;hn’l official directory X' STATIC. V-, lllmfornor.............Sllas,Hqleomb I Lieutenant Governor.. • J. E .Harris ISecretary of State... ..Wm. F. Porter Estate Treasurer.John B. Meservo ■State Auditor...John F. Cornell (Attorney General.... .0. J. Sniythe lOotn. Lands and Buildings.J< V. Wolfe | Sunt. Publlo Instruction 1.W. K. Jackson REGENTS STATE DNIVEBS1TY. Clias. H. Gere. Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, i Omaha; J M. Htatt, Alma; E. P- Holme*. Pierce; J. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J.Hull, Edgar. Representatives First District, J. B. Strode Second, H. D. Mercer, third. 8. Maxwell, Fourth. W. L. Stark, Fifth, 11. D. Sutherland, , Sixth, W. L. Green. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madlaoitj John 1. Thurston, of Omaha. JUDICIARY. 'Chief Justine.. .. • v Ar' Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvall FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. itidire . .M. P. Kinkaid, of O Neill Honor ter...7 J. J. King of O'Neill nfKS ”’’ ..W.H. Westover, of Uushyllle Reporter ...'h nM aher, of RushvUle. LAND OFFICES. o'tnutii. . .... .John A. Harmon. bSS«5V.-.;T.::,...Elmer Williams. COUNTY. ..Geo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court • •Jfo.lM.lCollUns Deputy.| p‘Mullen Kr®““rer'.....‘.’.'.’.’.'.Sam Howard Deputy.—' • • • ..Bin Bethea lufnntv.” .Mike MoCarthy . .Chas Hamilton Sheriff... n-Netli (Sheriff..."“o'Nmil l&«sih6oU’’.V::::.V.V.V::.W. R. Jackson SipTof schools."....Mrs. W. R. Jackson . ..Dr. Trueblood alKSevnr.. .....M.F. Norton .w R-Butler SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland. Band Creek, Dustin, Saratoga, Bock Falls and Pleasantvlew :J. A- Robertson SECOND DISTRICT, Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll owdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. r THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O'Neill—Mosses Campbell. FOURTH DISTRICT. Ewing, Verdigris andDelolt—L. O. Combs FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conlev, Lake, KoClure ana I nman—S. Ii. Conger. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan. Wyoming, Vairvlew, Francis Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—O. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart—W. N. Coats. Oil Y OF O’ NEILL. Supervisor, E. J. Mack; J ustloes.K. H. Benedict and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. McBride and Perkins Brooks. COUNCILMEN— FIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. Forgone year—C. W. Hagensluk. SECOND WARD. . - For two years—Alexander Marlow. For oneyear-W. T. Evans. ' third ward. For two years—Charles Davis. For one year—E. J. Mack. CITY OFFICERS. „ Mayor, H. E. Murphy; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Folloe Judge, H. Kautsman: Chief of Police, P. J. Blglln; Attorney, Thos.jDarlon; Welghmaster, D. Stannard. OR ATT AN TOWNSHIP. SifBervlsor, K. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney McGreevv; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johrtng: Justices, M. Castello and Ohm. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed. McBride; ltoad overseer dlst. S6, Allen Brown (list. No. 4 .John Enright. S o LDIERS’ IRE LIEF COMNISSION. Uegular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of eaoh year, and at sueh other times as Is deemed necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; II. H. Clark Atkinson. j^T.PATRICK’S CATHOLIC OHOHCH. Bervloes every Sabbath at 10:80 o’clock. Verv liev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school Immediately following services. __ M ETHODIST CHUBCH. Sunday services—Preaching 10:30 a. M. and fc:0U BDrVIGCS-1, ICdUUiUB p. M. Clasa No. 1 0:30 A. m. Class No. 2 (Ep • - — - ° "Child r. M. ulass ho. 1 vorth League) 7:00 p.m. Class No. 8 (Child rens) 3:00 P. H. Mind-week services—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. All will pe made welcome, especially strangers. E. T. GEORGE, Pastor. GA. B. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John . O’Neill Post, No. 86, Department of Ne braska G. A. B., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month In Masonic hall O'Neill 8. J. Smith, Com. ELKHORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. jr. Meets every Wednesday evening In ' Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers eordlaUy invited to attend. W. H. Mason. N. G. O. L. Bright, Sec. nABFIXLD CHAPTER, R. A. M (VJTMeots on first and third Thursday of each month In Masonic hall. _ „ „ W. J. Dobbs Sec. J. C. Habnibh, H. P fr OF P.—HELMET LODGE. D- D. ■V convention every Monday at 8 o clock p. n. In Odd Fellows’ nail. Visiting brethern pordlslly Invited. J. P. Guxioan, C. C. E. J. Mack. K. of B. and S. O'NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO, 80.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of eaoh month m Odd Fellows’ HalL OHA8. Bright. {L P. H. M. Tttlev, Scribe Eden lodge no. «, daughters OF BEBBKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Friday of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Augusta Martin N. G. Maria Meads, Sec. Garfield lodge, no. »5,F.. a M. T. R. R.-IROH *B* EAST. Every day, Sunday lneluded at.9:40 p a FROM THE WEST vary day, Sunday Included at..10:04 aip PACIFIC SHORT LINE. Passenger-leaves 10:01a. m. Arrives 11:611 p.m. Freight—leaves 0:07 p. m. Arrives 7:00 p. m. Dally except Sunday. L O'NEILL AND CHELSEA. nr-Parts Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am AR&vesTuesday,Thurs,and Sat. at..1:00pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..4:30 p m _ O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Frl.at....T:00 a m Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00p m O If KILL AMD CUM MIN STILLS. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at ..ll.-BOpm Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at i :00 pm LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. •NOTICE. ' In tho District Court of Holt County, Neb. Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff vs. Daniel O'Donnell, Sarah A. O'Donnell, Empkie Hardware Company .Nell Mcllraver Ener Leek, John Hynes, Schneider pone Inelde each fbar ounce hoc of Blackwell’* rf? Genuine Durham ' Smoking Tobacco SMrd day of December, 1806. |« Two Hundred Thirty-one and 5B-100 dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition °® orafS2fore Monday, the 18th day of Janu •Sfol*?. pr the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and decree rendered as prayed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 23rd day of December, 1800. "■ Farmim* Loan ft Trust Compart. By M, J. Sweeley ft B. H. Benedlrt!*1”*1®' Its Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. Elliott C, Olmstead, Marlon 0. Kina, and Ann Kina, his wife, (first and real name unknown) defendants, will take notice that, on the 2nd day of December, 1896, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, aaulnst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax Hen held by the plaintiff upon and against the southwest quarter of section fourteen, (14) In township thirty, (80) north of range fifteen, (15) west of the flth P. M„ in Holt cou nty, Nebraska. That on the 5th day of December, 1889. H. W. Adams purchased said premises at private tax sale In accord ance with law, for the delinquent taxea levied on said premises for the year 1488, and paid for said delinquent taxea. Interest and costs, at said tax sale the sum of 130.04. That on the 28th day of September. 1800, said E. W. Adams paid the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1880. and which at the time of suoh payment were delinquent, and that Bald delinquent taxes with interest amounted to 115.92 at the time they Were so paid by said Adams. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1800 became delinquent, and on the 28tn day of August, 1801, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with interest to 88.80. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1801 became delinquent and on the 80th day of December, 1802, said B. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with Interest to 87.10. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1892 became delinquent, and on the 3rd day of October, said E. w. Adams paid the said taxes amount ing with Interest to 87.92. That when said B, w. Adams purchased said premises at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was duly issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt county, and that said premises have never been re deemed from said tux sale, and all of said taxes constitute a valid lien on said premises. That on the 24th day of July, 1893, said K. W. Adams for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned his said tax lien on said land, and all Interest he ever possessed In said land under and by virtue of Bald tax sale and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises to thlB plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof. That there Is now due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of 8110, for which sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays for a deoree that defend ants he required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of Janu ary, 1807. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1806. 23-4 Hum A. Bxkhv, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Willey E. Polley, William P. Hyatt, Ann Hyatt, ills wife, (whose first and real name la unknown) Scott T. Jones and Seth F. Wood* ford, defendants, will take notloe, that on the find day of December, 18(10, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff Mrein, Mod her petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object ana grayer of which are to foreclose a tax lien eld by the plaintiff upon and against the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southwest, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-six, (38) in township twenty-eight, (28) north of range fourteen, (14) west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebras ka. That on the 5th day of December, 1889, E. W. Adams purchased said premises at private tax sale In accordance with law for the delinquent taxes levied on said premises for the year 1888, and paid for said delin quent taxes, Interest and costs at said tax sale, the sum of 117.93. That on the 25th day of September. 1890, said E. W. Adams paid the tuxes levied on said premises for the year 1889, and which at the time of such pay ment were delinquent; that said delinquent taxes, with Interest, ■ amounted to 10.47 ut the time they were so paid by said E W. Adams. That the taxes levied on said prem ises for the year 1890 became delinquent, and on the 28th day of August, 1891, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes, amounting with Interest to 17.44- That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1801 became delinquent, and on the doth day of Septem ber, 1892, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes, amounting with Interest to 17.96. That the taxes , duly levied on said premises for the year 1892 became delinquent, and on tho id day of Oototer, 1893, said E. W. Adams paid the said tuxes, amounting with Interest to #8.20. That when said Adams purchased Bald premises at said tax sale a tax sale cer tificate was duly Issued to him by the treas urer of said Holt county, and that said premises have never been redeemed from said tax sale, and all of said taxes constitute a valid lien on said premises. That on the 24th day of July, 1863, said E. W. Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned (its tax lien upon said land, and all Interest he ever possessed in said land under and by virtue of said tax sale, and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises, to this plaintiff, who Is now the owner thereof. That there Is now due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of 889, for which Bum, with Interest from this date, Elalntlff prays for a deoree that defendants e required to pay the same, or that said B'ses may be sold to satisfy the amount due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of January. 1897. Dated this 3d day of December, 1896. 22-4 Hki.en A. Bekky, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Jobn Ciochon, William Forrest and Scott T. Jones, defendants, trill take notice that on the 2nd day of December, 1896, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In tbe district court of Holt county, Nebraska, I against said defendants, impleaded with John Forrest and Ann Forest, his wife, (whose first and real name Is unknown) also defendants, the object and prayer of which petition are to foreclose a ta» Hen held by thu plaintiff upon and against the northeast quarter of section two, (2) in township twenty-nine. (29) north of range sixteen, (18) west of the 6th 1*. H. In Holt county, Nebras ka. That on the 5th day of December, 1889, E. W. Adams purchased said premises at private tax sale In accordance with law for tbe delinquent taxes levied on said premi ses for the year 1888, and paid for said delin quent taxes, Interest and cost, at said tax sale the sum of (21.81. That on the 25th day of September, 1880, said E. W. Adams paid the taxes levied on said premises for the year 1889. and which at the time of such pay ment were delinquent. That said delinquent taxes with Interest amounted to 116.37 at the tlmo they were so paid by said Adams. That the taxes levied on said land for the year 1890 became delinquent, and on tbe 28th day Df August, 1891, said E- W. Adams paid said taxes, amounting with' Interest, to U1.I2. That the tiue* levied on said land for.' the year 1891 became delinquent, and on the noth day °f September, 1899, said H. W. Adam* PftM paid taxes, amounting with Interest to JiTil'niLviir w.vu launn H 919.80. That the taxes duly lerled on said premises few the year 1999 became delinquent and on the 3d day of October, 1893. said E. W. Adams paid said taxes, amounting with interest to 918.00. That when said Adams . r. ", l “wle WUiHf | BDu UNI* said premises have never been redeemed from said tax sale, and all ot said taxes con stitute a valid Hen on said premises. That on the Mth day of July. Iff*. .Yid B.W* Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned his tax Hen upon said land, and and all Interest he ever possessed in said land under and by virtue of said tax sale, and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises, to this plaintiff, who Is now the owner thereof. That there Is now due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of 9185, for whloh sum with Interest ftotn .this date at ten per cent, per annum plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ant be required to pay the same or that said Found^Sue1*^1)8 *°'<* t0 u^f the amount You are required to answer said petition oil or before the Uth day of January. lBW. bated this third day of SanuaryTim. 924 Hltu A. Birkv, Plaintiff. Mrs. Ann ftp, rife o( El Deputy 0. S. Mssktl, Colanbm, Kaa« sani ; ‘•I wu delivered of TWINS tat ]m Uimi 9Q min. ntee and with randi any pain after tiring only two bottles of "MOTHERS’ FRIEND" DID SOT ■OVJrilJB ArmWAXS. "sWflSMS* milled fra*. BIUOnXLD BEflTJLATOB CO., AKUSU, «. SOLD BT AU DRUGGISTS. •Arc, alwftja reUabte. labikb id MMfl III tor Gi(cjktff(fr • Dim-, Mrmnd la Red tad _ idoim, Mated wilt bla« ribbon. Ttfct m« Biker. *0tn dufWHia mlteti 'ItoniMitaUatloiu. iiDrui' * rtofw and fcnttailoiu. Ai DrnjtdKi. •rMB44«b * «»!• fcMtitMNltate mm Bali trad of Ttrrlbla Pains. R. E.Morae, traveling salesmen, Gal TeotoD, Texas, sars: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months’ standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, Ills., save: I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. R. Crouch, Rio, Ills., says Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of .head and neck when nothing else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 60 cents. , Free trial bottles at P. 0. Corrigan's. Tbs Discovery Saved His Lift. Mr. G. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers* ville. 111, says: “To Dr. King’s New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the physio* ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given u^r-and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Die* covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is wortbr its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store. OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS & ISmwMMk ttlfUHnkh ton •/ ««mrr,«c. WIH i •/ mtman. Ac. WIH «no • SnKMW. Hmr mcm. Prtee *1.000 | Sams, 95.00. Brntdal Olnctfuu HMM I mitt) erne!) to*. ACCrcce ItIUtlSirvTtsI—1 fls, SOW LuamAva. ST. LOUIS. 80 VIANS' Patents TRADI MARKS* DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS So. Anyone tending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain, free* whether an tnyentionla probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents to America. We hare a Washington office. •lSSlSf,n1tlStothV0,,rt* M“nn4Co- r*"‘T* SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, MlltMl MUNN * CO.. 381 BNMhmHwrfok.'