The Frontier PUBLISHED BTXBT THURSDAY BT ' THE VBOimiB PRINTING OOMPAH1 D. B. CBONIN, Editor. » NATIONAL TICKET. ' For President: WILLIAM M’KINLBY. for Vlee-Praeldent: ' ■ i, GARRETT A. HVBART. ! , 8TATX TICKET. ’ for Governor.JOHN H. MacOOLL. hr Lieut. Governor...ORLANDO TBIT. . for 8 row try of State..J. A PIPRR. . for Auditor..P.O. HBDLUMD, i. for Trerurer.... .CHAB, B. CABBY. for Superintendent.,...H B. OORBBTT for Attorney General.... A S. CHURCHILL. ■ for CommlMlooer.-....H.C. RUBS ILL. Bnprenie Jndge, long term.R. BYAH. " SupremoJadfe,ekorttrm...M. P. KINKAID. . . Regent..,W. O. WHITMORE. .. CONGRESSIONAL TICKIT. .■ for Ooagreaeinan i f A. B. CADY, of Howard. 8UTAT0BXAL TIOXKT. For Seanlori ^ ■ L. P. OLABBRUSIf. of Wheeler. N OOPNTT SOXTBLIOAH TICZBT. > for Repreeeotatl vee: - vJOMB TROMMBRBHAUSSBRr Of Swing. 3. A RICH, of Stuart, for County Attorney: & B. H. BBNBDIOT. of O’MelU. , Tom Bird is a bigger man today , than he ever was. , Tnu is no quantum ss «s to who i will be the next speaker of the bonne. 'v The big man frost Maine willoooupy that honorable position. ■■'i 1 * ••• • .. *!Av Tas mote people who take Ms. Bryan’s adviee about studying the - financial question Ilia heavier the ^ vote will be for MeKihley. Boss Joins said that Arkansas answered Vermont. Now Msum answered Arkansas and, the Boss is not feeling quite so Jubilant.. ■ Tm tactics adopted by the Bryan heelers at the Goohran meeting at 4 Omaha will lose votes for their oandi date. In this eoontry of free speech, sooh methods will not be tolerated or aanotioned ^ tl» fotera of Nebraska. ' We believe the eleotion of Mc Kinley and Hobart to be already ; assured; bat in order for the counter Jo gat the full benefit of the rebake to the dangerous elements repre sented by Bryan they moat get an overwhelming majority. 'Tm oratorical star of two ol the loeel free silver speakers has fallen. T. V. Golden met his Waterloo in p (maill last Thursday night atthi i.-n; hands el General Kelley ; dodge Gil laapiewaa vanquished at ithineon Monday night, by W. E. Booth ' .r ’ p -I an in favor of protecting today ' the laboring man of the Baited .Stataeagainstadegraded currency, and I am oppoaed to free trade be cause it degrades tsasrieen labor, WUUamlleKinley. j. ** 1 * ' - u, ■ Mn. 8aw4U.haa been ver y arn \ ,phatic in asserting that he wUl not .withdraw. Now that his atate, has repudiated him even hia own ward in the city of Bath, which more than doubled ite repobliean majority o| 1894-it is not at all unlikely that h< S will be kicked off. ; -o Musa, the Pint Tran state, eaadi greetings to WUliam McKinley ant republicans everywhere. The stab election was held last Monday, thi republicans carrying tbs state b] -10,00a With one aaeeptiau thi majority is over twice as large a aver before given by that atate. 0* _ • You most attribute it (the dedii pf .prioes) to the inventive genii twit has multiplied a thousand tim ‘C.:in many. inetianeea, the strength . ;,;^n single eras, and enable us to 'hadig wttb one man what fifty a eeUtdle fifty yaars ago. That prieao down mW. oedhtry and evreywh. —Bryan in 1882. ¥§, K • * r: j.i,; Lath returns from Arkansas show ; that the democratic majority in that state is only about 45,000 in , stead of 60,000 as claimed. The republican gain in two years is 20, ,* 000. Compare that to Maine where the democratic loss was forty per cent and you can see how the election is going. A. ilS. Cady is the first republican speaker who has visited this city daring this campaign who has not been challeged by the local popo crats to divide time with them. Why was this? The question is easily answered. Last week one of the oratorical stars of the popocrats went up against General Kelley, of oom monweal army fame, in a joint de bate upon the political issues of the day, and it was really deplorable the manner in which the _ popooratic gentleman was worsted. When they got so badly worsted by Kelley they wisely oonduded to leave Gady alone. They want no more debates. Doc Mathkwb was an independent candidate for the legislature down in Arkansas. He reoeived 810 out of 1988 votes cast Now he comes