GEN’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY J STATE. kS Governor.Silas Holcomb I Lieutenant Governor.B. E. Moore ' Secretary of State.J. A. Piper State Treasurer.J- 9- Bartley State Auditor.Eugene Moore Attorney General.-.A. 8. Churchill Com. Lands and Buildings.O. H. Russell Supt. Public Instruction. H. U. Corbett REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Chas. H. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J M. HiattTAlma; E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J. T. Matlaieu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. Representatives—First Dlstrlot, J. B Strode Second, D H. Mercer; Third, Geo. D. Mlkel John; Fourth — Halner; Fifth, W. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Hem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice.A. M. Post Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Norvall FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge..M. P. Kinkaid, of O Neill Reporter.J. J. King of O Neill Judge.W. H. Westover, of Rushvllle Reporter......John Maher, of Rushvllle* LAND OFFICES. O’KIILb Register..John Hfjpnon* Receiver...... •••• • ••••Rimer Williams. S COUNTY. judge.Geo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrvlng Treasurer.......J. P. Mullen Deputy.Sam Howard Clerk ...Bill Bethea Deputy...Mike McCarthy Sheriff....Chas Hamilton Deputy.Chas O'Neill Supt. of Sohoola.. . W K. Jackson Assistant.*.Mrs. W. R. Jackson Coroner.Dr. Truebtood Surveyor...M.F. Norton Attorney.H. I. Murphy SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin, Saratoga, ock Falls and Pleasantvlew—J. 0. Blondln. SECOND DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wil low dale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Maok. FOURTH DISTRICT. Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. 0. Combs. FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conley, Lake, ICoClure and (nman—E. Stillwell. ' SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis, Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—0. W. Moss. SRVRNTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore. C11Y OF or NEILL. Supervisor, E. J. Maok; Justloes, B. H. Benedlot and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. MoBride and Perkins Brooks. OODNCIIJfBH—FIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one year—H. 0. MoEvony. SECOND WARD. For two years—Alexander Marlow. For one year—Jake Pfund. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Davis. For one year—Elmer Merrlman.n citt ornccRS. Mayor, O. F. Blglln; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Polloe Judge, H. Kautzman; Chief of Police. Charlie Hall; Attorney, ThOB. Oarlon; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. g OR ATT AN TOWNSHIP. I Supervisor, R. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney /MeUreevy;Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johring: Justices, M. Costello and Chas. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed. McBride; Road overseer dist. 28, Allen Brown (list. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS' RELIEF COMNISSION. Regular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of each year, and at such other times as is deemed necessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Win. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; 11. H. Clark Atkinson. ST.PATRICK’8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sendees every Sabbath at 10:80 o'clock. Very Rev. Cassidy, Poe tor. Sabbath sohool Immediately following services. Methodist church. Sunday servioes—Preaching 10:30 A. if. and 8:00 p. if. Class No. 1 9:80 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep worth League) 7:00 p. if. Class No. 3 (Child rens) 3:00 p. H. Mind-week servioes—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:80 p. H. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. B. T. GEORGE, Pastor. Cl A. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John JT» O'NelU Post, No. 88, Department of Ne braska G. A. R., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of each month In Masonic hall O’Neil] 8. J. Suit h. Com. IT’LKHORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. Hi F. Meets every Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows’ hail, visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W. H. Mason. N. G. 0. L. Bright, Bee. GARFIELD chapter, b. a. m Meets on drat and third Thursday of each month in Masonic hall. W. J. Dobrs Sec. J. 0. Hashish, H, P KOF P.—HELMET LODGE, ■ Convention ( iJVUUA U. D. _i evenr Monday at 8 o'olook p. m. in Odd Fellows’ halL Visiting brethern cordially invited. _ _ J. P. Glllioan, 0.0. E. J. Mack. K. of B. and 8. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 30.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Ohas. Bright, H. P. H. M. Tttlxy, Scribe Eden lodge no. 4i, daughters OF BEBBKAH, meets every 1st and 8d Friday of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall, " Flo Bentley, N. Q. Kittib Bright. Sec. GARFIELD LODGE, NO.05.F.A A.M. Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. J. J. King, W. M. 0.0. Snydbr, Sec. Holt-camp no. itio, m. w. op a. Meets on the first and third Tuesday in each month in the Masonic hall. . C, W. Hagensick, V. 0. D. H. Oronin, Clerk A O, U. W. NO. 1S3, Meets second JSl* and fourth Tudsday of each month in Masonle hall. 0. Bright, Rec. S. B. Howard, M. W. INDEPENDENT WORKMEN OF A AMERICA, meet every first and third Friday of each month. Gao. McOdtchan, N. M. J. H. Wbltox, Sec. FOStOFFICE DIRCBTORY Arrival ofMails y. i. a h. v. r. r.—from thb bast. Every day, Sunday included at.4:15 p a FROM THB WBBT. Every day, Sunday included at.9:88 a m PACIFIC SHORT LINB. Passenger—leaves 9:88 A. M. Arrives 11:85 p.m. Freight—leaves 0:07 p. k. Arrives 7:00 p. u. Bally except Sunday. O’NEILL AND CHSLSBA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..1:00pm O'NBIIX AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..4:30 p m O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Fri. at_7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p w O'NEILL AND CUMMINSVILLE. Arrives Mon.,Wed. aud Fridays at .. 11:30p m Departs Mon,, Wed, and Friday at.1:00 p m P. D- A J. P. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP THE GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. But of HoCufferto’a. O'NEILL, NKB. NEW YORK... ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honoot Sport in Amerioe ALL THE SENSATIONS OP THE DAY PICTUMD av TMK FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Lib in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAN, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to bo posted? Then send your subscription to the nw TOU UffiUID INI, a PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Noill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SioUX CITY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers In NSW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or other Information call upon agent j or address F. C. HILLS, W. B. MoNIDER, Receiver. Gen'l Pass. Agent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S ia combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” i V.TV* x: f M Shortens labor, lessens pain. I . . diminishes danger to lire of; both mother ana child and leaves her in condl*, tion more favorable to speedy recovery. “Stronger after than before confinement** says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy : FOR RISIN8 RREAST Known and worth the price for that alone. Endorsed and recommended by midwlvei and all ladles who have used it. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Makes Child-Birth Easy. Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price, $1.00 par bottle. Book “TO MOTHERS" mailed free, containing voluntary testimonials. BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, 6A. SOLD ST ALL DHUOOISTS. THE « GREAT RESIGNER. ■os an Accountant Takes Hie Taoatlon Spells. Living In a fashionable town within commuting distance of New York is a gentleman who invariably attracts attention by his long hair. Strangers always conclude that he Is nothing less than a great lawyer or bank president. When the more curious ask his fellow-townsmen about him they are told tho following story: One day the gentleman, who is one of the best accountants in the metrop olis, stepped up to the president of the bank by which he is employed and said he had decided to resign, and that the resignation must go into elfeet immediately. The accountant left that day and the bank was obliged to get along as best it could without him. Ten days later the cashier was as tonished on entering the bank to find the accountant hard at work at his old desk. The mathematician said good morning, just as he had done 4 every day for years before he resigned, bat offered no explanation. The president and cashier decided to let their strange acting employe keep at his work and ask no questions. Three months later the accountant went into the president’s office again and tendered his resignation. It waa accepted and the man was absent for a week or more. Then he suddenly returned. The same thing was repeated again and again. Now it is a standing joke in that bank that the accountant has resigned. It is his way of taking a vacation. He never stays away more than two weeks. The Odors and Color of Mowers. Plants with white blossoms have a larger proportion of fragrant species than any other; next comes red, then yellow and blue; after which, and in the same order, may be reckoned violet, green, orange, brown and black. The flowers of .spring are white and highly fragrant; those of summer are red and yellow and less fragrant; those of autnmn and winter are darker and with still leu per fume. GASOLINE ENGINES. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS OF ALL KINDS, Eclipse end Fairbanks Wind* mills Towers, Tanks, Irriga tion Outfits, Rose, Belting, Grinders,Staellcrs,Wood Saws, Drive Points, Pipe, Fittings, Brass goods and ralrbAnlui Standard Healcs. Prices low. Get tbe best. Send for Catalogue. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 1102 F- -nam St. Omaha, Neb. OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS Bsn, Prompt, Poatme Curt fir Impound, lott of Manhood, iomlnat Cmlttlont, Spormatorrhoa, Mtnoutntto, OolfDlotruot, loot of Momoru, Mo. Will mahtuoaa STRONG, Vigor out Man. Prlet 91.00, 0 Bona, 90 00. 8ttolal Olraetloni Mollad with taeh Box, Addrtto BtlUri SMwIblattt 0*., asisLuoAaAvt. ST. LOUIS. • MO. Purohaao Tiokats and Conaien your F. E.&M.V.andS. C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: OOIHO ftUT, Passenger east, * 8:20 a. m Freight east. - • • io:80 a. x Freight east, - . . 2:10 p. x. OOIHO WIST. Freight west, - 2:10 f. x Passenger west, • 9:27 p. x Freight, - - 2:10 p. x. The Elkhorn Line Is now running Reclining Ohalr Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, ;roe to holders ot first-class transpor tation. Fer any Information oall on Wj Ja DOBBS) Aot. O'NEILL. NEB. Wanted-An Idea Wiio eta thlak of some simple thing to petentr nera Wiuhiiiston, "b. o^for their eLsoo prise •wills* of two hsadiM larsntlons wsafiSr HAVE HARD LIVES. Tl» Dlaadranter* «' Balar » Madloal Missionary In China. The women who go out aa medical missionaries have a hard time of It, ac cording to a writer In the Philadelphia Times, aside from mere inconveniences arising from living in such a country. In prescribing medicines not only is the fear of a future accusation of pois oning ever present, but the possibility that it may prove to be a reality. Thus a bottle of liniment curing the vener able grandmother of rheumatism may be lent to a neighbor stricken with small pox as an infallible remedy; or the entire contents of a vial of tooth ache medicine be administered In one dose to a teething infant. Celestial rea |pn that If a small portion Is of any benefit the whole bottleful, taken at once, multiplies Its usefulness In a cor responding ratio. Therefore, if not pre viously warned, experience soon teach es the missionary to make It an Infal lible rule never to dispense a poison ous remedy or one which could do harm if the entire quality were taken at once. Liniments and toothache drops com pounded of nonpoleonoua drugs may not be highly potent, but they are at least harmless. When It Is absolutely necessary to administer a powerful remedy several times or tor several times In succession the doctor puts each dose up in a separate vial, powder or capsule, and leaving them at the dis pensary with a trained American nurse or other foreign helper, directs that a servant or child of the patient be sent there for one every three hours, or three times a day, as the case may require, otherwise it would all be taken at onoe, or divided among ailing neigh bors. men we women doctors are oongea to be ever on the alert to keep the na tive* from stealing drugs from their medicine chests and so run the risk of being poisoned. Then, too, the curious objection to privacy which prevails In China and makes it unwise for foreign ers, especially doctors, to insist upon it for fear of being regarded with su perstition. makes it necessary to con duct all operations in semi-public man ner and there is always the danger that some of the spectators may objeot at a critical point in the operation and thus Imperil the pationt's life, which would Indeed be unfortunate for the poor sur geon. Anaesthetics are regarded with suspicion and seldom used, but the native stolidity to pain makes them al most unnecessary. Altogether the Ufa is not one to bo desired. love at great altitude. A lady Who Climbs Mount Bonier Winds Dp by Marrying H« Onlda. Henry Carter, the famous Mount Rainer guide, has fallen in love under romantic circumstances, and will be married by Rev. William M. Jeffries, the first preacher who delivered a ser mon^on top of the mountain. There Is a possibility that Carter will be married on top of the mountain, the place where he fell in love last Tuesday night, with the thermometer registering 20 degrees below zero. He is to marry Cora Beach man, a school teacher, and the belle of Lake Park, a suburb of Tacoma, says the Globe-Democrat. Miss Beachman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Groe of Eatonville, set out Tuesday with Carter, the most trusted of all the mountain guides, to ascend Mount Ranter. At Gibraltar rock, which corresponds to the “shoul der” of the Matterhorn, 4,000 feet from the summit, Mrs. Groe became ex hausted. Miss Beachman declared her Intention to reach the summit at all hazards. Carter led the way, but soon lost his ice ax, and in scaling difficult passes they were compelled to rely solely on their alpenstocks. They did not reach the summit until < p. m., too late to attempt the descent that night. They had left Paradise Valley, below the snow line, without wraps, and only a lemon and one sandwich each in the way of provisions. Carter selected a sheltered Ice cave formed by jets of steam from the crater, and there they passed a sleepless night, discussing all sorts of topics, and before they left the summit, at 9 a. m. Wednesday, Mlsu