PH!^ A Imi liver Makes a Wall Hu. IU f Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with Jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry .}< skin, pain in back and between the •• shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you ■i‘: ■■ have any of these symptoms, your liver is out of order, and your blood is slow* ly being poisoned, because your liver V 'f' does not act promptly. Herbine will *. cure any disorder of the liver, stomach ^ y or bowels. It has no equal as a liver ■i,. medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at P. 0 . Corrigan’s. 45 ' SATIES. One fare for the round trip from all points in Nebraska, including Missouri - ‘, Valley, and Sioux City. Iowa, to the Long Pine Chautauqua and return. Ex* . cursion tickets to be sold July 17 and 18 and final return limit July 99,1890; from all points in Nebraska within a radius of 100 miles of Long Pine, excursion tickets may be sold at the same rate July 18 to 97 inclusive, final return limit July 99, f • • 1890* Tr “Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!” so said De Witt’s Little Early Risers to the man who bad taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Morris A Go. BaSklsa’s Aralea lalvs. Thu But Buys in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 95 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri* ' , 51-tf CANADA'S PHOSPHATE MINKS. A wiim m it* OMNI by V <1/ rk si i TD« phosphate mining Interests of CtoHt on In i state of utter collapse •* prooont, ut to remedy title etoto of •ttoire the Conodloa Kitting association, which meoto In Quebec, propoeeo to on deovor to Induce the Dominion and pro vincial govemmento to Introduce the general uee of phoephate fortllleare on Canadian forma through the agency a the experimental forma, oaya a Quebec apodal. Aa an illuatratlon of the stag ■ahon of thla branch of mining, It may bo mentioned thnt three yoaro ago >,000 men were employed In phoephate min ing in Ottawa county alone, while to day not three-score men are thus en gaged. The cause of the collapse is the competition la the English markets of the phosphates of Algiers and the high grade product of Florida, which can be worked and marketed much more cheaply. The mining men point out that lands in Georgia have advanoed In price from >1 to NO an acre through the use of fertilisers. Many, in fact moat, of the farms of Quebec have been exhausted by the wasteful and unsden ttfle farming of the habitants, and so the necessity of doing oomethtng to Improve their farming methods, and thus relieve the phosphate miners, will be pressed upon the government. Phos phate was mined extensively in Canada W)til recently. The principal mines ware In Ottawa county, and the output averaged from N,M> to tt.N0 tone. The higher grades were shipped to Europe end the lower found n market In the United States. The large profits led to the opening of new mines, and conelder able of a boom took place. The excite ment culminated In the formation of the General Phoephate Corporation, limited, with n capital of fl,000,000, end MN acres were acquired la Ottawa county at an outlay of itt,000. High-salaried and Inexperienced men ware engaged both In London and at the mlnee. Then followd the develop ment of high-grade phoephntee In Flori da and the flooding of the European markets therewith caused a big drop la the price of Canadian phosphates. The mines were compelled to cue pend or re duce operations, and the shipments fe> from 30,000 tone in 1SN to 0.0N tone la Thla year there le praetloally noth dolny. Wi'Mincm. WhM rwflt May «»H>» »l" 1M**,! u lavUeUow to U TaMc. The prince, of Wales’ dinner ktglM punctually at >:46 p. m., and lasts an hour and ten minutes. Rapid service la a household law, and la quite noose eary sa the moan la rather extended, though not ostentatiously elaborate. Four or five waiters only are allowed to enter the dining hall. The kitchen ta, of course, at aome distance, hut for the aake of dispatch a serving-room ad joins the dlnlng-hall, and hero a little army of assistants supplies the waiters at an instant’s notice. Soft, low. muslo Is played during the entire hour. The menu card Is almost savers la Its plain* ness, having simply a narrow gold bor der, surmounted by the royal crest, and is always printed la French. The courses