PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. SUBSCRIPTION. SI.SO PER ANNUM. O. H. CRONIN, EDITOR AND MANAGER. VOLUME XVII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 13, 1896. NUMBER 6. NEWS UnVHBDDB Items of Interest Told As They Are • Told to Us. WHEN AND HOW IT HAPPENED Local Happen la ft Portrayed For Oontral Idiflcatiea sad Amoaemoat. H. P. Kinkaid went down to Omaha I' | this morning. Geo. Raker, of the Ewing Advocate, is in the city to-day. y ,, -. Mrs. Frank Darr, of Paddock, made this office a pleasant call Monday. / . Female book agents nave been numer ous in O’Neill the past week. .. Mike Long returned Monday night from a week’s visit at Minneapolis. Mrs. Frank Walker, of Stuart, is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Q. Nichols. _ Attend the McKinley and Hobart club meeting next Saturday evening in the old postoffice building. Miss Teas O’Sullivan went up to Rose* bud Tuesday evening, at which place she will attend school. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carlon, last Friday morning, a daughter. Mother and child are doing nicely. Tom Morris was under the weather last week but is now out again and do ing business at the old stand. P. H. Holland came up from Lincoln Monday night where he had been attend ing college the past summer. Frank Welton left Sunday morning for Norfolk, where he had secured a position with the F., E. St M. V. Miss Kate Hurley returned from Nor folk Tuesday evening to spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. Mike Flannigan arrived in the city Monday night from Minneapolis. He is on his way to the Hot Springs. •i/Quite a number of O’Neillites went Wown to Norfolk Monday to bear Ros wall Horr talk on the money question. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boaler and family left O’Neill Tuesday morning for En gland, where they expect to reside in the future. _ Mrs. T. Dwyer was a caller at this office Tuesday and eased up the financial stringency at these headquarters to the extent of $8._ Dr. Summers, of Omaha, and Dr. Warner and family, of Bennington, Neb., were visiting with John Skirving and family the first of the week. Corbett’s photo studio and dental parlors will be open from August SI to the 28, inclusive. 8-4 A. H. Cobbktt. Con G. Murphy left Monday morning for his home at Hasmark, Mont. Thb Frontier will keep him posted on Holt county affairs. You are going fishing? Well, before you start get your fishing tackle of Neil Brennan, who keeps everything in the sporting line. 44-tf Lew Chapman and son, of Hartiugton, Neb., arrived in the city Tuesday even ing. They took the night passenger to Atkinson where they will visit friends for a few days. All tue members or tbe camp or ltoyal ” Neighbors, o( this city, are urgently re quested to be present at the meeting 'ut 500,000,000, There has certainly been a discriminatlan, but you cannot say truthfully that it was against the silver metal. Equally false and dishonest, Mr. Selah, is your, or rather Harv(y’s, attempt to show b/ implication, that the silver dollar is not equally good with gold for any and every purpose, as money, for which we may please to use it. Such fabrications serve no good purpose. You should first try to learn the truth youraelf, then, if yoo think you have a "calling," there would be nothing wrong in your launching out to spread the light before others. Your per capita estimates are as false as the data from which they were deduced. There never was before, SO: high a rate of money, per capita, in the country as we have had since 1878, but the mere existence of a large emount of money in a country is not sufficient of itself to give prosperity. This Is proven by the depressed condition of the coun try since the party to which you have lately allied youreelf took control of the government. The country will languish while labor remains unemployed, re gardless of the number of dollars per capita, and labor will remain unem ployed until capitalists are assured that they can engage in business with some degree of safety. You repeat once more that silver is not a legal tender equally with gold. I say once mom that the law belles your statement. Whether you willfully or ignorantly falsify I am unable to say, but hope it is not willfully, and hereby unite with you in the invocation: “Lord pity the scamp or imbicile who makes such a statement 1” Now, Ur. Selah, I will say once more if you have anything that will cast even the slightest glimmer upon the silver question, fust toss it out to us in plain terms. Don’t bore us to death with an array 'of musty statistics that have no more bearing upon the subject than the tables of a life insurance pamphlet. Sttdbkt. xxaxixahox. Examination for student's certificate will be held at the aame time of the teeehere’ examination, at O’Neill Aug. 15.1896. W. R. Jackson, Co. Supt. X0XUX1XTS AXO BXAD6T0XX6. When you went anything in this line you can save agent’* commission and expenses by purchasing direct from me. I guarantee first class work and prices as cheap as any eastern firm can ship it to you. 6-8 D. Staknabd. XOU1BW1TM, ATTXXTiOXi ' When putting up your pickles don’t forget that it is neoesaary to get pure spices if you want the beat results. We hare them. Come and let us show you the difference between the pure and the adulterated. We have both. 6-2 O’Neill Qboceby Co. $11.15 Bound Trip. National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic, at St. Paul Minn., Sep. 1 to 4,1896. Tickets on sale August 80, and 81, good to return until September 15. For further information apply to Joint agent at St. Paul, Minn. Fare from O’Neill and return 811.15. W. J. Dobbs, Agt. TKKWBATHEX. The weather teport since our last is sue is as follows, taken by A. U. Morris, official observer: u>y oi neon. old raoru. Old people who require medicine,to regulate the bowels and kidneys will And the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and con tains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels by adding strength and giving tone to' the organfe, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 60c and II per bottle at Corrigan’s. TWO LIVES IA VXD. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City III., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s Mew Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 180 Florida 8t., San Fran sisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, ap proaching consumption, tried without results everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Corri gan’s drug store. Regular size 50c ft II. It you ever have seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can realize the danger of the trouble and appreciate the value of instantaneous relief always afforded by DeWitt’s Colic ft Cholera cure. For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure. Morris ft Co. I OUT DOWN TOT WX1DS. The London plague was ao great that grata grew in the atreeta. - Thia plague aeema to have croaaed the Atlantic, Judging from the weeda and graaa in O’Neill.* Thia ia a ruinoua advertise ment for buaineaa, and aale of lota, aa it tenda to ditcourage the would-be buyer, and it ia rather disgraceful to a patriotic people. Now for the remedy. Let ue atir up the mayor and city council, and let all the people aay "▲men," and ap point a day to mow all the weeda on the atreeta, and let lot ownera “go and do likewiae.” Only think, one day’s work for the man at thia "house cleaning" will make a clean city. Let the mayor invite the tired and dlaoouraged onea to come and free seats be furniahed them on the curbatonet. They ahould be sure and bring their fana as it may be a warm day. The writer, though only a visitor in the city, will ahed hla coat and vest and swing the "Armstrong’’ where the mowers cannot be used, and take our pay in fun when our work ia done. Visitob. A BIB-HOT OAMPAIOH. The preaent campaign will ba the moat exciting one fought out aince the war. There will not be a day when eomethlog of unusual interest will not transpire. The state Journal has made up its mind to surpass all its former efforts in the direction ot news-giving, and will give its readers the most complete details of . the campaign, giving all the news from an unbiased standpoint. Republicans will want the Journal because of its staunch republican principles, it being recognised as the standard-bearer of the great republican party of Nebraska. Populists and democrats should read it tor the newe it gives. The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new *mea during the , campaign. You ould subscribe, as it will cost you only 95 cents from now until November ill Two papers every week, making it almoat as good as a daily. Subscribe through your postmaster or send yonr order to the Jtate Journal, Linooln.Neb. A GHABGX BOB OMTHXHO BVTBBI, Our fall stock will soon begin to arrive and we have deckled to cut prices tor two weeks on all men’s and boys' suits'and odd pants. ! ■> . We have selected fifty suits and onb hundred pair of odd pants that we will close at 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT, half price, less than cost, but they most go. Don’t miss this chance.. On the balance of the stock we will give 20 P*r oent. and this will be an . opportunity to buy our best goods at prices you can not get anywhere. » BBOABD TO FALL TBADB. We are prepared this season better than ever before to compete with city stores who send catalogues here and can assure you positively that we can do as well for you if you give us a chance before sending away, as you can do anywhere, and hope you will favor us with an inspection of our stock. 5-9 Yours truly, J. P. Man*. LOOK HSU. It i> now the season when yont buy the beet machine oil (or the 1 money, and when doing ao alwaye 1 in mind that Brennan’s is headqu for all kinds of oil: Machine, , kerosene and sewing machine; i grease. Twine as low as the Deering Harvesters and Binders, for Walter A. Wood A Co.’s mowers and binders. Moline wagons, baggies, road wagons and the finest assortment of hardware in the valley. Anti-rust tin ware warranted not to rust for three years. 51-tf. Nkil Bs -v ;:7li - -V . • 7V ; V DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. It recommends it self. Morris A Co. 7 "7437 It doesn’t matter muoh whether sick headache, billiousness. indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances: DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will speedily cure them all. Morris A Co. Primary caucus for supervisor in district number Five is recommended on Saturday September 19, and the con vention on the Saturday following, Sep tember 96, at the LaRue school house at 2 p. m. J. M. Aldrbson, Chairman. If dull, spiritless and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; is your ap petite is capricious and uncertain, you need a sarsaparilla. For better results take DeWitt’s. It recommends itself. Morris A Co. Don’t trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWitfs Colic and Cholera Cure. You don’t have to wait for results, they are instantaneous, I and it leaves the bowels in a healthy I condition. Morris A Co. . T .. •