The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 28, 1897, Image 8

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notice to delinquents.
Notioe Is hereby given that the Interest and
rental upon the contracts of sale ana lease to
tbo following described educational lands
situated tn Holt county. Nebraska, as set
opposite the names of the respective holders
thereof, is delinquent, and if said delinquency
Is not paid within ninety days from the date
of tills notice, said contracts will be declared
forfeited by the board of Educational Lunds
and Funds, and said forfeiture will be
entered of record In the manner provided by
Southeast quarter of section 38 township 31
range 14—Marietta Olsli.
Northwest quarter of section 36 township 25
range 9—Samuel Newman.
Southeast quarter of section 1C township HO
range 18—B. U. Benjamin.
North half of section 10 township 25 range
12—C. J. Nobes.
Northwest q carter ef section 10 township 28
range lo— Alex Campbell.
North half of section 16 township 29 range
9— Conrad Bauman.
Northeast quarter of section 38 township 80
range 14—J, B. Bailey.
Southwest quarter and southwest quarter
southeast quarter of seotlon 38 township 82
range 15—Henry McNeal.
Southwest quarter and southwest quarter
southeast quarter of section 38 township 82
range 13 —Chas. McNeal.
All of section 16 .township 25 range 14—D. B.
Strloklcr. _
All of section 88 township 28 range 14—D. B.
. All of section 88 township 26 range 16—D. B.
All of section 18 township 28 range 14—J. 8.
All of section 36 township 28 range 14—J. B.
All of section 36 township 26 range lft—J. 8,
All of section 18 township 27 range 16—Wm.
All of section 86 township 28 range 16—Clara
Southeast quarter of section 36 township 27
range 9—John K. Nickerson.
North half and north halt southeast quar
ter and southeast quarter soutlieust quarter
seotlon 38 township 82 range lft—Henry Mo
North half and north half southeast quar
ter and southeast quarter southeast quarter
of section 36 township 32 range lft—Chas. Mc
All of section 88 township 26 range 13—Ira
L. Mendour.
' All of section 86 township 20 range 11—Wm.
H. Thompson.
East half southeast quarter and north half
northeast quarter and southeast quarter
northeast quarter of section 88 township 31
.range 15—Joseph Schaaf.
All of section 10 township 26 range 11—0. H.
Southwest quarter of seotlon 16 township 31
range 18—H. J. Roger.
All of .section 10 township 28 range 16—H. L.
South half southeast quarter of seotlon 86
township 20 range J2—C. M. Smith.
North half of section 10 township 80 range
10—G, N. SwcetHcr.
East half of Boctlon 86 township 83 range lft
—John Petorson.
Northeast quarter of section 16 township 29
range 13—James O'Conell.
South half southwest quarter of seotlon 36
township 26 range 12—Prank I Smith.
Northwest quarter of seotlon 16 township 26
range 18— L. T. Bourland.
All of seotlon 16 township 28 range 10—C. E.
All of section 22 township 28 range 10—N. E.
All of section 16 township 26 range 15—John
Chambers. nnrl smith hnlf rtf apnHnn !
16 township 29 range 12—James Hoberteon, Jr.
Northwest quarter of section 16 township 29
range 12—Joseph Kitts.
Southwest quarter of section 36 township 25
range 10— Paris K. Hiatt.
Bouth half northwest quarter of section 16
township 26 range 9—Heirs of J. A. Hlme
Southwest quarter of section 30 township 33
range 10—J. H. Pointer.
west half southwest quarter of section 16
township 25 range 9—R. A. Davis.
North half of sootlon 16 township 27 range 10
-Win. Keller.
Southwest quarter northeast quarter of
'seotlon 14 township 27 range 10—Phillip Brand.
* Northwest quarter northwest quarter of
section 14 township 27 range 10—Of. 0. Dear
All of section 16 townehlp 25 range IS—
Katherine Staples.
Tab of section 36 township 33 range 13—
,Homer Hichmond.
. All of section 30 township 28 range 13—
Frank Anderson.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of
seotlon 36 township S3 range 12—Chas. Dutton.
All of section 16 township 81 range 11—D. L.
All of section 86 township 25 range 12—J. II.
Sooth half of seotlon 36 township 26 range
12—"Valentine U. Hletter.
South half of section 86 township 28 range 12
—John Bowman.
Southeast quarter northwest quarter and
northeast quarter southeast quarter of sec
tion 12 township 27 range 10—0. L. Fogg.
Southwest quarter southwest quarter and
southeast quarter southeast quarter of seo
tlon 20 township 27 range 9—0. Wallace.
South half southeast quarter and northeast
quarter of section 30 township 27 range 9—
Wm. lewis.
South half northeast quarter of section 12
township 27 range 10—Patrick Buddy.
