§11.16 Bond trip. National Encampment Grand Army ot the Republic, at Bt. Paul Minn., Sep. . '1 to 4, 1896. Ticket* on sale August 80, and 31, good to return until September 15. For further information apply to Joint agent at St. Paul. Minn. Fare from O’Neill and return §11.15. W. J. Dobbs, Agb . A Bound Liver Make* 0 Well Ken. Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in back and between the shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you have any of these symptoms, your liver is out of order, and your blood is slow ly being poisoned, because your liver does not act promptly. Herbine will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a liver medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at P. C Corrigan’s. 40 Believed of Tsrrlbls Pains. R. E.Morse, traveling salesmen, Gal veston, Texas, says: Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured me of iheumatism of three months' standing after use of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Danville, Ills., says: I have used Ballard’s Snow Liniment for years and would not be without it. J. - R. Crouch, Rio, Ills., says Ballard’s Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head and neck when nothing else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 60 cents. Free trial bottles at P. C. Corrigan’s. Ballard’s (new Linlmsnt. This wonderful liniment is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the gulf. It is the most penetrating liniment in the world. It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, sprains, bruises, wounds, old sores, burns, sciatica, sore tbroat, sore chest and all infiamatlon after all others have failed, It will cure barbed wire cuts and heal all wounds where proud flesh $ has set in. It it equally efficient for an imals. Try it and you will not be with out it. Price 50 cents, at Corrigan’s. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired and nsrvoue system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, --- gently stimulates the liver and kidneys and aids the organs iu throwing off im purities in the blood. Electric Bitters , improves the appetite, aids digestion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier • and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or II per bottle at Corrigan's. The DlsesTsry lint HU, lit*. Mr. O. Caillouette, druggist, Beavers villa, 111., nyi: "To Dr. King’s Now Dlioovery I owe my life. Wee taken with lagrippe and tried all the phyelc , lane for mile* about, but wae of no > avail and wae given up and told I eould not live. Having Dr. King'a Hew Die* covery In my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using | three bottles was up and about again. It 1* is worth iu weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it.” Get a free trial at Corrigan’s drug store. Parsons who have a coughing epell every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome It at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. Morris & Co. "Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!” so said De Witt’s Little Early Risers to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Morris * Go. Pass the good word along the line. Piles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying De Witt’s . Witch Basel Salve. Morris & Co. Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa. writes: ‘1 have been suffering from piles for £ twenty-five yean and thought my case incurable. De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me as a pile cure so I bought a box and it performed a permanent cure." This is only one of thousands of similar cases. Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield quickly when It is need. Morris A Co. Prom O’Neill on Friday, May 1, one dark brown gelding, five yean old, weight about 850 or 000 pounds; hair off right hip; two cracked hind hoofs. ' 44-tf C. E. Hat.t.. BariKATB ov Ezrama The city council upon motion made the following estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all pur poses to be expended in the city during the fiscal year commencing on the fint Tuesday in May, 1880: For salaries. .81400.00 For fuel and lights. 1200.00 For repairing sidewalks etc. 800.00 Interest on railroad bonds. 1890.00 Interest on water bonds. 1060.00 Railroad sinking fund. 1100.00 Printing and supplies.. 200,00 Repair* on waterworks.......... 200.00 Ar-. 86770.00 The entire revenue Of the city for the previous fiscal year was, upon motion, didy considered by the council and found to be as follows: From tax levy... .89000.00 From occupation tax...:..;..:. 000.00 From waterworks.. 900.00 w. 84100.00 H. E. Mcnnrr, Mayor, r, City Clerk. 