THE FRONTIER. rUBLISHEI/ 1VFKY THURSDAY By _Tnn Frostier PBIUTtWO Co. O’NEILL, -.- NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. The poultry and stock show at Hast ' lags was well attended. The Are companies of Fremont will Organize a mutual beneficiary society. Old soldiers at the Milford Home re tarn thanks for furniture donated. Maj. J. H. Showalter of Fremont wants to succeed Frank White as U. S. senator. Nebraska City’s salvation army wilt Vive a free dinner to the poor-on Christ mas day. / An Otoe county patriarch of sixty four was recently married to a blushing Widow of sixty. / . The Salvation army of Nebraska City gave a free dinner to poor child ren on Christmas. H. P. Knapp shipped a fine load of males from Ithaca place last week to the St Louis market An Indian on the reservation near Ruahville killed himself to escape ar rest for horse stealing. o. Ej. Jones of Nuckolls county sold • brood sosr tbe other day that tipped the beam at 665 pounds. \ Mr. Baker, lute agent of the Gilcrest Lumber company at Oconto, vras con victed of embezzling $140 from hie em ployers ■ The rosidence of Joseph Metzner of , Arapahoe was destroyed by fire. The | contents were saved. Loss, $600; in I snrance, $400i A. Boedeckeraf Plattsmouth was re pairing a corn sheller when the horses suddenly started, and now he has but cue thumb. The 15-months-old infant of Mr. and lira T. J. Hardy of Elk Creek swal lowed a safety pin and the crisis passed without injury. A hedge fence deal was worked at 'Wayne, and the Republican says it was a clear case .of “a smooth confidence ■tan taking in-suckers." The mayor and councilmen have Started a subscription list for the bene fit of the south Omaha hospital and headed it wlth an individual donation. The Ord Irrigation district is making ; arrangements to sell their $50,000 of : bonds, and -will push the work of dutch construction as rapidly as posai ?. ble. Fire broke out in' tbe residence of .. L F- Leedom of Dakota City. The r building and-contents were destroyed. Xoas about $1,000, with small insur ance Several cases of diptheria have been reported to the David City board of health in various parts of that place, and it is feared that it may become an , epidemic. Oeorge Smith, aged S3, son of Win' Smith, a farmer near Octavia, was killed by kick from a liorae. The horse i was sick and young Smith was attend* lag to him. Hog thieves are operating north of Pierce. One farmer went to town and loaded up with shot and shell and there may be a few human corpes lay ing around there ere long. At Lincoln O J. Winelngor was hound over to:the district court in the •am of 1500 to answer to the charge of bastardy preferred by Mary Cizek. He gave bona and was released. The people of Milford have decided to hold an eleotion, and the candidate meiving the highest vote wiil be the Mat postmaster, providing the wishes : sf the community are respected. There is no market for shelled corn at Winside, there being fear that it will heat. .If ear corn is taken 80 pounds to the bushel is required for which the holder is paid ten cents. A Lyons farmer comes forward with the statement that corn is not the stuff to burn. He says coal is cheaper and he advises farmers to sell their corn, ; aven at the present prices, and buy .Frank Fredahler, a student at the in stitute for the blind, Nebraska City, toll from aeeoood story window, atrik lag on the brick walk, fracturing his akull very badly, and at this writing is very low. There Is a probability that the hour • «f meeting originally fixed for the bl metallist state conference at Lincoln, may be changed from 3 o’clock in the afternoon of Jan. 0 to U o'clock, a m. of the same day. A black mare, 8 years old sad weigh ing about 1,100 pounds, was stolen ;from Green Sway lie’s barn at Elkhorn. Aa unknown man was seen the day before walking west with a saddle, and he is supposed to be the man who stole ' the animal. i D. W. Stevenson, for several years a Vtwtdent near Monroe, left for parts ttnknown the other night He aban «*• his farm, which, it is claimed, is ^mortgaged for more than it is worth. "• to said to leave other debts. ^ & Zimmerman, representative k «leet for York county, was repairing a tones at his suburban residence, and torew his coat and vest over a post when he returned to get them, both articles, with the valuables they con tained, were gone. Mrs. Smith, wife of the Missouri . Psoifle section foreman at Paul, was so severely beaten by Iter husband as to mquire medical aid. Smith has been ** Jail for beating his wife before The SNMinty attorney of Otoe county will .tow a warrant issued for his arrest f* A. IX Dort of Burehard has just fin tobad husking 8,000 bushels of corn toom eighty-five acres of ground. He ;^pirated and cultivated this entire field -.