The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 06, 1896, Image 2

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>,<•' : Deshler U is need of a bank.
A harvest barbecue will be held at
, Falls City on August 4.
The telephone has been extended
from York to Benedict.
The Dawes county fair has been fixed
for September 10, 11 and 12.
The State Sunday School convention
was held in Omaha last week.
Omaha is cutting down its police
force on account of hard times
Bolt county teachers’ institute con
vened with an attendance of 120.
Mrs Sears of Lincoln was thrown
from a carriage and severely injured.
Wheat near Crab Orchard is yielding
from twenty to thirty bushels per acre.
The livery stable at Iiickman burned.
. Horses and conveyances were all saved.
The democratic congressional con
vention will be held in McCook Au
gust 13.
Exhibits at the State fair from out
side the state are promised this year in
g:.- great variety.
North Platte expects to entertain
25,000 visitors at the irrigation fair
H*; next September.
jj,, The railroad cut in grain rates is
having the effect of‘moving corn in
great quantities
The new Christian church at Chad
ron was dedicated last Sunday. It has
a seating capacity of 800.
'The Frontier county agricultural so
ciety will hold its sixth annual fair at
Stockville, September 27 to 30 inclusive.
This year's Knox county teachers’ in
stitute is credited with being the best
ever held, both in interest and attend
The young son of J. K. Griffith, liv
ing two miles sonthwest of Syracuse,
Up. was thrown from a horse and the ani
mal stepped upon his body. Ilis in
juries are quite serioua
The It, M. refuses to join in the
nnlon depot project at Omaha on the
Farnam street site. The outlook for
a suitable railroad station in the me
tropolis is nut favorable
George Anderson, living near Waver
If, had three good horses and a valua
ble colt killed by the cars. The gate
to the pasture was found open and the
animals dead at the crossing.
A syndicate of Ohio capitalists has
purchased 123,000 acres of land in Lin
coln and Keith counties The ranch
will be colonised and irrigated and an
immense cattle feeding plant estab- !
ps: lishcd.
The committee appointed to work in
the interests of the success of the G. A.
■ reunion at North Bend are doing
hard work to. make a success of the
meeting. It is anticipated there will
be a large attendance.
Claude Hoover, of Omaha, murderer
of his brother-in-law, Sam DuBois,
some months ago, will have to die on
the gallows unless the governor inter
feres. The supreme court found no
brror in the trial proceedings
The preliminary hearing of Andrew
Hulquist of Axtell for shooting Nels
Merry man July 10 occured before
Judge King at Minden. The defend
snt was bound over to appear at the
next term of the district court.
A severe wind and rain storm pass
ed over portions of Pierce county doing
; much dsmsge to ripe grain. In some
places farmers will not be able to cut
the damaged oats Corn fiields in
soma parte are laid flat to the ground,
but will probably recover.
July 28, Brasius Delebar was drug
ged, robbed, and his horse and buggy
atolen in Lincoln precinct, Johnson
: county, Nebraska. The horse is bay,
i 10 years old, will weigh 1,000 pounds
and has a white star in forehead. The
- thief is a tramp about 95 years old.
The North Bend Argus says that
samples of sugar beets are being
p brought in that indicates an immense
crop There was a year ago some talk
| of securing a chemist to test the beets
1 os they came from the field this season,
and if the beet growers are of thesame
opinion now, it is about time they were
making a move to secure the services
, , of a competent chemist
QalU «number of Grand Island peo
ple b*»« recently paid 50 cents for a
tablespoonful of fins salt It was put
«p in envelopes which were labeled,
“improved Moth Exterminator,” and
smelled, considerably after the sub
stance they were purported to contain.
The odor left the envelope about three
days a Her being left in a piano and
w fake was thus discovered.
Quite a sad accident happened near
Holstein. Young Munson, the 9-year
old adopted son of H. C. Minnix, while
riding one of the head horses on the
harvester was thrown to the ground,
and before the horses could be con
trolled the harvester passed over the
ooy.s body. He was horribly cut up
and it ia almost certain that one arm
sad one leg will have to be amputated.
Little Abby Roberts, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs lien Roberts of Minden.
aset with a serious uccident A self
cocking revolver had been kept on the
shelf of the pantry. Mary, an older
sister saw it, picked it up und pulled
the trigger, causing an explosion: the
ball striking Abby on the right cbt-ek
sad coming out of the left eye. She
, mill live but looses the sight of one eye
Omaha is making a grand hustle to
ward securing stock in the Trans-Mis
Masippi exposition. One firm took $10,.
