The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 17, 1896, Image 7

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    " CHAPTER VTIL—(Costikcbd.)
Mr. Vernon was tbe first to touch the
: • "I welcome you gladly to our retreat,
my gallant countryman,” he said,
waving hie hand courteously, "and here
I Introduce to you its princess.”
As all hats were doffed and the eyes
of the: party bent in respectful admira
tion upon her, Eleanor blushed deeply;
then regaining her self-possession she
bowed gracefully, and hastening to
Walter's side, whispered:
“Come, Walter, do come and tell me
all about it, the time has seemed so
long since you went away.”
t The affectionate tone—more than
that, the tenderness with which the
small hand was laid upon his arm—
brought back the light to, Walter’s face,
and he cast a half-defiant look back
ward where the handsome officer was
left to Mr. Vernon’s care, while he him
self was drawn away by the beautiful
object of their mutual admiration.
A brief but comprehensive recital of
the events of the past teq years was
given to the lieutenant by Mr. Vernon,
■ and then he called Eleanor to bring tbe
diamond necklace found in her rela
tive’s trunk.
a mi juuu5 fiu i uuiugub tuc u
laid it> in his hand and looked up anx
iously into his face,
i The lieutenant started.
| ' "I have seen a face like yours be
| fore—where can it have been ?”
! “I am not given to inquisitiveness
myself,” said Mr. Vernon. “I knew my
fellow-passengers were far my supe
riors in rank—they had the private cab
I in, and I seldom saw tfiim, I never
asked either their rank or family. For
Eleanor's sake I have always regretted
my indifference. I hoped some of your
1 ; company might know the crest.”
Lieutenant Ingalls turned the cold
clasp to find it, and started.
f “Ah,” said he, and paused.
1 Walter’s hand Was clenched firm and
I - tight On the arm of the bamboo sofa.
’ Mr. Vernon looked earnest and inter
ested, ‘but Eleanor’s wild, imploring
eyes never left his.
' • -'•'My!«diire--‘%hdt is it,” hhe ga’sped;
'Lieutenant Ingalls hastened to an
'hwdr in earnest sympathy.
“My - dear lady, I- cannot tell you, but
there'is one near at. hand who can, for
your' crest ’is that of our admiral, the
' Rifeht Hon. Charles Lord Collinwood,
J 'commander Of Her Majesty’s ships in
''I the Indian and Pacific oceans. His flag
V ship lies but a few leagues beyond the
‘Hornet,’ and she signaled us to lay by
and ascertain the meaning of your light
the night before last. We have orders
to repair to him with news of our dis
covery, and you may speedily see ’lim.
I must soon return and report to the
captain, who will come down to the is
land himself, I doubt not.” f
- “You will find an abundance of fruit.
You may help yourself freely to our
supply for the rainy season,” said Mr.
Vernon, rising to accompany him to the
“Is your water good? We were run
ning close to find some, or we had never
come so far to the eastward.”
'- Neither of-the party accepted his in
vitation to visit the ship. They .•'re
ferred to remain on the island, till their
final departure, and busied themselves
in packing the few mementoes and rel
ics of their island life ready for trans
portation to the ship.
In the afternoon the captain’s gig
.made1 its appearance. The captain, Sir
John Wilson, was much interested in
the communication his lieutenant
brought to him, and the moment he
landed, passing Mr. Vernon and his son,
\ advanced to Eleanor, and removing his
laced hat from his gray head, said re
“My best greetings and congratula
• tions to you upon this fortunate es
cape from a lonely island, fairest Lady
Eleanor Collinwood.”
Eleanor’s tears bedewed the out
stretched hand.
“You know me then? And that's my
name?” »
“Without a doubt, even if your face
bore not the youthful likeness of our
much-admired Lady Collinwood, the
widow of our noble admiral’s elder
brother. Well do I remember how we
all sympathized with her grief when, in
addition to the death of her husband,
■ came the. mysterious loss of the ‘Pe
trel.’ which was bringing home from
India the relatives who had charge of
her only child. Dear Lady Eleanor,
how I rejoice that we shall be the hum
ble Instrument of bringing so much
happiness to that lovely and estimable
lady, the pride and pattern of our court.,
As for you,” he continued, turning
somewhat patronizingly to the atten
tive Vernons, ."you will be generously
rewarded for your services, you may
consider your fortune made, for no of
fice you may ask will be denied you.”