(•tone, besides doing his other farm with the help of one man, did ?tto hashing. |> A result of tho meeting of Cuba nympathizers in Lineoln, to the circuh tsnn of a report that an agent to in ti oily enrolling names of volunteers f< toksmcrrics A number of mem be i local military aompantos are said t MVO signed and am to report at Kai Aton Cltynt tto propertlma ,,, '■*>; i'X: ~s: ■ ' - , r j-* A,*®/ - i % 1 ' 'l &4, i ...... 1i ‘ A four year old son of J. H Moody at Mason City tvas run over by a heavi ly loaded wagon and fatally injured. A special election was held at Hast ings to vote on the proposition author izing the city council to issue bonds in the sum of i8,000 for waterworks im provements The proposition carried by a majority of 123. The Blair horse collar factory, which was not rebuilt after being burned down some months ago, is being resus citated. A new company has been or ganized and it will begin to manufac ture collars again and will tan its own leather. Prof. Dutton, formerly of Colridge, who is prospecting for coal near Ponca, has reached a depth of 300 feet with out finding a vein of sufficient thick ness to bank on. The Austin mine, with a two-foot vein, is furnishing the town and surrounding country with good fuel. The decision of the supreme court, holding the sugar and chicory bounty law unconstitutional, has given those industries a hard blow. The loss to the beet and chicory raisers in Dodge county alone from failure to receive the extra 91 per ton for beets of the required standard, and the $1.50 per ton for chicory, will run well up into the thousand* Superintendent John T. Mallalleu of the Boys Industrial school of Kearney was at the state capital last week, J ie reports that all but two of the twenty eight lads who escaped from the school have been roturned, the most of them having returned voluntarily. At the time of their escape Mr. M. was in the city of Kearney buying Christmas pres ents for them. ■t ne uxnara sugar lactory nas issued a circular to farmers to ship their beets in by Dec. 20. This year's crop has proven to be the largest and most sat isfactory of any since the factory com menced business, and the total output will reach nearly 12,000,000 pounds of fine granulated sugar. The intention of the factory people is to close up the factory on beets Jan. 7. Sam Winnegar, Wm. Winnegar, Jo nas Reynolds and a man named Bru* ing, who were recently arrested in Hastings for robbing hencoops, were turned over to Sheriff Dean of Grand Island. Hall county has charges against them for grand larceny. The prisoners kicked on going to Grand Is land, preferring to stand trial and sen tence for petit larceny in Hastings Lovell Vandever, living four miles west of Stella, was seriously injured while stacking corn with a hay der rick. The rope broke and the beam fell, striking him on top of the head, knocking him from the top of the stack to the ground, where he lay uncon scious for a long time. Medical aid was summoned and the injured man was carried to the house, Where the wound was dressed. The Nebraska beet sugar association will meet in Hastings February 3 and 3. Among the objects is to derise ways and means for securing additional beet sugar factories. The governor is au thorized to appoint twenty delegates. The members of congress, Gov. Hol comb, all state officials and members of ' the legislature and county boards are alo designated as delegatea Reduced rates will be made on all railroad linea Dr. Rathermel of Denver was in Cal houn the other day and went over to the Wagner farm, on which it was claimed gold in paying quantities was discovered last spring. He declares that there are several gold veins, one of which will run $30 to the ton in gold, and all of which will pay to work. The news has revived the excitement there that existed when the first an nouncement that gold had been dis covered was made, and owners of ad joining farms will begin sinking shafts at onca The secretaries of the state board of transportation have prepared the copy for the biennial report of the depart ment, and it has been sent to the printer. The only recommendation of moment in the report was prepared by Secretary Dilworth, which is to the ef fect that the board, now composed of five members, state auditor, secretary of state, treasurer, land commissioner and attorney general, should be abol ished and the appointing power of the secretaries placed in the hands of the governor. A distressing accident happened one and ahalf miles south of Ednolm, at the residence pf Wm. Smith, in which