The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BT TH* FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KING A CRONIN. Editors. NATIONAL TICKET. For President;’ WILLIAM M'KINLBY. For Vloe-Praaldent: GARRETT A. HOBART. STATE TICKET. For Governor.JOHN H. MacOOLL. For Lieut. Governor.ORLANDO TEFT. For Secretary of State.J. A. PIPRB. For Auditor.P. O. HEDLUND. For Treasurer.CHA8. E. CASEY. For Superintendent.H. B. CORBETT For Attorney General.... A. 8. CHURCHILL. For Commlaaloner.H. C. RUSSELL. Supreme Judge, long term.'...K. RYAN. Supreme Judge, ihort trm...M. P. KINKAID. BdSent..W. G. WHITMORE. V CONORESSIONAL TICKET. For Oongreaamen: A. E. CADY, of Howard. SENATORIAL TICKET. For Senator: L. P. GLABSBURN, of Wheeler. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Repreeentativea: JOHN TR0MMBRSHAUS8ER, of Ewing. J. A. RICE, of Stuart. For County Attorney: ■. H. BENEDICT, of O'NelU. Hill appears to be in danger of losing control of the New York state democratic machine. ' > What’s the matter with Senator Tillman? There was a fight in South Carolina and he wasn’t in it. An honest policy has always characterized the republican party. That’s why it is now fighting for honest money. Bryan will have the double cross ifi and the thorny orown of defeat placed upon his brow by the intelli * gent and law abiding citizens of the United States. Tom Watson isn’t a Solomon, bnt he has sense enough not to waste any time studing parliamentary tao : tics. He knows he will never pre side over the senate. The man who read the proceed - ings of the populist convention must have been convinced, if he had never been before, that these men are unfit to govern anything. , The political position of the ad ministration relieves it of any un just suspicion on aooount of its prep arations for a large supply of the new one and two dollar silver cer tificates. If Bryan is shrewd he will take advantage of his present notoriety to negotiate with the publishers of that Omaha paper for an increase of salary and a permanent position. He will need both after election. Spain must think there is some thing in that Cleveland Bluff about - a war just before election. That is the only theory that would aooount for the reokless extravagance of the Spaniards in the purchase of war vessels. T- Ex-CONOBBSSMAN BuBLEIQH, of •Mew York, is willing to back his judgment with his money that Mc Kinley and Hobart carry Mew York by 100,000 majority, and that they carry Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Mis souri, Nebraska, Ohio, New Jersey, and Connecticut. jv _. | Nimn the republican party nor the country wants any tariff trace; on the contrary, they want a protec tive tartiff put on the statute books ' at the earliest practicable moment . The men who are now advocating a tariff trace are the men who have for years been advocating ireq & Me. Sblab appears to be very anxious to learn who it was that gave it to him so hard in the last issue of Thb Faojmta, in order that he may make reply. It seems to us that Mr. Belah does not grasp the situation. It makes no difference who writes an article* it is the article that talks and it is the article that should receive reply and not the author, unless the author’s name is desired in order to make excuse for personalities. Now if Mr. Selah really wants to espouse the cause of free silver through the medium of the press, we will suggest a way in which he can get an argument. As his party has filed a complaint be fore the people, it is necessary that he, as counsel, should also file a bill of particulars and state specific ally the grounds upon which they rely for a verdict. Let him draw up his counts and number them in or der that a starting point may be had, and a cross to nail him to, and we assure him that ample opportun ity will be made for him to air his erudition. AS TO SILVER. It Is a striking fact that prior to 1873 tho world's product of Bilver increased only 52,394,929 ounces in one hundred and eighty years, while subsequent to 1873 it increased 97,844,986 ounces in twenty years. It is generally stated that the fatal blow was struck at Bilver in 1873, but it did not diminish the output, says a much-quoted authority. On the contrary the world’s product of silver rose from an annual average of 68,000,000 fine ounces in 1878 to 78.000. 000 ounces in 1878, and there was a rapid and steady increase until 1883 when it reached a total of 89.000. 