The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 17, 1896, Image 5

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> Governor..Sllss Holoomb
Lieutenant Governor.B.E. Hook
Secretary ot State..• J. A. Finer
State Treasurer.-.J. 8. Butler
State Auditor.Eujzeoe Moore
Attorney General.A.,8. Churohlll
Com. Lands and BuUdinks.0. H. Bussell
Supt. Public Instruction..H. B. Corbett
Ota as. H. Gere, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham,
Omaha; J. M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull,
Senators—W. V. Allen, ot Madison; John
M. Thurston, of Omaha.
Representatives—First District, J-B Strode
Second. D H. Meroer; Third. Geo. D. Mlkel
Johns Fourth — Balner; Fifth, W. E. And
rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem.
Chief Justloe...A. M. Post
Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvell
Judge.M.P. Klnkald.of O’Neill
Reporter... J. J. Kins of O'Neill
Judge”..W. H. Westover, of RushvUle
.John Maher, of RushvUle.
..John A. Harmon.
Hooeiver...Elmer Williams.
Judge...Geo McCutcheon
Clerk of the District Court.John Bklrylng
... M. Collins
Treasurer........J. P. Mullen
Deputy..:."!.”.......Ohas O'Neill
8upt. of Bohools..... .W.R. Jackson
Assistant...........Mrs. W.ILJeokoon
Coroner... Jh. Trueblood
Surveyor.;iM.F. Norton
Attorney.H. B. Murphy
rinkr district.
Cleveland, Sand Creek. Dustin, Benton,
ock Falls and Pleeaantview—J. 0. Blondus.
Shields, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, Wll
lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins.
third district.
Grattan and O'Nelll-E. J. Maek.
Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. 0. Combs,
Chambers, Conlev, Lake, McClure and
Swap, Wyoming, Purview, Francis. Green
YaUta, Sheridan and Emnet-O. W. Moss.
Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore.
Supervisor. E. J. lUok; Justtoea, B. H.
Benedict and 8. M. Wafer*; Constable*. Ed.
MoBrlde and Perkin* Brook*.
oouMCnjfaw—Pihst wm _
. For two year*.—D. H. Cronin, nr i
year H. 0. MoEvony.
Por two year*-Alexander HarloW. POT
oaa year—Jake Pfand.
yor two year*—Charle* Dari*. Por one
year—Elmer Merrlman.n
oir omnu _ „ ..
Mayor, O. P. Blglln; Clerk;' N. Martin ;
Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer
John Horriaky; PoUoe Judge. H. Kautsman;
Chief of PoUoe, Charlie Hall; Attorney,
Thos. Carton; welghmsster, Joe Miller.
Supervisor, R. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney
MoGreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan: Assessor Ben
Job ring: Juttloes, M. Castelto and Oh**.
WUoox; Constables, John Horriaky and Ed.
MoBrlde; Bead overseer dlst. M, Allen Brown
dl*t. No. 4, John Enright.
Regular meeting first Monday in Febru
ary of eaoh year, and at suoh other time* as
Is deemed neoessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page,
ehalrman;' Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary;
H. H. Clark Atkinson.
8t.patrick>s catholic church.
Service* every Sabbath at 10:80 o’olook.
Very Rev. Cassidy. Postor. Sabbath school
immediately following service*.
111. services—Preaohlng 10:80 A. X. and 8;i
p. u. Class No. 1 8:80 A. M.
worth League) 7:00 P. M. Cl--,
tens) 8:00 f. x. Mind-week services—General
— -- All will
_ Class No. 3 (Ep
Cla8s.No. 8 (Child
prayer meeting Thursday 7:80 f. m. A
be made welcome, esgecJall^stj-sjijjera.
as tor.
G.ONeiil* osV&q!WDepartment of 1
braska G. A. B., will meet the first and third
The Gen.
Saturday evening of eaoh month in Masonic
hall O’Neil) “ ' "-~—
S. J. Smith. Cbm.
invited to attend.
W. H. Mason. N. G.
O. L. Bright, Sec.
(Meets on first and third Thursday of eaoh
month in Masonic hall. _ _
W.J. Donna Sec. J. C. Hashish, H, P
• Convention every Monday at 8 o'clock p.
. a. in Odd Fellows' nail. Visiting brethem
oordlally invited.
J. P. GiixigaH, 0.0,
E. J. Mack, K. of B. and B.
VF O. 0. F. meets every seoond and fourth
Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall.
Okas. Bsiosr, H. P. 9. M. Tttlst, Scribe
JEl OF REBBKAH, meets every 1st and 8d
Friday of each month ip Odd Fellow* Hall,
Augusts Martin N. G. Maria Mbais, Sec.
VJl Kafultr communications Thursday night*
on or before the full of the moon.
J. J.Kwo.W.M.
U. O. Smydbr, Seo.
XJLMeets on the flnt end third Tuesday In
eech month in the Masonic hall.
0, W. Haobhsioz, V. 0. D. H.Obomu, Clerk
AO, U. W. SO. 1S8. Meets seoond
• and fourth Tudsday of eaeh month In
Maeonlo halL
O. Bbiobt, Keo. 8. B. Howard, M. W.
Friday of each month.
_ „ _ „ Ono. MoOdtoham.N.M.
J. H. Vuror, See.
Arrival of Mail*
».a. a n. ▼. n. n.—from the bass.
■veryday,Sunday Included at.1:15 pa
vary day, Sunday Included at.9:58 am
PAOino short Lin.
Passenger—leaves 9:68 a. m. Arrive* 11:55 p.m.
Freight—leaves 9:07 p.x. Arrives 7:00 p.m.
Dally exoept Sunday.
Depart* Monday, Wed. and Friday at7:00am
Arrive*Tuesday,Thun.and Bat. at.,1:00pm
o'mnA aus paddock.
Depart* Monday. Wed. and Friday at..7:00 am
Arrive*Tuesday,Thun, and m
Depart* Monday. a m
Arrives Tuesday, Thun, and Sat. at... 1:00 pm
The following proponed amehdmenU
to the Constitution of the 8tste of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full,
am submitted to dte'’<electori of thft
Stats si NsbraakB, to he voted upon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November S, A. D„ 1896:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (8), four (4). and
live (6.) of article six (6) of the Constl-*
tutloa of the State of Nebraska, relat
ing to number of Judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Be It resolved and enacted 'l>y tea Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska:
..Section 1. That section two (I) of ar
Ucle six (f) of the Constitution of the
Stato of Nebraska be attended so as to
read as follows; „ „
.Section 1 The Siiprelit efetfR shall until
otberwlae provided by law, eoaetat of live
w Judge* a majority of whom shall bo
n so* Mary to form a quorum or to pro
Bounce a decision. It shall ha vs original
Jurisdiction In oases rslatlng ta revenue,
QlvU cases In which the state shaH be a
party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas
corpus, and such appellate Jurisdiction, aa
may bo provided by law.
of ftrttete
. . _____ tbt Btutt
gf Nebraska, ha amended so aa to toad aa
flection 4. fTho Judges of the
oourt shall he elected by the slMtor* *o}
the state at huge, and their term of office,
except as hereinafter provided, shall ha
for a period of not loss than five <f) years
as the legislature may prescribe.
Section I That section five (D of artlola
six <f) pi the Constitution of the Stats of
Nebraska, be amended ta read aa follows:
Section I. At the first general elsotloo ta
be held In the year UN, there shall he eleol
ed two (I) Judges of the supreme oourt om
of whom shell be elected for a farm of
two CD years, one for the term of four (0
years, and at each general eieutlen there
after, there shall be elected one Judge of
the supreme oourt for the term of five
(5) years, unless otherwise provided by
law; Provided, That the Judges of the su
preme court whose terms have not expired
at the time of holding the general elec
tion of lfW, shall continue ta hold theta
oflloe for-the remainder of the term for
which they were respectively
Approved Kerch », A. D.
A Joint. resolution proposing on
amendment to OBetlon thirteen (IS) of
article six of the Oonatttnthm of the
Btate of Nebraska, relation to oom
penanUoa of supreme and district oovrt
B® It rejolreO by the Leglslatusa of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirteen M of
article six (t) of the Constitution of the
Btate of Nebraska be amended so as to
read as follows:
Sea U The Judres of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation as may be pro
vided by law, payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at Its flret session
after the adoption of this amendment,
three-fifths of the members sleeted to
each house concurring, establish tbets
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished ehall not be changed oftener
than once In four years, and tn no event
unless two-thirds of the members sleeted
to each house of the legislature osneur
Approved March X), A. D. UNI
A Joint resolution pncpoelng to
amend aeetion twenty-four (24) of ar
ticle five (6) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraaka, relating to com
pensation of the officera of the execu
tive department.
