GEN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATS. Governor.8ilaoHolpamb Lieutenant Governor..B. K_. Moore Secretary of State.... J. A. Piper State Treasurer.J* 8. Bartley State Audttor.V. I............... Eugene Jloore Attorney General.A. - ,, Com. Lands and Buildings.O. H. Bussell Supt. Public Instruction.H. K. Corbett REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Ob as. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J. M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu. Kearney; M. J. Hull, ■dear. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John X. Thurston, of Omaha. Representatives—First District, J. B Strode Second. D H. Meroer; Third. Geo. D. Mlkel lohn; Fourth — Balner; Fifth, W. B. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice.,.A. M. Post Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvall FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge ....“...M.P. Klnkald,of O'NeUl Reporter.. .. .. ...J. J. King of O'Neill Judge.W. H. Westorer, of Rushvllle Reporter.John Maher, of Rushvllle LAND OFFICES. o’miie Hadster.J6hn A. Harmon. Reortvor..........Blmsr Williams. COUNTY. judge...Qeo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court.John Bldrvlng Deuutv.0. M. Collins Treasurer...J. P. Mullen Denuty.Sam Howard Clerk *. .. .. ...BUI Bethea Deputy.......Mike McCarthy Deputy...Chas O'Neill 8upt.of Sohoois....... W.R. Jackson Assistant..»....Mrs. W.B. Jackson 0-»i tner..Dr. Trueblood Surveyor....M.F. Norton Attorney.H. B. Murphy SUPERVISORS. Finer DISTRICT. Cleveland, Sand Creek. Dustin, Saratoga, ock Palls and Pleasantvlew—J. G. Blondln. aaoown DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, WU lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. tIUD DISTRICT. Qrattan and O’Neill—E. J. Maok. FOURTH DISTRICT, Ewing, Verdigris andDelolt—L. 0. Combs. FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conley, Lake, McClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—0. W. Moss. SBVIHTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart-Frank Moore. CUT OF O’NEILL. Supervisor. B. J. Maok; Justloes, B. H. Benedict and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Bd. McBride and Perkins Brooks. oodrciuins—first ward. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one year—H. 0. MoBvony. BBOOKD WARD. „ , ‘ For two years—Alexander Marlow. For one year—Jake Pfund. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Davis. For one year—Elmer Merriman.n CITT OFFICHRS. __„ ,, Mayor, O. F. BlgUn; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Police Judge, H. Kautxman; Chief of Polloe. Charlie Hall; Attorney, Thos. Oarlon; Welghmaater, Joe MlUer. y QRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor, R. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney MoQreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johrlng: Justices, M. Caetello and Ohas. WUoox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Bd. McBride; Road overseer dist- SB, Allen Brown dist. No. 4, John Bnrlght. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF G0MNIS8I0N. Regular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of eaoh year, and at suoh other times as Is deemed neoessary. Kobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'NeUl, secretary; H. H. Clark Atkinson. ST.PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:80 o'clock. Very Bev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school Immediately foUowing services. A/fETHODIST CHURCH. Sunday Jxl. services—Preaching j 10:30 a. h. and 8:00 p. H. Class No. 1 0:80 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep worth League) 7:00 p. H. Class No. 8 (Child rens) 3:00 P. M. Mind-week services—General ■ — ’ - All wlU gers. , Pastor, re ns; s:w p. n. minu-weea servmes prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. be made welcome, esgeolall jratrai^e a A. B. POST. MO. SB. The Gen. John • O'Neill Post, No. 86, Department of Nw braska G. A K., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month In Maeonle hall O'NeUl S. J. Smith, Com. PLKHOBN VALLBT LODGE, I. O. O. AMP. Meets every Wednesday evening In Odd Fellows' hall. VUltlng brotheri oordlally Invited to attend. _ W. H. Mabob, N. G. 0. L. Brioht, Sec. Garfield chapter, b. a. m Meets on first and third Thursday of eaoh month In Maaonlo hall. _ _ W. J. Dobrs Sec. J. 0. Hashish, H, P KOP P.