The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 28, 1897, Image 5

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Lieutenant Governor..J. E .Harris
Secretary of State....... Wm. F. Porter
State Treasurer.John B. Meserve
State Auditor.John F. Cornell
Attorney General.C. J. Sinythe
Com. Lands and Buildings.J* V. Wolfe
Sunt. Public Instruction.W. K. Jackson
Chas. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham,
tmaba; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull,
Representative* First Dlstrlot,J. B. Strode
Second, H. D. Meroer, Third. 8. Maxwell,
Fourth. W, L. Stark, Fifth, K. V. Sutherland,
SUtb, W. L. Green.
Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John
M. Thurston, of Omaha.
Qatar Justtos...A. M. Post
Aseoolatae!^T,0. Harrison and T. L. Norvall
Judge...M. P. Kinkald, of O'Neill
Reporter...J.J. King of O Neill
Judge.W. H. Westover, of Bushvllle
Reporter • 'bn Maher, of Bushvllle.
xeirlster .... . .John A. Harmon.
•?-.S5SR£v...;.... ...*!»•» *»«««■>■•
.Geo McCutcheon
Clerk of't'he District Court ... JoJhuSklrvlng
Deputy.O- “•‘"““n
ch^k*.. ,V....Bill Bethea
UwnutV .:.... .Mike MoCarthy
'coroner... ..
HiiFVdTOf ... i WOrtOD
surveyor. >w >B< Butter
8 UPXR VI80R8.
vine* district.
Cleveland, Sand Creek. Dustin.Baratoga,
Bock Falls andPleasantvlewiJ. A. Robertson
Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll
, f .owdale and lowar-J. H. Hopkins. .........
Grattan end O’Neill—Mosses Campbell.
>• Kwlng, Verdigris andDelolt—L. O. Combs
Chambers, Cooler, Lake, McClure and
. Inman—S. L. Conger.
Ewan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green
Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—0. W. Moss.
Atkinson and Stuart-W. N. Coats.
Supervisor, E. J. Mack; Justices. B. H.
Benedict and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed.
MoBride and Perkins Brooks.
For two years.—D. H. Cronin, For one
. year—0. W. Hagentlek. .
.Fortwo years—Alexander Marlow. For
one year—W. T. Evans.
For two years—Charles Davis. For one
year—E. J. Maek.
. oitt orriosRS.
• Mayor, H. E. Murphy; Clerk, N. Martin;
Treasurer, John MuUugh; City Engineer
Jolin Horrlaky; Police Judge, H. Kautxman;
Chief of Police, P. J. Blglln; Attorney,
Thos. Carlon; Welghmaater, D. Stannard.
Supervisor, R. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney
MuGreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben
_ inh-inf Justices, M. Castello and Cbas.
' Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Bd.
MoBrlde; Road overseer diet. SB, Allen Brown
dist. No. 4, John Bnrlght.
Regular meeting first Monday In Febru
ary of each year, and at suoh other times as
Is deemed neoessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page,
chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary;
U. U. Clark Atkinson,
Services every Sabbath at 10:80 o’clock.
Very Rev. Cassidy, Poster. Sabbath school
Immediately following services.
Methodist church. Sunday
services—Preaching 10:80 a. k. and 8:00
r.M. Class No. 1 0:80 a. X. Class No. 2 (Ed
worth League) 7:00 p. H. Class No. 8 (Child
rens) 8:00 p. m. Mind-week services—General
•• --- All will
, Pastor.
yens; s:w r. m. jninu-weea services—
prayer meeting Thursday T:80 p. x.
be made welcome, especially strange:
B. T. GEO RGB, 1
a A. R. **OST,NO. 80. The Gen. John
• O’Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne
braska G. A. U., will meet the first and third
Saturday evening of each month In Masonlo
hall O’Neil] 0. J. Smii h, Com.
U r. Meets ovety Wednesday evening In
, Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers oordlally
Invited to attend. . . •
. W. H. Mason. N. G. 0. L. BMOHt, Sec.
Garfield chapter, b. a. m
Meets on first and third Thursday of each
month In Masonic hall. _
W. J. Dobbs Sec, J. 0. BAkwiSn, H, P
■ Convention every Monday at 8 o’olook p.
m. In Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern
oordlally invited. .
J. P. Gillioah, c. 0.
E. J. Mack. K. of R. and 8.
O. O. V. meeu every seoond and fourth
Friday! of each month In Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Ohas. Rbioht, H. P. H. M. Tttlby, Scribe
U OF RBBEKAH, meeu every lit and W
Friday of each month la Odd Fellowi’ Hall.
Adoubta Martin N. Q. Maria Mum, Sec.
Garfield lodge, mo. bs,f.aa.m.
Beyular communications Thureday ntsrhts
on or before the full of the moon.
J. JTKdio, W.M.
0.0. Snyobb, Seo.
HOLT'CAMP NO. 1710, M. W. OF A.
Meet! on tut Brat and third Tuesday In
eaob month In the Masonic hall.
. ^MjuiUr-iwyAM, ft 0. D. H. Cronin, Clerk
...10:0t am
> ci rad short line.