are arranged In first and sec ond service. In each course an alterna tion of china and silver plates Is strict ly observed; tor Instance, turtle soup In silver plates and bisque In china plates. For the first course a fillet of tout artistically garnished, upon an oval entree dish of sliver, and sole with rich “aoucle” on a china plate, guests being given choice of either “Cotellettea de volatiles” and “chaud frolds” follow; and then comes haunch es of venison on large silver dishes, and saddles of mutton, also on silver. The - meats are all previously carved In the serving room. Dainty dessrts ooncludo / the bountiful repast St# iy : f-K ‘I believe'ft Incumbent upon tbs etu mas of the Twentieth century never to rest till congress shall enact laws com pelling every child for seven years to bo educated at state expense, sad at the public schools and nowhere eh fee the tin ^ •' A western baseball team has signed a poet ns a pitcher. This tends to < qa matters with certain i apparently sign pitchers as i myyy ,;S* •¥ v -* ' ■. s.i ••'-i •' A. T*. Wooster. a prominent citizen ot Osseo, Mick., after Buffering excruciat ingly from pilea for tweuty'yeara, waa cured in a abort time by uaing DeWitt’a Witch Hazel salve, an abaolute cure for all akin diaeaaea. More of tbia prepara tion ia uaed than all otbera combined. Morria ft Co. Fure blood meana good health. De Witt’a Sarsaparilla puriflea the blood, curea eruptiona, eczema, acrofula and all diaeaaea ariaing from impure blood. Moiria ft Co. Small in alze, but great in reaulta. De Witt’a Little'Early Riaera act gently but thoroughly, curing indigeation, dyapep aia and conatipation. Small pill, aafe pill, beat pill. Morria ft Co. We are anxioua to do a little good in thla world and can think of no pleaaant er or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, conaumption and other aerioua lung troublea that fol low neglected colda. Morria ft Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Urnno Status Land Omci, O'Neill, Neb., July II,_ Complaint having, .been entered at this offloe by Harry E. Gerard against William M. Moore for abandoning hli homestead entry No. 14B71, dated April 8, 1M), upon the south half southeast quarter and south half southwest' quarter section twenty-four, township thirty, north range eleven west, In Holt oounty, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this offloe on the Sind day of AugustTlSM, at 1 o’clock r. m.. to respond and furnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment, *-« --** ■ B. Williams, faeoelver. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO BATE OF WILL. Btatn or Nxbhaska, Holt county, a a. At a oounty oourt, held Id the oounty court room, In and for aald county, July 15,1806. Present, G. A. MoCutchan oounty ludge. In the matter of the eitate of Ella M. Ohat terton, deoeaeed. On reading and filing tho petition of E. H. Beneolot, praying that the instrument, died on the 16th day of July, IM, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deoeaeed, may be proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of the said Ella M. Ghatterton, de ceased. and that the execution of said Instru ment may be committed and the adminis tration of said estate may be granted to William V. Cbatterton as executor. ORDERED, That August 8, IMS, at 10 o’clook A. M., Is assigned for hearing said petition, When all persons Interested In said matter mar appear at a oounty oourt to be held in and for said oountr, and show cause why the priurer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested in said matter by pub lishing a oopy of this order In Thx Frontibr a weekly newspaper printed In said oounty for four suocesslve weeks, prior to said day of hearing. G. A. MoCutchan, M [ssal.] Oounty Judge. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UxiTND BTATBS La NT) OrTICX, „ , , . O'Neill. Neb. June 8.1888. Notice Is hereby given that Allen P. White has died notice of Intention to make Anal proof before the Register and receiver at their oifioe In O'Nejll, neb., on Tuesday the 14th day of July, 1*8, on timber culture application No. safe, Tor WM SUM and KM BWm of section No. 4, In township No. 25, range No. 14, west. He names as witnesses: J. K. White, N. L. Strong, M. Brorherton and Henry Scale, all of Amelia, Nebraska. 