AT THE jVIECCA Op PATRIOTISM Canton, O., Oct. 17, 1800.—Canton, the home of William McKinley, has seen many marvelous events in this campaign, bnt none which equaled that of today. More men and women, more special trains, more delegations, more assur ances of loyalty to national honor, more addresses and more responses by Maj. McKinley than on any previous day, were the record of this seventeenth day ef October, 1886. From morning until night the number of special trains, the shouts and cheers of delegations, the music of bands, the glitter of uniforms and the addresses of spokesmen and re sponses of Maj. McKinley were heard. Nearly 500 cars brought perhaps 30,000 people from nearly half the states of the union. Mr. McKinley, who left his home early for a short walk in the crisp October air, found an anxious throng at his resi dence on his return, and from that moment nntil long after darkness he was the center of attraction, the recipient of honor*' innumerable and the dispenser of patriotic seotlineuts which were received with marks of the highest approval by ti. o thousands who heard them. MARYLAND’S FIVE BATTALIONS, Tboy Pledge -that State to the Party of Honeet Money and Protection. The Maryland delegation, consisting of five battalions, a total of 3000 men, were tbc first to get attention. To them Mai. McKinley said: “Nothing has given me. in all this campaign, so much pleasure and satis “ Ifie hare just pride in our glorious record in favor of free speech, free toil, free press, free men and free conscience, but I believe that the great majority of our countrymen, are neither in favor of free trade, free silver or free lawlessness, nor of cheating people in the sacred name of freedom."—Maj. McKinley to Com mehcial Travelers, Oct. 17th, 1896. ST' faction aa to foel that the wage-earners of this1 country nre for the most part enlisted in the cause for which we stand. (Prolonged cheering.) I know something of the workingmen of the United States. I know something of the potters, (Great applause from the potters.) I know something of the wage-earners ill the great cotton and woolen mills, ami that all they want is an opportunity to work; and to secure this all they ask is pro tection against the products of other lands, made by uuderpnid labor. (Great applause.) > •"This, my fellow citizens, you can reg ulate by your own ballots. Petitions, ns one of your spokesmen Ims already said, count for naught. Protests to the Amer ican Congress count for nothing. The time when the citizen's voice counts most is on that supreme day—the elec tion day. What you want to do is to elect a Congress that represents your views; then you won’t need to resort to petitions to regulate them, or to keep them from injuring your industries. Let the voice of Maryland this year re sound as the voice of Maryland did last year (enthusiastic cheering and cries of ‘We will') for honest money and protec tion. tariff question is a question wholly of labor. “We will mnuufucture with the world, if the rest of the world will pay ns good wages as we an- paid in the United “fates; but ns long us it does not, patri otism, genuine Amcricnnism, and every industrial interest demands that wo should make our tariff high enough to measure the difference between the low coat of labor iiH foreign countries ami the coat of labo^in tills. (Cheers.) “Then, you gr* interested in honest mouey. You don’t wont any short dol lar*. Yon have fried short hours in the last four years, and haven't liked them. (Laughter and applause and cries of You bet we don't/) When you give a full day s Work to your employer you wapt td be paid in full, unquestioned and unalterable dollars. ((jreat an plausc.) Thl# is tlie kind of money we have now. And the kind we propose to continue if the American people sustain us this year.’ THE FARMERS ATTEST LOYALTY Aasuranees that They Are for Nauud Money Olid Mound Principles. One of the earliest parties was made up of farmers from Monroe comity, Mich., to ndiom Mnj. McKinley Raid: “I have never believed, us Koine peo ple have been saying. that there was ever any danger about the state of Mich igan. There tins never been a moment when ! bad the slightest doubt about where the electoral vote of your glori ous state would go iu the presidential content of 180(1. No state iu the Union is more deeply interested iu the genuine American policy that will protect your property, your interests, your labor, your mines, the products of your forests, from undue competition ihuu the state of Michigan. (Applause.) And there is no state that is more deeply interested in having a protective policy than the state of