Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY *tt FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY ■si. D. H. OBORIN, Editor. t'-fi.v In TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. All oar subscribers who are owing os on subscription are requsted to call and settle their account Do not put off the payment of your sub scription, but come and pay up at odm We need the money to keep otar business going, and if our sub scribers do not oome in and pay up we will hare to employ a collector. Please call and settle. m Cuba is still in chains. t; A must Christmas to all. Y Jgf ■ ■ >: f Got. Bbaplxy, of Kentucky, is the happy possessor of a backbone! which can become like steel upon Y. occasion. ■ ■ . ..— Th* Arkansas method, enlisting to fight for Cuba, is several points ahead of the resolutions adopted by Texans. ' Will Haumr is now writing ?; ■ poetio gems for the World-Herald. : Will could not stay away from a Nebraska. > V Thx season is at hand when it is " proper to point out the difference—a Y very' wide one it is<—between ex changing and giving. 1 iV A Thai wants to fight right away, and Senator Mills’ resolution direct ing the president to sieze Oaba, is being endorsed by "the children ot the Alama.” Jfini Allianoe Onide is one of the beat papers that comes to our ex change table, and judging from the Advertising patronage, the people appreciate it It looks to a man up a tree as ; though the senators who carried the diver banner in the late campaign are now each playing for his own personal advantage. ,/ . . —- »«•►■»—.. I» the silver democrats were wiser they would have ascertained whether the gold democrats wished to return before announcing the conditions under which they would betaken back. Si' S' Tns cabinet makers having Abont up all their material, are ready to stand aside and give Maj. McKinley a chance. It is a jcb the people gave him because they kpew he would do it well. ' ' '•* * 'It is creditable to republican sen ators that the opposition to the Lodge immigration bill was oou fined to democrats. The democrats have never believed in educational testa of any kind. J. Q. ' Bona, formerly of this county, has again assumed control of the Dixon Index. J. 0. is a handy man with the pen and shears, but we think it will be rather hard -for him to father free eilver and popooraiio editorials. SmuToa Taunt is doing all he knows how to get Senators Squire, Dubois and Pettigrew re-elected. Be says it would be shameful, after these men left their party for silver, for legislatures controlled by silver man to turn them down. mr ExGovaasoa Wun, of Colorado, th» man of bloody bridle fame, has organised a small army and will go to Cuba to assist the Cubans in their fight for independence. If Daria is as bloodthirsty as claimed, he ought to make things warm for Wcyler. K%> Smuroa Pnrm'i desire for re flection was so much stronger than *he protection principles he was supposed to hare, that he has oome OSt for free trad* There never was any good reason why he should be re-elected, but now there is an excellent one why he shouldn't be. As attempt was recently made to work Ifaj. McKinley in the h^nrest of one of the rival republican eflhdi dstes for the senate, in a oertain rtoU, but hequK$ly put a stop to it by giving his caller to understand that his only interest was that the should be s republican. f: ".y - i:JA 'I 7.' 5 THE CHANCE OF THE YEAR 10 To 50 Per Cent. Discount FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Saturday. Dec. 26 To Saturday, January 2. In order to make this the busiest week of the year and to prepare for our annual invoice, January 3rd, we offer the following extraordinary bargains for the coming, week. This will be the only sale this season that will include our full stock of Dry Goods, cloth ing and Shoes at once. ¥ Dress Goods. Id our Dreu Good* wr will offer a Hoe of light colored suitings at half price, 00 per cent, dieconnt, to close them out. SO per cent, on all novelties and staples except Arnold Henriettas which will be only 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 28-inch Henriettas, our 50-cent leader, now only 40 cents per yard. This goods sold formerly at 08 cents and is the greatest bargain ever offered in O’Neil). A flue line of cotton worsteds, worth IS cents, at IS cents; the best suiting for the money in the market. *%»%%%|%^> - Dry Goods* All dress prints. 5c. 12^-cent extra heavy twills.10c. 7-cent Gingham checks. Sc. 10-cent Bleached Muslin. 8c. 10-cent Cotton Flannel. 8c. 10-cent Shirting. 8c. lS-cent Shirting.10c. All Outings, Flannels, Table linens and other piece goods, SO per cent discount. Clothing. In this department we will offer extraordinary inducements on our line of oyercoats, and will give a 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT for this week only. $5 satinet coat for.83.75 86.75 frieze coat. 540 87.50 frieze coat.. 5.65 88.75 beaver coat for...6.55 810 frieze or Kersey coat.7.50 815 frieze or kersey coat.13.00 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL OUR Me NS' AND BOYS' SUITS. 85 suits for men..88.05 86 suits for men. 4,80 86.75 suit, all wool......-. 5140 88.75 suits, all wool, extra good. 6,05 810 suits, all wool, extra good.. 7.85 8175 boys’3-plecesuit.140 S2 boys’2-piece suit. 1.60 82.50 boys'2-piece suit.. .>.185 Fur Coats 810 goat coats, extra value...Net 813 50 trimmed coats..., . ,.8. .18,00 Wombat collars and ouffe/ . ' 815 coats.. ....*48.50 820 coats. 18.00 Cloaks. We have atiU a fair line of good styles, and offer'to close $3.75 cloaks for...$3.05 $4.50 cloaks for...... 3.60 $5.75cloack for..,;*#.......... 4.60 $6.56 cloaks for.... .1,. 5.20 $7'50 cloaks for..».5.95 $10 cloaks for...7 95 and all capes at same discounts. Blankets. We hare a good line and will sell our , -t 50 cent cotton blanket*^..Net $1 cotton blanket. .$ .80 $1.50 cotton blankets....1.20 $2 cotton blankets...1.60 $2.50 mixed blankets.'.. 1.95 $3.75 all wool blankets. 2 95 $5 all wool blankets.,.. 8 95 Comforters same discount. '%%%%%% Shoes. 