The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1896, Image 7

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She stopped suddenly, and. rising,
was about to leave the room. He took
her hand, and closed the door she had
opened, leading her to a seat.
"My dear Miss Lee, I do not compre
hend you. Explain. It I have ever
injured you In any way, It has been
tlje very thing farthest removed from
my Intentions. Will you not give me a
chance to defend myself?”
She blushed painfully; her embar
rassment disturbed him, for he was
generous to all, and he really felt very
kindly toward her.
"I cannot explain,” she said In a sub
dued voice. “I am sorry you came Just
now. But these slanders anger me, as
well as wound my feelings.”
“What slanders, Miss Lee?”
Her color grew deeper. Animated by
some sudden resolve, she lifted her head
“I will tell you. Remember that yon
sought the Information. Your coming
here has been made the subject of re
mark. and I have been accused of hav
ing schemed to draw .you here. You
know if it be true.”
His face flushed slowly. He recalled
the silly stories that had some time be
fore reached his ears. And because of
them she had suffered. This woman
whose unremitting care had saved hia
life! How thoughtlesB and cruel he had
been! He was a man of honor; If any
woman’s reputation had been Injured
through his means, there was but one
course for him to pursue. He must
made reparation. And how? For a
moment his head whirled, but glanc
ing at the pale, distressed face before
him, he made his decision.
“Alexandrine,” he said quietly, “you
know Just what my course has been.
You know my lowly origin—you know
how life has cheated me of happiness.
You know how dear Margie Harrison
was to me, and how* I lost her. I loved
her with my whole soul—she will bo
the one love of my lifetime. I shall
never love another woman as I loved
her. But If my name and the position
I can give my wife, will be pleasant
to you, then I ask you to accept them,
as some slight recompense for what I
have made you suffer. If you can be
satisfied with the sincere respect and
friendship I feel for you, then I offer
myself to you. You deserve my heart,
but I. have none to give to any one.
I have burled It so deep that It will
never know a resurrection.”
She shuddered and grew pale. To
one of her passionate nature—loving
him as she did—it was but a sorry
wooing. His love she could never have.
But it she married him, she should be
always near him; sometimes he would
hold her hands In his, and call her,
as he did now, Alexandrine. Her ap
parent struggle with herself pained
him. Perhaps he guessed something
of its cause. He put his arid' around
her waiBt. r: ■<
"My child," he said, Kindly, -ao you
love me? Do you indeed care for
me? Cold and Indifferent as I have
been? Tell me truly, Alexandrine?”
She did tell him truly; something
within urged her to let him see her
heart as it was. For a moment she
put aside all her pride.
“I do love you,” she said, “God only
knows how dearly!” ; t \ >■
He looked at'her with gentle, pity
ing eyes, but he did not touch the red
lips so near his own. He pould not be
a hypocrite.
“I will be good to you, Alexandrine.
<}od helping me, you shall never have
cause for complaint. I will make your
life as happy as I can. I will give
you all that my life’s shipwreck spared
me. Will that content you? Will you
be my wife?” ■; .<
Still Bhe did not reply.
"Are you afraid to: risk it?” be asked,,
almost sadly.
“No, I am not afraid! I will risk
everything!” she answered.
of Margie Harri
son? Through the
dull, stormy day
she had been
whirled along like
the wind.. The train
was an express, and
made few stop
pages. Margie took
little note of any
thing which oc
curred. She sat in her hard seat like
one in a trance, and paid no heed to the
lapse of time, until the piteous whining
of Leo warned her that night was near,
and the poor dog was hungry; At the
first stopping-place she purchased some
bread and meat for him, but nothing for
herself. 'She could not have swallowed
a mouthful.
Still the untiring train dashed on.
Boston was reached at last. She got
out. and stood, confused and bewil
dered, gazing around her. It was
night and the place was strange to her.
