(JHN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY f STATE. Governor.Silas Holcomt l Lieutenant Governor.R. E. Moon Secretary of State. J. A. Pipei State Treasurer.J. S. Bartlej State Auditor.Eugene Moon Attorney General.A. 8. Churchll Com. Lands and Buildings,.O. H. Russel Sunt. Public Instruction. U. K. Corbett , REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Chas. H. Gere, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma: E. P. Holmes Pierce; J. T. Mallatou, Kearney; M. J. Hull Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; Johr M. Thurston, of Omaha. Representatives—First District, J. B Strode Second, D H. Mercer; Third, Geo. D- Mikel john; Fourth — Halner; Fifth, W. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice...A-M. Posi Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norval! FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge.M.P. Klnkaid, of O’Neil] Reporter.J. J. King of O’Neill Judge.W. H. Westover, of Rushvllle Reporter.John Maher, of Rushvllle. LAND 0FFI0K8. o’neiix. Register.John A. Harmon, .. 1>1MM « Receiver'.'..'..Elmer Williams. COUNTY. K Judge.Geo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrvlng Deputy.... *..O. M. Collins Treasurer.J. F. Mullen Deputy.Sam Howard Clerk .Bill Bethea Deputy..Mike MoCarthy Sheriff..Ohas Hamilton Deputy...Chas O’Neill Supt. of Sohools....... W. H. Jackson Assistant.Mrs. W.HJaokson Coroner. .Trueblood • Surveyor...M.F. Norton Attorney.H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. SECOND DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Maok. FOURTH DISTRICT. Ewing, Verdigris andDelolt—L. C. Combs. FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conler, Lake, McClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan, Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—O. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart-Frank Moore. CUT OF O’NEILL. Supervisor, E. J. Maok; Justloes, B. H. Benedlot and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. MeBride and Perkins Brooks. COUNdUlBN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one year—H. 0. MoEvony. SECOND WARD. . For two years—Alexander Marlow. For one year—Jake Pfund. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Davis. For one year—Elmer Merrlman.n < CITT OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Blglin; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman; Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Thos. Carlon; WeighmaBter. Joe Miller. , GRATTAN TO WNSHIP. Supervisor, It. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney MoGreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johrlng: Justices, M. Castello and Chas. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed. McBride; Road overseer dlst. 28. Allen Brown dlst. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF COMNISSION. Regular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of eaoh year, and at suoh other times as iB deemed necessary. Itobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; U. H. Clark Atkinson. ST.PATRICK’8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock. Very Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath sohool Immediately following services. ILfETHODIST CHURCH. Sunday 1X1. services—Preaohlng 10:30 A. M. and 3:00 p. M. Class No. 10:30 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep worth League! 7:00 p. M. Class No. 3 (Child rens) 3:00 p. k. Mind-week services—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. E. T. GEORGE, Pastor. GA. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John • O’Neill Post, No. 86, Department of Ne braska G. A. R., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month in Masonlo hall O'Nell) 8. J. Sun h. Com. CtLKHORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. Ci F. Meets every Wednesday evedlng In Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W. H. Mason, N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec. ’ /-Varfield chapter, r. a. m VF Meets on first and third Thursday of eaoh month In Masonlo hall. W. J. Dobhs Sec. J. C. Harnish, H, P oordlally invited. J. P. GlUilOAN. C. C. E. J. Mack. K. of R. and S. O'NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Ohas. Bright, H. P. H. M. Tttley, Scribe 1?DBN LODGE NO. 41, DACOHTER8 U OF RKBKKAH, meets every 1st and 8d Friday of esoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Flo Bentlet, N. O. Kittib Bkiqht, See. rtABDELD LODGE, NO.05.F.&A.M. VJ Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. J. J. Kino, W. M. O. O. Snydib, Sec. ' IIOLT'CAMPNO. 1710, m. w. of a. JU.Meets on the first and third Tuesday In each month In the Masonic hall. 0. W. Haoensick, V. C. D. H. Cronin, Clerk AO, • am XT. W. NO. 153. Meets second > and fourth Tudsday of each month In Masonlo hall. O. Bright, Bee. S. B. Howard, M. W. X LN DEPENDENT WORKMEN OF AMERICA, meet every first and third Friday of eaoh month. Geo. McGctchan, N. M. J. H. Welton, Seo. POSTOFFICE DIRCBTORY Arrival of Mails I.Ltl. V. R. R.—FROM THE EAST, ■veryday,Sunday Included at.6:16pa FROM THE WEST. vary day, Sunday included at.8:68 am PACIFIC SHORT LIRE. Passenger—leaves 8:58 a. m. Arrives 11:56 p.m. Freight—leaves 0:07 p. m. Arrives 7:00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. O’NEILL AND CHELSEA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..1:00 pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at. .7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .1:30 p m O'NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Frl. at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O'NEILL AND CUMMINSVILLE. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at .. 11 :S0p m Departs Mon., Wad. and Friday at.1KI0 p m PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth in full, are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tues day, November 3, A. D„ 1896: A joint resolution proposing to amend sectlohs two (2), four (4), and five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti tution of the State of Nebraska, relat ing to number of Judges of the supreme court and their term of office. Be It resolved and enacted 'l>y the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section two (2) of ar ticle six (6) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended so as to read as follows: Section 2. The supreme court shall until otherwise provided by law, consist of five (5) judges, a majority of whom shall be necessary to form a quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It shall have original Jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue, civil cases In which the state shall be a {•arty, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction, as may be provided by law. Section 1 That section four (4) of article •lx (6) of the Contsltutlon of the State of Nebraska, be amended so as to read as follows: Section 4. The Judges of the supreme oourt shall be elected by the electors of the state at large, and their term of offlee, except as hereinafter provided, shall tie for a period of not less than live (5) years as the legislature may prescribe. Section S. That section five (5) of article six (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section 5. At the first general election to be held In the year 1896, there shall be elect ed two (2) judges of the supreme court ons of whom shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, one for the term of four (4) years, and at each general election there after, there shall be elected one Judge of the supreme court for the term of five (5) years, unless otherwise provided by law; Provided, That the Judges of the su preme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general elec tion of 1898, shall continue to hold their office for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commis sioned. Approved March 29, A. D. 1895. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of supreme and district court Judges. Be It resolved by the Legislature of the Rtate of Nebraska: Section 1. That section thirteen f'|nnire may provide that In civil actions. live-sixths of the Jury may render a vt-Hhi, amt the legislature may also autlu: sc irlal by a Jury of a less number t:mn twelve men. In courts Inferior to the district court. Approved March Jit. A. L>. i»5. A joint resolutic.-i pioposing to amend oration one (1) of article five (5) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat ing to officers of the executive depart ment. Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebrasku: Section l. That section one (1) of ar ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section l.The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant-gov ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub lic accounts, treasurer, superintendent of public Instruction, attorney-general, com missioner of public lands and buildings, and three railroad commissioners, each of whom, except tho said railroad com missioners, shall hold his office for a term of two years, from the first Thursday af ter the first Tuesday In January, after his election, and until his successor I* elected and qualified. Each railroad com missioner shall hold his office fur a term of three years, beginning on the first Tnursday after the first Tuesday In Janu ary after his election, and until his suc cessor Is elected and qualified: Provided, however. That at tho first general elec tion held after the adoption of this amend ment there shall l>e elected three railroad commissioners, one for the period of one year, one for the period of two years, and one for the period of three years. Tne gov ernor. secretary of state, auditor of pub lic accounts, and treasurer shall reside at the capital during their term of office; they shall keep the public records, booka and pape-s there and shall perform such duties as may be required by law. Approved March 3U, A. D. 1S!>6. A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-ilx (26) of ar ticle live (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, limiting the num ber of executive state officers. Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the 8tate of Nebraska: Section 1. That section ewenty-slx (26) of article five (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows: Section 28. No other executive state offi cers except those named In section one (1) of this article shall be created, ex cept by an act of the legislature which Is concurred In by not less thau three-fourths of the members elected to each house thereof; Provided, That any office created by an act of the legislature may be abolished by the legl«lature, two-thirds of the mem bers elected to each house thereof con curring. Approved March SU. A. D. 1895. A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9) of article eight (8) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, providing for the investment of the permanent educational funds of the state. Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section nine (9) of article eight (8) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows: Section 9. All funds belonging to the state rur educational purposes, the interest and Income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed trust funds held by the state, and the state shall supply all losses there of that may In any manner accrue, so that the same shall remain forever Inviolate and uudlminlshed, and shall not be In vested or loaned except on United States or state securities, or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state, and such funds, with the Interest and income thereof are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they are granted and set apart, end shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses Provided, The bou.d created by section 1 of this article Is empowered to sell from time to time any of the securities belong ing to the permanent school fund and In vest the proceeds arls'ng therefrom In any of the securities enumerated in this sec tion bearing a higher rate of Interest, whenever an opportunity fur better In vestment is presnted: And provided further, That when any warrant upon the state treasuier reg ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri ation by the legislature and secured by the levy of a tax for Its payment, shall be presented to the state treasurer for payment, and there shall not be any money in the proper fund to pay such warrant, the board created by section 1 of this article may direct the state treas urer to pay the amount due on such war rant from moneys In his hands belonging to the permanent school fund of the state and he shall hold -old warrant as an In vestment of said permanent school fund Approved March 29, A. D. 1295 A Joint resol'" >n proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a new* section to article twelve (12) of said constitution to be numbered section two (2) relative to the merging of the government of cities of the metro politan class and the government of the counties wherein such cities are located. Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That article twelve (12) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended by adding to said article a new section to be numbered section two (2) to read is follows: Section 2. The government of any city of the metropolitan class and the gov ernment of the county In which It Is located m-y be merged wholly or In r- : when a proposition so to do has been s'", i-dtted by authority of law to the voters of such city and county and re ceived the aBsent of a majority of trie votes cast In such city and also a majority of the votes cast In the county exclusive of those cast In such, metropolitan city at such election. Approved March 29, A. D. 1895. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six (6) of article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, prescribing the manner In which votes shall be cast. Be It resolved and enacted by the leg islature or the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section six (S) of article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows: Section 8. All votes shall be by ballot, or such other method as may be prescribed by law, provided the secrecy of voting be preserved. Approved March 29, A. D. 1895. A joint resolution proposing to amend section two U) of article four teen (14) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relative to dona tions to works of Internal Improve ment end manufactories. • Be It resolved and enacted by the Leg' Islature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section two (2) of article fourteen (H) or the Constitution of th. State of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. No city, county, town, precinct, municipality, or other subdivision of the .state, shall ever make donations to any works of internal Improvement, or manufactory, unless a proposition no to *• •pall have been first submitted to the qualified electors and ratified by a two thirds vote at an election by authority oi law; Provided. That such donations of a county with the dohattons of such subdi visions in the aggregato shall not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of such county; Provided further. That any city or county may. by a three-fourths vote. Increase such Indebtedness five per cent, In addition to such ten per cent and no bonds or evidences of Indebtedness so Issued snail bo valid unless the same shall nave endorsed thereon a certificate signed by tho secretary and auditor of state, showing that the name Is Issued pursuant to law. Approved March 29, A. D. 1295. I. J. A. Piper, secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foreglng proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska are true and oorrect copies of the original enrolled and engrossed bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bills on file In this office, antf that all and each of said proposed amendments are submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the 3d day of November, A. D„ 1896. In testimony whereof, I have, here unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska.- -■ Done at Lincoln this 17th day of July In the year of our Lord, One Thou sand Bight Hundred and Ninety-Six, of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty First. and of this state the Thirtieth.' (Seal.) J. A. PIPER, Secretary of State. MINE 3B IRON MID WOOD PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. Ecllpie and Falrblnk* Wind* mllli Tower*. Tanka, Irrf**. tlun Outfit*, Hose, Beltluk, Grlndera.Rhellem.Wood Bats, Prlve Point*. Pipe, Klttlntra. Hra«» good* and Kntrbanlui Mandartl Hrnlr*. Price* low. Get the boat. fiend for Catalostue, FAIRBANKS, MORSE ft CO.. 1102 P^-nam St. ©nn h i», Nab. » P. D. A J. F. MllLLEV, PROPRISTORS OP THB GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Seasonable. \ Bast of McGufferto’i. O'NEILL, NKB. NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED NEWS Th* Organ of Honaat Sport In Amorloa ALL THE 8ENSATION8 OF THE DAY aiCTURCD BY THC FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Lift in New York Graphically Illuatrated, Breesy but Raepecuble. $4 FOR A YEAR, 88 FOR BIX MONTHS Do you want to be potted? Then tend your aubacription to the nw mi annum nvs, 3 PARK PLACE* NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE 8HORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOUX CiTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, OP Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging llnoa, landing passengers In NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekcrs will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or other Information call upon agent J or address F. C. HILLS, W. B. MoNIDER, Receiver. Gen'l Pass, Agent. ',,1 ' , - WMM $250,000 To Be i XMMIIOO I Given Ayay this year in valuable articles to smokers of ( Blackwell’s Genuine Durham Tobacco You will find one coupon in* aide each a-ounce bear, and two | The I x SmoklngTot OMOOOOOOOMft Best | Smoking Tobacco Made coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buyabag, jeadthecoupon and see how to get your share. eOOODSDOOSSDSSDBDSBSB Always Buy the Best. The . . . Best is Cheapest The Fweat and Largeat stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley ia found at John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. NERVE SEEDS? WEAK MEN This Famous Remedy cum quickly, permanently all I nervous diseases, Weak Memory. Loss of Brain Power, I Headache, Wakeraineaa, Loti Vitality, Nightly Kml* evil dream*, Impotency and waiting dlNiaei earned by yvuwir Bimunur VUlHnillB IIU VtUHWSa IBB BBrfV HIBIV anil blood builder. Makes the pale and pany atron*and plump. Easily carried I n vest pocket. 91 per box; to for U* ay matUpr* paid, with a written Quarantet or money refvndtd. Wiitam.lrtf Pflvmnclnl ntandtnpr. Nocharyafor comndtation*. iiewaro of imiim Hong. fa ,jLr—r—— —r-r* iimh iiTiW‘i_~‘tmi Foraale in O’Neill, Neb., by MOHHIS & CO., Druggiet*. "AU. THE MAOAZINBS IN ONE.” Review-Reviews Edited by ALBERT SHAW. ■REVWREVIEWS T1 1 Otobw, 1ST* » * HE REVIEW OF REVIEWS, as Its name implies, gives in readable form the best that appears in the other great magazines all over_ the world, generally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth the subscription price. Aside from these departments, the editorial and contributed features of the Review op Reviews are themselves equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor’s “Progress of the World” is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tb* LiUrary World says: “We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the ‘Review op Reviews,’ which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole _ fieW of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly m.prin» ^ the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshness; it is monthly in its method. It is the world under a field glass.” Sold on an Naw* Stand*. Slail* Copy, as eoata. 3»REWEV-REWEWS 13 Aatop Place, New York. TUBES BECENT SAMPLES 25 cents. Agents find It the /lost Profitable Jlagazlne. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco^ PATENTS Caret?, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-] ant business conducted for Moderate Fee*. Our Orncc ta Opposite u. S. Patent Ornee and we can secure patent in less time tban those remote from Washington. , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-1 tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of] charge. Our fee not due till patent it secured. ] A Pamphlet, “HowtoObtain Patents,” withi cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ] sent free. Address, i C.A.SNOW&CO.! i sent lie u« Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. CAN I OBTAIN A FATIHTV Ari prompt answer and an Sbneat opinion, writ* to MUnN Ac CO., who have had nearlyflftyyears’ experience in tbo patent business. Communlca tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concern In* Pateata and boo to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median leal and scientific booka aent free. Patents taken through Mann A Co. reeetvo medal notion Ini the Scientific American' and thus are brought widely before the public with, ont cost to tbe Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by farthia largest circulation of any adentioe work in tbo orld.03 a year. Sample coplea sent One. Building Edition, monthly, tliO a year. 81dl copies. Mi) cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address HUNNloo, nw Kobe. SOI Bhoaswab world. 03 a year.