30 per cent, discount on all men's women’s and children’s shoes in. reg ular lines, and a lot of special drives in women’s and misses’ at 50 per cent, discount. All rubbers will be sold at 10 per cent, discount. All goods charged during this salf will be at regular prices. « Ohaibham Hans a mast get a lot of amasemeat oat of the nameroas tasks the newspapers have made him undertake. Mr. Hanna is in some respects a wonderful man, bat if he were ten wonderful men he eoald not do all that he is represent ed as undertaking to do. If Senator Peffer was in a posi tion where he could make good his recent expression, "If the rich are going to run the country, let them pay dll the taxes,” he would find the rich unanimously in favor of it; but such a country would not be a free country. ;-»«♦►« Ohristmas and the holiday season is again with us, and the usual gift making and good cheer pervades the hearts of the people throughout the civilised world. Here in Nebraska, despite the apparent hard times and loss of crops in former years, the people have much to be grateful for, and the Christmas festivities will be enjoyed with unusual seal Few there are but have fond recollections of former happy Christmas occasions, and if by chance the uphill pull with the world has been against them, they still welcome and look for the day made holy and revered through ages by its association with the Christ child. There are Borne to whom the day will bring a pang of bitter regret, perhaps through mis fortune in business or Biokness, that they are unable to celebrate the day with family and friends as upon former occasions, but down in their hearts, even beneath a rough and ragged exterior, the day is none the less welcome for past hallowed ssso ciations—the human instinct of love of home, of parents, or wife or chil dren—and many there are who will be far away from home and loved ones but who, nevertheless, will feel that the day is not without its bless ings. Let Christmas day be en joyed to the utmost, and especially by the children, that in after years when burdened with the cares and responsibilities of life, and perhaps strangers in far away lands, that i they may look baok in pleasing ret rospect upon the past and renew the battle of life stronger in the faith of a golden hereafter. Christmas and good cheer go hand in hand, and as we enjoy the luxuries and comforts of the day let us not forget that we may brighten the pathway of others in variovs ways and add zest to our own pleasure. Pass the turkey, We guarrantee this to be the lest Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a great deal, but it la true. For consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, sore chest, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and luugs, we positively guarantee Ballard’s Ilorehound Syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe. In support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever used it, and to every druggist who has ever sold it. Such evidence is indisputable. Pfjce 25 and 50 cents. Free sample boitles at P. C. Corrigan's. Throat Coughs Is there a tickling In the throat? Do you cough a { great deal, especially when lying down? Are you hoarse at times? Docs nearly every cold you take settle In your throat? These * throat coughs'* are very deceptive, Dont neglect them. Troches, ot cough syrups won't touch the spot. You must take remedies that will enrich the blood, tone up the nerves) and heal the in flamed membranes. SCOTT’S EMULSION of God-liver Oil with Hypophos {ihitcs contains such remedies, t has wonderful nourishing and healing power. The cause of the cough is removed; the whole system is given new life and vigo*) sod the danger from threatening lung trouble is swept away. Book about it free. For alt by all draggiiU at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. last of MoCafferto’s. . O'NEILL, NEB, Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN sloilx cIty .. . • ; , AND ■■ ... | Jeickson, Laurel, Randolph^ Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. f* ■ ■ -*•*»•*■ '. » . Connects it Sioux City with nil diverging line*, landing passengers In NEW UNION PAS8EVGKH STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, ttm«: tables, or otopr information call upon agent i or address F.C. HILLS, W. B.MoMiPEB, Beset ver. ta'l Pass. Asset. Believed ef Terrible Pains. R. E.Morse, traveling salesmen, Gal veston, Texas, says: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months’ standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, Ills., save: I have used Ballard’s Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. R. Crouch, Rh>, Ills., says Ballard's 8now Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head and neck when nothing elte would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price CO cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. elKHorn valley PLOW FACTORY.*. O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Prop. -Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE■STATE■BANK OP O’NEILL. ; , CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER "*'"■ COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured / By the largest dry-sheds in the world. „ I O’Neill. Yards-? Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. O’NEILLEJUSINESS DIRECTORY J)R- J. P. GILLIOAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County building. All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, .■'■■■ . NEB. JJARNBY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. j^H. BENEDICT. LAWYER, OSoe In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Border's lumber yard, 0 NEILL. NEB. mu in mu mm m Stage leaves O’Netll at 8:» a. it., arriving at Spencer at IP. H.; at Butte. 5:30p. u. DeYARHAN’S BARN. S. D. Galuntin*, Prop. B. A. DaY ARM AN, Manager. D'Y ARMAN'S I mrfffwvm Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the eity. Good, earefnl driven when wanted. AL*> ran the ' O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. HOTEL ——£ VANS Enlarged Refurnished ■'' Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. Purohaaa Tiokats ana Conaian your Fralahtvia tha F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. trains DEPARTt OOIRO BAR. Passenger east, Freight east. Freight east, - 9:20 a. if 10:80 a. x 2:10 p. x. OOWGWMR. Freight west, . . 3.10p u Paueqger west, . j>:2? p! x Freight, - p. x. wuod.jwet0 holder, of taC3£.a£JiS& „ . Far any Information oall on W. J, DOBBS, Agt. ^ O’NEILL. NEB. 1 Wanted-An Idea gotaet vonr Uma Who eaa i cjtome simple **!■>• to patsotf -wealth. ‘ Attar*