“We shall claim none,” replied Mr.
' ’ Vernon quietly, while Walter’s proud
?' n -eyes flashed. “Lady Eleanor knows
whatever assistance we may have ren
dered has been well repaid by her sweet
presence. Her noble relatives will And
that, although for ten years debarred
from all save our society, she is neither
uncultivated in her tastes, unlearned in
her mind or Ignorant in manners. For
ourselves, If such humble persons can
Interest -you, we shall forego our cVlg
lna}f purpose to reach England speedily,
apd take passage in the first ship that
.Crosses our path that will take us nearer
reeved all the in
struction I could give with such erode
materials as Nature furnishes. I mean
he shall he taught further by the best
artists in Rome. Once given to her un
cle’s protection, we shall feel that the
noble companion of onr exile is parted
from us effectually, until we reach a
fairer and brighter shore than that of
LEANOR had drop
ped Sir John’s hand,
and with a fright
ened, Indignant
look she sprang to
the speaker’s side.
“What do you say
—what do you
mean,my friend,my
benefactor, my pre
server? Do you
think I have a
heart of stone? Do you think for lux
ury and gradeur I shall renounce you
and Walter? No, no; if that is the pen
alty of liberty, let me stay here for
Mr. Vernon looked sadly at the kind
ling eye and flushed cheek.
, “My dear child,” he said kindly, "I
shall never wrong your noble nature by
a single such unkind thought. You wljl
never forget us, but time and new as
sociations, more than all your duty to
a mother, this gentleman has pictured
so lovable and beautiful, will make you
acquiesce contentedly in a decree long
standing customs have made more
binding than the edicts of a sovereign."
Eleanor was looking beseechingly at
Walter, but he neither spoke nor mov
ed, nor seemed to have heard a word
that had been spoken. She went fjk him
and touched his hand timidly.
“Walter,” said she, pleadingly. t , ,
"Lady Eleanor!”
The girl stood silent a moment, and
then burst Into tears.
“I am not Lady Eleanor—I hate - the
name!” cried she passionately;' ‘I am
your Ellle, that you loved and cared for
once. 'Jt I cannot be the same still, I
will ‘fling "myself on Tom’s grave, and
nq force shall-tear me from it. Oh, I
thought I was so happy when I knew
a ship had come at last, but now I am
so. miserable!”
“Ellle, dear Ellle,” said Walter, forc
ed from hiB Icy formality by her tears,
“let us go to Tom’s grave now for the
last time.”
She obeyed Instantly, and unmolested
by any of the party, they went down the
path Tom’s feet had worn so plainly In
the green, and sat down beneath the
Hibiscus tree. Then Walter spoke.
How clear and strong and hopeful his
tone was.
“Ellle,” he said, “you know how my
father has taught me, what sentiments
he has instilled, for you have shared
them. You know I must not swerve
from the path honor and conscience
point out to me; you know I will not
though the way is strewn with thorns.
You are restored now to the topmost
round of noble society, while I, even for
your sweet sake, though life holds no
prospect so dear as the hope of your
love—I will not be lifted up to a place
beside you by any one’s pity or grati
tude or charity—no, nor by sweet love
Jtself. My place'Is far below; but if I
can, by my own exertions, industry, per
severance and genius mount up to your
side, I will do it. Day and night I will
strive and pray for it; your dear mem
ory shall keep my soul strong in the
struggle; no other can usurp your
throne within my heart. Hush, Ellle,
do not speak! I ask—I will accept no
promise from you; I have no right to
do it.”
ner eye was uxeu upon mm m proud
“It is like you, Walter, to talk so.
No matter, If you will not hear it. Here
at Tom’s grave, which I shall never see
again, I say to the wind and sea and
sky, if your ears are deaf, I know Wal
ter will succeed, and 1 shall wait for
The soft, exulting tone, half shy, half
bold, was Irresistible. Walter was not
so heroic that he could turn away with
out one grateful kiss to the archly-smil
ing lips. This was all that was said—
was it a betrothal?
