- VOLUME XVII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 10, 1896. NUMBER 23 ' HEWS SANS WHISKERS Itoflu of Iatoroat Told Ai Thojr Aro Told to Ua. WOK AND HOW IT EAPPKNKD loaol Aonaolaga Nrtnrd Y«r enml Mitettca id Iwwwt ' Nol» P. OibaoD, of Uionoolo, «u la Ike city Toadij. C. 0. UcNiik, of Wiiaer, «u la the city lost Tocadoy. John A. Harmon waa in Omaha last Saturday and Sunday. Supervisor-elect Conger, of Inman, waa in the city Monday. G. W. Smith tranaacted buaineea la Sioux City laat Saturday. Deputy United States Marshal Lidli ard waa in the city this morning. WANTED—A girl for general house work. Call on Mrs. D. H. Cnonnr. Don’t miss the cloak sale at the Sulli van Mercantile Co’s, store next week. FOR RENT—Corbett • house of 7 rooms. Enquire of E, S. Kinch. Presents for the young, and the old,, the gTeat, and the small, at Corrigan’s. Toys, toys, toys until you can’t real, and then some! At Corrigan’s drug store. __ 28-8 See Corrigan's stock of holiday goods and you will be pleased. Buy, and you will be satisfied. 28-8 1,000 cloaks for sale at Sullivan Mer cantile Co’s, .store next week. Bee hand bills far particulars. 21-8 Mrs. Baker left Tuesday morning for Lake View, la., where she expects to make her future home. 'N. C. Sears and August Dorman, of West Point, were transacting business in the city last week. 8. J. Weekes and John Shirring attended the funeral of James Perry at Atkinson last Monday. Bafflugl Davis, of South Omaha, was looking after his landed interests in this section last Tuesday. For holiday goods go to Corrigan’s. He has the finest line of goods ever N. J. Lorgs, of Randolph, spent Sun day and Monday in this city visiting his sister, Mrs. D. H. Cronin. Charlie Millard, who was kicked in the mouth by a horse a couple of weeks ago, is able to be around again. A. J. Watson, editor of the Coleridge Blade, was visiting old friends in this city last Saturday and Monday. Miss Eva Burke has accepted a school five miles south of Chambers, and began teaching laat Monday morning. Subscriptions taken at this office for any paper or magazine published. We can save you time and money on your subscriptions. On Tuesday morning Judge Me Cutchan granted license to wed to Francesco Bailey, of Stuart, and Floy Davis, of Atkinson. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleaning the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. Morris & Co. Jesse V. Doud and Dillie Calkins were granted license to wed by Judge McCutchan last week. They are both residents of Chambers. brought to the county. 23-8 Mrs. Iocs Turner, of Sioux City, la., was in the city the put week visiting her parents, Ur. and Mrs. I. R. Smith. She returned home lut Monday. Dr' Corbett wishes to announce that from this time on his gallery and dental parlors will be open from the 23rd to the 80th of etch month. 22-tf. All persofta interested In organizing a musical dub in O’Neill, are requested to meet I# McCafferty’s hall Friday evening, at 8 o’clock. Cox. WANTED—Lady or gentleman to represent a well established house. Salary $50 per month and expenses. Addreu box 86, Ainsworth, Neb. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt’s Sarsaparilla. Morris & Co._ After hearing some friends continu ally praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchued a bottle of it for bis own nu, and is now u enthusiutic over its wonderful work u anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent dies for sale by P. C. COrrigso. . Uua ThompaoD, Newt Mullendore ond M. P. Brennan attended a masque bill it Atklnaon last Friday evening. The boys report as enjoy abletime. ’'"What beautiful toya and presents, and ao cheap I” These exclamation! are heard aa the people gase upon the toye at Corrigan’e. Oo aad eee them. 18-8 Mrs. John A. Golden and slater, Miss Susie Qullty, left last Saturday morning for Kellerton, la., where they were called on account of the illness of their mother. _ ■ , A clearing out sale on all winter gooda at Sullivan Mercantile Co’s, for the next 80 days. Great bargalna in all kinda of goods. For particulars see handbills. 21-8 Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening,. and not weakenlilg, •mall, but effective—such are the qualltlee of DeWitt’e Little Early Riaera, the famous little pills. Morris ft Co. The old lady was right when she said the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one’s life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Morris ft Co. I have the finest line of cutters and bob sleds on the market You cannot afford to miss the sleighing while I am selling them so cheap. Call and get prices, they will astonish you. 38-8 The length of life may be iacrqgsed -by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using Qwe Minute Cough Cure. Morris ft Cf. Scaly eruptions on the head, chopped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, seslils. burns, are quickly cured by DeWtt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the article most used for piles, and it always cures them. Morris ft Co. Hatfield ft Thompson are going to establish a bakery in connection with their reentrant. They have