ont and says that hereafter he will support the democratic prin ciples, as he believes that in the south they stand for what is best This flop is no surprise to the resi dents of this county as Doc has only got back to the party he belonged to prior to his removal to republican Nebraska. The -only thing the people here are surprised about is that his flexible political belief did not undergo a transformation about the time he moved into democratic Arkanaaw. Tot Chadron Signal-recorder, the leading populist paper of the north west is evidently not very well pleased over the nomination of Judge Green, judging by the following edi torial oomment: In its judgment the nomination was an unwise one. The convention ought to have given the populists of the district such a candidate as would have kept personal defenses out of the campaign, and made it one entirely upon the issues. The Schuyler Quill, another staunch pop paper, the editor of which is a warm friend of Mr. Beal, of the Beacon, who can no doubt vouch for his party fielty, says: The populists of the Sixth con gressional « district have nominated W. L. Green, of Kearney, for con gress. He will probably be endorsed by the democrats and as it is a popu list distriot any way he will beat oar A. & Cady. The Quill don’t think much of the nomination of Green. In the first place he is serv ing as district judge, having been eleoted for a four-years term. He should remain on the benoh where hemade a good judge and not be running every fait for some thing. Green is a man of good ideas and is a brigM and a great stump speaker, but ha has had a failing of getting drunk occasionally ana congress is a bad place for a man so addicted. We always have our doubts about a man who preaches at times, then goes on a spree for another time. There ia a screw loose somewhere. Letsome other good pop brother please arise and bear testimony to the greatness of the Sixth district nominee.—Broken Bow Bepublioaa. Arc You Look about you) Sale lor yourtslfl Who suffer 'moot nerrous dyspepsia, neuralgia, despondency, general weak ness? Who are on the edge of nerrous prostration all the time? Those who arc thin, Opium, chloral, bromides, headache powdery only make matters worse* Iron and Ut ters are only stimulants. To baoured, and cured far good, you nssdra fat soaking Ipod. Vie want new Uood,tich blood} and a strong nereo ^SOOTTS EMULSION of Cod lbrer Oil with Hypophoe phitss Is all this* It feeds the tissues, makes rkh Wood, and strengthens the nerres. Book stool tt fiee far Ik uUap Far ask trail draggtnel fOnaad SCOTT a BOWKS, mar Ycfk. ,4 Mfc .1* t? HOTEL | | -jgvANS Enlarged Refurnished', _ Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS* Prop. Nro»m Tlokata and Oonatfn yaur Pralahtvia tua F.R&M.V. MAIUtOAM. TRAINS DMPA&Ti Paaaangar nit, t H.. Traight aaat, Traight aaat, -, ' - 10:80 a. k Traight waat, . . 8:10 r.x Paaaenger waat, - • 9:87 r. u Traight, • - > 8:10 r.x. The llkbornldna la now raaaWfc hacllalni Ohalr Can dally, between Om aka and Daad wood, }raa toholdara at tyatclaaa traaapar tatlon. Wa Ja DOBBBf A«t. 0*NBILL NBB. Wanted-An Idea SSS RI.PA-N5 IICQULATC THC STOMAON, LIVER? AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. unnunuTmtktM] Ksasgsagagssssal MMn Ml adib Mfc»rfa.lH«iifcliWMl»w«k WHB _ co.» ansamuninirioKCBT.. KMICAL DON’T STOP TOBACCO HOW TO GUM YOURSZLT WHILE VI' 1NOIT. The tobaooo habit grove on a men un til hie netroos ejetem la serlfoaiy affect •4. impelring health, comfort anil happi neee. To qnit suddenly it too severe a •hook to the system, aa tobocqo, to an in veterate near, beoomee a etimalant that hie ayatem continually staves, “Baeo Cnro” it a sdtontifio core for the tobaoeo habit, in all ita forma, earefnUv. com pounded after the formate of an eminent Berlin physician who haa need' it In hie private praetiee ainee lWx;‘ without a tenure. It m purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. Yon can nee all the tobaeoo yon want while taking “Beeo-Curo.” It will notify yon when to stop. We give a written guarantee to onto permanently'any eaae with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. “Baoo-Uuru" ie not a substitute, bet a aoiectiHe earn, theteares wilted the aid of will power and’with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pate and free from nieotine ea the day yen took yourfirat shew or smoke, ouaan n “asoo-ouao" urn unn - tanro rooms.' From haadreda of testimonials, the originals of vhien are on die and open to inspection, the following to preeented: Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., dan. 28, IBM. Bnreka Chemical t Mfg. Co., La Oroeae Wto.