Be It resolved and enacted by too ter
lslature of the Btate of Nebraaka:
Settlor L That section twenty-four (M
of articl- five (S) of the Constitution of the
Btate of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section it The officers of the executive
department cf the state government shall
receive for their services a compensation
to be established by law, which shall be
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term fur which they shall have been
commissioned and they ehall not reoetve
to their own use any fees, costs. Interests,
upon public money* In their hands or un
. pafomgitee of «Oea os
ether compensation and all foes that may
hereafter be payable by law for services
performed by an offloer provided rer In
this msec Is shall he paid m advance Into
the_ staietreasury. the legMature shall
at Its first seadoa after the MiepUoaof
BttHMMiunt threwifthe oftne mem
pw sleeted to each house of the Itolp*
tature concurring, establish the eateries
of the unoars named in this artMatu
oomfieoaatton so established ehall not be
obsaped eftener than unoa tn feus pears
sad fit an event unices two-thirds of the
members eleoted to each house of the he
tilature census therein.
Approved March ft, A. D.
A Joint resolution penpoNofij'
nend aeetion one (1) of aitldu aft
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to Judicial power.
•BAV&at lyssaa** •»
read as fellewn:
■mten of the Btate of Nebr
.Beotloe 1. That section one
fj* <5 V" Qouetltutlon of
Nebraaka be_amended to res
-ft!«**£? L power
ebhu be vested in • supreme eeert, dts
hls state
— — -wyiouiv weo, 1W
triot courts, county courts Justices of tin
Uff*- B"*loe weilstiwtes, anfta sasl
other courts inferior to the supreme oouii
Approved March », A. D. UNL
A Joint resolution preparing to
amend oeetion eleven (11) of artlole elx
(I) of tlM Conetltutlon of the Stain of
Nebraska, relating to UMteaae In num
ber of aupreme and district court'
It resolved h4 enacted Or the
ture of the State OlNebraska:
• j. that eeetloa eleven (U) of or*
. (*) at the Constitution of the State
Nebraska be amended to nod as fol
Bectlonll.The leftslaturo. whenever top.
thirds of the members elected to esah
house shall concur therein, oar. te or
after the year one thousand riaht hun
dred and ninety-seven and not oftenec
than onee In every four years. Increase
the number of Judges of supremo sod dis
trict courts, and the judicial districts of
the state. Such districts shall be formed
Of eatnnket territory, and bounded by
oounty Unci: and such increase, or say
Ohanjre .in the boundaries of a district,,
shall not vacate the office of any Judas,
Approved March K, A. D. IK
A Joint resolution proporing Is
amend section six (6) of article one 0)
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to trial by Jury.
Bo H resolved and enacted by the Lec
IsUture of the State of Nebraska:
k »hat section sis (I).' article
h* (Ddf the Constitution of the Stats of
Ntbrdkt be MMaltlif'tt itait u foDowei
Section 1 The rlfht of trial by jury ihatt
remain Inviolate, nut the ItiMitun pa>
.. • -tCS*
?rovlde that in civil actluaa dve-tlstha.i
he jury may render a verdict, and the
legislature may alao authorise trial by m
Jury of a leaa number tnan twelve mail
la courta Inferior to the district court. ...
Approved March 19, A. D. IMS. >•
A. Joint naoltttlon proposing ;U»;
amend nritlon one (1) of article five (S>
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to offloera of the executive depart*
Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Bute of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section one (1) of ar
ticle live (S> of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska bo amended to road as
Section l.Ths executive department shall
consist of a governor, lieutenant-gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pubs
lie accounts, treasurer, superintendent of
public Instruction, attorney-general, com
missloner of public lands and buildings,
ara three railroad commissioners, eschl
of Whem, except the said railroad costs
mtsslonera, shall hold his offlee fsr a term
of taro years, from the Brst Thursday af
ter the flraa Tuesday In January, after
hla election. and until Ms suenoseer la
elected and qualified. Bach railroad ooa
mlsolonor shall hold hla offlea fur a tan
of throe years, beginning on tha flrat'
Tnuryday after tha Brat Tuesday In, Jana
ary, aft.V Me alaetlon, and until bin autfl"
pessoif V elected and quallded; Provided,
however. That at the drat general dec
tlos held after the adoption of thin i
mont there shall bo elected throe S
commtuienera. one for the period of esq
year, ons for tha psriod of two years, and..
#*•*1 uw Jfuriuu vi iww jew
one for the period of three years. Too gov
. 2
wnor, eeoreUry of state, audMor of pub
Ite acoounta, and traaaurar shall reside at
the ogpjtal during their term ef offloei
Knai aunng their term at; offloei
dl hasp tha publlu records, books
and papers there and shall perform smelt
uttes as may ha required by law.
Approved March K, A. D. UM.
