The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 10, 1896, Image 8

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    ji!—'iir: - ■- ■ --
A is and Liver litM a Well Han.
Are yon billons, const! pftted or
troubled with faundlce, sick hesdftche,
vt bed taste in mouth, foul breath, coated
tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry
akin, pain in back and between the
^ shoulders, chills and fever, eto. If you
have any of these symptoms, your liver
is out of order, and your blood is slow
ly being poisoned, because your liver
does not act promptly. Herblne will
cure any disorder of the liver, stomach
! or bowels. It has no equal as a liver
medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial
bottle at P. C Corrigan’s. 46
Bosklss'i Anita galva.
The But Salvi in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guarranted to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corrl
can. 51-tf
ires nns.
. Bend toot address to H. E. BnekUn 4k
Co., Chicago, and gat a free (ample box
of Dr. King*a New Life Pllla. Atrial
will convince yon of their merita. Tbaae
pills are eaey in action and are particu
larly effective in tUe care of constipa
tion and sick headache. For malaria
' and liver troubles they have been proven
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
slae 95 cents per box. Sold by P. 0.
Corrigan druggist.
Tour Bey Went live A Heath.
So Ur. Oilman Brown, of 84 Mill St.,
South Oardoer,, Haas., was told by the
doctors. His son had lung trouble, fol
lowing typhoid malaria, and ho spent
three hundred and seventy-five dollars
; with doctors, who finally gave him np.
eaying: “Tour boy won’t live a month."
He tried Dr. King’s New Discovery and
a few bottles restored him to health and
enabled him to go to work a perfectly
well man. He says he owes his present
good health to nse of Dr. King’s New
Discovery, and knows it to bo the best
in the worll for lung trouble. Trial
bottles free at, P. C. Oomgan’a drug
Ballard's anew Liniment
Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge, HI., Bays
I had the rheumatism ao bad I coaid not
raise my hand to my head. Ballard's
Snow Ltntoimt has entirely fibred me,
1 take pleasure in informing my neigh
bors and friends what it has done for
me. Ghas. Handley, olerk for Lay and
- I/fsM»ar Kewaaos, Ilia., advisee na Knew
. LMmmt cured him of rheumatism. Thy
not try HT It will surely do yon good.
Itfiures alt inflamation, wounds, aoraa,
cuts, sprains, etc. Price 50 cents, free
; trial bottles jU P. O. Corrigan’s. ,
Many a day’a work is loetbyaiek
headache, caused by Indigestion and
stomach troubles. DeWItt’s Little Early
Risers ate. the most effectual pill for
overcoming such difficulties. Morris 4k
-Co. • ; ^»
Ballard's anew liniment
* This wonderful liniment is known
from the Atlantie to the Padflo and
from the lakes to the gulf. It la the
mdht penetrating liniment In the world.
It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts,
sprains, bruises, wounda,r old sores,
burns, soiatioa, sore throat sore chest
and all inflamation after all others have
• failed, It will euro barbed wire outs
. and heal all wounfii where proud flash
haaaetln. It la equally efficient for oi
imals. Try it and you will not be with
■ out It Pries 50 oenta, at Corrigan’s.
I; Unsound, Boraven Co., Ga.—I have
‘been subject to attacks of billions colic
tor several years. Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ie the
only sure relief. It acts like a charm.
' One does of it gives relief when all other
remedies faiU-G. D. Bhabf. For sale
hy IV C, Corrigan. ,
: ^V' efTanriMeMm.
R. B.Moree, traveling salesmen. Gal
■ yeeton, Texaa, says: Ballard's Bbow
Liniment on rad ma of rheumatism of
three months’ standing attar two of two
bottles. J. & Doan, Danville, Ilia., save:
? I ham aaad Baliard'a Snow Llaimant for
| years and would not ba without It J.
i R. Crouch, Rio, Ilia., aajra Baliard'a
I Snow | Llalaiaat curad tarrlbla paisa In
1 back of head aad aaok whoa nothing
A, alia would. Rnry bottla guaranteed,
■j Price 60 cants. Ttm trial bottlaa at P.
b- Oorrigan's. t \
' Poison ivy, insect &taa, brul*ee,»ca]d«,
barns ara quickly curad by OaWitt’a
CWltchBasal Bain, the great pile eon.