Geo. Smith was .killed. The young man and his father were doctoring a sick horse which had given them considera ble trouble. They had both worked with it some time, when the father was called away. On returning, his son George, a young man about twenty four years, was found lying on his face near the horse, apparently dead. Ef forts to revive him proved unavailing. He had been kicked in the breast by the sick horse. Secretary Williamson of the Nebras ka Club la in receipt of a letter from a resident of Bennett, Pa, representing a colony of German-Americans wishing to locate in the west; also a letter from Gov. Holcomb, to whom the same party had written. Besides giving the ctm muuication careful attention, the mat ter baa been referred to various local clubs in this state, so that altogether the Pennsylvania citizen and his colo ny are in a fair way to get all -he de sired information, together with sev eral warm invitations to “come to Ne braska;*’ also a very positive impres sion that Nebraskans are wide awake and ready to extend a hearty welcome to all good new comers. This sort of work is what commends the Nebraska Club to the ready support of the people of this state. Burglars entered the house of John Andreaen, a farmer living two miles east of Elkhorn and secured $8 for their labor. As Mr. Andresen has been in the habit of keeping large sums in the house, the opinion prevails that the thief was not a stranger. A large number of Hastings business men held a meeting in the court house for the purpose of discussing the beet sugar meeting to be held there in Feb ruary. Committees were appointed to make all necessary arrangements for the entertainment of tbs Nebraska beet sugar association, which meets Feh 3 and 31 NO EUROPEAN OBJECTIONS. REPORTS OF SPANISH AID IN CUBA FALSE. DENIED AT WASHINGTON. Congressman and Senator-Elect Money of Mississippi to Visit Cuba and Make a Personal Investigation and Interview General Wey ler—Captain General's Latest Interview. Washington, Dec. 28.—It is denied officially and authoritatively that any European government either directly or indirectly has made any representa tions whatever to the United States to restrain or prevent its free action in connection with the Cuban insurrec tion. A similar report was denied by authority several weeks ago. A. Von Bruening, secretary of the Herman em bassy, said that so far as the embassy here was concerned no such intimation had been received, lie discredited the whole story. “We have not heard a word concerning Cuba.'’ said he. “for three months.” Senator-elect Money of Mississippi, now a member of the Mouse foreign affairs committee, proposes to leave Tampa, Fla., next Saturday morning for Havana, to remain a week or ten days in Cuba. He will seek an audi ence with Captain General Weyler and will ask him to provide an escort and a flog of truce, so that he can go into the heart of the territory occupied by the insurgents, with a view of finding out what is going on, Mr. Money says he iB determined to make as lengthy a journey into the interior of Cuba as his time will permit, and it is under stood that he will endeavor to com municate with the insurgents whether Captain General Weyler grants him permission or not. He realizes that it will be a risky thing for him to proceed on his own account if a permit is refused him. However, he is so anxious to have trustworthy information that he will take the chances, even if he finds himself later locked up in prison. It is hiB intention to state frankly to the captain general that he visits the island because it is impossible to procure from President Cleveland or Secretary Olney any official informa tion regarding the condition of affairs in Cuba, and, as a member of Congress and of the House committee on foreign affairs, he wishes to know what he is doing before he casts his vote for or against any one of the several resolu tions pending. Mr. Money was an officer in the Con federate army during the war under General Forrest, and his four years’ service in the field whetted his interest in military operations. lie thinks that his visit will at least enable him to learn more than he could by depend ing on the State department for in formation. WEYLER TALKS. Plnar dal Rio Rebels Dednrcd Helpless— No Cruelty to Those Who Surrender. New York, Dec. 2i.—A dispatch to the Herald from Camp Arroyo Grande, foot of the Rangel Hills, lMnar del Rio province, December 2.r>, via Havana, Cuba, says: “In an interview with your correspondent, Captain Weyler said: "I have twenty-six battalions, ranging from 800 to 1,000 men each, occupying all the hills of the province. These columns have destroyed everything in sight and have been able to subsist on the cattle of the insurgents, which were found grazing in the hills, and with whose destruction died the re maining hope of sustenance. They must either starve or submit and some may prefer to do the former, owing to their remarkable apathy.’ “ ‘Hut why are there so few presen tados, general, in other words, persons willing to lay down their arms?’ “ ‘That point is easily cleared up. I know that they have held meetings with the idea of coming in as presen tados, but have been told that I mur der them all, which Is absurd, is it not? Certainly 1 shall not harm them, knowing that they hope to throw away their arms and pose as pacificos.’ “ ‘You can tell pretty well by the number of arms given up how many have been concealed, can’t you?’ “ "I am not sure there are more arms than there arc insurgents. They show their desperate condition. I can tell you that I know positively that Maceo himself went three days with out food bofore he was killed.’ ‘“You still believe him dead?’ “‘Beyond a doubt, certainly. We even know where his body is, but we do not like to disinter it. as it would savor too much of the profanation of a grave.’ “ ‘Why has Arolas left the trocha with 8,000 men to take part in the ac tive campaign?’ '“Because the necessity for the trocha as a defensive lino no longer ex ists. There is, however, a considera ble force there still—amply sufficient for all present purposes.’ “ ‘De you expect to capture Rius Rivera’ “ ‘I don't think Rivera will show himself at all,’ said General Weyler. ‘We never hear from him, but some times do one of the Ducasse brothers.’ ” John Drake Townsend Dead. New York, Dec. 28.—John Drake Townsend, eminent lawyer and poli tician, died suddenly 'at Christmas dinner. Rental Jefferson City Murder. Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 2S.—The body of a 12-year-old colored girl was found in the rear of Stamflis’ furni ture store with the head crushed and the abdomen cut open. Tobe Lana han, a negro, was arrested, but the evidence against him is meager and circumstantial. A lynching is possi A Negro Boy Shoots a Policeman. Paris. Ky., Dec. 28.—Johnson Howe, a 15-year-old negro boy, fatally shot Policeman Lacy at Cynthiana Christ mas eve when the officer attempted to arrest him. Last night he was brought here for safe keeping O’DONNELL WHIPPED. Eullj Knocked Ont by Peter Mabel In 87 Seconds. New York, Dec. 28.—It took just twenty-seven seconds’ time for Peter Maher, the Irish pugilist, to again de monstrate his superiority in ring tactics and hard hitting qualities over Steve O’Donnell, the Australian boxer, in the arena of the Greater New York Athletic Club at Coney Island. Both men were in excellent condition and trained to the hour. Each of them was confident, but Maher's backers made him a hot favorite by laying odds ranging from 3 to 5 to 1 • on the Irishman’s chances of winning. From the outset Maher never left the result in doubt. He rushed at O’Donnell the moment the referee called time, and O’Donnell assumed the defensive. The big Australian led his left for Maher's body, but the Irishman blocked the blow with his right hand glove. Then Maher sent his left to the chin and swung again with his left on the face. He put O’Donnell to the floor a second later with a left on the chin, and, after the Australian regained his feet, Maher landed a left smash on the jaw, follow ing it quickly with a left half-hook, which sent O’Donnell down in a heap. Steve rolled over on his back in a help less condition, and the referee slowly counted him out. WEYLER TOLD TO DELAY. Rumor That Spain Will Make Overtures to the Rebels. New York, Dee. 28.—A Madrid spe cial says: It is rumored that General Weyler has delayed fresh operations against the insurgents in order to give time to discover the disposition of the bands and their chiefs since the death of Maceo, with a view to feeling his way to preparing the ground for fin ishing? the present Cuban war like the past insurrections in Spain and Cuba, where money and unofficial negotia tions prove more telling arguments than force of arms, directly the insur gents saw no more hope of foreign aid. It is also believed in diplomatic cir cles that Spain will take advantage of the dispositions of Presiden Cleveland and Secretary Olney to negotiate quickly and directly with the United States to secure American neutrality by granting discriminating concessions in the contemplated Caban tariff and fair promises of colonial autonomy be fore the accession of McKinley. DUEL TO THE DEATH. Two FemUont, Mo., Men Settle an Old Fend With Pistols—Both Dead. New Madrid, Mo., Dec. 28.