—HELMET LODGE, U. D. . Convention eveiy Monday nt 8 o'clock p. as. in Odd Fellows’ haU. Visiting brethem oordlally Invited. _ J. P. Gouqas, 0.0, K. J. Maok. K. of R. and 8. A'yf'ijL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. VF c <). F. meets every second and fourth Ftp* /» of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ HaU. Of*.8. Brioht, H. P. H. M. Tttui, Scribe DUKN LODGE NO. 41* DAUGHTERS AM OF RBBBKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Friday of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ HaU. Auousta Martin N. G. Maria Meals, Sec. FNABFIXLD lodge,NO.SS.PMkA.M. VJ Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. J. J. Kino, W. M. O. O. Snvdbr, Sec. ITOLTHU.MPNO. 1710.M. W.OF A. UMeeli on the flnt and third Tuesday In •nob month in tbe Masonic hall. C. W. Haobrbick, V. 0. D. HTOrohir, Clerk Ao, tr. w. wo, • and fourth Tui' Masonic hall. O. Bbiobt, Hoc. fNDKVKNDlIJfr WORKMKS OF X AMKKIOA, moetevery first and third Friday of each month. Sbo. HcOdtchan, N. M. J. H. Wbltow, Sec. fO. llf, Meeta aeoond dad ay of each month in 6. B, Howard, H. W. NtTOmCI D1RCBTORY Arrival ofMaUa ». B. k M. T. R. R.—VROM THB BAM. Every day, Sunday included at.6:15 pa FROM THB WB8T. very day, Sunday Included at.9:68 am PACIFIC 8HOBT LINK. Fassenfer—leaves 9:58 a. m. Arrives 11:55 p.u. Freight—leaves 0:07 P.a. Arrives 7:00 p. M. Dally except Sunday. O'RRII.1, ARD CHBIAVA. Departo Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am ArrlveaTuesday,Thura.and Sat. at..l.-00pm O'KBIMj ARD PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at. .7:00 am Arrlvea Tuesday, Thura. and Sat. at..4:90 p m O’ltXIIX ARD RIOBRARA. Depart* Monday. a m Arrive* Tuesday, Thura. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O'BBUX ARD 01TliMIH8VnXB. Arrive*Mon.,Wed. and Frldayaat ..Jl-ailp m Departs Hoe.. Wed, and Friday at.1:00 pm PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following pnopoaedamendmeatfi to the Oonatitution ot the 8tete of Ne braska, m hereinafter set forth In fall, are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to he noted upon at the general election to be held Tues day, November 8, A. D., 1896: A joint resolution proposing to amend sections two (8), four (4), and five (6.) of article six (6) of the Conetl*’’ tutlon of the State of Nebraska, relat-' tag to number of Judges ot the supreme court and their term of office. Be It resolved and enacted 'by the Leg> Mature of the State of Nebraska: 8eotion 1. That section two (2) of ar tide six (O ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraaka be amended so aa to read aa follows: Beetlon a Tho supremo eoort shall until provided by laW, consist of Are (t) Judges, a majority of whom shall be neoessary to form a quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It shall have orlalnal Jurisdiction in oases relating to revenue, civil cases la which the state shah be a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and auch appellate Jurisdiction, aa may be provided by law. .Section & That section four (4) ot arttote six (<) of tha Contsltutlon of the State of Nebraska, be amended so aa to read aa follows: Section t The judge* of the supremo court shall be elected by the electors of the stats at large, and their term of office, except as hereinafter provided, shall ha for a period of not lees than five (8) years as the legislature may prescribe. Section t. That section five (8) of artlcla tad) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section 8. At the first general elaction to be held In the year 1896, there shall be elect ed two (2) Judges of the supreme court one of whom shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, one for the term of four (t) years, and at each general election there after, there shall be elected one Judge of the Supreme oourt for the term of five (5) years, unless otherwise provided by law; Provided, That the Judge* of the su preme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding tha general elec tion of UM, shall continue to hold their office for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commis sioned. Approved March 29, A D. U98L A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of tho Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of supreme and district oourt judges. Be It resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section thirteen i'tl of article six (O of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended so aa to read as follows: Bee. l| The Judges of the supreme and district courts shall receive for their ser vices such compensation as may be pro vided by law, payable quarterly. The legislature shall at Its first session after the adoption of this amendment, three-fifths of the members elected to each house concurring, establish their compensation. The compensation sc es tablished shall not be changed oftener than once In four years, and In no event unless two-thirds of the members elected to each housa of the legislature concur therein. Approved March 99, A. D. 1W3. A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of the officers of the execu tive department. Bs It resolved and enacted by tha leg islature uf the State of Nebraska: Becttor L That section twenty-four (M) »f artlol- five (S) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraskai be amended to read as follosra: Section 24. The officers of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their services a compensation to be established by law, which shall bs