48-8 John a. Harmon, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omoi at O'Nxill, Neb„ , July 17.1888. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to .make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register Mid Reoeiver at O'Nelli, Nebraska, on August 88,1888, vis: CHARLES M. BROWN, H. E. No. 14888, for the EM NEM and EM 8E« section 80, township 47. north range 18 west. He names the following witnesses to prov hls continuous residence upon and oultl ration of.said land, vis: Gotlleb Nlemand, Carl Nlemand, Andy Waloh and Ignats Waloh, all of Chambers, Nebraska. O-dnp. John A. Harmon, Heglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Orvics at O’Nxill, Nhb„ I „ . _ May 18.1888. j Notloe Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notloe of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the jK/uKSc*1™ * o'Nem-K#b- « ANNA TBULUMGHR.H.H.NO. 14478, for the BWM section 18. township 80, north, ranges, west. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, Mid land, vlsi Joseph M. Hunter and Swam B. Aim, of Star, Nebr., Hiram K, Henry and James Stanton, of O'Neill, Neb. 46-8 John A. Harmon, Register. In the District Court of Holt County Neb. B. B. Dlokaon, trustee, plslntlff, GhiirlM H. Adam, andwlfe. Mu L. Adam, W. Brubacher, fleet and full name un known, James V. Toy. and wife. Mrs. James F. Toy.flrst and full name unknown, Henry MiBradstreet,and wife,Mrs. Henry ®r,t and full name unknown, defendants. NOTICE. The above named defendants will take notice that on the tth day of June, IMS, the above named plalntlffbegan an aoUon in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, rouunsg, nccrasaa, Malnst said defendants and each of them! The object and prayer of said petition being to foreclose a oertaln mortgage given by d£ fendauta Charles H. Adam and wife, Mur V. Adam, to the tdalntiff upon lot IS, and the north twenty-eight feet of lota 14,10 and IS in block M, of the , city of O’Neill, In Holt county, Nebraska, said mortgage being given as n,°»« of December ■kMM* due ninety days after date. *»•««*.1,1 hla petition that he U the owner of said note as trustee, and that the same Is past due ahd that there te due thereon the sum of Ido and Interest at ten per oent from date thereof. Plaintiff prays for a deoree foreclosing said mortgage, also that the Interest of the above named defendants be decreed to be subject to plaintiff's mortgage, and for other eqult ftbra reiier. You are required to answer said petition on or before the SOth day of July IMS. Dated June 8th. MM. 48-4 B. B. Dice son, Trustee,Plalntiff. NOTICE TO Hunwrnr To Mary A. Hoffman, J. J. and Wm. Orafe and Union Trust Co.: You are hereby notified that on the tsd ?ar °f November, MM. the real eaUte here in toae/lljed' tltuatod In Holt oounty, In the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northeast quarter northwest quarter and northwest quarter northeast quarter of SOCnnQO dgsgo^io I The southwest quarter of section U-SO-U; The northeast quarter of seotlon 4-as-tt Was sold at public tax sale by tbe treas urer of said oounty for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year IMS, to James F. Toy.of B'mi* city, Iowa, who received a certificate, of tax sale for each of said Ifedto* end who Is the present owner and holder thereof . In the year MM they were assessed at follows: The northeast-northwest and ndrthwest northeast of SS-M-13 te Colon Trust Co.; . The aoutewest quarter of U-00-M to Mary A. Hoffman; The northeast quarter of 4-M-M to J. J. and Wm. Orate. The time of redemption from each of said satae will expire on the Sd day of November “SLw iut * » . JAMES F. TOY. By B. DeLand, Agent. «.g PUBLICATION NOTICE. Eunice Fellows, widow of Ephraim Fellows, deceased, Fred Fellows and Mary Fellows, heirs at law of Ephraim K. Fellows, de ceased, non-resident defendants. You will take notloe that on the 19th day of June, 1886. Anna G. Van Alstyne, plaintiff herein. Hied her petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against the said defendants iuitimuwl with John Doe. the object and prayer of which aie to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Ephraim K. Fellows and Eunice Fellows, his wife, to the plaintiff upon the southeast quarter of section thirty-five, township twenty-eight, north of range eleven, Holt