The Frontier. PUBLISHED KTKKT THURSDAY BY tn pbontieb pbintino company D. H. OBOmn, Editor. NATIONAL TICKET. For President: WILLIAM M’KINLEY. For Vloe-PrMldent: GABBBTTA. HVBART. STATE TICKET. For Governor.JOHN H. MacOOLL. For Lieut. Governor.ORLANDO TIFT. For Secretary of State.....J. A, PIP1R. For Auditor.P. O. HBDLUND. For Treeiurer. .0HA8. B. CABBY. For Superintendent.H. B. OOBBBTT For Attorney General....A. 8. CHURCHILL. For Conunlaaloner.H. C. RU88ELL. Supreme Judge, long term.B. BYAN. Supreme Judge, »horttrm,..M. P. KINKAID. Begent..W. O. WHITMOBB. CONO&ES8IONAL TICKET. For Oongreaemen: A. B. CADY, of Howard. SENATORIAL TICKET. For Senator: L. P. OLASSBDBN, of Wheeler. •.♦<«>♦•-■■■■■■». COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For BnnMfitAtlVM: JOHN TBOMMBRBHAUSeER, of Bwlng. J. A. BIOS, of Stuart. For Oovntx Attorney: EEBBNNDIGT, of O’Neill. Quirt: Is Doe Hattikwe responsi ble for the demoeratio victory la Arkansas. Tn speeches of Candidate Mb Kinley appeal to man’s reason; OamiiAte Bryan’s to their passion and prejudice. If organised labor tehee the advice of two of ite ablest leaders— Arthur and Powderly—it will vote solidly for McKinley. CUsy aooepted Bill Green's ekil-‘ - Image, and wow William wanta to back out He is afraid of the little giant of the Sixth, who is leading the republicans to victory. k Jvdbm Boor* spoke at Dakota City last week. The Dakota Connty Democrat, an ardent popoorat paper, said his speech was erratic. Quite an admission for a free silver man to make ■ VxBXoire, the Oram Mountain state, gave a republican majority of 89,000. Nebraska, the Golden Rod state* will go them one better in November, and will give a majority of 40,000 for McKinley, and the entire state ticket ; Tn O’Neill Son eaya that Boorke Ooehran was paid $50,000 for hit Madison Square garden speech, and the Sooth Sioux City Demoo rat aaya it waa only 82,000. This it a sam ple of the argument these papers dish op in support of Bryan and repudiation. Gsoaes lloHuon, the "gifted (?) MA orator," has come and gone. He did not deliver an oration (?) in O’Neill as advertised, having been called off by the state committee upon advice from this city after his brilliant failure at Page, Whoever told Mr. McHugh that he waa a great political orator should be * prosecuted for imposing upon his credulity. All his dates in this sec tion were canoelled and he returned to his home a sadder, but let us hope* a wiser isan. . L. P. Glaaabaia, nominee for ■tala senator from the Thirteenth dnAriol, will auk* a dean outm ot the district. He is not a calamity howlar, and mm everything in ito true light He ia a man that is wall liked in thie eoontj, where he lives. He is latereeiod ia farming . atoek railing, end has made a aae* eem of it» and hae laid op something ^dor a rainy day daring a damoeraiie - adminiriration, drouth, and the calamity howler. Hi» opponent neede nothing laid apt hia atook ia trade is ehiedy wind, and he has no trouble to keep a aapply on imJ in Ndmeh Mr. Qlaaebam ahonld ; naaiae the entire vote of the die* ' WA-Wbeehr Gouty News. :‘a j The republicans of the Thirteenth senatorial district have made a wise ohoiee in selecting their standard bearer^ L. P. Qlasehnm will be a credit to his constituents and the state, and he generally gets what he starts after.—Taylor Clarion. WE GAIN IS ARKANSAS. The result of the Arkansas elec tions of last Monday shows a repub lican gain over 1802 of about 6400, and a republican gain over 1894 of about 14000. The total vote cast was about 24000 over 1892, and about 54000 over 1894 Every one con* ceded it would go democratic, but the free silver men expected that the result would show a big shrink age in the republican vote. Instead of this the republicans have gained, and their percentage of the total vote shows an increase of about one per cent over 1892, and about two per cent over 1894 The following. is the vote: IBM 1894 1898 Republican 88844 88088 40000 Democrat 90115 74800 188000 Populiat 91117 84541 15000 Prohibition 1810 1551 8000 168186 188968 180000 ' Republican percentage of .total rota each year: 1809, 814; 1894, 804; 1898, 884. The republicans have more than held their own of the increase in the total vote oast, while the populists have very nearly been' absorbed by the democrats. ftSSBLt or ftUEE TRADK HI KNOLAND. George B. Curtis in his great tariff history, “Protection and Pros perity” after showing in the most oomplete manner the origin of the free trade movement in England, its suooaas and results and giving a mass of testimony before the Hoyal commission concludes