; The Frontier. H; f PUBLIiHKD EVERY THUR8DAY BY |i§§ THS FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. NATIONAL TICKET. For President: WILLIAM X'KINLIY. For Vtoo-FraaMent: GARRETT A. HOBART. STATI TICKET. For Governor..JOHN H. MaoOOLL. For Llaut. Oororaor.ORLANDO TKFT. For Secretary of State.J. A. PIPER. For Auditor..P. O. UEDLUND. For Trooonror.CHAS. K. CABBY. For Superintendent.H R. CORBETT For Attorney GenenU....A. 8. CHURCHILL. Far Ooamlat loner.H. 0. RUSSELL, Supreme Judge, long tern... .R, RYAN. BuproaeJudge,short trm...H. F. KIMKAID. Resent. .W. G. WHITMORE. OONGKEMIOMAL TICKET. For Oougieeeiuam , A. E. OADY, of Howard. 8ENAT0EIAL TICKET. For Senator: L.P.GLA88BURN, of Wheeler. OOUMTT REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Eepieeentottree; JOHN TBOHMBRSHAUSSEB, of Ewing. J. A. RICE, of Stuart. For County Attorney: B. H. BENEDICT, of O'Neill. And David Beaut Hill is still a demount. ■ .. «. i »«»»«■■. Hon. A. E. Cadt will speak iathis K: city Tnosday evsning, September 15. Hoke Smith has resigned his position as secretary of the interior, and the same has been accepted by President Cleveland, -- --- Thxbtt two years of nnoqnaled p prosperity under ropnUiean rale is a strong argnment for the return of the republican party to power. -— ■■ ■ »«e»» • The sound money democrats of Illinois have nominated a foil state ticket,aud plaoed at its head that old war home, General John O. Black. . .1.11.1. » Sf»».. —e Tee sound money democrats will hold their national convention at Indianopolis neat Wedneeday. The campaign will then be on in earnest. If too want to vote for a good, dean, able man to repreeent this ^ district in congress for the next two ; yearn you have an opportunity, and A. E. Cady is the man. O. M. Kix has moved to Colorado. He has bean sent to oongrsss from this district three terms and this is the only act that will receive the eommondstion of his eonstitasntn Batu R. Faxuoia, u gownor of Miaaouri, Im bean appointed nm tiif ib iatiriMt to fill the vaoaneyoaaaed by the resignation of Hoke Smith. He will asaame the dotiea of hia office September 1. ■ ...«»»« , i , . JiOK MoCail «u not nominated for gpranwr on aoooont of hie oretorioil: ability, but beoaotee he waa pre-eminently moll qualified for the poaition, and was a man of the oom aoon people.- He ia ante to be the ! n«t gaveroot of the beat atate in QH|QB» *♦ v■ **• * ?»s i »v«v • On of 11m visitors who sailed np on Major McKinley last weak said ho was going to vote ths npsblku tiakat thin you. Ha said ha had boon voting the damooratio ticket and got tired living on sunshine. Qiva ns McKinley, sound money and | protection and tha whaala of pros peritywQl again revolve, confidence will ha raatorad and we wilt be a happy and ptoapeioaa peopln r ,m-, Junes OummranAX ft. Soon, of . Omaha, addiaaaad an andianea at 'Atkinson last Saturday availing and - lost votes for tha free silver oanse. Seott'a stock in trad# is vitnparatiod. Xvory man who does not agree with ;hun ia a fool and a knave. His ad dress fkmi beginning to and was a die jointad Sanaa of irralavaatststamsata. Heahealdseeore the sjrvioee of a joiner lor • n fswwaaks and have his aantanoaa conjugated before ha again imposes jumaolt upon a safer iflff Dttffllft • vv:-.u>j - - M: ‘ -J n-;'~ . 'V Bbyah preached free trade in 1892. He is preaching free silver' in 1890. Judging from the policy he advo cated in 1892 we could not look for much benefit from the policy he is now fathering. He acknowledges that it is an experiment We have had enough of experiments for a while and it is time the good old republican party again took the helm and steered the country back into prosperity. Jtojoe Soott in his speech at At kinson last Saturday succeeded in disgusting his audience. Those who were inclined to think that Boaewater had been too hard on him now think he did not give him enough. Even the free silver men who brought him-to the town felt that they owed an apology to the people for the harangue he inflicted on those who listened to him. Bounxi Coohbam was a bright and shining light in 1892 an dour local democratic (f) politicians considered ao one his peer. But mark the Change. Bonrke has the courage of hie "convictions and is not afraid to fay whit they are. He is opposed to national dishonor and believes in a sound financial policy. He Won’t swallow Bryan and the Chicago platform and became of this he is no longer admired, but rather cussed, by some of his former admirers in these parts. The' popocrats are always re ferring to James G. Blaine, when arguing for free silver, and claim ing that ho was a bimetallist Be was in favor of the ratio between gold and silver being fixed by the leading commercial nations, and was therefore opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver with* out the aid or consent of any other notion on earth. The following is the money plank of the platform of 1884, when Blaine and Logan were the standard bearers: We' have always recommended the best money known to the, civilised world, and we urge that efforts should be made to unite all commercial nations iu the establish ment of an international standard which should fix for all the relative value of gold and silver coinage. No publication of the populists and democrats has been more widely circulated than a leaflet which pur ports to give a quotation from the London Financial News of March 1898, expressing the opinion that the adoption of free coinage of silver in the United States would be dis advantageous to England and help ful to the trade and business of this country. Millions of this document have been published and circulated by the democratic and populist com mittees and scores of letters have been reoeived from business men and formers asking about the character of the paper publishing such a state ment, and as to whether any such statement was ever published by the London Financial News. The pub lishers of that paper say in the issue of August 18: "No such artide was ever printed by us and its whole tenor is directly imposed to the view we have taken of the effect of free silver in the United States.” This leaves the question of deliberate forgery to be explained by those who hate circulated the document-inter Ocean. is starved blood. It shows itself In pale cheek* white lips, weak digestion, no appetttc,cxhaus tkxi, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and,chicf of all, weak muscles. Your doctor calls It Anaemia. He will tdl you that of Coddivcr Oil with Hypo phosphites, wffl makepoor blood rich. It is a food for over-taxed andweak digestion, so prepared that It can easily be taken in summer when Godkvcr Oil or even ordinary foods might repel SCOTT 8, IBM. Baraka Ckemieal A Mfg. Co, La Oroaae Wie.