■ Mark of a Gentleman. In one of Lovell's letters to Briggs, the former mentions Thackery’s visit to Uos ton, and says that during the meeting of Thackery with Ticknor, the latter said: "one mark of a gentleman is to be well-looking—for good blood shows itself in good features. ” *‘A pretty speech,” replied Thackery, “for one broken-nosed man to make to another,” and in the letter Lowell added: “All Boston has been secretly tickled about it” The Dickerson Tree Blown Down. During1 the storm recently a large red elm tree in Adairville, Ky., was blown down. This elm was perhaps the most historic tree in the country, and was known as the “Dickerson tree.” It was situated on the grounds whereon the famed Jackson-Dickerson duel was fought, years ago, and under its spread ing branches Dickerson reclined, await ing medical attention, being mortally wounded by Gen. Jackson. I Forty Fears a Teacher. Professor R L. Gildersleeve, of the John Hopkins University, who recent* ly celebrated the fortieth year of his service as a teacher of Greek Litera ture, lately returned from a long visit to Greece, and he will contribute to the Atlantic Monthly during the coming season his impressions aud reflections, written in his exceedingly graceful way and with his unfailing enthusiasm. Air. Locke, the philosopher said: “If a well could be dug to the depth of 4G miles, the density at the air at the bot tom would be as great as that of quick silver. By the same law a cubic inch of air taken 4,000feet above the earth’s surface would expand sufficiently to All a space not less than 2,000,000,000 miles in diameter. Deafness Cannot Be Bnred. by local applications as they canuot reach the diseased portion of t he ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound, or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the lnflamatlon can be taken out arid this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hulls Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. K J. CHENEY & CD., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's r urally Pills are the best Absent Ones Remembered. A well known young lawyer is cred ited with making a harmless bull at a banquet given by a locai organization not long ago. Toasts were called for, and to the young man fell the honor of suitably remembering the absent ones. This is the way he announced it: “Our absent friends—how soon we would show them the depth of our re gret at their absence if they were only here with us tonight.” And the funniest part of it was that no one caught onto it until some time afterward.—Cleveland Plaindealer. Why Don’t They Hang Him? It is more than two years since twe young women were found to have been foully murdered in a church in San Francisco, and a young man named Durrant, who was an officer in the Sun day school, was convicted of the mur ders more than a year ago. And yet he has not paid the penalty of his crime, and the execution of the sentence has been repeatedly postponed on techni cal grounds. There wus a time when a vigilance committee would have at tended to the case before this.—Boston Herald/ Hereman'iCamphor Ice wflli Glycerine. The original and only genuine. Cures Chapped Hands *nd Face, Cold Sores, apcea -merchants who, it.ia ; thought, will furnish the best sport . thronghouv the -season, and, judging from recent developments, they rank, up to the present, in the order named. Blood Pure? Is it? Then take Ayer’a Sar saparilla and keep it so. Isn’t it? Then take Ayer’s Sarsa parilla and make it so. One fact ia positively established and that is that Ayer’s Sarsa parilla will purify the blood more perfectly, more economi cally and more speedily than any other remedy ia the mar ket. There are fifty years of cures behind this statement; a record no other remedy can < show. You waste time and'* money when you take anything to purify the blood except Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Webster’s International Dictionary . In valuable In Office, School, ted noaic. A thorough revision cflho 'WEBSTER’S iUTTERK/TONALj , DICTIONARY Unabridged, tins purpose of “ “ .’- tUlHiAay,! i»Au*riflT) ...y oth crtii nient, bnt llio tine, judicious. which ha* lHH*n lujtdisiAusr.aor Uio provision of uiau*r“ { iRtuslful ami showy •eholnrly, thorough perfect ing of a work which in t*U the stapes of tw grow th bus of.-1' talned in an equal degree lt>« favor nut coMndoneo of at-rnJJ*' ■raar.il of tin? fefterr 1 public. The Choicest of Gifts for Christmas. Is Various Svti.i::* or Ilreoncc. |^*Spcdmen pagea cent on application fo G, K« In CJrtppe, Mnlarl** Urreplnc Sfambne**, etc., etc. Drops ’I ttH ni*Ver titefi equaled or Creeping 1_ __ , surpatleu. and is a pleasant, prompt and permanent euro. Though free from opiates and perfectly harmless. ••5 Drops ’ Inchon ost coavontrated uncj powerful specific known. *‘6 Drops’* can fall it* no tfruy short if what weclaim, for no diataao is too deeply'rco’od or pa-nfnl to 'yield to this wonderful meuitine. and relief is ustntUy felt I ho v« _irv first night. Wha| it hue already done to relieve spljerin/f, humanity is. «olu in Ihttt r»' of grateful praise from thousands ot hearts once sickened and heavy withr pain, now painless and happy. „ * ; .:V.4 O. K. UILLIKOHAM, Prop of Clinton House, Clinton, N. Y.. writes: 'ft hav* boonualn* ”5,l$iw»pi(” for. mattsm for three weeks, haring been troubled five years. Tu-Jay l urn a* w« II a« ever fn my Uf«, and gladly ^ recommend It to all sufferers from that terrible dl»ea«*\ for it is a positive cure.” ' ’t-r** \'y^. J. J. Jokes, of Pougla*. Kansas, says: “You hat* tliu best nerve remedy on the1 fare of pod’s grwe* * eartfa. 1 want the agency without tail. ’ Elijah Davis, of Butlervvllle, lndM writos: “My wife was tn bed ri\ months with acme nvuralgU. She ? tried every kind of medicine and several doctors, but all to no effect. Tlta.iit it** i your wonderful *‘A Drope” ^ cured her, for in three weeks after she commenced using it, she wa* out of bod and Kwlr.| about.” Pete* Lovbeuo. of I.indstrom, Minn., wrltos; “Within two months 1 U ivo eohl over 400 bottles, which were used in ev-ry kind of disease, but bavo received no complaints. It Is the greatest luushold remedy i* h the world, and gives wonderful satisfaction.” ' , If you have not confidence enough after reading tho nbovo letters to send for a fl.CO bot tle, send for a sample, wttich contains ample modioino to convinco you o' its merit. *B Crops” taken but once a day is the dose or thts great remedy, and to xuoro quickly intro duce it, we will send. forsSI days, prepaid by matt, our accent sample Lottie for H> cents* If suffering. don’t delay, but wriie today. Larzo bottle i«k>j uuhcsj «l.uO, 0 battles for 45.0ft. Not sold by druggists, omy by us and our agents. Agents wanted. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE C3., 167-169 Dnai-born-st., Chicago. 111. STOP! Don’t Lot Constipation Kill You! Bill Bill ^ANDY CATHARTIC reifecoA CURE CONSTIPATION io* ^Maaami.(Ljja.jiu«f7^fig^ all 25* 50* DRUGGISTS THE MOST WONDERFUL, RELIABLE wo EFFECTIVE MEDICINE @ EVER • DISCOVERED. : ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ft™",BT *«*<»*• u,,i i-« . . never grip or aripc.hnt ccqko easy natural result!. Sam ple and booklet free. Ad. STEUUNfl KENEDY €0., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. sio. FOR THE NEXT 10 RATS we will Bend by mail, prepaid, one box I)r. Kay’s Lung halm (-5c. size) *nd a valuable receipt book for SIX2 CENT STAMPS. We know it to be the best medicine yet discovered for coughs, colds, hoarseness and la grippe and we want you to know thiB fact. The following testimonial is a sample of what all skv of It wlso give it a trial. 13 3 Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm