The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 24, 1896, Image 8

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71; The People Wondered Pmwanu&I
\i. \^hy . j } ,
. ** ; :.•■•: V
:;*T 51
j ■■■?•#
will Wonder!
Such merchandising. No wonder the people comes here as if of one mind. An even dozen helpers
Were to few to wait on the throngs-yonr pardon is asked. Yet we only tell of one bargain of each
fifty secured by Mr. P. J. McManus during his recent eastern purchasing trip. No room for further
comment—this broad page will not hold half the bargain news that could be told of this month.
26 of the finest dress patterns, silk and wool coarse effect, at $1.
per yard.
rlO patterns of black silk and wool Jaekarda at $1.25 per yard.
. All my 60-inch flannel dress goods, 50 cents per yard.
- 54-inch broadcloth at 80 cents per yard.
' 4 staple shades in best broadcloth, black, green, navy and brown at
$1.25 per yard, former price $1.50.
All 86-inch flannels, 85 cents. These are bargains; don’t miss them.
- All lustereens, crape effect, 86-inoh width, 25 cents.
Another line, 82-inch, very desirable patterns, at 18 cents.
f A large line of new style Prooales, double fold, worth 18 cents, to
dose at 15 cents.
t Ladles9 Fine Shoes.
On this line of goods I defy competition for style fit and quality,
lor I handle the celebrated Moore A Shafer line, which have been
acknowledged by all leading retail shoe dealers to be the best on the
Ton want to get the winter Oxblood, the latest style shoe out. Just
arrived* This lineis made up in the latest coin toe, in any width.
Also the best line of Misses’ and Children’s shoes. The American
Beeoty, new shape, at the following prices: $1.25, $150, $1.75 and
$2.00. These ate the best values on the market
. !•;- • ' ■ . - ; • *
f ? Men’s Shoes.
- This is one of the lines that I am second to none on, for I handle
the largest line in the county.
’ The Bnamel calf is the oorrect thing for men’s dress shoe, and I
handle the beet line made. '
- We have also the finest Kaqgaroo shoe in the latest shape at the
very low price of $4.
1A line of fine calf shoes at $8; former price $4 and $4.50. These
me trade winners.
Also keep a full assortment of men’s shoes in cheaper grades.
Capes and Jackets.
15 fine Kersey Jackets up-to-date style, worth
$18.50 for $15.
10 fine Kersey Jackets, button trimmed, worth $15,
to close at $|2,
25 blue or black Kersey garments, worth $13.50, to
close at $11.60.
25 of the best Kertey garments ever offered at $10,
to close at $8.
A number of $5, $0 and $6.50 to close at $4.
15 garments to close at $2.60 and $3.00,
former price $5. *
By an early selection you get the best bargains.
Ladies’ silk 'and wool mitts, doable, at 50, 65 and 75 cents.
Misses’ and Children’s mitts from 15 to 75 cents.
A complete line of men’s dress gloves and mittens, also a
* large line of common goods at very low prices.
25 Wool Shawls to close at hall price.
Also a fine line of Portiere, to close at 20 per cent discount
Dnck Coats—The best robber lined at $2.50. Other grades at
$2.25, $200 and $1.50. _
A few boys’ cottonade coats, double breasted, at $1.50.
After onr immense fall trade on fur coats 1 have three to close
at reduced prices. rT ^
_____..... <
Get a Bow Girls!
A nice assortment of feather boas, latest out, in prices ranging
from $1.50 to $2.50. K
25 dozen silk mufflers for holiday use, nobby patterns.
25 dozen silk handkerchiefs, ranging in price from 10 to 35 cents.
Just the thing for a present.
Shirts. .
Men’s flannel shirts worth $2.50, to close at $2.
A $2 line to close at 11.75.
A fancy check flannel shirt, the best ever shown, at f 1.50.
Our Moleskin fleesed shirt at 90 cents is a daisy.
We have a cracker-jack in heavy Chevoit at 65 cents.
, 0ur immenso trade in underwear has our lines broken, and what we
have left will be closed at a discount of 20 per cent. Don’t fail to see
this line as there are some good things left.
I will note you a few of the many bargains in the groceiy line.