^vea JO'.OIa. M. Arrives 11:85 r.M.
iP.M. Arrives 7:00 P. M.
, AND CHE LA ■ A. t \
d. and Friday at7:00am
{Thurs.and Sat. at..1:00pm
. Wed.and Friday at..T:00 am
y, Thurs. and Sat. at..4-A0 p m
.Wed.andFrtat_7:00 am
; Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p m
Wed. and Fridays at ..It :80pm
Wad. and Friday at i:00pm
In the District Court of Holt County, Neb.
Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff
Daniel O'Donnell, Harsh A. O’Donnell,
Empkle Hardware Company .Nell Mellravey
Eber Leek, John Hynes, Hohnelder «
Loomis. J. T. Hoblnson Notion Company
and H. C. Fisher, defendants.
To each and all of the above named de
fendants. and to all persons interested in
the following described tract of land: The
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter,
and the north half of the northwest quarter
of section three (3) in township twenty-seven
(87) of range ten (10) west or the 6
P. M. in Holt county. Nebraska. You and
each of you are hereby notified, that the
petition of plaintiff is now on file in the office
of the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff
Surchased said lands at a tax sale on the 87th
ay of December. 1086, for the taxes of 1888.
ana paid therefor the sum of Thirteen and
84-100 dollars, and under said sale has paid
subsequent taxes as follows: Un the it day
of July, 1880, the sum of thirteen and 85-100
dollars, and on the lath day of June. 1861, the
sum of Fourteen and 86-100 dollars; that on
the 10th day of August, 1862, a tax deed based
on said sale and payment was issued and de
livered to plaintiff purporting to convey to it
said real estate, which deed was duly re
corded, and that for serving the notice to
redeem, taking and recording said tax deed,
plaintiff paid the sum of Seven dollars, and
that by reason of said sale, payment and tax
deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute
owner of said land free and oloar of all liens
and interests.
You are further notified that on the 7th
day of November, 1892. one James F. Toy
purchased said tract of land at a regular tax
sale of lands for the taxes for the year 1861,
and paid therefor the sum of Thirteen and
6-100 dollars, and that under and by virtue of
said sale paid subsequent tax as follows)
October 24. I860, Nineteen and 70-100 dollars,
and Hay 14, 1864, the sum of Eleven and
80-100 dollars; that on the 22nd day of De
cember, 1894, a tax deed based on such sale
and payment was Issued and delivered to the
said James F. Toy purpoiting to convey to
him all of said real estate, which deed was
duly recorded, and that for serving the
notice to redeem, taking: and recording said
deed, the said James F, Toy paid expenses to
the amount of Seven dollars.
You are further notified that on the 19th
day of November, 1895, the said James F. Toy
again purchased said real estate at a regular
tax sale for the taxes for the year 1864. and
paid therefor the sum of Fourteen and 40-100
dollars, and that under and by virtue of said
sale the said James F, Toy paid subsequent
taxes as follows: November 11. I860, the sum
of Ten and 76-100 dollars. That all
the interest acquired by the said James F.
Toy in said real estate by virtue of said sales
payment of subsequent taxes, has been duly
assigned to plaintiff and plaintiff is now the
bolder and owner of all such interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff, by
reason of its purchase of said real estate, and
the acquiring of the Interests of the said
James F, Toy, claims to be the absolute and
unqualified owner of all said real estate, and
that plaintiff asks In said petition that the
assets and Interests In said real estate of the
several defendants to said action and all
other persons be determined; that plaintiffs
title to said real estate be fully established.
and quieted against the adverse claims of.
each and all of the defendants and all other
persons, and If it be found by suoh determin
ation that plaintiff's title to said real estate
Is defective and void, then that the amount
of the plaintiffs lien on said land for such'
taxes and ousts with interest and attorney’s
fees, as provided by statute, be ascertained
and such lien he strictly foreclosed and the
defendants be required to pay to plaintiff the
amount of said claim within the time as may
be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to
make such payment, that plaintiff's title to
said premises become fixed, established and
quieted as against each and all of said de
fendants, and all other persons, and plaintiff
asks also for a general equitable reltef includ
ing a decree for a general and ordinary fore
closure of said tax lien as by statute lu such
cases made and provided and the sale of suoh
premises in satisfaction thereof
You are further notified that plaintiff's
claim against-said real estate this 28rd day
of ileoember, 1898, is One Hundred Ninety-six
and 92-100 dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 18th day of January,
• Dated at O'Neill, Nebr., this 28rd day of
December, 1860,
Fabxbrs' Loan and Trust Company,
i Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict,
25-4 its Attorneys.
In the District Coart of Holt County, Nebr.
Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company, Plaintiff,
Lewis H. Tallmage, uud the northwest quar
ter of section No. Five (5) In township Thir
ty-two (32), of range Sixteen (16\ west 6th p.
M.. ln Holt County, Nebraska, defendants.