'Morris k Qo. - v '
l Those of our readers who want soma
Mgood, reliable acnspapar daring the
• netapslgn should anbaeriba far the!
Relate Weakly Blade. It is far MeKin-!
ley and Hobart, stands equaielpwa the!
. Bt Louis platfom and gin* valid and
lodd maaons for so doing.
• If yon ever have man a little child in
pihn agony of suaainer complaint, you
p'. ^sp malina the danger of the trouble and
appreciate the value of Instantaneous
% relief always afforded by DeWittfe Colic
f 4b Cholera com. ' For dysentery and
dUrrhme it is a reliable raetbdpl11 Wa
; codtd not afford to meoaemend this as a
* asm nnleas It warn a cum. Morris 4k Co.
MV , 'i'Mi.' , , ,
, Vf-fet. i ;*<•••. 'i.tJ*.-'- X-. * ui- •*. 1
We Oder Ton a Remedy Which lunm
SAFETY to LIFE of Both
Mother end Child.
mm comrntEhEitT of its rim,
Huoi are Biran,
' Endorsed end recommended by physl
dtu, midwives and thoee who hare need
It. Bewnre of sabstltnte* and Imitation*.
jr&'izwi I
■ailed free, eontalalac veleatery teetlaonlala
SBADVXSLD lHDUTOI 8&,idati,dii
■OIS BT ALL nmoim
Sea view, Vn.—We have a splendid
sale on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from far and
near, speak of It in the highest terms.
Many hare said that their children
would have died of croup if Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy had not been
given.—Kmllam A Oubrbn, uThe 25
and 50 cent slaes for sale by P. C.
Bid Ton Bvm
Try Electric Bitten a* a remedy for
your troubles? If not get a bottle now
ind get relief, This medicine has been
found to. be peculiarly adapted to the
relief and cure of all female complaints,
szerting a wonderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs,
if you have lose of appetite, constipa
tion, headache, fainting apells, or are
nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy
nr troubled with diazy apells. Electric
Bitters is the medicine you need. Health
snd strength are guaranted by its use.
Fifty cents and SI.00 at P. C. Corrigan’s
Irug store.
DeWItt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleansing the blood from impurities and
disease. It does this and more. It
builds up and strengthens constitutions
impaired by disease. It recommends it
self. Morris A Co.
It doesn't matter much whether sick
hsadaohe, bllllousness, indigestion and
constipation are caused by neglect or by
unavoidable circumstances: DeWitt’s
Little Early Risers will speedily cure
them all. Morris * Oe.
‘ If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your
blood is thick and sluggish; is your ap
petite is capricious and uncertain, you
need a sarsaparilla. For better results
take DeWltt’a. It recommends itself.
Morris A Co.
Notloe Is herb? given that an lnoorpor
atlon hM been formed to be known as tbe
American Chicory company, whose princi
pal place of business is Fremont, Dodge
oounty. Nebraska. The general nature of
the business to be transacted by this cor
poration shall be the planting, cultivating,
raising, purchasing and storing of chicory
beets, and the manofacture and sale of
ohloory therefrom: also, the erection, estab
lishment and malntenanoe of factories for
the m- ... -— —
buy, sell end leasereeFmtatetolie'usedln
connection with the planting, raising, culti
vating and harvesting of ohloorybeets or
roots, and to do all things necessary and In
cident to the raising of chieUfy roots and the
manufacture and sale of ohloory therefrom.
The authorised capital stock of this corpor
ation stasll be (tlOO.OOO.OO) one hundred thou
sand dollars, twenty-five thousand of whloh
shall be pain In before beginning business.