19 pound granulated sugar $1.
Key coffee 18 cents per package. No other on the market equals this.
New York Buckwheat 3£ cents a pound.
Moca and Java coffee, 25 cents per pound. A good one.
Green Apples 65 cents per bushel.
The best Japan Tea, 3 pound foi $1.
The finest May pickings, Japan Tea for 50 cents, worth 75 cents.
Prunes—Nice fresh stock, 5 cents per pound.
A fancy one at 8 cents.
Muscatel raisins, at 6 cents per pound.
Evaporated peaches, fancy stock, at 8£ cents.
New York Apples per barrell, $2.50. These are the choicest stock
on the market.
for2$lPOUDdS 8<>0d ri06 f°r ,L The^ ri°e °n tte market 12 Pound
■ v
John ■. Hitt, receiver ot the Lincoln Savings
Bank and Bate Deposit* Company, a cor
ron/, NeStt* A. MoEvony hi*
A. McArthur. John McHugh.
ugh hi* wife, flrat hame un
I. King, flrat name unknown. —
wire, ml name
Monon *o mr-nuDm unmum:
_ Above named defendant* Henry 0. Mo
? Kroay and Nellie A. MoEvony hi* wit* will
take notloe that on the Kith day of July. MBS.
above named nlalnttl
yon Impleaded with
object and prayer of
petition against
other* In laid oourt the
> prayer of which are to foreclose a
OfoJtOt*__ _
certain mortgage given -by defendant* Henry
0. Hcffyr^and Nellie A. MoEvony hi* wife
. . Nellie A. MoEvony hi* wife
_ _lent George a. McArthur, dried
October L1BM, filed for record and reooidcd
la .the olce of the register of deed* of said
Holt county on October 11,1MM. In booktu
iff mortgage* on pogo MS. oonveyliig the fol
towlng teal eetate altuated In *aTd county,
Oommeneieg slxty-nlne (t»)
Mm northwestoomer of lotelL_
“A la f'ehy's addition number two (B) run
_ _ . feet north of
oomer of lot eighteen (Ml blook
plug north one hundred and aeventy (170)
feet) thenoe running eaat ninety (DO) feet;
thence running went to piece of'begin
In the eonthean northea*t quarter 80.
south one hundred and seventy (170)
default ha* been made In the pay
the IndeMedaeee eeeured bv said
and there 1* now due the plaintiff
ilee* the eum of M00.00 with Inter*
act atflYper oeiit. from the tth dsy of Ooto
_whleh 1* a valid and flrat lien upon
; oa*d premises; and plalnalff pray* for a aale
*f mm premise* according toTaw to satisfy
Mm amount adjudged to be due In the
premise* and for a decree foreclosing the
equity of redemption of all said defendant*
anf taoee claiming under them.
You and each of you are required to answer
or before Monday, the 4th
|_petition on or _ _
day of January, MR, or the same will be
‘ * true and Judgment and decree
Receiver, Plaintiff.
By A. B. Tlbbeta and L. 0. Barr,
Hi* Attorney*.
w-—, _d Check H. Toneray,
■f cfcndgata will take, notice that on theSd
_ __ _ ___
«ay of Deeember, MM, Helen A. Berry, plain
tiff herein, flled her petition In the district
i- court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said
defendant*. Impleaded with John H. Amo*
and Ana* wife, (flrat and real name
nlnat said
_i A mas, bis wife, (flrat and real name
unknown) awe defendant*, the object and
prayer of whleh are to foreclose a tag lien
new by the plaintiff upon and against the
southwest quarter of section six (8) In town
- *hjp twenty-eight (M > north of range twelve
(!fl weet of Mm dth P. M. In Holt oounty.
make. That on the Bth day of Deoem
, 1M, E. W. Adam* purchased said prem
l at private tan aale In accordance with
r for the delinquent taxes levied on uld
pgmdBSs for the year 1MB. and paid for
aeiA Aettnqnent taxes interest andoosta at
aale the sum of (M.M. That the
levied on said premises for the
-y delinquent and on the Mth
. MMt, said Adams paid tbs
. i ting with Interest to SIAM.
