The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 25, 1897, Image 8

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Jew* Spicer, Margaret Sploer, O. O. Bart
ley, flrstrealname unknown,-^- Bartley,
„.fe of 0,0. Bartley, first real name un
know. defendants, will take notice that
William H. Male, Beniamin Graham, Will am
Halls Jr., and Harris H, Hayden, plaintiff*,
hare Hied tbelr petition In the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, aolnst said
defendants, impleaded with ClH. Walrath,
first real name unknown, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
trust deed or mortgage, dated October 1,
ins, for S4S0, upon the west half of the north
west quarter of section 1 In township 29
north, of range 15 west, of tbo 0 P, M. In Holt
county, Nebraska, given by Jesse Spioer and
Margaret Spicer to B. 8. Ormsby, trustee for
P. O. Refsell, and assigned to plaintiffs:
which trust deed or mortgage was recorded
in book 18, at page 83, of the mortgage
records of said county: and to hare the same
decreed to be a first lien, and said lands sold
to satisfy the same,
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the llth dayof March, 18*7.
Dated February 2nd, 1*87. _
an 8. D. Thorhtoh,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
F. N. Hosauok. F. N. Howaek, Alfred Des
roigne, Adolph A. Rayat, Mrs. Adolph A.
Rayat, real name unknown, William Grimes,
and Clavln U. Frew, defendants, will take
notice that J. E. Ainsworth has filed a peti
tion in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, Implead
ed with Dennis F. Allard, defendant, the
object and praper of which are to foreclose a
mortgage dated March 10, 1888, for 1500 and
Interest and tax payments, on the northwest
quarter of seotlon thirty, township twenty
nine, range nine. In said couhty, given by
Dennis F. Allard to plaintiff, which mort
gage was reoorded In book 35, page SOS, of the
mortgage record reoord of said county, and
to have the same to be decreed to be a first
lien, and the said lands sold to satisfy the
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before the fifth day of April, 1807.
Dated February 10.1807.
si-4 J. B. Ainsworth, Plaintiff.
By Munobr A Courthiqht, Attorneys.
Lamp Office at O’Niill, Nrb„
December ao, isos.
Notice Is hereby given that John McKenna
has Med notice of Intention to make final proof
before register and receiver at bis office In
O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday, the lath day of
February, 1897, on timber culture application
No. 6889, for the northwest quarter of section
No 8 In township No. 88 range No. 12 west 0 P.
M. He names as witnesses:
Patrick Bagley. Morton B. Hiatt, James McCoy,
Charles McCoy, all of O’Neill. Neb.
9t-6p Item John A. Harmon, Register.
Umtid StATH Land Office. I
O'Neil!, Nebraska, January R. 1887..
Notice la hereby given that Fred B. Potter
* ■' or Intention to make final
haa died notloe of Intention to makednal
proof before the Register and Receiver at
ihelr odice In O’Nelli, Nebraska, on Tueaday
the 16th day Of March, 1887, on timber culture
application No. 6401. for the NHNWW.BEM
firwli of section No. 1A In township No. *7 N.
Range No. 18 W. 6 P.M.
Renames aa witnesses: Wesley T. Evans,
of O'Neill. Nebraska; John A. Haselett, of
O’Neill: Aaron T. Potter, of Glendlve, Mont.,
Andrew Holmes, of Amelia, Nebraska.
Johe a. Hasnof,
ai-top Register,.
Uhited Statu Lapp Office, i
O’Neill, Nebraska, January 38.1867, f
Notice la hereby given that Henry R. H
too haa Bled notice of Intention to u
Anal proof before the Register and Heoelver
at their ofltee In O’Neill, Nebraska, on Mon*
sen auvgr uwuc iu u nciu, nourHUB, uu awn*
day, the Uth day of Marob, 1167, on timber
culture application No. MR, for the NM BER
Bit NEW of section No. 3t. In town
ship No. 81 N„ Range No. 13 West,
He names as wltno ~
. -- Thomas J. GsJla*
gber, of 8locum, Nebraska; John 8, Oalla
— John A. Harmon,
notice for presentation to and
Notice Is hereby given to all persona haw
tagclaims and demands against Alexander
U. Morris late of Holt county, deoaased, that
the time flxed for filing claims against said
estate Is six months from the dthday of Jan
such persons are required to present
their olalms with the vouch arm to the county
Judge of said bounty, at his ufRce therein, on
or before the 6th dr ' — -1 "
olalms so Med will _
Judge on the Uth
o'clock a. m.