neither Increased nor diminished during the term fur which they shall have been commissioned and they shall not receive to their own use any fees, costs, interests, upon public moneys In their he "A* -*r un i. . v%fnmgnta Qg M ether compensation and all fees that may hereafter be payable by law for aervloes performed by an officer prevldsA tor In this article shall ha paid In advance Into tbs state treasury. The legislature shell at Its first session after the sdoptlos of mis amendment, three-fifths of the mem bers tleeted to each house ot the legis lature concurring, establish the salaries uf the oncers named hi this article. Toe eompsnsatlen so established shall not be ohaaaed oftener than unce In tour yearn said ui no event unices two-thirds of ths members slsotsd to each house of ths leg islature concur therein. Approved March 29, A. D. 1199. A joint resolution proposing to ■mend section one (1) of articto alx (6) of tho Constitution of tho State of Ne braska, relating to judicial power. Bs It resolved and enacted by tha Leg islature of the Btate of Nebraska: .il°n t Tnat section one (1) of article six (g of the Oonatitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read ao follows: Section L The Judicial power of this stats shall be vetted in s supreme court, dis trict courts, county oourts justices of ths peace, polios magistrates, and In Bush other courts interior to ths supreme oourt as may bs created by law In which two thirds of the members elected to house concur. Approved March 29, A. D. UK. a joint resolution proponing tn unend oeotion eleven (11) af article nix «) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to increase in num ber of supreme and district court Judges. Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska: Section i. That section eleven (U) of ar tlda ill («) of the Constitution of the Stats of Nebraska be amended to rand ae fol lows: Section 11. The legislature, whenever two thirds of the member* elected to each house shell eenenr therein, may. In or after the year one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-seven and not oftenec than once in every four years, increase the number of Judges of supreme and dis trict courts, and the judicial districts of the state. Such districts shell be formed of oompact territory, end bounded by county lines; and such Increase, or any change in the boundaries of a district, shall not vacate the office of any Judge. Approved March ft, A. D. 1196. A Joint resolution proponing to amend section six (6) of article one (1) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, relating to trial by Jury. Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1, That section six (6, srticls ons (1) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska ba amended ta road: as. follows: Section 1 The right of trial by Mry shall 1 remain Inviolate, but the legislature may provide that In civil actions flve-sixtbs mt the Jury may render a verdict, and the legislature may also authorize trial by a jury of a leas number then twelve men. In courts Inferior to the district court. Approved March », A. D. is*. A Joint resolution proposing to amend entlon one (1) of article At# (5) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat* ing to offloors of the executive depart* ment * ■ Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the SUte of Nebraska: Section L That section one (1) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be emended to reed as follows: Section l.The executive deportment shell consist of a governor, lieutenant-gov ernor, secretary ot state, eudltor of pub lic accounts, treasurer, superintendent of public Instruction, attorney-general, com missioner,of public lands end buildings, and three' railroad commissioners, each Of whom.VeXcept the said railroad com missioners, shell hold hts office for a term of two yearn, from the grst Thursday af ter the liras Tuesday In January, after hla election, and until his successor la elected and qualified. Baich railroad com missioner shall hold hla office for a terse of three years, beginning on the first Tnureday after the first Tuesday In Janu ary after tits election, and untU hts suc cessor Id Mooted and qualified; Provided, however, That at the drat general elec tion hold after the adoption of this amend ment there shall ho elected three railroad' commissioners, one for the period of one year, one for the period of two yeata, and one for the period of throe years. Tne gov ernor, secretary of stats, auditor of pub lic acoounts, and treasurer shall reside st the oapltsl during their term of offleo; they shall keep the public records, books aud papers there and shall perform suck duties ss may be required by law. Approved March hi, A. D. IN A Joint resolution, proposing to amend section twenty-six (16) of ar tlole five (6) of the Coutltutlon or the State of Nebraska, limiting the num ber of executive state officers. . ,r. Be it resolved and enacted