GEN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATU. \ 'Governor.....Silas Holooial Lieutenant Governor.R. E. Moor* Secretary of State.■ J* A. Plpei State Treasurer....J. 8. Battle) State Auditor.Eugene Moon Attorney General.A. S. Churchll Com. Lands and Buildings.O. H. Russel Suut. Publlo Instruction. H. K.Corbetl REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Chas. II. Gore, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu, Kearney: M. J. Hull, Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. Representatives—First Dlstrlot, J. B Strode Second. D H. Mercer; Third, 3oo. 0. Mikel John; fourth — Halner; Fifth, \\. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. .ihmf Justice...A. M. Pool Associates...T.O. darrlson and T. L.Norvall FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. judge .M. P. Klnkald, of O Neill Keuorter ............... J. J. King of O'Neill JkXgm?.W. H. Westover, of Rushvlllt Reporter ... ibn Maher, of Rushvllle. LAND OFFICES. o’ininx. rtiwtater . ....... .John A. Harmon, Receiver..... .... .. .Elmer Williams, COUNTY. judge .Geo McCutcheon il UUKCn mm • T~V... Ohl.uUn Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrvlng Denntv .... ..O. M. UOHlnl Treasurer ...I. P. Mullen Demfty .. ..Sam Howard Clerk *...Bin Bethea Denutv.....Mike McCarthy gs£. At3T.V:. .'.V.V....V:^ B. Murphy SUPERVISORS. first district. Cleveland, Sand Creek. Dustin, Saratogi ock Falls and Pleasantvlew—J. C. Blondli SECOND DISTBICT. Shields, Paddock, 8cott, Steel Creek, Wll lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. . Grattan and O'Neill—E. J. Maok. FOURTH DISTBICT. Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. C. Combs, FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conlev, Lake, McClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, ^aricls. Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—O. W. Moss* SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart-Frank Moore. Oil T OF (yNEILL. Supervisor, fi. J, Mack; Justices, B« H. Benedict and S. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. MoBrlde and Perkins Brooks. OOUNOIUI*W—VIR8T WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one jear_C. W. Hagenslck. SECOND WARD. For two years—Alexander Marlow, one year—W. T. Bvans. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Davis, year—E. J. Mack. For For one city officers. _ M Mayor, H. E. Murphy; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman; Chief of Police, P. J. Biglin; Attorney, r Thos. Carlon; Welghmaster, D. Stannard. \ GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor, K. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney McGreevv; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Jobring: Justices, M. Castello and Chas. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed. McBride; ltoad overseer dlst. 88, Allen Brown (list. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF C0MNI88I0N. Uegular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of each year, and at suoh other times as Is deemed necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page, ohairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; H. H. Clark AtkinBOn. JT.PATRICK'8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:80 oclook. DOrVWJOT OlflJ pnuumw. ~-: Verv Uev. Cassidy. Postor. Sabbath school Immediately following services. jyJETHOlllST __ CHURCH. Sunday services—Preaohlng 10:30 A. M. and 8:00 P.U. Class No. 1 0:30 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep worth League) 7:00 p.h. Class No. 8 (Child rens) 3:00 p. if* Mind-week services—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 P. M. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. B. T. GEORGE. Pastor. g'l A. R. POST.NO. 88. The Gen. John It. O'Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne braska G. A. K., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month In Masonic hall O’Neill 8. J. Smith, Com. .***,«. J VALLEY LODGE, 1.0.0. UX . Meets every Wednesday evening In Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. _ W. H. Mason. N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec. PABTIILD CHAPTER, 11. A. M VJTMeett on first and. third Thursday of eaoh month In Masonlo hall. W.J. Dobbs Seo. J. C. Habnish, H, P KOF P.—HELMET LODGE, V. D. • Convention every Monday at 8 o clock p. m. in Odd Fellows' nail. Visiting brethern cordially invited. _ _ _ _ J. P. Gilligan. 0.0. E. J. Mack. K. of R. and S. O'NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. O. O. F. meets every seoond and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. Ohas. Bbioht. H. P. H. M. Tttlkt, Scribe Eden lodge no. 11, daughters OF RRBKKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Friday of eaoh month in Odd Fellows' Hall. Augusta Martin N. Q. Maria Meals. Sec., Garfield lodge, no.9S,faa.m. Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. _ „ J. J.Kino, W. M. O. O. Snvdbb, Sec.' tfOLT’-CAMP NO. 1T10. M. W. OF A. XAMeets on the first and third Tuesday in each month in the Masonic hall. 0. W. Haobnsick, V. 0. D. H. Cronin, Clerk AO, U. W. NO. 153. Meets second • and fourth Tudsday of each month in Masonic hall. 0. Bright, Rec. S. B. Howard, M, W. INDEPENDENT WORKMEN OF JL AMERICA, meet every first and third Friday of eaoh month. Geo. McCutchan, N. M. J. H. Wblton, Seo. POBTOFFICB DIRCBTORY Arrival of Mails " i W. M. k H. V. R. R.