The cries of the porters and hackmen—
the bustle and dire confusion, struck a
chill to her heart. The crowd hurried
hither and thltbo", each one Intent on
his own business, and the lamps gave
out a dismal light, dimmed as they
were by the hanging clouds of mist and
fog. Alone in a great city! For the
first^time in her life she felt the signifi
cance of the words she had so often
heard. She had never traveled half a
/' dozen miles before, by herself, and she
felt almost as helpless as a little child.
iaga, ma’am?” said a hackman,
touching her arm.
"Yes," she said, mechanically, and
put her hand In her pocket for . her
porte^tnonnlie, With a vague idea that
she must pay him before she started.
She uttered a low cry of dismay! Her
pocket-book was -missing! She
searched more thoroughly, but it was
not to be found. Her pocket had been
picked. Shq, turned a piteous face to
the hackman. jf * "f f
“My money is lokt .sir!” she said, "but
if you will take me to a place of Bhelter,
I will remunerate you some way.”
“Sorry to be obliged to refuse,
ma’am,” said the man, civilly enough,
“but I’m a poor man with a family, and
can’t afford tokeepmy houses for noth
ing”? j f l
“What is It, driver?” queried a rough
voice; and in a mom'ent a crowd had
gathered around poor, shrinking Mar
gie, and growling, indignant Leo.
“The woman’s lost her purse—”
“Oh, ho! the old story—eh? Beauty
in distress. Should think they'd get
tired of playing that game!” said the
coarse voice, which belonged to a
lounger and hanger-on at the depot.
“Looks rather suspicious, ma’am, for
ye to be traveling on the train alone,”
began the hackman; but he was inter
rupted by. the lounger.
“That’s the way they all travel. Well,
thank the Lord, I bain’t so gallant as
to git taken in by every decent face I
“Thank heaven, I am not so lost to all
sense of decency as to insult a lady!”
said a clear, stern voice; and a tall, dis
tinguished-looking man swept through
the crowd, and reached Margie’s .side.
“Indeed, I am not mistaken!”'he skid,
looking at her with amazement. “Miss
She saw, as he lifted his bat, the
frank, handsome face of Louis Chstrani.
All her troubles were over—this man
was a pillar of strength to her weak
ness. She caught his arm eagerly, and
Leo barked with Joy, recognizing a
“I am so glad to see you, Mr. Cas
His. countenance lighted Instantly.
He pressed the hand on his arm.
“Thank-you, my friend. What serv
ice can I render you? Where do you
wish to go? Let me act for you.”
“Oh, thank you—if you only will! I
was going further, but the train I
wished to take had been gone some
hours, and I must stay here to-night.
And on my way, somewhere, my money
has been stolen.”
“Give yourself no more uneasiness.
I am only too happy to be of any use
to you.”
The crowd dispersed, and Castranl
called a carriage, and put Margie and
Leo inside. * •» * 5
"Have you any cnoice oi noteisr
“None. I am entirely unacquainted
here. You know best.”
“To the —■— House,’*' he said to the
driver; and thither they were taken.
A warm room and a tempting supper
were provided, but Margie could not
eat. She only swallowed a little toast,
and drank a cup of tea. Castranl came
to her parlor Just after she had finished,
but he did not sit down. He had too
much delicacy to intrude himself upon
her when accident had thrown them to
“I was called here on very urgent
business,!' he said, “and shall be obliged
to attend to It to-night, but I shall re
turn soon, and will see you In the morn
ing. Meanwhile, feel perfectly at
home. I have engaged a chamber-maid
to attend to you, and do not be afraid to
make your wants known. Good-night,
now, and pleasant dreams.”
She was so weary, that she slept
some, with Leo hugged tightly to her
breast; for she felt a sense of security
in having this faithful friend near her.
Breakfast was served In her room, and
by and by Castranl came up.' He spoke
to her cheerfully, though he could not
fail to notice that some terrible blow
had fallen upon her since last he had
seen her, gay and brilliant, at a party
In New York. But he forebore to ques
tion her. Margie appreciated his deli
cacy, and something Impelled her to
confide to him what she had not en
trusted to the discretion of any other
person. She owed him this confidence,
for his disinterested kindness.