000 worth. Three hundred thousand
dollars worth is wanted, and it is
thought the amount will soon he ob
One hundred thousand dollars has
been subscribed for the Omaha exposi
tion ia 1888. Two hundred thousand
aori la required.
The board of managers of the Gage
Cooaty Agricultural society met end
decided to hold a corn carnival during
the fair. A committee was appointed
to arrange n premium list for tne same.
Burt Burkley, confined in the jail at
Fremont (or attempted burglary, died
from delirium tremens.
The editor of the Ponca Gazette says:
The people of Ponca often mourn that
they are not on the main line of some
railroad, but there is no great loss
without some small grain. Ponca
knows nothing of the tramp nuisance
which is now troubling all towns on
the main lines of travel. Oakland,
NeU, reports 300 tramps in one week,
and they all have to be fed by some
Rebecca Baker of Plattsmouth, 18
years of age, took a dose of medicine
for the purpose of inducing perpetual
sleep, She wrote a note stating that
Bhe had taken her own life because she
did not want to live longer, and gave
it to a friend with instructions not to
hand it to Mra Holloway before 0
o'clock. She took the poison, but was
saved by a physician. It was a matter
of disappointment in love.
a oaiem oispaica says: adoui iuu
tents already dot the Chautauqua
grounds and another 100 go up tomor
row. Ker. Sam P. Jones will arrive
tomorrow afternoon and with Superin
tendent Small and the Apollo quartet
a splendid intellectual feast will marie
the opening days of the assembly. The
grounds are in splendid condition and
everything now points to the most
successful assembly ever held in Salem.
One ef the most violent hail storms
ever experienced in Nebraska visited
Edgar and immediate vicinity. Hail
stones fell with such force as to shat
ter window panes, sash and shutters.
In one or two instances shingles were
splintered and house roofs partially de
molished. Trees were bare of leaves
and branches, and growing crops for a
limited district were literally pounded
into the ground. With liurdly an ex
ception every west side window in the
town was shattered.
A fellow who will go off to a dance
and leave his wife and children at home
hungry and almost naked ought not be
allowed to live in a civilized communi
ty, says the Arlington Times. This
outrageous act was attempted recently
at Arlington, but the fellow was po
litely taken out of the wagon .by one of
our citizens and given to understand
that he had to stay at home and give
the money he was to have squandered
at the dance to his wife for the support
of her and her children.
Jay E. W’hite, manager of the Lin
coln Fire Insurance company, was in
Beatrice lust week and heard the
grievances of the local board, and suc
ceeded in bringing about a settlement
that was entirely satisfactory to all
concerned without resorting to publiu
trial. Q. L. Platt withdrew hia resig
nation from the local board and that
both aides relented. All the local
agents speaks in the highest terms of
Mr. White for the impartial manner in
which he handled the case.
Secretary Furnas is enthusiastic over
the prospects of the coming state fair.
He believes it will eclipse that of last
year. He made a visit to the state fair
grounds in company with Members
Vance and Dunham. One of the ob
jects of the trip was to arrange for the
enlargement of the secretary's quar
ters, which were cramped last year.
The othe* purpose was to look over the
grounds and buildings It is intended
there shall be no lack of water and
transportation facilities will be ail
As Capt W. H. Beck, Indian agent
on the Omaha and Winnebago reserva
tion, accompanied by his wife and
daughter, Mrs Wales of Fort McPher
son, Ua., and Mr. Hillis, secretary to
the superintendent of Indian schools,
were driving down a hill from his resi
dence to the agency the neckyoke
broke and the horses started to run,
overturning the carriage, throwing Mr.
Hillis about twenty feet and injuring
him slightly. Captain Beck and wife
were thrown under the carriage and
injured more or less seriously.
There was a good attendance and
much interest in the meeting of the
State Horticultural society at York. A
paper on the most promising varieties
of native plums was read by H. A.