—THOM THE EAST, ■veryday,Sunday included at.5:16pm BRQM the west. « very day, Sunday lnoluded at.'. 8:58 a m PACIFIC SHORT LINE. Passenger—leaves 9:68 a. m. Arrives 11:55 p.m. Freight—leaves 9:07 p. h. . Arrives 7:00 p. m. Daily except Sunday. O’NEILL AND CHELSEA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at7|00am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 1:00 pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 4:30 p m O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Fri. at_7:00 am ■Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O’NEILL AND CUMMIN8VILLB. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at ..]1;a0pm Departs Mon.. Wed. and Friday at t :00pm LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, LEGAL NOTICE. Elliott C, Olinstead, Marlon 0. King, and Ann King, bis wife, (first and real name unknown) defendants, will take notice that on tbo 2nd day ,f December, 1880. Helen A Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In tlie district c urt of Holt county, Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien held by the plaintiff upon and against the southwest quarter of seotiou fourteen, (14) in township thirty, i301 north of range fifteen, (15) west of tbe'Oth P. M., In Holt county, Nebraska. That on the Bth day of December, 1889. K. VV. Adams purchased said premises at private tax sale in accord ance with law, for the delinquent taxes levied cn said premises for the year 1888, and paid for said delinquent taxes, Interest and costs, at said tax sale the sum of <20.04. Thai on the 25th day of September. 1800, said E. W Adams paid the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1880, and which at the time of such payment were delinquent, and that said delinquent taxes with interest amounted to $15.92 at the time they were sc paid by said Adams. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 18M became delinquent, and on the 28tb day of August, 1891, said B. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with Interest to 18.80. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1891 became delinquent and on the noth day of December, 1892, said B. W. Adams paid the said taxes amounting with Interest to $7.10. That the taxes duly levied on said premises for the year 1892 became delinquent, and on ihe 3rd day of October, said 8. W. Adums paid the said taxes amount lug with Interest to <7.92. That when said E. W. Adams purchased said premises at said tux sale a tax sale certificate was duly issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt county, and that said premises have never been re deemed from said tax sale, and all of said taxes constitute a valid lieu on said premises. That on the 24 relieves bronchitis. Price 36 and 60 cents. Free sample bottles at P. 0. Oorrigan’i. Ballard’s Snow lnlmont. Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge, 111., says I had the rheumatism so bad I could not raise my hand to my head. Ballard’* Snow Liniment has entirely cured me. I take pleasure in informing my neigh bors and friends what it has done for me. Chas. Handley, clerk for Lay and Lyman, Eewanee, Ills,, advises us Snow Liniment cured him of rheumatism. Why not try it? It will surely do you good. It cures all inflamation, wounds, sores, cuts, sprains, etc. Price 60 cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. Ballard’s Snow Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your rheumatism, neurallgs, sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, frosted feet and ears, sore throat and sore chest. If you have lame back it will cure it. It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure etiff joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard’s Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk ae well as ever. It will cure you. Price 60 cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. Backin’* Arnica kin. Thb Best Salvk in the world for cute, bruieei. eoree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 95 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri gan. 01-tf Xlectric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed, when the languid ex hausted feelings prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headsche. Indigestion, constipation, dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. 50 cents and 91.00 per botttle at P. C. Corrigan’s Drug Store. ELECTION II OVER. And you can now make that trip east you have been thinking about. Remem ber the Pacific Short Line leaves O'Neill immediately after the arrival of train from Black Hills and saves you two hours time to Sioux City and the east. Buy local tickets to Q’^eil). This makes the lowest rgte. •smithing *> Knew. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired and nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys and aids the organs in throwing off im purities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digest^ and !s pronounced by tpfpp n\o pave tried it as t^e yeyy pe^t blood puyifteg n«*V,e tonip. Try it. Sold for 50c or ll| per bottle at Corrigan's. .’Ballevsd of Ttrrlbli Psins. R. E.Morse, triTtllng solesmeo, Gal veston, Texas, says: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of rheumatism of three months'’ standing after use of two bottles. J. 8. Doan, Danville, Ills., says: I have used Ballnrd’s Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. R. Crouch, Rio, Ills., says Ballard's Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head and neck when nothing elie would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price CO cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. What» Prominent Insranoe Man lays, H. M. Blossom, senior member of H, M. Blossom ft Co.. 317 N. 3rd St. Louis writes: I had been left with a very dis tressing cough, the result of influenaa, which nothing seemed to relieve, until I took Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. One bottle completely cured me. leant one bottle to my sister who had a severe cough, and she experienced Immediate relief. I always recommended this syrup to my friends. John Cranston 908 Hampshire Street, Quincy, III., writes: I have found Ballard’s Horehound Syrup superior to any other sough medicine I have ever known. It never disappoints. Price 85 and 50 cents. Free sample bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS tattfnqi,] Am ftr Imut •f MM, tmltthM, t/mn_„ Hmtmuuti. ttifOIttmM, mat* I •/ Mammy 4*. Will mj*aatWM9, tlfon Frh* tr.oSTt JaMr M M >»—/«/ UriatHa* HaHat mltt*a*tB*a. AMr*** MUrtiiiVlbJMtfe, _ IMUiwM •T. LOUia, . MO. GASOLINE engines. VMWVhlllb (TEAM PUMPS. IRON MO WOOD PUMPS OF ALL KINDS, Eellpu ni Pilrbanki Wind mllla Towera.Ttaks.lrrtit* tlon Ontflta, Hole, Baltlar Grtaden.8bcllcra.Wooa Bin Drlr# Point!, Pin*. FlttlnM. Brut nood! nd nlrlHkt •tuiiid Kealoo. 1‘rleei low. Oct tb* but. bend foi Cntnlonue. FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO.. ^ 1102 F^'nam8t.Omaha, Nab. P. D« *b|. P. MdLLIS, monniOH or m RED - ,it GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. ■Mt of MoOnfferto'a. O'MEIIX, NIB. NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED NEWS Tli* Organ of H*n**t Soart in Amarloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY SICTURCB BV TUB foremost artists sf the country Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Brassy but Respectable. 'ON A YEAS, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you went to be posted? Then send your subscription to the m m aamm tm e PARK PLACE* NEW YORK CITY* PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC 8HORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOlJX ClTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverting lines, landing passengers In NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. X»YMttgate before gotag else where. TH$ CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or otner information sail upon agent i or address r. C. BILLS. W. B. McNIDEB, Beeelrer. Oea’l Pass. Agent. nothing! BUTTHE ■ GENUINE, Too will find on* eonpon Inaid* aaeh two onno* bag and two eonpon* laid* woh four oonea ba*of Blaokwall'a Durban. Boy a bag of thla o*l*brat*d tobacoo and raad tta* eoo poo—which |tv« • Hit of Tnluabl* promt* and how to (*t thorn. Always Buy the Best. The . Best is Cheapest § Toe Finest ana Largest stock of good in the Hardware and........ ...Implement Line in the Klkhorh Valley is found at Neil Brennan’s Ji John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware NERVE SEEDS' WEAK MEM Till ruon Imedf cnree quickly, permanently nenou OImuu, Weak Memory. Lobs ot Brain For ilont, evil dreams, iro potency and wasting diseases caused^ 'itmthfu! ****** or excesses. Contains no opiates and bio* and blood builder. Makes the pale and puny strong and plai easily carried I n rest pocket. Ml per box i9 tor M. By malljX jald, «Hlka written ffuarantrs or monryrt/uruUd. Write us, fw ■edleol book* sealed plain wrapper, with testimonial Inandal standing. No e Harps for consultation*. Bewanofi fens. BaMkysarag—aersdiisssMUIVIMPC0»* UTiesli.O ■uriNv in u neui, neo., 07 auntuo a tuM xmiggim. I l L l L l l l i i “All. TUB MAOAZimi Bf ORB,11 HfeVIEW-REVlEWS IWHtll far ALBBBT IHiW. -- ^RRBuMtEWEMS ; tha subscription pries. The review or REVIEWS, U Ms bum implies, gives In readable form the best that appears in the other peat magazines all over the world, generally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth ANNUAL nuuAONimoN $3.50. ———■ I,v,« w^uuncms, uw CdltOriSI and contributed features of the Rirnw or Rrmws are themselves equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor's "Progress of the World” is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days Just r»f», with pictures on every page of the men and len who have made the history of the month. Tbt Library World says: “We are deeply . weed from month to month with the value ettfae ‘Review op Reviews,• which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole ffdd «f periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all pubic *«t*f of ththour. It is a singular combination of the monthly mamnine and 0* dally newspaper. It b daily in Is freshnes* 4t b monthly to its method. It is the world voder* field glass." OlngbCepy.^wm. iff Antor Pbc* NenrVork. ft»(?»&%» turn platee. In odor*, and pbotananka of mtm k? ; :s -