—John Adams and Charles Simpson met at a dance in Pemiscot county last night at the residence of Joseph Canot and drawing their pistols fought a duel to the death. Each man emptied the con tents of his revolver into the anatomy of the other. Simpson died on the floor and Adams outside the door. An old feud was settled. Double Murder. Corning, N. Y., Dec. 28.—A horrible iouble murder occurred at Rathbun ville, fifteen miles west of this city, last night. William Allen, William Harrington and Cloyd Myers, while in an intoxicated condition, quarreled about the possession of a buffalo robe, Myers had the robe at his house and Allen and Harrington drove there at 10 o'clock last night and demanded it. They were met by Myers, who had a snot gun with him. When they de manded the robe Myers shot them both. Harrington was in the buggy at the time and the horses started at the report of the gun. Allen died at 12:15 this morning. The bodies of both men were terribly torn. Myers was captured at 2 o'clock this morning and is now in jail. Grand Island Road. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 28.—The Grand Island, Hastings & Southeastern Rail road company has filed its certificate of organization and incorporation and articles of association in the office of the secretary of state. The new com pany purchased the St. Joseph & Grhnd Island road at the foreclosure sale held at Hastings, Neb., a few days ago. The use of the word Southeastern in stead of St. Joseph in the name is com mented on by local railroad men as possibly indicating an intention on the part of the new company to extend its line beyond St. Joseph and to Kansas City. “Kansas Kid" Confesses. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 28.—Gay Harsliman, alias “The Kansas Kid,” who was convicted recently of passing 810,000 worth of counterfeit money, has made a statement to the effect that his pal, George Conkling, who is now serving time for counterfeiting, and who squealed on him, confessed to him that he was one of the three men who held up the Northern Pacific train at Hot Springs in 1894, when the pas sengers in the sleeper were relieved of $3,000. It is believed that Harshman also had a hand in the hold up. Conk ling is not a bad man, but Harshman is an old criminal and a desperate man. Convicted of Hanging: HU Wife. Clarke, S. D., Dec. 28.—Christian Christiansen has just been convicted of wife murder and sentenced to the pen itentiary for life. It was supposed that his wife had committed suicide, as she was found hanging to a tree in a tree claim. It now appears that he hung her to the tree from his wagon and then drove out from under, leav ing her there. Circumstantial evi eence was found which rendered the suicide theory untenable. Fatal Hunting Trip. Emporia, Kan., Dec. 28.—John Brad ley, the 17-year-old son of J. Q. Brad ley, fatally shot himself while out hunting yesterday. He and Frank l*yne had placed their guns against a tree while eating lunch. One of them slipped down and was discharged, the load of quail shot striking Bradley in the top of the forehead, tearing a hole in the scalp and shattering the skull. Salvation Army Charity. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 28.—The Salva tion army fed 5,000 adults and children at their various rooms in this city Christmas day and sent out about 1,000 basket dinners to deserving families. SPAIN IN HARD LINES. The Entire Phllllplne Colony In Revolt. London, Dec. 24. —-A Madrid dispatch says: “In order to secure the success of the next loan the government is straining every nerve to to conceal the true situation in the Philippines. The whole colony is in revolt, and scattered bodies of Spanish troops have been hemmed in by the rebels. It is ru mored that a certain proportion oi German reserve officers are in the in surgent ranks. San Francisco, Dec. 23.—Private ad vices from Manilla, Philippine islands, reached here to-day and are verified by an account that appears in the Hong Kong Press, received per Belgic. The news contained in the communication deals with the attack of the Spanish on the Noveleta isthmus, and the at tempt of the Spanish to dislodge the insurgents in Cavite and Viejo. At the end of the campaign, which lasted until the 14th of November, the Span ish authorities sent out disp&tches re porting that the attack had been suc cessful, and that the rebel loss was very heavy. The Spanish claimed to have lost about 25 killed and 100 wounded. It is now learned that the great victory that the Castillians pre dicted ended in ignominious defeat. Tbe rebels held Noveleta against war ships and troops. The Spaniards re tired after suffering heavy loss. wuuu omnyan rennuesa. Boston, Mass., Deo. 24.