The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 03, 1896, Image 8

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    A MM LlVsr Maks* a Well lu.
An you bilious, constipated ot
. troubled with faundice, siek headache,
bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated
- tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry
^ skin, pain in back and between the
shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If yon
!;•?' have any of these symptoms, your liver
is out of order, and your blood is slow
ly being poisoned, because your liver
* does not act promptly. Herbine will
, cure any disorder of the liver, stomach
; or bowels. It has no equal as a liver
I medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial
I bottle at P.C. Corrigan's.
if Bosklsa's Aralsa Salve.
The Bbst Salve in the world for cuts,
* bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
1 sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
■ 1 corns, and all skin eruptions, and post
’ : lively cures piles, or no pay required.
, It is guarranted to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 85
cents per box. For sale by P. C. CoiW
can. 61-tf
Sited yonr.addreaa to H. E. Buckllo &
Co., Chicago, and get a free aample box
of Dr. King’* New Life Pills. Atrial
?■ will convince you of their merita. Theae
pilla are eaay in action and are partlcu
^ larlr effective in the cure of conatipa
t tlon and aick headache. For malaria
and liver troublea they have been proven
Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfeetly free from every deleterioue
aubatance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to atomach and bowela
greatly Invigorate the eyatem. Regular
else 80 centa per box. Bold by P. C.
Corrigan drugglat.
Tew Bey Went Live A Heath.
■ So Mr. Oilman Brown, of 84 Mill St.,
Bdoth Gardner,, Maae., wu told by the
doctor*. Bla aon bad lung trouble, fol
. lowing typhoid malaria, and be apent
three hundred and aeventy-flve dollara
with doctor*, who finally gave him up.
; aaytng: "Your boy won’t live a month.”
t He tried Dr, King'* New Dlaoovory and
: a few bottle* rettored him to health and
| enabled him to go to work a perfectly
wall man. Bo aaya he owe* hla proaent
good health to nao of Dr. King’* New
Diaeovery, and knowa it to ba the beat
In the wor)3 far lung .trouble. Trial
bottle* freeatP. C. Coangan’a drug
• •torn
.Many a day** work la loatbyalek
headache, cauaed by indignation and
atomach troublea. DeWitt’a Little Early
Riaera are the moet effectual pill for
overcoming auch difficult!**. Morria ft
CO. ■ :
What a Treminant Inaaranaa Han lay*.
B. M. Bloaaom, aenlor member of B,
M. Bloaaom ft Co., 817 N. 3rd SuLouia
' write*: I had been left with a very di*-'
' treaaing cough, the reault of influenaa,
which nothing aeemed to relieve, until I
took Ballard’* Borehound Syrup. On*
bottle completely cured me. I cent on*
bottle to my aiater who had a aovere
cough, and ahe experienced Immediate
... relief. I , alwaya recommended thla
ayrop to my frienda.
John Oranaton 908 Hampahire Street,
Quincy, III., write*: I have found
Btdlard’a Borehound Syrup auperior to
any other eoogh medicine I have ever
known. It never diaappointa. PrioafiO
r ««d 00 centa. Free aample bottle* at P.
0. Corrigan’*. .
\ ■ an Jrnm+mm..
f a cm to* ulioui oouo.
Rnaouaca, Benm Ob., Qhfl km
bean aubjeot to attack* of billloua oolie
for ininl )i«m Chamberlain’a Oolie,
| Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la the
only ante relief. It acta like a charm.
One doaa of It gtrea relief when all other
- remedlea fail.—Q. D. Bhabp. For sale
• hy P. C. Corrigan.
■iitsrj. , lallavad cf Tanfole falae. .
T - R. K.Morae, traveling aalaamea, Gal-'
teuton, Texu, aaya:* Ballard’* Boo%
Liniment cured me of rheomatlam of
* three moatha’ atanding after uae of two
•| boltlee. J. B. Doaa, Danville, 111a., aaya;
. I ben naad Ballard'a Snow Llalmaat for
. yeara aad would not be wlthoat It J.
•'-H. Groudf, Rio, Ilia., aaya Ballard'a
:, fiaow t Liaimeat cured terrible palaa la
•f head and neck whea nothing
Olie would. Xrery bottle gaaraatead.
Price BO cent*. Free trial botllea at P.
Potaoa iry, laaact bltee, brulaea,acalda,
bare* are qalekly' cured by DeWitt’a
WH*A Haael Salve, the great pile care.
Morrla * Oo. Jr.' a . .?
» “Boy a will be boy*,” bat you can’t
, afford to loco aay of them. Be ready
f| |or the green apple acaaon by baring
DeWitt’a Colic and Cholera Care la th«
n ■
bouae. Morria A Co.