49-4 A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Osseo, Mick., after suffering excruciat ingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short time by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve, an absolute cure for all skin diseases. More of this prepara tion is used than all others combined. Morris ft Co. Pure blood meins good health. De Witt’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and all diseases arising from impure blood. Moiris & Co. Small in size, but great in results. De Witt’s Little Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspep sia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Morris & Co. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasant er or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds. Morris & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE State lank of S’leill Charter Number 807, At O'Neill, in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business July SO, 18W: MSODRCBS. • Loans and discounts. Overdrafts secured and unsecured. Stocks, bonds, securities, ‘ meats, claims,etc.. Bank?n tanking house, furniture and fixtures. •07,006 00 1,675 20 1,000 00 and 8tber real estate... urrent expenses taxes paid.. Checks and other cash Items. Due from National, State and private banks and Sbankers. Total oash on hand. 6310 17 17.810 01 2,008 SI 003 87 8,770 62 2301 21 Total. 02,121 17 UABIUTIBS. Capital stock paid in. Undivided profits. Individual deposits sub check... 80,000 00 1366 86 16,746 63 Jeot to euro*.* Demand certificates of deposit. 16,97 18 Time certificates of de posit. 243*0 00 Due to State and private banka and bankers. 821 65 Notes and bills redis counted. 67,863 31 2,000 00 Total.. 08,121 17 State of Nebraska. County of Holt, ss: I, John McHugh, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Joan McHugh, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1806. J. H. Meredith, [MALI Notary Public. My commission expires March 25,1001. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Ueitbd States Lawn Omen, O'Neill. Neb. June 3.1806. V A1 ull|| AVOW, w UAIv Wi logo Notice Is hereby given that Allen P. J otic-- .. . White has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before the Register and receiver at their offloe in O'Neill, Neb., on Tuesday the 14th day of July, 18W, on timber culture application No. am, for WH SEty and KM SWH of section No. 4, in township No. 26, range No. 14, west. He names as witnesses: J. B. White, N. L. Strong, M. Brorherton and Henry Bcafe, all of Amelia, Nebraska. Joke a. Hasmoh, Register. 48-6 TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. vmui Notloe I* hereby Opocensky, of NIodi or intention to male) Unitbd 8tatb» Land Orrios. O'Neill, Nebraska, May 0,1896. p irlven that Frederick -rare, Neb., has Sled notloe - make Snal proof before the register and receiver at their office in O'Neil 1, Neb., on Saturday, the SOth day of June, 1898, on timber culture application No. 8281, for the NWM of section No, 23, In township No. 32, north, range No. V west. He names as witnesses: Mike Hrbek and Frank Hrbek, of Pishelvllle, Neb., Frank Hrbek, of Verdegre, Neb., and Vac Hvlsdalek. of Niobrara. Neb. 4&4 John A. Harmon, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laud Onion at O'Nbill, Nnn., i May 13.1000, Notloe is hereby given that the following named settler has Sled notloe of his Intention to make Snal proof In support of his claim, snd that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on June 88.1800. Via: ANNA TBULLINGBR, H. E. No. 14478, for the 8W14 section M. township 30, north, range 9, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vis: Joseph M. Hunter and Swam 8. Aim, of Star, Nebr.. Hiram R. Henry and James 8tanton, of O’Neill, Neb. 46-6 John A. Harmon, Register. In the District Court of Holt County Neb. R. B. Diokson, trustee, plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Adam, and wife. May L. Adam, W. Brubaeher, first and full name un known. James F. Toy and wife. Mrs. James F. Toy,first and full name unknown. Henry M. Bradstreet, andwlfe, Mrs. Henry M. Bradstreet. first and full name unknown, defendants. w NOTICE. The above named defendanU will take notloe that on the 4th day of June, UWL the above named plaintiff began au action In the district court of Holt county .Nebraska, -"ainst said defendants and each of them. - ae object and prayer of said petition being to foreclose a oertaln mortgage given by de fendants Charles H. Adam and wife. May L. Adam, to the plaintiff upon lot 13, and the north twenty-eight feet of lota 14,15 and 16. in block 28, ojr the city of O'Neill, In Holt county, Nebraaka. said mortgage being given *2 ,*J2ur* *b«lr note of 6480, dated December *,fci8lP'.?2d