A the bates dul^Tcvted on sold premises
peer MM became delinquent and on
day of August. MM. mid Adams paid
with Interest to
taxes duly levied on said
“ 1M1 became delinquent
September, IBM. said
That the taxi
•ountlng with
:ea duly levied
/, t \ ' - V
on cald premises (or the year 1802 became
delinquent and on the 8d day ot October, lww,
said Adams paid the said taxes amounting
With Interest to 617.50. That when said
Adams purchased said premises at said tux
sale a tax sale certificate \. as duly Issued to
him by the treasurer ot Holt oounty. and
that said premises have never been redeemed
from said tax sale, and all of said taxes still
constitute a valid Men on said promises.
That on tbe 24th day ot July, KOI said E. w.
Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold
and assigned his said tax Hen on said land
and all Interest he ever possessed In said
land under and by virtue of said tax sale
and under and by virtue of all taxes ever
paid by him ou said premises, to this plain
tiff who Is now the owner thereof. That
there la now due the plaintiff on said tax
Hen ihe sum of 1178.60, for which sum with
Interest from this date at ten per cent, or -
annum, plaintiff prays for a decree i n
plaintiff be required to pay the same or 1 ».
said premises may be sold to satisfy the'
amount found due.
You are required to answer said pet'Uou
On or before the 11th day of January
-k. ---—* day of January, 1887.
Dated this Bd day of December, 1896.
28-4 Haiiiit A. Bnnar, Plaintiff.
William Adams, Thomas N. J. Hynes, and
John P. Gibson, executor of the estate or
Ann A. McCleery, deceased, defendants, will
take notloe that on the 8d day of December.
1896, Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed
her petition In the dlstrlot court of Hc't
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
wvutTi iitiurwAM. UtUUnUUDlS,
impleaded with O. O. Snyder, receiver of
Holt oounty bank. John Kalloa and the
County of Holt, also defendants, the oblcot
and prayer of whloh are to foreclose a ta \
lien held by the plaintiff upon and against
the southwest quarter sootlon thirty-one, in
township thirty, range ten, west of
the 6th P, H. In Holt county, Nebraska.
That on the 4th day of December, 1889, B. W.
Adams purchased said premises at private
tax sale In ucoordanoe with law for the de
linquent taxes levied on said premises for the
f'ear 1888. and paid for said delinquent taxes,
merest aud costs at said tax sale, the sum
ot 929.80. That on the 26tb day of beptember.
1890. said Adams paid the taxes duly levied
on said premises for the year 1889. and wuich
at the time of suoh payment were delinquent
and said delinquent taxes with Interest
amounted to 919.66 at the time they were so
paid by said Adams. That the taxes dulv
levled on said premises for the year HUM
became delinquent and on tbe 28th day of
August, 1891, said Adams paid the said taxes
amounting with Interest to 914.83. That the
taxes duly levied on said premises for the
year 1691 became delinquent and on the 30th
day of September, 1898, said Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to 812.10.
That the tajes duly levied on said premises
fot the year 1888 became delinquent and on
the 3d day of October, 1893, said Adams paid
the said taxes amounting with Interest to
914.99. That when said Adams purchased
said premises at said tax sale a tax sale cer
tificate was duly Issued to him by the treas
urer of said Holt county, and that said
premises have never been redeemed from
said tax sale, and all of said taxes oonstltulo
a valid lien on said premises. That on the
24th day of July, 1893, said Adams, for a val
uable consideration, sold and assigned his
tax Hen on said land and all Interest he e v«. .«
possessed In said land under and by virtue
of aald tax sale and under and by virtue of
all taxes ever paid by him on said premises
to this plaintiff who Is now the owner there
of. That there la now due the plaintiff on
said tux lien the sum of $164. for which sum
with Interest from this date at ten per cent
ner annum plaintiff prays for a decree; that
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sola to satisfy
iha a wi An n 9 #An iIiba **
the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 11th day of January. 1897.
Dated this 3rd day ol December, 1896.
2S-4 Hmjut A. Bsaar, Plaintiff.
•„ Vs'»,
... Jt;r
Empkle Hardware Company, Hart C. Fish
er and Schneider and Loomis, defendants,
will take notice that on the 3d day of Decem
ber, 1898, Helen A. Berry, plalutlff herein,
filed her petition In the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, again t said defendants,
wuu.j, uvuinoan, ngnili V aaiu UUItmUttUlS.
