The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 10, 1896, Image 8

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The People Wondered
and the People will Wonder!
i ET^Sala I EtK-vTS
Such merchandising. No wonder the people comes here as if of one mind. An even dozen helpers
were to few to wait on the throngs—yonr pardon is asked. Yet we only tell of one bargain of each
fifty secured by Mr. P. J. McManus during his recent eastern purchasing trip. No room for farther
f comment—this broad page will not hold half the bargain news that could be told of this month.
"t • a*:
Dress Goods.
| 26 of the finest drees patterns, silk and wool coarse effect, at $1.
per yard.
10 patteraa of blade silk and wool Jaokards at f 1.26 per yard.
All my 50-ineh flannel dress goods, 50 cents per yard.
64-ineh broadcloth at 80 cents per yard.
4 staple shades in beet broadcloth, black, green, navy and brown at
f 1.25 per yard, former price $1.50.
All 86-ineh flannels, 85 oents. These are bargains; don’t miss them.
All lustereens, crape effect, 86-inoh width, 25 cents.
Another line, 82-inch, very desirable patterns, at 18 oents.
A large line of new style Procalee, double fold, worth 18 cents, to
dose at 15 oents.
Ladies’ Fine Shoe..
On this line of goods I defy competition for style fit and qnality,
for I handle the celebrated Moore & Shafer line, which have been
I acknowledged by all leading retail shoe dealers to be the best on the
[ market •
Too want to get the winter Oxblood, the latest style shoe out. Just
nrriYe& This line is made op in the latest coin toe, in any width.
Also the best line of Misses’ and Children’s shoes. The American
l Beauty, new shape, at the following prices: $1.25, $150, $1.75 and
$2,001 The
i -*V\-** ‘
■ This is one of the lines that I am second to none on, for I
the largest line in the county.
The Enamel calf is the oorreot thing for men’s dress shoe, and I
handle the beat line made.
We hare also the finest Kangaroo shoe in the latest shape at the
wesy low prise of $4
A line of fine,self shoes at $8; former price $4 and’ $450. These
trade winners.
• Also hasp a foil, assortment of men’s shoes in cheaper grades.
me are the best values on the market
Men’s Shoes.
Capes and Jackets.
15 fine Kersey Jackets up-to-date style, worth
$18.50 for $15.
10 fine Kersey Jackets, button trimmed, worth $15,
to close at $|2.
25 blue or black Kersey garments, worth $13.50, to
close at $11.50.
25 of the best Kersey garments ever offered at $10,
to close at $Q.
A number of $5, $6 and $6.50 to close at $4.
15 garments to clpse at $2.50 and $3.00
former price $5. 1
By an early selection you get the best bargains. #
Ladies’ silk and wool mitts, double, at 50, 65 and 75 cents.
Misses’ and Children’s mitts from 15 to 75 cents.
A complete line of men’s dress gloves and mittens, also a
^large line of common goods at very low prices.
25 Wool Shawls to close at half prioe.
Also a fine line of Fortiers, to close at 20 per cent discount.
Duck Coats—The best robber lined at $2.50. Other grades at
12.25, $200 and $1.50.
A few boys’ oottonade coats, double breasted, at $1.50.
After our immense fall trade on fur coats 1 have three to dose
at reduced prices.
Get a Bow Girls!
A nice assortment of feather boas, latest oat, in prices ranging
from $1.50 to $2.50. =“
25 dozen silk mufflers for holiday use, nobby patterns.
25 dozen silk handkerchiefs, ranging in price from 10 to 35 centk
Jnst the thing for a present.
. Shirts.
Men’s flannel shirts worth $2.50, to close at $2.
A $2 line to close at $1.75.
A fancy check flannel shirt, the best ever shown, at $1.50.
Onr Moleskin fleesed shirt at 90 cents is a daisy.
We have a cracker.jaok in heavy Chevoit at 05 cents. Y
Onr immense trade in underwear has onr lines broken, and what we
have left will be dosed at a discount of 20 per cent Don’t fail to she
this line as there are some good things left
I will note yon a few of the many bargains in the grocery lina
19 pound granulated sugar $1.
