The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 19, 1896, Image 5

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Governor.......811ns Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor.B. E. Moore
Secretary of State.• ■ J. A. Piper
State Treasurer.J■ 8. Bartley
State Auditor.Eugene Mo?FS
Attorney General.A. S. Churchill
Com. Lands and Buildings.0. H. Bussell
Supt. Publlo Instruction.H. B. Corbett
Ohas. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham,
Omaha; J. M. Hiatt, Alma: E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J.Hull,
Senators—W. V. Allen, of Hadlson; John
M. Thurston, of Omaha.
Representatives—First Distrlot, J.B Strode
Second, D H. Mercer; Third. Geo. D. Mlkel
John; Fourth — Halner; Fifth, W. E. And
rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem.
Chief Justloe.A, M. Post
Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvall
Judge Klnkald,of O’Neill
Reporter....J. J. King of O'Neill
Judge.W. H. Westover, of Bushvllle
Reporter.* ^hn Maher, of Bushvllle*
ilMrtster ..John A. Harmon.
Beoelver...I..... . ..Elmer Williams.
judge.Geo McCutcheon
Clerk of the District Court.John Bklrvlng
Deputy.O.M. Collins
Trauursr......P« Mullen
Deputy.......Mike McCarthy
Deputy. Chas O Neill
Supt.ofSohools.......W.B. Jackson
Surveyor..... .M. K. Norton
Attorney .... ...H. B. Murphy
Shields, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, WU
lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins.
Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Maok.
Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. O. Combs.
Chambers, Cooler, Lake, MoOlure and
IomAD-*-S. Stillwell.
Swan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green
Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—G. W. Moss.
Atkinson and Stuart-Frank Moore.
Supervisor, E.J. Maok; Justices, ®.H.
Benedlot and 8. M. Wagon; Constables, Ed.
MeBrlde and Perkins Brooks.
cocNOiuinw—Fiasr ward.
For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one
year—H. O. MoEvony.
For two years—Alexander Marlow
one year—Jake Pfund.
For two years—Charles Davis. For one
year—Elmer Merrlman.n ,
Mayor, O. F. Biglin; Clerk, N. Martin;
Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer
John Horrlsky; Police Judge, H. Kautaman;
Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney,
Thos. Carton; Weighmaster. Joe Miller.
Supervisor, H. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney
—loQreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben
Johrlng: Justloes, M. Castello and Ohaa.
Wilcox; Constables. John Horrlsky and Ed.
McBride; Hoad overseer dlst. St, Allen Brown
dlst. No. 4, John Enright.
Regular meeting first Monday In Febru
in of each year, and at suoh other times as
is deemed neoessanr. Bobt. Gallagher, Page,
chairman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary;
H. H. Clark Atkinson.
J Services every Sabbath at 10:30 oolook.
Very Kev. Cassidy. Poster. Sabbath sohool
Immediately following services.
Methodist church. Sunday
services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and #;00
p.h. Class No. 18:30 A.M. Class No. 2 (Ed
worth League) 7:00 p.m. Class No. 3 (Child
rens) 3:00 P. M. Mind-week services—General
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. All will
K. made welcome.
ri A.B.POST,NO.88. The Gen. John
VX. O'Neill Post, No. 88, Department of Ne
braska G. A. H., will meet the flijt and third
Saturday evening* of each month in Muonic
hail O’Neil) 8. J. Suit h. Com.
UlF. Meets every Wednesday evening In
Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers oordlaUy
Invited to attend. . , „ _
W. H. Mason. N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec.
month In Masonic hall.
W.J. Dobrs See. J.C. Harnish,
. Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p.
m. In Odd Fellows’ ball. Visiting brethern
oordlally Invited.
J. P. Gilligan. C. C,
E. J. Hack. K. of B. and S.
vf O. O. F. meet* every aeoond and fourth
Fridays of each month In Odd Fellow*' Hall.
OKAS. ItBioHTt H. P. H. H. Trruir, Scribe
OF BBBBKAH, meet* every lit and, dd
Friday of eaoh month In Odd Fellow* HaU,
Augusta Martin N. O. Marla Hum. See.
Garfield lodge, no.ob.f.a a.m.
Regular communication* Thursday night*
on or before the full of the moon.
J. J. King, W. M.
0.0. Srydrh, See.
Holt-camp no. itio, m. w. of a.
Meet* on tbe first and third Tuesday In
eaoh month In the Masonic hall.
C. W. Hagknbick, V. 0. D. H. Orohin, Clerk
AO, U. W. NO. 1S3. Meet* aeoond
• and fourth Tudiday of eaoh month In
Maaonlo hall.