county,Nebraska, to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes dated October 1, IMS, due October l, 1807, and April 1,1806, respectively, one in the sum of MOO and one In the sum of •9.00; that there is now due upon said notes and mortgage the sum of 8312.91 with inter est from this date, for which sum plaintiff pravs for a decree and that defendants be required to pay same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due; that the said Ephraim K. Fellows died Intes tate In Hall county, Nebraska, on or about the — day of Hay, 18M, and that the above named defendants, non-residents, are his heirs and only heirs at law, You are required to plead or answer to said petition on or before the 17th day or August, Dated this 19th day of June. 1806. 1-4 Akita O. vuAumn, By Chaa. O. Cyan, her Attorney. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Ukitkp Status Lamp Orrjcs,» O'Neill, Neb., dune 29. 1898. f Notice Is hereby given that Otis Haven,' of Charles city, Iowa, has filed notice of inten tion to make final proof before the register and receiver at their ofllce in O'Neill, Neb. on Friday the 14th day of August, 1896, on timber-culture application No. 61811, for the NB 14 of section No. 36. In township No. 28 north, range No. 11 west. He names as wit nesses: Cnauncy D. Keyes, Harry U. JewelL John J. Helloran and Frank MoDermott, all of Inman, Nebraska. 1-6 Joan A. Habhoh, Register. IiKUAI. NOTICE. William Belgel, 0. 0. Pelroe. and —Fierce wife of 0. 0. Pierce real name unknown, will take notice: That on the let day of July. 18M, the Fidelity Company, plaintiff, com menced an notion in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de fendants, to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered to the Amerioaa Loan and Trust Company, by the defendant William Belgel. oovering the following de scribed real estate situate In Holtoounty, Nebraska, to-wlt: The northeast Quarter of section 4, In township 27, north of range IS west. Securing the payment of a promissory note of the said William Belgel, dated Dec. 2V, 1807, for the sum of 6400, payable on the 1st day of December, 1812. to the American Loan and Trust Company. There Is now due the plaintiff on said note the sum of 1400, with 10 per cent. Interest from Dec. 1,1802, And plaintiff prays that said premises may be sold to satisfy said sum Interest and cost. You are required to answer said petition an or before tne 10th day of August, 1806. Dated at O’Neill. Neb.. July 1.1806. 62-4 N. D. THK fTDEtlTY of)., Plaintiff. NOTICE TO NON-BESIDBNTS. 8. H. Keesman, Jennie Beesman, Bobert Hannah, Mrs. Bobert Hannah, T. O. Cannon, Elisa Cannon, non-resident defendants. Notloe is hereby given that on the 10th day of January, 1806, A. T. Merrill, the plaintiff in this notion, filed his petition in the offloe of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whioh is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by 8. H. and Jennie Beesman upon the northeast quarter section 4. township 20, north range 10, west 6th p. u„ in Holt county, Nebraska, whioh mortgage was executed and delivered to the Globe Investment Company and filed for record on the 13th day of September, 1880, and recorded In book 48 of mortgages at page »20: that there Is now due upon said mortgage the sum of 1686.00. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of July, 1826, or the same will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. 60-4 A. T. Mitsui By| H. M. Uttley. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. Notice lshereby given that the undersigned by virtue of an order of court duly made on the 22nd day of July, 1806, will on the 20th day of August, 1806, at 1:30 p.m„ at the west front door of the court-house in the city of O'Neill, Holt county. Nebraska, offer the fol lowing lands, held as assets of the Holt County Bank, for sale, to:wlt: The N 99 feet of lots 1 and 2 In blook 22 in the original town of O'Neill, commonly known as the Bank building, lot 6 block 2. lots 010 and 11 In blook 46 and lot 7 In blook 48, lota 5 and 7 In block 68, lota 2,17 and 8 In block 64 In McOafferty’s addition to O’NelU. All of blook A except 288 off the north side. All of block C except 65 feet by 176 feet and the southeast quarter of block D and BM of nwS4 of block B, lota 1,2,3 and 4 in