Sir John evidently thought Lady
Eleanor Collinwood had talked long
enough with an obscure plebeian's son,
for he came sauntering down the path
with a significant cough.
Walter quietly retreated to his fath
er’s side, and the gallant old officer, ex
erting himself to the utmost to enter
tain her, began a flattering account of
her mother’s high position, exceeding
loveliness and Irreproachable character.
“Ah, my dear young lady,” said he,
“you cannot imagine how all London
idolizes, venerates and yet fears Lady
Annabel, because her unparalleled
goodness is a constant reproach to the
folly and indiscretion of ordinary mor
tals. She is at once the pet of our royal
mistress and the pride of the whole
“Ah;” sighed Eleanor, her sparkling
eyes welling over with tears, “so su
perior herself, how will she be: able to
love a single Wildwood’s daughter like
Sir John gazed in smiling scrutiny
upon the lovely face turned toward him
“Never fear; that you are your moth
er’s o#h child is plainly shown by the
fact that this long Isolation on a lonely
island has not impaired your native
grace and refinement I shall not ven
ture, to depict the maternal love^await
Ing you. But come-^-tlme presses, and
we must reacb'the ship before nightfall.'
Without doubt the commodore Is al
ready on board the ‘Hornet’ awaiting
our arrival. Say your farewell 4ft your
prison Joyfully, sweat lady, tor freedom
and happiness and honor lle^baforc
Admiral Lord Colllnwood received
his niece with a tenderness that ban
ished at once all her fears of coldness.
His agitation was nearly as great as her
own. Folding her closely in his arms
he sobbed:
“My sweet child, my precious one, you
know not how joyfully your poor old
uncle welcomes your return to life and
liberty. Your mother and I thought to
pass our dreary lives alone, without a
young heart to love, leaving the proud
j old name-to pass to a distant branch of
the family. Dear relic of my dead broth
er, you will bring new life to us."
Eleanor nestled in his arms with the
happy consciousness of at last finding
the affection that rightfully belonged to
Toward Mr. Vernon and his son the
admiral was exceedingly cordial, as,
well as grateful. He was one of those
true noblemen and native gentlemen
who are as far above arrogance and
haughtiness as they are too dignified for
"No reward we can give will compen
sate for what you have done for our
dear child,” said he warmly to Mr. Ver
non. "My sister-in-law will feel the
debt more keenly even than I. If there
is anything we can do for you, either
through influence or pecuniary assist
ance, I beg you to ask it freely as a
Mr. Vernon shook his head.
“There is nothing whatever that we
need which our own exertions cannot
procure, even were we not too proud to
receive reward for what has been a
pleasure more than a duty. And yet we
gratefully appreciate your lordship’s
kindness.” 1 '
“You are a noble fellow1; ■ I dan tell
you, Vernon, if Eleanor’ were?'Ayldyii
child I would' give a speedy1 return to
your gallant son. I'would fiayf/Here,
my brave lad, you ha W' guarded and
served her In,her need; yotir have bCen
as delicate and honorable In your lone
ly island, as yoii could have been at St
James. The jewel you have polished
shall sparkle on’ your bosom still.' I
would do It, .I..say, but the child be
longs le Lady • Annabel. BlesB your
soul; If you only knew her, it would
save me a deal of talking, but you see
my sister-in-law is so superior, so ele
vated above everybody else in perfect
life and character, we are all a lictle
afraid of her; and as I can't tell bow she
would like it, I dare not say a word
either to encourage your son or Justify
Eleanor in clinging to her attachment.
That’s just the predicament I'm in.”
Mr. Vernon smiled at the noble-heart
ed admiral’s embarrassment.
