PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. BUMORIPTION, «l.«0 MR ANNUM. VOLUME XVII, O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 11, 1897. NUMBER 36. NEWS SANS WHISKERS Items of Interoot Told As They Aro Told to Us. WHIN AMD HOW XT HAPPENED Iossl lf>w-lip Portrayed for Omani Idtteatiem saA Awn—ant. John Maher is down from Chadron. Joe Mann was osar from Spencer Sunday. _ J. G. Gallagher went over to Spencer Sunday. ________ Peter Greeley wae in from Phoenix yesterday. . __ Mias Mattie Mann ia visiting relatives Spencer. _. A. C. Powell was down from Stuart ednesday. _ H. A. Allen was down from Atkinson last Saturday. D. 1). Coburn, of Laurel, was in the city Saturday. F. M. Dorsey was up from Sioux City last night. J. P. O’Donnell returned from Dead wood Saturday morning. Byron Parker, who has been quite ill the past week, is recovering. i A Fisherman's Luck," at the 'opera house next Wednesday night. Bee the Academy Dramatic company at the rink next Wednesday night. J. E. Allison, J. M. Stewart and Dr. Blackburn were down from Atkinson yesterday. _ Geo. W. Stearns, representing the Sioux City Journal, was in the city yesterday. _ £ Mrs. S. G. Nichols is in St. Joe, Mo., ' this week purchasing her spring stock of millinery. The ladies’ working society will meet . with Mrs. J. H. Meredith next Wednes day afternoon. F. W. Boggs, of Spencer, county atf&ney of Boyd county, was in the clXy last Tuesday. Judge Westover came down from Rushyille yesterday, and is presiding in . the district court. J. J. King moved into the Kinch resi dence, in the western part of the city, the first of the week. U-. 8. Adams, of Spencer, cashier of the Boyd County bank, was in the city on business Tuesday. Chas. J. Enders and Mrs. Jane Hoxie were married by County Judge Mo Cutotoan last Thursday. Christ Christenson and Miss Hattie Clevinger, of Phoenix, were granted a x marriage license Monday. ^ Eugene Sanford and Miss Abbie Riley were united in marriage by . Judge McCutchan last Thursday. The assessors of Holt county will hold their annual meeting at the court-house next Tuesday, as provided by law. For teeth or photos, go to Dr. Cor s. belt’s parlors, 28rd to 80th of each 2 month. Photographs 81 per dozen. j A. J. Potter returned last Thursday /-evening from Montana, where he bad spent the winter visiting relatives. - We sell good flour, corn meal, graham, bran, shorts, corn, oats, etc., at gold standard prices. 38-tf L. Khteb. Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, pure and line, (or sale by H. M. Uttley, O'Neill. Write him (or prices. 84-4 P. J. Donohoe and F. W. Ackley. o( the Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railroad, were in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hill, o( Vinqua, ^ Wit., are in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. Hill is a sister o( Mrs. 8. M. Wagers. _ Miss Kate Mann who has been visit ing relatives here the past two weeks, returned to her home at Spencer last Saturday. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared (or cleaning the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. Morris & Co. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small, but effective—such are the qualities ot DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the (amous little pills. Morris & Co. The old lady was right when she ,said the child might die i( they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one’s with a few doses of One Minute C from the malarial poison. indigestion, oonatipation, dlasinees, yield to Electric Bitten. 50 oenta and •1.00 per botttla at P. C. Corrigan's Drug Store. IN THIS ISSUE WE PRINT THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF OUR NEW SERIAL, CAPTAIN CLOSE Bu. Captain Charfe» Kings / One of the very beri itorice ever writ* tan by that favorite author—Captahi Kh|, b auw to prove a peat favorite* SECURED FOR THE PAPER BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT* «■