^da^^of June, 186T, and si)
heard before the said
of June, 1867, at •
County Jr'
this flat day of January. 1m.
Notloe Is hereby given to all persons having
claims aad demands against L. p. Roy, late of
Hjjj* county. deoeasedTlhat the time fixed tor
, . against said estate Is 6 months
from the 6th day of January, HOT.
All such persons are required to
present their .claims with the vouchers
to theoounty judge of said county, at his ofBqe
therein, on or before the 18th day of ji ‘
and all claims so died will be heard before the
saM Judge on the 18th day of June. 1867, at 1
o’clock p.m. . G. A. McCirrcHAu,
LBbal.1 County Judge.
Dated this Mth day of January, 1887. 38-8
01 the Holt Gounty Teacher*’ aaaocU
aUon, to be held et Atklnaon, Neb.,
Saturday, Feb. 27, 1897, commencing at
10 a. m., In the high eehool building.
.^^"Why and How 8hould
Arithmetic be Taught?”—L. W. Worrel.
Dlsouaston—Minnie Daley and Anna
Slay maker.
Paper—“When and How Should
Language Be Taught?”—Ina drouth
Dlecuaaipa—Lilli* (
McManui'?"*—***"'* “d Mamie
’ aimsnoaer anaaiOH. 1:80 r. k.
(School Offleem Section.)
Paper—“How Gan Buaineea Hen Pro*
mote the Efficiency of the Schools?”—
T.V. Golden.
Discussion-B. X. Sturdevant and J.
M. Stewart.
„ Paper—“How Can We Secure Greater
Gemmation of Parenti and Teachenr
—W. X. Beott.
Dlocuaehm—0. L. Anderaon and R.
H. Jen new.
„ Tmacwnaa’ section.
3 .Paper—“The Proa and Oona of the
*8purae Method* in Hlatory.**—H. C.
Diacneslon—R. F. Croee and Sarah
Paper—“How Should Geography Be
Jnnght in the Rural School*?”—B. B.
Diecnealoa—JnUa Stafford and Win*
lam Morrow. .. . j .*
Song by the Audience.
; Teacher*, achool officer* and patrona
are earnestly requested to attend and
participate la these discussion*. Come
prepared to discus the subjects whether
: yonr aaaae is an the program or not.
J. O. Monnow, President.
Sanarn Dams, Vice President.
After hearing some friends continu
ally praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol
era and DlairiMM remedy, Curtis Fleck,
of Anaheim, California, purchased a
bottle of it for hir own use, and is now
as enthusiastic over its wonderful work
as anyone eaa be, .The XT and SOceet
rises for sale by P. C. Corrigan.
K >- ....
A Sweet Drive. H
We want to reduoe our stock of
Syrups before the warm weather
comes, and will offer until stock is
well reduced the following:
Best sugar drips per gal. 25
cents, formerly 35 cents. ■
Vermont maple per gal. 00 cents,
formerly 76 cents.
Bice New Orleans per gal. 30
cents, formerly 40 cents.
New sorghum per gal. 85 cents,
formerly 40 cents.
Yoe’s pure maple per gal. can
Bh 10, formerly $1.35.
Yoe’s pure maple per one-half
gal. ean 60 cents, formerly 75
cents. '
iajtx of swore tails.
The Bank of Ewing failed to open ill
doora for bueineea Tuesday morning,'
having gone into voluntary liquidation.