Michigan. (Applause.) •There is ono thing that the Repub lican party is dedicated to, and that is to labor first; then to law and order. These are indispensAile to the welfare of man kind and indispensable to the prosperity and the pennauency of the republic. I am glad to know from your spokesman that you believe not only iu a protective tariff, but that you believe in holiest money. , (Great cheering.) When vou do your work, whether it he on vour farm or in the factory, or in the mine, you want to receive in payment dollars that are good every month and every where in every part of the civilised wswid,• That's the kind of money we hafeytow, and we have more of it than wALtrerfiad in* our history lie fore. To enter wion the free and unlimited coin age of silver would be to commit this country to silver alone uud deprive us of the gold we have. Instead of increasing ___ Democrats Vie with Republicans in Honors to William McKinley. the circulation it would decrease the circulation of the country, and instead of giving us good, rourtd 100-eent dollars, which we have now, they would ask us to do our business with a 53-cent dol lar and bring ourselves to the financial plane of Mexico and China. We decline to do it.” (Croat cheering.) COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Large Delegation* from Ohio and Oilier States Greet ATi^J. McKinley. Another large and interesting delega tion was made up of commercial travel ! er*» mostly from Ohio ami adjoining states. They were addressed by Mr. McKinley as follows: “You have discovered in the last four I years that It is a good deal safer to con sult markets than maxims. You have discovered tbut prices current and actual j experience in trade and commerce are a better guide to business prosperity than anything you can find in the text books. Jour coming together. Democrats and Republicans (a voice: *No Democrats in this crowd’)—well, once Democrats, but now preferring conn toy to party. Cora ls together us you have is an act of sterling patriotism hitherto almost un known in American polities, and pro moted only by considerations of the pub ! he good. But these are characteristic traits of the business and commercial men of the country. “I do not attribute your cull loanyper sonal concern for my success. You look beyond the candidate to the great princi ples he represents, and upon that ground and in that spirit you are here today; and in the same spirit I address you now. No people in the country can be more interested in the result of the elec tion two weeks from next Ttiesdav than the commercial men of the United States. (Applause.) What you want is business, and you have discovered that you cannot sell if there is nobody 1o buy. You have suffered greatly the last three years under the withering touch of par tial free trade, and the instability of “There is one thing that the Republican party is dedicated to, and that is to labor first, then to law and order. These are indispensable to the welfare of mankind and indispensable to the prosperity and the permanency of the Republic.”—JIaj. McKinlky to Michigan Fa km kps, Oct. 17th, 18i)(>. business. mid above all, the absence of eoiilidence. Shall these commercial men now embark in the vastly more disas trous and destructive ixdiey of free sil ver. which is the party shibboleth, not of honor but of dishonor? “A Brent many people find peculiar pleasure in the word ‘free.’ It is a Brand, glorious word when properly ai> plied. I do not know what you may think about it. but 1 do not believe in de stroying either the .business, the prop erty, or the credit of this country under the cry of five silver. (Tremendous cneei*s and cries of ‘Never, never.’) We have just pride in our glorious record in favor of free itpccch, free, free press, free men and flee eonseience, but I be lieve that the great majority of our -coun trymen are neither in favor of free trade free silver, or free lawlessness (Brent ap plause), nor of cheating people in the snort'd name of freedom. “The question of honest money sgainst free and irredeemable paper money, both unlimited and both unsound, lias been so thoroughly argued that I do not wish to occupy your time in discussing it Suffice it to say that no valid or sufli" dent reason has yet been given or’ cm lie given, for the United States adopting either. Some things are so plain, some things are so dear and distinct, some tilings are so pal ami self-evident that, like day and night, every man must sooner or later recognise them. If hu man experience has prun'd anything it is that no nation was ever benefited’ by poor money or injured by good money and