Political Notes and Observations from the Fopocrat Candi date’s Own City. MIS PLATFORM ANALYZED. A Constant Appeal to Class Preju dice in the Interest of Sil ver Mine Owners. Business men are studying the money poestion. Mr. Bryan has seen fit to teU bis audiences over and over again teat the business men of the country are against free silver partly because they don't know anything about the question aad partly because they are dishonest. In this Mr. Bryan misleads his follow ora and misrepresents the business men. It may be true that what is called free silver agitation started first among the farmers rather than among the business men, but later the business men have read the free-silver literature, have read both sides of the question, -until at the ipresent time the business men of the .katiou are thoroughly informed from a 'jKlgsjuess standpoint and from a nonpar ’/tUan standpoint on the money question. It is probably true that the politicians that oppose silver are moved by prejudice and self-interest to a certain degree just ■a the politicians who favor free silver are moved by self-interest to a certain degree; but the business men, the men who are managing the business concerns of the country, the bankers, and the fnanciers have made it a part of their business to read up on the money ques ’ Hon, to become thoroughly informed, and they have passed upon the question from a business and not from a political stand point. Mr. Bryan, recognizing the mor al force of the business judgment of the country and knowing that this business judgment condemns free coinage -as a dangerous thing, seeks to discredit the business mind of the country by denounc ing it as ignorant and dishonest on the money question. Mr. Bryan professes to desire a restoration of the industries of this country. At the same time he denounces the business men of the conn - tey and proposes a plan which he knows they are afraid of. The threat of free trade in the cam paign of ’92 and in the election of ’92, .frightened the business mind of the coun try, first into distrust and doubt and then mto a panic, the effect of which is still ou. The question above all others at this time is how to remove this business depression from the business mind. Mr. Bryan says that free coinage will revive the industries, but at the same time he admits that the business mind is against It and is afraid pf it. The effect of this threat of free coinage is to make every l capitalist hide his money, to make every “ honker afraid of investments, to make overy dollar creep into the darkest corner of the safety vault, and by this process of money hiding and money hoarding which is now going on all over the United States, the circulating money of the oountry is disappearing from active use fsMer than all the government mints mu>d coin new money if they were now mntUp- a free coinage law. Laboring men. nre crowding • around Mr. Bryan to hear his speeches and many of them appear to be pleased with what he says. He talks kindly to the laboring man and his words are as •weet as honey. But the thinking labor ing man knows that so long as industry, that is, the mind force which is man aging industry, is afraid of free coinage, teat all plans for the enlargement of in dustry or the employment of labor are suspended, pending the discussion of the money question, and that these plans will be taken up nnd carried into execu tion only when the business mind of tee country is assured by the election of McKinley that there is to be a sound business policy in the government of this nation. ^ ,^aClrge Groot, chairman of the Natioi M Silver party, speaking at Lincoli Web., on September 8, from the steps < Vtee state capitol building, with M ■Bryan sitting near him, denounced tt /^bankers as the enemies of society, an declared that the financiers of Wa ■greet should be hung to the telegrap poles. On the evening of September ’ m front of the Hotel Lincoln, in Lii min, Neb., Ignatius Donnelly of Mil Msota denounced the bankers and tl ■nanciers of this country as the enemi< ■ toe people, enemies of prosperit; •wT declared that their influence upo country ought to be set aside. Nov '•ft do the followers of Mr. Bryan e: it to happen to the laboring men an the farmers of this country, whe —-y, by reason of their superior nun bw, have voted out the banker and ti business man and have voted in th ■ew system of finance? What fort will take the place of this businef ■und force when it has been displaced When the country has struck down 11 present bankers, its present financier its present business men, its preset managers of industries and commerci when the common people by a majorit uute have paralyzed this business powe ’Bust other force will take its plat bud form plans for the employment c •her, for the carrying on of commerc Md for the management of all the indui teial forces which give vitality to tt material body of the nation? auauuuu Jhvut ot the state capitof'building at /maneolD, Mr. Bryan, after denouncing the business element of the country be came it is against him in this contest, congratulated himself that the laboring men of the country believed In him and mat enough of the farmers believed in lto that these two elements united in mis election would enable him to sweep me country in November. This he char •rtw«es a victory of the people, because it will bring them better times. It may ke very pleasing to Mr. Bryan when be lbohs out into the faces of laboring men and farmers who applaud such speeches as this, but what reason have these la boring men and farmers to expect bet ter times through the election of Mr. Bryan, when he himself admits that the business men of this nation regard his election as a menace to business and Easperity ? Can you