1 THE FRONTIER. WBLUHEb BVFKY TBURSDAT By TM FmOCTIM PmifTIHO Oft yinen.T., ■> NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. lomiviat liai ? Nurjon is Jubilant. The North Nebraska G. A. R. reunion haS )>een located there for another year. This will be the fourth year Neligli has had the reunion and the city feels justly proud over the fact. * 'fi" A few days ago a line set of harness was stolen from the barn of J. C. Swartz, a farmer living two miles west of Hastings. The police were notified and Wm. Hardy was arrested. He , confessed and is now,in jail. R*v. Father Murphy of Tecumseh has returned from Washington, D. C., s where he went to present his case be fore the apostolic delegate, Martinelli. The. points at issue will probably not ■;4 bp decided for a month yet. . Mrs. Hitbkr, wife of Col. John Huber of Columbus, died very suddenly of heart disease. She was <14 years old **d had lived in Platte county for nearly, thirty years. About a year ago she was stricken with paralysis and had been in poor health since. A t.arorr number of cattle are being fed in Gage county this spring and summer than has' wen fed there for years. The large surplus of corn, to gether with other advantages which have been mude available by farmers to shippers, is accountable for it. , ' Til* jewelry store of A. R. Weaver > at Harvard Was robbed of 8150 to 8200 worth of watches and jewelry, and the money drawer of Brawn A Saule, who oeeupy one side of the room with stationery, was opened, and about 83 ' in small change taken and some cigars. . No arrests. Word has been received of the death ™ Walter 'H. Prickett, a prominent attorney of Alva. Cal. Sir. Prickett was oat of the first attorneys in Lin coln. 11c was for some time in part-. ! nerahip with Attorney Seymour 0. Wilcox, now of Omaha. He was a member of the first town council of Fairfield, and was considered one of leading attorneys of the state, and ' too* a very prominent part in republi can polities. n>vi uui«iu is to nave a beet sugar factory. There Is no longer any doubt 4 44 1S*4 44 4 lift 49 5 «l 49 7814