,v V:/'. : ’ V . v ' <» - • . t ■ Jftbrtwkt Hi»W «i*ty 'Li %r- ■ PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. VOLUME XVII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 24, 1896. ---* - ■■■ " '■-* I — NEWS SMS WHISKERS! Items of Interest Told As They Are Told to Us. WHEN AND HOW IT HAPPENED — ——' . -a, tool Happenings Portrayed Per General Idlfieation and Amusement. * .* l4 ", ‘ >, ■ - - - What a day fur turkeys—tomorrow. — ■ Joe Hunter was in from Willowdale Tuesday. __ N. C. Johnson was up from Swan last week. ________ A. J. Clark was up from Inman yesterday. ________ Nets P. Gibson, of Miniieola was a caller this morning. Thomas Carlon was in Ewing Mon day on legal business. O. O. Snyder had business in Sioux City Monday and Tuesday. Hea Chambers was down from Atkinson last Friday. Presents for the young, and the old, the great, and the small, at Corrigan’s. Dr. Gilligan spent a few days the first of the week on his farm near Jackson. Toys, toys, toys until you can’t rest and then some! At. Corrigan’s drug ■torn ' 99.8 John McNichols was down from Atkinson last Friday, vial ting hia many friends heTe._ See Oorrigan’a stock of holiday goods and you will be pleased. Buy, and yon will be satisfied. 28-8 The public schools closed yesterday, and teachers and pupils will enjoy a two week’s vacation. Times are not hard when the citizens of O’Neill can put up $100 to see a box ing entertainment. For holiday goods go to Corrigan’s. He has the finest line of goods ever brought to the county. 28-8 J. E. Kearns arrived from Chicago last night, and will spend the holidays —r* with'his sister, Mrs. J. A. Tsstman. V Harry Dowling started Sunday morn 1 ing for Chicago where he will spend the holidays with bis uncle and family.' For teeth or photos go to Dr. Corbett’s parlors, 23rd to 80th of each month. Photographs 75'' cents per dozen. __ 24tf The O’Neill dancing club will give a social dance at the rink Wednesday evening, Dec. 80, 1890. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Will Lowne, who is a student in the state university at Lincoln, returned home Saturday evening to eat Christ mas dinner with bis parents. Malaga grapes, bananas, Mexican oranges, figs, maple sugar, etc. All fine fresh goods. 24-2 O’Neill Grocery Co. Joe Horrisky arrived home Monday evening from South Dakota, where ne has been employed the past six months. He is looking hale and heatity. Postoffice Inspector Swift was in the city last week checking up Postmaster Doyle. It is unnecessary to say that he found everything in good shape. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleaning the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. Morris & Co. H. C. TJbler of Emmet, was a caller Monday, and by paying his subscription, furnished us with the necessary “lucre" to buy a few Christmas turkeys. WANTED—Lady or gentleman to represent a well established house. Salary $50 per month and expenses. Address box 80, Ainsworth, Neb. Do you appreciate a first class article of buckwheat flour? We have it. Try a sack. Also maple syrup to match. 24*2 O’Neill Qboceby Co. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. Morris & Co. The Daughters of Rebekah upheld their reputation as entertainers at the P«rty given by them last Friday even, ing. The affair was an enjoyable one throughout and their friends will long remember it as one of the events of the Season. After hearing some friends continu ally praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhcea remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for bis own use, and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sixes for sale by P. G. Corrigan. Bentley has ft new baker ana ia pat ting oat a euperior quality of bread* piea and cakea. Everything ia flret claea. ________ 84-3 "What beautiful toya and preaenta, and ao cheap!" These exclamationa are heard aa the people gaze upon the toya at Corrigan'a. Go and aee them. 28 8 Matt Coffey, who haa apent the paat four years in Butte City, Mont., arrived home laat Friday evening, and will viait with hia parenta here for a few montha. O. M. Quigley, of