The exlstenoe of this corporation shall
oommenoe on the 81st day of July, A. D. MM,
Ud^shall terminate ontheUstdayof July,
The highest amount of Indebtedness to
Which this corporation shall at any one time
fabjeet itself, snail not exceed two-thirds of
the amount of oapltal stock actually Issued.
The affalm of this corporation shall be
eonduoted by a hoard of live (5) director*,
chosen from the etookholden by a majority
of the stook on the second Monday of July of
each year.
BavOK OumuD, President
Oaonon A. Mead, Secretary.
Unhsd States Laud Orrioa, i
„ „ O'Neill, Neb., August IS, 1890.
-Notice la hereby given that Agnes
Bentley has filed notion of Intention to mi
Inal proof before the register and receive:
their oflloe In O’Neill, Neb., on Friday.)
IBth day of September, MM,on timber cult:
application No. H00, for the NK Nett 1
NWIt of section No. 88. In township No.
north range No. 11 west She names as *
nesses: Joseph Mnsel. of Inman, Nab„ j.
ot$MSS!H;Bentley “*»• “ Wert
"•-tap Jei&K A. HARMOt. Register
lw that the partnership
oftweeu Clyde King and
nuwhg of dissolution
. Motloe In Ue'taOwPv.
heretofore exJatpit H_ .
D. H. Cronin h Khdly dissolved by mutual
Oonment. All awMeu due the Arm will be
collected by D. H. Cronin, and all acoounte
owed be the Arm will be paid by him.
Otnn Kino
D. H. Cronin.
Land Oirtca at O'Nwia, Neb. I
_ • • . August A ISM. f
Notloe ti hereby given that the following
named settler haa Bled notloe of his Intention
to make Anal proof In support of hit claim,
and that said proof will be mule before the
Mister and receiver at O'Nefil, Neb., on
Beptemoeris, latvli:
KLSIB B. HoWaHD.H. E. No, 11421,
{ot the SE14 B*H WH fes* Motion A and
Nwj< NE)i seotlon A township at, north,
range 11 vesbUkr. a.
. She names the following witnesses to prove
her continues resldenoe upon and oultlva
*• Parkins,
Amtr -4 joha
John A. Harmon, Register.
Unitnd Status Land Orncs,
O'Neill, Neb., July 11,I89A
■— *- entered at this
tainst William
—. ——v* - •"* ills homestead
entry No. 1IB71, dated April A 1882, upon the
aonth halt sontbeast quarter and south half
southwest quarter seotlon twenty-four,
township thirty, north range eleven west. In
Holt oounty, Nebraska, with
O'Neill, Neb., Ju
Complaint having been ente
Oj&oe by Harry K. Gerard again
It. Moore for abandoning his
—-j, ..ebraska,
oancellatlon of said entry,
- view to the
the said parties
ar at this office
W, at 1 o'clock
testimony con
»unuw Hwumony coi
eernlng said alleged abandonment.
*4 K. Williams, Beoelver.
Lakd Omci at 0'Nan.n, Neb.,
_ t July 17,1898.
Notice 1« hereby given that the following
named settler bae filed notice of hie intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that Mid proof will be made before the
Register and Beeeirer at O'Meill, Nebraska,
on August 38.1896, vis:
CHARLES M. BROWN, H. E. No. 14389,
for the Em NEK and EM BEK seeUon 80,
township 27, north range 12 west.
He names the following witnesses to prov
hls continuous residence upon and culti
vation of.Mid land,viz: GotllebNlemand,
Carl Niemand, Andy Welch and Ignats
Walch, all of oil ambers, Nebraska *
<Hnp. John A. Harmor. Register.