that no man ever suH'crcd from be ing* honest, and no mail ever protited by being dishonest, (tjreat cheers.) Hood honest dollars hurt nobody. If we have not as much good money ns we ought to have, let us get more, and we will get more whenever the country requires it But we will not get it as long as we are proposing to adopt the Himudal policy of China or Mexico. (Jive business confi dence a chance to lie restored. Start our mills, factories, mines, quarries; restore good prices, good home markets for our farmers, good wages for our working men, and then, if the law of supply and demand requires it. coin in honest dol lars. All the good, 100-ceut honest dol lars will speedily conic for the uses of the people." STUDENTS AND TEACHERS. Representative* of College* Pay Their K«Ap»vta, A largo delegation of student* and professors of the Ohio Weslo.vnn univer sity, the Ohio Medical university and others were the next caller*. Maj. Mc Kinley said in response to their greet ing: “If there was anything needed to dis pel that false and dangerous doctrine which some people are now teaching, it is dispelled here toduv-a doctrine that would array class against class and one section of our country against the other. We have had on these grounds. today men from more than a dozen states— : wage-earners, miners, tuillworkers, farm- I One Day's Record at Canton. I • Michigan Sends . 2,000 West Virginia sends .... 3,500 Maryland sends.3,000 Kentucky sends ..... .4,000 Ohio sends ^ ..... . 5,000 Other States send .... 30,000 All section*, nil creed*, all nationalities, all color*, nil classes, all in terests, and all parties unite in honors to William McKinlev. A SINGLE DAY AE THE HOME OF THE NATION'S CANDIDATE era. professional men, commercial trav elers, old folks and young folks, college bred men and men of every profession and walk in life. This great day dem onstrates that this is a nation not of class but of equal and honorable citizen ship. under one constitution and govern ment. (Prolonged cheering.) “I am glad to know that the students of the universities are enrolled in our ranks. Kvery newspaper of the coun try, Kust and West, tells us that in the great colleges of the Kast. as well us in the great colleges of the West, teachers and pupils have enlisted under the ban ner of the Republican party in greater numbers than they have ever done be fore. (Great applause.) They stand this year for country and conscience. They stand for public honor and morals and supremacy of law. We will settle for all time this year that this is a government by law and a government that rests upon laws made by its own free and equal citizens." (Great ap plause and cries of “Good, good.”) DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. Citizens of Kentucky Join in Support of McKinley uuil noneu Money. . A large delegation from Kentucky, composed of both Republicans and sound money Democrats, was one of the most demonstrative in honoring the Repub lican candidate. To them Mr. McKinley said: "I address you not as Republicans nor Democrats, but ns countrymen and friends. Your glorious old state has al ready registered a verdict in favor of one of the principal issues involved in this campaign. 1 do not believe that in the past twelve months the Kentucky people have changed their opinions on the questions of honest money and public honor. (Gront\applu use and, cribs of ‘No, no.) Kentucky has usually been a Dem ocratic hi a to, and in 187C gave that sturdy Democratic statesman, Samuel J. Tildeu of Nffir York, an unprecedent ed popular j*p|>rity for PrefltffeuL . less revered by many or today, and I venture to ut 11.w message to them in Mr. .- jvn words. "In hfslcelebruted joint debate with Horace Guleley, in 1840, Mr. Tildeu paid: memory is< your Dei send bjf Tllden’ii 'An nnstalV currency produces instabil ity of prictl and is peculiarly injurious to the farm! jeet to th$ He ought not to be sub .. retnendous agency of an un seen cause, uvhich may disappoint his wisest caletn\tions and overwhelm him in constant ran. but he ought to be se cured in the ♦anquillity of his fireside from the eursAof an unstable and con "leting currency-’ (Great applause.) Ihese wore.aviso and honest words then; they areWruo and honest words now, and eoipil^nd themselves co the »-»■» m iu, men of toil, all 'J submit <4 'around and abb me, who is the better J ; friend- of labor,\^e who pives you work 1 that brings router*went, or he who! breathes only vordstthat create discon-' tent f There camiot\, there ought never 1 to be, any enmity between labor and j [ capital. The interest If the one is the J interest of the otlut " ~ ufVF1 HuFi y to Ohio Wokkinomkn Oct. 17tli, 1896. careful consideration of every citizen in the land, who, if he would he spared further distress, should allow this coun sel to guide him at the approaching na tional election. "Another issue, my fellow citizens, in this campaign is the tariff. (Applause.) That is to say, whether we shall laise sufficient revenue to pay the current ex penses of the government instead of bor rowing money for that purpose, and whether we shall do our work at home or have it done abroad. Kireat applause and cries of ‘tiood, good.') Shull we place duties high enough on foreign goods to protect our labor against the cheaper labor of the Old World, and Imild up the magnificent industries of the United States'/ I do not know, my fellow citizens when it will be possible to bring hick the prices of ISiKi; that is only oonju-i or al. The only way I see toward accom plishing that is to restore the great na tional policy, which your own citizen Henry Olay, so well maintained; a policy that would encourage and promote American development, build up Ameri can industries and employ American labor. (Applause.) "It pleased me to hear the generous words of your venerable lieutenant gov ernor. I was glad to hear those splendid sentences tilled with patriotism .vlceh must have thrilled every heart, from vour Herman editor, and my comrade 'who puts the flag of his country ami the in terest of his country above that of any political organization. (Tremendous cheering.) “This is the hour and the era for the exhibition of the highest |iatriotism We have put the past behiud us. We know no North, no South, no Hast, no West but a |ierpetual Union of indestructible states. iKnthusinstic applause and cries of ‘Hurrah for McKinley.’) I welcome the men of the South as allies iu this great conflict for national honor. T,et ns give notice to all the world that there are no linger any sectional lines to divide us (great applause) and that we have but one flag—the glorious stars and stripes (great cheering), the same our grandsirea bore upon many a field. When we staud for that flag we stand by all that it represents, by national integrity, linan eial liouor, the supremacy of government by law, and the sacrcdness of the federal judiciary, which is our anchor of safety in every hour of trouble, (tirent ap- j plause anti erics of ’McKinley is all right.’)” CROWDS FROM WEST VIRGINIA. ColorMl Voter* Are Represented In the ! Knonuou* Iteputati. ’I ho Central. Kasteni ami Western counties of Wes’ Virginia wore all rep- i resented in the next nmlioncc addressed Those lK'oplo tilled to the platfornis fortv railway coaeho*^ coming in a train of five Kootions. Maj. Mt-Kinlov spoke as follows: SHOUTING THOUSANDS THRONG THE STREETS OF CANTON. i “This is (ho year when people all want ! to vote. They are ready now to vote. (Cries of 'We are, anyhow,’ followed by grout applause.) They know on which side they lneuti to vote. (Cries of 'The ] Kepnhlicnu ticket.’) Why do they want j to vote that ticket this year? Because they believe that involved in a llepuli [ beau triumph is public confidence and i the restoration of better times. They I have had some experience in the last , three years and a half and that oxperi ; !'>•«' has been most costly. Not u single > juterest in the country but has suffered. ' 1 he government has suffered in its rev I and the |>cople in their wages and I the prices of their products. In fact. everything has suffered but the glorious I principles of the Republican partv. it -rent cheering.) Protection, honest money, public mor als, reciprocity, the national honor, the public credit—all einbluzoned on the ban ner of Republicanism this year, and ral lying around that standard are men of all parties, all races, all sections, all creeds. Jhe white man, the black man, the wage-earner and the employer, the pro fessional man and the business man. all have united and stand upon a common platform, which platform is for our eoun "Tai!f I'0''01'-, (CJreut applause and cries of (iood!) I have beard from vour spokesman today that West Virginia’s electoral vote this year will be for the Republican ticket. (Cries of 'Right you vV Ibis assurance gratifies my heart. (A Voice-Mine, too. followed by tre mendous cheering.) It gratifies the heart of every lover of his country.” OHIO WORKINGMEN. Laboring Men from All Part* of the State ^**$8555^2*:;$ Are Greeted. No delegation wa*-mono cordially wel ™I"cd1 than that made up of railroad men, dock men, farmers and miners from '» whom Maj. McKinley said: mere is a studied effort made in twP»nl'mrt,riS of ‘L1*? country to teach that the*,employer of labor is attempting to enslave the workingman. I submit l'V0Unmfn .?f *,oil around and about me, who is the better friend of labor, he who gives you work that brings eontent J?