LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Jfr , NOTICE TO DEMNQC ENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Interest and rental upon the contracts of sale and lease to the following described educatloual lands situated In Holt county, Nebraska, as set opposite the names of the respective holders thereof, is delinquent, and If said delinqnohoy is not paid within ninety days from the dato of this notice, said contracts will be declared forfeited by tlie board of Educational hands and Funds, and said forfeiture will be entered of record in the manner provided by law: , IjKAHBS, Southeast quartor of section 3# township 31 range M—Marietta Gish. Northwest quarter of section 30 township 2S range a—Samuel Newman. Southeast quarter of section 16 township 30 range 16—B. Cl. Beniamin. North half of section JO township 25 range 12-0. J. Nobes. Northwest q i: arter of section 16 township 26 range 10s- Alex Campbell. North half of section 16 township 29 range a—Conrad Bauman. .. . *5 r Northeast quarter of section 36 township JO range 14—J, B. Bailey. . Southwest quarter and southwest quarter southeast quarter of eeeUon 36 township 32 range 16—Henry MoNoal. Southwest quarter and southwest quarter southeast quarter of section 36 township 31 range 15—Chas. McNcal. . All Of section 16 township 25 range 14—D. B. Smokier. AH of section 36 township 26 range ltr-1). B, Strlokler. All of sections!) township 26 range 15—D. B. Strlokler. • ■■ All of section 16 township 25 range 14—J. 8,. Strlokler. ‘ All of soctldwlttownship26 range 14—J. 8. Strlokler. ,, -s. ^ ’-**■'* All of sectipBj|§ tswjaslilp SB raogo 15-J.S. Strlckler. All of sectlou 16 township 27 range IS—Wra. Thllerton. , . ^11 of section 38 township 28 range 16—Clara, ' i otter. - . .. .. .. - <0 ’ Southeast quarter of section 361 *rahge eh^bhrilf.'Nickerson. ;.North half and north half southeast quar ter anti southeast quarter southeast quarter Section 86 township aa range 15—Henry Me-, North half And north half southeast quar ter and tovtqcast,quarter southeast quarter of Section W tqwnsljlp 32 range 15—Chae. No Neal. ’ ■ All’ df action ,8b';'ti>WBshlp!!il.rati8flSr-Ir& Mcndoui'. ■ ■ , 1 ,'' „ H Thcf ?°sobW1 ^ .tomwIilH 2B range 11-rWm. >East half southeast tatisrfof And north half northeast quarter ana southeast quarter northeast quurtsr Of section 86 township 31 range 15—.hjscph Pchaaf. . All of sectlph 16 toWpshlp 26. range H-0. H. I township lit nmire itr—ti. j. ivoffer. \ m i w* x*~u- ?* - Hmrtk ».•!» annlhuat -nuirtCr Of SCOtlOD '38 “ Squthjitlf southeast, quarter o ’township 28 range 12— Smith North half of section IQ townsk township no range W. HwOetScr. Rut naif of section 80 township.83 range U quarter of section is township 20 13—James O’Conell. ’•outhwMt Quprfet tof^utsttata.80 towns! n vs vuutili. "tiMWst liuar*o»ibf I ^ ?i«'tpwn»iip as rapje in—c. is.' "fr^gfe10”N- * ■II ofjwctlop lO townshlpjlfi range 18—John jouth half of section -eaBMsUobsrtson, Jr. SMtionMt^fnship r taster aij range | -dse^L .., '* lout»#est quarter of section ao ta*nshlp 2B i i# to range h-Helrs of J.A, Hlme- ; '''inthwcstnuarter of section 80 township 83 §s3 ■££&****** ’ pf suetlon 181 bit —. quarts*. sey iouW township 27tangs 10—Phillip Hr a '^S^'i«rt4on. M,W«umWp Katherine Staples. .... "^oifeffeehmJmd.* **FW*9> section W township-to range 13— Frank. Anderson. quarter northeast.quarter of .townshlu to range 13—Ch as. Put ton. >tlon »township U range if-D. t,. iejto^Dtioaai township 85 range 12-3. B. i&2feflS£l '*»#• Mn*° WsJfoC section M township torsnge 12 Krtor northwest quarter and ■ter eontbeast quarter of see IpST range t,. Fogg, garter southwest quarter and Latter southeast quarter of seo range O-O. Wallace. ithsut,quarter ami northeast Ion 30 township " i 27 range 0— !»ff^sroni - “‘|r of aecthw Wto/rwM* 3 ran—*********, range K^Olarl “• toifthMi Unit heart qiuMto- «r?se»f«rt --&€K&itioiSW 11—Ooorge W. Jones. .