James 0. Bullock and Mary E. Bullock non
resident defendants: Notice is hereby given
that on the 18th day of August, 1896, Kirby
and Howe the plaintiff In this action, filed
his petition In the olllce of the clerk of
the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which Is
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
Mary E. Bullock and James 0. Bulloek u|—
the northeast quarter section ST, township
S3, north range 16, west 6th p. m„ In Holt
county, Nebraska, which mortgage was ex
ecuted and delivered to plaintiffs and filed
for record on the 6th day of January, 1898,
and recorded in book 60 of mortgages at page
848; that there Is now due upon said mort
gage the sum of 8460.01).
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the loth day of Ootober, 1886, or
the same will be taken m true and Judgment
entered accordingly.
10-4 H. M.,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. John Newman, Tree* Newman, t; F. Brad
ford and Mr». Braaford hia wife, whose Ink
and full name la unknown, non-reeident de
fendants. Notice la hereby siren, that on
the 28th day of August, IMS, Equitable Be
eurltles company,the plaintiffs In this action.
Hied his petition in the office of the elerk of
the distrlot oourt of Bolt county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of whloh la to foreoloee
a certain mortgage oxeouted by John New*
man and Treaa Newman upon the north half
of northeast quarter, southeast quarter of
northeast quarter and northeast quarter of
northwest quarter seotlon 84, township 31,
north range It, west 6th r. m„ in Holtoounty,
. _ _ . --■<« muvivwvuaf,
Nebraska, which mortgage was executed ana
delivered to Farmers Loan and Trust Co.,
and Hied for record on the 19th day of Feb
ruary, 1889, and recorded In book, 46 of mort
gages at page 966; that there is now due upon
said mortgage the sum of 9496.00.
You are required to answer said petition on
the19th day of October, 1806, or the
or before th ___
same will be taken as true and judgment
entered accordingly.
10-4 H. M. Uttlxt,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Before G. A, McCutohen, County Judge.
J. L. Biddle non-resident defendant; Yon
are hereby notified that on August 18. 1896,
Henry Watterman administrator of the es
tate of Barret Scott deceased, commenced an
aotton in said court against you and Amos
Sargent and James Sargent to recover the
sum of 8126, now due upon a promissory noto
given by you to Barret Scott and at the same
time the said county oourt issued an order of
attachment whloh said order was placed in
the hands of the sheriff of Holt County, Ne
braska, and on the 19th day of August was
levied upon the store building, counters and
shelving situated in the BBit of the 8EJ4.
section 4-31-10 in Holt County, Nebraska, as
Xour property, and that on the 22nd day of
.ugust 1896 said case was continued for 80
days for publication of this notice at that
time judgment will be entered against you
and an order to sell the property unless you
appear and show cause why the same should
not be done. Hikrt Wattirmaw, Plaintiff,
Administrator for the estate of Barret
Scott. 10-3
John Price, Thomas Oarberry and Mrs. A.
J. Trover, (first name saknowa,) defendants.
will take nation ttiavsn the Ilk day et Sep
tember, 1896, Melon A, Berry, plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the district oourt of Holt
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
impleaded with Nebraska Loan and Trust
Company, also a defendant, the object and
prayer of whloh petition are to foreclose a
tax lien held by the plaintiff unco and against
the northwest quarter of seotlon ten (10,) in
township twenty-nine (29,) north of range
sixteen (16.) west of the 6th P, M., tn Holt
county, Nebrasjta^' That on the 6th day of
wuum ituuiuaaiti xuav uu uis utuuni ui
December, 1889, B. W. Adams purchased said
premises at private tax sale according to law
for the delinquent taxes levied on said prem
ises for the year 1888, and paid for said della,
qnent taxes. Interest and oosts, at said tax
sale, the sum of 126.03. That on the 25th day
of September, 1890, said E. W. Adams paid
the taxes 1-*--■ * **
1889 and
were delinquent*___ __
taxes with Interest amounted to 814.90 at the
time they were so paid by said Adams. That
the taxes levied on said land for the year 1890,
became delinquent and on the 2Stb day of
August. 1891, said Adams paid taxes amount
ing with Interest to 814.90. That the taxes
levied on said land for the year 1891, became
delinquent, and on the 30th day of September
1898, said Adams paid taxes amounting with
Interest to 817.80. That taxes were levied on
said premises for the year 1809, and said
taxes became delinquent and on the 3rd day
of October, 1898, said Adams paid said taxes
amounting with Interest to 120.30. That
when said Adams purchased said premises
at said tax sale a tax sale certificate was duly
Issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt
county and that said premises have never
been redeemed from said tax sale and all of
aald taxes oonstitute a valid lien on said
premises. That on the 34th day of July, 1803,
aald B> W. Adams, for a valuable consider
ation. sold and assigned said tax lien upon
aald land and all interest he ever poeai
on said land under and by virtue of said tax
sale, and under and by virtue of all taxes
ever paid by him on said premises to this
plaintiff who is now the owner thereof. That
there le now due the plaintiff on said tax lien
the sum of 8188.00, for which sum with Inter
est from this date at ten per oent. per annum,
plaintiff prays tor a decree, that defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
round due,
Tou are required to answer said petition
on or before the 19th day of Ootober, 1898.