*?*' or l‘° who breathes only words J**att,croate discontent? There cannot be, there ought never to be, nuv enmity between labor and capital. The interest of the one is the interest of the other. iou know that the greatest friend of li ,dionc«"- They talk about making the workingmen slaves. There is no danger of a workingman ever be coming a slave if ho receives American wages, the wages that he had for thirty years, from 18ii0 to 1890. under the glori P“® Policy of a protective tariff. The t. ^rlend *o labor, the best policy in the interest of labor, is that policy which gives workingmen an opportunity to work <5*>od wages. Which policy do vou think subserves that interest best? Our e“Sr,of protection or their policy of free (JrC"";o:lous shonts. ‘Ours! Out*!, and ‘McKinley’s policy!’) „ This great audipnee fairly represents the diversified industries of the United Unites, Um. the one side of me are men who manufacture; ew the other side are men who handle iron ore. and fu Yrtfnt are men who dig our coal. One is de pendent on tlic other, and here in this audience, too arc representatives of the railroads of the country, which transport not only raw material, but the finished product, from one end of this country to the other. I’hc one is never prosper ous unless the other is prosperous. You • “Protection, honest money, public \ morals, reciprocity, the national honor, | t,u! public credit-all are emblazoned on , the banner of J’epublicanism this year, ; and rallying around that standard are > men of all parties, all races, all sections. , all creeds; the white man, the black man, I l,u‘ "•age-earner, the employee, the pro fessional man and the business man.’’— ; Maj. McKinley to Colored Voters ' 0,1'. mil, 180(5. i i i i know that from experience. There is i not a handler of ore at the Ashtabula ; harbor who does not know that when ; the (treat ore and steel industries of this I ,„V'll,t-ry. aro stopped he has nothing to do. : 1 here is not a eoal miner from Perry ; county who does not know that when the ( (,1r,'s \,r0 extinguished in our furnaees ! t1l|0r,\|s no demand for him. Now, the I Republican party is universal It an i plies to every industry from the man who digs the coal, whieh they call the raw ! material—if they just tried digging it for a tune, however, they would find it was not so very raw-from the man who mines the ore m Michigan and Minne sota to the man who handles it at our great ports, and to the final finished product, the Republican policy protects and defends them all. 1 ..A"'1 «h«t we defend them against? V\e defend them against the products of a cheaper labor in the old world. We defend mir labor because in the United States every laboring man is an euual citizen with every other man in the eoun try. I am glad to see you; glad to meet you: glad to have jour assurances of an unprecedented victory in Ohio this year Ohio has never been behind. She led in he great Civil war. and she has led the march of progress. and her states manship has been impressed upon the most glorious pages of American his MICH1GAN PAYS HER HONORS. A Large llelegalion of Itneiness Man Farmers and Railway Km,.loves Ten coachloads of people from (5rand Rapids. Kalamazoo and Western Mic h! gan constituted the next audience ad dressed by Maj. .Mc Kinley. The pnrtv was largely composed of members , r Railroad Men’s Sound .M,.'bibs business men. prefessional men and'dti zcrs generaHy were represented. Mr McKinley, after discussing the wou dcrful resources of Michigan, said; THE GREATEST DAY OF THE CAflPAIGN “There is one tiling tlint can he sait about the Keptiblicun party—it can cole brute the anniversaries of all the grea American statesmen, no matter to wha party they may have belongeil. win stood for the country and its honor We have no difficulty in celebrating, too with our Democratic friends, the mini versary of Jefferson, Jackson and Ben ton. We celebrate those anuiversari'e: with the same satisfaction that we eele brate the anniversaries of the earl: statesmen who were more nearly of oil; political belief. * * * "When we reflect the development o all this wealth is in a state of less that (SO,000 square miles, and among peoph not yet 2,500.000 in number, we can be gin to realize how great is our country Can it be possible that such u magnifl cent commonwealth will ever lend he; influence to free silver, free trade, dis honor and partial or entire repudiation' (‘No, no, never.’) No, I