000 ounces. In 1884 there was a slight decline, but it was only temporary, and in 1888 the product was 108,000,000 ounoes, and from this it rose to a maximum of 161, 000,000 ounces in 1893. Thus it is seen that “the crime against Bilver” had the effect of in creasing the annual production of that metal to the extent of 98,000, 000 ounces in twenty years, while in twenty years preceding the “crime of 1878,” or from 1858 to 1878, there was an increase of only 85 000,00C ounces. So that for a per iod of twenty years under “demoni tization” the yearly silver product actually increased 63,000,000 ounces more than it did during a like per iod under the “money of the con stitution.” _ Worthington Ford says it is im possible for laborers to force their wages up to keep pace with a de preciating currency, and we now have a distinct illustration of this in the wages paid in Mexico by the Mexican Central Railway Company, which have been kindly furnished by C. A. Browne, the treasurer. He writes: “In the first part of 1890 we were paying Mexican laborers from fifty to seventy-five cents a day, according to the location on the road; brakeman from forty-five to fifty dollars a month; machinists from one to five dollars a day; ma sons from one to three dollars, and carpenters from one to three dollars. At the present time laborers are re ceiving the same rates.” Here we have the plain fact that laborers are getting just the same wages in silver today that they received in 1890. Silver men tell us that free silver will double the prioe of everything we have to sell. If it does that it will double the price of everything we buy. They do not tell us that it will double our wages, hence, every man who works for wages and every old soldier who draws a pension must vote against free Biver to pre vent having his salary and his pen sion reduced by one-half. Poor Blood is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, exhaus tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weak muscles. Your doctor calls it Anaemia? He will tell you that the weakening weather of sum* mcr often brings it on. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphite*, will make poor blood rich. It is a food for over-taxed and weak digestion, so prepared that it can easily be taken in summer when Cod-liver Oil or even ordinary foods might repel. SCOTT Sc BOWNE, J» New York For ad, at too. and $a.eo bjr all druggut* HOTEL —-]h VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. Purchase Tlokata and Consign four Freight vie the F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART! coma bait. Puaenger east, 9:30 a. h freight east, • * 10:80 a. m freight eaat, - - 3:10 p.m. ooibowbs*. freight west, • 3:10 r. u Passenger west, • • 9:27 p. m freight, - - 3:10 p. m. The Blkhorn Lina la now running Reclining Jhalr Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead rood, jree to holders of flrat-claaa transpor tation. Per any information call on Ws J. DOBBS, Aot. O'NEILL. NEB, Wanted-An Idea 2S5SS WituJOBH wkddkbkxbm* oo^Aimt i OZMANLiS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS /hr ImpoUnct, fere of Waakaot, 8*mlntt tmlttltt, SptrmatorHtoOj Kmohhu, t*fUttnit, loti •/ gnaw, Ae. Will audw was 070090. Wear eaa Aim. frit* 91- Out I Sana, 9* 00. Somlal UrteVoot QmlltO with aae* |a>. Jewess Isllud far* Ltalant 0*., aeia UieaaAva. _ ST. LOUIS, • MO. D0NT STOP TOBACCO HOW TO CURB YOURSELF WHILE US INO IT. Tha tobacco habit growa on a man un lit hia nervous ayatem la 3erioualy affeot »d, impairing health, comfort and happi aess. To quit suddenly ia too severe a. ihoek to tha ayatem, aa tobaooo, to an ln reterate uaer, beeomea a stimulant that: bu ayatem continually oravea. "Baoo 3uro” ia a aoientiflo cure for the tobaooo aabit, in all ita forma, carefully com pounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin phyaieian who haa need it in hia private practice eluoe 1872, without a Failure. It ia purely vegetable and guar* an teed parfaetly harmleaa. You ean nee all the tobaooo you want while taking '‘Baoo-Ouro.” It will notify yon when to ■top. We give a written guarantee to rare permanently any ease with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. “Baoo-Ouro” is not a substitute, but a aoientiflo eure, that eurea arithout the aid of will power and with no Inoonvenienoe. It leaves the ayatem aa pure and free from nicotine aa the day you took your flrst ehew or amoke. roars sx “SAOO-OUBO” ass oaksbs SHUTS FOtmSi.* From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of whiob are on file and open to inspection, the following is presented: Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 28,1898. Bnreka Chemical A Mfg. Oo, La Crosse Wig.