Key coffee 18 cents per package. No other on the market equals this.
New York Buckwheat 8J cents a pound.
Moca and Java coffee, 25 cents per pound. A good one.
Green Apples 05 cents per bushel.
The best Japan Tea, 3 pound foi $1.
The finest May pickings, Japan Tea for 50 cents, worth 75 cents. f
Prunes Nice fresh stock) 5 cents per pound. f
A fancy one at 8 cents. ■*-fi
■ [
Muscatel raisins, at 0 cents per pound. . • . E
Evaporated peaches, fancy stock, at 8 J cents. I
*7 Y0r*Apple8 P" barre11’ *2-50- T^Se are the choicest stock I
on the market.
^25 pounds good rice for $1. The best rice on the market 12 pound |
w ™ 3mFx8RNkA°* H0LT
Ml p. HIU. receiver of the Lincoln Bivtafi
BeakandPnfelVepoelt Company, a cor
poration. plaintiff,
g««ff g. MoBroay, Wellle A. Molrony hla
wife. Gegrpe A. McArthur, John McHugh.
*" ■ Iftfiarii hla wife, drat name mi*
kM*>, J-3. Ilillnl name unknown, —
wa wife. Am name unknown, do
r* awal defeadeata Henry O. Mo*
t MMWNlie A. MoBvoay hla wife wlU
lUiat oa theJrtth day of July, ISM.
i earned Plaintiff Bled a petition agrinat
“ ‘ " ‘ ini
a pi ended with othera In eald oourt the
l and prayer of whloh are to foreoloae a
l prayer of whloh are to foreoloae a
«gege riven to defend ante Henry
ay and nellie A. Molvooy hla win
Oeorpe A.
■led for r
he reptei _
October 11, lwt. In book at
- — MoArthur, dated
tor record and recorded
iter of deeda of eald
> MB, oouvcylag the fol
altoated In eald county,
^^OoaeneftolayaUty-nlpe <»> ^JSmaTliTMoelc
p two (S) run
aaventy (1701
ala* north one hundred and aavei
itheaee runrinvoaat ninety (OOl’feeti
aonth one hundred and aeveaty (170)
thence running went to place of begin
la the eon threat aortheaat quarter so.
■ado In the pay*
iajg^eariaea Uw aura of OMOdjO with Inter
the naaount
_ to aatlafy
to be due In the
forecloelnjf the
^**iyajon on i?1JSwCT«onde!y. the «th
[, or the aaato will be
‘ decree
Hooritwr, Plaintiff.
defend into, win take’aoUo^thaTon
and Check H. Tonorey,
a the ad
quarter of aeSSoa ala (« la towu
t went/-eight (Ml north of ranee twelve
o<L>to fth P. M. la Holt ooonty.
That, on the Mh day of Deoem
prapdaaafor the year IMS. and paid tor
aald dahnqoeat texee Utereat andooeteat
58 »»« •*}* the earn of IM.U. That the
hMaJrif MH on aatd preielaaa for the
f&Kssstestxxste: SZ1&
•rid.teaee aatoeaMng with Internet biiMt
Thatthe taken dilykiTted on arid preulaaa
fte aaldteamaawuaUn* with Intereefto
«*. the* the texaa dDly levied on eald
i .a/-;, r
' :; c .
: , < A ., . , * i
on Mid premise* forthe year 1888 bovtmc
dollnquent nod on tbedd day of October, 1H88,
nMAdim paid the said taxea amounting
with interest to *17.50. That when Bald
Adams purehaeedMtd premises at aald tax
“>8 * tax aale oerdioate was duly Issued to
|'*m. by.*h« treasurer ol Holt county, and
that aald premteee hare nerer been redeemed
fn>m aald tax sale, and all of aald taxea still
oonatltute a valid lien on aald premises.
That on the Mth day of July, 18*8 aald B. W.