—Gentlemen*. For forty yaaro ' f need tobaoeo in all ita forma. For 95 jeare of that time I waa a great cofferer from general dooility and heart diaaaaa. For iftaen yaare I triad to qait, bat eoalda’t. I took earioaa remediea, among othera “No-To-Bao.’' “The Inpiaw Tobaoeo Antidote,” “Doable Chloride of Oold,” ate., etc, bat none of them did me the leaet bit of good. Finally, however, I pnrehreed a box of yoar "Beeo-Cnro" and it haa entirely eared me of Hia habit in all ita forma, and I have inereared 80 poonda in weight and am relic red from all the nnmerone aohea and peine of body and mind. I eonld write a pfro of paper apon my changed feeling and eon* dition. You re reapaetfnlly, P. H. Mean car, Paator C. P. Chnreh, Clayton, Ark. Bold by all drnggiata at fl.00 par box; three boxaa, (thirty day’a treatment), $>•8° with iron-elad, written gnarantae, or aant direct apon reeeipt of price. Write for booklet and proofa. Enroka Chemical & Mfg. Co, La Oroaae, Wia, aad Boa too, Maae. Ooieitam. O’NEILLBUSINESS DIRECTORY jjn. j. f. enuoAK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGECN. Office in Holt Connty bank building. All work cub In advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, - . NEB. gABNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. .... " 1 | Jg'H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, pEee lathe Judge Roberta building, north • of O. O. Border's lumber yard, own*. m ran ui mi mm nut Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:» a. m., arriving at Spencer at 4 r.n.i at Butte. S:30 p. u. 8. D. OALUHrnn. Prop. O’CON NOR & GALLAGHER ' DIALERS ID LIQUORS Of All kinds, a speelslty msde of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not f All to oaU on us. DeYARMAN’S BARN. " B. A. DiYARUAN, Mnnager., D’Y ARMAN’S IWffifffMf Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALorun the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market complete ■ \-THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE MPsrYemr. 00 Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AID BEST MAIL SERVICE THE TBIBUNK, Bub. Dept. Sioux City. lows. CMahertar’a Eaaliah IMamul Ibaa*. PILLS r»U»b*». U»it* ut i I UnwIM tor nicJkuftr* luU JNa-V IM HI MbaMUif "•..MW >Uk bltM Hbbo«. Taka ' »«» kkwaawM xiIiiih LStsssr OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS ■mi Twit, rum i fir tmrnMm Urn IfMWlMtft flBAMl Mi htfWlturt. la&SM&giL me m. Mm |L(i | feme, MM. ggggjMfljnijjjjMMMgjUJ mStSSSKH 35S ‘UUIaewlMMtfe. imumiam. •T. LOUtl* • THE SAFE STORE O’Kell), Keb. There ian’t a store In the whole country that sells clothing as “The Nebraska" does. It la an exceptional store, it is a rtliabU store, it is an absolutely safe store. The price today is the price tomorrow sud the next day. and the price to one is the price to all We hare no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never resort to catch penny methods of marking some goods low in order to sell you other goods high. Our practice of instantly refunding money when goods don’t suit is the best proof you can have that our goods and prices •re all right. For eleven years we have been building up a vast bus iness on these principles and our business was never so large, our prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for our catalogue. It contains samples of goods end will save you o guat many dollars above what you have to pay for the ■ame qualities at home. It is? a book that ought to be in every clothing buyer’s hand. WGst our prices on Bicycle Outfits. ELKHORN VALLEY PLOW FACTORY**, O'NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIOOB, Paop. -Manufactures the HamneU Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horaeshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in AH work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Alao dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Partiss wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES* President, ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. ‘ JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK OF O’NEILL. *> CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS: Headquarters for . , . LUMBER —COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. NaOt, „ (O'Nci Yards < Pijt, UliSo. 0.0. SNYDER & CO. The Inter Ocean j»Jljg_Mggt_Poputar HtpaHtam Niwipuff ofthg_Wgtjmd Ha* tha Lmm &rcnlat*an« TBHttS BV : DAILY (without Sunday)...14.00 ur w DAILY (with Sunday)...$d.00 par'yaar The Weekly Inter Occsn^- e«.no PER YEAR.!...Jl~ JUaKawptMr THE UTTER OCEAN keepti abreast ofths -_i- , respects. It sparss neither pains mmr**1 ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. The‘Weekly Inter Ocean As n Family Paper la Not ExcnHad by Aar. °Li“teTMt to MOh member of tha fhmlly. Its ARY FEATURES are UM^ntltd* It U » TWELVE PAGE PAPER mad contains ths Hews of the w«.m POLITICALLY IT W REPUBLICAN, mad gives itf£rtot* ths tarttaf th. mblmst dieoarton. on all Ur. political topic? It K55S??,*!!5Sg mad U ia acoord with the ->eople oftha West in both polltios aad Please remember that the prloe of THE WEEKLY UTTER mwiS to OHLT own DOLLAR FAR TEAR. Address «T*HOGEA»lA THB INTER OCEAN, Chicago. The Frontier and Inter Ocean only $1.75 per year.