Iinpleaded with Daniel O’Donnell. Sarah A.
O Di-- « « • - — -
r.v»u„v. uauici V VUUIIOIt, Ottritll ft,
y *Jonnel’. O. O. Snvder, receiver of Holt
Oouul.v Bank. John Carr and J. T. HoblnBon
NO' on company, also defendants, UkK obleot
and nrsver or which are to foreclose a tax
lien held by the plaintiff upon and against
the northeast quarter of section nine (9) In
township twenty-seven (27) north of ranee
ton (10) west ef the 6th P. M. In Holt oounty
Nebnwka. ,That on the 5th day of December,
1889, E. W. Adams purchased said premises
at private tax sale, in accordance with law.
for the delinquent taxes levied on said
premises for the year 1888, and paid for said
delinquent taxes, interest and costs, at said
tax sale the sum of 120.66 That the taxes
duly levied on said premises fort the year
1889,became delinquent and on the 25tb day
of September, 1895, said Adams paid said
taxes amounting with Interest to 118.71.
That the taxes duly levied on said premises
for the year 1890 became delinquent and on
the 28th day of August. 1891, said Adams paid
the said tuxes amounting with Interest to
120.17. That the taxes duly levied on said
premises for the yeur 1891 became delinquent
and on the ijOth day of September. 1898, said
Adatus paid the said taxes amounting with
Interest to $18.05. That the taxes duly levied
on said premises for the year 18fcf became
rl£L,m*H?ntJ,lnd on th0 « dav of October,
189U, said Adams paid the said taxes, amount •
toff with Interest to $17. That when sa!d
Adams purchased said premises at said tax
sale a tax salo certificate was duly Issued to
him by the treasurer of said Holt county,
ana that said premises have never been re
deemed from said tax sale, and all of said tax
es still constitute a valid lien on said prom
*«»• That on the 24th day of July, 189B, said
Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold
and assigned his said tax lien and all Interest
he ever possessed In said premises under
and by virtue of said tax sale and under and
nv VlafliA n# ..11 .«___1 J 1_. ■
r;— y onto iiuu uuuvr auu
by virtue of all taxes ever paid by him on
•aid premises! to this plaintiff, who is now
the owner thereof. That there la now due
the plaintiff ou said tax lien the sum of *167,
for which sum with Interest from thla date
at ton per cent, per annum plaintiff prays
for a decree, that defendant may be required
to pay the same or that said premises may
beisold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th day of January. 1897.
Dated this 3d day of December, 1896.
*»-* Ileus A. Berry, Plaintiff.
Hundell, defendant, will take
notice that on the 3d day of December. 1898,
"It.JflSP**?>">!".. “led her
nerein, mea ner
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendant, the object
Unfl llPfit no n# mhlnh » a .. !■ _■ —.
n22 lEffP wJjLc£. !lIe foreclose a tax
.L m , w IUIWIUW) B UX
lien held by the plaintiff upon and against
the hortliwest quarter of section ton (10) In
thirty (80) range ten (10) west of the
•“ P M. In Holt oounty, Nebraska. Thai
on the 6th day of December. 1889, E. W.
Adams purchased said premises at private
tax sale In accordance with law for the de
linquent taxes levied on said premises foi
the year 1888 and paid for said delinquent
taxes, interest and ousts, at said tax sale the
sum of *29.05. That the taxes duly levied on
said premises for the year 1880 became dellm
Quent and on the 25th day of September, 1890,
»i.t.fd.a,u8 P^d^e»sa!S tax®». amounting,
*3U7‘, That the taxes duly
levied on said premises for the year 189C
became delinquent and on the 26th day ol
August, 1991, said Adams paid the said taxei
amounting with Interest to 111.65. That the
«««■£}£. levled on said premises forth.
Year 1892 became delinquent and on the id
day of October, 1898, told Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to 68.81.