as follows: Never was such an indictment framed against an economic policy. A similar condition of the working classes is not to be found in any ohriliaed country on the face of the globe. Were the foregoing state ments contained in reports of the United States consuls, or in letters written by the most trustworthy and candid protectionists, they would be denounced and discredited by every professional free trader in the world. But Coming as they do,.from an official report to the British parli ment, from men who were held in such high esteem by the government as to appear worthy of executing Buoh an important trust, they cannot be questioned. The report is above impeachment The facts set forth are more appalling because they are true. “Throughout the whole king dom one person out of every four or five is boned by the parish.” What a fact to contemplate! “Of all who survive to the age of seventy, one out of every three is a pauper.” Death at middle life is better than old age. Yet, even then, a pauper’s grave is the lot of one out of five. No amount of accumulated wealth centered in the hands of a few, oan compensate a nation for auoh a con dition of the masses. A vast com merce, innumerable Bhipa visiting every harbor in the world, are dumb and speechless as expressions of national growth and prosperity, when the harbors from which they are sent and the country whose flag flies at their masthead, are festering: with destitution and despair. The loud boastings of the ohampions of a policy under which such oondi tiona exist cannot long drown the voice of multitudea pleading for work. R» non Hun twenty years wi km ten telling bow faiftB—ten«wma«tti ncBiht wirttei tin system, puts on flote nourishes and teilbap bc body, making h the remedy for all wasting di aaaeeaaf adolts and children, but h leoft ponftte for ui to tell the story In a mere stkk Wa hare had proofed for as hy aphystelaa a little book, telling In easy words how and rhy Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will bs enough to bars It sent to you free. To-day would he a iftpd time to send for it. \ SCOTT a BOWNB, Mtw Yofk. < VANS Enlarged ’ Refamished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. Purohaee Tioketa and consign yaur Fralght via thn F.E.&M.V,andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPAMTt (ODMItn Puee tiger east, Freight Mat,. Freight eeit. 0 :30 A., x * 10:80 a. K - • 8:10 p. V. eemeiiib Freight west, . . 8:10 p. u Peeeenger west, . . 037 p. m Freight, - - . 3:10 p.m. „Th® Blkhorn Llne M how nuutiiig Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of hrst-daaa transpor Par any Information oall on Wa J. DOBBS, Aot. O’KEILL. NEB. Wanted-Hn Idea 2S~S RIPA-NS ABOLES REGULATE THE stomach, uver;and BOMBS AND mMFVTHC; KOCH, unn TABtruts mit»M •tae haawa hr bhawtka Bill* sassaagaagaa_ SSSVi!tSSSSS!t£fS& EMICAL CO., BRW1DEK car., DON’T STOP TOBACCO HOW TO cun YOUKMLP WHOI US INO IT. The tobaooo habit grows on a man un tll his nervous system is aerionsiy affect ed, impairing health, oomfort and happi ness. To quit suddenly is too eevere a ■hook to the system, as tobaoeo, to an in veterate nser, beoomea a stimnlant that his system continually oraves. “Beoo Ouro” ia a scientific oure for the tobaoeo habit, in ail ita forms, oarefnllr oom ponnded after the formula of an eminent Berlin phyaleian who has used it in his private praetioe sinee 1872, without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobaoeo you want while, taking “Baoo-Curo.” It will notify you'when to stop. We give a written guarantee to euro permanently any ease with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, internet. “Beoo-Ouro” is not a substitute, but a aclantifie cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no inoonvenienoe. It leaves the system as pure and free from alootine to the day you took your Bret ehew or emOko. cons nv “saoo-ouso” us sums ram comma. Prom hundreds of testimonials, the originals of wMoh are on file and open to inspection, the following ia presented: Clayton, Nevada Oo., Ark., dan. 28,1826. Boreka Ohemieal A l(fg. Co* La Crosse Wls.—Qcntiemen: For forty years I used tobaoeo in all its forms. Vor 28 years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debility and inert disease. Bor fifteen years I tried lo quit, bot eouldnt. I took various^ remedies, among others “No-To-Bac,” “The Indian Tobaoeo Antidote,” “Double Chloride of GOld," etc., etc., but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally, however, I purohreed a box of your “Baoo-Goro” and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms, and I have increased 80 pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon my changed feeling and con dition. Yours respectfully, P. H. HuwiT, Pastor O. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 pot box; three boxes, (thirty day’s treatment), $2.60 with iron-clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Bureka Chemical & Ufg. Co., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Maea. OelSItem.« OWEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORl ■QB. JT. P. 6Q.U6AH, • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County u bnildini All work cash in advance. Night worl positively refused. O'NEILL, • - NEB jgABtanr stxwabt, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Address, Page, Neb .. 1 " ~ ' -.ii l a i i ' |7 11 i-l BENEDICT, ■ ;tAWYBB,:" "C Ofloe lathe Jude# ftcberts building, norti of O. O. Border’s lumber yard, OlteLL, MB mu us ion onrr stub Sta«« leavea O'XelU at 8:38 a. hiMdi a Spencerat4Pi x.; at Butte.S:80p. x. 8. D. QAixniTm, Prop. O'CONNOR&GALLAGHEE DMLIM IN FINE CIGARS. It you want a drink of good liquor do not fan to call on u*. DeYARMAN’S BARN, B. A. DnYABMAN, Manager. D'Y ARM AN'S Livery, Feed add Sale Stable. Finest tnmoota in the city. Good, carefnl driven when wanted. Also rad the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. the" tribune For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market complete — THE-' SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE M Per Year. BO Centa Par Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SEDUCE Address: THE TRIBUNE. Bub. Dept. Blaus dtp, Iewui PILLS I I>mital ftr cuttMUr-i MUk r * i U lud —d OftSiMlL . _ *, mM *Hfe Un ribboa. T*k« 1 MM IT mTuSu OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS [ Nn, Tnapt, 1 Am fir la at Van* MnMiL ImHMMi tatfOtatraat, lots at Vaatara, At. MW amkaama8TMM,ini* \oaaVam. Mum. M M 8paaM0lraattaaa*al!jj [ attt aapn Baa. Aaaraaa MlBl turTtltaWt 8» I SAFE STORE O’Neill, Neb. There isn’t m store in the whole country that sells clothing ss “The Nebraskm" does. It is an exceptional atore, it is a rtUabk store, it is an abtolvtely store. The price today is the price tOinorrow and the next day, and the price to one is the price to all We have no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never resort to catch penny methods of marking some goods low in order to sell you othtr goods high. Our practice of irutantly refunding money when goods don't suit is the best proof you can have that Our goods and prices are ail right. For eleven years we have been building up a vast bus* iness on these principles and our business was never so laige, our prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for our catalogue. It contains samples of goods and will save you « geeat many doUar» above what you have to pay for the same qualities at home. It is a book that ought to be in every Clothing buyer’s hand. WGet our prlees cm Bicycle Outfits. ELKHORN PLOW FACTOBTmm. O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Prop. ... .Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blaekamithing and praetieal horaeshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Seandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and' Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. \ THE - STATE - BANK OPtmEHiL. 7 CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard j Headquarters for . . . LUMBER —COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds io the world. Tarda i O’Nail], F#«a, 0.0. SNYDER & GO. The Inter Ocean Is thcMost Popular Republican N»w*rFim Largest Clrcnirtlttn, TERMS BY UlJk.IT*. DAILY (without Sunday)...$4.00 per ymt DA'LY (will. Sunday).;$6.00 per The Weekly Inter Ocean-*- c i 00 PER YEAR. 9 1 ~ Aa a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keepu abreast of the tfme. r>isp«ota. It spares nalther pains aor .apsiie im saeart^ la all ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled bv Anv: ' il»B of interest to epeh member of the ftmltr It. T2^?Jn^?frK1CNTUtl1® T8ryb~tof ittMad. XWIJTm! ABYFKAT 0 ct£3 ara qt.bqqaIoiL It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World POLITICALLY XT IS REPUBLICAN, and elves itsteadera^he henie* the ablest diseossiens on all lire political topicS It is pubhshld and is in accord with the people of the West in both Pol?5es and literal*" Please remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OcSlw < ' ONLY ONE DOLLAR FEB YEAR. Address MITER OCEAN la THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago The Frontier and Inter Ocean only $1.75 per year.