“M.. Castranl,” she said, quietly
enough, outwardly, “circumstances of
which I cannot speak, have made it
necessary for me to leave New York.
I do not desire that the place of my
destination shall be known to any one.
But to show you how much I appreciate
your kindness, and how entirely I trust
you, I will Inform you that I am going
to Llghtfleld, in New Hampshire, to
stop an Indefinite length of time with
my old nurse. Mrs. Day.”
Castranl was visibly affected by this
proof of her confidence.
“From me. no one shall ever know
the place of your refuge,” he said, earn
estly. “Your train leaves at ten. It
is now nine. If you would only permit
me to see you safely to the end of your
She flushed. He read a quite reproach
in her eye.
“Pardon me. I know It may seem
like officiopsnesa, but I would try and ;
| not be disagreeable to you. I would
not even speak to you, if you desired it
i should be so. But I could travel in
the same car with you, and be there to
protect you. If you should need me.” |
“I thank you greatly. But I had
rather you went no farther. I shall
meet with no difficulty, I think. I shall
I rwch Nurse Day’s by sunset.”,
“As you wilL I will not press the
matter. * Your pleasure shall be mine."
A little later he assisted.her from
the carriage that had taken her to the
depot. Her baggage was checked—he
handed her the check, and her ticket,
and then pressed into her hand a roll
, of, bank-notes. . She put them back
qui'jtiyi but he declined taking them.
“I do not give it to you—I lend It to
you. You can repay me at your con*
venlence.” ,
"On those conditions, I thank you,
She put out her hand. He took it,
resisted the inclination to press his lips
'to it, and held it lightly in his.
"If you will give me permission—to
call upon you—should I be in Llghtfleld
during your stay there—I shall be more
than happy!”
She was about to refuse, but the mute
pleading,'of his eyes deterred her. He
<hhd, hSep kind to her. and it could do
her no harm. Probably, he would
never come to Llghtfleld, so she gave
him the permission he asked for.
The day passed without incident, and
nightfall found Margie within ten miles
of her destination. She was driven
along « youfeh country road, to a square
.farfe-hopse—looming up white through
the dark—and a moment later, she was
lying, pale and exhausted, in the arms
of Nurse Day. « .
"My blessed child!” cried the old
lady; "my precious little Margie! My
old eyes will almost grow young again,
after having been cheered by the sight
of ye!” And she kissed Margie again
and again, while Leo expressed his de
light in true canine style—by barking
vociferously, and leaping Over the
chairs and tables.
pleasantly situated.
Her husband was a
grave, staid m&n,
who was very kind
to Margie, always.
The farm was a
rambling affair-^
extending over, and
embracing In its
ample limits, hill
and dale, meadow
and woodland, and a portion of a bright,
swift river, on whose banks It was Mar
gie’s delight to sit through the purple
sunsets, and watch the play of light
and shade on the bare, rocky cliff oppo
Nature .proved a true friend to the
sore heart Of the girl. The breezes, so
fresh and sweet, and clear, soothed
Margie Inexpressibly. The sunshine
was a message of healing; the songs of
the birds carried her back to her happy
childhood. Wandering through the
leafy aisles of the forest, she seemed
brought nearer to God and his mercy..
Only once had Nurse Day questioned
her of the past, and then Margie had
“I have done with the past forever,
Nurse Day. I wish it never recalled to
me. I have met with a great sorrow—
one of which I cannot speak. I came,
her? to forget it. Never ask me any
thing about it. I would confide’ It to
you., y t tould, but my word Is glVen to
anotheb to keep silent. I acted lor
what I thought best. Heaven knows,
if I erred, I did not err willingly.”
"Give It all into God’s hands," said
Nurse Day, reverently. “He knows
Just what is best for us." .