To each and all of the above named de
fendants and to all persons Interested la the
above described traot of land: You and each
of you are hereby notliled that the petition
of plaintiff Is now on file In the offioe of the
clerk of the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, alleging that plaintiff purchased
■aid lands at tax sale on the 27th day of De
cember, 1880, for the taxes for the year 1888,
and paid therefor the sum of Seventeen and
88-100 Dollars, and under and by virtue of
said sale paid subsequent taxes as follows:
On the 14th day or July, 1880. the sum of
Twenty-three land 64-100 Dollars, and on the
16ih day of June, 1861, the sum of Fifteen and
78-100 Dollars: that on the 10th day of August
1882, a tax deed based on said sale and pay
ment was Issued and delivered to plaintiff
purporting to convey said real estate to It,
whlob deed was duly reeordpd, and that for
notice tp redeem and taking and
old tax deed plaintiff paid coats to
; of Seven Dollars,
You are further notified that said petition
further alleges that on the 7th day of No
vember, 1888, one James F. Toy purchased
said lands at a regular tax sale of land for
the taxes for the year 1881, and paid therefor
the sum of Nineteen and 62-100 Dollars, and
that under and by virtue of said tax sale the
said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes of
Said lands os follows: October 24th, 1383, Sev
enteen and 18-100 Dollars, and May 14th, 1804,
Fourteenand 8-100 Dollars; that on the 82nd
day of December. 1804, tax deed based on
such sale and payment was Issued and deliv
ered to the said James F. Toy purporting to
donvey to him all of said real estate, which
deed was duly recorded, and that for serving
the notice to redeem and taking and record
ing said tax deed the said James F. Toy paid
oosts to the amount of Seven Dollars, Mid
petition further alleges that on the 10th day'
of November, 1805. the said James F. Toy
agald purchased said real estate at a regular
tax sale for the taxes for the year 18W and
paid therefor the sum of Fourteen and 58-106
Dollars, and that underand by virtue of said
■ale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent
taxes on said tract as follows: November
11th, 1886, the sum of Twelve and 23-100 Dol
lars. That all the right, title and interest in
and to said lands acquired by the said James
F. Toy, by virtue of said sale and payment
and tax deed, has been duly assigned to this
serving the
the amount
Elalntltr, ana that this plaintiff la now tbe
older and owner thereof.
You are further notified that plaintiff, bp
Virtue of the puiohaae of said land* at the
tax sale first mentioned, the payment of
subsequent taxes thereon, and the acquiring
of the Interest of the said James S’. Toy,
claims to be the absolute and unqualified
owner of all said real estate, and asks that
the equity of all tbe defendants be fore
closed and cut off, that the assets and inter
ests of the several defendants herein and all
other persons. In said real estate, be deter
mined that plaintiff's title to said real estate
be fully established and quieted against the
adverse claims of each and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and that if it be
found by such determination that plaintiff's
title to said real estate be defective and void,
that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said
lands for such taxes and costs Including at
torney's fees as provided by statute be as
certained and such lien be strictly fore
closed and that the defendants be required
to pay to plaintiff the amount of said olalm
within such reasonable time as may be fixed
by the court, and upon a failure to make
such payment that plaintiff’s title to said
lands become fixed, established and quieted
as against each and all of said defendants
and all other persons. Plaintiff also asks for
a general equitable relief. Including a decree
for a general and ordinary foreclosure of
•aid tax lien as by statute provided, and tbe
sale of said premises In satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff's claim against said real estate,
this 23rd day of December, 1898, is Two Hun
dred Thirty-seven and 58-100.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 18th day of January,
1807, or the allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and decree entered accord
•tsd atO’NeHl.Nebraska, this 23rd day
fikiun' Loan & Trust Compakv,
_ w _ Plaintiff.
By M. J. Bweeley and xi. H. Benedict,
•m Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr.
Farmers’ Doan and Trust Company, Plaintiff,
Check II. Tonoray, O. O. Snyder, Receiver
Holt County Bank. Thomas Tanner. Ne
braska Loan and Trust Company, M. F.
Harrington, Gusts Elwood, Stephon
H. Elwood. Ed F. Gallagher, The
South Omaha National Bank, the
southeast quartor of the southwest
quarter - and the southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section number
twenty-one (21.) and the east half of the
northwest quarter of section number
twenty-eight CM.) In township number
twenty-eight (18.) north of range number
thirteen (13.) west of the 8tb r. M., in Holt
couuty. Nebraska, defendants.
To each and all the above named defend
ants, and to all persons interested in the
above described tract of land. You- and eaoh
of you are hereby notified, that the petition
of plaintiff Is now on file in the oifioe of the
clerk of the district court of Holt|county.
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased
said lands at a tux sale on the 27th day of De
cember, 1880, for the taxes of 1888. and paid
therefor the sum of Twenty-six and 48-100
Dollars, and under said sale has paid subse
auent taxes thereon as follows: On the 14th
ay of July, 1880. the sum of Fifteen and So
ldo Dollars, and on the 18th day of June, 1881.
the sum of Seven and 08-100 Dollars; and
that op the 10th day of August, 1882, a tax
deedbaaSd on said sale aud payment was Is
sued and delivered to rlalntlff purporting to
convey to It said real estate, which deed was
duly recorded, and that for serving the no
tice to redeem, taking and recording said
tax deed, plaintiff paid the sum of Seven Dol
lars, and that by reason of said sale, pay
ment and tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the
absolute owner of said land free and dfar of
all liens and Interests. J.