Terry of Crescent City, la. The var
ious kinds of plums that can be most
-successful grown were discussed and
some good bints as to their culture
given. A comprehensive paper on
“Cross Breeding and Fertilizing Amer
ican, European and Japanese Plums"
was read by Theodore Williams of Ben
son. Williams has had experience with
1,500 varieties of plums and hia talk
was of value. The display of plums
which he had provea hia ability to in
telligently discuss such a subject
The reduction of grain rates by the
western roads has given King Corn a
boom and 'he ia now the most popular
aon of Ceres. The rates having been
reduced to Mississippi river points and
Chicago makes a corresponding reduc
tion in the rates to all the western
grain centers and the eastern men are
buying heavy of corn. The demand
for wheat, oats and other small gain is
naturally larger than it was before the
reduction, but corn seems to be most
in demand. Twice as many freight
trains as have been run will soon be
moving at this gait. The price in Ne
braska has gone up several cents as a
result of the sudden call and the far
mers are shipping heavily throughout
i the state.
Citizens or Johnson county are malt
ing arrangements to receive a party of
land seekers and land agents who will
| visit Tecumseh soon. A special train
over the It. & M, will land the party,
most of whom are from Iowa, Illinois
and Indiana, in that city. The band
will escort them to the court house
yard where a reception will be held
and the resources of the county exhib
ited in a fitting manner.
A Miss Eauder of Wymore died sud
denly the other evening and was buried
the next day. The report is current
that the case requires investigation
and Coroner Miller has decideu to look
into the matter.
Misfortunes don't always come sing
ly. W. L. Urannin. of Richardson
county, has bad it proven to him in
the last three months. His house and
barn were blown away and nearly all
of his stock killed. His wife was in
jured so that she died and he was seri
ously injured himself. Just as soon
as he got able to work one of his
horses laid down and died.
A New National Ticket Will Be Pat to
the Field Aboat September 1—New
York Leaders Busying Them*
selves Chiefly With Discus
sions as to Candidates—
Other Political News.
Chicago, 111., Aug. 3.—The gold
standard Democratic leaders have de
cided definitely upon a new conven
tion to be held in Chicago about Sept.
1, to put a new national ticket in the
field. This announcement was made
authoritatively to-day. The arrange
ments looking to the consummation of
tlm plan are already well under way.
The New York leaders particularly
regarded matters as settled beyond a
peradventure as far as the location
and date of the convention are con
cerned, and being inclined to busy
themselves now chiefly with discussion
as to the question of candidates.
Populist National Headquarters.
Washington, Aug. 3.—The tempor
ary and probably the permanent head
quarters of the Populist national com
mittee will be located at 1420 New
York avenue, the headquarters of
Senator Stewart and his silver paper.
Ex-Secretary Turner of the national
committee is temporarily in charge of
the headquarters and will remain un
til the arrival of Senator Butler,
chairman, and Secretary Edgerton
next week, when they will assume
charge. The transfer of property and
of accounts will be made by ex-C'hair
man Taubeneck and ex-Secretary
Republican Campaign Books.
Washington, Aug. 8.—The Repub
lican Congressional committee an
nounced yesterday that the campaign
text book would bejeady for distribu
tion Monday. An&©#g the callers at
the headquarters vesjterday were Sen
ator Pritchard of North Carolina, who
stopped on his way home fiom a meet
ing of the national committee in New
York; General Wilson of Delaware
and Congressman Coffin of Maryland.
The latter said that the silver senti
ment in the country districts was
fair.'y strong, but that it had devel
oped no strength in the cities.
Raising Populist Fund*.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 3.—The 160
members of the Populist national
committee have undertaken to raise
$100 each, or $16,000 in all by small
contributions from their friends, io.
aid of the campaign fund. Mr. Brei
denthal, one of the three Kansas
members, is alreatl v -eceiving returns
from his letters, in sums of $1 and $3.
lie. expects to raise $150 or $300 and
thinks all of his colleagues through
out the country will do as well.
A Spokane Lawyer and Democratic
Leader Killed by m Sporting Man.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 3.—L. H.
Platter, attorney and Democratic pol
itician, made remarks in court yester
day which Henry Seifert, a restaurant
proprietor and sporting man, con
strued as a reflection on his character.
When court adjourned, the two men
met in the corridor. Seifert claims he
offered his hand to Platter as a
brother Elk and said: “Come on,
Lew, aud I will show you that you are
all wr >ng.”
It is said by some, though denied by
others, that Platter rejected the prof
fered hand and struck Seifert with
his cane. Seifert liien drew a revol
ver and shot Platter through the
heart. Seifert then walked into the
sheriff’s office and gave himself up.
To Give Himself Dp After Many Yean.