0. Bright, Bee. S. B. Howard, M, W.
independent workmen of
1 AMEBICA, meet every first and third
Friday of eaoh month.
Gao. MoCutchar, N. M.
J. H. W slton, Seo.
Arrival of Malta
r. a. a m. v. r. r.—from thh bast.
Every day, Sunday lnoluded at.6:16 pm
rnoH thb wist.
very day, Sunday lnoluded at.IdW am
pacific short MSI.
Passenger—leaves 9:6* a. h. Arrive* 11:66 p.m.
. Freight—leaves 9:07 P.M. Arrive* 7:00 p. u.
Vitally except Sunday.
VDeparta Monday, Wed. and Friday at7:00 am
/Arrive*Tueaday,Thun.and Sat. at..1:00pm
Depart* Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00am
Arrive* Tueaday, Thur*. and Sat. at. .4:60 p m
Depart* Monday. Wed. and Frl. at—7:00 am
Arrive* Tueaday, Thur*. and Sat. at...4:00 p m
Arrive* Mon.,Wed. and Friday* at ..ll:60p m
gapart* Moo., Wed. and Friday at.r.OOpm
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the 8tate of Ne
braska, as hereinafter-set forth-in full,
are submitted to the electors of the,
State of Nebraaks, to be Toted upon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 2 v O., 1896: I
A Joint re:')' proposing to
amend seotlons > -> k->, four (4). and
five (6.) of article six t6)of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relat
ing to number of Judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Be It mvlvcd and enicted 'by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section two (2) of ar
ticle six (6) ot the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska lie amended so at to
read aa follow*:.
Section 2. The supreme court shall until
otherwise provided by law, consist of live
(S) Judge*, a majority of whom shall be
necessary to form a quorum or to pro
nounce a declaims. It shall have original
Jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue,
civil cases In which the state shall be a
party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas
Corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction, so
may bo provided by law.
Section 1 That section four (4) of article
elz («) of the Contsttutlon of the State
of Nebraska, bo amended oo as to read aa
Section 4. The judges of the supreme
court shall be elected by the electors of
the state at large, and their term of office,
except as hereinafter provided, shall be
for a period of not leas than five n years
as the legislature may prescribe.
Section 3. That section five (6) of artlolu
Six (*) of the Constitution of tne State of
Nebraska, be amended to read as follows:
Section 5. At the first general election to
be held In the year 18M, there shall be elect
ed two (2) Judges of the supreme court one
of whom, shall be elected for a term of
two (t> years, one for’the term of four («>
years, and at eaoh general election there
after, there shall be elected one Judge of
the supreme court for the term of five
(5) years, unless otherwise provided by
law; Provided, That the Judges of the su
preme eourt whose terms have not expired j
at the time of holding the general eleu- 1
tlon of UM, shall continue to hold thqlr
office for the remainder of the term for
whloh they were respectively commis
Approved March 29, A. D. UHL
▲ Joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (IS) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com*
peneation of supreme and district court
Be It resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirteen PS) of
article six (t) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended so as to
read as follows:
See. IS The fudges of the supreme and
district oourts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation as may be pro
vided by law, payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at iti first session
after the adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of the members elected to
each house concurring, establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
than once In four years, and In no event
unless two-thlrdo uf the members elected
to each house of the legislature concur
Approved March 30, A. D. UK
A Joint resolution proponing to
nmend section twenty-four (24) of ar
ticle five (5) ot the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the officers of the execu
tive department.
Bo it resolved and enacted by tho Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Sectlor 1. That section twenty-four (M)
of artlcl- five (5) of the Constitution ot ths
Stats of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section 24. The officers of the executive
department of the state government shall
rscetve for their services a compensation
to be established by law, which shall be
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term fur which they shall have been
oommlsaloned and they shall not receive
to their own use any fees, costs. Interests,
upon public moneys In their hand- ->e un
di. - • - one* '
other compensation . that may
hereafter be payable by law for services
performed by afi officer provided Cor In
this artlcls shall be paid in advance into
ths state treasury. The legislature shall
at Its first session after the adoption of
this amendment, three-fifths of the mem
bers elected to eech house of the legis
lature concurring, establish the salaries -
of the ortcers named In this article. Tne
compensation so established shall not be
changed oftener than once In tour yearn
and In no event unless two-thlrda of ths
members elected to each house of the leg
islature concur therein.
proved March It, A. D. 106.
A Joint resolution proponing to
nmend section one (1) of article six (8)
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to judicial power.