That when said Adams purchased said prem
ises at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was
duly Issued to him by the treasurer of Holt
county, and that said premises have never
been redeemed from said tax sale, and all of
said taxes still constli ute a valid lien on said
premises. That on t he 24th day of July, 1893,
said E. W. Adams, for a valuable considera
tion, sold and assigned bis said tax lien and
all Interest he ever possessed In said p: cmlses.
under and by virtue of said tax hen end
under and by virtue of all ti-xes ever paid by
him on said premises to this plaintiff, who Is
now the owner thereof. That there Is now
due the plaintiff on said tax lion the sum of
•ISO, for which sum with Interest from this
date at ten per cent, jmr annum plaintiff
prays for a decree, that the defendant be
required to pay the same or that said premi
ses may be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11 th day of January, 1897.
Dated this 3d daypf December, 1896.
*2-4 He1,en a. Usury, Plaintiff.
Wyatt Btorts. J. B. B. Case. Ann Case, his
wife, (first and real name unknown) Soott T.
Jones, Mariana li. Hubbell, T, G.
Moreland, Mason B. Southworth, David
Jameson, Clifton E. Mayne, 8. A. Sol
man and W. J. Mead, defendants, will taka
notice that oj the 2nd day of December, 1(33.
Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants the object
and prayer of whloh are to foreclose a tax
1 .en held by the plaintiff upon and against
« southeast quarter of the northwest quar
kr, and the northeast quarter of the south
w ;t quarter, and the north half of the
southeast quarter of section five, (5) In town
ship thirty, (3D) north of range twelve, (12)
west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebras
ka. That on the 5tb day of December. 1889,
B. W. Adams purchased said premises at
private tax sale. In accordance with law, for
the delinquent taxes levied on said premises
for the year 1888. and paid for said delinquent
taxes. Interest and costs at said tax sale the
sum of 625.18. That the taxes duly levied on
said premises for the year 1889 became delin
quent and on the 25th day of September, 1890,
said Adams paid the said taxes amounting
with Interest to 617.72. That the taxes duly
levied on said premises for the year 1899
became delinquent and on the 28th day of
August. 1891, said Adams paid the said taxes
amounting with Interest to 617.33. That the
taxes duly levied on said promises for the
year 1891 became delinquent and on the 29th
day of September, 1892, said Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to 616.40.
That the taxes duly levied on said premises
for the year 1892 became delinquent and on
the third day of October, 1893, said Adams
paid the said taxes, amounting with Interest
to 618.10 at the time they were so paid. That
when said Adams purchased said premises
at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was
duly Issued to him by the treasurer of said
Holt county, and that said premises have
never been redeemed from said tax sale, and
all of said taxes constitute a valid Hen on
said premises. That on the 24th day of July,
1893, said E. W. Adams for a valuable consid
eration. sold and assigned hts tax lien upon
said land, and all interest he ever possessed
In said land under and by virtue of said tax
sale and under and by virtue of all taxes
ever paid by him on said premises to this
plaintiff, who Is now the owner thereof.
That tpere is now due the plalntlf on said
tax llein,the sum of 1171, for which sum wit .
interest from this date at ten per cent, ptr
* ‘ 'hat
annum, plaintiff pravs for a decree ti
defendants be required to pay the. same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th day of January, 1896.
Dated this 3d day of December. 1893.
8-4 • He lex A. Berry. Plaintiff.
Lakd Oitick at O'Neili,, Neb.,
....__ , , December 2, 1896.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
said proof will be made before the
register and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska,
on January 16 1897, viz: '
. WILLIS B. BELL. H. E. No. 1- :12,
,orJ*e NW14 NW!< section 13, township 20,
north range 13 west Oth P. M. v ^
He names the following witnesses to prov
hls continuous residence upon and cultt
var.lnn nf unlit ln»A _1 _ . n «
° iwiuoutc uLun ana emu
vatlon of, said land, viz: James B. Frary.
Jesse Frary Elmer Adams and Asher B.
Hotomab, all of Chambers, Nebraska.
John A. Habmon, Register.
The State of Nebraska (.
_ Holt County, f 88
In County Court:
Notice is hereby given that, petition hav
ing been filed In the county court of Holt
county, Nebraska, for the appointment of an
administratrix of the estate of L. P. Roy.
deoeased, late of said county, the same is
• , . uu I LllO BttUHJ JB
!?* nearing at 2 o’clock p. m. on Saturdt v.
the »th day of .Ianuary,18»7, at the ofllce of
the county Judge in Ocelli.' In said county
at which time and place all persons Interest
ed In said estate may appear and be hearc
concerning said appointment.