You are further notified that on the 7th day
of November, 1882, one James F. Toy pur
chased said traot of land at a regular tax
sale of land for the taxes for the year 1881,
and paid therefor the sum of Eight and 88-100
Dollars, and that under and uy virtue of said
sale paid subsequent tax as follows: October
24th, 1888. Nine and B8-100 Dollars, and May
14th, 1884, the sum of Nine and 40-100 dollars;
that on the 12th day of December, 1884. a tax
deed based on suoh sale and payment was
Issued and delivered to the said lames F.Tov
purporting to oon vey te him all of said real
estate, which deed was duly recorded, and
that for serving the notice to redeem, taking
and recording said deed the said James r.
Tojr paid expenses to the amount of Seven
You are further notified that on the 18th
day of November, 1808, the said Janies F. Toy
again purchased said real estate at a regular
tax sale for the taxes for the year 1884. and
rigid therefor the sum of Nine and 84-100 Dol*
a is, and that under and by virtue of said
sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent
taxes as follows: November 11th, 188b. the
sum of Nine and 88-108 Dollars. That all the
Interest acquired by the said James F. Toy In
said real estate by virtue of said sales, pay
ment of subseauent taxes, has been duly as
signed to plaintiff and plaintiff Is now the
holder and owner of all such Interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff, by
virtue of its purchase of said real estate,
payment of subsequent taxes, and the M
qulrlng of the Interests of the said James F,
Toy, olalms to be the absolute and unquali
fied owner of all said real estate, and that
plaintiff asks in said petition that the assetts
and Interests In said real estate of the sev
eral defendants to said action and all other
persons be determined, that plaintiff's tills
to said real estate be fully established and
quieted against adverse claims of each and
all of the defendants and all other persons,
and :if It be found by suoh determination
that plaintiff's title to Bald real estate be de
fective and void, then that the amount of
plaintiff’s lien on said land for suoh taxes
and costs with interest and attorney's fees as
Rrovlded by statute be ascertained and suoh
ea be strictly foreclosed and the defend
ants be required to pay to plaintiff the
amount of said claim within the time as may
be fixed by the oourt, and upon a failure to
make suoh payment, that plaintiff’s title to
said premises become fixed, established, and
quieted as against each and all of said de
fendants, and all other persons, and plaintiff
asks also for a general equitable relief In
cluding a decree for a general and ordinary
foreclosure of said tax lien as by statute in
suoh oases made and provided and the sale
of said premises in satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amonnt
of plaintiff’s claim against said real estate
this 23rd day of December, 1806, Is One Hun
dred Eighty-five and 81-100 Dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 18th day of January,
Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 23rd day of
December, 1896.
Fakmkhs’ Loan & Truss Compart,
Bv M. J. Bweeley & E, H. Benedlot,
25-4 Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr.
Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff,
G. P. Weldman, Emma Weldman. Nicholas
Holmes, Philip Horne and the southwest
quarter of seotlon number twenty-seven
(87,) In township number thirty-one (31.)
north of range number fifteen (16.) west 8th
p. m„ in Holt county, Nebraska, De
To each and all the above named defend
ants. and to all persons Interested In the
above described tract of land: You and each
of you are hereby notified, that the petition
of plaintiff Is now on file In the office of the
clerk of the dlstriot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased
said, lands at a tax sale on the 27th day of
December. 1880, for the taxes of 188H. and paid
therefor the sum of Forty-nine and 88-100
Dollars, and under said sale has paid subse
auent taxes thereon as follows: On the 14th
ay of July, I860, the sum of Nineteen and
40-100 dollars, and on the 16th day of June,
1801, the sum of Eleven and 11-100 dollars;
that on the 10th day of August, 1802, a tax
deed based on said sale and payment was.
Issued and delivered to plaintiff purporting
to oonver to It said real estate, which deed
was duly recorded, and that for serving the
notloe to redeem, taking and recording said
tax deed, plaintiff paid the sura of seven
dollars, ana that by reason of said sale, pay
ment and tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the
absolute owner of said land free and clear of
all liens and interests.
You are further notified that on the 7th
day of November, 1802, one James F. Toy
purchased said tract of land at a regular tax
;sale of lands for the taxes for the year 1801,
and paid therefor the sum of Eleven and
07-100 dollars, and that under and by virtue
Of said sale paid subsequent tax as follows:
October 24, 1803, Twelve and 48-100 dollars,
and Hay 14, 1804, the sum of Bight and 66-100
dollars; that on the 22nd day of December,
1804, a tax deed based on suon sale and pay
ment was Issued and delivered to the said
James F. Toy purporting to convey to him all
of said real estate, whloh deed was duly re
corded, and that for serving the notice to
redeem, taking and recording said deed, the
said James r. Toy paid expenses to the
araountof Seven dollars.
You are further notified that on the 19th
aay oi novemDer, inn, tne said James v.