Dated this 10th day of September, 1896,
10-4 Hxuuf A. Bxrry, Plaintiff.
Johann Daniels, Oheok H. Toncray, Emma
Toncray and Hr*. K. A. Lester, (first name
unknown.) defendants, will take notice that
on the 7th day of September, IMS, Helen A.
Berry, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In
the dlstrlot oourt of Holt county. Nebraska,
against said defendants Impleaded with Ed
F. Gallagher and Nebraska Loan and Trust
~ also defendants, the object and
prayer of whloh petition are to foreclose a
tax lien held by the plaintiff upon and against
the east half of the northeast quarter of
section six (ft,) and the west half of.thenorth
west quarter of seotlonUve (6.) In township
twenty-five (fit,) north of range twelve(12.)
west of the fith r. n., In Holt county. Nebras
ka. That on the Sth day of Deoember, 1882,
B. W. Adams purchased said premises at
private tax sale In accordance with law for
the delinquent taxes levied on said premises
for the year 1888, and paid for said delinquent
taxes. Interest and oosts, at said tax sale the
sum of $13.80. That on the 80th day of Sep
tember, 1802, nld E. W, Adams paid the taxes
levied on said premises for the year 1801, and
which at the time of such payment were de
linquent, and that said delinquent taxes with
Interest amounted to 81A88 at the time they
were so paid by said Adams. That the taxes
levied upon said land for the year 1888, be
came delinquent and on the 3rd day of Octo
ber, 1883, said E. W. Adams paid said taxes
amounting with Interest to $14.88. That when
said Adams purchased said premises at said
tax sale a tax sale certificate was duly Issued
to him by the treasurer of said Holt county,
and that said premises have never been re
deemed from said tax sale and all of said
taxes constitute a valid lien on said premises
That on the 24th day of July. 188B, saw B. W.
Adams, for a valuable consideration, sold
and assigned his tax lien upon said land, and
all Interest he ever possessed in said land un
der and by virtue of said tax sale, and wader
and by virtae of all taxon ever paid by hli
on said premises to this plaintiff, who Is now
the owner thereof. That there Is now due
the plaintiff on said tax lien tbe sum of $72.75,
for whloh sum with Interest from this date at;
ten per cent, per annum plaintiff prays for a |
decree, that the detendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises may be
soldt-• — — - - -— ■ * -
to satisfy tbe amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of October, 1886.
Dated this 10th day of September. 1888.
1(M Hnuui A. Bxrbv. Plaintiff.
Dr.Hllea'AslM J*llle are guaranteedtoadews
Bsederts In 20 minutes. "One cent a does?'
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Pewdar
Awarded Geld Medal Midwinter Feb, lea Francises.
and the
i :> ■ ■
:i?T- i..
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Garries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
Hot have what yon want we
will t it almost as yon
As an Advertising: flediuiri
It is the be3t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. \$e have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications of the world.
Call on or address