<■—-T" " > ^ It: The Frontier fo* >■ _ >■£}:./ —- " PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TBB FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPAN1 a. D. H. CRONIN, Editor. V ;v TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. All our subscribers who are owing ns on subscription are requated tc call and settle their account Dc not put off the payment of your sub scription, but come and pay up at once. We need the money to keep our business going, and if our sub scribers do not come in and pay up we will hare to employ a collector. Please call and settle. It the silver democrats have their way, this congress will raise more Cain than revenue. Tax senatorial situation in Kan sas seems to be Peffer against the field, with “old whiskers” a favorite. It will be noticed that Senator Hill han't said a word to the news papers since his letnra to Washing ton. _ _ Tat states that rallied to the de fense of the nnion in 1861 voted as a unit against Bryanism and repudi ation. A buoab factory factory would be a good thing for O’Neill. Unity and activity on the part of our oitisens might secure one. StXATot Jobs T. Bbisslib, of Wayne, is considered as a possible secretary of Agriculture under the MoKinley administration. Fob all that it will accomplish, Mr. Cleveland's message might just as well have been seventeen instead - of seventeen thousand words. Thi incoming state administration ignored the many Holt county -- patriots who desired to secure berths in the various offices. ‘Twas ever thus. A aoox is being written by Watson also. Bewail should now follow suit Then they oould be published simul taneously as Two Tales of a Ticket Philadelphia Times. —— » «•» < Ohbistkas is near and if our sub scribers wish to make us happy they will come in and pay their sub scription. If you owe us anything come in and pay it Alx. the fools are not in the United States. One of them has turned up in the Canadian parli ment as the father of a hill prohibit ing the printing and circulating of Sunday newspapers. Gut. Mtus probably didn’t in tend to scare anybody when he said that he thought we would shortly have war, but some of the most heligerant editors have suddenly lost their thirst for blood. ISK s*f- : $%}■[ '' 1 u ..; To beat iatereata of the country will endorse the determination of the republican lenders in congress to keep the appropriations down to necessities until the income of the government exceeds its expenditures. To democrats continue to menu* factors every imaginable sort ol trouble for the next administration, but the latest advices from Gan too ■how that Maj. McKinley is ‘ eating three meals a day and getting plenty of good sleep. To men who wish to contimu the agitation of the silver question are after preventing the return ol prosperity, because they know that when the people are again prosper ous the silver question will cease t< command publie attention. ' V'\./ m -?v. - rW^, i W'* s; h Snuxua of the ridiculous idea o: the public subscription in Iiondoi to buy Ambassador Bayard a Ohrist mas present, we would suggest the it would be math more appropriate for Unde Sam to make John Bui /»' Christmas present of Bayard We would never lhiss him. •* . H 4'v-. W. L. Ginn, eoagressman-elec from this district, has selected Roe <1 Smith, of the Kearney Democrat os Ms private secretary. Rod is m of the brightest young newspape : writers in the state and we or pleased to learn that his pathway for two years, will be among th jf 4V.,_s4* . At*". I SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE 4 {- TWO WEEKS ONLY This cold weather reminds you that you must in-1 vest in more winter goods, to protect your health and 1 make you comfortable, and the question arises: Where 1 can you buy to the best advantage? Of course the 1 catalogues from large city houses quote very low | prices on some things, but when you get them you find the quality is in proportion to the price, and you find they were not so cheap as you imagined after all, and besides they don’t fit very well, but it is too much trouble and expense to send them back so you make the best of it and say nothing. In order to reduce our stock by New Years we have deolded to sacrifice our profits for two weeks and will offer our 16.50 cassimere suits for....$4.40 •6 00 cassimere suits for. 4 80 $0.75 all wool cheviot suits for. 5.40 Our extra value $8.75 all wool cassimere suits for.. 0 95 This Is the best bargain in the state. $10 suits, cassimere or cheviot, only.$7.95 $19 suits, cassimere, fine ones, only. 9.60 $15 suits, cassimere, extra quality, only. 19.00 Good heavy satinet overcoats, worth $5, now.8.95 Heavy chinchilla and frise ulsters, worth 7.50, now 5.95 Extra value beaver overcoats, worth $8.75, now.... 0.95 _ The beat $10 coat in America now only. 7.95 Thia coat inuat be aeen to be appreciated. 20 to 80 per cent on all other overcoata except far coats, on which we will give 10 per cent, with the exception of our $10 goatskin, which are net. Boys two piece auita worth $1.50 now only...$1.20 Boys two piece auita worth $1.75 now only. 1.40 Boys two piece suits worth $2.00 now only. 1 60 Boys two piece suits worth $2.50 now only. 1.98 Boys two piece suits worth $3.00 now only.. 2.40 Boys two piece suits worth $4.00 now only.8 20 20 to 60 per cent discount on our stock of odd pants. Don’t miss this chance, and remember it only lasts • two weeks. H ALL GOODS AND PRICES AS REPRESENTED Don’t fail to see our beautiful line of Christmas goods now on exhibition. You can find appropriate presents for all classes, at prices to suit your pocket book. J. P. MANN. A judos in the state of Washing ton was elected on his promise that he would never sign papers neces sary for the foreclosure of a mort gage. He was a populist, of course. Men with money to loan will not be likely to fall over each other in their attempts to place it in that man’s judicial territory. Iv some of their critics will show where the votes to pass it are to come from, we havn’t the slightest hesitation in guaranteeing that the republican senators will push some revenue legislation through at this session of congress. But, like sen sible men, they are not disposed to attempt impossibilities. Tai silver Jacksonian club of Omaha has out off all its active and honorary members who refused to support Bryan in the last campaign. Enough have been thus expelled to form a better and more respectable club than that whioh east them out. In fact, they include the most influ ential democrats in the Nebraska town. Tin death of that gallant Caban, General Maoeo, instead of weakening the cause