Toy again purchased said real estate at a
regular tax sale for the taxes for the year
1804, and paid therefor the sum of Sixteen
dollars, and that under and by virtue of said
sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent
taxes as follows: November 11,18M, the sum
of Fifteen and 6-100. dollars. That all the
Interest acquired by the said James F. Toy
In said real estate by virtue of said sales,
, payment of subsequent taxes, has been duly
assigned to plaintiff and plaintiff Is now the
holder and owner of all such Interests.
Tou are further notified that plaintiff, by
virtue of Its purchase of Bald real estate,
payment of subsequent taxes, and the
acquiring of the Interests of the said James
F. Toy. claims to be the absolute and un
qualified owner of all said real estate, and
that plaintiff asks In said petition that the
assett and Interests In said real estate of the
several defendants to said action and all
other persons be determined, that plaintiff's
title to said real estate be fully established
and quieted against the adverse claims of
each and all of the defendants and all other
persons, and if It be found by such determin
ation that plaintiffs title to said real estate
be defective and void, then that the amount
of plaintiffs lien on said land for such taxes
and costs with Interest and attorney's fees
as provided by statute be ascertained and
such lien be strictly foreclosed and the de
fendants be required to pay to plain
tiff the amount of said claim within the
time as may be fixed by the oourt, and upon
a failure to make suoh payment, that plain
tiff’s title to said premises become fixed, es
tablished and quieted as against each ana all
of said defendants, and all other persons,
and plaintiff asks also for a general
equitable relief including a decree for a
general and ordinary foreclosure of said tax
lien as by statute in suoh cases made and
provided and the sale of said premises In
satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff's claim against said real estate
this 23rd day of December, 1880, Is One
Hundred Flfty-slx dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
oulrefl to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 18th day of January,
1887, or the allegations of said petition wfli
betaken as true and deoree rendered
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 83rd day of
December, 18X0.
Farmkus' Loam amd Trust Company,
By M. J. Sweeleyand E. H. Benedict,
2M Its Attorneys.
1 n the District Court of Holt County, Neb.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff,
.1.8. Howard, J. D. Chamberlain and the
northeast quarter of Bectlon thirty-five
(38,) In township thirty-one <8],)otrauge
sixteen (K) west of the 6th r. m„ In Holt
county, Nebraska. Defendants.
to each and all of the above named de
fendants and to all persons Interested In the
above described tract ol land: You and
eaeh of you are hereby notified that the
petition or plalntttr Is now on file In the
ottlce of the clerk of the district oourt of
Holt oounty, Nebraska, alleging that plain
tiff purchased said lands at tax sale ou the
27th day of December. 1888, tor the tuxes for
the year 1888, and paid therefor the sum of
Thirty-three and *5-100 Dollars, and under
and by virtue of said sale paid subsequent
taxes as follows: On the 14th day of July,
1880, the suin of Nineteen and 96-1U) Dollars,
and on the 10th day of June. 1881, the sum of
thirteen and 86-100 Dollars; That on the 10th
day of August, 1882. a tax deed based on said
sale and payment was Issued and delivered
to plaintiff purporting to convey said real
estate to It, which deed was duly recorded,
and that for serving the notice to redeem
and taking and recording said tax deed
plaintiff paid tax costs to the amount 6f
Woven Dollars.
You are further notified that said petition
further alleges that ou the 7th day of No
vember, 1882, one James F. Toy purchased
said lands at a regular tax sale of lands for
the taxes for the year 1881 and paid therefor
the sum of Eighteen and 06-100 Dollars, and
that under and by virtue of said tax sale the
said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes of
said lands as follows: October 24th, 1888,
Twenty and 8-100 Dollars, and May 14 1884,
Seventeen and 4-100 Dollars: that on the
22nd day of December, 1884, a tax deed based
on such sale and payment was Issued and
delivered to the said James F. Toy purport
ing to convey to him all of said real estate,
which deed was duly recorded and that for
serving the notloe to redeem and taking and
recording said tax deed the said James F.
Toy paid costs to the amount of Seven Dol
lars. Said petition further ;alleges that on
the 18th day of November, leUS, the said
JameB F. Toy again purchased said real es
tate at a regular tax sale for the taxes for
the year KM and paid therefor tho sum of
Nineteen and 36-lUO Dollars and that under
and by virtue of said sale the said James F.
Toy paid subseqent taxes on said traot as
follows: November lltb, 1886, the sum of
Fifteen and 64-100 Dollars. That all the right
title and Interest In and to said lands ac
quired by tbe said James F. Toy, by virtue of
said sale, payment and tax deed, has been
duly assigned to this plaintiff, and that this
plaintiff Is now the holder and owner thereof.