They are paying off depositor!, allowing
them to take paper of the bank’s
assets to reimburse them ■ for the
amount of their deposits. It; is
claimed that all depositors will be
paid up. We understand it bad
deposits amounting to about 917,000.
The bank changed banda about January
1, Messrs. Van Zandt and Ege retiring,
having disposed of tbeir interest to 0.
F. Lytle of Iowa. The county bad
about 98,000 on deposit in the bank.
The following persons are on the bond
of the bank, and justified for tbe
amount opposite tbeir names:
Thos. D. Sievers..9 4,000.
F. O. Fella... 8.000.
C. F. Lytle. 17,000.
Wm. Lewis. 8,800.
O. F. Lytle, bank property. 10,000.
Carl Crocker. 10,000.
A brother editor of t poetic turn of
mind tbue deliver* himself; “The
preacher works for the sonle of men,
and generally gets his pay; the mer
chant reaps his Just reward in profits
from day to day; the banker sits in hie
office chair with hie bundle of cash to
rent; the dealer of grog stand* behind
the bar and fills np the schooners high,
and Jingles the tin that the boys ‘blow
in' for portions of good old r/e; the
doctors and lawyers find work to do
that brings in the cold hard cub; and
the men who weild the plane or spade
find money to buy their bash; but the
editor has a thankless task as the busy
months roll by, and he knowe no rest of
body or brain, while he mieeee the
chance, to d|$. Hlsrswsrd |n this world,
never' comes, but over the silent sea, if
Justice reigns, be is bound to have u
elegant Jdbllee." > ■ * ,*
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneye will find
the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This
medicine does not stimulate and con
tains no whiskey nor other intoxicant,
but note as a tonic and alteratlye. It
acta mildly on the stomach and bowels
by adding strength and giving tone to
the organs, thereby aiding nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old people find it Just exact
ly what they need. Price SOe and II
per bottle at Corrigan’s.
What is a Oaranteet
It la this. If you have a cough or
cold, a tickling in the throat, which
keepe you constantly coughing, or if
you ars afflicted with any cheat, throat
or lung trouble, whooping cough etc.,
and you uae Ballard’s Hoarhound Syrup
as directed, giving it a fair trial, and no
benefit is experienced we authorise our
advertised agent to refund your money
on return of bottle. It never fails to
give satisfaction. It promptly relieves
bronchitis. Price 85 and 50 cents.
Free sample bottles at P. 0. Corrigan’s.
Ballard's Bmw laimsat.
Mn. Hamilton, Cambridge, III., u;a
I had tha rheumatism so bad I could not
raise my hand to my head. Ballard"t
Swe ZMmilhai entirely cured me.
I take pleasure In informing my neigh
bors and friends what it has done lor
me. Ghas. Handley, clerk for Lay and
Lyman, Kewanee, Ills., advises us Snote
Liniment cared him of rheumatism. Why
not try it? It will surely do you good.
It cures all iaflamatlon, wounds, sores,
cute, sprains, etc. Price 00 cents. Free
trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s.
Ceadanssd Testimony.
Ghas. B. Hood, broker and manu
facturer's agent, Columbus, Ohio, certi
fies that Dr. King’s new discovery has
no equal as a cough remedy. J. D.
Brown, proprietor St. James hotel, Ft.
Wayne, Ind., testified that he wae cured
of a cough of two yean’ standing,caused
by la grippe, by Dr. King’s New Dis
covery. B. F. Merrill, Baldwinisvllle,
Mass., says that he has used and recom
mended it and never knew it to fail and
would rather have It than any doctor,
because it always curve. Mrs. Hemming
fitt X 95th Bl, Chicago, always keeps it
at hand and has no fear of croup, be
cause it instantly relieves. Free trial
bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store.
1 line vatrir nils op but tabu
Tins AT hard Tnnrn priors. Small
fruits ia large supply. Millions of
Strawberry plants, very thrifty and evil
rooted. Get the bbst near home and
javg freight or express. Send foi
list to North Bbmd Nubskbies,
Bend; Dodge County, Neb.