“Thank you again, my lord, for your
kind wish to aid us. I assure you, long
ago, before your ship came, my son saw
the presumption of his love for one so
far above his station, and wrestled with
himself until, if it was not .suppressed,
it was overmastered. -With your per
mission I propose we part from the dear
girl at once. I un<jerstpn<| that the
‘Hornet’ separates from you to. cruise
in the Mediterranean. I propose'i;o pro
ceed as soon as possible to,Italy,1 "that
Walter may have the best Instruction
which hisartfst genius deserves. My
own personal hopes are dead long ago;
even were they not, this wasted, lamp of
life would make them futile; but Wal
ter must redeem the lost years by inces
sant application. The belt of gold I
hung round my waist ten years ago is
still with me. With economy it will
supply all Walter’s wants until his
brush is able to provide more. I my
self shall only need—a coffin.”
Lord Collinwood’s honest eye over
flowed with tears at the quiet resigna
tion of the tone. He stretched out his
1S« th»
SQcctmfnl Operation, Paid to
t'imt of the Kind.
Here is a tiger with a glass eye.
Every menagerie and zoological garden
has its doctor, surgeon and dentist to
look after the many ills that wild
beasts in captivity are heir to, says the
New York Journal. At Stuttgart the
services of an eminent oculist were re
cently invoked in behalf of a tawny
monarch of the Bengal Jungle. The
beast had been suffering for a long time
with an incurable affection of the eye.
Removal of the optic was determined
upon. In the operation cocaine was
used, chloroform being out of the ques
tion, as members of the feline race suc
cumb very easily to the fumes of the
anaesthetic. . Several strong keepers
were called in to hold the animal down
during the operation. He- was bound
and muzzled. During the cutting open
of the lid, an operation which was
necessary to loosen the sinews, the tiger
showed little uneasiness, but it evi
dently suffered much when the muscles
and the nerves of the eye wer^' cut
through. Immediately lifter the opera
tion the animal became very qulfet and
soon appeared to bjf much relieved. ;A
tiger with one eye Is anhn-camiiy lnajt*
ing object. A week lg$er, /When the
wound ha4 healed, a glass «fre with the
proper expression of ferocity was intro
duced, into the cavity. This seemed to
cause the, tiger< much uneasiness and
perplexity, and he has since sat for
hours at a.tlme endeavoring to rub out
the glass optic. The eye was specially
constructed from measurements made
of the one. taken out. It is the first in
stance on record of a wild animal being
supplied with an artificial eye.
The min who is willing to only have
a little religion, might a« well sot have
/ \
Tnlalif iht Colt.
<'.When a colt has been left till tbtv*
Ofi.tour, years old, as is often the caw,
before;any attempts are mode to haa
dl« him. it is wise to devote, if posrn*
We., at least a month to the process of
gentling, u a preliminary to actual
; breaking. Frightening or ill-treating
•och an animal must be studious!?
guarded against. Speaking from a
varied experience, the writer la con
vinced that to engage in any struggle
with a young horse is in the highest
degree unwise if it can possibly be
avoided. The light to halter a strong
animal will give him a severe fright,
and one which it takes him a long
time to forget; and, besides this, if he
should succeed in breaking away dur
ing the effort to fix his halter, he will
become conscious of a victory gained
over his master—a fact which will not
soon be dispelled from his mind. The
knowledge of success in an attempt
to break away not only induces ob
stinacy in future stages of his tuition,
but will also prompt him to resist by
every roenns In his power a repetition
of the effort to halter him at the time.
When wishing to halter a young horse,
there is no plan so good as to noose
him quietly first of all, and the beat
way of doing this is to drive him
gently through a partly open gate—
preferably that of a yard in which he
has been confined—where a noose is
suspended’ by cotton in such a manner
that he cannot pass out without lodg
ing rope round his neck or shoulders.
The noose must be knotted so that it
cannot pull quite tight round the neck,
while the loose end should be 16 ft, or
20 ft. long. Whence animal has been
driven back to tfi& yard, the end of
the rope can be secured and the noose
drawn close up to the head. If a
steady pull la kept upon the rope, the
horse will turn and face his trainer,
who should approach him quietly and
gradually. If the animal is very ner
vous, wait for a few minutes without
moving, jand then agaid approach him,
always keeping the rope taut When
lapt <wlthln reach, rub his ears and
forehead with the halter for a while
and then slowly place it in position.