Clinton. Mo., Aug. 3.—At Wheat
land, Hickory county, twenty-two
years ago, C. D. Shannon and a man
named Noffsinger killed Constable
George Dixon and Ace Ellett. Noff
singer was confident of acquittal and
stood t-’nl, the verdict justifying his
confidence, but Shannon fled ,nd has
been at Urge ever since. Yesterday
he passed through here upon his way
to the scene of the kil ling, to give him
self up.
To Honor Eugene Field.
Sedai.ia, Mo., Ails’. 3.— J. West
Uoodv-'n, the veter m newspaper man
of this city, has issued a call for a
meeting in the office of the Jefferson
City Tribune next Wednesday morn
ing at 0 o'clock, of all persons inter
ested in the effort to erect a monu
ment to the late Eugene Field. A
large attendance is sincerely hoped
War In Passenger Rates.
Kansas Citv, Mo. Aug, 3 —A war in
oassenger rates from Chicago to the
West is imminent, and it is thought
probable that the rate to Kansas City
from Chicago will drop to S3 next
week. The threatened demoralization
is due to the. action of the Western
roads in cutting tariffs for me fire
chief's convention which opens at Salt
Lake City on August it
A New JUlntnter to Qaatemela*
Washington, Aug. 3. — The Presi
dent has appointed MacUrane Coxe of
New York as envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to Uuate
mala and Honduras, vice Pierce M. K
Young,who died in New York recently
while on leave of absence.
A Fatal Mishap Causes a Heath.
Shawnee. Okla Aug. 3.—David
Kelly was fatally injured by a falling
shaft while putting up a cotton gin,
and was curried to his home. When
his cousin, Mrs. Will Kelly, saw him
she fell dead. Kelly's wife is not ex
pected to live.
Old Soldier* Bri-ed to Stand Up for the
Gold Standard.
Canton, Ohio, Aug. 3. — Farmers,
j workingmen and old soldiers of Guern
sey county arrived here yesterday
after a trp through flooded lowlands
nearly all of the way from Cambridge.
After ex-Congressman J. G. Taylor
, and Rev. W. M. McFarland of Cum
. bridge had spoken, Mr. McKinley re
i plied at some length, saving:
I “When the war closed there were
two great debts resting upon this gov
ernment. One was the debt due to the
men who had loaned the government
money with which to carry on its mil
itary operations. The other debt, was
due to the men who had willingly
offered their lives for the preservation
of the American union. The old sol
diers waited on their pensions until
this great debt of the government was
well out of the way. They waited
patiently until the government of the
. United States had reduced nearly two
j thirds of that great, money debt.
They .wanted every dollar of the debt
paid in the best coin known to the
commercial world. And every dollar
| of that debt up to this hour has been
| paid in gold or its equivalent—the
i best recognized money of the world—
i and every dollar of that debt, my
! comrades, yet to be paid will be paid
in the « - me unquestioned coin.
I “Most of that debt is out of the way.
| The great debt of this government
now is to tho surviving soldiers of the
republic. There are 970,000 pension
ers on the honored pension roll of this
government to-day and the govern
ment pays out of its public treasury in
pensions over$140,000,000 every year to
the soKiers and sailors, their widows
and their orphans. Every dollar of
that debt must be paid in the best
currency and coin of the world. (Great
cheering and cries of “The Republi
can party will see to that.’) There
is nobody more interested in main*
| taining a sound and stable currency
than the old soldiers of the republic
(cries of “you are right, major”), their
widows and their orphans,
j “Your old commander, General
I Grant (applause), whose memory is
| cheris., -d by all of you, performed
I two great and conspicuous acts while
President of the United States; one
the veto of the inflation bill that
would have cast us upon the sea of a
j depreciated currency, and the other
I was the signing of the act for the re
I sumption of the specie payments, that
j placed every dollar of our money upon
' the sound foundation of financial
honor and unquestioned national
honesty; and the old soldiers this
year, as in all of the years of the past,
following their old commander, will
stand by the financial honor of the
government and will no more permit
our nation’s integrity to be questioned
than they would permit that flag
[ (pointing to an American flag) to be
I assailed.”
Some ot the Employee of the Santa Fe
Get Bland Dollars.
Topkka, Kan, Aug. 3.—Cashier
i Copeland of the treasurer’s depar
tment of the Santa Fe railway com
I pany yesterday gave to some of the
, employes of the general offices a
i lesson in free silver, by paying salaries
in that coin.