say, forever no What the people of this country want whether they 'dwell in Michigan or Ten nessee or Ohio, is a policy that will pro toot and defend every American inter est against the outside world, from unj quarter. AVhat wo want is a tariff pul upon foreign goods high enough to not only give us revenue enough to run tin government, but to afford adequate pro tection to every American industry and occupation. This is the policy of tin Itepublican party. “What we want is to restore a policy that will enable us to pay as we go, both government and people. We have not been doing that for four years past. I ant sure your great and grand state ; can be relied upon to enroll itself in the eolttmn of national honor as against re pudiation, of ,i protective tariff, reci procity and the maintenanet'every where of public order, tranquillity and the su premacy of law.” WORDS TO RAILROAD MEN. Employment and Good Money Are De sired by All. There were railroad men on all sides of Maj. McKinley when he began his fourteenth address. One party repre sented the Michigan Central. Another came from Columbus, O., and represent ed the Pennsylvania lines entering that city. Still another party represented the Erie employes of Cleveland. To all these Maj. McKinley said: “There is not a workingman in this audience who would not rnther work for a good road than a poor road: and there is not an employe in this great audience that would not rather be paid in good money than poor money. (Applause.) “What you want first and above all else is employment. What you want is to get on the pay roll of a good railroad company, for you have to get on the pay roll before you can get anything out of the pay ear. to which my friend has al luded. (Great cheering.) But in order tojget on the pay roll the railroads must haw business, You know when busi ness is poor with" the railroads jioine of you are stricken from the pay “tott. (Cries of ‘That’s right.’) You have ex perienced that in the last three years and a half. Wlmt you are interested in. therefore, is the general prosperity of the country. We want every factory in the land to be at work. We want every mine in the country to lie busy. (A voice: ‘Not the silver mines.’) My friend says no silver mines. We arc willing that our silver mines shall be busy; 1 hope every one of them, too, will be busy; but if they were all put to work and every mint was at work they would not furnish employment for one third of the idle men in this country who earn their living by toil. “\ou have to get your employment in the great, active, busy industries of the country. ’I his is where you get your work and wages, and when these great, busy industries are at work your rail roads have plenty of traffic. iGreat ap plause.) When your railroads have plen ty of truffle you have constant and steady employment at good wages. Is not that so? (Cries of ‘Yes, ves.’) “Now. how are you to get back that prosperity you once enjoved? (Cries of ‘By voting the Republican ticket.’) Some n “The man who would array the poor J against the rich, labor against capital, 4 class against class, section against section', t is not a friend of the countrit, bat a n J enemy of the. eery best interests of every I citizen. Iu'ouht rather teach that doc * trine so prevalent this year, Xorth ami t South, where none arc 'for party bat all lore .fur government This is the true • policy of sturdy American citizenship," I —M.u. McKixlby to Factohy E\i j ployes, Oct. 17th, 1S!)0. people say that the way to get it hnek ‘ is to debase the money of the country. ' Does anybody believe that? (Cries of ‘No. po.') Some peo|de seem to think that the way to get itaek prosperity is to strike a deadly blow at the capital of the country. Is that the way to do it? (Cries of 'No, no.') Some people seem to think that the way to put men at work is TO despoil the profits of the men ! who employ labor. Is that the way to get work? (Loud cries of ‘No. no.’) I Capital and labor are interdependent. ! They are not enemies. They are friends. I or should he friends. (Applause.)" WORKINGMEN FROM FACTORIES, j Delegations from Tin Plate Factories and I Ste*»l uuil Iron Works Ah onornvius rhl^ation comp'»s0,i,-e ,ourt >” New York <■ ty Sunday morning, twenty-seven de elared they would-if at liberty-vote for ckiod^IJan ot*,or two wore uude 4 Poti'iotiiiM, geutune Americnnism | and t’rei ii industrial interest dtmar.d . ,hat "r should make our tariff high J enough to measure the ifference between t ,*‘f l",r ':0xl bjhoe in foreign countries J nul the cost of labor in this country.”_ * M a.|. SIcKini.kv to the Mahyi.and 1 Ocr. 17th, ISOti.