You are further notified that plaintiff, by
virtue of the purchase of said lands at the
tax sale first mentioned, the payment of sub
sequent taxes thereon, and the acquiring of
the Interest of the said James F. Toy, claims
to be the absolute and unqualified owner of
all said real estate and asks that the equity
of all the defendants be foreclosed and out
off. that the ussets and interests of the sev
eral defendants herein und all other persons
in said real estate be determlnld that plain
tiffs title to said real estate be fully estab
lished aud quieted against the adverse
claims of each and all of the defendants and
all other persons, and that It It be found by
sueh determination that plaintiff’s title to
said real estate be defective and void, that
the amount of plaintiff’s lien on said lands
for such taxes aud costs Including attorney’s
fees as provided by statute be ascertained
und such lien be strictly foreclosed that tbe
defendants be required to pay to plaintiff
the amount of said claim within such reason
able time as may be fixed by the court, and
upon a failure to maxe such payment that
plulntiff’s title to said lauds become fixed,
established and quieted as against each and
all of said defenuants and all other persons.
Plaintiff also asks lor a general equitable re
lief, Including a decree fur a general and or
dinary foreclosure of said tax lien as by
statute provided, and tbe sale of said premi
ses In satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff’s clutra against sutd real estate
this 23rd day of December, 1880. Is Two Hun
dred Seventy-eight and 45-100 Dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and uuswer said petition on
or before Monday, the 18th day of J anuary,
1887, or the allegations of said petition will
be taken as true and decree entered uocord
Bated at O’Neill, Nebraska,’ this 23rd day
of Dec.. 1880.
Farmers’ Loam & Trust Gompamv,
By M. J. Sweeley and H. H. Benedict;
25-4 Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of Bolt County, Nebr.
Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, Plaintiff,
Stephen H. Elwood, Qusta Elwood, Check H.
Toneray. F. A. Nichols, Ed. F. Oallagher,
South Omaha National Bank, Uarris E.
Vail, Nelson Toneray, and the east half of
the northeast quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
No. Twenty-two (22), In township No. Twen
ty-eight (28), range Thirteen (18) west of
& Sixth p. m., In Bolt couhty, Nebraska,
To each and all of the above named de
fendants and to all persons Interested In the
above described tract of land: You aud each
of you are hereby notified that the petition
of plaintiff Is now on file In the office of the
clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, alleging that plaintiff purchased
said lands at tax sale on the 27th day of De
cember, 1889, for the taxes for the year 1888
and paid therefor the sum of Thirty-six and
02-100 Dollars, and under aud by virtue of
said sals paid subsequent taxes thereon as
follows: On the 14th day of July, 1800, the
1 ' "- Dollars, and
sum of Thirty-three and 67-100 _
on the 10th day of J une, 1801, Sixteen and
18-100 Dollars: that on the 10th day of Aug
ust, 1802, a tax deed based on such sale and
payment was Issued aud delivered to plain
tiff purporting to convey said real estate to
It, which deed was duly recorded, and that
for the serving of the notloe to redeem and
taking and recording said tax deed plaintiff
paid costs amounting to the sum of seven
dollars. Bald petition further alleges that
on the 21st day of November, 1800, One James
F. Toy purchased said tract of land at a reg
ular tax sale for the taxes for the year 1802
and paid therefor the sum of Ten and 79-100
Dollars, and that the said James F. Toy, un
der and by virtue of said sale paid subse
auent taxes as follows, to-wlt: on the 17th
ay of Hay, 1804, the sum of Ten and 10-100
Dollars, and on the 6th day of June, 1896, the
sum of Ten and 40-100 Dollars. That on the
12th day of February, 1808, the county treas
urer of said Holt county, Nebraska. Issued
end delivered to the said James F. Toy a tax
aeea Mtea on iucu sue auu payment. pur
porting to convoy to the said James F. Toy
all laid real estate, which deed was duly re
corded, and that for serving the notice to re
deem. taking and recording said tax deed,
the said James F. Toy paid costs to the
amount of Seven Dollars. Said petition
further alleges that on the 18th day of No
vember, 1888, the said James F. Toy again
purchased said real estate at a regular tax
sale of lands tor the taxes for 18U5, and paid
therefor the sum of Ten and fifi-100 Dollars.
That all the right, title and Interest in and
to said land acquired by the said James F.
Toy by virtue of said sale, payment and tax
deed has been by the said James F. Toy as
signed and transferred to this plaintiff and
plaintiff Is now the bolder and owner of all
such Interests.
You are further notified that by virtue of
the sale, payment and deed first referred to
and the acquiring of the Interests of the said
James F. Toy, plaintiff claims to be the ab
solute and unqualified owner of all said real
estate, and asks In said petition that Its title
thereto be quieted in it and against all the
adverse claims of all aud eaoh of the de
fenders herein and against all other persons.
Plaintiff further askB that If Its title to said
real estate be found defective, then that the
Interests and assets of the several defend
ants herein and all other persons be taken
and determined that Its lien for taxes so
paid In said lands be decreed to be a first
lien and paramount to the Interests of each
of the defendants, and that said Hen be
strictly foreclosed, and that said defendants
be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of
its lien so found due, within a reasonable
time as fixed by the court, and upon their
falling to make such payment within such
time so fixed, that plaintiff's title become
fixed, established ana quieted as against all
said defendants and against all other per
sons. Plaintiff further asks for a general
equitable relief including a decree for a gen
eral and ordinary foreclosure of Its tax lien
as by statute In such cases made and pro
vided, and the sale of said premises In satis
faction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount of
plaintiff’s elalm against said real estate this
Bwr with a Mg B. BlaokwaU'a Oanalaa Ball
DmImub la la aolaaa by Itaalt Too will Had oaa
eoupon Inalda aaeh two ownoa bag, and two aoa*
aach fear oanoa bog of
Genuine Duriiam
Smoking Tobacco
23rd day of December, 1896. le Two Hundred
Thirty-one end M-100 dollera.
You ere further notified thet you ere re
quired to appear end answer said petition
on or before Mondey, the Uth day of Janu
"£>Pr H»e allegations of aeid petition
will be taken ae true and decree rendered aa
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, tble 28rd day
of December, 1896. ^
FARnaae' Loan ft Trust Oowraxv.
By 1C. J. Sweeley ft B. H. BenedlS*10^*'
_ Its Attorneys.
, Elliott 0, Olmstesd, Marlon O, Elm.
nml a
Ann King, hl» wife, (first and feal name
unkpownrdefendants, will take notice that,
on the 2nd day of December, IBM. Helen A.
Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition lh
the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said, defendants, the 'object and
to foreclose a certain
prayer of which are ..
tax lien held by the plaintiff upon and
against the southwest quarter of section
fourteen, (14) in township thirty, (90) north
"*---- of the fith P. M., in
of range fifteen, (1») west o.
Holt county, Nebraska. That on the Sth day
of December, 1880, B. W. Adams purchased
said premises at private tax sale in aocord
once with law, for the delinquent taxes
levied on said premises for the year 1888, and
paid for said delinquent taxes, Interest and
costs, at said tax sale the sum of 830.04. That
on the 28th day of September. 1880, said E. W.
Adams paid the taxes duly levied on said
premises for the year 1880. and which at the
time of such payment were delinquent, and
that said delinquent taxes with interest
amounted to IIS.82 at the time they were so
paid by said Adams/ That the taxes ddly
levied on said premises for the year 1880
became delinquent, and.on the of
August, 1881, said B. W. Adams paid the sail
taxes amounting with Interest to 88.80.
That the taxes duly levied on said premises
for the year 1881 became delinquent aud on
the 30th day of December, 1882, said 1. W.1
Adams paid the said taxes amounting with
Interest to 97.10. That the taxes duly levied
on said promises for the year 1882 became
delinquent, and on the 3rd day of Ootober,
Bald E. W. Adams paid the said taxes amount*
Ing with Interest to 87.82. That when said
B. W. Adams purchased said premises at said
tax sale a tax sale certificate was duly Issued
to him by the treasurer of said Holt county,
and that Bald premises have never been re
deemed from said tax sale, and all of said
taxes constitute a valid lien on said premises.
That on the 24th day of July, 1893. said K. W.
Adams for a valuable conslaeratlon, sold and
assigned his said tax lien on said land, and
all Interest he ever possessed In said land
under and by virtue of said tax sale and
under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by
him on said premises to this plaintiff, who u
now the owner thereof. That there Is now
due the plaintiff on said tax Hen the sum of
8110, for which sum with interest from this
date plaintiff prays for a decree that defend'
ants he required to pay the same or that said
premises sold to satisfy the amount
found due. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 11th day of Janu
ary. 1887.
Dated this 8rd day of December, 1888.
22-4 Helen A. Behkt, Plaintiff,
Willey E. Poller, William P. Brett, Ana
Hyatt, his wife, (whose first and real name is.
unknown) Scott T. Jones and Seth F. Wood
ford, defendants, will take notlee. that on
the find day of December, MtO, Helen A.
Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In
the district court of Holt county. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the objeot and
prayer of which are to foreclose a tax lien
held by the plaintiff upon and against the
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
and the south half of the southwest, and the
northwest auarter of the southeast quarter
of section twenty-six, (2S) in township
twenty-eight, (28) north of range fourteen, (Is)
west of the 6th P. M. In Holt county, Nebras
ka. That on the Sth day of December, 18W,
B. W. Adams purchased said premises at
Brlvate tax sale In accordance with law for
tie delinquent taxes levied on said premises
for the year lew, and paid for said delin
quent taxes, Interest and costs at said tax
■ale, the sum of 117.02. That on the SStb day
of September, 1800, said B. W. Adams paid
the taxes levied on said premises for the
year 1889, and whloh at the time of such pay
ment were delinquent; that said delinquent
taxes, with interest, amounted to 10.17 at
the time they were so paid by said B. W.
Adams. That the taxes levied on said prem
ises for the year 18W became delinquent, and
on the 28th day of August, 1W1, said E. W.