A Joint resolution proposing %
MMnd section twenty-six (M) 6t if*
tbila flv* (S) of the Constitution of tin
Rato of Nsbraakn, limiting tha non*
tor of exeeutlvs otete officers.
Be it resolvedI and anastad by the Lag
tolature of the BUU of Nebraska:
Seotlon l That section twenty-alx Of) of
article live (I) of tho Constitution of this
follows* ********* ** amended to seed as
Beetloia n No other executive state efd
•era except those named la seotlon poo (O
of this article shall he created^aw*
copt. by an act of the legWMurg
whiehla concurred hi fay not leas thaw
three-fourths af tha members elected te
.each house thereof;
Proybted.That any oflloa crented by aw
sot of the legislature may bo abolished by
the legislature, two-thirds of the meo
bart sleeted to each house thereof Son
Approved March m, A. XX IM.
▲ Joint rooolutloii pupootai
‘amond netioa niao (I) of article
(8) of tho Conatltntlon of the suit of
Nebraska, providing tor tie InvasUnsa*
at tho ponuaoat oanoatlonal funds of
Be It moMiat «mM to the tap*
lalature at the Out* afNebruka:
Motton L That section ala* m of utlch
W «* tbs Oonstltatlon of UmKhi
9i Nebraska ba amended to reap aa M
■a^on 1 All fund* bcioaglng to the Mata
fcr educational purposes, the teteraat and
tM«ii* whereof only are to ba used, ah all
b* deemed trust funds held by the state.
Math* atata shall supply all losaea thare
of that may In any manner accrue, so that
the same shall remain forever lavlelats
sad uudimlnlshad. and shall not toe ltv
neated or loaned excapt an United Otates
or Mate seouritlas, or rectstered oeunty
Ponds or reolatered sohool district bonds
of thli stats, and suob funds, with the
tncom® thereof are hereby
•“•tonot pledred tor the purposes for
whioh they are (ranted and eat apart,
and shall not be transferred to any other
fund for other uses:
• .?l!ded-Jr?\l>0‘‘rd bT oMtlon
I of this artlole la empower#* to Ml from
ttana to time any of the securities belong
ln( to tha permanent school fund and lo
veet the proceeds arising therefrom In any
of the securities enumerated in this seo
tlon bearlne ■ higher rate of Interest,
whenever aa opportunity for better h.
yaatmsnt Is preanted:
And provided further. That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly issued la pursuance of an aDDroorl
ntlon by the letlalature and secured %ythe
levy of a tax for Its payment, shall
ba presented to the etatetiSSiwr tor
payment, and there shall not bo any
•nuney In the proper fund to pay such
warrant, tha board created by section 1
of this article assy direst tho state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war*
rent from moneys in hta hands belonging
A Joint woli'‘,ig proposing u
amendment to the Constitution of the
Btnto of NobraakA by adding a new'
naetioa to article twaive (IS) of said
ooantltntloa to ba nambared aeotlon
tun (S) relnttvo to tho merging of tho
iiMBint of cities of tho mstro
itnn nlaan and tho povoramant of
tho ooontleo vhonln onoh oltlao pro
Amended by adding to safe artlale a aaw
Oaotlon to ba nambared see Hon twa (1)
to rtud bi foiipwi *
rs^uSTih, ts-s^a a©
or la po- t whan a proportion so to do has
basn svkmltted by authority at law to the
voters of sueh city and county and re
ceived the assent of a miJerlty at tnc
rotes east to sunk city sal eJeo a majority
Of the votes tort ta the eaunty exoluslve
Approved March to, A. D. MS
A Joint reeetatlon proposing an
amendment to nectlon riz «) of article
•oven (7) of tbs Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, prescribing tbo
manner In which rotes aboil bo out
Be It resolved u< enacted pr the Lw
Mature of the State nf Nehrjfts
SeBtloa 1. That eeutlon ate ilf of arttole
Oergi (7) o'f the Constitution u the State
ofNehrarke he amended to md as Cel
bylaw,provided the ee are or of voting he
Approved March M, A. D. IM.
' A Joint" reoolutloo pmponlag to
amend section two (a) of article four
teen (14) of tho Oonatltatlsn of the
State of Nebraska, relative to dona
tions to workn of Internal Improve
ment and manufactories.
Be It resolved and enacted hr the Zoo
Mature of the State of Nebraska:
Section L That section two (2) of article
fourteen (l-l) of the Conetttutleo of the
State of Nebraska, be amended to read ns
vIlAmro* i . S.. ^
ere: J . ... . .