Be It resolved end enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Seetlon L Tnat section one (1) of article
six (9 of the Constitution of the Bt«te of
Nebraska be amended to read as follows:
Section 1. Trie judicial power of this state
shall be vested In a supreme court, dis
trict courts, county courts Justices of ths
peace, police magistrates, and In such
other courts Inferior to the supreme court
as may be created by law In which two
thirds of the members elected to each
house ccnour.
Approved March », A. D. 1891
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article alx
(•) of the Constitution pf the State of
Nebraska, relating to Increase in num
ber of supreme nnd district court
Be It resolved and enacted by the leg
islature of the State cf Nebraska:
Section L That section eleven (11) of ar
ticle six (6) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 11. The legislature, whenever two
thirds of tho members elected to eaoh
house shall concur therein, may. In or
after the year one thousand eight hun
dred and ninety-seven and not oftener
than onoe In every four years, Increase
the number of Judges of supreme and dis
trict courts, and the Judicial districts of
the state. Such districts shall be formed
of oompact territory, and bounded by
county lines; and such Increase, or any
change In the boundaries of a district,
shall not vacate the office of any judge.
Approved March 10. A. D. 1893.
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmend section six (6) of article one (1)
of the Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, relating to trial by jury.
Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Reotlun 1. That section six («), article
one (t) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska be amended to read a* follows:
Section 1 The right of trial by jury shall
remain Inviolate, but the legislature may
provide that In civil actions five-sixths of
the Jury may render a verdict, and tho
legislature may also authorise trial by a
Jury of a less number than twelve naan.
In courts Inferior to the district court.
Approved March >9. A. D. 1*96.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend arstlon one (1) of article lire (S)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to offloere of the executive depart
Be It resolved and enacted by ths Leg
islature Of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section one (1) of ar
ticle five <B> of tho Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska l>e amended to read ad
Section 1. The executive department shall
consist of a governor, lieutenant-gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic accounts, treasurer, superintendent of
■ public Instruction, attorney-general, com
missioner of pubhe lands and buildings,
and three railroad commissioners, each
of whom, except the said railroad com
missionary, shaft hold his office for a term
of two years, from tho drat Thursday at
. ter the drat Tuesday In January, after
' his electloa, and until his successor la
elected and qualified. Each railroad com
missioner shall hold his office fur a term
of three years, beginning on tho drat
Tnursday after tho drat Tuesday In Janu
ary after Ms sleetten, and until his suc
cessor la elected and qualified; Provided,
however, That at tho first general elec
tion held after the adoption of this amend
ment there shaft t* sleeted three railroad
commissioners, one for the period of one
year, one fur the period of two years, and
one for the period of three years Tne gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic accounts, and treasurer shall reside at
the eapltal during their term of ofdco;
they shall keep the public records, books
and papery there ana shall perform such
duties as may be required by law.
Approved March Su, A. D. 1196.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (26) ot ar
ticle five (6) of the Constitution ot tfco
State of Nebraaka, limiting tha num
ber ot executive state officers.
Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islators of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section ewonty-slx (M) ot.
article five (5) Of the Constitution of tho,
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section It No other executive state offi
cers except those named In section one (1)
of this artlcls shall be created, ex
cept by «n act of the legislature,
which is concurred In by not less than
three-fourths of tho members elected to
each house thereof;
Provided, That any office created by an
set of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature, two-thirds of the mem-,
tiers stented to each house thereof uon
Approved Marsh M, A. D. IMA
A Joint resolution proposing to
amond Motion nine (») of nrtlele sight
(S) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the Investment
of the permanent edncational funds of
the state.
Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section nine (9) of article
eight (D of the Constitution of the Mate
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 9. All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes, the Interest and
Income whereof only are to be used, shall
be deemed trust funds held by the state,
and the state shall supply all losses there
of that may In any manner accrue, so that,
the same shall remain forever Inviolate
and uudlmlnlshed, and shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities, or registered county
bonds or registered school district bonds
of this state, and such funds, with the
Interest and income thereof are hereby
solemnly pledged for the purposes for,
which they are granted and act apart,,
and shall not be transferred to any other
fund for other uses: ,
Provided, The board created by seotloa,
i of fhte article lie empowered to sell from
time to time any of tne securities belong
ing to the permanent school fund and In
vest the proceeds arising therefrom In any
Of the securities enumerated In this sec
tion bearing a higher rate of Interest.',
whenever an opportunity fur better ln-‘
vestment Is presnted:
And provided further. That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly Issued In pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for Its payment, shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not bo any
money In the proper fund to pay such
warrant, ths board created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amount duo on such war-'
rant from moneys In hla hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state,
and he shall hold said warrant aa an In-'
vestment of said permanent school fund '
Approved March ». A. D. U9G.