Parker, ». D., formerly of the Hebron Reglater, ia in the city thia week, and baa aaaiated ua in getting ont thia edition of Thu Fhoktikb. _ Don’t fall to read our advertiaement thia week If you want to buy anything in dry gooda, clothing, ahoea, blanketa, underwear, etc. We will aave you lota ot money. J. P. Maun. Soothing, and not irritating, atrength ening, and not weakening, email, but effective—each are the qualitiea of DeWitt’e Little Early Rlaera, the famoua little pilla. Morria 6 Co. > The old lady waa right when ahe aaid the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one’a life with a few doaee of One Minute Cough Cure. Morria & Co. R. R. Dickson left yesterday moraine for Osage, Is., to attend the funeral of hie father, who died at 10:80 Tuesday morning at a hospital in Chicago, to which place he went a couple of months ago for medical treatment. The length of life may be Increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Morris & Co. We have opened up a bakery in con nection with the “Little Gem" restaur ant, and are now prepared to furnish the publio with first-class bread, pies, cakes, cookies, or anything in the 'bak ing line at the lowest prices. 25-2 Hatfield & Thompson. A special train carrying the officials of the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad, went west Tuesday afternoon. The officers spent about an hour in this city, and while here were visited by several of our representative business men, who conferred-with them upon matters of mutual interest. & m • ■ m A J. H. and Frank Welton spent'the first of the week visiting old friends and hunting in the vicinity of their old stamping ground on Brush creek. They are )ust the particular sort of boys that heartily enjoy a romp through the jungles and canons, and we trust the feathered tribe will be promiscuously stirred up during their sojourn. State Journal: The Denver Times recently contained an Interesting article calling attention to the intimate rela tionship existing between that city and Duluth. It was emphasized that by building less than 800 miles of railroad between Julesburg and O’Neill, a short er outlet for Denver products would be formed. This railroad would develop a large tract of Nebraska land, and would be a good thing all around. Congress man Towne is at the head of the nrnifipt Exchange: It hat been shown by analysis that s young lady weighing 160 pounds is composed of 06 pounds of water, S pounds white of egg, a little less than a pound of pure glue, 34} pounds of fat, 8} pounds of phosphate of lime, 8 ounces of sugar and starch, 7 ounces of phosphate of magnesia, and a little ordinary table salt. Think of it young man, That beautiful young lady whom you worship as a pillar of unadulterated sweetness, don’t contain three ounces of sugar. Exchange: One young lady of Jolin, Kan., refuses to pay her election bet' The proposition was made by her because she was so sure Bryan would be elected that she agreed to stand on her head fire minutes if McKinley was elected, provided a certain young man would do likewise if Bryan was elected. She had been telling her friends what fun it would be to hold the watch and make "Chawley” stand on his head for five minutes, but since the election she has been very quiet, and now declines to pay the wager. Silas Purdy and Qua Shrader, of Atkinson, were arrested by Sheriff Hamilton last Thursday on a warrant sworn out b/ Fred Hans, a detective in the employ of the F. E. & M. V. rail* road, charging them with stealing coal from the company. They were brought to O’Neill Thursday morning and taken before Judge McCutcban for ttial. A continuance was taken until Friday morning, when the case sgainst Purdy was tried to a Jury in county court. The jury found him not guilty, and the company then dismissed the case against Shrader. Plattsmouth News: It to pretty cer tain that there will be a change in the form of the Australian ballot in Nebraska before many more elections are held. And there should be. The average man neede a towel tied about his head when he goes into the voting booth that he may concentrate all of his mental faeultiee