1 No eltr. county, towi
or other subdlvisi
«Ut% ihadl iTir onto d«ntM ti my
ttin of kntenuU teproTtant, or
«ffifSi sar4ASBsarj£
lwkHfl«d electors tod ntlM hr• tsso
»rdi wu at mi election to authority at
l*«: Provided, That such donations at ■
eahnly with the donations of such aubdl
™»he In the aureaate shall not eioead
ten per pent of the assessed valuation of
such county; Provided further, That aay
city ur county may, by a Utree-fourtha
vote, Increase ouch indebtedness five per
oeut. In addition to suoh ten,par oaat and
no bonds or evidences of lodebtedaeoa m
Issued snail be valid unless the same shall
nave endorsed thereon a eertlfteato signed
by the secretary aad audltoa of state,
to law1* that th* Mm* *■ issued pursuant
Approved March B; AS.
W- A. Piper, secretary ot state of
tee state of Nibrukit do liareby certify
that tee torefin* proposed amendments
te tea Constitution of tiki State at No
ttnuka are true add dornet ooplaa of
tea original enrolled and engrossed
blllA aa indeed by the Twanty-foarth
aeutpa of toalegisiature of tea State
of Nebraska, is appears freaa said
original Mila on file tn teia Office. aa4
that all and sack of aald proposed
Mpeadmeats aria aubmttted to the
qualified solars ot tea state of Ne
ttakka m teelf kdopUo. or
at ted paderal alaoUOn to fce held oa
Tuesday teeld dnyef HOtotoMr. A.
i>„ UHL
nfite tit niifcaipl 'and tflmil tee
aaal of tea atstafof Mnbrsaka. .
Cota at ttaaoia tells lTUi Say H
wt* m War of dir Oaefhoa
tetd ttikt ttudros aiid jhaety-dta.
«f tea giftageadeaee at tea United
Prices Reasonable.
' "Mm*oi MeCafferto’
Tfis if’ MOnist SsorfinAmirloa
MerilRlI IV TMl
Lift fttKbw Yortt OjnbiiaaitlrittiMM.
' ' ^ 'bstKaapoctablo.
DojroawaM to tw potMdf Tbta
''" *yoMKiia’biic»tpMoB' is' tbs.
iiw tw awiruro im
< <■ - 4 ,
'»■-_* ■ ;.* "» f.VJ.J;, • -• 1 -f.'* .{ " •> . •% "ft* VV*-‘ »
Randolph, Os»
p L * \ &jNeiU.i
o—seats at «twi» city _wttj^ag .atTwirlM
**w tjjnoif PAMoreu station
Homeseekers will And golden opportns*
Wes along thla Una. Investigate
before going elsewhere.
For rates, time table*, or otner Information
nil noon agenU or address
Eo. hills. W. B.UoNIDEB,
Beoelver. Qan’l Past. Agent
Always Buy the
Tha fnaat and Latent aloek of good la tfca Hard wan and...
.Implanaat Una in tha Mkbora VaOojr ia found at
IItiItII *.I . ...
John Deere plow, Moline wagons, David
Bradley ft Co*» famous Disc cultivators...
Riding andi walking cultivators,, harrows,
Gliddenwire, stoves, oils, cnttlery, tinware.
■maty evict quietly, permanently all
H,Wnk r-— *
_Memory, Lost or Brain Fomr,
nnu. Ivut wlLa.lltv. NltrhilT Rmlh
modi, nu druoLft, ImpoUnor and waiting dlaaaaea ouHd by
— -Maau. Ooatalnanooplataa. Iiaaerralaala
yaaMfuiarrara araaaaa _ _
u4 aM balMar. Makaatha palMnd mmratronctDd plump.
BaaUpaairledlnreatpoelrat.WlparboxiBforM. Byrantl.prw
p+ia.wub a written yuarante* or numtyrtfwuMa. Write nattae
■Miami kaaki aaalad plain wrapper, with teatlmonlala ana
Mom. liM>ywfi|wli.if«MHoWilT»§l!ltCO.,aiM>HTiili,(llim>
For salt In O'Neill, Neb., by MOBR1S * CO., Druggist*.
£ ....
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Cavaata. tad Trodo-lUila obtaiati, and an fat-'
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iproarrtu.s. ratuct omei
» rntaot to im tima uiaa imm
.Sand i
tioa. Weadviaa.
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Off. PATtlfT OfflCC. WAaMINOTON. D. C. _
“-- nooeat opinion, write to
A HMmovw* w* -
V Patent* and how to ot^
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bit nearly nity yean'
aMetlyoonfldantlgi, A Handbook of In
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