebraska, op the 8,b day of Aprl ty it _,,at IS e’cleek ef said day, that belag the next regular meeting of said bougd and show aause In writing, if any they have, why such lands should not be exoluded and taken from said district, as proposed In said petition. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 24th day of llarch, 1ID7. [SEAI..1 B. B.Brain, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Golden Irrigation District. 28-2 8A LB OF DRUG STOCK. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant td an order made by the county court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 24th day of March, 18*7, the undersigned, administrators of the estate of A. U. Morris, deceased, will sell at Public auction. In oulk, to the highest cash bidder, the following described personal property, to-wft: All drugs, wares, merchan dise flxtures, the fountain and all other terminal property belonging to said estate, aid sale will be made at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon on theKtkdayof April. A. D.. 1887. at the drug store now occupied by said estate and formerly occu pied by Morris 4k Company. Dated this 25th day of March. A. D., 1887. Bo F. Gallagher and Thomas M. Morris. Administrators of the estate of A. U. Morris, deceased. _ 28-2 PUBLIC 8ALB OF LAND. Notloe Is hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from the commissioner of the weneral land office under authority vested In him by section 2465 U. 8. Revised Statues, as amended by the act of oonsres approved February 28,1885, we will proceed to offer at publlo sale on the 17th day of April, 1827, next, at this office, the following described traot of land, towit: BBIa 8W14 of seotlon 12. In township J8. north, range 14 west, containing 40 acres situated In Holt county, state of Nebraska. Any and all persons claiming adversely, the above described lands are advised to file their claims In this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. 8M John A. Harmon, Register. Dated at O'Neill, Neb., March H, 1887, United States Land Office. O’Neill, Neb. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omen O' Neill. Neb. J, March 8, 1897. , Notice la hereby (riven that the following named settler hat Hied notice of his Inten tion to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register ana receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on April M. 1887, vis: B. R. No. 148B3. JOHANNA BTEUBOCK. for the NM 8W!4 and NW* SEW of section 88. township 83, range 12 west