of the straggling patriots, will strengthen it. The oowardly manner in which he was assassinated has stirred the congealing blood in the viens of liberty-loving Americans nntil it is near the boiling point, and in various states they are organizing ! companies to fight for Cuban liberty, i The day of independence for that - sonny island is not far distant. Thou who know the extremely cordial relations between President ! elect McKinley and Speaker Seed i are not taking any stock in the democratic attempts to make it i appear that they will be unfriendly i towards each other just because one i was nominated president and the other was not There was no un friendliness when Mr. Beed defeated Mr. McKinley for speaker of the | house, and there,will be none now. Ssnatob Hoab took unnecessary i trouble when he wrote that defense . «f his brother, the late Hon. E. B. i Hoar, who was President Grant’s , first attorney general, from the t played oat charge of having assisted in packing the supreme court to get the legal tender decision.: The oharge was originally made during the eampaign of ’7&, -but it was never believed by anybody whose prejudice . was not stronger than their intelligence. -- -* i These is consternation in the ranks of the demo-pop combine which carried Kansas, over a propo sition that all the appointive state offices be filled by well to-do men who will agree to donate their pub lie salaries to a fund for the main tenance of free silver lecturers. If the idea is adopted the office seekers only opportunity to get in out of the cold will lie in getting hired ais free silvnr lnctnrnni. -M» »- 1* Bill Greene’s latest cost the tax payers of Coster county about $1,500. He opened his jamboree in the midst of an important criminal trial, and jurors, together with wit nesses, were held in abeyance at publio expense while the court finished an artistic job of “painting.” This is the man who will represent the Sixth district in congress as a bright and shining example of pop ulist wisdom and the embodiment of personal virtue. The men who voted for him must feel proud of the job they performed on election day. Kem is at least respectable. His services to the state have been valueless, but he has at least no cause to feel ashamed of himself for keep ing late hours, and holding high carnival with the god Bacchus. Greene will doubtless accomplish as little as Kem, but he will do some thing. He can be depended upon to get drunk whenever he gets out of sight of those who are sent down to shadow his footsteps and see that he keeps sober- The Broken Bow Beacon editorally announces that it has no defense to make in the mat ter of Greene’s latest attack, though it “nailed” the Sidney hi reus as a republican campaign falsehood. When the Beaoon declines to stand up for a pop, the case is too far gpijjB to offer any hope or consol a tioQ.-~-§tat£ Journal A committee of five has been ap pointed in the senate to look after the matter of international bimetal lism. As an indication of good faith and earnest intention Wolcott of V Colorado is chairman, Carter of Montona is a member, likewise Chandler, Hoar and Gear. The committee is evidently constituted with an eye to business.—Kearney Hub. The next attorney general, whose name is Smyth, has appointed a deputy whose name is Smith. What’s in a name ?—Kearney Hub. And now Bill Greene comes along and appoints a private secretary whose name is Smith. There is nothing the matter with the Smith family when it comes to official positions. We guarrantee this to be the best Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a great deal, but it ia true. For consumption, coughg, colds, sore throat, sore chest, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, and ail diseases of the throat and lungs, we positively guarantee Ballard's Eorehound Syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe. In support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever used it, and to every druggist who has eyer sold it. Such evidence is indisputable. Price 35 and 50 cents. Free sample boitles at P. C. Corrigan’s. I Chain The family circle is never so happy after the chain is i broken and a link taken. Some family chains are strong, others weak. Have you a good family history? Or is lucre a icnocncy to cougns, throat or bronchial troubles, weak lungs? Has a brother, sister, parent or near relative had consumption? Then your family chain is weak* Strengthen it. Take SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphitcs. It makes rich blood, gives strength and vigor to weak lungs and run-down constitutions. With its aid the system throws off acute coughs and colds. It pre vents the chain from breaking. «c°d you a boot about tiia, For tale by all druggist, at «pc. ,nd $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. * 4 * ELKHORN valley < ► PLOW FACTORY,,,,, J J O'NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Paop. < I • # # ^ ^ i " .... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring f b How- Also general blaoksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the iScandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK OP O'NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER "‘"" COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. „ (O’Neill, Yards-j Page, f Allen. 0.0. SNYOER & GO, O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County building. All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, - . 1 NEB. ABNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. jj^H, BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Jude* Roberts building, north of O. O. Border’s lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NBB. tmi 4M sots flnm stabs Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:39 a. m., arriving at Spencer at 4 p.m.; at Butte. 5:30 p. m. S, D. Oaixxktinb, Prop. DeYARMAN'S BARN. B. A. DkYARM AN, Manager. ft D’YARM AIM'S ff JTTVfWIflf Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Al^o run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commeicial trade a specialty. HOTEL -£ VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel j In the City. ^ W. T. EVANS, Prop. HI Purchase Tlckata and Conaign your Freight via tha FyE.&M,V,andS. C.&P RAILROAD*. trains DEPARTt oomo bast. ' Passenger east, Freight east. Freight east, 9:20 a. it 10:30 a. it 2:10 p. if. aoiMo wan. Freight west, . . Passenger west, Freight, 2:10 p. m 9:27 p. if 2:10 p. it. tattoo. Per any information oall w. j. DOBBS O'NEILL. NEB. Ion . j >i Aot. Wanted-An Idea Protect Write ' of some simple thin* to paten tl a WMlth. it Attar i