I The first man to present his check
was a high salaried employe, who re
ceives $:.'d0 a month, lie signed the
usual receipt, when the cashier pushed
out of the little window twenty $10
packages. It was a big load, but the
man munaged to carry it awuy. The
next man thought lie was in no hurry
to receive his pay and caid he would
wait until the treasurer should get a
supply of paper money. Others were
not so particular and took the silver.
Soon the story got noised about the
building that the company had got on
a silver basis and clerks presented
themselves armed with waste baskets.
So the joke ran along until it was ap
parent that should silver payments be
continued the entire day would be
consumed, when the cashier returned
to paper payments.
LI Hung Chang's English Visit.
London, Aug. 3.—The preparations
, for the reception of Li Hung Chang
continue. The queen is said to be
especially interested in the coming of
the Chinese ambassador extraordinary,
who has been made so much of in
Russia, Germany and France. He is
booked to land in England Monday.
He will be escorted to Lord Lonsdale’s
mansion on Carlton House terrace,
which has been secured by the govern
ment for him during the month which
he is expected to spend in London.
An elaborate series of entertainments
and royal events has been arranged in
I his honor.
Black Dlphtlv*~la In Kansas.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 3.—The state
board of health has gone to Bussell
county in respo~ e to a telegraphic
request to Treasurer of State Ather
ton to take steps to eradicate the
black diphtheria, which has become
epidemic there. Some weeks ago it
appeared there, causing six deaths,
but local authorities stamped it out,
it was believed, effectually. Now
after a lapse of nearly two months it
has reappeared. Thursday night two
deaths occurred.
Their Long Row Almost Oven
Los pox, Aug. 3. —The rowboat Fox,
containing the two Swedish sailors,
Frank Harbo and George Samuelson,
who started from New York June 6,
with 'he intention of rowing to
Havre, France, arrived at the Scilly
Islands to-day. Both were in good
Colombo' llnttv Company Fall*
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 3. — The
Columbus Buggy company of Colum
bus, Ohio,which hasa branch house at
810, 813 and bl4 Walnut street, this
city, failed this morning. The failure
here was a b‘g surprise. The trouble
is in Columbus.
Ohio Gold Democrats Confer.
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 3.—About fif
teen gold Democrats from various
] parts of Ohio are in executive session
i at the Neil house as to the course to
' pursue ou a national ticket
fils Position Rriefly bat Unmistakably
Set Forth—He Declares for Sound
Money—Thinks the Gold Democrats
Ough* to Tote for Him Instead of Put
ting Up a Ticket of Their Own—Ills
'' Political Views.
Th#* Prohibition Candidate*
Baltimore, Md., July 311.—Joshua
Levering of this city was last evening
officially notified of his nomination
for the Presidency of the United
States by the Prohibition party. Prior
to the notification, the Maryland Pro
hibitionists held their state conven
tion and nominated electors in the
various Maryland districts. They also
paraded the streets of the city with
banners and music, the line of march
terminating at the Lyceum theater, •
where the notification meeting was
O. W. Stewart of Illinois, as chair
man of the committee on notification,
delivered the address informing Lev
ering of his nomination. The latter
read from manuscript his letter of ac
ceptance, which is, in part, as follows:
“Such an honor is worthy the am
bition of any citizen of this great na
tion, but to my mind it is to be doubly
appreciated when tendered by the
only political party which has had the
courage to stand openly for the pro
tection of the home, the womanhood
and the children of our country
against the terrible ravages and de
struction of the legalized liquor traffic.
The Prohibition party, conscious of
the integrity of its motives and pur
poses. and firm in its belief that the
question of a moral character should
take precedence over those purely
economical, has stood firm for a score
or more of years against all attacks
of ridicule, misrepresentation and
abuse made against it; increasing its
numbers and gaining the esteem and
confidence of those who are not yet
willing to be enrolled under the ban
ner of ‘Protection to the Home.’