—Oeatlcmen: for forty yearn I need tobacco in all Ha fqrma. for 8ft yearn Of that time I was advent • offerer from general docility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried-doquih.bat eoaldn't. I took variont remedies, among others “No-To-Bse,” 1 M Far Tear. 80 Gents Par Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SBIYICE TBS TRIBUNE. / Sub. Dept. Sioux pity, Iowtk naeNafc MmM Imi Pennyroyal pills ilwftja NUalk uwm u) noM Mr CIMMv-i Mmfttth ~ mOMrmmd la IU4 Hd «32m_ mMjHtk Mm rlbbn. Tak* MiaMiMwtaM. Ai DrmaiaM, ar m4 4*. i deal hr Mrtkulin, twlMtkh MM i kMM hr Dtri ^-s-ianes j-urwiunDnniMi ——KSaCK OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SE.XUAL PILLS I Bn*, Tmqlf: (M f«r Impttmt *f Wanton, CmlMhmt, SptrmmUrrtu, Hmtmmtm. U/Olttnnt, I ton *f W—ort. 4*. WM *»to m STt/otg. I'/far hi Mwi Mm »/.o£o •W woo. gwM Uriethat IWW dCuw ltoSam 0** ■'ft*1'—/« WtoiCuwltiSl a 04Q Luota < •T.k.OUI«. • THE SAFE STORE / ;; Y O’Neill, Neb. There ian’t a store Jn the whole oountiy that sells clothing as “The Nebraska" does. It i* an exceptional store, it ia a nUaUe store, it ia an abtoluUly »afe store. The price today ia the price tomorrow and the next day, and the price to one is the price to all We have no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never resort: to catch penny methods of marking some goods low in order to sell'yon other goods high. Our practice of inttantly refunding'money when goods don’t suit ia the bast proof you can have that ouf goods and prices are all right. Por eleven years we have been building up a vast bus iness on these principles and our business was never so large, our prices never so low, as they are' this spring. Send for onr catalogue. It contains samples of goods and will save you a geeat many dollari above what you have to par for the same qualities at home. It it a book that'oUebl to be'fi svSry dothlng buyer’s hand. WGet our prices on Bicycle Outfits. PLOW FACTORY...#. O'NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIOOS. Prop. V .;’s"r ■ ... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blaokamithing and praetieal horaeahoer. * Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in animation. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implement*. Handles the Seandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH* Cashier. . i ■ .' CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Headquarters for . . . COAL and The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. •I O'Nall!, Yarda^ Pa*a> 0.0. SNYDER & CO. The Inter Ocean t l» the Mo*t Popular ttepublicanNdw«PSj>ar gnj^WgtMj_HMtft«Lii|e»t Qraitti%n. TERMS BY MAIL. ——• . DAILY (Wlthoat Sunday)..... ....$4.00 par yaw DAILY (with Saaday).. .$6.00 par ycnr The Weekly Inter Ocean— C l .00 ■-»' PBB YEAR.'... Jt~ •“■’sKar ’fflsssissssaiaffaaafafagjr'— ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OP CURRENT UTBRATUREi The*Weekly Inter Ocean Aa • Family Paper Is Not Exceilad byAny. •It has somsthlng of interest to each tuabw of tho fkmilr • i*. YooTH-BOEPARTMiarr u th. to^ b«tof it. . ARY PEAT TJRE8 are Ufeqnaled. IUieTWELYTi Page PAPER and contains tho Kiwioftho World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and Eir« its tead.r, the baneit of the ablest discussions on all lire political topic! It U pubfuhed in bUcllf and is in accord with tho people of the West in both polities and ttterstnrT^ - Plaaso rent ember tost tho price of THI WKKLYIXTKR omwaS 0»L* OK* DOLLAR PER YEAR. Address •««>««» THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. The . Frontier and Inter Ocean only $1.75 per year.