■ lubb°f *<3Ctloa ** mwyhip J?nc5tfcTV-4j«6» Hubby. NortMstoH ■sS—stoftpainnialte qlfcnahip a I range *8$WWftS« Southe&i*quii4or L ICS .... qusptOr ysputhwtslf Ssteia ■ -jg UwV^Jp.g of wot loo at township 28 range is—Noah' uuj&ruin. •aekJMU iMiiwiwt iSaawraci^1 Bonthwaaa* of eoot wod louthehet quarter g|hI|H‘jB! Mnge 12—A. B. range 10—B. B. Coon*. ■ • > •; v ryyy f - Southwest quarter of section 12 township 27 range 10—E- B. Coons. South half northwest anarter of section 14 ownshlp 27 range 10—K. B. Coons. Northeast quarter of section 28 township 28 range 10-E. B. Coons. Southwest quarter of section 84 township 28 range 10—E. B. Coons. , Alt of section 18 township 25 range 11—J. O. Carter. All of section 18 township 28 range 13—Val entine G. Hletter. All of section 10 township 28 range 13- John Bowman. West hall and southeast quarter and north half northeast quarter uud southwest quarter northeast quarter of section 16 township 33 range 15—J. M. G. Curry. North half southwest quarter and south-’ east quarter southwest quarter of section 36 township 31 range 10—Frank M. Bookwater. Northeast quarter northwest quarter of section 10 township 31 range 11—E. J. Good fellow. Hated at Lincoln, Neb., this Cth day of Jan uary, 1897. H. 0. Uvsski.i,, Commissioner of Public Lauds and Buildings. 30-3 J. 1*. Mui.i,vn, County Treasu ror. NOTICE FOB PRESENTATION TO AND HBA1UNG BE POKE JUDGE. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing elalms and demands against Alexander U. Morris late of Holt county, deceased, that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six months from the 5th asy of Jan uary 1897. such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the county judge of said county, at his office therein, on or before the 6th day of June, 1897, and all claims so filed will be beard before the said judge on the 12th day of June, 1897, at 9 -- ... tf. w. -- o'clock a. m. MoCtrrcitAN, ISKAb) County Judge. Dated this 31st day of January. 1897 " 20-3 4— NOTICE FOB PRESENTATION TO AND HEARING BEFORE JUDGE. , , Notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims und den lauds against L. P. Hoy, late of Holt ooiinty, deceased, that the time llxod for llUug claims against said estate Is 6 months from the ntli day of January, 1897. All such persons are required to present tlielr claims with the vouchers to the county Judge of said county,at Ids office , therein, on or before the I2tli dav of June, 1*17, and all alalins so filed will he beard before the said judge ou the lilth day of June. 1897, at 1 o’clook p. in, . . , .. 0. A. McCutchan, . ISfiAis] ' County Judge. I Dated this lfttb day ol January, 1897. 294 MASTER'S SALE. ' * ' Docket It, No. 28$. > . ■ 5 „ l LN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UlWTJCD Statics, fob the district of Nebraska. Albert B. Voorliem, et alt complainant, Vs, William 1*. O'Brien, ct al, defendants. In Cnaucery. . ; F0RROU1SURR Of MORTOAUE. !•" Public notice Is hereby given that In pursu ance and by virtue Of a decree entered In Hie .above caqso on the 2fth day of November, law, I. E. S. Dundy, Jr.. Master In Chancery of the circuit court of the United States for the dis trict of Nebraska, will, on tne 2d day of Febru ary, 1897, at the hour of ® o’clock fn the fore noon of stud day at the front dbor of ,tho Dolt . county court house building in the- city of O’Neill, Holt county,state and district of Nebraska, sell at auction for cash the following descrllmd property to-wit: Thenortbwest quurter(NWk > of section twenty-one (21) township thirty-one (31) range thirteen (13) west of the sixth 1'. M. containing one hundred sixty (160) acres, and theuortboait quarter (NKJ4) of seetlon twenty eight (28), township twenty-live (2SV i-auge fif teen (15) west of tho sixth («th) P. M>, soutane lug one hundred sixty (teoj acres' in llolt -... . K. s. Uunwy, Jr., county, Nebraska. _ . » .. .. Master In Chaucery, Charles B. Kellar, . Solicitor for Complainant. Itcmgo-5 LEGAL NOTICE. Jesse Spicer, Margaret Spicer, 0. O. Bart ley, Urn real name unknown,- Bartley. wife of C. O. Bartley, tlrst real name un know, defendants, will take notice that William II. Male, Benjamin Graham, William Halls Jr., aud Harris 11, Hayden, plaintiffs, have died their petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, impleaded with C. n. Walrath, first real name unknown, the object and ‘prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage, dated October 1, 1888, for MOO, upon the west half of the north west quarter of section 1 In township 29 north, of