The days went on slowly, but they
brought something of peace to Margie
Harrison. The violence of her dis
tress passed away, and now there was
only a dull pain at her heart—a pain
that must always have its abode there.
She held no communication with any
person In New York, save her aunt, and
her business agent, Mr. Farley, and her
letters to them were posted hi a distant
town, in a neighboring state, where
Nurse Day had friends—and so Margie’s
place of refuge was still a secret. '
Two Continents Pay Tribute to Kiln
Beach Taw, the Great Singer.
In this closing of the nineteenth cen
tury there has dawned a star in the
vocal firmanent which eclipses, In blrd
llke sweetness and phenomenal range,
all the voices of the past, says the New
York World. History will write the
name and fame of Ellen Beach Yaw as
the greatest soprano singer the world
has ever known—greater than Fatti
greater than Nilsson—greater than
Lind. The American people will find
much satisfaction in the thought that
Miss Yaw Is an American girl: she was
born in New York state and the great
er portion of her early life was spent
in California. ,?
juibs iaw is a tan, stately girl, whom
wealth of blonde hair frames a face
that Is beautiful and expressive. Her
bearing and manner indicate self-pos
Msslon and are the embodiment of all
that Is graceful and refined. The beau
ty and phenomenal range of her voice
became apparent some years ago, while
under the tuition of lime. BJorksten of
New York, and under whose guidance
Miss Yaw went to Paris and studied
with the famous Della Sedle and b«t
It was not until two years ago that her
wonderful volco began to attract pub
lic attention—and in this brief period
she has sung herself into a popularity
that has taken others a lifetime to ac
complish. Compared with other voices
of world-wide fame, the scale stands
Miss Yaw sings without the slightest
perceptible effort, from E below the bar
to B In the altisslmo—a range of twen
ty-eight tones. Her famous note—the
B above high B Is five notes higher than
Patti ever attained—and the highest
note ever voiced from a human throat
Her singing and her methods cannot be
likened to those of Patti or Nilsson—
there is a distinctiveness and an Indi
viduality that has been created by and
belongs exclusively to Yaw, who Is now
engaging the[.attention,of the whole
music-loving world.
Suburban Life.
Whether you know it or not that sec
ond year in the suburban house is a
erisis and turning' point in your life,
for it Hill make of you either a city
man or a suburban and it will surely
save you from being, for all the rest of
your days, that hideous betwixt and
between thing, that uncanny creation
of modern days of rapid transit, who
I fluctuates helplessly between one town
I and another: between town and city
and between town and city again,
seeking an impossible unattainable
perfection and scattering remonstrant
servant maids and disputed bills for
repairs along liis cheerless track.—Ex
Trying Ordeals for Presidents,
ft writing of the “Pardoning Power”
(invested in the President) Hon. llen
jamin Harrison says in June Ladies'
Home Journal: "The papers in these
murder cases are usually volumnious—
a full record or an abstract of the evi
dence making part If the trial seems
to have been fairly conducted, and no
new exculpatory evidence is produced,
and the sentence does not seem to
have been unduly severe, the presi
dent refuses to interfere. He cannot
weigh the evidence as well as the judge
and jury. They saw and heard the
witnesses, and he has only a writing
before him. It happens sometimes
that the wife or mother of the con
demned man comes in person to plead
for mercy, and I know of no more try
ing ordeal than to hear their teariul
and sobbing utterances, and tci feel
that a public duty requires that they
be denied their prayer.”
The question often asked—“Why are pu
pils of the New England Conservatory so
uniformly success! ul as teachers or per
formers?”—is readily answered by those
who have teen fortunate enough to be
come acquainted with the institution.
With on equipment superior to that of any
other school, with both American anil
foreign teachers of the highest rank, with
Boston, the art center of America, to fur
nish the best operas and concerts, it is easy
to see why one year or study there is bet
ter than two e sewhere. Its prospectus is
sent free.
Makes s Beautiful Down.
