CTL OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE. ' Governor..Silas Holcomb " Lieutenant Governor.- K .Harris Secretary of State.. Will. 1. Porter State Treasurer.John B. Meserve 'State Auditor..John I*. Cornell Attorney General..C. J. Bmythe Com. Lands and Building*.V. Sunt. Publio Instruction.W. K. Jackson ’ REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Chas. II. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, ' Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes. Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, Kdcar. . Representatives First District, J. B. Strode Second, H. D. Mercer, Third. 8. Maxwell, Fourth. W. L. Stark, Fifth, It. D. Sutherland, Sixth, W. L. Green. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. JUDICIARY. associates !?*T. O. Harrison aid fi'L.Nor^n FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. o.rfire .M. P, Klnkald, of O'Neill .. ........ J- J- King of O'Neill Jtadaeter'''.'.V.‘.w! H. WestoVeY,‘of Rushville iopSnir . 'hn Maher, of Rushville. LAND OFFICES. O’NSIIL. noglster.. tiecelver... John A. Harmon. ...Elmer Williams. COUNTY. ■ « t _Geo MctJutcneon Clerk of the" District Court •',^“*Nf^oUln! Deputy...p. Muiien Treasurer... .Sam nowar O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Frl. at_7:00 a m Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O'NEILL AND CUMMINSVILLE. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Friday g at .. 11:30pm Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at.i :00pm LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. In the District Court of Holt County, Neb. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff vs. , I Daniel O'Donnell. Sarah A. O'Donnell, Ktnpklo Hardware Company.Nell Mollravey Klier Leek, John Hynes, Schueldor & Loomis. J. T. lioblnson Notion Company and H. C. Fisher, defendants. To each and all of the above named de fendants. and to all persons Interested in t he following described tract of land: The northwest quarter of fhe northeast quarter, and the north half of the northwest quarter of section throe (8) lu township twenty-seven (27) of range ten (111) west of the (> P. M. in Holt county. Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby notified, that the petition of plulntiff Is now on file In the ofliee of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said lands at a tax sale on the 27th day of December. 1880. for the taxes of 1888, and paid therefor the sum of Thirteen and 84-100 dollars, and under said sale has paid subsequent luxes as follows: On the 14 day of July, 1801), the sum of thirteen and 05-100 dollars, and on the lath day of June. 1891, the sum of Fourteen and 20-100 dollars; that on the 10th day of August, 1892, a tax deed based on said sale and payment was issued and de livered to plaintiff purporting to convey to It said real estate, which deed was duly re corded, und that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said tax deed, plaiutlff paid the sum of Seven dollars, and that by'rsason of said sale, payment (ind tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said land free and clear of alt Ileus and Interests. You are further notified that on the 7th day of November, 1892, one James F. Toy purchased said tract of land at a regular tax salo of lands for the taxes for the year 1891. and paid therefor the sum of Thirteen and 9-100 dollars, and that under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent tax as follows: October 24. 1893, Nineteen and 70-100 dollars, and May 14, 1891, the sum of Eleveu and 50-100 dollars; that on the 22nd day of De cember, 1894. a tax deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to the said James F. Toy purpotting to convey to him all of said real estate, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said deed, the said James F, Toy paid expenses to the amount of Seven dollars. You are further notified that on the 19th nay or jxovemoer, jpud, rue HitIU James r . my again purchased said real estate at a regular tux sale for the taxes for the year 1894. and paid therefor the sum of Fourteen and 40-1(10 dollars, and that under and by virtue of said sale the Bald James F, Toy paid subsequent taxes ns follows: November 11,1896, the sum of Ten and 79-100 dollars. That all the interest acquired by the said James F. Toy in said real estate by virtue of said sales payment of subsequent taxes, has been duly assigned to plaintiff and plaintiff Is now the holder and owner of all such Interests. Vuu are further notified that plaintiff, by reason of its purchase of said real estate, and the acquiring of the interests of the said J ames F, Toy, claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of all said real estate, and that plaintiff asks in said petition that the assets and interests In said real estate of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined; that plaintiffs title to said real estate he fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defendants and all other persons, and if it be found by such determin ation that plaintiff’s title to said real estate is defective and void, then that the amount of the