- Northeast quarter of section 30 township 28
range 9—It. L. Olapp.
All of section 36 township 32 range 9—Helen
All of section 16 township 25 range 10- Clara
A. MoIlride.
Northeast quarter and southwest quarter
of section 36 township 29 range 10—Charles H.
Bast half southeast quarter of section 36
township 29 range in—George H. Merritt.
Northwest quarter of section 36 township 82
range 10—William Pickering.
Southwest quarter and south half south
east quarter of seotlon 36 township 25 range
11—Qoorge W. Jones.
- All of section 36 towuBhljp 88 range 11—John
Hubby. r
Northeast quarter of section 36 township 31
range 12—Joel Ooaoh.
North hair of seotlon 36 township 31 range 14
—Otto H. Milts.
, North half and southeast quarter and
northeast quarter southwest quarter and
south half southwest quarter of section 16
township 82 raoge 14—David Adams.
Northeast quarter of seotlon 16 township 30
range 15—O. P. DeLance.
. Northwest quarter of seotlon 16 township 30
range 15- Louis Hoppe.
Southeast quarter northeast quarter of
section 16 township 33 range 15—W. 0. Elley.
Southwest northeast quarter and west half
southeast quarter of section 36 townanlD 31
range 18- Willis MoBrldo.
Southeast quarter southeast quarter and
northwest quarter northwest quarter of sec
tion 12 towuship 27 range 10-Willls McBride.
rate^iWc^dr U°“ “town8hlp 82
wumcttoujmaer nuu 5HJUIL1 uau QOriDUHHl
quarter and northeast quarter northeast
fiuarter of Bectlon 36 tow tub Ip 30 range 11
WiUls McBride.
Northeast quarter northeast quarter of sec
tion 12 township 27 range 10—Patrick Buddy
. Southeast quarter of section 8 township 28
range 11—K. L. Clapp.
' North half of section 38 township 80 range
11— J. It. Smith.
North half of seotlon 38 township 87 range
12— 0.1*. DeLanoe.
Northwest quarter of section 18 township
88 range 12—0. H. Milt*.
. All of section 16 township 28 range 14—
Frank E. Merritt.
South half southeast quarter of section 36
township 30 rauge 18—0. P. DeLance.
naif of aecalott J»B township 28 range
. 11-Chas. H. Odell.
All of seotlon 88 township 28 range 16—Noah
_A11 of seotlon 18 township 87 range 12
Henry Schell.
Northwest quarter of section 84 township 26
.range 8—W. D. Asklne.
Northeast quarter and east half northwest
quarter and southwest quarter northwest
quarter and south half of section 36 township
87 range 15—James D. Hume.
Southeast quarter of seotlon 36 township 32
range i«—Oeo. H. Heater.
.West half and southeast quarter of section
SB township 85 range 15—M. E. Baggs.
Southwest quarter southeast quarter of
; Motion 4 township2S range 11-John Wynn.
North half of section 16 township 31 range 9
—R. A. Purcell.
' Southeast quarter of section 16 township 31
range 11—A. B. Law.
Northeast quarter and cast half southwest
1 quarter and southwest quarter sontlrwest
Quarter of section 16 township 8» range 16—A.
North half of section 86 township 88 range
IS—A. *. Smith.
Southwest quarter and southeast quarter
,gl^ section 86 township 86 range 18—A. B.
. Southeast quarter of section t township 87
range 10—E. B. Coons.
Southwest quarter of section 12 township 27
range 10—E 11. Coons.
South half northwest quarter of section 14
ownshlp 27 range 10—E. B. Coons.
Northeust quarter of section 28 township 28
range 10—E. fl. Coons.
Southwest quarter of section 34 township 28
range to—E. B. Coons.
All ot section 10 township 25 range 11—J. O.
AH of section 10 township 28 range 13—Val
entine G. Blotter.
All of section 10 township 28 range 13-John
West half and southeast quarter and north
half northeast quarter and southwest quarter
northeast quarter of section 10 township 83
range 15—J. M. G. Curry.
North halt southwest quarter and south
east quarter southwest quarter of section 30
township 31 range 10—Frank M. Bookwater.
Northeast quarter northwest quarter of
section 10 township 31 range 11—K. J. Good
Dated at Lincoln, Nsb., this nth day of Jan
uary, 1897. H. O. Kcssei.i.,
Commissioner of Public Lauds and
Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav
ing claims and demands against Alexander
U. Morris late of Holt countv, deceased, that
the time fixed for filing claims against said
estate Is six months from the 5th day of Jan
uary 1897.
All such persons are required to present
their claims with the vouchers to the county
judge of said county, at his office therein, on
or before the fith day of Juno, 18U7, and all
claims so filed will be heard before the said
judge on tho 12th day of Juno, 1897, at 9
o’clock a. m. G. W. McCtrrcHAir,
I HKAi.j County Judge.