“During all the years it has steadily
pursued its way in educating the peo
ple to the constantly increasing en
croachment of the liquor traffic,
knowing how it is undermining our
political and social life and interfer
ing with the free expression of the
will of the people at the ballot box,
controlling to a large extent the legis
lative bodies of the country, adding
heavily to the burdens of the already
overburdened taxpayers, and, above
all, bringing suffering, sorrow, pov
erty and death to many of our fellow
“The platform adopted by the con
vention meets*- my hearty approval,
and, though based on the single issue,
is, in reality, sufficiently broad to
allow all to stand on it who are op
posed to the saloon and its consequent
evils, regardless of their views on any
public questions of the day.
l ‘I do not underestimate the fact
that there are other questions of
grave importance over which the pub
lic mind is seriously agitated, afid
which ire being pressed for speedy
settlement. There is the question of
a stable and at the same time elastic
I currency, equal to the demands of
business for every section of the coun
try, and yet every dollar of which
should be of equal value and the whole
based on a standard equal to the best
interest in the world. The United
States cannot afford, without dishonor,
to have money bearing its stamp in
ferior to that of any other country on
the globe.
“Again, a proper adjustment of the
tariff so that labor can have its just
protection without at the same time
giving undue protection to the manu
facturing interest at the expense of
the great consuming portion of our
people, is of profound importance aud
demands early solution.”
Prior to the notification meeting,
Mr. Levering, in an interview, said:
“I do not see any necessity for the
sound money Democrats who do not
wish to vote for McKinley to nominate
a third ticket. Let them vote the
Prohibition ticket We shall have
electoral tickets in every state and
those Democrats and others who can
not conscientiously vote for either
Bryan or McKinley can vote for our
ticket. My views on the money ques
tion and on the tariff question are also
in accord with the views of these peo
ple in general and are decidedly
Greece'* Assistance to Cretan Rebel* Ob
jected to—the Power* lbjr Act
Constantinople, July 30. —As n re
sult. of a cabinet council, the Turkish
government made a formal complaint
to the government of Greece regard
ing the alleged shipment of arms and
ammunition from Ureece to the island
of Crete, for the use of the insurgents
there, and relative to the appearance
of armed bands in Macedonia, point
ing out the danger therefrom to the
peace of Europe and adding that
Greece would be held responsible
for it.
The Turkish government also an
nounced that it had been decided to
grant limited concessions to the Cre
tans and that they would be allowed
The powers, it is stated, have de
cided to send a collective note to
Greece declaring that the government
of the laitercounlrv must suppress the
matters complained of by the Turkish
government, otherwise the sultan of
Turkey will be left to restore order in
Crete. It is rumored here that the Tur
Irish government intends to dispatch
a force of Albanians against the Greek
filibusters, which will undoubtedly
add considerably to the gravity of the
Railway Mall Clark* Ma»t Keep Oat of
Active Politic*.
Washington. July 30.—Postmaster
General Wilson has issued an order
to all ruilway mail clerks directing;
them not to take any active interest!
in the political campaign, such as
wculd be involved in their attending
political conventions as delegates, I
making political speeches or assisting !
in the management of political cam
paigns 1
The postmaster general's circular
expressly slates that he does not de
airs to control their opinions in politi
eel matters.
Mr. Bunt Declares They are the Male
New Yoke, July 30.—Frederick S..
Gibbs, national Republican commit
teeman from this state, was one of
the few favored guests at a meetiog
of the Eastern managers with Na
tional Chairman Hanna to-day.
Whether Mr. Hanna looked upon Mr,
Gibbs as a personal representative of'
Mr. Platt or not, the fact is patent
that Mr. Gibbs does represent that
taction of the Republican partv in.
New York. Mr. Hanna said: “Mr.
Platt was not invited to the meeting'
simply because he is not a member of
the committee Mr. Gibbs, tbd New
York state national committeeman,
was invited by me to attenu so that
he may be kept in touch with the
plans that, may be formulated. Mr.
Gibbs is New York’s national commit- ’
teeman, and is responsible in a large
measure, by virtue of his position, for
the result in this state. I feel confi
dent that the Republican party in.
New York state will work harmoni
ously for Mr. McKinley’s election..’*
John Wanamaker of Philadelphia,.
ex-President Harrison and Mr. Hannai
met at the Fifth Avenue hotel last
night. Mr. Hanna declined to go in
to details as to the questions discussed
by the trio,' but said: “Mr. Harrison,
will give us all tne assistance we may'
require of him.”
The most important question to bs
discussed will be as to the lines upon
which the campaign will be con—,
ducted. Frank 8. Withcrbee and a.
delegation representing the American..
Protective League will argue in favor'
of making the fight, upon the tariff’
lines, while Melville K. Ingalls and.
others of the financial and corpora
tion world will ask that tho financial
question be kept uppermost. It is en
tirely probable that Mr. Hanna’s ad
vice to the committee will be for
working on both these platforms aa
closely bound to each other. Mr.