Nothin? could be more simple yet
more beautiful than a gown made of
the fine French org&ndize muslins,
figured in shadowy designs of trailing
roses and shaded green vines The
newest patterns are like a breath of
eurly June, and one of these dainty
gowns is made with a plain skirt
finished with a deep hem, the bodice
gathered into the neck and belt, and
trimmed with braces of green velvet
ribbon over the shoulders, with small
pearl buckles half way down the front.
Lace and velvet ribbon from the neck
band, which has a buckled bow at the
back, and velvet loops and ends fall on
the Skirt from the left side of the belt
An Appeal for Assistance.
The man who Is charitable to himself will
listen to the muie appeal tor assistance
made bv his stomach, or his liver, In the
shape of divers dyspeptic quims and uneasy
sensations in the regions of the glands that
secretes his bile. Hus tetter's Stomach Bit
ters, my dear sir, or madam—as the case
may be—is what you require. Hasten to
use. if you are troubled with heartburn,
wind In the stomach, or note that your skin
or the whites of your eyes are taking a sal
low hue.
A Reminder,
Down the postoffice steps the Rev.
Dr. Fyfthly carefully picked his way,
then his feet suddenly shot out, and be
went down right in the midst of a
group of stock brokers
“Ah, good morning, doctor,” laughed
the stock brokers, recognizing the min
ister, “you remind us of the wicked
man, whose foot slippetli.”
“Nay,” retorted the good minister,
"but rather do I seem like the man
who went down to Jericho."
“How is that?” chorused the brokers,
“Because he also fell among the
thieves,” murmured the doctor, as he
got up and moved decoriously away.—
New York Recorder.
Hall’s Catarrh Care
Is taken internally. Price,- 73c.
Don’t Drift Into the Critical Habit.
“Do not drift into the critical habit,”
writes Ruth Ashmore in discussing
“The Critical Girl,” in June Ladies’
Home Journal. “Have an opinion, and
a sensible one, above everything, but
when you come to judge people remem
ber that you see very little of what
they really are, unless you winter and
summer with them. Find the kindly,
lovable nature of the man who knows
little of books. Look for the beautiful
self-sacrifice made daily by some wo
man who knows nothing about pic
tures. and teach yourself day in and
day out to look for the best in every
thing. It is the every-day joys and
sorrow, my dear girl, that go to' make
up life. It is not the one great sor
row, nor the one intense joy, it is the
accumulation of the little ones that
constitute living, so do not be critical
of the little faults, and do be quick to
find the little virtues and to praise
them. So much that is good in people
dies for want of encouragement. As 1
said before, have an opinion, and a
well-thought-out one, and above every
thing that comes into your life, but do
not have too many opinions about
people; Their hearts are not open
books, and as you must be judged
yourself some day, give them the kind
est judgment now.”
FITS stopped free nml I'ernnn*^t'v err if* No
flr« after dr*td;»y’-i0»«r I)r. Kllne's(<*eftc >ervo
Restorer. Kr« e *2 tr a1 lotil** and t • eat ► • > a' v
clous cures. 1>b. Cuxk, Ml Arch fct. PLi.a.e.phia.Pa
Not the Whisky.
The coroner’s jury in the case of Bill
Wilcox, who dropped deed Thursday
evening after taking a drink at the
Lust Chance saloon, decided that it
was not the whisky which brought
about the «ad end. Bill had been
drinking the same brand for fourteen
years, and although the vitriol iu it
would eat up a hairpin, in ten minutes
the coating of his stomach was sup
posed to be proof against any action
of any sort of acid. He probably bad
some heart trouble; We think it must
be so, because he asked for a drink to
be “chalked down," and to his great
amazement it was handed out. The
surprise must have brought about a
fatal shock to the nervous system. The
deceased was a harmeiess critter, who
never even kicked about the weather,
and we hope he's brought up in a tem
perate climate. M. Quad.
The spots we see on others are nearly
always on our own glasses.
Biting into a peach reminds a man of
kissing a girl with whisker*.