He should next be coaxed into the
stable, or wherever it is wished to tie
him up. A young horse must never
be forced into a building of which ha
1« ,suspicious. If he is led up to the
door, and the trainer, allowing < ft or
7 ft of rope, stands inside, and keeps
a gentle tension on the halter, the ani
mal will eventually make up his mind
to enter, although it may take him
half an hour to do so.—London Live
Stock Journal.
Low Bzpreii Ratal on Fowli.
For many years there has been com
plaint among poultrymen that their
sales were greatly cut down by the ex
press companies. Usually these rates
were double that (or ordinary matter.
Thus, we know ot one man that sold a
turkey for the sum of |5. The bird was
bought by a fancier in the West, and
the expxress charges were |5 more.
ThiB made the cost of the bird $10, a
sum that few care to pay. A reduction
of 25 per cent in the cost' of the birds
to the purchaser would stimulate trade
to a considerable extent. Some of the
officers of the express companies give
reasons why the companies formerly
charged double prices for the carrying
oftfqwls. The chief reason was that the
birds were usually crated so loosely or
lightly that the work of taking care faf
them was much greater than that of
most express matter. It therefore
stands poultrymen in hand to see that
their fowls are henceforth crated In
such a way that the exxpress compan
ies can find no fault with them.
Where doubt exists as to what
should be the method employed
It will be best to consult with the
nearest express agent The crates
should not be made partly of cotton or
any other kind of cloth, but of wooden
slate and open all around so that the
birds can get air no matter how much
other express matter Is piled on top of
Confinement of Swine.
Confinement is not conducive to
healthfulness and lack of exercise pre
vents a proper development of the
body, making It much more susceptible
to disease than when the animal Is
given a wide range and a variety of
food, says a writer in an exchange.
We hear a great deal of late In re
gard to producing bacon for the Eng
lish market and fault la found with
our corn-fed hogs because they are
usually too fat. It Is an old adage that
"there are none so blind as those who
do not wish to see" and the fact is plain
to those who understand the situation
that no meat we can produce would be
acceptable to European nations. The
pork produced In the corn belt of
America from hogs.raised on a clover
pasture and finished on corn is not to
be compared with that made In Europe
from all kinds of swill and refuse, fed
In a filthy sty. There is not and cannot
be better or more delicious pork pro
duced on this globe than that made
from grass and corn when the bogs are
properly handled, and this fact taxes
to the utmost the greatest of European
statesmen to circumvent its production
among their people. * -
Depreciated Dairy Products.—The
man that puts upon the market adul
terated or bogus butter and cheese
under the name of the true article de
preciates the value of all the honest
butter and cheese. He la a robber of
his neighbor, whether the law allows
the robbery or not. It Is not enough to
say tbat his course is legal, tbe ques
tion should be, "Is It right?" It is for
the Interest of dairymen to draw their
lines so closely together that they can
crush out the men of dishonest meth
ods, and this war of crushing them
should be carried on as relentlessly as
any other contest against fraud and
Chaucer alludes more than once to
tbe thumb ring as common In his lime
Woman'! Laegk.
A woman has no natural grace1 more
bewitching' than a sweet laugh. . It it
Hite the sound of flutes on the water.
It leaps from her heart in a dear,
sparkling rill, and the heart that hears
it feels as if bathed in a cool, exhilar
ating spring. Hare you ever pursued
an unseen fugitive through the trees,
led on by her fairy laugh; now here,
now there — now lost, now found?
Some of us hare and are still pursuing
that wandering roloei It may come to
us in the midst of care and sorrow, or
Irksome business, and then we turn
away and listen, and hear It ringing
through the room like a silver bell,
with power to scare away the evil
spirits of the mind. How much we
owe to that sweet laugh. It turns the
prose of our life into poetry; it flings
flowers of sunshine over our darksome
wood in which we ere traveling; it
touches with 1 ig h t even our sleep, whioh
Is no more the Image of death, but
gemmed with dreams that are the
ihadowe of immortality.—Vogue.
Piso's Cure for Consumption hea been a
family medicine with ua since IMS.—J. B.
liadlaon, 8408 42d Are., Chicago, Ills.