Adjuna, for a valuable consideration, sold
“3 *4' S**1* *** Hen on »*ld laud
andi all Interest ho ever possessed In said
land under and by virtue of Mid tax sale
S5£i 223sr “d by virtue of all taxes ever
pain by him on aald promises, to this plaln
!■ now the owner thereof. That
there Is now duntbe plaintiff on said tax
ImJLii? #2Jm WTMOp^fopVhloh ■um'wlth
laMmi from this date at ten per cent* per
, , ■»*> ton uor uvuh per
m2?i!Stl!L-JP,*3ra »» ■ decree that
Plaintiff he required to pay the same or that
uM nsamlaas annw ha nald a._,1-1 . >
•aid premises may be'TOlifto satisfy'the
amount found due.
_X?U are required to answer said petition
%or before the 11th day of January, 1887.
of December, ini.
a* A. Bbbrt, Plaintiff.
oa oi__ .„
Dated this Bd day .
«W Htur
Wllllam Adama, Thomas N. 4. Hynes, and
John P.Glbson, executor of the estate of
A. IloOlsery. deososed. defendants, will
take notion that on the M d'ay*ofDeoe^b«r
i*"* Helen A. Berry, nlalpUV herein, died
ber petition In the dlstrlet court of Holt
~v‘ piatwvu xu UIC uuvnuii court OI noil
oountv. Nebraska, against said defendants.
Impleaded with t). O. Snyder, receiver o?
/Jolt oountv bank. John Fnllon and the
"'••• Hwwat suuu raiiuu ana inn
County of Holt, nlao defendants, the object
and Prayer of wbloh are to foreclose a tax
Ilea held by the plaintiff upon and agalnat
township" thirty, __ w_, „
range ten, west of
“ Aw,“ as mi SS4 llUlb UUUOIJ, XlEnPElKE,
-jat oa the 4th day of Deoember, 1888.11. W.
Adama purchased Mid premises at private
tax sale In accordance with law for the do*
tnxeslevled on Mid premlsM for the
year 1588. and paid for mM delinquent taxea,
7?*“ °“ *be 85th day of September.
1880. aald Adama paid the, taxes duly levied
f°r *•» year 188*. and which
At the time of sooh payment wore delloquent
*nd Mid delinquent taxes with Interest
•““““tad to M*.M at the time they wore ao
TtAln star oaln Adanm Vhs*
"Ja"*T**s •* me/ were §q
paid by Mid Adama That the taxea duly
levied on aald premlhea for the year 1880
became delinquent, and on_ the 28th day of
nrwiwaswv a aswuuwait wsaatl qygg ||]* avOwsl Cluw qy
August, 1801, aald Adama paid the aald taxea
Amounting with Interest to *14.85. That the
Voxea duir levied on Mid premises for the
Jeer 1801 became delinquent and on the 50th
at of September, laid, said Adams paid the
■auS »xe« amounting with Interest to *12.10.
That the taxes dulv levied on said premises
7pt the Tear 1882 became delinquent and on
the Sd day of October, 1880. said Adams paid
Jb® “10 t“«a amounting with Interest to
*1480. That when said Adama purchased
uld premises at aald tax aale a tax aale cei
tldcate was duly Issued to him by the treas
urer of said Holt county, and that Mid
premises hare never been redeemed from
“W Jft.x male, end nil of said taxes constitute
?“ .US4 P™ml«». That on the
84th day of July, UM, aald Adams, for a val
uable consideration, sold and assigned hu
tan lien on said land and all interest he evei
Possessed la Mid land under and by vlrtui
nf iilit tav suIa ...a,._a i_ls_I
!■ a - u m saa «OUU UUUCr EOU _ . , ..
°f Mid tax tale dud under and by virtue of
all taxes ever paid by him on nald premises
to this plalntlffwho Is now the owner there
^ . u r“u " u%iw owner tnere
of. That there la now due the plaintiff on
**•»**• suroofilM, for which sum
with Interest from this date at ten per oent
War snnnm nUUtldl —_n._j_r . *
" V.» iiuui turn UAK. WII wv. ucui,
per annum plaintiff prays for a decree; that
defendants be required t
” ™i«i™ to pay the same oi
that said premises may be sold to Mtlafy
the amount found due. *
You are required to answer said petition on
«» bejtore »he Uth day ofJanuary, UB7.
Dated this 3rd day of December, 18M.
*8-4 Hsus* a. Bsbbt. Plaintiff.