Beachman had promised to marry the guide. The instant they left the steam of the ice cave their clathes-were frozen stiff, and they suffered great hardships in descending. A rescue party organ ized during the day, came to their re lief late in the afternoon, after they had been without food over twenty-four %purs. Bafoaed, Than Was Berry. The cable was crowded and when a passenger boarded it he was nearly up set by the sudden starting ot the grip ear and tread on the toe ot a man •ending at the rear end. *1 beg your pardon,” he said, very pBtely; hut the man of the hurt toe Scowled and In an undertone muttered curses. The Innocent offender again apolo | glzed. “Yes, but that don’t help my toe any;” and he growled some more in an undertone. Nearby passengers began to smile. "I begged your pardon, didn’t IT" said the other man. "Yes, but my toes hurts Just the same,” was the reply In an ugly tone. Then the other man’s dander rose and in very forcible language he said: "Now, look here. I accidentally stepped en your foot and I apologized for it. It you say another word about It I will give you this Instead of my foot (show ing his doubled fist), and It will land tight In your face.” This warning was not taken, for he continued to talk about the clumsiness of some people. Suddenly the passen gers were electrified by seeing a fist shoot out, and the growler lay In the street as the car passed on. Nobody ■aid anything, but some thofight if wasn’t wise to^alk too much. BEST with a big B. Blackwell's Genuine Ball Barham la In a elan by ltaelf. You will Ond-one coupon inside each two onnoe bag, and two cou pons inside each Dour ounce ban of Blackwell’s Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Bnyabagof this celebrated tobaooo and rend th—oupon— which sivn a llatdlr valuable prea snts and howto get them.. Always Buy the Best. The . . ■ Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good In the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Blkhorn Valley is found at Neil Brennan's iiriirn 1 ■ John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators. ■. Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. THU Famous Bemedy cures quickly, permanent! y ail nervous diseases, Weuk Memory. Los* of Brain Power, _Headache. Wakefulness, toat Vitality, Nightly Emis sions. evil dreams, 1mpotency and wasting diseases caused by y ami blood bnlIcier. Makes tho pale and puny Htrongaud plump. 1 Easily carried l» vest pocket. Hiper box {o forM. By Mpnld, teitfc a written guarantee or money ref uvdtd. Write UB,fre« TffsBT klul. MkLiAE. {{one. HoldbjoaraicatiiOrttddrMiHBBTleKBUCOaal For sale la O'Neill, Neb., by M0KK1S & CO.. Drnssfctr. •'ALL THE MAOAZINBS IN ONE." t"REVIEW"REVIEWS Edited by ALBERT SHAW. ^Rehew-Retiews « OeSZTltVf I The review of REVIEWS, as its name implies, gives in readable form the best that appears in the other great magazines all over the world, generally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodica] litera ture, are alone worth ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $2.50. TURK RECENT SAMPLES 25 cents. and contributed features of the Review or Reviews are themselves equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor’s “Progress of the World” is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tbt Littrary World sayss “We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of tha ‘Review or Reviews,’ which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly and the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshness; it is monthly in its method. It is the world under a field glass.” Said Mall News Staada. Slagle Capy, as caote. » review-reviews 13 Aster Place, New York. Agents find it the Host Profitable Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Modal Midwinter Fair. Son Francises. PATENTS CaTeats, and Trade-Mirks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate fees. Oun Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office and wo can secure patent in less tints than taoae remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U, S, and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washinoton, D. C. NTs i » _r-rr:.vr.! I.ijrrrr^ w VcAVtAI 0,1 IWit MARKsV W COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN prompt ■ MUSIC. I OBTAIN uuwor and an __ _de CO., who have experience In the patent ' tlona strictly confidential. _ formation concerning Patent, and how to oo> tain them rent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan* leal and aclentMo booha tent free. Patents taken through Uunn A Co. receive ■pedal notice in the Scientific American, ■« tana are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. Thle splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific won In the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent frw Building Edition, monthly. t-JO a year, a copies, 45 cents, every mimlier con tains l__ tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show th. latest designs and secure contracts. Address ' MUNN X OO- NSW YORK. Ml BsWDUS