Little Real iTupallir Among Africans,
The sick man’s brother is with ns
also, and although a good worker, is
absolutely indifferent to his brother’s
illnesa There is no sympathy for an
other’s pains in the soul of the Afriean.
When a ebief dies there is a lot of bel
lowing and assumed grief; the tears
are not real, but only part of the cere
mony attending death. Upon the
death of a young child the mother does
actually feel grief most keenly, and is
for some days inconsolable, refuses
meat and drink, rolls on the ground,
tears her hair, and lacerates herself in
her despair. —September Century.
Rall'sa Catarrh Care . :u S'."'1
Is taken internally. Price, 78c,'t ' ‘T*
Old-Fashioned Apple Flea
Fill a deep, yellow pie-dish with
pared apples sliced vary thin; then
cover with a substantial crust and bake;
when browned to a turn, slip a knife
around the inner edge, take off the cov
er apd turn bottom upward on a plate;
then add a'generous supply of sugar,
cinnamon and doves to the apples;
mash all together and spread on the
inserted crust After grating nutmeg
over it the dish is served cold with
cream.—Ladies’ Home Journal.
Four egga, Are cops of for, twflf
cup* of honey, ona.cup of butter,, on*
cuppfaweet milk, two teaapoonfula of
crornm of' tmrtar, one teupoouful of
aoda, one pound of retain*, one pound
of currant*, half a pound of eitron, oh
teatpoonful of cloven, cinnamon and
nutmeg. Bake in-a alow oven.—8ep* ,
tember Ladle*' Home Journal. ,
Any sarsaparilla iS' sarsapa- 1
rilla. True. So any tea is tea.
So any flour is Hour. Cut grades 1
differ. You want the best, l.’s
so with sarsaparilla. There ar|J}
grades. Yon want the best:) Jfci
yon understood sarsaparilla1'?!!!
well as yon do tea and flout) ^t.j
would be easy to determine."
But you don't. How shoul^,
you? 'When you are going tf i
buy s commodity whose vafc}#°
you don’t know, you pick
an old established house;lW
trade with, and trust their e^g.
perience and reputation. DassoiB
when buying sarsaparilla.,".,^
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been .,
on the market 50 years. Your
grandfather used Ayer’s. It is
a reputable medicine. Then
an many SanaparOlaa—
but only one Ayer1 a,. It
-- ~ i~ rv*
Tv I'
"A Good Foundation.”
Lay your foundation with;
“Battle Ax.” It is the comer
stone of economy. It is the oneu
tobacco that is both BIG and
GOOD. There is no better. There
is no other 5-cent plug as large* ,
Try it and see for yourself*
One Cup
One Cent
" .! bul
: y "vr.~ ."ill
’ Vs/: ..:il
‘t.'j i<
•V' ,'is.lll j
:..v > . 0<lt
, »v
^ ‘' > ;» ,. , i h ,3...^
! Less than a cent In fact— and all Cocoa. —
pure Cocoa — no chemidds.—That describes \
Walter Baker & Co/s Breakfast Cocoa. 1
WALTER BAKER & CO., Umtte4. - Dorchester, flass.
' Mis* Nellie Penoyer l&M 8a Tenth St., Omnhn. Neb., writes: “Have used your Dr ”
bKay's Lung Balm tor a severe case ot La Grli.po. Two doses gave relief. My lungs wert-d
rrrr sore and In taltlnt tne Dr. Kav's Lung Balm I found that It stopped any desire lo^
heoueh at once. The aoreneas r n my lungs and in my head noon disappeared. It is vert 4
pleasant and easy to take and while it does not oatus sickness at the stomach, like^
gmany cough remedies. It cures quicker than any I h^ve ever tried. ^
; Dr. Kay’s Lung BalmJ
► It cures every kind of cough. 8old by druggists or sent by mail for 35 cU 4
a It la perfectly asfe for ml ages and s sure cure for all lung troubles. Send addiees a
rfor booklet. Ithasmanr valunbleroceipts and gives symptomsand treatment for nearly*
►nil diseases and many bate said thev would not tnliott.OO lor it if they couldn't set a
.inoiher. Address (Western offlcel Dr. B. J. Kav Musical. < o Omsba. Neb v- A