A Joint reaol""'n proposing an
amendment to the Constitution ot the
State of Nebraska by adding a neV
aectlon to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to bo numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
Be It resolved and enacted by the Lit*
Isluture of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That artlole twelve (If) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended by addins to said article a new
section to be numbered section two (2)
to read as follows:
Section 1 Tim government of any city of
the metropolitan class and the gov
ernment of the county In whioh
It Is located mny be merged wholly,
or In r’-•1 when a nroposltion so to do has
been si-’, rdtted by authority of law to the
voters of such city and county and re
ceived the assent of a majority of Uvt
Votes oast In suoh city and also a majority
ef the votes cast In the county exclusive
ef those cast. In such metropolitan city
At such election.
Approved March IS, A. D. IKK.
▲ Joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six (6) of article
■even (7) of the Constitution of ths
Stats of Nebraska, proscribing the
manner In which votes shall be east
Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Sectloa 1. That section six (S) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of ths Stats
of Nebraska be amended to read as fel
lows :
Section 8. All votee shall be by ballet, or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law, provided the secrecy of voting be
Approved March M, A. D. IKK.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (») of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of ths
State of Nebraska, relative to dona
tions to works of Internal improve
ment and manufactories.
Bo It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section two (f) of article
fourteen (It) uf the Constitution ef the
State of Nebraska, be amended te read as
See. X No elty. county, town, precise t,
municipality, or other subdivision of the
•tste. dull mr aiki eonaMene to any
works of Internal Improvement, or
manufactory, unless * proposition os to
*• “*ll have boon first submitted to the
quiUM electors end ratified by e two
thirds rote et on election by authority of
■**: Provided, That suoh donations si ■
county with the donations of such subdi
visions In the esgreirate ■hull not exceed
ten per cent of the assessed valuation ol
such county; Provided further. That any
sity or county may, by a three-fourths
vote. Increase such Indebtedness live per
cent. In addition to such ten per cent and
no bonds or evidences of Indebtedness so
Issued snail be valid unless the same shall
nave endorsed thereon a certificate signed
by tlio secretary and auditor of state,
showing that the same is Issued pursuant
to law.
Approved March », A. D. USB.
I. J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregtng proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne- '
braska are true and oorrect copies of ‘
tho original 'enrolled and nncroaaet
billa, as pasted by the Tneaty-foiuth
session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, no appears from said
original bills 6nJflle In this office, nntf
that all and each of aald proposed
amendments are submitted to tho
qualified voters of tho otato of Ne
braska-for their adoption or refteetlon'
at She general election to be held od
Tuesday the fid day Of November, %?'■
In te*Unioey whereof, T have here'
unto set my hdnd and affixed the great'
seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day tf
July (n the year of our lord. One Thou* i
sand Sight Hundred and Ninety-Sin; ’
of tho Independence ' of the United '
States We OneHundrtd and Twenty-'
First, add of this State the Thirtieth. > -
(Beal.) "' J. A. PIPBR, '
Secretary of State. 1
•Tun nan.
mt up#* IM fmtdcbks wra
miUM ToinMMgB
Mn PoUU. fim, nttlm,
©Iioa Prnamll Omaha, Nab.
P. D. & J. F. MtiLLEir,
FnopjuBTouf or m
Prices Reasonable.
iHt ofMoCaffarto'i. O'NEILL, MSB.
Tht Orginif Honaat Snort in Amarlca
aicTuaia a* tnc
roacMoar artists or tms country
Life fa NetT Yotk Graphically Illuatratad.
Biwqrbtt Raapacuble.
Do you want to ba poated? Than sand
your aubacription to the
m you mrnrn raws,
Sioux City, O’Neill and
Western Railway
Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os
mond, Plainview, O'Neill.
Connect* at Bkmi City with all direrflnf
ltnea, landing paaaemren In
Homeaeekera will find golden opportun
ity along thla line. Inveatlgate
before going elaewhere.
To Bo
Gnwn Ayajr#
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The Best
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The Finest end Largest stock of good In the Hardware and.
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Riding and walking cultivators, harrows,
Gliddenwire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware.
This Fwm ltady cures quickly, permanently fill
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Clone. BeMb7eurae.el!i!r .eCrewlIETS eemCO.. neeeajeTeqylo.CHg>sa»
Bor sals In O’Neill, Neb., by HOHBIS k CO., Druggists.
_ loatBim i 1
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readable form the best
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Th$ Littrmy World says: "We am deeply
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Mann A Co. HMWl
■ -Ppulatuio of an* aeiantlaa
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