Adams paid the said taxes, amounting with
Interest to 07.44- That the taxes dulylevled
on said premises for the year 1801 became
delinquent, and on the doth day of Septem
ber, 1892, said B. W. Adams paid the said
taxes, amounting with interest to 0T.9S. That
the taxes duly levied on said premises for
the year 1892 became delinquent, and on the
3d day of Oototer, 1898, said B. W, Adams
paid the said taxes, amounting with interest
to 18.20. That when said Adams purchased
■aid premises at said tax sale a tax sale cer
tificate was duly Issued to him by the treas
urer of said Holt county, ana that said
premises have never been redeemed front
Bald tax safe, and all of said taxes constitute
a valid lien on said premises. That on the
84th day of July, 1888, said E. W. Adams, foe
a valuable consideration, sold and assigned
his tax lien upon said land, and all Interest
he ever possessed in said land under and by
virtue of said tax sale, and under and by
virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on said
premises, to this plaintiff, wno Is now the
owner thereof. That there Is now due thd
plaintiff on said tax Hen the sum of 880, for
which sum, with Interest from this date,
Elalntlff prays for a decree that defendants
e required to pay the same, or that said
Bses may be sold to satisfy the amount
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th day of January. 1897. -
Dated this 3d day of Deoember, 1896.
22-4 Helen A. Bxbrv, Plaintiff. *
John Ciochon, William Forrest and Scott
T. Jones, defendants, will take notice that
on the 2nd day of December, 1898, Helen A.
Berry, plaintiff herein. Hied her petition In
the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska,
against said defendants. Impleaded with
John Forrest and Ann Forest, bis wife,
(whose first and real name is unknown) also
defendants, the object and prayer of which
petition are to foreclose a iaT lien held by
the plaintiff upon and against the northeast
quarter of section two, (2) In township
twenty-nine. (29) north of range sixteen, (18)
west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county. Nebras
ka. That on the 5th day of Decomber, 1889,
E. W. Adams purchased said premises at
private tax sale In accordance with law for
the delinquent taxes levied on said premi
ses for the year 1888, and paid for said delin
quent taxes, Interest and cost, at said tax
sale the sum of 121.61. That on the 25th day
of September, 1860, said E. W. Adams paid
the taxes levied on said premises for the
year i860, and which at the time of such pay
ment were delinquent. That said delinquent
taxes with Interest amounted to 816.87 at the
time they were so paid by said Adams. That
the taxes levied on said land for the year
I860 became delinquent, and on the 28th day
of August, 1891, said E. W. Adams paid tala
taxes, amounting with Interest, to 111.12.
T*tax'* hwIrfuoeardlnmJ fort the
day or September, KM, aaidT B.W. Adatoa
* " ‘ — . ntr.hadl
the treeaurer of add Butt
•eld premlaea here Mm,
from Mid tex tele, end aU ot i__
atltuto e valid lien on uld premti
on the ttth day of Jnly. Ml
Adame for a valuable eoowL,-w„
end eealned hie tax lien upon eaid land, am
end all Intereet be ever yr mate 11 in ult
land under and hr virtue of laid tax tale,
end under and hr virtue of auiaxeeever
paid by him on eald bremleet, to thle plaintiff,
who la now the owner thereof. Thit there la
now due the plaintiff, on eaM tax Hen the
turn of USB, for whloh turn with Intereet
frora ‘hit date at ten per oent. per annum
plaintiff praye for a decree that the defend
ant be required to pay the lame or that eaM
promisee may be eold to eaUafy the amouat
found due.
You are
on or bef
Dated 1
Mrs. Asia8»p, itfiMEi
Dqwly U. S, MvsW,
"I watdBlWwad
| BtW «a4 Wttk
mutely any pete
•ltcr Ming oal|
two bottles ol
bib vo* ttnm iitnvuo.
■IIM frM.
UlimU BMCUTOB 00., fflUU, M,
■OUIBT alb DIUOfllRI. .,
|| Oklakadaa'a Kadiak IM ImI
UUmi at IwriblaPaias.
R. B.Morse, trawling salesmen, Qtl*
re*ton, Texas, aara: Ballard’* Snow
Liniment cared me of rheumatism of
tbree montba’ itanding after aae of two
bottles. 3. 8. Doan, Daavills, lUa., aara:
I bare need Ballard’e Snow Liniment for
years and would not bo without it. J.
R. Croncb, Rio, Ille., anye Ballaid'a
Bnow Liniment cored terrible paina ia
back of hand and nook wban notbing
aim would. Every bottle gnaraataod.
Price 60 cents. Proa trial bottleo at P.
0. Corrigan's. ' -
the Staearary Saved Ha Ufa
. Mr. G. Calllonette, druggist, B savers*
▼ilia, IU.sayss “To Dr. King’s Kaw
DiacoTery I owe my Ufa. Was taken
with lagrippa and‘ triad all the physic
ian* for miles about; but waa of no
avail and was given up end told 1 could
not live. Having Dr. King’s If aw Dis
covery In my- atm I- sent for a bottle
and began Its neeand from the first dose
began to got better,; and attea using
three bottlea was up and about again. It
it worth its weight in gold: We won’t
keep store or house without it.” Get a
free trial at Corrigan’s drug store.
•mlfit. htftt.Hr*
Anyone aendtnt a
an Inattdii
qulokly eaeertain, free, i__
probably petantable. Coeirnantnailona atiMly
cooldenttal. Oldest mncy foriwwiim patent.
In America. Wa here a VnUxtaa ollaa.
Patent* taken tbraugh Mann * Oo. reaalra
apodal notice In tba
Ml BnUmn lew Tart.