plaintiffs lien on said laud for such taxes and costs with luterest and attorney’s fees, as provided by statute, be ascertained and such lien be strictlv foreclosed and the defendants be reauired to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim within the time as may bo fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make such payment, that plaintiff’s title to said premises become fixed, established and quietod as against each and all of said de fendants, and all oilier persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general equitable relief includ ing a decree for a general and ordinary fore closure of said tax lien as by statute iu sucti cases made and provided and the sale of such promises in satisfaction thereof You are further notified that plaintiff’s claim against said real estate this 23rd day of December, 1896, Is One Hundred Ninety-six and 92-100 dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 18th day of January, 1897. Dated at O’Neill, Ncbr., this 23rd day of December. 1890. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict, 25-4 its Attorneys. NOTICE. In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr. Farmers' Loan St Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. Lewis H. Tallmage, and the northwest quar ter of section No. Five (5) in township Thir ty-two (32), of range Sixteen (16) west 6th p. m.. in Holt County, Nebraska, defendants. To each and all of the above named de fendants and to all persons Interested In the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the petition of plaintiff is now on file in tho office of the cleric of the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, alleging that plaintiff purchased said lauds at tax sale on the 27tli day of De cember, 1889. for the taxes for tho year 1888, and paid therefor the sum of Seventeen and 63-100 Dollars, and under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows: On the 14th day of July, 1890, the sum of Twenty-three land 64-100 Dollars, and on the 16vh day of June, 1891, the sum of Fifteen and 72-100 Dollars; that on the 10th day of August 1892, a tax deed based on said sale and pay ment was issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting to convey said real estate to it, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem and taking and recording said tax deed plaintiff paid costs to tile amount of Seven Dollars, You are further notified that said petition further alleges that on the 7th day of No vember, 1892, one James F. Toy purchased said lauds at a reguhir tax sale of land for the taxes for the year 1891, and paid therefor the sum of Nineteen and 52-10U Dollars, and that under and by virtue of said tax sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes of said lands as follows: October 24th. 1393, Sev enteen and 13-190 Dollars, and May 14th, ISM. Fourteen and 8-100 Dollars; that on the 22nd day of December. 1894, tax deed based on such sale and payment was issued and deliv ered to the said James F. Toy purporting to convey to hint all of said real estate, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem and taking and record ing sutd tax deed the said James F. Toy paid ousts to the amount of Seven Dollars. Said petition further alleges that on the 19th day of November, 1895. the said James F. Toy ngaid purchased said real estate at a regular tax sale for the taxes for the year 1894 and paid therefor the sum of Fourteen and 52-100 Dollars, and that under and by virtue of said sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes on said tract as follows: November 11th, 1396, the sum of Twelve and 23-100 Dol lars. That all the right, title and interest in and to said lands acquired by the said James F. Toy, by virtue of said sale and payment and tax deed, has been duly assigned to this Elaintiff, and that this plaintiff is now the older and owner thereof. You are further notified that plaintiff, by virtue of the purchase of said lands at the tax sale first mentioned, the payment of subsequent taxes thereon, and the acquiring of the interest of the said James F. Toy, claims to be the absolute and unqualified owner of all said real estate, and asks that the equity of all the defendants be fore closed and cut off, that the assets and inter ests of the several defendants herein and all other persons, in said real estate, be deter mined that plaintiff’s title to said real estate be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defend ants and all other persons, and that if it be found by such determination that plaintiff s title to said real estate be defective and void, that the amount of plaintiff’s lien on said lands for such taxes and costs including at torney’s fees as provided by statute be as certained and such lien be strictly fore closed and that the defendants be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim within such reasonable time as may be fixed by tlic court, and upon a failure to make such payment that plaintiff’s title to said lands become fixed, established and quieted as against each and all of said defendants and all'otber persons. Plaintiff also asks for a general equitable relief, Including a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said tax lien us by statute provided, and the sale of said premises iu satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff’s claim against, said real estate, this 23ril day of December, 1896, is Two Hun dred Thirty-seven and 53-100. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 18th day of January, 1897, or the allegationsof said petition will be taken as true and decree entered accord ingly. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 23rd day of Dec.. 1896. Farmers' Loan & Trust Companv, „ „ „ Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and E. II. Benedict, 25-4 Its Attorneys. I NOTICE. In the District Court of Hull County, Nebr. farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. Check IT. Toncray. O. O. Snyder, Rocetver Holt. County Bank. Thomas Tanner, Ne braska Loan and Trust Company. M. F. Harrington, Ousts Elwood, Stephen H. Eltvood. Ed F. Gallagher, The South Omaha National Bank, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section number twenty-one (31.) and the east half of tin northwest quarter of section number twenty-eight (28.) In township number twenty-eight <28.) north of range number thirteen (la.) west of the nth l*. M., In. Holt county, Nebraska, defendants, To each and all the above named defend ants, and to all persons Interested In tin above described tract of land. Vou and each of you are hereby notified, Ihut the petition of plaintiff is now on tile in the office of the clerk of the district court of Uolt|county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said lands at a tax sale on the 27th day of De cember, 1880, for the taxes of 1888. and paid therefor the sum of Twenty-six and 45-100 Dollars, and under Bald sale has paid subse quent taxes thereon as follows: Outlie 14th day of July, 1800. the sum of Fifteen und 20 100 Dollars, and on the 16th day of June, 1801. the sum of Seven und 69-liH) Dollars; aud tbut on the 10th day of August, 1802, a tax deed based en said sule and payment was is sued aud delivered to rlalntlff purporting to convoy to it said real estate, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the no tice to redeem, taking and recording said tux deed, plaintiff puld the sum of Seven Dol lars, and that by reason of said sale, pay ment and tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said laud free and clear of all Hens and Interests. You are further notified that on the 7th day of November, 1802, one James F. Toy pur chased said tract of land at a regu lar tax sale of land for the taxes tor the year 1801. aud paid therefor the sum of Eight, and 00-100 Dollars, and that under and uy virtue of said sale paid subsequent tax us follows: October 24th, 1803. Nine and 50-100 Dollars, and Muy 14tli, 1894, thesum of Nine and 40-100 dollars; that on the 12lh day of December, 1801, a 1 ax deed based on such sale and payment was Issued and delivered to the said Tames F.Tov purporting to convey te hint all of said real estate, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said deed the said James F. Toy paid expenses to the amount of Seven Dollars. You are farther notified that on the lOtli uuy 01 ^uvciuult, ioiu, uiu sum ju*uub r . iuj again purchased said real estate at a regular tax sale for the taxes for the year 18)4. and fiuid therefor the sum of Nine and 84-100 lkil ars, and that under and by virtue of said sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes as follows: November Util, 1800. the sum of Nine and 36-100 Dollars. That all tlio Interest acquired by the said James F. Toy In said real estate by virtue of said sales, pay ment of subseuuent taxes, has been duly as signed td plaintiff and tilaintltf Is now the holder and owner of all such interests. Vou are further notified that plaintiff, by virtue of Its purchase of said real estate, payment of subsequent taxes, and the ac quiring of the interests of tho said James F. Toy, claims to be the absolute and unquali fied owner of all said real estate, and that plalutlff asks in said petition that the assetts and interests In said real estate of the sev eral defendants to said action and all other persons be determined, that plaintiff's title to said real estate be fully established and quieted against adverse claims of each and all of tho defendants and all other persons, and If It be found by such determination that plaintiff’s title to said real estate be de fective and void, then that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said land for such taxes and costs with Interest and attorney’s fees as Provided by statute be ascertained and such e» be strictly foreclosed and the defend ants be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim within the time as may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make sueh payment, that plaintiffs title to said premises become fixed, established, and quieted us against each and all of said de fendants, and all other persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general equitable relief In cluding a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said tax lien as by statute In such cases made and provided and the sale of said premises In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amonnt of plaintiff’s claim against said real estate this 23rd day of December, 181X1, is One Hun dred Eighty-five and 81-100 Dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or beforo Monday, the 18th day of Januury, 1897. Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this 23rd day of December, 1806. Fahmeiis’ Loan & Trust Company. Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley & E, H. Benedict, 25-4 Its Attorneys. « OXIDE. In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr. Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. G. P. Weldman, Emma Weldman. Nicholas Holmes, Philip Horne and the southwest quarter of section number twenty-seven 137,) in township number thirty-one <31,) north of range number fifteen (16.) west tith p. m ,, In Holt county, Nebraska, De fendants. To each and all tho above namod defend ants. and to all persons Interested In the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified, that the petition of plaintiff Is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said lands at a tax sale on the 27th day of December. 1889, for tho taxes of 1888, and paid therefor the sum of Forty-nine and 89-100 Dollars, and under said sale has paid subse auent taxes thereon as follows: On the ltth ay of July, 1890, the sum of Nineteen and 40-100 dollars, and on the 16th day of June. 1891, the sum of Eleven and 11-100 dollars; that on the 10th day of August, 1892, a tax deed based on said sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting to convey to it said real estate, which deed waa duly recorded, and that for serving tin; notice to redeem, taking and recording said tax deed, plaintiff paid the sum of Seven dollars, and that by reason of said sale, pay ment and tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said land free and clear of all liens and interests. You are further notified that on the 7th day of November, 1892, one James F. Toy purchased said tract of land at a regular tax sale of lands for the taxes for the year 1891, and paid therefor the sum of Eleven and 97-100 dollars, and that under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent tax as follows; October 24, 1893, Twelve and 46-100 dollars, and May 14, 1894, the sum of Eight and 66-100 dollars; that on the 22nd day of December. 1894, a tax deed based on suen sale and pay ment was issued and delivered to the said James F, Toy purporting to convey to him all of said real estate, which deed was duly re corded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said ilced, the said James F. Toy paid expenses to the amount of Seven dollars. You are further notified that on the 19th day of November, 1895, the said James F. Toy again purchased said real estate at a regular tax sale for the taxes for the year 1894, and paid therefor the sum of Sixteen dollars, and that under and by virtue of said sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes as follows: November 11, 1896, the sum of Fifteen and 5-100, dollars. That all the interest acquired by the said James F. Toy in said real estate by virtue of said sales, payment of subsequent taxes, has been duly assigned to plaintiff and plaintiff is now the holder and owner of all such Interests. You are further notified that plaintiff, by virtue of Its purchase of said real estate, payment of subsequent taxes, and the acquiring of the interests of the said James F. Toy. claims to be the absolute and un qualified owner of all said real estate, and that plaintiff asks in said petition that the assett and interests in said real estate of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined, that plaintiff’s ' title to said real estate be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defendants and all other persons, and If It be found by such determin ation that plaintiffs title to said real estate be defective and void, then that the amount of plaintiffs lien on said land for such taxes and costs with interest and attorney’s fees as provided by statute lie ascertained und ' such lien be strictly foreclosed and tho de fendants be required to pay to plain tiff the amount of said claim within the I time as may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make such payment, that plain tiff’s title to said premises become fixed, es tablished and quieted as against each and all of said defendants, and all other persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general equitable relief Including a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said tax lien as by statute lit such cases made and provided and tho sale of said premises In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff's claim against said real estate this 23rd day of December, 1896, Is One Uundred Fifty-six dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, tlie 18tli day of January, 1807, or the allegations of said petltlou will betaken ns true and decree rondcred accordingly. Hated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this 23rd day of December, 1890. Fahmuks’ Doan and Tbust Company, . . Plaintiff, fly M. J. Swooley and K. □. Benedict, 2o-4 Its Attorneys. NOTICk. In the District Court of Holt County, Nob. Farmers Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. J. 8. Howard, J. D. Chamberlain and the northeast quarter of section t'nlrty-flvo (35,1 in township thirty-one (81,1 of range Bittern (10,) west of the 0th p. M„ In Holt county, Nebraska. Defendants. To each und all of the above named de fendants and to all persons Interested In the above described traet oi land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the petition of plalutitf Is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, alleging that plain tiff purohused said lands at tax sale on the 27th day of December, ltwu, for the taxes for the year isos, and paid therefor the sum of Thirty-three und 25-100 Dollars, aud under and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows: on the Htb day of July, 1800, the sum of Nineteen and 98-100 Dollars, and on the 18th day of June. 1891, the sum of Thirteen and 88-100 Dollars; That on the 10th day of August, 1892. a tax deed based on said sale and payment was Issued and delivered to plalutitf purporting to convoy said real estate to It, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem and taking and recording said tax deed plaintiff paid tax costs to the amount of Seven Dollars. You are further notified that s.-.ld petition further alleges that on tho Tib day of No vember, 1892, one James F. Toy purchased said lands at a regular tax sale of lands lor the tuxes fur the year 1891 and paid therefor the sum of Eighteen and 58-180 Dollars, and that under and by virtue of said tax sale the suld JameB F, Toy paid subsequent taxes of said lands us follows: October 24th, 1893, Twenty aud 2-100 Dollars, and May 14 1894, Seventeen and 4-100 Dollars: that on the 22nd day of December, 1804, a tux deed based on such sale and payment was issued and delivered to the said J antes F, Toy purport ing to convey to him all of said real estate, which deed was duly recorded and that for serving the notloe to redeem and taking and recording said tax deed the said James F. Toy pulu costs to the amount of Seven Dol lars. said petition further lalleges that on tue win uay oi novemucr, lsua, uiu Ham James F. Toy again purchased said real es tate at a regular tax sale (or the taxes tor the year 1894 and paid theretor the sunt of Nineteen und 38-100 Dollars and that under and by virtue of said sale the said .lames F. Toy paid subscuunt taxes on said tract as follows: November llth, 1800, the sum of fifteen and tH-100 Dollars. That all the right title and Interest In and to said lauds ac quired by the sutd James F. Toy, by virtue of said sale, payment and tax deed, has been duly assigned to this plalntllf, and that thla plaintiff is now the holder aud owner thereof. You are further notified that plulntllf, by virtue of tlio purchase of said lands at the tax sale Urst mentioned, the payment of sub sequent taxes thereon, and the acquiring of the Interest of the said James V. Toy, claims to bo the absolute and unqualified owner of all said real estate and as its that the equity of all the defendants be foreclosed and cut off, that the assets and Interests of the sev eral defendants herein and all other persons In said real estate be determlnid that plain tiffs tltlo to said real estate be fully estab lished aud quieted aguiust the adverse claims of each and all of the defendants and another persons, and that if it be found by such determination that plaintiff's title to said real estate be defective and void, that the amount of plaintiff's Hen on said lauds fot suuh taxes and costs Including attorney's fees as provided by statute be ascertained and such lieu be strictly foreclosed that the defendants be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of Bald claim witnin such reason able time as may be Uxed by the court, and upon a failure to mu&o such payment that plaintiff’s tide to said lands become Uxed, established and quieted as against each and all of said dclenuants and all other persons. Plaintiff also asks for a general equitable re lief, including a decree for a general aud or dinary foreclosure of said tax lien us by statute provided, and tho sale of said premi ses In satisfaction thereof. You ure further notllled that tho amount of plaintiff’s claim against said real estate this 23rd day of Deoember, 1800. Is Two Hum dred Seventy-eight and 45-100 Dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 18tli day of January, 1S97, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as truo and decree entered accord ingly. Date ated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 33rd day of Dec., 1896. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company, Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict; 25-4 Its Attorneys. NOTICE. In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr. Farmers’Loan & Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. Stephen H. Elwood, Ousta El wood, Check II. Toncruy. F. A. Nichols, Ed. P, Gallagher, South Omaha National llank, Harris E. Vail, Nelson Tonoray, and the east half ol the northeast quarter and the northeust quarter of the southeast quarter of section No. Twenty-two (32), In township No. Twen ty-eight (.28), range Thirteen (13) west ot t sixth i'. m., In Holt county, Nebraska, defendants. To each and all of the above named de fendants and to all persons interested In the above described tract of land: You and each of you are hereby notified that the petition of plaintiff is now on file In the office of tbe elerk of the district court of holt county, Nebraska, alleging that plaintiff purchased said lunds at tax sale on the 37th day of De cember, 1883, for tbe taxes for the year 1888 and paid therefor the sum of Thirty-six and 32-100 Dollars, and under and by virtue or said sale paid subsequent taxes thereon as follows: On the 14th day of July, 1800. the Sum of Thirty-three and 57-100 Dollars, and on the 16th day of J une, 1831, Sixteen and 18-100 Dollars: that on the 10th day of Aug ust, 1832, a tax deed baBed on such salo and payment was issued and delivered to plain, tiff purporting to convey said real estate to It, which deed was duly recorded, and that for the serving of the notice to redeem and taking aud recording said tax deed plalntlH paid costs amounting to the sum of seven dollars. Suid petition further alleges that on the 21st day of November, 1893, one James F. Toy purchased said tract of land at a reg ular tax sale for the taxes for the year 1892 and paid therefor the sum of Ten and 79-lOt Dollars, and that tbe said James F. Toy, un der und by virtue of said sale paid subse quent taxes as follows, to-wit: on the 17th day of May, 1894, the sum of Ten and 10-lUl Dollars, and on the 5th day of June, 1895, the sum of Ten and 40-109 Dollars. That on tbe 12th day of February, 1806, the county treas urer of said llolt county, Nebraska. Issued end delivered to tlio said James F. Toy a tax deed based on such sale and {layment. pur porting to convey to the said James F. Toy all said real estate, which deed was duly re corded, aud that for sorvlng the notice to re deem, taking and recording said tax deed, the said James F. Toy paid costs to the amount of Seven Dollars. Said petition further alleges that on the 16th day of No vember. 1896. the said JumesF. Toy again purchased said real estate at a regular tax sale of lands for the taxes for 1895, and paid therefor the sum of Ten and 55-100 Dollars. That all the right, title and interest in and to said land acquired by the said James F. Toy by virtue ol said sale, payment and tax deed has been by the said James F. Toy as signed und transferred to this plaintiff and plaintiff is now the holder and owner of all such Interests. You are further notified that by virtue ol the sale, pay rnent and deed first referred tc and the acquiring of the Interests of the said James P. Toy, plaintiff claims to be the ab solute and unqualified owner of all said rea estate, and asks iu said petition that Its tlth thereto he quieted In it aud against all th< adverse claims of all aud each of the de fendehts herein and against all other persons Plaintiff further asks that If Its title to sale real estate be found defective, then that tin Interests und assets of the several defend ants herein and all other persons be taker and determined that its lien for taxes si paid In said lands be decreed to be u firsi lien and paramount to tbe Interests of eaci of the defendants, und that said lion l« strictly foreclosed, and that said defoudanti be required to pay to plaintiff the amount ol Its lien so found due, within a reasonabU time us fixed by the court, and upon theh falling to make such payment within sucl time so fixed, that plaintiff's title becornt fixed, established and quieted as against al said defendants and against all other per sous. Plaintiff further asks for a genera equitable relief including a decree for a gen era I und ordinary foreclosure of Its tax Her e« hy statute in ■>«ch cases made and pro vlded, and the sale of said premises in satis faction thereof. You are further notified that the amount ol [ plaintiff's claim against said real estate thli BBST With i bit B. Blackwell's Genuine Boll Durham la Inaelaaa by Itself. You will find on* coupon inside each two ounea hat, and two sow* pouf inside each tour ounce bat of Blackwell’s Genuine Durhem Smoking Tobacco fflrd day of December, 1896. Is Two Hundred Thirty-one and 50-100 dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the IRth day of Janu ary,189(, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and decree rendered as prayed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 23rd day of Deoember, 1806. Farmers’ Loan * Trust Compart. „ „ , „ Plaintiff, By M. J. Sweeley & E. H. Benedict, 35-4 Its Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. Elliott C, Olmdtead, Marlon C. King, and Ann Kina, bis wife, (first and real name unknown) defendants, will take notice that, on the 2nd day of Deoember, 1800. Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien held by the plaintiff upon and against the southwest quarter of section fourteen, (14) In township thirty, (30) north of range fifteen. (15) west of the 6th P. M., In Holt oou nty, Nebraska. That on the 5th day of December, 1880. E. W. Adams purchased said promises at private tax sale In accord ance with law, for the delinquent taxes levied on said premises for the year 1888, und paid for said delinquent taxes, Interest and oosts, at said tax sale the sum of 820.04. That on the 25th day of Septembei'. 1890, suld E. W. Adams paid the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1880. and which at the time of such payment were delinquent, and that said delinquent taxes with Interest amounted to 615.02 at the time they were so paid by said Adams. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1800 became delinquent, and on the 28tn day of August, 1891, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with Interest to 18.80. That the tuxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1891 became delinquent and on the 30th day of December, 1892, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with interest to $7.10. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1802 became delinquent, and on the 3rd day of October, said K. vv. Adams paid the Bald taxes amount ing with Interest to $7.92. That when said E. W, Adams purchased said premises at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was duly Issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt county, and that said premises have never been re deemed from suld tax sale, and all of said taxes Constitute a valid lieu on said premises. That on the 24th day of July, 1803. said K. W. Adams for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned Ills said tax lien on said land, and all Interest he ever possessed In said land under and by virtue of said tax sale and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises to this plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof. That there Is now due the plaintiff on suld tax lien the sum of 6110, for which sum with Interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of Janu ary. 1807. Dated this 3rd day of Deoember, 1896. 22-4 Helen A. Berry, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Willey E. Polley, William P. Hyatt, Ana Hyatt, his wile, (whose first and real name Is unknown) Soott T. Jones and Beth F. Wood ford, defondants, will take notice, that oa the 2nd day of December, 1800, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In district court of Ilolt county. Nebraska. tho uiaiLiuii uuur, u, jiua uuuuvy. iiouraaHB. against said defendants, the object and grayer of which are to foreclose a tax lien eld by the plaintiff upon and against the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southwest, and the northwest auarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-six, (28) In township twenty-eight, (28) north of range fourteen, (14) west of the Oth P. M. In Holt county. Nebras ka. That on the 5lh day of December, 1880, E. W. Adams purchased said premises at private tux sale In aeeordanee with law for the delinquent taxes levied on said premises for the year 1888, and paid for auld delin quent taxes. Interest aud costs at said tax sale, the sum of (17.02. That on the 28th day of September, 1800, said E. W. Adams paid the taxes levied on said premises for the year 1880, and whluh at the time of such pay ment were delinquent; that said delinquent taxes, with interest, amounted to 16.47 at the time they were so paid by said E. W. Adams. That the taxes levied on said prem ises for the year 1800 beoame delinquent, and on the 28th day of August, 1801, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes, amounting with Interest to (7.44- That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1801 beoame delinquent, and on the doth day of Septem ber, 1802, said E. W. Adams paid the said taxes, amounting with Interest to (7.05. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1802 beoame delinquent, and on the 3d day of Octoter, 1803, said E. W. Adams paid the said tuxes, amounting with Interest to (8.20. That when said Adams purchased said premises at said tax sale a tax sale cer tificate was duly Issued to him by the treas urer of said Holt oounty, and that said premises have never been redeemed from said tux sale, and all of said taxes constitute a valid lien on said premises. That on the 24th day of July, 1898, said E. W. Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned his tax lien upon said land, and all Interest he ever possessed In said land under and by virtue of said tax sale, and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises, to this plaintiff, who Is now the ownor thereof. That there Is now due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of $80, for which sum, with Interest from this date, Elalntiff prays for a decree that defendants o required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answor said petition on or before the 11th day cf January. 1887. Dated this 3d day of Deoember, 1806. 