/ . *ri-. / - .>,r ' 'V / J h K r. x '
Company. Hart O. Klsh
er and Schneider and Loomis, defendant*.
*»» <*>2 noUfe that on the 3d day of Decern
fe J*®1 Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein.
Bled her petition In the district court of Holt
founty. Nebraska, against said defendants,
JvJSin'iSo? »lt}'D«“2!1 O'Donnell. Sarah a!
9* p. 8n*der, receiver of Holt
County Bank. John Carr and J. T. Robinson
Notion company, also defendants, the obleot
*5® Pr®f®r of which are to foreclose a tax
[!?" by the plaintiff upon and against
the northeast quarter of section nine (8) In
‘wentv-seven (27) north ol range
iPRC®* »•»» of the 6th P. M. In Holt county
"So Put' »Tilat on tbe ?th ®ey of December,
Ifn’.S:.AdamiB- Purchased said premises
J® t«* sale. In accordance with law,
for the delinquent taxes levied on said
premises for the year 1868, and paid for said
delinquent taxes, Insereat and oosts, at said
the sum of 830.(16 That the taxes
figHJ®vied on said premises for the year
1886 became delinquent and on the 26th day
of September, 1880, said Adams paid said
•““““Cog with interest to 818.71,
ItfW on said premises
J?' the year 1800 became delinquent and on
the »th day of August, 1801, said Adams paid
the saldtuxe. amounting with interest to
T*i*t the taxes duly levied on said
uecame oeunquent
and on the 80th day of September, 1808, said
A5ai??J£*5Ah.® *•!? taxes amounting with
amounting with
interest to 818.06. That the taxes duly levied
on said premises for the year 1808 became
“•Hnquent “nd on the 8d day of October,
Jj*1, UJia A®*™* P®*® the saldtaxes, amount
ing with Interest to, 817. That when said
Adams purchased said premises at said tax
■hi® • tax sale oertlflcate was duly Issued to
h‘“ h? the treasurer of said Holt county,
ana that said premises hare never been re
d®*™ed from said tax sale, and all or said tax
esstlU_consUtutea valid Hen on saldprem
A*?.„ on *he*4tb day of July, 1808, said
opnslderatlon. sold
and assigned his said tax Hen and all fnterest
'■« <Lv®!L,1£0,,®®“<)d“'® premises under
K .il.,’£rtu? 0,„»a‘® tax sale and under and
by virtu® of all taxes overpaid by him on
fSl? S2S,"jjtoth.,a *la,nUiL who is now
the owner_ thereof. That there is now due
the plaintiff on sald'tax lien the sum of 8187
'or which sum with interest from this daw
a*** . "luwnwi irum uih ante
st ten per cent. per annum plaintiff nravo
for a decree, thatdefeudant may be required
all nEV two oh *k..a u_ » j _ *
SKA*® •*?*? °t that said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
v ": — wuuu.i iuuuu uue.
i° answer said petition
>n or before the 11th day of January. 1887.
Dated this 3d day of December, m
Hauut A. Behrt, Plaintiff.
Wflwin J. Rundell, defendant, will take
lotlce that on the 3d day of December, 1886,
»®>«“A; Bjrrv plaintiff herein, Ued her
mtltlon in the district oourt of Holt county,
rfalr!'' affajost »*Jd defendant, the object
(22 iP.'iVkL ?! wh,lc,h.!‘I® to foreclose a tax
len held by the plaintiff upon and againsi
^2.2?k/n!ri?f!iq,i&rtoror •ootlon ten (I0) lt
i?h'{?hiPt,hlrS <g» "“»«® ten00)*<mofths
ith P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska. Thai
»»»• #w.
»i uamw, lees, g. w,
Vdams purchased said premises at private
ax sale in accordance with law for the de
inquent Hum levied on said premises foi
he year 1888 and paid for said delinquent
.axes, interest and oosts, at said tax sale the
IMS .That the taxes duly levied os
laid premises for the year 1888 became delta
slHn*dnd *£? *5th ®*f of September, 1880
•Id Adams paid the said ta^SSSnttag
"LlI^T-hei.the taxes dufj
^ “Z,.,,ald P5®,“*S'-s for the year 18*
>ecame delinquent and on the 28th
hiffiiaf ton I »hI.I As*_ * .... .
tugust, 1081, said Adams paid the said taxei
imounting with Interest to 811.66. That thi
axes duly leyled on said premises "(or thi
Lbecame delinquent and on the ad
l»wvm«*ip utiiiuuuanv ua on vne an
lay of October, lafi, uid Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to (8.81.