—John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, sat in the poor debtors’ session of the municipal court yesterday to explain why he had failed to settle a florist’s bill. The case will be further heard January 11. It is said that of the thousands of dollars which Sullivan has made, he has not left even enough to pay this small judgment of $318 obtained by a florist. Prosecuting Attorney Mosby Dead. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 34.—Joseph Mosby, prosecuting attorney of Maries county, Mo., died at St. John’s hospi tal, this city, of cancer, aged 65 years. He was a cousin of General John S. Mosby, the Confederate cavalry leader. He was born at Harrodsburg, Ky., but come to Missouri when a boy. Questions and Answers Delating to Patents. J. V. D., of Belmond, Iowa, has sub mitted questions to which we answer as follows: !•—The average time for getting a patent allowed is about eight weeks —An application in this country is, by international agreement, protection for six months in most of the foreign countries that grant patents to Ameri cans 3. —No one outside of the U.S. patent office has a right to know anything about an application that has not been granted. 4. —Yes, we have the official records of all U. S. Patents issued since 1850 to date and can generally tell when prior claims interfere with ideas or inven tions presented now. 5. —Principles and results are not patentable and the same objects and results may be obtained by inventions that differ from each other in contruc tion, in a patentable sense, so that two machines for the same purpose may each be patented by different persons and used without either one being an infringement of the other’s rights. Valuable information about obtain ing, valuing and selling patents sent free to any address. Printed copies of the drawings and specifications of any U. S. Patent sent upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice is not confined to Iowa. Inventors in other states can have our services upon the same terms as Hawk eyes. Thomas G. & J. Ralph Orwig, Solicitors of Patents. Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 19, 1896. LIVE STOCK AMO EKUULCE MARKETS Quotations From New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAHA. Butter—Creamery separator.. 18 @ Butter—Choice fancy country 13 © Eggs—Fresh. 22 @ 1 rairie chickens, per doz. 6 00 ©6 Quail, per doz. 1 00 @1 Ked head and Mallard Ducks. 3 50 @3 Spring Chickens—dressed. 5 ® Turkeys. 8 @ Cleese and Ducks. 7 Lemons—Choice Messlnas. 3 50 © 3 Honey—Fancy White. 14 © Onions, per bu. 35 © Beans—handpicked Aavy. 1 35 © 1 Potatoes. 30 @ Sweet Potatoes per bbl. 2 00 @ 2 Oranges—Per box . 3 75 @4 Hay—Uplund, per ton. 4 50 ©5 Apples—Per bbl. 150 ©3 SOUTH OMAHA STOCK MARKET. Ilogs—Light Mixed. 3 __ Hogs—Heavy Weights. 3 15 Beef—Steers. 8 0) Bulls. 1 K5 Milkers and springers.25 03 Stags.2 60 Calves. 2 25 Stags.2 25 Cows . 1 50 Heifers. I 50 Stockers and Feeders. 2 90 Sheep—Native. 2 25 Sheep—Lambs. 3 20 CHICAGO. Wheat—No. 2 Spring. 77 Corn—Per bu. 22 Oats—Per bu Pork. 6 75 Lard. 3 77 Cattle—Christmas beeves. 5 40 Stockers andfeeders..3 45 Calves. 5 50 Hogs—Medium mixed. 3 20 Sheep—Lambs. 2 00 NEW YORK. Wheat—No. 1, hard. 92 Corn No. 2,. 28 Oats—No. 2,. 22 fork—. 8 21 Lard—. 4 25 ST. LOUIS, Wheat—No. 2 red, cash. 8g Corn—Per bu. 20 Oats—Per bu. 21 Hogs—Mixed packing. 3 00 Cattle—Native Ship’ng Steers. 3 90 „„ KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 hard. 78 Corn—No. 2.. 17 Oats—No. 2. jo Cattle—Stockers and feeders.'. 2 5) Hogs—Mixed. 3 jo cheep—Lambs . 3 0) Cheep—Muttons." 1 00 ® 3 © 3 © 4 © 3 @3> © 3 ® 5 © 3 @ 3 @ 3 © 4 © 3 ® 4 © 6 © 3 © 0 on 3 ® 5 © 3 © 5 © © © 8 © 4 © © © © 3 © 4 © © © 3 t3 5 © 3 20 15 23 50 50 75 SK 9 8 75 15 40 40 35 25 00 50 00 35 20 20 10 00 00 50 25 25 00 00 50 77M 21H 17 80 80 90 85 73 30 OO 9'W :874 2214 50 891f 2014 20 u 21 90 781£ S* m 30 00 25 A West Superior, Wla., Bank Closed. West Superior, Wis., Dec. 24.—The Bank of West Superior, capital 550,000 and surplus *50,000, suspended this morning as a direct result of the fail ures of the banks of Minnesota and Illinois. Gave Hls Life for Another. I it dependence, Kan., Dec. 24.