22-4 Hki.ex a. Bekby, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. John Ciochon, William Forrest and Scott T. Jones, defendants, will take notloe that on the 2nd day of December, 1898, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein. Died her petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants. Impleaded with John Forrest and Ann Forest, bis wife, (whose first and real name Is unknown) also defendants, the object and prayer of which petition are to foreclose a ta* lien held by the plaintiff upon and against the northeast quarter of section two, (2) In township twenty-nine. (2D) north of range sixteen, (16) west of thellth 1*. M. In Ilolt county, Nobras-' ka. That on the 5th day of December, 1889, E. W. Adams purchased said premises at private tax sale In accordance with law for the delinquent taxes levied on said premi ses for the year 1888, and paid for said delin quent taxes, Interest and cost, at said tax sale the sum of 821.81. That on the 25th day of September, 1890, said E, W. Adams paid the taxes levied on said premises for the year 1889, and which at the time of such pay ment were delinquent. That said delinquent taxes with interest amounted to 116.87 at the time they were so paid by said Adams. That the taxes levied on said land for the year 1890 became delinquent, and on the 28th day of August, 1891, said E. W. Adams paid said taxes, amounting with Interest, to tlLM. That the taxea levied on tald land tor! the year 1801 became delinquent, and on the 80th day of September, 1882, tald H. W. Adame paid tald taxea, amounting with Interest to •12.80. That the taxea duly levied on tald premise* for the year 1802 became delinquent and on the Sd day of October, 1883, said B. W. Adam* paid said taxes, amounting with Interest to 118.00. That when said purchased said promisee at tald tax sale, a tax sale certificate was duly Issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt county, and that said premises have never been redeemed from said tax sale, and all of tald taxea con stitute a valid lien on said premises. That on the 24th day of July. 1808, said >. W. Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold and assigned his tax lien upon said land, and and all Interest he ever possessed m said land under and by virtue of said tax tale, and under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said premises, to this plaintiff, who Is now the owner thereof. That there la now due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of lias, for whioh sum with Interest from this date at ten per oent. per annum plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend ant be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of January, 1807, Dated this third day of Sauuary, 1888. 22-4 Hkmbn A. Bsnur, Plaintiff. . Mrs. Anna Gaga, fits if Ei Dapoty U. S. Marshal, CtlumbM, ha* imi . "I ww delivered of TWINS to lew than 90 min-, atea and with scarcely any pain • after using only two bottles of v ' ‘"MOTHERS’ - FRIEND” x>n> not itnm Aimwun. •KST"^/ B* mailed fm. t B8ADFIKLD BEGBUTOB CO., ATUSTA, U. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. vninaiMi oaij < •Arc, alwnja reUabU. Dmffiat tor Ckickiutt t BnpUtk mond Brand t» 1U4 ud GUdw* Vmkm, b—lad with blue ribbon. Taka ' haatkw Jt0iw danwroai tulitoNi ▼ Ftions and imitation*. Ai DrngflaM, orMM4% In aumpn tor pnrtkmlmri, UiUnlili id “lUUof IWr Malt 1AMA -1-1- V ' CT BiUmd of Terrible Fain*. R. B.Moree, treveling eeleemen, Gal-j veeton, Texas, aaya: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months’ standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, Ills., says: I have used Pallard’s Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. R. Crouch, Rio, Ills., says Ballard's Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head and neok when nothing ; else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 60 cents. Free trial bottles at P. , 0. Corrigan’s. : ; ; * tm mssovsry htm mis un. Mr. G. Gaillouette, druggist, Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King’s Hew Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with lagrippe and tried all the physic ians for miles about, but was of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live.. Having Dr. King’s New Dis covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and alter using three bottles was up and about again. It is wortl} its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it.” Get a free trial at Corrigan's drug store. OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS fisrstPienyt,! mi ftr (him of momkool, __ tmloolom, Sttrmtttrrhoa, Hortotomoot, HflMMA loot of KomonuAo. Wit mohopouo STtfOtO. floor oat dim. moo e/.o&e Sent, 96.00. Snottl Unttomo HotoO tilth oops too, Sillut hifTtslnwt ts sswummam. ST. LOUIS. no VKARB* Patents TRAD* MARKS* OKSIOMS* COPYRIGHTS On, Anyone lending a sketch and deacrlptlon may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention fa probably patentable. Communication* atrletly confidential. Oldeet agency foraecurine patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patent* taken through Mann A Co. neSN special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully lUnatrated, lanreat circulation ot anyeclentlSe Journal, weekly, term* past ayearj 11-50 *iz month*. Specimen ooplea and BAMS Book on Patbntb aentfrea. Addr*** MUNN * CO., Ml Bnatvay, Hew York. t ->