That when said Adams purchased said prem
ises at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was
duly Issued to him by the treasurer of Holt
county, and that said premises have never
been redeemed from said tax sale, and all of
said taxes still constitute a valid lien on said
premises. That on tho 24th day of July, 1893,
said £. W. Adams, for a valuable considera
tion, sold and assigned his said tax Hen and
all Interest he ever possessed In said premises
under and by virtue of said tax lien and
under and by virtue of all taxes ever paid by
him on said premises to this plaintiff, who Is
now the owner thereor. That there Is now
due the plaintiff on said tax lien the sum of
(ISO, for which sum with Interest from this
date at ten per cent, per annum plaintiff
prays for a decree, that the defendant be
required to pay the same or that said premi
ses may be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the llth day of January, 1887.
Dated this 8d day of December, 1*8.
**-* Hbusn A. Bsitnv, Plaintiff.
Stprt*. J. B. 8. Case, Ann Case, hli
wife, (.first and real name unknown) Scott T
Jones, T. G. Moreland. Mason 8. Southworth
David Jameson, Clifton E. Mayne, a A. Sol
man and W, D. Mead, defendants, will taki
notloe that on the 2nd day of December, 1806
Helen A. Berry, plaintiff herein, filed hei
petition In the district court of Holt county
Nebraska, against said defendants the object
and prayer of whloh are to foreclose a taj
lien held by the plaintiff upon and against
the southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter, and the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter, and the north half of the
southeast quarter of section five, (5) In town
ship thirty, GW) north of range twelve, 02]
west of the 8th P. M. In Holt county, Nebras
ka. That on the 5th day of December. 1880,
N. W. Adams purchased said premises at
Srtvata tax sale. In accordance with law. for
le delinquent taxes levied on said premises
for the year 1888. and paid for said delinquent
taxes. Interest and costs at said tax sale the
sum of (25.18. That the tuxes duly levied on
said premises for the year 1888 became delin
quent and on the 25th day of September, 1800,
said Adams paid the said taxes amounting
with Interest to (17.72. That the taxes duly
levied on said premises for the year 18(10
became delinquent and on the 28th day of
August. 1881, said Adams paid the said taxes
amounting with Interest to (1T.33. That the
l**®* duly levied on said promises for the
year 1801 became delinquent and on the 29th
day of September, 1802. said Adams paid the
said taxes amounting with Interest to (18 40.
That the taxes duly levied on said premises
for the year 1892 became delinquent and on
the third day of October, 1803, said Adams
Jtaxes, amounting with Interest
to 918.10 at the time they were so paid. That
when said Adams purchased said premises
at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was
duly issued to him by the treasurer of said
Holt county, and that said premises have
never been redeemed from said tax sale, and
all of said taxes constitute a valid lien oo
That day of July,
18M3, said E. W. Adams fora valuable consid
eration, sold and assigned his tax lieu upon
aald land, and all Interest he ever possessed
in said land under and by virtue of said tax
»ale and under and by virtue of all taxes
Jy«r Paid by him on said premises to this
Plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof,
rhat there is now due the plaintif on said
tax lien the sum of 1171, for which sum with
interest from this date at ten per cent, ner
Annum, plaintiff prays for a decree t
, 4Ka . m. atl ha it 4 a
iefeudants be required to pay tbe~Rame~c
(bat.said premises may be sola to satisfy tt
unount found due.
You are required to answer said petltioi
m or before the llth day of January. 1888.
Dated this 2d day of December. 1888.
22-4 H klex A. Burt. Plaintiff.
Land Orrics at O’Nxilu Neb.
December 2,18M.