—Yes terday Henry Holl and Harmon Long were digging a well at Edna, where they struck fire damp. Holl quickly tied a rope around Long and he was hauled up. In saving his friend’s life Holl sacrificed his own. PLANETARY POINTS. SOME HOROSCOPES MADE BY PROF. CUNNINGHAM. _ f Readers Are Invited to Send In Data and Have Their Indications Printed Free;—Planets Indicate Events, but DO' Not Cause Them. HE horoscope of William McKinley made by Prof. Cun ningham a year ago indicated that he would become president of the United States March 4, 1897. The astrologer visited the McKinley home , at Canton for the purpose or oDtaining exact data. He was cordially received by Major Mc ley, Mrs. McKinley and the president elect’s aged mother. Prof. Cunningham, is at present making a horoscope of the McKinley administration, beginning at noon March 4. It will be printed in March. Persons wishing to have horo scopes made should remember to give Christian name, place of birth and residence, date and year of birth, hour and minute if possible. If you do not know the hour, send two two-cent stamps for particulars. Correspondents', should also bear in mind that the as trologer wishes it distinctly understood that he treats the position of the plan ets at time of birth merely as indica tions and not causes. A planet may signify an event, like the star of Beth lehem for instance, but of itself it has no other connection with it. Cor respondents are answered free in these columns. Address Prof. G. W. Cun ningham, Dept. *, 194 Clinton street, Chicago, 111. Answers printed in order as received. Here are some for this week: Frank, Notre Dame, Ind. You have the zodiacal sign Scorpio rising, with Sagittarius intercepted on the ascendant, and Mercury, Venus and the Sun also there, consequently you have Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus ’and the Sun for ruling planets. You are above medium height, and well proportioned body; medium to dark complexion, hair and eyes; the eyes have a peculiar sparkle and sharp sight. You are stirring and energetic, and will always have an ambition for a large business, with plenty of rush to it. You are fond of anything that has a mystery connected with it, and are very original and inventive in your ideas. You are also fond of anything pertaining to chemistry and pharmacy. You have good command of language, and you are also a deep thinker, and do not always tell everything you know. You have strong intuitions, and have a good knowledge of many things without ever having had to study to learn about them. Mlgg Mary K., Oalva, 111. You have the zodiacal sign Scorpio, which Mars rules, rising at your birth and therefore Mars is your ruling planet or signiflcator. Scorpio usually denotes a person of medium height; well set and compact figure; rather short limbs; the complexion not very; clear and oftentimes freckled; the hair dark and of luxuriant growth; you are reserved and secretive in your nature and keep your business secrets to yourself; you are ambitious, stirring and energetic and inclined to take the lead in anything in which you become interested; you are not very yielding in your disposition and when opposed , are liable to lose control of your tem per; you are fond of anything that is of a mystical character and eas ily become interested in any thing relating to chemistry; you are a great admirer of surgeons, soldiers, firemen, etc., when they perform any operation that re quires skill or any act of bravery, sol diers on dress parade, etc.; you also take quite an interest in war and navy news and all kinds of military affairs. John M., Brooklyn. You have the zodiacal sign Leo, which the sun rules, rising at birth and therefore the Sun is your ruling planet or signiflcator. The sign Leo usually denotes a wiry, muscular, slender fig ure, with wide shoulders in proportion to the rest of the body; the complexion fair and ruddy; the hair and eyes light; the eyes are large and in some cases, they would be called “popeyes.” You are of a sunny, cheerful temperament; you are charitable and generous, too much so for your own good; you are very restless when not busy at some thing; you are very apt to borrow trouble in some way or cross bridges before you get to them; you are appar ently quick tempered yet seldom get your deep anger aroused; yet when you do you become very fierce like the lion; when your anger is once aroused you will give somebody that was the cause of it the full benefit of your opinion re gardless of their position or rank. You have more than average pride and am bition and have a natural gift of language. A Towel of Blotting; Paper. Paper has been put to a variety of uses, but its most curious employment is foreshadowed in the recent patenting of a blotting-paper towel. The idea is that a person on stepping out of his morning bath, instead of rubbing him self dry in the orthodox manner, should envelop his body in a towel of blotting-paper, which will, without trouble, and In a few seconds, absorb all the moisture upon his skin. The idea is ingenious, but It does away with that wholesome friction which many believe to be so beneficial to the akin..