; Thoee of oar readerawho west aomu
t;:| good, reliable aeaapeper during th<
I campaign ahould aabecrlbe for th)
Toledo Weekly Blade. It la for McKih
'ley aad Hobart, ataada aqaarely oa thi
®E- --.J" ■*»*"*”^
'0t Lpuia platform and given valid am
! lheid reaaoaa for ao doing.
It you ever hare aaen a little child it
the agony of cummer com plaint y«
eaa real lee the danger of the trouble aai
tft appreciate the value of iaatantaaeoa
relief gltyaya afforded by DeWitt’a Coll
h Oholera onre. Fordyaeatery aw
s diarthma it la a reliable remedy. W
not affordto recommend thia aa
I _ jaleaalt warooeuae. Morrla A 0<
Thousands of Worn]
Bf Armies HmOMoEw ill Imt Orpw.;
It causes health to bloom, and1
Joy to reign throughout the frame.
... It Never Falls to Regulate.
Inc pbr.lolmn. tbrau tttn. without banrtt.'
After ulra tbrau botflo* of BRADriKI.D'8<
FRUALK HBOULATOB ah. can do horowu <
cooking. milking and washlna.”
H.8. BHTAN. Handoraoo. Ala.
BRADriKLD KE8ULAT0B CO., Atlaala, fid. <
Sold hr druwlau at SUM par bottla.
Skavikw, Vb.—We hare a splendid
■ale on Chamberlain's Clough Remedy,
and our customers coming from far and
near, speak of it in the highest terms.
Many hare said that their children
would hare died of croup If Chamber*
Iain's Cough Remedy had not been
given.—Kkllam & Ourrbn. uThe 25
and 50 cent sisea for sale by P. C.
Did Tn Ivor
Try fileetrie Bitter* m ft remedy for
your trouble*? If not get ft bottle now
nnd get relief. Tbl* medicine ba* been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the
relief and core of all female complaint*,
exerting a wonderful direct influence in
giving etrengtb and tone to tbe organ*.
If yon have loie of appetite, constipa
tion, . headache, fainting apelia, or are
nervone, sleepless, excitable, melancholy
or troubled with diuy spells, Electric
Bitters is tbe medicine yon need. Health
and strength are guaranted by its use.
Fifty cents and tl.00 at P. 0. Corrigan’s
drag store.
DeWItt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleansing tbe blood from impurities and
disease. It does this and more. It
bolide np and strengthens constitutions
impaired by disease. It recommends It*
self. Morris A Co.
It doesn't matter mneh whether sick
headaohe, billionsness, {ndigeation and
constipation are caused by neglect or by
unavoidable clrcumstanoes: DeWitt’s
Little Early Risers will speedily cure
them all. Morris A Co.
If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your
blood is thick and sluggish; is your ap
petite is capricious and uncertain, you
aead a sarsaparilla. For better results
take DeWitt’s. It recommends itself.
Morris A Co.
Notloe is herb? given that anlnoorpor
•tion ha* been formed to bo known a* the
American Chicory company, whole princi
pal place of business 1* Fremont, Dodge
county. Nebraaka. Tbe general nature of
the bu*lne** to be transacted by tbl* cor
poration shall be the planting, cultivating,
raising, purchasing and storing of chicory
beets, and the manufacture and sale of
chicory therefrom: also, tbe erection, estab
lishment and maintenance of fnotaries for
the manufacture of chicory at O'Neill, Holt
county.Nebraska, at Fremont, Dodge county,
Nebraska, or elsewhere, and to hold, possess,
buy, sell and lease real estate to be used In
connection with the planting, raising, culti
vating and harvesting of ohloory beets or
roots, and to do all things necessary and in
cident to the raising of chicory roots and the
manufacture and sale of ehloory therefrom.
Tbe authorised oapttal stock of this corpor
ation shall be (1100,000.00) one hundred thou
sand dollars, twenty-five thousand of which
shall be pain In before beginning business.
The existeno* of this corporation shall
oommenoe oa the Slat day of July, A. D. use,
and shall terminate oathe 81st day of July,
A. D. urn.
The highest amount' of Indebtedness to
which this corporation shall at any one time
fubject Itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of
the amount of capital stook actually Issued.
The affairs of this corporation shall be
conducted by a board of live (S) directors,
chosen from the stockholders by a majority
of the stook on tint second Monday of July of
each year.
Issal] Savon OunitD, President.
>•* Ononan A. M nan. Secretary.
ikititrkHlM notice of Intention to moke
flnu proof before the register end receiver et
their ofBce ln O'Neill,.Neb., on Frldey. the
tbth dor of September, 1888, on tlmbercnlture
eppUoetlon No. _
NWU of eeotlon No.