Hanna said to-day: "The financial
and tariff questions cannot, in my
judgment, be divorced. Our financial,
depression or prosperity is due in that
greatest measure to our tariff condi
tions. Mr. McKinley shares this view'
with me.”
In carrying out this view Mr. Hanna,
will suggest that tho Tariff leaguer
prosecute the fight vigorously on ita.
own lines, and that those interested,
in the financial question do similar
work, the national committee giving
as-istance. It is planned that an im
mense amount of literature will be
Mr. Quay was id consultation with
Mr. Hanna for about an hour, but
neither would say what the especial
subject of their consultation was.
The nominee for, vice president,
Garrett A. Hobart, arrived subse
quently and was closeted with Mr.
Hanna for some time. At the con
clusion of the interview Mr. Hobart
said: “I have told Mr. Hanna that!
intend staying in New Jersey during
the campaign, frequently coming over
to New York headquarters. I had
plenty of experience in campaign^
work as a national committeeman and
Mr. Hanna thinks I can assist in New
York headquarters.”
Des Moines, July 33.—Patent*,
have been allowed but not is
sued as follows: To W. A. Way ot
Iowa Falls for an attachment for vap
or burning stoves and advantageously
using the products of combustion of a.
single burner to simultaneously cook
in two distinct vessels at the same
time. To J. Koegel, of Des Moines,
for a hand implement specially
adapted for thinning rows of plants.
and cutting out weeds as required to
retain plants at uniform spaces apart.
To J. S. Hogan, of Menlo, for an ad
justable clevis for wheel plows and.
mechanism for operating it by a person.
riding on the plow, in such a man her
as to thereby govern the width of ths
furrow as the plow is advanced.
Valuable information about ob
taining, valuing and selling pat
ents sent face to any address. Printed.
copies of the drawings and specifica
tions of any' United States patent sent
upon receipt of 35 cents. Our practice.
in not confined to Iowa. Inventors in.
other states can have our services up-,
on the same terms as the Hawkeyea.
Tiiomas G. and J. Ralph Obwio,
Solicitors of Patent*
Quotations From New Fork. Chicago, St..
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter—Creamery separator.. 16 @
butter—Fair to good country. 11 @
Eggs—Fresh. 8 ©
Poultry—Live hens,per lb. 64©
Spring Chickens. 10
Lemons—Choice Messinas.4 01
Honey—l ancy White. 12
Potatoes—New. 2>
Oranges—Per box .4 23
Hay—Upland, per ton.. 5 03
Potatoes—New. 25
Apples -Per bid.2 00
© 5
© 4
© 5
© 2
Hogs—Light Mixed...;. 2 75
Hogs—Heavy Weights. 2 TO
Beef—Steers. 2 25
Bulls. 1 75
Milkers and springers.22 00
Stags.2 60
Calves.. 4 60
Cows .. 150
Heifers. 2 25
Stockers and Feeders. 2 80
Westerns.—... 2 25
Sheep—Native Welters. 2 00
Sheep—Mixed Native.2 75
Wheat—No. 2, Spring... 57
torn—Per bu... 24
Oats—Per bu. 18
Pork. g to
Lard... 3 gj
tattle—Choice Steers.. 3 25
Choice Calves. 3 is
Hogs—Averages. 2 85
Sheep—Lambs. 3 V0 ^ _
Western Sheep—Averages.... 2 83 © 3
Wheat—No. 2, red winter. 62 ©
Corn No. 2,. 30 ©
Oats—No. 2,.. 22'
l’ork—. 7 73 © 8
Lard—... 4 10 © 4
© 2
© 2
© 4
© 2
© 3
© 5
© 2
© 2
© 3
© 3
© 2
© 3
© 6
© 4
© 3
© 4
© 3
67* „
84* «
Big Fire at New Lewisville, Ark.
New Lewisville, Ark., July CO. —
disastrous tire swept away the mill,
lumber planer, dwelling and seven
railroad cars of tlie Sunny South Lum
ber company last night,. destroying
1,000.Ood feet of lumber. The loss is
$50,000; heavily insured.
Vermont Populist Convention.
Montpelier, Vt., July 30.—The
Populist state convention was bald:
here yesterday. Joseph Battle of
Middleburr was nominated for gov
ernor and a full state ticket nainod.
The action of the St.. Lewis conven
tion was indorsed.