Dated this 21st day of January. 1897. 29-3
Notice Is hereby given to a'l persons having
claims aud demands against L. P. Hoy, late of
Holt county, deceased, that the time fixed for
filing claims against said estate Is 0 months
from the 9tli day of January, 1897.
All such persons are required to'
present their claims with the vouchers
to the county judge of said county, at ills office
therein, on or before the I2tli day of June, 1897,
and all claims so filed will be heard before the
said judge on the 19th day of Juue. 1897, at 1
o’clock p. m. G. A. MoCutcuan,
[Skal.1 .County Judge.
Dated this 19th day of January, 1897. 29-3
Docket It, No. 23«.
In tiik emeu it coubt ok the United
States, fob th ic district ok Nkiiuaska.
Albert B. Voorheis, et nl, complainant, vs.
'William F. O’Urleu, ct ol, detemiauts. In
Public notice is hereby given that In pursu
ance and by virtue of a decree entered 111 the
above cause on the 2ttli day of November. 18Ut>,
I. E. S. Dundy, Jr., Master In Chancery of the
circuit court of the United States for the dis
trict of Nebraska, will, on tne 2d day of Febru
ary, 1897, at the hour of 9 o'clock in tho fore
noon of said day at the front door
of the Holt county court house
building in the city or O’Neill, Holt,
comity, state uml district of Nebraska, sell at
auction for cash tlie following described
property to-wit: The northwest quarter! NWh >
of section twenty-one (21) township thirty-one
(31) range thirteen (13) west of the sixth (Cth) 1‘.
M. containing one hundred sixty (ICO) acres, and
the uortlieast quarter (NE‘4) of section twenty
eight (28), township twenty-five (25) range fif
teen (15) west of the sixth (6th) P. M.. contain
ing one hundred sixty (ICO) acres lu Iiolt
J. P. Mui.i.en,
County Treasurer.
u. iiHimr,
Solicitor for Complainant. Itcm2G-.rj
Land Office at O’Neill, Neti.,
December so, Ihoo.
Notice Is hereby Riven that John McKenna
has tiled notice of Intention to make llnal proof
before register and receiver at Ills office In
O’Neill, Neb,, on Saturday, the 13th day of
February, 180T, on timber culture application
No. 8389, tor the northwest quarter of section
No S In township No. 28 range No, 12 west 0 P.
M. lie names as witnesses:
Patrick Bagley, Morton H. Hiatt. James McCoy,
Charles McCoy, all of O’Neill, Neb,
20-6p Item John A. Uahmon, Ueglster.
William Adams, Thomas N. J. Hynes, and
John P. Olbson, executor of the estate of
Ann A. McOloery, deceased, defendants, will
take notice that on the 3d day of December,
181X1, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, tiled
her petition In the district court of Holt
countv, Nebraska, against said defendants,
impleaded with O. 0. Snyder, receiver of
Holt county bunk, John Fallon and the
County of Holt, also defendants, the objeot
and Drayer of which are to foreclose a tax
Uen held by the pluIntltT upon and against
the southwest quarter section thirty-one. In
township thirty, range ten, west of
the 6th P. M. In Holt county. Nebraska.
That on the 4th day of December. 1880, E. W.
Adams purchased said premises at private
tax sale In accordance with law for the de
linquent taxes levied on said premises for the
year 1888. and paid for said delinquent taxes,
interest uud ousts at said tux sale, the sum
ot 620.80. That on the 25th day of September,
1800, satd Adams paid the taxes duly levied
on said premises for the year 1889, and which
at the time of such payment were delinquent
and said delinquent taxes with Interest
amounted to *19.55 at the time they were so
paid by said Adams. That the taxes duly
levied on said premises for the year 1890
became delinquent and on the J8th day of
August, 1891, said Adams paid the suld taxes
amounting with Interest to 814.33. That the
taxes duly levied on said premises for the
year 1891 became delinquent und on the 80th
day of September, 1892, satd Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to 812.10.
That the taxoa duly levied on said promises
fot the year 1892 became delinquent and on
the 3d day of Uctober, 1893, Bald Adams paid
tbo satd taxes amounting with interest to
814 30. That when said Adams purchased
■aid premises at said tax sale a tax sale cor
tlflcate was duly Issued to him by the treas
urer of said Holt county, and that said
premises have never been redeomed from
said tax sale, and all of said taxes constitute
a valid Uen on said premises. That on the
24th day ot July, 1893, suld Adams for a val
uable consideration, sold and assigned hi*
tax lien on said land and all Interest he ever
possessed In satd land under and bv virtue
of said tax sale and under and by virtue of
all taxes ever puld by him on said premises
to this plaintiff who Is now tbe owner there
of. That there Is now due the plaintiff on
said tux Hers the sum of 8104, tor which sum
with Interest from this date at ten per cent,
per annum plaintiff prays for a decree; that
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition On
or before the Uth day of January. 1897.
