t - ... . - A BotUtl Liver Makes a Wall Kan. Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with iaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in back and between the shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you have any of these symptoms, your liver V is out of order, and your blood is slow* ly being poisoned, because your liver does not act promptly. Herbine will , cure any disorder of tbe liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a liver medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at P. C Corrigan’s. JO Backlsn's Arnica Balvs. Tub Bust Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For tale by P. C. Corri gan. _ 51-tf Free Fills. Send your address to H. £. Bucklin & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proven invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely Vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents per box. Sold by P. C. Corrigan druggist. Year lor Won’t Live A Month. So Mr. GHmnn Brown, of 84 Mill St., South Gardner,, Mass., wao told by the doctor*. Hi* ion had lung trouble, fol lowing typhoid malaria, and he apent three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally gave him up, saying: “Your boy won’t live a month.” He tried Dr. King’s Mew Discovery and a few bottlos restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a perfectly well man. He says be owes his present good health to use of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and knows it to be the best in the world for lung trouble. Trial bottles free at P. G. Corrigan’s drug store. __ » Many a day’s work is lostJ»y sick headache, caused by indigestion and stomach troublss. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming such difficulties. Morris A Co. __ Ballard’s Horshsud Syrup. . We guarrantee thi* to be the beet Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a great deal, but it Is true. For consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, sore chest,pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, we poeUieely guarantee BaUard'e Horehound Syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe* In support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever used it, and to every druggist who has eyer sold It . Such evidence is indisputable. Price 98 and SO cants. Free sample bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. -- Ballard’s Smew Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your rheumatism, neuraliga, sprains, cuts, bruise*, burns, frosted feet and ears, sore throat and sore chest. If you have lame back It will cure it. It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure stiff Joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard’s Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as wall as ever. It will cure you. Price 80 cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. Varvsloas Km alto. From » letter written by Rev. J. Gundermen, of Dimondsle, Mich., we ere permitted to mftke tbie abet root: “I bare no heellation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought kown with pneumonia suc ceeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King’s New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly sat ’ latactory in results.” Trial bottles free at P. G. Corrigan's drug atore. Regular sixe 50 cents and 11.00. TO UOVX CITT ub TKX Bin. Buy your tickeU to O’Neill and take the Pacidc Short Line there. It doesn’t cost any more and it saves hours. Poison ivy, insect bites, bruises,scalds, bums are quickly cured by DeWitt’a ;; Witch Haul Salve, the great pile cure. | -Morris ft Oo. si If “Boys will be boys,” but you can't ^afford to Ion any of them. Be ready for the green apple season by having DaWltfs Colic and Cholera Cure in the house. Morris ft Co. . Thou of our readers who want some; good, reliable newspaper during the campaign should subscribe for the ' Toledo Weekly Blade. It is for McKin ley and Hobart, stands squarely on the Be Louis platform and gives valid and , teaid reasons for * doing. . . . ^ | W« Offtr Yn • J REMEDY Which < INSURES Safety •f Ufa to Mother < Child. EXPECTANT MOTHERS, Si “MOTHERS’ FRIEND”; IMi CMflamMrt of III Wn, Horror aid HsL! My wire used “>OTHEBS' FRIBRB” bo-1 fore birth of her first child, abe did not i ■niter from CRAB PS or PAIRS—woe quickly , relieved >t the critical hour ■uSerlnc but. i Uttle-ehe had no pains afterward and her ' recovery waa rapid. ; E. E. JonnsTOh, Eufauls, Ala. < Sent by Mall or Eapreaa, on receipt of l price, (1.00 par bottle. Book “To Moth*' era " mailed Tree. BBADTRLD BBGVLATOB CO., Atlanta, 6a. 1 •OtS BT AU SRVMUTS. BBAPFIKL I SOI A Remarkable Cora of Chroaie Diarrhoea. In 1802, when I served toy country u a private in Company A, 167th Pennayl vanla Volunteers, 1 contracted chronic diarrhoea. It haa given me a great deal of trouble ever since. I have tried a dozen different medicines and eeveral prominent doctors without any perma nent relief. Not long ago a friend tent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after that I bought and took a SO cent bottle; and now I-can aay that I am entirely cured. I cannot be thank:1 ful enough to you for thia great remedy, and recommend it to all suffering vet erans. If In doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Hkkry Strimbbrorr, Allen town, Pa. Sold by P. C. Corrigan. •11.15 Bound Trip. National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic, at 8t. Paul Minn., Sep. 1 to 4, 1890. Ticket* on aale August 80, and 81, good to return until September 15. For further information apply to joint agent at St. Paul, Minn. Fare from O'Neill and return $11.15. W. J. Dobbs, Agt. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. It recommends it self. Morris & Co. It doesn’t matter much whether sick headache, billiousness, indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances: DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will speedily cure them all. Morris & Co. If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your blood Is thick and sluggish; is your ap petite is capricious and uncertain, you need a sarsaparilla. For better results take DeWitt’s. It recommends itself. Morris & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CORPORATE NOTICE. Notice Is herb? given that an lncorpor* atlon has been formed to bo known as the American Chicory company, whose princi pal place of business Is Fremont, Dodge county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this cor poration shall be the planting, cultivating, raising, purchasing and storing of chicory beets, and. the manofacture and sale of chicory therefrom; also, the erection, estab lishment and maintenance' of factories for the manufacture of chicory at O'Neill, Holt county .Nebraska, at Fremont, Dodgecounty, Nebraska, or elsewhere, and to hold, possess, buy, sell and lease real estate to be used In connection with the planting, raising, culti vating and harvesting of chicory beets or roots, and to do all things necessary and In cident to the raising of chloory roots and the manufacture and sale of ohloory therefrom. The authorised capital stook of this corpor ation shall be (5100,000.%) one hundred thou sand dollars, twenty-five thousand of which shall be pain In before begluntng business. The exlstenoe of this corporation shall oommenoe on the 81st day of July, A. D. MOO, and shall terminate on the 31st day of July. A. D. UK!. The highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any one time fubjeot Itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the amount of oapltal stook actually Issued. The affairs of this corporation shall be conduotedby a board of five (A) directors, chosen from the stockholders by a majority of the stook on the second Monday of July of each year. [SBALl Bbvon Ou>nkli>, President. 74 Oaonon A. Ms ad. Secretary. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnitbdStatss Laid Orrics, ^ „ O'Neill, Neb., August 15. 1806., Notice Ik hereby given that Agnes T. Bentley bee filed notice of Intention to make final proof before the register and reoetver at tlietr office in O’Neill, Neb., on Friday, the 25thday of September. 1886,on timber culture Station No. MW, for the NM NaXNW of eeotlon No. E In township No. 28 range No. II want. She names as wit nesses: Joseph Musel, of Inman. Neb., J. E. s HBenUeT and **•weekes' 8-finp John a. Harmon. Register. NOTICE dDF DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Clyde King and D. H. Cronin Is this day dissolved by mutual content. AU amounts due the firm will be ikol 1 antaA rase Is U Hiuu,ln _ „ti_ wuevuva *»ss avwunw UU. __w aaa w collected by D. H. Cronin, and all accounts owed by the first will be paid by hljn. Clydb Kino D. II. Cronin. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lano Omcs AT O'Nuia, Nn. I ■ „ . . August A ifiss. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention 40 J“*Lk« #“Sl P”**! Jn.fupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on Septemoer IB, 1806, vis: ELSIE B. HOWARD, H. E. No, 14421, for the 8E(* SnU WVi tali section 5, and Nwit NKk section 8, township 38, north, range 11 west. 8th r. n. She names the following witnesses to prove her continues residence uppn and cultiva tion of. said land, vh: Elias E. Parkins, Rudolph Mlelke. Robert Starr and John Belts, all of Little, Neb. M John a. Harmon, Register. NOTICE. Unitbd States Land Omcs, _ , , . , O'Neill, Neb., July 11, iggs. Complaint having been entered at this olfim by Harry E. Gerard against William M. Moore for abandoning n Is homestead entil No. 14871. dated ApHI A 1888, upon the south hall southeast quarter and south half southwest quarter section twenty-four, township thirty, north range eleven west. In Holt county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties s nsss M3raMsaasssrojr con' “ R. Wiixiams. Receiver. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Unitrd Status Lun Office. „ , , w O’Neill. Neb. June a. 1896. Notice Is hereby given that Allen P. White has Bled notice of Intention to make final proof before the Register and receiver at their office in O'Neill, Neb., on Tuesday the 14th day of July, 1896, on timber culture application No. 3808, for W‘A HEM and K'4 BWh of section No. 4, In township No. 26, range No. 14, west. He names as witnesses: J. B. White, N. L Strong, M. Brorherton and Henry Scafe, all Of Amelia, Nebraska. 48-8 John A. Harmon, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncx At O'Nmll, Neb., July 17. IBM. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed noticeof hie Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on AugustSB. 1896, viz: CHARLES M. BROWN, H. E. No. 14389, for the E*4 NF.H and E!4 BEM section 30, township 27, north range la west? He names the following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vis: Ootlleb Nlemand, Carl Nlemand, Andy Waloh and Ignats Walch, all of Chambers, Nebraska. 3-flnp. John A. Harmon, Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitsd Statu Land Omen,' I O’Neill, Neb., June 89. 1896. f Notice is hereby given that Otis Haven, of Charles city, Iowa, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final proof before the register and receiver at their office In O'Neill, Jieb. on Friday the 14th day of August, 1896, on timber-culture application No. 6186, for the NE 14 of section No. 86, In township No. 28 north, range No. 11 west. He names as wit nesses: Cnauney D. Keyes, Harry O. Jewell, John J. Halloran and Frank McDermott, all of Inman, Nebraska. 1-6 John A. Harmon, Register. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. , 8. H. Rees man, Jennie Beeaman, Robert Hannah. Mra. Robert Hannah,T. C. Cannon, Eliza Cannon, non-resident defendants. Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of January, 1806. A. T. Merrill, the plaintiff In this action, filed hta petition In the office of the clerk of the dlstrlot court a f Holt county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whloh Is to foreclose a oertain mortgage ex ecuted by 8.