employed Charlie Merithew, who has been the baker at Bentley’s the past four years. The boys expect to have things in run ning order by next Monday. The old way of delivering mail by post boys compiled with the modern telephone, lilmtratea -the old tediOct methods of ‘-breaking" colds compared with their almost instahtaueona cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Morris ft Co. Look our line of nice dried fruits Over before buying. Citron, lemon peel, currants, raMns, raspberries, prunes, peaches, etc., all new and fresh. See them. 28-2 O’Nxiu, Gbocxby Co. As we go to press word reaches us that at 12 o’clock, a. m., Dec. 28, St. Nicholas will arrive in O’Neill, and that J. Bentley has the finest line of china and glassware for Christmas presents in the city. Be sure and see them. 22-8 Jerome K. Jerome’s last story, pre vious to his engagement to write two plays, has been secured by the Ladies' Home Journal, and is to be printed in its January issue. It is called "An Item of Fashionable Intelligence," and deals with life in the higher social circles of London, _ Printer-Journalist: A young lady explained to a Montezuma printer the difference between "printing” and "pub lishing,” and in conclusion said: "Now you may print a kiss on my cheek, but you must not publish it.” With that be locked the fair form in bis arms and went to press. Do you want to buy your wife, mother, father, sister or sweetheart a present? If so you want to go to Cor rigan’s drug store. This place has been selected as headquarters for all the fancy toys and Christmas goods to be distributed in this section this season. Apd prices—well, they are away down. A aeries of gospel missionary meetings will be held nest week by Rees. Wm. Gorat, J. N. Gortner, J. G. Bhick end E. T. George, et the following pieces: Monday evening et Inmen, Tuesdey evening et Chambers, Wednesday even ing at Page, Thursday evening at Blrck bird and Friday evening at O’Neill. James Perry died at his borne in Atkinson last Saturday. Deceased was one of the oldest settlers in this county, and for the past six years has been extensively engaged in the cattle busi ness. He was buried in the cemetery at Atkinson last Monday afternoon. Hie mother, sister and brother were present at the funeral. Butte Gazette: M. T. Rowland, onr Alaska traveler, returned yesterday to winter with his family here. Our reporter interviewed him and endeav ored to get a story for the readers of the Gazette. Mr. R. begged oil for the present, however, promising to favor us in the near future. The ladies say that Mr. Rowland has grown still handsomer during bis absence, hot pleaee don't mention this to Mrs. Rowland. ", > V An aotnrar qtotiov. ' The fleet thtag to do lo the oornlag legl datura le to undo » lot of ylolOue republlcaa legnlatioa of two yean eflo. After the repoblleeu legUlatlon le wiped off the etetute booke it will be time to turn eiteatloa to lagMetieg for the: oeople. The euger tad chloorr bouoty lew muet be removed. Fenaera who felee fl-oeat oata, 10-oeat com ead 40-ceat wheat oaaaot ooatnbute to the auger baroae by way of a boaaty. W< ‘ ‘ hloory are ia favor of the auger aad cbloor. iaduatr?, aad coaalder wet we aggd a divenifled laduetry. but we are oppoafd to all clam leglalatioa aad oppoaedto oae laduetry thrlvlag by the leeeh pro* eeae.—Schuyler Quill. . . The chicory factory of o Neill u rue ■log day and night. The Sun la pleated to announce that the oompany baa bin a remarkably proeperou* year In railing the plant and that a number oftaearaad boya hare had an opportunity to oarn 91 a day; aleothat a few men now bavf employment at the factory. A dollar, a day la batter than loafing. It la a good idea to keep the factory going day end night, aa it will not be long now. untH that fool legtalotere of fartaafa ahull meet at LiOeofn and they any gel ,e; Hb tie inquialtiye and went IpjfOOWWkf tha people of theatMe rhaql*betkx«ri to grant a bounty to cki11 old sores, to heal an indo lent ulcer, or to speedily core pilee, jon need simply apply DeWlU'e Witch Hatel Salve according to directions. lie j ntaglo-like action will surprise yon Morris A Oft. - The Pierce GUI telle of a young couple that were attending an entertain ment at the opera house when the young lady felt faint, and said so to her escort. Be pulled something from his Vest pocket and told her to Just keep It law mouth and not swallow It, dftd (ft a little while she felt fully retimed. After getting hosse she took the ‘sub-! stanoe frees her mouth and behold It wurn—Dante’ button. ' - Whet* galled the "good-jpUTol a b4*leMpie wnlj the cumulative effect o^i rnallgjlU So with an ad. The longer H nti the greater He value. A butluauetkat bee beee continued lor fllty year* would loae Ite good will !■ twelve montha II ouoe Mopped, and Very, lew wee would eere to pay much lor U. * dice advertiaing la atopped, ita eugtalatlne‘effect la loat, end (hr loeger |t ramalaa deed the harder it will be to make it 'effective when alerted again.— ■■ ■ Exchange: An old Scotch lady who gee no reliab lor modern church mualc, area expreaalng her diallke ol the eing hkg of iurantkem In her own-church one dqr.