blook H. 16 and 16 in block 28; lots 9 to 16 Inclusive In blook 19 the original town of O’Neill. South H of Wnwii andne Hof seM 3and seli neH 4, and nel4 9. nil in township 27. range 10 west, and lota 12 and 13 in blook 20. original town of O'Neill. - Also a strip of Sound at the sw M of seli of section 80, town ip 29, range 11, west 6th p. *., on aparallell line with Fourth street in the city or O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, and 176 feet north of the oenter of the main traok of the Fremont Blkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad as now located over and across said land thenoe running north on said line parallell with Fourth street 76 feet, thenoe east 150 feet, thenoe south to a point 175 feet north of the oenter of the main track of said railroad, thenoe west on said line 175 feet, north of said across the ne!4 of sw)4 of the swit of said 100 feet In width on each side of the center line of the railroad track of said defendant. Also excepting a atrip of land 160 feet In width across swH of said section, seotion 11, immediately south of and abutting upon said right of way of said Fremont Blkhorn and Missouri Valley railroad as above mentioned. Alto excepting a portion of said sw!4 of said section 11, described as follows: Commencing at a point 870 feet west and 40 feet north of the south east corner of the ne*of said swM of section 11, running thence west 280 feet, thence north' 260 feet, thenoe east 250 feet, and thence south 260 feet to the point of beginning. Such sale to be for cash or part, cash and on time with good security subject to the approval of the undersignedstnd the court. Dated this 30th day or July, 1806. 4-* _ O. O. 8STOUR, • :■ Beeeiveg Holt County Bank. NOTICE. No»e Stewart, defendants -will taka notice Oat on the itth day o? June, l**, James Dolan, plaintiff herein, tiled hla petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, uralnat Boae Stewart, Impleaded with others, defendinti. The object and prayer of which are: To foreclose a certain mortgage, ex* Muted by the defendant, WUUam N. Farlow, to the plaintiff, upon the northeast quarter of section twenty (30, > and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one (21,) all In township thirty (30, > range sixteen (is.) Holt Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay rnent of a certain promissory note, dated *•12“ J’,,18*8' for th® sum of one thousand (91,000) dollars, and due and payable In live years from the date thereof; that by reason of default of the defendants in the payment of the Interest due upon said note, and de fnnlf In tkn neuMaat a__u fault in the payment of taxes on said the whole sum of principal and jpramuies« —- -v.v «•* tuviim «uu Interest upon* said note and mortgage, as approved therein, has become due ana pay able; that there Is now due upon said note ---—am uww UUO U|fUU BH1U UIHQ and mortgage the sum of one thousand (21,000) dollars, with interest at the rate of seven per wviwe, wiwi luramt at lu* raw ui seven per cent, per annum from March 7,1804, tot which ■um with interest, as above act forth, plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants Ml Mnillnoil tn warn a olin mm... n IJ *** ^ tu»t 1UQ uvisuuanw be required to pay the aame, or that said premises may be sold to **-- -- found due. You are required to answer said petition ooor before the 27th day of July, 1826/ Dated June 15,1882. . Haxutt a Jack and H. M. Umir, •M Attorneys for Plaintiff. Those of our render, who want some good, reliable newspaper during the campaign ehould subscribe for the Toledo Weekly Blade. It la for McKin ley and Hobart, standi squarely on the St Louie platform and gives valid and locid reasons for eo doing. THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has " the latest faces of type, the beBt workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them /' reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we - will t it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium it is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Ite rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser : more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga sine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications of the world. Call on or address “THE PRONTHEH" O’NEILL, NEB.