range 15 west, of the 0 P, M. fn Holt county, Nebraska, given by Jesse Spicer and Margaret 8pioor to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for P. O. Kefsell, and assigned to plaintiffs; which trust deed or mortgage was recorded In book 18, at page 88, of the mertgugo records of said county; and to have the same decreed to be a first lien, and said lands sold to satisfy the same, k You are required to answer said petition , lOJlg — - . A S — V. Xu .. th6 ifltfa diy of March; 18W, on timber culture Jicatlou No. 6401, for thw N‘4NWU, 8Ek kg- k IA M VI . ■ ElX.'Jta*. A ... _ ■ I _. oppiu . . ... NWM of section No; 19, In township Nb 'Radge No. 18 Wi 9P.M. ^ . Nehamcsas witnesses; Wesley T. Evans . -lend1ve,Monrt,, fimdyew Holmes,«f Amelia, Nebraska. > i ,m> «/., ft' “JohNaJharmow; ■>! •NdMUfif--' ■' ' • ■“ - >>■■■ Register, * •Jt. u-> ;Wjl Unwed States Land Office, j < O’Neill, Nebraska, January 28,1897.1 j -fNetfcn In heaebjr given tliat, Henry It Ham lUton. has filnd notice of inteutlon toinFf fiaaliDioof before the Register and Reoelvcr at thebe office In O’Neill, Nebraska, on Mon. day, the lsth day of March, 1897. on timber «ukure application No..8334, lor the N>4 SE'-i ;NEM of seotlou Ho. 28., . lu towu-. enlpNo,iJI N., Range. No. IE Wests • : ;H* names as witnesses: Thomas J. Galla fihgr. of Slocum, Nebraska; John 8, Galls* *■**V?fJMocurn. Nebraska; Mathew Ernst, of.O Neill, Nebraska; Joel Oeacb, of Ray. Ne ..IMMIMS. .- JOHN A. HARMON, 81-Onp Register: jn&mt “ ' . .Cbaa. U. ilood, broker and mann« [HWflrt .»%«&• Cfl4utftM«.’OW0: '^rti* !i*t ttM Dr. Khig’i new discovery has *o in>< cough remedy. - j. f), Brdwh,; proprietor, $t. J^nea Ufttel, Ft Wayne, lad.* testified that lie was cured of a cougli o| two years’ standing,caused by, la, grippe, by Dr. .King’s New Dls eoeeryjHB.FiMurrlU.'Bsldwiniaeille. Hats., says that he has used and reeom mended it and net# knew it to fail and | would rather have it than any doctor, | because it always eureii. Mrs. Hemming 1332 £ 25th St,. Chicago, always keeps it at hand and 'has no fear of croup, be cause it instantly relieves. Free trial bottles,at Pi C. Corrigan’s drug store. TRE^S AND PLANTS. A full 1 line fruit treks op best varie ties at hard tires pRicRs. Small fruits in large supply. Millions of Strawbeixy plants, very titrtfty and ; veil routed. Get the Best near home and save-freigh t or express. Send for price Hat to North Bbmo Nurseries, North Bend. Dodge County, Neb: • -*%».- | Did Ton Iw Try Electric Bittern as a remedy for ] your troublea? If not get a bottle now j > and get relief. Tbit medicine baa been j found to be peculiarly adapted to tbe { relief and cure of all female complaints, i exerting a wonderful direct influence in ! giving strength and tone to tbe organs. ! If you have loss of appetite,N constipa- ; tion, headache, fainting spells, or are I nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy { or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric j Bitters is tbe medicine you need. Health ! and strength are guaranted by its use. ! Fifty cents and 91.00 at F. C. Corrigan’s drug store. Baekten’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri gan. 51-tf Ballard’s 8now inimsnt. " This wonderful liniment is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the likes to the gulf. It is the I most’ penetrating liniment in the world. It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, sprains, bruises', wounds, old sores, burns, sciatica, sore throat, sore chest and all inflamation after all others have failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts and heal all wounds where proud flesh has set in. It is equally efficient for an imals. Try it and you will not be with out it. Price 50 cents, at Corrigan’s. ' What t .Prominent Imnrtnce Han Bays, " H. M. Blossom, senior member of H, M. Blossom & Co., 217 N. 3rd St. Louis Writes; I bed bee* left with a very dis tressing cough, the result of influenza, which nothing seemed to relieve, until I took Ballard's Borehound Syrup. One bottle completely cured me, I sent one bottle to my sister who had a severe cough, and she experienced immediate relief. 