by the Lag* Mature ot the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section swanty-slx (M) of article live (I) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as foUows: Section M. No other executive stxte offi cers except those named in section one 0) of this article shall be created, en thlftl* vote ot on election to authority of low; Provided, That each donation* of a count? with th* donation* of aaoh eubdl vlalon* In th* aintmta ahall not eaceed ton per cent •( the aiaeaacd valuation of •ueh county; Provided further. That any mty or county may, by a three-fourth* veto, lncreate *u«b Indebtedne«* flvo per, oout. In addition to *uoh tea par uont and . ■o bond* or evidence* of Indobtednea* w laaued wall be vaHd unlea* the *amo ahall have endoraed thereon a oertlfloata alined by the aacrotary and auditor of etate, ■hawinp that th* hue la muad pnraunnt to law. Approved March ». A. a im . X. J. A. Piper, secretary of state o( the state of Nebraska, dohereby ocrtlfy that the foreglaa proposed wndanta j to tbe Constitution of the State of No- - breaks ere true end comet ooplee of ] the original eoronod end engrossed hills, ee passed by theTwenty-fourth ■•salon of the leptatatare of the State 'of Nebraska^ an appears from eeld original Wils on tue in this oUet. uf tbeC ell end eeeh of oeld proposed amendments are submitted to the dnaiMed voter* «f the otata of Me* breake tar thetradoptiaa or rejection election to be held oo Ae U Doee at Llaootar this Ifth day, of JW»ta the yeereCdttr Lord, Om Thou wm. Sight Hundred and NUety-Sla. of the 'independence of the United States, the. Os* Steadied and Twenty Ptoet, ahd-ef thle dtato the thirtieth. * (Beal.) ' J; A. PIPER, [ - Seeretary of State. NHtMtW neupee tad Pairbaakt Wind mm* TmtATMto.l>ri«A> Um Oattta, Ihh. Btjtlas. OiiBOmMwnw«iwoo< on, gasMfrBsaa jnr^oifato MN. StaAfor RMHANK% MORtK « CO., •w* P)MM St. Omaha, Meta f. o. a j.r. Mttunr, MMMU1KM or ns GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. ■Mt of MoOaCerto'a. O'NEILL, NIB, NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED ^ NEWS Th* Ora an or Honaal aoort in Amorloa ALLtHK SENSATIONS OP THE DAY nmmn tnc PONCM4ST Mnm Of TMK COUNTRY LifainMaw Yoric OtophteoilT lUuatntad. •• SMqrtal taftcttbb, S* roa ayean, ta ron sixmonths Do you want to to po«t«d? Than aand row anSaartpSas to tha m m wmm m, 9 PARK PLACE! NEW YORK CITY PlfEUSH CO EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux Cift €’NeiU and ;WistiniRiilwiT (P ATOPIC BQOBT LINE) THE > 8HORT ROUTE 1ITWIIM ft v * SlOliX GlTY AMD Jackson, Laurel,, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, & Neill. Oennaotsat Wavs City with all diverging > > Mass, landing pwwiwi to H*W UNION PAIIXNOn STATION Homeseekeis will And golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For ratei.Um'* tables, or otner information call upon admit t or address F.O. HU.L8; W. B. HoNIDER, Eeqslrar. (tent Pass. Aden*. , finable , articles to smokos of £ Blackwell’s I ®«mifne Durham Tobacco /,. Yon will fad < __ aide each s-ounea bag, sad two coupons luldt such 4-ounco [ _„_^ 1 coupons •asMo such 4-ounco j !«moMn!?Toa^,iiiMi.| israsftffsysK ; Always Buy the Best The . . ■ >$ Best is Cheapest Tho Vtawt ud Largest Mock of good to too Hard won uf. :**■' <■ .... Implement Liao In (ho Elkbani VoUoy io fMmd at ■ • • -- . ... • ;x1. »■; ■iilKi! Neil Brennan’s -1 l-i-t:] )'S4' ST 'i?(K<«5 : - John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’» famous Disc cultivator?... Riding and walking cultivators, harrowg, Glidden wire, atovea, oils, cuttlery, tinware. mu SEEDS WEAK MEN nil h gmukly, jimiiiillr »U swa^SwiViaiaMi UmOsoIm, |tnitVfntirrrrrg nr •vctmt* OonWnaboop4*t«*. UtMTf <—It MOWtf»y>l«w>(|p«gyilWMMd plmpb »oek.t. •! p«r boi, ifor mi MI;nnMlnnilrHk«itl|iirbai 1wnfm?rNrttk laMtnosImlii p«m nrttUn rumrmufttrfntmtnfMniti Wrff ■Mini kMk ihM ■lata MMMaHWailBia> Sim ULi uj. uui. rorulaIn O’Neill. Neb., by MOBB1B * CO., DronMn. "ALL TUB MAdAZmSB 01 ONB.” MteVIEW-REVIEWS _ MMtrALMMTIHAV. ^r|^-,rrrrrrruvmAfuyi •tegtermw p HE REVIEW OP REVIEWS, ss Its bum implies, gives In readable form the best that appears in the other rest magazines all over_ the world, generally on the same data that they are published. With the recent extnordiniry Increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical menu turn, an alone worth the subscription price. C* Aside from these departments, the editorial and contributed features of the Rivkw Or Renews are themselves equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor's “Progress of the World" Is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. tie Library World sayst “We an deeply hnpnalsd from month to month with the value of the •Renew or Renews,* which is a sort of Mel Tower for the survey of the whole__ Rail ef periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, end apeeksout with decision and sense on all public *»r« Opp. patent Omci, Wanminaton. D. 6.