„-88. In tow:__
north ronge Mo. II went. She nemee et wit
Joeeph Hneel, of Inmen " " ~
“——s'- Joseph Miuel, of Inmen. Neb« J. K.
TIUBIB oulturb, FINAL proof.
UsitudStatbs Ladd Omen, I
, O'Neill. Neb., August IB. 1888. f
Notice. U _ hereby given thet Agnes T.
tor the NK Nak Nh
rnshlp No. »
Jobs A. Hawob. Register.
Notion Is hereby given thet the pertn
heretofore existing between OlydeKIn
u. H. Cronin Is this dey dissolved by n
King enu
---—-v.^nms.wm Of UHltUti
«»R—at.. All eooounts due the Bnn wlU be
collected by D. H. Cronin, end ell ecoounte
owed by the firm will be peld by him.
Clydb Kina
D. H. Ceonln.
Laud Orvtcs at O'Nbua, Nbb. I
August A188A* f
' nlif WV 0| jggp, |
Notloe U hereby given thet the following
nemed.settlerhot filed notloe of his Intention
t “ “r* ui aw lDienuon
gfe,gyags,* ^ ~
«“»■«> township 88,
tor the
NWU I.___
rwute u west. 8th p. u
A end
She names the following witnesses to prove
BUrr “d V*
M Johk A. Hahhoh. Register.
llnm Status Laud Omen,
southwest euerter seotion twenty-four
township thirty, north return eleven west, li
Holtoounty,Nebraska, with e view to th‘
eeneelletlon of sold entry, the aeld pertie
ere hereby summoned to eppesr et this of
“ “ ‘ dey of August. M88, et 1 o'c
lond end ftirnlsh testimony
ellsged ehendonssent.
E. WiuoauaBeoelv
UniTMD Status Lan-i Offtc*.
„ „ O'NelU. Neb. Jam 3. IBS*.
Notice Is hereby given that Allen P.
White has Hied notice ot Intention to make
Anal proof before the Register and receiver
at their olfioe _ln O’Neill, Neb., onTueeday
the 14th day of July. 1888, on timber culture
application No. 8B88, for WM 81V and KM
SWM of section No. 4, In township No. It,
range No. 14, west. He names os witnesses:
J. K White, N. L. Strong, M. Brorherton i
Henry Scale, all of Amelia, Nebraska.
John A. Habmon, Register.
Land Omen at O'Wun.1., Neb.,
July 17,1888.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler baa filed notlceof his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that sold proof will m made before the
Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Nebraska,
on August 18,1888, vis:
CHARLES M. BROWN, H. E. No. 14818,
for the EM NEK and EM BEK section 80,
township 27, north range 12 west.
He names the following witnesses to prov
hls continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, vis: Gotlieb Nlemnnd,
Carl Nlemand, Andy Waloh and Ignats
Welch, all of Chambers, Nebraska.
a-6np. John A. Habmon, Register.
Unitnd Status Land Omen, I
O'Neill, Neb., June 10, 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that Otis Haven, of
Charles city, Iowa, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before the register
and receiver at their oflee in O'NelU, Neb.
on Friday the 14th day of August, 1808, on
timber-culture application No. 8118. for the
NB K of section No. 85, in township No. 18
north, range No. 11 west. He names as wit
nesses: Cnauaoy D. Keyes, Berry O. Jewell,
John J. Halloron and Frank McDermott, all
of Inman, Nebraska.
1-8 John A. Habmon, Register.
8. H. UMimin, Jennie Beeeman, Bobert
Hannah. Mr*. Bobert Hannah, T. O. Cannon,
Ellia Cannon, non-resident defendants.
Notion le hereby given that on the 18th day
of January, 18##, A. T, Merrill, the, plaintiff
In thle action. Hied his petition In the ofiloe
of the cleric of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
whloh Is to foreclose a certain morUrmge ex
ecuted by 8. H. and Jennie Beeeman upon
the northeast quarter section 4. township 80,
north range 10, west 8th r, x., in Holt county.
Nebraska, which montage was executed and
delivered to the Globe Investment Company
and filed for record on the 12th day of
September, 1880, and recorded In book 48 of
mortgages at page 828: that there Is now due
upon said mortgage the sum of 1888.00.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 27th day of July, 1888, or the
same will be taken ns true and judgment
entered accordingly.
80-4 A. T. Mkbbill.