on the pussle. The form used in Iowa is very simple. When the voter desires to cast a straight ballot he has only to mark a croea in a circle at the head, each party having a separate column. A still greater im provement would be for each party to have an emblem and print it at the head of the ticket. In thie way a child could vote as intelligently as a man. * The damage case of Mrs. Gallagher against the city of O'Neill was tried to an arbitration board connoting of M. D. Long, John J. Kelly and Chas. Wil cox, the first of the week. R. R. Dick son and Judge Roberts represented thy plaintiff, while City Attorney Carton looked after the Intereet of the city. The plaintiff alleged that In June, 1MB, while coming from church, one Sunday morning, she fell on the sidewalk near Mann’s store, on account of a defect In the walk, and received injuries which confined her to her bed for about nine "vimuicu iraiuiMcuk injury to her beck. Some time I ait summer she brought suit against the city for $1,000 damage for said infuries. Short ly before court convened, both parties agreed to submit the esse to arbitration, and it was tried M week, the board deciding for ^e uty. City Attorney Carlon is netting an* enviable record for hlmselfgy his management, and the care he tikes in guarding the cltr's intsrMgk Be has looked after the intereata of the tax payers of this city' in threw, damage cases, and in these flees has been pitted against some of the sbleet attorneys in the northwast, but notwithstanding this fact he secured the verdict In each case. It is con* ceded by nearly all attorneys that it is, very hard to prevent a person from securing a verdict against a corporation or municipality in a suit for damages, and Mr. Carton’s victories must be very, gratifying to him and his many friends,. The boxing entertainment came off $u schedule time at the opera house last Saturday evening, and the contestants anus greeted- with., a crowded house. AftW a few boots between some of "little” fellows, Xd Graham and Geo. Parnell donned the gloves for a three round friendly "go.” It was rather tame, as Parnell, while he Is the larger man, is no match for Graham, who could hop around and tap him when and where he pleased: With proper training, however, we believe that Par nell would be able to hold his own with any of them, even some of the famous heavy weights. Qtgj^et- the important bouts was a six' riflgi ’"tamp” between Harry Gillespie npEf*hecy Gwin for a purse. Guy Hamilton was bottle hold er for Gillespie, while “Sallv” Gwin looked after Tracy. Dominick Mo Caffrey was selected as referee. The boys showed the crowd a good time, and put up a good article of “scrap.” Gwin wu the aggressor all through the Bght, and several times crowded Gilles pie to the ropes, but Harry got in some good ducks and dodges, and got out of the way. He kept away and. let Gwin lurcc man era unm no was nearly 0111 Or wind, when Harry got in a few good ones that scored several* points to bis credit. The referee declared it a draw and divided the parse; the decision giving general satisfaction. 8am Thompson and Ed Graham then enter tained each other and the crowd for a few minutes to the satisfaction of all. Dominick McCaffrey then gave an exhibition of ball punching that was thoroughly enjoyed by the “sports,” after which he put the gloves on with his brother, Joe, for a two-round “bout." ‘For a heavy man Dominick is very quick on his feet, likewise with bis “dukes,” as was observed bv the crowd when he tapped Joe three times before he could get away. It ia very bard for a man to show what he can do unless he has someone who can make it fairly interesting for him. But there ia no question but what be could make some of the “big boys" lay down now if he should go up against them. Did Ton Xver Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranted by its use. Fifty cents and 11.00 at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. v . AmtVAOTLTVXM. ^AUmtoTOM, D. 0., Dm. 18,18M. ftito 8ft: Tout Uttar of Oth mat. carje duly, end ia bow reached lo due cooraa of bMtoeaa. • Too Inquire aa to the culture of alfal