Notice is hereby given thatThefoiioiTm,
flled notice of hi* intentioi
,bas nuHce or nw intentioi
to-mAk® float proof in support of his claim
S?. ®** said proof will be made before tb<
onttarfie®^1:^1 °'Nei11’ Nete“ka
. . WItXIS K. BELL. H. E. No. 14412
NWJ< NWJ4 section IS, township 28
north range IS west 8th P. M. v
**“??}?®the following witnesses to prov
his continuous residence upon and cult!
TSil “i?1, 8al<Uand' vl*: James B. Frary
£«■«> Frary, Elmer Adams and Asher E
Nolcomb, all of Chambers, Nebraska.
“-"OP, John A. Harmon, Kegister.
The State of Nebraska I „„
Holt County. { *8
In County Court:
tbat< P®«“oo hav
ing been Sled in the county court of Holt
county, Nebraska, for the appointment of an
administratrix or the estateof L. P. Boy,
deoeased, late of said oounty, the same la
?hl »,i8T“t * o clo®kJ>- m. on Saturday,
the »th day of Januarv 18ST, at the offlce of
the county Judge in p^Neill. in said oounty.
at which time and place all persons Interest
SLSSSiSftif •aasarand *• h«ard
——— — ———,— cepuvnx
concerning said appointment.
Given under my band andofflolal seal
uuuci uij liBUU WU.
5th day of December, 1886.
^SEAi,] G. A. McCutchan,
“w_Oounty Judge.
The State of Nebruska,
, _ Holt County, f88
In County Court; Holt County, Nebraska:
Notice is hereby given that, petition hav
ing been filed in the oounty court of Holt
county, Neb., bv Francis O. Morris for the
—* ->r r* *■ **—■— ------
appointment of T. M. Morris and Ed ¥. Gal
lagher as administrators of the estate of
Alexander U. Morris, deoeased, late of said
countj. the same isset for hearing at one
-— ovv *WI UUH1IUE nil uuc
^-—p.m.on the 29th day of December,
JSSkin* fbe °,?c® 0,,th® county judge In
O Neill, In said oounty, at which time and
place all persons interested id said estate
may appear and be heard concerning said
JBlven under my hand and official seal this
4th day of December, 1888.
C**Abl G. A. McCutchan,
Oounty Judge.
Marvelous Basalts.
From a letter written by Rev. J.
Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we
are permitted to make tbia abstract: “I
have ne hesitation in recommending Dr.
King’s New Discovery, as the results
were almost msrvelous in the case of
my wire. While 1 was pastor of the
Baptist church at Rives Junction she
was brought kown with pneumonia suc
ceeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms
of coughibg would last hours with little
interruption and it seemed as if she
could not survive them. A friend
recommended Dr. King’s New Discovery;
t was quick in its work and highly sat
isfactory in results.’’ Trial bottles free
at P. C. Corrigan s drug store. Regular
size SO cent! and tl .00,
' ■* ■'
Wd Ton Xver ' “
Try Electric Bitters as s remedy for
your troubles? If not get s bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the
relief and cure of all female complaints
exerting a wonderful direct influence in
Riving strength and tone to the organs "9
If you have loss of appetite, constipa- H
tion. headache, fainting spells, or are
nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy ’
or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric
Bitters is the medicine you need. Health
and strength are guaranted by its use
Fifty cento and $1.00 at P. C. Corrigan’s jj
drug store. A
Ballard’s Inow laimsat.
This wonderful liniment to known
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and
from the lakes to the gulf. It Is the
most penetrating liniment in the world.
It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts
sprains, bruises, wounds, old sores'
«>« throat, sore chest
;n<? inflamation after all others have
Ind’heewn111 CU"i b“'[b®d wire cuts
and heal all wounds where proud flesh
*"• I* !■ equally efficient for an
Try it and you will not be with
out it. Price 50 cents, at Corrigan's.
thk renowned
«v« veu • Lane, mama rows wnicl
aaainar Tnerr. hi, tmi nacNina
■***'" without cnanot
IsaS Isr Catalafs*. CsrrsiMMisii hwHsS
-— csrrsiMasiais ImHM
RalphTemple GyclaCo.
205 36th ITn CHICAM. ILL