By| H. H. TJttley.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
by virtue of an order of court duly made on
the 22nd day of July, 1186, will on the 28th
day of August, 1886, at 1 :80p.m„ at the west
front door of the court-house in the city of
O’Neill, Holt oounty. Nebraska, offer the fol
lowing lands, held as assets of the Holt
County Bank, for sale, to:wlt:
The N 80 feet of lote 1 and 2 In blook 21 In
the original town of O’Neill, oommonly
known as the Bank building, lot 6 block 2,
lots010 and 11 In blook 46 andlot I In block
48, lots 6 and T In blook 68, lota 2,17 and 8 In
blook 84 In McCafferty’s addition to O'Neill.
All of blook A except 288 off the north side.
All of block C exoept 88 feet by 175 feet and
the southeast quarter of blook D and IK of
nw!4 of block B, lota 1.2,8 and 4 In block H.
lots 6, 6 and 7 In blook J, all In the olty of
O’Neill. The eekof eeetion 8. township 80,
range 12; nek 22,80,10. seuth 40 feetof lots 14.
O’Neill. The eekof eeetion 8. township 00,
range 12; nek 22,80,10. seuth 40 feetof lots 14.
15 and 18 lnblook28; lots8to 16Inclusive in
blook 10 the original town of O'Neill. 8outh
K of the ne, se k nw!4 and ne k of soli 8 and
ne)4 nek 4. and nek 0, all In township 27.
range 10 west, and lota 12 and 18 In blook 20,
original town of O’Neill. Also a strip of
Sound at the sw k of sek of section 80, town
Ip 28, range 11, west 8th p. x., on ejparallell
line with Fourth street In the city Of O'Neill,
Holt county, Nebraska, and 175 net north of
the oenter of the main traek of the Fremont
Blkborn and Mlseourl Valley railroad as now
looated over and across said land thenoe
running north on said line parallel 1 with
Fourth street 75 feet, thence east ISO feet,
thence south to a point 175 feet north of the
oenter of the main track of said railroad,
thenoe west on said line 175 feet, north of said
railroad track to the point of beginning.
The awk 11, township 27, range 10, west, ex
cept first a strip of land 200 feet In width
across the nek of swk of the swk of said
.section which strip of land is known as the
right-of-way of the Fremont Blkborn and
Missouri Valley railroad compauy and lies
MO feet in width on each side of the center
line of the railroad track of said defendant.
Also excepting a strip of land 150 feet in
vridth across swk of said section, saction 11,
Immediately south of and abutting upon
said right of way of said Premoot xlkkora
and Missouri Valley railroad as above
mentioned. Also excepting a portion of said
swk of said section 11, described as follows:
Commencing at a point 870 feet west and 40
feet north of the south east corner of the
nek of said swkof section 11, running thence
west 250 feet, thence north 250 feet, thence
east 260 feet, and thence south 280 feet to the
point of beginning.
Such sale to be for cash or part cash and
on time with good security subject to the
approval of the undersigned and the court.
Hated this 80th day of July, 1808.
4-4 O. O. Bxtdub,
Beoelver Holt Oounty Bank.
Bose Btewart, defendant, will take notion
that on the 15th day of June, 1806, Jamee
Dolan, plaintiff herein, filed hla petition In
the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska,
against Bose Stewart, Impleaded with others,
defendants. The object and prayer of which
~~ To foreclose a certain mortgage, ex
‘ ‘ - i N. Farlow,
ecuted by the defendant, William 1_
to the plaintiff, upon the northeast quarter
of section twenty (20.) and the northwest
quarter of section twenty-one <21.) all in
township thirty <90, j range sixteen (16.) Holt
Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of a oertaln promissory note, dated
March 7, ltSl for the sum of one thousand
(81,000) dollars, and due and payable In five
years from the date thereof; that by reason
of default of the defendants In the payment
of the Interest due upon said note, and de
fault In the payment of taxes on said
jpremlsee. the whole sum of principal and
Interest upon said note and mortgage, as
approved therein, has become due ancT pay
and n_
dollars, i
that there Is now due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of one thousand (21,000)
dollars, with Interest at the rate of seven per
cent, per annum from March 7,1804, tot which
sum with Interest, as above set forth, plain'
tiff prays tor a decree that the defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the Amount
found due. „ ,,
You are requited to answer said petition
onorbefore tbs 27th day of July, 180sT
Huur * Jack akd H. M. Omit.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Weekley Bee.
Mik« i special campaign rata of
15 GTS TO NOV. 15
a a a ■ OR • •••
20 CTS TO NOV. 31
Subscribe bow for the leading...
...of the weet
is the
f 'v ‘* ■ ■ ' ■ - ;v“ . :
and the A
", K
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
/ Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably, cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
v will t it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the best in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
* .«*
If you wint
To subscribe for The Frontier
^ and any other paper or maga*
sine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead*
ing publications oi the world.
Gall on or address
• : , . ’ O’NEILL, NEB.