Dated this 3rd day of Deoember, 1896.
22-4 . Helen A. Beiiby, Plaintiff.
a EOtuta um mm a. well Kan.
Are you bilious, constipated or
troubled with taundice, sick headache,
bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated
tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry
skin, pain in back and between the
shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you
have any of these symptoms, your liver
is out of order, and your blood is slow
ly being poisoned, because your liver
does not act promptly. Herbine will
cure any disorder of the liver, stomach
or bowels. It has no equal as a liver
medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial
botjle at P. C Corrigan’s. ■ 40
1 tine pruit trees op best varie
ties at hard times prices. Small
fruits in large supply. Millions of
Strawberry plants, very thrifty and well
rooted. Get the best near borne and
save freight or express. Send for price
list to North Bend Nurseries, North
Bend, Dodge County, Neb.
I wifi be at the couuty clerk’s office
every Saturday during 1807 for the pur
pose of collecting taxes.
J. C. Harney,
28-3 Treasurer Grattan Township.
Did You Bver
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine bas been
found to be peculiarly adapted to tbe ;
relief and cure of all female complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If you have loss of appetite, constipa- !
tion, headache, fainting spells, or^hre ;
nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy
or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric
Bitters is the medicine you need. Health
and strength are guaranted by its use.
Fitly cents and $1.00 at P. C. Corrigan’s ,
drug store- i
Backlen’s Arnica Salve.
The Best 8alvr in the world Tor cuts,
bruises, sores,-ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, '
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- ]
lively cures piles, or no pay required. '
It is guarranted to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per bo*. For sale by P. C. Corri
gan. 51-tf !
Ballard’s Snow lniment. j
This wonderful liniment is known j
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and i
from the lakes to tbe gulf. It is the ;
most penetrating liniment in the world. <
It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, J
sprains, bruises, wouuds, old sores, l
burns, sciatica, sore throat, sore chest j
and all Inflnmation after a]l others have j
failed. It will cure barbed wire cuts i
and heal all wounds where proud flesh !
has set in. It is equally efficient for an- j
imals. Try it and you will not be with- j
out it. Price 50 cants, at Corrigan’s. j
What s .Yrominenf Insurance Xan Says. j
*U. M. Blossom, senior member of H. f
M. Blossom <6 Co., 217 N. 3rd St. Louis j
writes: I had been left with a very dis- j
tressing cough, the result of influenza, |
which nothing seemed to relieve, until I f
took Ballard’s Ilorehound Syrup. One |
bottle completely cured me. I sent one jj
bottle to my sister who had a severe r
cough, and she experienced Immediate I
relief. I always recommended this f
syrup to my frisnds. j
John Cranston 908 Hampshire Street, (
Quincy, 111., writes: I have found f
Ballard’s ilorehound Syrup superior to |
any other cough medicine I have ever |
known. It never disappoints. Price 25 Jj
and 50 cents. Free sample bottles at F. |
C. Corrigan’s. |
Free Fill. , f
Send your address to B. E. Bucklin & |
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box 1
of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy in action and are particu
larly effective in tLe cnre of constipa
tion and sick headache. For malaria
and liver troubles they have been proven
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate tbe system. Regular ;
size 25 cents per box. Sold by P. C.
Corrigan druggist.
After hearing some friends continu
ally praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea remedy, Curtis Fleck,
of Anaheim, California, purchased a
bottle of it for his own use, and is now
as enthusiastic over its wonderful work
as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by P. C. Corrigan. |
The old way of delivering mail by |
post boys compated with the modern I
telephone, illustrates the old tedious |
methods ot ‘'breaking” colds compared |
with their almost instantaueous cure bv
One Minute Cough Cure. Morris & Co.
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns, ate quickly cured by DeWit’s
Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the
article most used for piles, and it always
cures them. Morris & Co.
Don’t be persuaded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit—
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as tbe
following, from L. B. Bagley, Hueneme,
Cal., are constantly being received:
“The best remedy for pain I have ever
used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I
say so after having used it in my family
for several years.” It cures rheumatism,
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by P. C. Corrigan.
B. A. DsYAHMAN, Manager.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Finest tnmonts in the city.
Good, careful drivers when
wanted. AIjo run the O’Neill
Omnibus line. Commercial
trade a specialty.
is the
and the
> ' l . " -
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are ■ scrupu
Teat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac- V
tion. Mail orders receive
careful-attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to ■
do all classes of work you
will find it to ydur financial ■
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier. ' > '
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the beat m the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-iesidents, as
does a certain portion of the '
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
sive you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or address