1 always recommended this syrUp to my friends. . , John Cranston 908 Hampshire Street, Quincy, 111., Writes: I have found Ballard’s Hdrehound Syrup superior to any other cough medicine I have ever known. It never disappoints. Price 25 and 50 cents, free sample bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. Fres Fils. Send your address to H. E. Bucklin & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s .New Life Pills. Atrial • will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly eilective in the cure ' of constipa tion and sick headache. For 'malaria and liver troubles they have been proven invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents per box. Sold by P. C Corrigan druggist. ’After hearing- some’’ friends continu ally praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use, and is now kg enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25;;and 00 cent siaes for sale by P. C. Corrigan . *; The old way of delivering |mall by post-boys competed with the modem telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods ot ••breaking’* colds compared with their almost instsntaueous cure by ,OnsHinute .Cough Cure. Morris & Co. Scaly eruptions on the head; chapped bands and .lips,. cuts, bruises,, scalds, bums, are quickly cured by DeWit’s •Witch Hazel Salve. It Is at present the Article most used for piles, audit always cures them. Morris & Co. ! I ■•••T .■ .* ■ « .• Wf -•(&<*' f >.**.*■■ t * [.|g , -- —1 -l" -*1 - ■ VT f;>‘ SiiiifU.f. * bk pereqaded/ into buying' lini ment* without • reputation or merit— Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more, npd’its merits.1 have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. Bu Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., ate . constantly being received: /“The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I say so afWr bkyihg Wd It in tny family for several years.” It imres rheumatism, lame, hack,- sprains ,'and. swellings. For B*V ARM AN, Manager...,.' D'Y ARMAN’S ffffmwtm .fp.: Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the • oily. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Alio run the O’Neill Omnibus line. ' Commercial trade a specialty. MHMaaiiMi THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER •; . $>4*4. ,|' I't-A ' 'Vi*. in HOLT COUNTY. pt-r Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has .... the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby « enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. = H’-.r. p&'i i i Its management uses none but... rr~" ■1—7". 'n v ;—' ■■ I’i-fs; the best paper, are scrupu- • neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac iV ■m?j ■ r tion. Mail orders c v receive, , r !. careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to a . . . do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate' with ■ The Frontier. $-■ j Vi’l .1- M The Frontier ... i- Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them ,, reasonably cheap. If we do not have, what you want we ?.■ \yill print it almost as you I »f-:i * u :.\*r« ■ . I -.4 H VTAit {V* t * * o ‘; fc* v 'ifUirtii+v. i/ff/4 f ^ " : . a'.iJ u - I hu-f Aij 7-ti rf*>} ■■.■) '({i f.ti'm s.ii itnufpt'i - "Ut'i bin \*Una if£uA .wutf'ifi < mt 'j-',>•••>*%' *>*«*:.•« *{. •* •* . U’H tuff Mi ,#«!, W ■-V ' ? -i... •. f ir.lvt [j. *>» .*! 1 T*« I • V» I ^ K3K? !?;•:■ As an Adyertisiilg fledium^S »« s-iv; Uisi:*’ Hii (jhi: ^irsr'itebeft >1. ».).., ,«{:sn.y.y„-M ViWO *3 especially at | the county seat. !«" rf;-. ,„4iJ ,.*** ,.j .a". I.'It rciroulates! (among the best — jttVtiijut r«i ehiuA fcf/u l J3T> * it..? class of people f a tflass’HMti pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as W**.XV .does a certain portion of the | people in the west. Ite rates ;: for advertising are very1 low, t* Ct> and the business tnan : who; i tvjfoo n? rfjrtvfr; ncu .■"til A »1 f/t'/■!*“►# !>f»: ’ does hot advertise in it is lose? 51B more than he dreams of. i4'**>vsfff j,-- i hv:f •' mJ toy* ’# .* .‘r! H j. r ■> i if you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga-:; ziue published on earth we will, ;give you a rate and Sive you money. We have ; clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. t ,1 > - fXi xm ■ (Jail,on or address \y; THE FKONTHEH.” O’NEILL, NEB. i A; * v "•1*> * .j?