There are people who sever care for
music except when they play the first
▲ Child Enjoys
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when
In need of a laxative, and if the father
or mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
It Is the best family remedy known and
•very family should have a bottle.
The Favorite Sleeve.
The favorite sleeve of the season
combines a short puff with a mousque
taire fullness of the wrist Although
the severe coat sleeve is predicted for
early fall, It has so far been seen only
in conjunction With a few plain tailor
Piso's Cure lor Consumption is our oniy
medicine for coughs and colds.—Mrs. <5.
Belts. 439 8th Ava, Denver, Col., Nov. 8,’03.
A girl can talk for an hour of what she 1
would If she had IS of her own.
It the naby Is Catting tests.
Is sets anil use that old end well-tried reraadjr, Hue.
WiMLOtt’e Soorstm Sravr tor Children Tssthlng.
Some men are never content unless en
gaged in a conspiracy of some kind.
Irrigated Farms In the Milk River Talley.
Room for many farmers on ditches
already constructed in the Milk River
Valley of Montana and plenty of
chances for colonies to locate on free
land and establish ditches of their own.
Ditches can be made at little expense
otber than labor with plows and scrap
ers, and there is no stony ground, just
pure soil. Qroves along the river and
coal in the adjoining pasture bench
lands. Finest opening for irrigation
farmers in the Northwest All the
staple crops produced. Markets in tho
mines ana good shipping facilities east
and west, via Great Northern Railway.
Write to Thomas O’Hanlon, Chinook,
Mont, for further information.
The man who has the “big head” often
wears a sma'l bat.
Beauty’s bane
the fading or falling of s**
the hair. Luxuriant
tresses are far more to the.
matron than to the maid whose^ssket
of charms is yet unrifled by time.
» BeSutifut women will be gfad to be
reminded that falling or fading hair
is unknown to those who use
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
Hot Springs, South Da
kota—"A health resbrt
whose climate and,waters
possess qualities second to
none*—Resolution, Missouri VAL
ley Medical Society.
Book abont Hot Springs free if you write
to J. Francis, Gen’l Pass'r Agent, Barring
ton Route, Omaha, Neb.
Patents. Trade-Marks.
Examination and Adrire m to Patentability off
httDtloii. Bend for ** inrentor*’ Guide, or How to Qffe
FREE HOMES '"*«•*»
Nearly 2,000,000 Acres of Government Lands
Now Open to Settlement —* ;1
. V" proa... ■»!■* »mn|.i,M«,k •
abundance. North Arkansas apples are noted. The climate Is delightful, winters mild ani short. Theae
forniaUon*addres*10 homei,Uad tutr3r ot 160 acr*a each- *ow IS TUB Till TO SKT A HOIK. For further 1*. :£?
ew* iomm.1. film E. V. M. POWELL, Immigration Agont, Hnrrison, Ark.
OT Refers to Bank of Harrison and Boone County Bank, Harrison, Ark.
I “The North Pole made tise of at last/'
| Always at the front and wherever
\ "BATTLE AX” goes it is the
I biggest thing in sight. It is as re
l markable for its fine flavor and quality
| as for its low price. A 5 cent piece
I of "BATTLE AX” is almost as
| large as a 10 cent piece of any other
j equally good tobacco.
Standard of the World
For nineteen yean we have been building Columbia Bicycles, constantly
improving them, as we have discovered better materials and better
methods, until today they rank, not only in America, but in Europe, as
die handsomest, strongest,, lightest and easiest running bicycles made,''
are made in the largest and most completely equipped factories in die
world, and every detail of their manufacture is £ ~ _ , 1
carried on upon thoroughly scientific fines, thus V11 If ft ™
preventing mistakes or imperfections. J* J» jt Ivv alike.
Columbia Art Catalogue, telling fully of all Columblas, and of Hartford Bicycle*, trustworthy
machines of lower pnee, is free from any Columbia agent; by mail for two 2-cent
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn;
Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every c’ty and town. If Columblas are not property
represented in your vicinity, let us know.