Sid In Inr
Try Electric Bitters, as a remedy for
your troublea? If not get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine baa been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the
relief and cure of all female complainta,
exerting a wonderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organa.
If you have lose of appetite, constipa
tion, headache, fainting spells, or are
nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy
or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric
Bitten is the medicine you need. Health
and strength are guaranted by its use.
Fitly cents and Cl.00 at P. O. Corrigan’s
drug store.
Bseklea’s Armies Calve.
The Bist Salts in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, obapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin ernptions, and posi
tively cures plies, or no 'pay required.
It is guarranted to give perfect Satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For isle by P. CiCorrl
gan. -- Sl-tf
■-*-- n»i;vy
Ballard’s Caew iaimest* Tjtb
This wonderful liniment is trnown
from the Atlantic to . the Pacific and
from the lakes to the gulf. It is the
most penetrating liniment in the world.
It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia* cuts,
sprains, bruises, wounds, i pld yores,
burns, sciatica, sore throat,- sore chest
and all inflamation after all others have
failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts
and heal all wounds where proud flesh
has set in. It is equally efficient for an
imals. Try it and you will not be with
out it. Price 00 cents, at Corrigan's.
What • frealnent lnsorsase Kaa Bay*.
H. M. Dlouom, senior member of B.
M. Blossom & Co., 217 N. 3rd 6t. Louis
writes: I had been left with e very dis
tressing cough, the result of ihfluenzii,
which nothing seemed to relieve, until I
took Ballard’s Horehound' Syttip: One
bottle completely cured me. I sent one
bottle to my sister who had a severe
cough, and she experienced immediate
relief. I always recommended this
syrup to my friends.
John Cranston 208 Hampshire •• Street,
Quincy, III., writes: I have-found
Ballard’s Horehound Syrup superior to
any other cough medicine I have ever
known. It never disappoints. Price 25
and 50 cents. Free sample bottles at P.
C. Corrigan’s. y- ;
Tree nis.
Send your address to H. ft. Bucklin &
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. 'Atrial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy in. action and are? particu
larly effective in tLe cure of Constipa
tion and sick headache. For ffial^Ha
and liver troubles they have been^rov^n
invaluable. They are guaranteed'td; be
perfectly free from every deleMktous
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the syetem. Regular
sixe 25 cents per box. Sold by P. C.
Corrigan druggist.
We Ask Tear Attention
For a moment only, to remind you
that by taking the Pacific Short Line at
O’Neill you save three hours time at
Sioux City, and it doesn’t cost you a
cent more.
Buy your tiekels to O’Neill and rebuy
there. . 8M .
I have given Chamberlaine’s Cough
Remedy a fair test and consider it one
of the very best remedeis for croup that
1 have every found. One dose has been
sufficient, although I use it freely" Any
cold my children contract yields very
readily to this medicine. I can con
scientiously recommend ft for Croup
and colds in children—Geo. E. Wolff,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina,
Fla. Sold by P. C. Corrigan.
Nerveless Basalts.
From a letter written by Rev. J.
Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich.,twe
era permlttedto make thin ahstract: “I
here aa baalletion in recommending Dr.
King’s. New Discovery, u the remit*
were nlmoat marvelous in the case of
l my wife. While 1 was pastor of the
Baptist church at Rives Junction ahe
was brought kown with pneumonia suc
ceeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms
of coughing would last hours with little
Interruption and it seemed as ifsbe
could not survive them. . A friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery;
t was quick in its work and highly sat*
Isfactory in results.” Trial bottles free
at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. Regular
■ise SO oentsand $1.00.
raonunroas or van
Prioes Reasonable.
Is the
and the
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
wait. •';
OV ':, * 1 .
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
sive you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or address
, -V. . I- V I • ■ * /.-X . * -Ptttv-ifin
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to Communicate' with*
Th»'*FTOBt»er. * „ „ ‘
As an Advertising: fledium
It is the best in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people, in the west. Its rates
' i . :
for advertising are yery low,
/' T ‘
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.