fa, faking how to auocaaafully aow aod nap it, and tha aoll aod climate eondi* tloaa of ita auoceeaful growth. Tha plant flouriahaa bait on aotla of an spaa poroua aatora., Ia arid n> glooa whera tha eomuoa aaga of tha plain! flourlahee, than lo tha aaaa aoila alfalfrtrill grow to perfectloo. Tha grouad watar ahould not com wlthld Hi faat of tha rarfaoa at any time; I Halt inaarlng aaooaaa lo gmw ng tki plaot If from fourteen to forty feat below the aurtace. ^ ,'Tb^ aurfece of ob alfalfa field must be 'itaii draload, that II, rotting or lisping enough to quickly carry off all aurpilfi tala or Irrigation watar. - Ththufceoil ahoold be an opao, porooi oaa, trough which tha roota of the plant'can readily penetrate to tha grouM Water below the surface. Tha ■ubedllhoold be, If poaatble, a natar ally motat one, bat If yoa mb irrigate youriAeld this Blatter' la of ao^tOBM Aian will not flourish upon wat lu% lot , hi situations whare lha (froup# water i* within aiz feetof tha surf#*, tor over unduly wat and stag nant wbeolle; nor Will it craw to ita full mtapoa a aurfaoa where tho aub* rail Ik nek, hard pea or atlff dap, all impfflet ridable by tha raota of tho plaat. It wlQ aotfraw upon a surface without irrigation where tha aubaoil 1a made up fif-'Wpa of dry aand, (ravel or other mate wale affording no nutriment or moMbro for a^apth below tha aurfaoa trofaf twelve feat to (roater doptha. It oatf hk'. successfully grown upon auoh auhaoffi if you have plenty of water to irrigate with. := Prepare Uta land fhr aowlag hr a thoroaigh cultivation, pulverising It vary flfiely. Sow the aeed at the lima you effr ipriug wheat In y«wr locality. Bow pf|o SO pounda par aero, 90 being tha paid quantity.. If |he ground ha weedy, now 80 ponada. t)o not cow any oflkt grain or seed WHhjIt If dgWa broadcast, cover the accd with Might harrowing; a large bunch of bndh dragged ovit the Add Id two direedgaa at rliM hid« will do it wkdH If 4ri»e4 ia, Bs* th«. 4Mt far fM ®f tbaat dayaPforgattlaf &U I 11' | wok aaaouatWM tory amC, winter «Bf ~* V« iwh. iMr - raw to tboaiuk Thtafawoot tin- taw mm got to (aau«f.«*ii*at a- .i "Wipi mm mom mimrn «M to iKOMC BMBPo Mmdv 4«hT . **ok*\tod wMk nnofcw k»Sr| iwooijr tMoSliy MSB batmit «o mu# •aaUogdSf. Bokadootf kn dhfrajKto^ MdMdOOtMMktowkpt* Moul—Tha oast day « -■ tothapabUahaaafhpaoiM^ -l nMr "Bott air. la Ota papaav Md wJmo tfea ookt tffc‘ •eHpUoo la doa voa pao -**«•£ ff§#^ aoa to pay prowpGiy. 1 «tr poaluoo of tko «PNW la* f**tM*I ta»w how U (aata to tan *aa* * aaaood doUant< awafend * «0Mt«f to aauB aoaowta* 4 odttor aaaflad aad aaidi «*•#/> g*S Yo« an tha iiat bum who mmjo£§&:': to look at iSia aaattar VmWmm® PoftM." It ta * raeogaiaad foal kaaathat no awttar whM attar papan that raadat otbar thaa*. ' tha lagialatln aaariaaa tbay tha Llnoola Btata Jooraal if aUthaaawa. Tha Joaraal ia tka fraud, aw (at tharlataM tha law makan, aad tha aawa oaa day < Omaha papan. m? Joaraaf _ ®«*» af tatamt an happaatef at tha Hatloaai Tha Joaraal la naHad at ft ■oath without Saaday, arid i| At thle tiaw af tha y«*r ab^fo'jSfp '* aaaUy ooatnetad, andIflaft to Mrtta oouraa without tha aid af eouch madtoiaaia Uabla to rpaatMaftai draad dlaaaaa, paatUBoala. Wa ' of ao battar ranadytoaan a aaafh ad eold thaa Ghaabariala’a Ooafh BauaOy. Wa hava naad it qoita axtaaatoaiy, aad it haa always fima aatita oatiafaotioa. —Olagah (tad. Tar.) Ohkf. Thla ia tha oaly raaaady that ia haawa to ba a oartala ynanatatim at paah'/ anoala. ■ iBwai • tha * way ■■ ■ thoaaaada < who ham naad it for oaifo aadlafifopa, ii wa hara aamr yat lafoaad af adfcrte can haviaf naaitad ta gaanalahi. ■?, Paraoat who ham waak laaqa ar ham • raaaoo to faar aa attack af paaauaala f, ahoald kaap tha raaaatiy at haad. Tha f 35 aad 00 coat aiaaa for aala by P. 0. • Gorrlma. ■ MORRIS &, CO HAVE BIAS Presents for Everybody. • .4 Father, Mother, Wife or Broths. : - Sister, Boy, Qirl or Friend and Lover. In Great, Varieties. No trouble to show good* whether you buy or not, ana we will lie pleased to have you call. By the way don’t forget our drug line which Is up-to-date at all times. T. M. MORRIS^ m i Administrator;^