- H. and Jennie Reeamaa upon the northeast quarter section 4. township 89. north range 10, west 6th r. m., in Holt county. Nebraska, which mortgage wu executed and delivered to the Globe Investment Company and filed for record on the 12th day of September, 1889, and recorded In book 48 of mortgages at page 529: that there Is now due upon said mortgage the sum of 8886.00. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of July, 1896, or the same will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. 604 A. T. Mxrrii.d. Byt H. M. Uttley, Attorney for Pl Untlff. NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that the undersigned by virtue of an order ot oourt duly made on the 22nd day of July. 1806, will on the 20th day of August. 1206. at 1:80 p. m„ at the west front door of the court-house In the city of O'Neill, Holt county. Nebraska, offer the fol lowing lands, held as assets of the Holt County Bank, for sale, to:wit: The N M feet of lots 1 and 2 In block 22 In the original town of O'Neill, commonly known as the Bank building, lot 8 block 2, lots 910 and 11 in block 48 and lot 7 In block 48, lots 5 and 7 In block SO, lots 2,1? and 8 In block M In McOafferty's addition to O'Neill. AH of block A except 288 off. the north side. All of block C except 6ft feet by 175 feet and the southeast quarter of block D and Ek of nwk of block E, lots 1,2,3 and 4 In block H. lots 5, 0 and 7 In block J, all In the olty of O'Neill, The sek of section 8. township 30, range 12; nek 22,80,10, south 40 feet of lots 14. IS and 16 Inblock 28; lots 9 to 18 Inclusive In block 10 the original town of O'Neill, South k of the ne, se 14 nw!4 and ne k of sek 8 and ne!4 ne!4 4. and nek 0. all In township 27. range 10 west, and lota 12 and IS in block 20, original town of O’Neill. Also a strip or ground at the sw 14 of sek of section 80, town ship 20, range II, west 6th P. if., on • parallell line with Fourth street In the city of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, and 17ft feet north of the center of the main track of the Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad as now located over and across said land thence running north on said line parallell with Fourth street 75 feet, thence east'ISO feet, thence south to a point 176 feet north of the oenter of the main track of said railroad, thence west on said line 176 feet, north of said railroad track to the point of beginning. The swk11, township 27, range 10, west, ex cept first a strip of land 200 feet tn width across the nek of swk of the swk of said section which strip of land Is known as the right-of-way of the Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad company and lies loo feet In width on each side of the center line of the railroad track of said defendant. Also excepting a strip of land 150 feet In width across swk of said section, section 11. immediately south of and abutting upon said right ot way of said Fremont nkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad as above mentioned. Also excepting a portion of said swk of said section 11, described as follows; Commencing at a point 870 feet west and 40 feet north of the south east corner of the nek of said swk of section 11, runnlngthence west 250 feet, thence north 250 feet, thence east 260 feet, and thence south 250 feet to the point of beginning. Such sale to be for cash or part cash and on time with good security subject to the approval of the undersigned and the court. Hated this 80th day of July, 1888. “ Receiver HoMOouinty Bank. NOTICE. Bose Stewart, defendant, will take notice that on the 15th day of June, 188A James Dolan, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the dlstrlot court of Holt oeunty, Nebraska, against ltose Stewart, Impleaded with others, defendants. The object and prayer of which are: To foreclose a certain mortgage, ex ecuted by the defendant, William N.Farlow, to the plaintiff, upon the northeast quarter of section twenty (20.) and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one (21.) all in township thirty (80, > range sixteen (16.) Holt llolt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of a certain promissory note, dated March 7, 1888, for the sum of one thousand (81,000) dollars, and due and payable In five years from the date thereof; that by reason of default of the defendants in the payment of the Interest due upon said note, and de fault In the payment of taxes on said premises, the whole sum of principal aud interest upon said note and mortgage, as approved therein, has become due ana pay able; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of one thousand (81,000) dollars, with Interest at the rate ot seven per cent, per annum from March 7,1884, fof which sum with Interest, as above set forth, plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants he required to pay the same, or that said remises may he sold to satisfy the amount ound due. You are requited to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of July, 188a Dated June 15.1806. * Huun U Jack akd H. M. Cttlbt, 60-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff. The Weekley Bee. la Nan'lVIRV WEEK. Make* a apacial campaign rale of 15 CTS.T0N0V.15 ....OR.... 20 CT.S TO NOV. 31 Subaeribe now for the leading...... SOUND MONEY PAPER .. .of the weal THE BEE PUIUSIIN6 GO., ta*. M. THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER In HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery', always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu* neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial T benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will t it almost as you wait. 4 J As an Advertising fledium It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as' does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga* sine published on earth jve will give you a rate and 84ve you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead* ing publications of the world. Gall on or address ••THE PRONTHBR,” O’NEILL, NEB.