—Gentlemen: For forty years I need tobacco in all its forms. For 28 years of that time 1 was a great sofferer from general deoility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to .quit, bat couldn’t. I took various remedies, among others “No-To-Bac,” "The Indian Tobacco Antidote,” '’Doable Chloride of Gold,” eta, etc., bat none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally, however, I porehrsed a box of yonr “Baoo-Cnro" and it has entirely cored me of the habit in all its forms, and I have increased 80 pounds in weight and am relieved from all the nnmerons aches and pains of body and mind. I conld write a qnire of paper upon my changed feeling and con dition. Yours respectfully, P. H. Mabbubt, Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Bold by all druggists at f 1.00 per box; three boxes, (thirty day’s treatment), $2.60 with iron-dad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Maas. OelSItem. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County bank building. All work cash in advance. Night work poaitively refused. O’NEILL. • . NEB. J£ ft. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferenoe first National Bank O'NEILL. NEB. gARSKY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. P^H. BUtlOICT, LAWYER, Ofloe in the Judae Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, OMBILL, NIB. rami in ton aimT tuts Stage leaves O’Neill at 8:39 a. m„ arriving at Spenoer at 4 p. m. t at Butte. 8:30 p. u. 8. D. Oauumtinb, Prop. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of PINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fail to call on us. DsYARMAN'S BARN. B. A. DaY ARM AN. Manager. D'Y ARM AIM'S IffFHffWW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest tnmonts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. READ. THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market complete -THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE M Per Year. 60 Cente Per Month. QUICKEST AID BEST MAIL SERVICE Addreea: THS TRIBUNE, Bub. Dept. Sioux OltTi low*. P 'OUalMatei'aKaell** Mama* Braatf. ENNYROYAL PILLS uA Onlj OcmIm> A •ar«. klw»;e reliable. u>i(S uk M\ Drunlsl tor C%tcAdalera AWiftUk Dim mondBrmnd in Ke4 aad Void netallloVUV Ibaxei, sralfti with blue ribbon. Take wtfcer. dangtroHM ewkaMft*. ▼ J***w laitetumr. A t Druggiaia, or need 4e* in atampa tor particular*, teitlaoaiak aod f fcr LaAlce," fca iattar, by ljk— T«H—aleli. Nc • ■ > H \ THE SAFE STORE 1 O’Neill, Neb. There ien’t a store in the whole country that sells clothing as "The Nebraska” does. It is an exceptional store, it is a reliable store, it is an absolutely eafe store. The price today is the price tomorrow end the next day, and the price to one is the price to all We have no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never resort to catch penny methods of marking some goods low in order to sell jg>u other goods high. Our practice of inetantly refunding money when goods don’t suit is the best proof you can have that our goods and prices are all right. For eleven years we have been building up a vast bus iness on these principles and our business was never so large, our prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for our catalogue. It contains samples of goods and will save you a geeat many dollars above what you have to pay for the same qualities at home. It is a book that ought to be in every clothing buyer’s hand. WGet our prices on Bicycle Outfits. _ Mention The Frontier when writing. __ ELRHORN VALLEY PLOW FACTORY O'NEILL, NEB. ••••• EMIL SNIGG8, Prop. ... .Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blaoksnuthing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. 3. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK >, OF O'NEILL, CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. 0.0. SNYDER & CO. The Inter Ocean Is the Moat Popular Republican Newspaper at the West and Has tide Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MSI& DAILY (without Sunday)...$4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday).$6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean-*- Cl .00 per YEAR.J1 —— . A** Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keep* abreast of the times inaU respects. It spares neither pains nor expense In securing; ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. fjfcjrih'I* ha8 aomething of interest to each member of the ftmllr. Its Ufc® YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. Its LITER. ABY FEATURES are unequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It Is published in and is in accord with the people of the West in both politics and literature Please remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER »w>is ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER TEAK. Address , THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. The Frontier and Inter Ocean only $1.75 per year.