. . Oljen under my hand and official seal thii
6th day of December, 1896.
*a~'1 _ County Judge.
The 8tate of Nebruska, I __
Holt County. | 88
In Oountv Court; Holt County, Nebraska:
NnHr>n id hn«»h.. tt..4 _• .
M„4i i l uctp vuuui-jr, ancUtaBKH•
Notice Is hereby given that, petition hav
ing Men filed In the county court of Holt
—D “’•v.. iu sue wum/j wiuri ui nun
county. Neb., bv brands 0. Norris for the
appointment of T. M. Morris and Ed F. Gal wi a. iu. luciiio nuu r<u r . uai
lag her as administrators of the estate of
Alexander U. Morris, deceased, late of said
county, the same Is set for hearing at one
Plsi00*1 P-to- on the 29th day of December.
1896. at the office of the county judge In
O Nelli, In said county, at which time and
Place all persons interested In said estate
may appear and be heard concerning said
Glyen under my hand and official seal this
4th day of December, 1866.
_ County Judge.
In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr.
Farmers Loan a Trust Company, plaintiff,
Owen G. Snell, Hattie Snell, Lombard Invest
inept Company, G. h. Peebles, David Dean
and the Southwest quarter of section No
Twenty-one (21), In township No. Tlilrty-ont
(31), of range Fifteen in Holt county, Nebras
ka! defendants.
To each and all Of the above named defend
ants and to all persons Interested in the above
described tract of land: You and each of you
are hereby notified that the petition of plainlifl
Is now on file In the office of the clerk of the
District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, alleg
ing tnat plaintiff purchased said lands at tax
sale on the 27th day of December, 1889, for the
taxes Jor the year 1888, and paid therefor the
sum of Forty-nine and 42-luu Dollars, and un
der aud by virtue of said sale paid .suoseeiuent
taxes thereon as follows: On the 14th day ol
July. I860, the sum of eighteen and 13-iuo Dol
lars, and on the 16th day of jSik 1891. Twelve
and 96 100 Dollars; that oirthe loth day ol
August. 1892. a tax deed based on such sale and
payment was issued and delivered to plaintiff
purporting to convey said real estate to It
■which deed was duly recorded, and that for the
serving of the notice to redeem and taking and
recording said tax deed plaintiff paid costs
amounting to the sum of Seven Dollars. Said
»»»^ M Wl u* wuu at n regular tax saf« fnr ih2
said Janies F. Tov. uiiHap a«a i?«. *
ZZiA V* *“,BsM2S ana w-iuo uoilars. and tlmt th«
I Of TwaIva and an e\_V.t!uc»
«£• 2* KSTS' ^VvVSSd6VS? ^JoHars
emu.* trw^n&Sf £& H^uXVbM*
porting to convev to t.h« uu i-KJ.'.PU1‘
umcuuu «is Hue ud Davment
Parting to c°nvey to the said James KTnv»ii
real estate, which deed was duly reSSded1
and that for servIns thA nnHna
r?z i£”Z coMivo, wuieu aeea was duly recorded
fedHiat for serving the notice to redewntak:
Ingand recording said tax de»d th«*»iH
F Toy paid coats to the amount of SJAi
Yon are further notilled that bv vlrtnn ni «■,.
sale, payment and deed first refefrSd tS mnd
acquiring of the Interest of thi*2S2 t<i“dLth.e
acquirlivg of thelntm^sts'of tbessdd * Jaimes hf
SilSld owne'^fifn^iJS “Ifend urn
and each of the StahKntdUn^
ft1 »ers0i1s‘ Plaintiff further asks thS
paid on said lands be decreed to be «S,'i
and paramount to the Interests of each rf }h5
defendants, and that said lien be strtetlv rnl^
s".S”j!SSS? S“i;
=»rei«X!S,.-iBs S’®
5SB& SiSTn!83te, “Jus WKff
thereof of !Mlld Premises In satisfaction
.sm t”
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