revive business by ing that which paralyzes the hope and courage of business men? When the Industries of the nation revive, there mast be some mind force in the country to (bring it about. There must also be eaijftalists who believe in the future and rrjfo are ready to invest money. There must be banks and these banks must not only have funds, but they must be will ing to invest these funds, and they must believe and have confidence before they can consent. Mr. Bryan admits that they are not consenting now; will they consent after election? i When Ignatious Donnelly was de bouncing the bankers and the financiers f no the enemies of their country, in his speech in front of the Hotel Uncoin, someone asked. “What about Mr. 8ew 811?” Donnelly replied, “I know noth ing of Mr. Sewall and I don’t want any thing to do with him. If I had my way he wonid come off of that ticket in twenty-four hours.” Mr. Donnelly then went into a bitter tirade against all bankers and business men in general, and the laboring men who heard him applauded his utterances. Now it must have occurred to the more thoughtful of these laboring men that every day’s work and every dollar paid to labor must first be thought out and planned by some business mind. Before labor can begin in any industry there must be some thought force and ’some business judg ment which passes upon the plans of that Industry and believes that it will succeed. There must be financiers, bankers and capitalists to consent and their consent must be based upon the faith that the industry will succeed. If Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Bryan were capi talists and business men, then they themselves might promise employment to labor. Or, if the plans proposed by Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Bryan were re ceiving the endorsement of the business judgment of others who have capital, then it might seem reasonable that free coinage might revive industry and bring better times. Mr. Bryan and his corps of free silver orators constantly denounce idle capital. Mr. Bryan knows that idle capital is al ways the result of lack of confidence. Ue also knows that idle capital makes idle men. If one set of men have the capital and another set cf men who are workers stand ready to be employed by this capital, then there must be a condition of harmony between the people who own the capital and the men who stand ready to go to work or there will be no work. If a plan is proposed which makes capital afraid, and if the workers stand ready by their votes and their ma jorities to carry out this plan, then it is but natural that the men who control the capital, being afraid of his new plan, will hoard their capital and keep it idle rather than risk it under conditions which they believe will be disastrous. Does it then avail anything to the labor ing man that this capital is denounced ns the enemy of the country ? Edison was once a laboring man, but is now a cap italist. When he was a laboring man his opinions and his plans were in a certain decree dependent upon the plans and the opinions of some one else. When Edi son was a laborer, employed in con structing machines, whether lie was em ployed or not depended upon his em ployer. If the employer found by experi ence that the work in which he was en gaged was unprofitable to him. then Mr. Edison lost his job. Now, Mr. Edison, having evolred by his own exertions.out of a condition where he was a worker with bis hands only, into a condition where he has become a great mind force which controls industry, is vastly more important to labor than he was before. Then he could consent to the employment of only one man, himself. Now he can consent to the employment of thousands of men, and whether they are employed or not depends more upon his judgment than upon their own. The industries of the world, no.matter who is employed in them, have aiwnys been and always will be under the control and direction of mjnd.. Majorities have nothing to do with it. except as the majorities are in harmony with this mind force and have the approval of its judgment. Whether 500 or 5000 men are employee at the Burlington machines shops at Lin coin, Nebraska, during the next foui years, depends not upon the politica judgment of the men who are employee in these machine shops, but upon the business judgment of those who must fur msh money to pay for this labor. Ane this business judgment, looking always t< the finane'ial policy of the government foi signs of business safety or of businesi dearer, is inspired with confidence or i: inspired with fear as it interprets the business prosperity of the future by the political conditions of the future. If thii business mind sees in the election ol Bryan and cheap mom>y signs of future stagnation and depression, then it is bui natural that it should keep the number o1 men employed to the very least possible limit. People who ride in the Burlingtoi trains along by the town of Havelocl near Lincoln where these machine shopi are located, can see the signs of businesi depression and can interpret the doubi that is in the mind of the directors of the roael, when they see the’ side tracks linet with broken engines which the smal force of men employed are not able t< repair. If the laboring people of the Easi were at work today there would be « market in these great centers of industry in j e.^nst f°r Nebraska’s food product and then these great railroad systemi would require every engine and every cai which they own to be in repair and al the wheels would be kept rolling nigh and day carrying the great crops of Ivan sas, Nebraska and Iowa to the food-con Burning East. This condition would cm ploy labor and give value to farm prod ucts. The whole theory of Western sue cess depends upon the activity of Easteri industry and the activity of Eastern in dustry depends upon the faith and confi uence of the Eastern business mind. A hired man cannot be employed up< a farm without the consent of the ow er of the farm. . tupi.^rS£n^er cannot, feet employme: without the consent of the builder wl is engaged in building houses, and tl builder cannot get the house to bui without the consent of the men wl have the money to build houses. ] » °? ,ndu»try the man who wpr] with his hands is dependent upon tl man who works with his mind and all countries the mind workers are tl controllers of Industry. When the mil workers and those who have the makii or the plana for industry have con dence that industry will 'be profiteb then there is employment. William Jennings Bryan and his pis form is a menace to industry and M Bryan knows it. The conviction is fai ened deep upon him and the leaders . his cause, that the thing which they a: trying to accomplish is against the but ness judgment of the American peopl They are condemned by the mind wor ers of the nation, and because th< realize this, they constantly appeal das* prejudice, hoping that there ai laborers and farmers who hate the bm ness men and the employers of labc that when all these haters are organizi into one great army there will Be enoui of them to carry this election for M Bryan and for the mine owuerk of Col rado, in whose interest his candidacy e iats. Silver Dollars Are Legal Tender.; Many of the “plain people” of the United Staten have wondered what ia meant, when it ia said that Congress in 1873 struck down- one-half the money in the country. The figure ia forcible but somewhat obscure. The Denver News comes to the rescue. It says: “By the legislation of 1873 the mints were not only closed to silver but the silver money of the country was demonetised it was deprived of its legal tender quali ty. Thus the silver money of the coun try was struck down.” The News is in error. Section 67 of the act ot 1813 contained a proviso that “this act shall not be construed to affect any act done, right accrued, or penalty incurred, under former acts, but every such right is saved.” This language preserved the legal tender quality of the silver dollar, since the right to pay one’s debts in silver dollars was one of the rights accrued under former acts, which nothing contained in the act was permit ted to destroy. SOME PERTINENT BUT RATHER EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS FOR MR. BRYAN. , Oiltreet'a tern T0“ shrinks tr**t the cr»*d; four dollar Dnilrdr5nks J?erce,ltnm, wW*o they mix tha “Jones’ mine's quicksilver, then T"—“Tour wit won’t pass; His coin’s mercurial, but his mine la brass.” J womeW A**ln! jrour “o»™on'» Than the slow torture of an echo-verse, 11 tth.t7°s OB0 th,n* ,onM won’t own That the cat hid beneath the meal la bla1 —1Cleveland World. He la Mistaken. In his speech at Springfield, O., on Wednesday, Candidate Bryan spoke of *the nations peasantry.” There are' no peasants in this country, and the man who attempts to make such a class ification is unworthy the support of the free American soTereigns. Every man ia a n*In*A _ _ J ___ t * m*n Isa prince and no man is a peas ant. With the ballot in his Band, the roter ranks with Vanderbilt. The’ rich man of today may be the poor man to morrow, and he who is not endowed with wealth at this moment may be a millionaire before the elotfe ofa dec Sk rrT:?ls £?r?riuf of the People of the united States into classes is the moat pernicious thing that has ever been attempted in this country, and the demagogues who are engaged in the un righteous attempt deserve the contempt into which they are sure to fall. Remember This. When Bourke Cockran. in his recent great speech in New York, uttered the following sentence, he uttered a sentence which should be posted over the door of every honest laboring man, whether Re publican or Democrat, in this country: “I can take a $10 gold piece and defy all the power of all the governments of this earth to take 5 cents’ value from it. I can go to the uttermost ends of the earth, and wherever I present it, its value will be unquestioned. unchallenged. That gold dollar the honest masses of this country, without distinction of party divisions, demand shall be paid the la borer when he earns it, and no power on earth shall cheat him out of the sweat of his brow.”—Galesburg Evening Mail. WOMAN’S WORK IN THE CAMPAIGN Never was there before a presidential campaign in which the women of the country hare taken such an active part ae in the present struggle. In* three states of the Union, Wyo ming, Colorado and Utah, women hare the same voting privileges ae men; bnt feminine Interests in the campaign are by no means limited to those states. Intelligent women all over the country seem to feel that the contest has an im portant bearing upon the welfare of their households. They think that the cause of protection and sound money is bound up with the prosperity of the family, and they feel a great interest In the Re publican presidential candidate * because of the nobility of his character and his devotion to his home life. The Woman’s bureau is under the di rection of Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, the well known orator and political writer of Des Moines. Is., for aerernl years president * of the Womnn’s National Republican as sociation. The bureau is established in commodious Quarters in the Auditorium Annex, Chicago, quite away from the noise and activities of the national com mittee, where Mrs. Foster is provided with every convenience, and assisted by cupuble aids. me womans uemunicnn association is composed of thinking, active women— women intensely alive to the best inter* ests of their country and homes. The Woman's association is not a suffrage association. Many of its members do not believe in suffrage at nil. It is not a moral reform association, although many of its members are engaged in tne philanthropies and reforms which illu mine this decade of our nutioual history. They do not seek to utilize the Repub lican association to advance nny of these reforms. Its members are simply, and all the time. Republicans, laboring for the support of the principles of that pnrty aud for the election of ita Candi da tea. < Mrs. Foster’s immediate associates and assistants in the work are womep of capabilities in various lines. Mm* Thomas W. Chace, the general, secre tary, resides in Bast Greenwich, R. I., and from there exercises a watchful care for the work in the New England states, Mrs. Cbace has an extensive ac quaintance and la identified with many great charities, philanthropies and soci eties, aside from her political duties. The national treasurer. Miss Helen Var wick Boswell of New York city, haa sor pcrvision over the headquarters of bar state, located at 1473 Broadway. Miss Boswell has inaugurated the plan of per sonal visits among the women in the tenement districts of New York, for the purpose of showing the women the mean ing of the free coinage of silver and how it will affect the purchasing power of their dollars. She finds these women with well-defined views on the cnrrency Question and ready to defend them, as they do In insisting that the voter* in their families shall maintain them at the polls. Miss Boawell has enlisted n large number of young business women to help spread the doctrines of sound money ana protection and to help secure votes for the Bepublicnn candidates. In the Chicago headquarters Mrs. Fos ter’s chief assistant and secretary is Mrs, Alice Rosseter Willard, who has wide experience in general business and news paper work in this country and in Eng land. Next to her comes Miss Anng Brophy of Dubuque,. In. Miss Brophy is not oniy valuable for her education and wide general knowledge, but because every piece of work which passes through her hands receiver her critical attention os to its correctness, its ac curacy. Miss Brophy is chief stenog rapher. Almost the first thing done by Mrs. Foster after opening her headquarter*, was to issue an appeal to the patriotic women of the eouutry, urging them to organize committees or clubs for study of the issues of the campaign, and to help promote the cause of national unity and protection. The responses have been most gratifying, coming as they have from Oregon to New Jersey. These women are directed in their work of or ganizing and hdvised how to make their efforts effective. The weapons of the women are personal appeal and litera ture. These are used to convince the women that their own personal welfare, including the interests of children and of the home, are on the side of the Repub lican party. This conviction assured little doubt remains as to how the vote influenced by these women will be cast. Free Wool and Free Silver. Daring the many weary months after the Wilson-Gorman tariff had’given the death blow to the wool industry free trade journals assured their readers that the blow would not be fatal. In time tbs industry would revive. Considerable pru dence was manifested as to dates, but the prediction was confident that in the course of time the industry would re cover from it* paralysis. The Philadel phia Record was one of the most san guine of these- free traders. That journal ; simply knew that its theories could not be wrong. Free wool mast and would enable our manufacturers to recover the borne market for woolen goods and grad ually get a good hold on tbe markets of tbe World. In a recent issue the Rec ord threw np the sponge. It admits that free wool is not strong enough to carry free silver. The confidence with which it attributes the failure of its free wool theory to some other person’s free silver theory would, if transferred to the money market, revive business even in these free trade times. 8ays the Record: “The distrust engendered by the sil ver craze baa checked sales of manu factured nods. Increased tbe percent age of idle mills and so narrowed the outlet and crippled the financial re source* of Eastern distributors of wool that the latter have practically ceased purchases of the staple In the country markets, and in many cases have re fused to make even reduced cash ad vances on consignments.” The silver craze did not materialise nntU free wool had had nearly three years in which to show what ft conid do. During all that time the wool in dustry went from bad to worse. Now the people are aaked to believe that free silver did all the mischief.—St. Jo seph (Mo.) Herald. _ Give It to the Indians. “Let us restore the conditions that tz< isted prior to 1873,” says Mr. Teller, Very well: let us tear up all the rail roads that have been built since then} let us. reduce the acreage of wheat and corn and cotton to what it was then; let us send back to barbarism those parts of the world that have since been reclaimed to civilization; let us plug up the Rus sian oil wells and destroy the wheat Helds of India and the Argentine; let na smooth over the hills of Leadville and Cripple Creek, and fill up the mines, and reduce the production of silver from S170.000.000 a year to $00,000,000; let us kill off about 30.000.000 of our people, so as to make the population what it was in 1873; let us have a paper basis for our money, as we had then, and gold at a premium of 15 cents or more on the dol lar—in short, let us try to turn back tht hand on time's dial, and make everybody ns happy and wealthy as all the people are now alleged tc have been before 1873.—Colorado Springs Gazette. ' .i . yM i FIVE,